#include "qcc.h" #if !defined(MINIMAL) && !defined(OMIT_QCC) #include <time.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #else #include <unistd.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #endif void QCC_JoinPaths(char *fullname, size_t fullnamesize, const char *newfile, const char *base); //package formats: //pakzip - files are uncompressed, with both a pak header and a zip trailer, allowing it to be read as either type of file. //zip - standard zips //spanned zip - the full list of files is written into a separate central-directory-only zip, the actual file data comes from regular zips named foo.z##/.p## instead of foo.zip/foo.pk3 /* dataset common { output default data.pk3 output logic textures.pk3 } dataset desktop { output tex textures_pc.pk3 } dataset mobile { output tex textures_mobile.pk3 } input pak0.pk3 rule dxt1 { dataset desktop output tex newext dds command "@\"c:/program files/Compressonator/CompressonatorCLI\" -fd DXT1 $input $output" } rule etc2 { dataset mobile output tex newext ktx command "@\"c:/program files/Compressonator/CompressonatorCLI\" -fd ETC2 $input $output" } logic { progs.dat } class texa0 { output tex desktop: dxt1 mobile: etc2 } texa0 { gfx/conback.txt } */ #define quint64_t long long #define qofs_t size_t #define countof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0])) struct pkgctx_s { void (*messagecallback)(void *userctx, const char *message, ...); void *userctx; char *listfile; pbool test; pbool readoldpacks; char gamepath[MAX_OSPATH]; char sourcepath[MAX_OSPATH]; time_t buildtime; //skips the file if its listed in one of these packages, unless the modification time on disk is newer. struct oldpack_s { struct oldpack_s *next; char filename[128]; size_t numfiles; unsigned int part; struct { char name[128]; unsigned short zmethod; unsigned int zcrc; qofs_t zhdrofs; qofs_t rawsize; qofs_t zipsize; unsigned short dostime; unsigned short dosdate; } *file; } *oldpacks; struct dataset_s { struct dataset_s *next; //these are the output pk3s from this package. struct output_s { struct output_s *next; char code[128]; char filename[128]; struct file_s *files; pbool usediffs; unsigned int numparts; struct oldpack_s *oldparts; } *outputs; char name[1]; } *datasets; struct rule_s { struct rule_s *next; char name[128]; int dropfile:1; char *newext; char *command; } *rules; struct class_s { char name[128]; struct class_s *next; //the output package codename to write to. class is skipped if the dataset doesn't include that name. char outname[128]; struct { struct dataset_s *set; struct rule_s *rule; } dataset[8]; struct rule_s *defaultrule; struct file_s { struct file_s *next; char name[128]; //temp data for tracking what's getting written. struct { char name[128]; struct file_s *nextwrite; struct rule_s *rule; unsigned int zdisk; unsigned short zmethod; unsigned int zcrc; qofs_t zhdrofs; qofs_t pakofs; qofs_t rawsize; qofs_t zipsize; unsigned short dostime; unsigned short dosdate; time_t timestamp; } write; } *files; } *classes; }; #ifdef _WIN32 static time_t filetime_to_timet(FILETIME ft) { ULARGE_INTEGER ull; ull.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; ull.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; return ull.QuadPart / 10000000ULL - 11644473600ULL; } #endif static struct rule_s *PKG_FindRule(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, char *code) { struct rule_s *o; for (o = ctx->rules; o; o = o->next) { if (!strcmp(o->name, code)) return o; } return NULL; } static struct class_s *PKG_FindClass(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, char *code) { struct class_s *c; for (c = ctx->classes; c; c = c->next) { if (!strcmp(c->name, code)) return c; } return NULL; } static struct dataset_s *PKG_FindDataset(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, const char *code) { struct dataset_s *o; for (o = ctx->datasets; o; o = o->next) { if (!strcmp(o->name, code)) return o; } return NULL; } static struct dataset_s *PKG_GetDataset(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, const char *code) { struct dataset_s *s = PKG_FindDataset(ctx, code); if (!s) { s = malloc(sizeof(*s)+strlen(code)); strcpy(s->name, code); s->outputs = NULL; s->next = ctx->datasets; ctx->datasets = s; } return s; } static pbool PKG_SkipWhite(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, pbool linebreak) { for(;;) { if (qcc_iswhite(*ctx->listfile)) { if (qcc_islineending(ctx->listfile[0], ctx->listfile[1]) && !linebreak) return false; ctx->listfile++; continue; } if (ctx->listfile[0] == '/' && ctx->listfile[1] == '/') { while (!qcc_islineending(ctx->listfile[0], ctx->listfile[1])) ctx->listfile++; continue; } if (ctx->listfile[0] == '/' && ctx->listfile[1] == '*') { ctx->listfile+=2; while (*ctx->listfile) { if (ctx->listfile[0]=='*' && ctx->listfile[1]=='/') { ctx->listfile+=2; break; } ctx->listfile++; } continue; } break; } return true; } static pbool PKG_GetToken(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, char *token, size_t sizeoftoken, pbool linebreak) { if (!PKG_SkipWhite(ctx, linebreak)) return false; if (*ctx->listfile) { while(*ctx->listfile) { if (qcc_iswhite(*ctx->listfile)) break; *token = *ctx->listfile++; if (sizeoftoken > 1) { token++; sizeoftoken--; } } *token = 0; return true; } return false; } static pbool PKG_GetStringToken(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, char *token, size_t sizeoftoken) { if (!PKG_SkipWhite(ctx, false)) return false; if (*ctx->listfile == '\"') { ctx->listfile++; while(*ctx->listfile) { if (*ctx->listfile == '\"') { ctx->listfile++; break; } else if (*ctx->listfile == '\\') { ctx->listfile++; switch(*ctx->listfile++) { case '\"': *token = '\"'; break; case '\\': *token = '\\'; break; case '\r': *token = '\r'; break; case '\n': *token = '\n'; break; case '\t': *token = '\t'; break; default: *token = '?'; break; } sizeoftoken--; } else *token = *ctx->listfile++; if (sizeoftoken > 1) { token++; sizeoftoken--; } } *token = 0; return true; } return false; } static pbool PKG_Expect(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, char *token) { char tok[128]; if (PKG_GetToken(ctx, tok, sizeof(tok), true)) { if (!strcmp(tok, token)) return true; } ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Expected '%s', found '%s'\n", token, tok); return false; } static void PKG_ReplaceString(char *str, char *find, char *newpart) { char *oldpart; size_t oldlen = strlen(find); size_t nlen = strlen(newpart); while((oldpart = strstr(str, find))) { memmove(oldpart+nlen, oldpart+oldlen, strlen(oldpart+oldlen)+1); memmove(oldpart, newpart, nlen); str = oldpart+nlen; } } static void PKG_CreateOutput(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, struct dataset_s *s, const char *code, const char *filename, pbool diff) { char path[MAX_OSPATH]; char date[64]; struct output_s *o; for (o = s->outputs; o; o = o->next) { if (!strcmp(o->code, code)) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Dataset '%s' defined with dupe output\n", s->name, code); return; } } if (strlen(code) >= sizeof(o->code)) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Output '%s' name too long\n", code); return; } strcpy(path, filename); strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%Y%m%d", localtime(&ctx->buildtime)); PKG_ReplaceString(path, "$date", date); o = malloc(sizeof(*o)); memset(o, 0, sizeof(*o)); strcpy(o->code, code); o->usediffs = diff; QCC_JoinPaths(o->filename, sizeof(o->filename), path, ctx->gamepath); o->next = s->outputs; s->outputs = o; if (diff) { char *end = path + strlen(path)-2; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i <= 99; i++) { #ifdef _WIN32 struct _stat statbuf; #else struct stat statbuf; #endif sprintf(end, "%02u", i+1); #ifdef _WIN32 //FIXME: use the utf16 version because microsoft suck and don't allow utf-8 if (_stat(path, &statbuf) == 0) #else if (stat(path, &statbuf) == 0) #endif { struct oldpack_s *span = malloc(sizeof(*span)); strcpy(span->filename, path); span->numfiles = 0; span->file = NULL; span->next = o->oldparts; span->part = i; o->oldparts = span; } } } } static void PKG_ParseOutput(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, pbool diff) { struct dataset_s *s; char name[128]; char prop[128]; char fname[128]; if (!PKG_GetToken(ctx, name, sizeof(name), false)) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Output: Expected name\n"); return; } if (PKG_GetStringToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop))) { s = PKG_GetDataset(ctx, "core"); PKG_CreateOutput(ctx, s, name, prop, diff); } else { if (!PKG_Expect(ctx, "{")) return; while(PKG_GetToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop), true)) { if (!strcmp(prop, "}")) break; else { char *e = strchr(prop, ':'); if (e && !e[1]) { *e = 0; s = PKG_GetDataset(ctx, prop); if (PKG_GetStringToken(ctx, fname, sizeof(fname))) PKG_CreateOutput(ctx, s, name, fname, diff); else ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Output '%s[%s]' filename omitted\n", name, prop); } else ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Output '%s' has unknown property '%s'\n", name, prop); } //skip any junk while(PKG_GetToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop), false)) { if (!strcmp(prop, ";")) break; } } } } #ifdef _WIN32 static void PKG_AddOldPack(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, const char *fname) { struct oldpack_s *pack; pack = malloc(sizeof(*pack)); strcpy(pack->filename, fname); pack->numfiles = 0; pack->file = NULL; pack->next = ctx->oldpacks; ctx->oldpacks = pack; } #endif static void PKG_ParseOldPack(struct pkgctx_s *ctx) { char token[MAX_OSPATH]; if (!PKG_GetStringToken(ctx, token, sizeof(token))) return; #ifdef _WIN32 { char oldpack[MAX_OSPATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE h; QCC_JoinPaths(oldpack, sizeof(oldpack), token, ctx->gamepath); h = FindFirstFile(oldpack, &fd); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "wildcard string '%s' found no files\n", token); else { do { QCC_JoinPaths(token, sizeof(token), fd.cFileName, oldpack); PKG_AddOldPack(ctx, token); } while(FindNextFile(h, &fd)); } } #else ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "no wildcard support, sorry\n"); #endif } /* static void PKG_ParseDataset(struct pkgctx_s *ctx) { struct dataset_s *s; char name[128]; char prop[128]; if (!PKG_GetToken(ctx, name, sizeof(name), false)) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Dataset: Expected name\n"); return; } if (strlen(name) >= sizeof(s->name)) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Dataset '%s' name too long\n", name); return; } s = malloc(sizeof(*s)); memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); strcpy(s->name, name); if (PKG_Expect(ctx, "{")) { while(PKG_GetToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop), true)) { if (!strcmp(prop, "}")) break; else if (!strcmp(prop, "output")) { if (PKG_GetToken(ctx, name, sizeof(name), false)) if (PKG_GetStringToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop))) { PKG_CreateOutput(ctx, s, name, prop); } } else if (!strcmp(prop, "base")) PKG_GetStringToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop)); else ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Dataset '%s' has unknown property '%s'\n", name, prop); //skip any junk while(PKG_GetToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop), false)) { if (!strcmp(prop, ";")) break; } } } if (PKG_FindDataset(ctx, name)) ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Dataset '%s' is already defined\n", name); else { //link it in! s->next = ctx->datasets; ctx->datasets = s; return; } PKG_DestroyDataset(s); return; }*/ static void PKG_ParseRule(struct pkgctx_s *ctx) { struct rule_s *r; char name[128]; char prop[128]; char newext[128]; char command[4096]; int dropfile = false; if (!PKG_GetToken(ctx, name, sizeof(name), false)) return; if (strlen(name) >= sizeof(r->name)) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Rule '%s' name too long\n", name); return; } *newext = *command = 0; if (PKG_Expect(ctx, "{")) { while(PKG_GetToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop), true)) { if (!strcmp(prop, "}")) break; else if (!strcmp(prop, "newext")) PKG_GetToken(ctx, newext, sizeof(newext), false); else if (!strcmp(prop, "skip")) { if (PKG_GetToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop), false)) dropfile = atoi(prop); else dropfile = true; } else if (!strcmp(prop, "command")) PKG_GetStringToken(ctx, command, sizeof(command)); else ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Rule '%s' has unknown property '%s'\n", name, prop); //skip any junk while(PKG_GetToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop), false)) { if (!strcmp(prop, ";")) break; } } } r = PKG_FindRule(ctx, name); if (r) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Rule %s is already defined\n", name); return; } r = malloc(sizeof(*r)); memset(r, 0, sizeof(*r)); strcpy(r->name, name); r->newext = strdup(newext); r->command = strdup(command); r->dropfile = dropfile; r->next = ctx->rules; ctx->rules = r; } static void PKG_AddClassFile(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, struct class_s *c, const char *fname, time_t mtime) { struct file_s *f; struct tm *t; if (strlen(fname) >= sizeof(f->name)) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "File name '%s' too long in class %s\n", fname, c->name); return; } f = malloc(sizeof(*f)); memset(f, 0, sizeof(*f)); strcpy(f->name, fname); f->write.timestamp = mtime; t = localtime(&f->write.timestamp); f->write.dostime = (t->tm_sec>>1)|(t->tm_min<<5)|(t->tm_hour<<11); f->write.dosdate = (t->tm_mday<<0)|(t->tm_mon<<5)|((t->tm_year+1900-1980)<<9); f->next = c->files; c->files = f; } static void PKG_AddClassFiles(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, struct class_s *c, const char *fname) { #ifdef _WIN32 WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE h; char basepath[MAX_PATH]; QCC_JoinPaths(basepath, sizeof(basepath), fname, ctx->sourcepath); h = FindFirstFile(basepath, &fd); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "wildcard string '%s' found no files\n", fname); else { do { QCC_JoinPaths(basepath, sizeof(basepath), fd.cFileName, fname); PKG_AddClassFile(ctx, c, basepath, filetime_to_timet(fd.ftLastWriteTime)); } while(FindNextFile(h, &fd)); } #else DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; char basepath[MAX_OSPATH], tmppath[MAX_OSPATH]; struct stat statbuf; QCC_JoinPaths(basepath, sizeof(basepath), fname, ctx->sourcepath); QC_strlcat(basepath, "/", sizeof(basepath)); dir = opendir(basepath); if (!dir) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "unable to open dir %s\n", basepath); return; } while ((ent = readdir(dir))) { if (*ent->d_name == '.') continue; QCC_JoinPaths(basepath, sizeof(basepath), ent->d_name, fname); QCC_JoinPaths(tmppath, sizeof(tmppath), basepath, ctx->sourcepath); if (stat(tmppath, &statbuf)!=0) continue; switch (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) { default: //some weird file type. shouldn't be a symlink sadly. // ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "found weird %s\n", basepath); break; case S_IFDIR: QC_strlcat(basepath, "/", sizeof(basepath)); // ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "found dir %s\n", basepath); PKG_AddClassFiles(ctx, c, basepath); break; case S_IFREG: // ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "found file %s\n", basepath); PKG_AddClassFile(ctx, c, basepath, statbuf.st_mtime); break; } } closedir(dir); #endif } static void PKG_ParseClass(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, char *output) { struct class_s *c; struct rule_s *r; struct dataset_s *s; char *e; char name[128]; char prop[128]; size_t u; if (output) { if (!PKG_Expect(ctx, "{")) return; *name = 0; } else if (!PKG_GetToken(ctx, name, sizeof(name), false)) return; if (output || !strcmp(name, "{")) { c = malloc(sizeof(*c)); memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c)); strcpy(c->name, ""); strcpy(c->outname, (output && *output)?output:"default"); c->next = ctx->classes; ctx->classes = c; } else { if (strlen(name) >= sizeof(c->name)) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Class '%s' name too long\n", name); return; } c = PKG_FindClass(ctx, name); if (!c) { c = malloc(sizeof(*c)); memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c)); strcpy(c->name, name); strcpy(c->outname, (output && *output)?output:"default"); c->next = ctx->classes; ctx->classes = c; } if (!PKG_Expect(ctx, "{")) return; } { while(PKG_GetToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop), true)) { if (!strcmp(prop, "}")) break; else if (!strcmp(prop, "output")) PKG_GetToken(ctx, c->outname, sizeof(c->outname), false); else if (!strcmp(prop, "rule")) { if (PKG_GetToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop), false)) { if (c->defaultrule) ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Class '%s' already has a default rule\n", name); c->defaultrule = PKG_FindRule(ctx, prop); if (!c->defaultrule) ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Class '%s' specifies unknown rule %s\n", name, prop); } } else { e = strchr(prop, ':'); if (e && !e[1]) { *e = 0; s = PKG_FindDataset(ctx, prop); PKG_GetToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop), false); if (s) { r = PKG_FindRule(ctx, prop); for (u = 0; ; u++) { if (u == countof(c->dataset)) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Class '%s' specialises for too many datasets\n", c->name, s->name); break; } if (c->dataset[u].set == s) ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Class '%s' already defines a rule for dataset '%s'\n", c->name, s->name); else if (!c->dataset[u].set) { c->dataset[u].set = s; c->dataset[u].rule = r; break; } } } } else if (strchr(prop, '.')) { // if (strchr(prop, '*') || strchr(prop, '?')) PKG_AddClassFiles(ctx, c, prop); // else // PKG_AddClassFile(ctx, c, prop); } else ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Class '%s' has unknown property '%s'\n", name, prop); } //skip any junk while(PKG_GetToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop), false)) { if (!strcmp(prop, ";")) break; } } } } static void PKG_ParseClassFiles(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, struct class_s *c) { char prop[128]; if (PKG_Expect(ctx, "{")) { while(PKG_GetToken(ctx, prop, sizeof(prop), true)) { if (!strcmp(prop, "}")) break; if (!strcmp(prop, ";")) continue; // if (strchr(prop, '*') || strchr(prop, '?')) PKG_AddClassFiles(ctx, c, prop); // else // PKG_AddClassFile(ctx, c, prop); } } } #ifdef AVAIL_ZLIB #include <zlib.h> static unsigned int PKG_DeflateToFile(FILE *f, unsigned int rawsize, void *in, int method) { char out[8192]; int i=0; z_stream strm = { (char *)in, rawsize, 0, out, sizeof(out), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Z_BINARY, 0, 0 }; if (method == 8) deflateInit2(&strm, 9, Z_DEFLATED, -MAX_WBITS, 9, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY); //zip deflate compression else deflateInit(&strm, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION); //zlib compression while(deflate(&strm, Z_FINISH) == Z_OK) { fwrite(out, 1, sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out, f); //compress in chunks of 8192. Saves having to allocate a huge-mega-big buffer i+=sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out; strm.next_out = out; strm.avail_out = sizeof(out); } deflateEnd(&strm); fwrite(out, 1, sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out, f); i+=sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out; return i; } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 static void StupidWindowsPopenAlternativeCrap(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, char *commandline) { PROCESS_INFORMATION piProcInfo = {0}; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES saAttr = {sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES), NULL, TRUE}; STARTUPINFO siStartInfo = {sizeof(STARTUPINFO)}; HANDLE readpipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE writepipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; siStartInfo.hStdError = siStartInfo.hStdOutput = siStartInfo.hStdInput = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (CreatePipe(&readpipe, &siStartInfo.hStdOutput, &saAttr, 0)) { if (CreatePipe(&siStartInfo.hStdInput, &writepipe, &saAttr, 0)) { SetHandleInformation(readpipe, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0); SetHandleInformation(writepipe, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0); siStartInfo.hStdError = siStartInfo.hStdOutput; siStartInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES|STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW/*ZOMGWTFBBQ*/; if (!CreateProcess(NULL, (*commandline=='@')?commandline+1:commandline, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &siStartInfo, &piProcInfo)) ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Unable to execute command %s\n", commandline); else { CloseHandle(piProcInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(piProcInfo.hThread); } } } CloseHandle(siStartInfo.hStdOutput); CloseHandle(siStartInfo.hStdInput); CloseHandle(writepipe); for (;;) { char buf[64]; DWORD SHOUTY; if (!ReadFile(readpipe, buf, sizeof(buf)-1, &SHOUTY, NULL) || SHOUTY == 0) break; if (*commandline == '@') continue; buf[SHOUTY] = 0; ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "%s", buf); } CloseHandle(readpipe); } #endif static void *PKG_OpenSourceFile(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, struct file_s *file, size_t *fsize) { char fullname[1024]; FILE *f; char *data; size_t size; struct rule_s *rule = file->write.rule; *fsize = 0; QCC_JoinPaths(fullname, sizeof(fullname), file->name, ctx->sourcepath); strcpy(file->write.name, file->name); //WIN32 FIXME: use the utf16 version because microsoft suck and don't allow utf-8 f = fopen(fullname, "rb"); if (!f) return NULL; if (rule) ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "\t\tProcessing %s (%s)\n", file->name, rule->name); else ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "\t\tCompressing %s\n", file->name); if (rule) { data = strrchr(file->write.name, '.'); if (!data) data = file->write.name+strlen(file->write.name); if (strchr(rule->newext, '.')) strcpy(data, rule->newext); //note: this allows weird _foo.tga postfixes. else { *data = '.'; strcpy(data+1, rule->newext); } if (rule->command) { int i; char commandline[4096]; char *cmd; char tempname[1024]; //generate a sequenced temp filename //run the external tool to write that file //read the temp file. //delete temp file... fclose(f); QCC_JoinPaths(tempname, sizeof(tempname), file->write.name, ctx->sourcepath); f = fopen(tempname, "rb"); if (f) { fclose(f); ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Temp file %s already exists... not replacing+deleting\n", tempname); return NULL; } for (i = 0, cmd = rule->command; *cmd && i < countof(commandline)-1; ) { if (!strncmp(cmd, "$input", 6)) { strcpy(&commandline[i], fullname); i += strlen(&commandline[i]); cmd += 6; } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "$output", 7)) { strcpy(&commandline[i], tempname); i += strlen(&commandline[i]); cmd += 7; } else commandline[i++] = *cmd++; } commandline[i] = 0; // ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Commandline is %s\n", commandline); #ifdef _WIN32 //windows is so fucking useless sometimes. sure, _popen 'works'... its just perverse enough that its not an option, forcing system-specific crap in anything that isn't originally from unix... maybe it is just incompetence? still feels like malice to me. StupidWindowsPopenAlternativeCrap(ctx, commandline); #else { FILE *p; p = popen((*commandline=='@')?commandline+1:commandline, "rt"); if (!p) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Unable to execute command\n", tempname); return NULL; } while(fgets(commandline, sizeof(commandline), p)) ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "%s", commandline); if (feof(p)) ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Process returned %d\n", pclose( p )); else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to read the pipe to the end.\n"); pclose(p); } } #endif f = fopen(tempname, "rb"); if (!f) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Temp file %s wasn't created\n", tempname); return NULL; } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); data = malloc(size+1); fread(data, 1, size, f); fclose(f); *fsize = size; #ifdef _WIN32 _unlink(tempname); #else unlink(tempname); #endif return data; } } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); data = malloc(size+1); fread(data, 1, size, f); fclose(f); *fsize = size; return data; } static pbool PKG_WritePackageData(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, struct output_s *out, unsigned int index, pbool directoryonly) { //helpers to deal with misaligned data. writes little-endian. #define misbyte(ptr,ofs,data) ((unsigned char*)(ptr))[ofs] = (data)&0xff #define misshort(ptr,ofs,data) do{misbyte((ptr),(ofs),(data));misbyte((ptr),(ofs)+1,(data)>>8);}while(0) #define misint(ptr,ofs,data) do{misshort((ptr),(ofs),(data));misshort((ptr),(ofs)+2,(data)>>16);}while(0) #define misint64(ptr,ofs,data) do{misint((ptr),(ofs),(data));misint((ptr),(ofs)+4,((quint64_t)(data))>>32);}while(0) qofs_t num=0; pbool pak = false; struct file_s *f; char centralheader[46+sizeof(f->write.name)]; qofs_t centraldirsize; qofs_t centraldirofs; qofs_t z64eocdofs; char *filedata; FILE *outf; struct { char magic[4]; unsigned int tabofs; unsigned int tabbytes; } pakheader = {"PACK", 0, 0}; char *ext; #define GPF_TRAILINGSIZE (1u<<3) #define GPF_UTF8 (1u<<11) #ifdef AVAIL_ZLIB #define compmethod (pak?0:8)/*Z_DEFLATED*/ #else #define compmethod 0/*Z_RAW*/ #endif if (!compmethod && !directoryonly && !index) pak = true; //might as well boost compat... ext = strrchr(out->filename, '.'); if (ext && !QC_strcasecmp(ext, ".pak") && !index) pak = true; if (!directoryonly) { for (f = out->files; f ; f=f->write.nextwrite) { if (index != f->write.zdisk) continue; //not in this disk... break; } if (!f) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "\t\tNo files to write to %s\n", out->filename); return false; } } if (out->usediffs && !directoryonly) { char newname[MAX_OSPATH]; memcpy(newname, out->filename, sizeof(newname)); if (ext) { ext = newname+(ext-out->filename); ext+=1; if (*ext) ext++; QC_snprintfz(ext, sizeof(newname)-(ext-newname), "%02u", index+1); } outf = fopen(newname, "wb"); } else outf = fopen(out->filename, "wb"); if (!outf) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "\t\tUnable to open %s\n", out->filename); return false; } if (pak) //reserve space for the pak header fwrite(&pakheader, 1, sizeof(pakheader), outf); if (!directoryonly) { for (f = out->files; f ; f=f->write.nextwrite) { char header[32+sizeof(f->write.name)]; size_t fnamelen; size_t hofs; unsigned short gpflags = GPF_UTF8; if (index != f->write.zdisk) continue; //not in this disk... filedata = PKG_OpenSourceFile(ctx, f, &f->write.rawsize); if (!filedata) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "\t\tUnable to open %s\n", f->name); } fnamelen = strlen(f->write.name); f->write.zcrc = QC_encodecrc(f->write.rawsize, filedata); misint (header, 0, 0x04034b50); misshort(header, 4, 45);//minver misshort(header, 6, gpflags);//general purpose flags misshort(header, 8, 0);//compression method, 0=store, 8=deflate misshort(header, 10, f->write.dostime);//lastmodfiletime misshort(header, 12, f->write.dosdate);//lastmodfiledate misint (header, 14, f->write.zcrc);//crc32 misint (header, 18, f->write.rawsize);//compressed size misint (header, 22, f->write.rawsize);//uncompressed size misshort(header, 26, fnamelen);//filename length misshort(header, 28, 0);//extradata length (filled in later) memcpy(header+30, f->write.name, fnamelen); hofs = 30+fnamelen; //Write extra data here... misshort(header, 28, hofs-(30+fnamelen));//extradata length f->write.zhdrofs = ftell(outf); fwrite(header, 1, hofs, outf); #ifdef AVAIL_ZLIB if (f->write.rawsize && (compmethod == 2 || compmethod == 8)) { gpflags |= 1u<<1; f->write.pakofs = 0; f->write.zmethod = compmethod; f->write.zipsize = PKG_DeflateToFile(outf, f->write.rawsize, filedata, compmethod); } else #endif { f->write.zmethod = 0; f->write.pakofs = ftell(outf); f->write.zipsize = fwrite(filedata, 1, f->write.rawsize, outf); } //update the header misshort(header, 8, f->write.zmethod);//compression method, 0=store, 8=deflate if (f->write.zipsize > 0xffffffff) { misint (header, 18, 0xffffffff);//compressed size gpflags |= GPF_TRAILINGSIZE; } else misint (header, 18, f->write.zipsize);//compressed size if (f->write.rawsize > 0xffffffff) { misint (header, 22, 0xffffffff);//compressed size gpflags |= GPF_TRAILINGSIZE; } else misint (header, 22, f->write.rawsize);//compressed size misshort(header, 6, gpflags);//general purpose flags fseek(outf, f->write.zhdrofs, SEEK_SET); fwrite(header, 1, hofs, outf); fseek(outf, 0, SEEK_END); if (gpflags & GPF_TRAILINGSIZE) //if (gpflags & GPF_TRAILINGSIZE) { misint (header, 0, 0x08074b50); misint (header, 4, f->write.zcrc); misint64(header, 8, f->write.zipsize); misint64(header, 16, f->write.rawsize); fwrite(header, 1, 24, outf); } free(filedata); num++; } } if (pak) { struct { char name[56]; unsigned int offset; unsigned int size; } pakentry; pakheader.tabofs = ftell(outf); //write the pak file table. for (f = out->files,num=0; f ; f=f->write.nextwrite) { if (index != f->write.zdisk) continue; //not in this disk... memset(&pakentry, 0, sizeof(pakentry)); QC_strlcpy(pakentry.name, f->write.name, sizeof(pakentry.name)); pakentry.size = (f->write.pakofs==0)?0:f->write.rawsize; pakentry.offset = f->write.pakofs; fwrite(&pakentry, 1, sizeof(pakentry), outf); num++; } //replace the pak header, then return to the end of the file for the zip end-of-central-directory pakheader.tabbytes = num * sizeof(pakentry); fseek(outf, 0, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&pakheader, 1, sizeof(pakheader), outf); fseek(outf, 0, SEEK_END); } centraldirofs = ftell(outf); for (f = out->files,num=0; f ; f=f->write.nextwrite) { size_t hofs; size_t fnamelen; if (!directoryonly && index != f->write.zdisk) continue; fnamelen = strlen(f->write.name); misint (centralheader, 0, 0x02014b50); misshort(centralheader, 4, (3<<8)|63);//ourver misshort(centralheader, 6, 45);//minver misshort(centralheader, 8, GPF_UTF8);//general purpose flags misshort(centralheader, 10, f->write.rawsize?compmethod:0);//compression method, 0=store, 8=deflate misshort(centralheader, 12, f->write.dostime);//lastmodfiletime misshort(centralheader, 14, f->write.dosdate);//lastmodfiledate misint (centralheader, 16, f->write.zcrc);//crc32 misint (centralheader, 20, f->write.zipsize);//compressed size misint (centralheader, 24, f->write.rawsize);//uncompressed size misshort(centralheader, 28, fnamelen);//filename length misshort(centralheader, 30, 0);//extradata length (filled in later) misshort(centralheader, 32, 0);//comment length misshort(centralheader, 34, f->write.zdisk);//first disk number misshort(centralheader, 36, 0);//internal file attribs misint (centralheader, 38, 0);//external file attribs misint (centralheader, 42, f->write.zhdrofs);//local header offset strcpy(centralheader+46, f->write.name); hofs = 46+fnamelen; if (f->write.zdisk >= 0xffff || f->write.zhdrofs >= 0xffffffff || f->write.rawsize >= 0xffffffff || f->write.zipsize >= 0xffffffff) { misshort(centralheader, hofs, 0x0001);//zip64 tagid misshort(centralheader, hofs+2, 0x0001);//zip64 tag size hofs+=4; if (f->write.rawsize >= 0xffffffff) { misint64(centralheader, hofs, f->write.rawsize);//uncompressed size hofs += 8; } if (f->write.zipsize >= 0xffffffff) { misint64(centralheader, hofs, f->write.zipsize);//compressed size hofs += 8; } if (f->write.zhdrofs >= 0xffffffff) { misint64(centralheader, hofs, f->write.zhdrofs);//localheader offset hofs += 8; } if (f->write.zdisk >= 0xffff) { misint (centralheader, hofs, f->write.zdisk);//compressed size hofs += 4; } } misshort(centralheader, 30, hofs-(46+fnamelen));//extradata length fwrite(centralheader, 1, hofs, outf); num++; } centraldirsize = ftell(outf)-centraldirofs; //zip64 end of central dir z64eocdofs = ftell(outf); misint (centralheader, 0, 0x06064b50); misint64(centralheader, 4, (qofs_t)(56-16)); misshort(centralheader, 12, (3<<8)|63); //ver made by = unix|appnote ver misshort(centralheader, 14, 45); //ver needed misint (centralheader, 16, index); //thisdisk number misint (centralheader, 20, index); //centraldir start disk misint64(centralheader, 24, num); //centraldir entry count (disk) misint64(centralheader, 32, num); //centraldir entry count (total) misint64(centralheader, 40, centraldirsize);//centraldir entry bytes misint64(centralheader, 48, centraldirofs); //centraldir start offset fwrite(centralheader, 1, 56, outf); //zip64 end of central dir locator misint (centralheader, 0, 0x07064b50); misint (centralheader, 4, index); //centraldir first disk misint64(centralheader, 8, z64eocdofs); misint (centralheader, 16, index+1); //total disk count fwrite(centralheader, 1, 20, outf); // centraldirofs = ftell(outf) - centraldirofs; //write zip end-of-central-directory misint (centralheader, 0, 0x06054b50); misshort(centralheader, 4, (index > 0xffff)? 0xffff:index); //this disk number misshort(centralheader, 6, (index > 0xffff)? 0xffff:index); //centraldir first disk misshort(centralheader, 8, (num > 0xffff)? 0xffff:num); //centraldir entries misshort(centralheader, 10, (num > 0xffff)? 0xffff:num); //total centraldir entries misint (centralheader, 12, (centraldirsize>0xffffffff)?0xffffffff:centraldirsize); //centraldir size misint (centralheader, 16, (centraldirofs >0xffffffff)?0xffffffff:centraldirofs); //centraldir offset misshort(centralheader, 20, 0); //comment length fwrite(centralheader, 1, 22, outf); fclose(outf); return true; } /* #include <sys/stat.h> static time_t PKG_GetFileTime(const char *filename) { struct stat s; if (stat(filename, &s) != -1) return s.st_mtime; } */ static void PKG_ReadPackContents(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, struct oldpack_s *old) { #define longfromptr(p) (((p)[0]<<0)|((p)[1]<<8)|((p)[2]<<16)|((p)[3]<<24)) #define shortfromptr(p) (((p)[0]<<0)|((p)[1]<<8)) size_t u, namelen; unsigned int foffset; unsigned char header[46]; int i; FILE *f; //ignore packages if we're going to be overwritten. struct dataset_s *set; struct output_s *out; for (set = ctx->datasets; set; set = set->next) { for (out = set->outputs; out; out = out->next) { if (!strcmp(out->filename, old->filename)) return; } } f = fopen(old->filename, "rb"); if (f) { //find end-of-central-dir //assume no comment fseek(f, -22, SEEK_END); fread(header, 1, 22, f); if (header[0] == 'P' && header[1] == 'K' && header[2] == 5 && header[3] == 6) { old->part = shortfromptr(header+4); //centraldirstart = shortfromptr(header+6); old->numfiles = shortfromptr(header+8); //numfiles_all = shortfromptr(header+10); //centaldirsize = shortfromptr(header+12); foffset = longfromptr(header+16); //commentength = shortfromptr(header+20); old->file = malloc(sizeof(*old->file)*old->numfiles); fseek(f, foffset, SEEK_SET); for(u = 0; u < old->numfiles; u++) { unsigned int extra_len, comment_len; fread(header, 1, 46, f); //zcrc @ 16 //version_madeby = shortfromptr(header+4); //version_needed = shortfromptr(header+6); //gflags = shortfromptr(header+8); old->file[u].zmethod = shortfromptr(header+10); old->file[u].dostime = shortfromptr(header+12); old->file[u].dosdate = shortfromptr(header+14); old->file[u].zcrc = longfromptr(header+16); old->file[u].zipsize = longfromptr(header+20); old->file[u].rawsize = longfromptr(header+24); namelen = shortfromptr(header+28); extra_len = shortfromptr(header+30); comment_len = shortfromptr(header+32); //disknum = shortfromptr(header+34); //iattributes = shortfromptr(header+36); //eattributes = longfromptr(header+38); //localheaderoffset = longfromptr(header+42); fread(old->file[u].name, 1, namelen, f); old->file[u].name[namelen] = 0; i = extra_len+comment_len; if (i) fseek(f, i, SEEK_CUR); } } else { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(header, 1, 12, f); if (header[0] == 'P' && header[1] == 'A' && header[2] == 'C' && header[3] == 'K') { unsigned int ofs = longfromptr(header+4); unsigned int dsz = longfromptr(header+8); struct { char name[56]; unsigned int size; unsigned int offset; } *files; files = malloc(dsz); fseek(f, ofs, SEEK_SET); fread(files, 1, dsz, f); old->numfiles = dsz / sizeof(*files); old->file = malloc(sizeof(*old->file)*old->numfiles); for (u = 0; u < old->numfiles; u++) { strcpy(old->file[u].name, files[u].name); old->file[u].rawsize = files[u].size; } free(files); } else ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "%s does not appear to be a package\n", old->filename); } //walk central directory fclose(f); } } static pbool PKG_FileIsModified(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, struct oldpack_s *old, struct file_s *file) { size_t u; for (u = 0; u < old->numfiles; u++) { //should check filesize etc, but rules and extension changes make that messy if (!strcmp(old->file[u].name, file->name)) { if(file->write.dosdate < old->file[u].dosdate || (file->write.dosdate == old->file[u].dosdate && file->write.dostime <= old->file[u].dostime)) { file->write.zmethod = old->file[u].zmethod; //char name[128]; file->write.zcrc = old->file[u].zcrc; file->write.zhdrofs = old->file[u].zhdrofs; file->write.pakofs = 0; file->write.rawsize = old->file[u].rawsize; file->write.zipsize = old->file[u].zipsize; file->write.dostime = old->file[u].dostime; file->write.dosdate = old->file[u].dosdate; return false; } } } return true; } static void PKG_WriteDataset(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, struct dataset_s *set) { struct class_s *cls; struct output_s *out; struct file_s *file; struct rule_s *rule; struct oldpack_s *old; size_t u; if (!ctx->readoldpacks) { ctx->readoldpacks = true; for(old = ctx->oldpacks; old; old = old->next) { //fixme: strip any wildcarded paks that match an output, to avoid weirdness. PKG_ReadPackContents(ctx, old); } for (out = set->outputs; out; out = out->next) { if(out->usediffs) { for (old = out->oldparts; old; old = old->next) { PKG_ReadPackContents(ctx, old); if (out->numparts <= old->part) out->numparts = old->part + 1; } } } } ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Building dataset %s\n", set->name); for (cls = ctx->classes; cls; cls = cls->next) { for (out = set->outputs; out; out = out->next) { if (!strcmp(out->code, cls->outname)) break; } if (!out) //dataset doesn't name this. continue; rule = cls->defaultrule; for (u = 0; u < countof(cls->dataset); u++) { if (cls->dataset[u].set == set) { rule = cls->dataset[u].rule; break; } } if (rule && rule->dropfile) continue; for (file = cls->files; file; file = file->next) { for (old = ctx->oldpacks; old; old = old->next) { if (!PKG_FileIsModified(ctx, old, file)) break; } if (old) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "\t\tFile %s found inside %s\n", file->name, old->filename); file->write.zdisk = ~0u; } else { // ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "\t\tFile %s, rule %s\n", file->name, rule?rule->name:""); file->write.zdisk = out->numparts; for (old = out->oldparts; old; old = old->next) { if (!PKG_FileIsModified(ctx, old, file)) { file->write.zdisk = old->part; break; } } file->write.nextwrite = out->files; file->write.rule = rule; out->files = file; } } } for (out = set->outputs; out; out = out->next) { if (!out->files) { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "\tOutput %s[%s] \"%s\" has no files\n", out->code, set->name, out->filename); continue; } if (ctx->test) { for (file = out->files; file; file = file->write.nextwrite) { if (file->write.rule) ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "\t\tFile %s has changed (rule %s)\n", file->name, file->write.rule->name); else ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "\t\tFile %s has changed\n", file->name); } } else { ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "\tGenerating %s[%s] \"%s\"\n", out->code, set->name, out->filename); if (PKG_WritePackageData(ctx, out, out->numparts, false)) { if(out->usediffs) PKG_WritePackageData(ctx, out, out->numparts+1, true); } } } } void Packager_WriteDataset(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, char *setname) { struct dataset_s *dataset; if (setname && strcmp(setname, "*")) { dataset = PKG_FindDataset(ctx, setname); if (dataset) PKG_WriteDataset(ctx, dataset); else ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Dataset %s not known\n", setname); } else { for (dataset = ctx->datasets; dataset; dataset = dataset->next) PKG_WriteDataset(ctx, dataset); } } struct pkgctx_s *Packager_Create(void (*messagecallback)(void *userctx, const char *message, ...), void *userctx) { struct pkgctx_s *ctx; ctx = malloc(sizeof(*ctx)); memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); ctx->messagecallback = messagecallback; ctx->userctx = userctx; ctx->test = false; time(&ctx->buildtime); return ctx; } void Packager_ParseText(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, char *scripttext) { char cmd[128]; ctx->listfile = scripttext; while (PKG_GetToken(ctx, cmd, sizeof(cmd), true)) { // if (!strcmp(cmd, "dataset")) // PKG_ParseDataset(ctx); if (!strcmp(cmd, "output")) PKG_ParseOutput(ctx, false); else if (!strcmp(cmd, "diffoutput") || !strcmp(cmd, "splitoutput")) PKG_ParseOutput(ctx, true); else if (!strcmp(cmd, "inputdir")) { char old[MAX_OSPATH]; memcpy(old, ctx->sourcepath, sizeof(old)); if (PKG_GetStringToken(ctx, cmd, sizeof(cmd))) { QC_strlcat(cmd, "/", sizeof(cmd)); QCC_JoinPaths(ctx->sourcepath, sizeof(ctx->sourcepath), cmd, old); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "rule")) PKG_ParseRule(ctx); else if (!strcmp(cmd, "class")) PKG_ParseClass(ctx, NULL); else if (!strcmp(cmd, "ignore")||!strcmp(cmd, "oldpack")) PKG_ParseOldPack(ctx); else { char *e = strchr(cmd, ':'); if (e && !e[1]) { *e = 0; PKG_ParseClass(ctx, cmd); } else { struct class_s *c = PKG_FindClass(ctx, cmd); if (c) PKG_ParseClassFiles(ctx, c); else ctx->messagecallback(ctx->userctx, "Unrecognised token at global scope '%s'\n", cmd); } } //skip any junk while(PKG_GetToken(ctx, cmd, sizeof(cmd), false)) { if (!strcmp(cmd, ";")) break; } } } void Packager_ParseFile(struct pkgctx_s *ctx, char *scriptname) { size_t remaining = 0; char *file = qccprogfuncs->funcs.parms->ReadFile(scriptname, NULL, NULL, &remaining, true); strcpy(ctx->gamepath, scriptname); strcpy(ctx->sourcepath, scriptname); Packager_ParseText(ctx, file); free(file); } void Packager_Destroy(struct pkgctx_s *ctx) { free(ctx); } pbool Packager_CompressDir(const char *dirname, enum pkgtype_e type, void (*messagecallback)(void *userctx, const char *message, ...), void *userctx) { char *ext; char filename[MAX_QPATH]; struct pkgctx_s *ctx = Packager_Create(messagecallback, userctx); struct dataset_s *s; struct class_s *c; QC_strlcpy(ctx->sourcepath, dirname, sizeof(ctx->sourcepath)); ext = strrchr(ctx->sourcepath, '/'); if (*ctx->sourcepath && (!ext || ext[1])) QC_strlcat(ctx->sourcepath, "/", sizeof(ctx->sourcepath)); QC_strlcpy(filename, dirname, sizeof(filename)); for (;(ext = strrchr(filename, '/')) && !ext[1]; *ext = 0) ; ext = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (ext) *ext = 0; if (type == PACKAGER_PAK) QC_strlcat(filename, ".pak", sizeof(filename)); else QC_strlcat(filename, ".pk3", sizeof(filename)); s = PKG_GetDataset(ctx, "default"); PKG_CreateOutput(ctx, s, "default", filename, type == PACKAGER_PK3_SPANNED); c = malloc(sizeof(*c)); memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c)); strcpy(c->name, "file"); strcpy(c->outname, "default"); c->next = ctx->classes; ctx->classes = c; PKG_AddClassFiles(ctx, c, ""); Packager_WriteDataset(ctx, NULL); Packager_Destroy(ctx); return true; } #endif