#include "hash.h" #include "shader.h" #if defined(ZYMOTICMODELS) || defined(MD5MODELS) #define SKELETALMODELS #include #endif #define MAX_BONES 256 int HLMod_BoneForName(model_t *mod, char *name); int HLMod_FrameForName(model_t *mod, char *name); typedef struct { int ofs_indexes; int numindexes; int ofs_trineighbours; int numskins; #ifndef SERVERONLY int ofsskins; #endif qboolean sharesverts; //used with models with two shaders using the same vertex - use last mesh's verts qboolean sharesbones; //use last mesh's bones (please, never set this on the first mesh!) int numverts; #ifndef SERVERONLY int ofs_st_array; #endif int groups; int groupofs; int baseframeofs; /*non-heirachical*/ int nextsurf; #ifdef SKELETALMODELS int numbones; int ofsbones; int numtransforms; int ofstransforms; #endif //these exist only in the root mesh. int numtagframes; int numtags; int ofstags; } galiasinfo_t; //frame is an index into this typedef struct { #ifdef SKELETALMODELS qboolean isheirachical; //for models with transforms, states that bones need to be transformed from their parent. //this is actually bad, and can result in bones shortening as they interpolate. #endif qboolean loop; int numposes; float rate; int poseofs; char name[64]; } galiasgroup_t; typedef struct { int ofsverts; #ifndef SERVERONLY int ofsnormals; int ofstvector; int ofssvector; #endif vec3_t scale; vec3_t scale_origin; } galiaspose_t; #ifdef SKELETALMODELS typedef struct { char name[32]; int parent; } galiasbone_t; typedef struct { //skeletal poses refer to this. int vertexindex; int boneindex; vec4_t org; #ifndef SERVERONLY vec3_t normal; #endif } galisskeletaltransforms_t; #endif //we can't be bothered with animating skins. //We'll load up to four of them but after that you're on your own #ifndef SERVERONLY typedef struct { int skinwidth; int skinheight; int ofstexels; //this is 8bit for frame 0 only. only valid in q1 models without replacement textures, used for colourising player skins. float skinspeed; int texnums; int ofstexnums; char name [MAX_QPATH]; } galiasskin_t; typedef struct { char name[MAX_QPATH]; texnums_t texnum; unsigned int tcolour; unsigned int bcolour; unsigned int pclass; int skinnum; unsigned int subframe; bucket_t bucket; } galiascolourmapped_t; #endif float *Alias_GetBonePositions(galiasinfo_t *inf, framestate_t *fstate, float *buffer, int buffersize); #ifdef SKELETALMODELS void Alias_TransformVerticies(float *bonepose, galisskeletaltransforms_t *weights, int numweights, vecV_t *xyzout, vec3_t *normout); #endif qboolean Alias_GAliasBuildMesh(mesh_t *mesh, galiasinfo_t *inf, entity_t *e, float alpha, qboolean nolightdir); void Mod_DoCRC(model_t *mod, char *buffer, int buffersize); qboolean Mod_LoadQ1Model (model_t *mod, void *buffer); #ifdef MD2MODELS qboolean Mod_LoadQ2Model (model_t *mod, void *buffer); #endif #ifdef MD3MODELS qboolean Mod_LoadQ3Model(model_t *mod, void *buffer); #endif #ifdef ZYMOTICMODELS qboolean Mod_LoadZymoticModel(model_t *mod, void *buffer); #endif #ifdef DPMMODELS qboolean Mod_LoadDarkPlacesModel(model_t *mod, void *buffer); #endif #ifdef PSKMODELS qboolean Mod_LoadPSKModel(model_t *mod, void *buffer); #endif #ifdef INTERQUAKEMODELS qboolean Mod_LoadInterQuakeModel(model_t *mod, void *buffer); #endif #ifdef MD5MODELS qboolean Mod_LoadMD5MeshModel(model_t *mod, void *buffer); qboolean Mod_LoadCompositeAnim(model_t *mod, void *buffer); #endif #ifdef MAP_PROC qboolean Mod_LoadMap_Proc(model_t *mode, void *buffer); #endif void Mod_AccumulateTextureVectors(vecV_t *vc, vec2_t *tc, vec3_t *nv, vec3_t *sv, vec3_t *tv, index_t *idx, int numidx); void Mod_AccumulateMeshTextureVectors(mesh_t *mesh); void Mod_NormaliseTextureVectors(vec3_t *n, vec3_t *s, vec3_t *t, int v);