/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "winquake.h" #endif /* key up events are sent even if in console mode */ void Editor_Key(int key, int unicode); #define KEY_MODIFIERSTATES 8 #define MAXCMDLINE 256 unsigned char key_lines[32][MAXCMDLINE]; int key_linepos; int shift_down=false; int key_lastpress; int edit_line=0; int history_line=0; keydest_t key_dest; int key_count; // incremented every key event int con_mousedown[3]; char *keybindings[K_MAX][KEY_MODIFIERSTATES]; qbyte bindcmdlevel[K_MAX][KEY_MODIFIERSTATES]; qboolean consolekeys[K_MAX]; // if true, can't be rebound while in console qboolean menubound[K_MAX]; // if true, can't be rebound while in menu int keyshift[K_MAX]; // key to map to if shift held down in console int key_repeats[K_MAX]; // if > 1, it is autorepeating qboolean keydown[K_MAX]; qboolean deltaused[K_MAX][KEY_MODIFIERSTATES]; void Con_Selectioncolour_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); extern cvar_t con_displaypossibilities; cvar_t con_selectioncolour = CVARFC("con_selectioncolour", "0", CVAR_RENDERERCALLBACK, Con_Selectioncolour_Callback); cvar_t con_echochat = CVAR("con_echochat", "0"); extern cvar_t cl_chatmode; static int KeyModifier (qboolean shift, qboolean alt, qboolean ctrl) { int stateset = 0; if (shift) stateset |= 1; if (alt) stateset |= 2; if (ctrl) stateset |= 4; return stateset; } typedef struct { char *name; int keynum; } keyname_t; keyname_t keynames[] = { {"TAB", K_TAB}, {"ENTER", K_ENTER}, {"ESCAPE", K_ESCAPE}, {"SPACE", K_SPACE}, {"BACKSPACE", K_BACKSPACE}, {"UPARROW", K_UPARROW}, {"DOWNARROW", K_DOWNARROW}, {"LEFTARROW", K_LEFTARROW}, {"RIGHTARROW", K_RIGHTARROW}, {"ALT", K_ALT}, {"CTRL", K_CTRL}, {"SHIFT", K_SHIFT}, {"F1", K_F1}, {"F2", K_F2}, {"F3", K_F3}, {"F4", K_F4}, {"F5", K_F5}, {"F6", K_F6}, {"F7", K_F7}, {"F8", K_F8}, {"F9", K_F9}, {"F10", K_F10}, {"F11", K_F11}, {"F12", K_F12}, {"INS", K_INS}, {"DEL", K_DEL}, {"PGDN", K_PGDN}, {"PGUP", K_PGUP}, {"HOME", K_HOME}, {"END", K_END}, {"KP_HOME", K_KP_HOME}, {"KP_UPARROW", K_KP_UPARROW}, {"KP_PGUP", K_KP_PGUP}, {"KP_LEFTARROW", K_KP_LEFTARROW}, {"KP_5", K_KP_5}, {"KP_RIGHTARROW", K_KP_RIGHTARROW}, {"KP_END", K_KP_END}, {"KP_DOWNARROW", K_KP_DOWNARROW}, {"KP_PGDN", K_KP_PGDN}, {"KP_ENTER", K_KP_ENTER}, {"KP_INS", K_KP_INS}, {"KP_DEL", K_KP_DEL}, {"KP_SLASH", K_KP_SLASH}, {"KP_MINUS", K_KP_MINUS}, {"KP_PLUS", K_KP_PLUS}, {"KP_NUMLOCK", K_KP_NUMLOCK}, {"KP_STAR", K_KP_STAR}, {"KP_EQUALS", K_KP_EQUALS}, //fuhquake compatible. {"KP_0", K_KP_INS}, {"KP_1", K_KP_END}, {"KP_2", K_KP_DOWNARROW}, {"KP_3", K_KP_PGDN}, {"KP_4", K_KP_LEFTARROW}, {"KP_6", K_KP_RIGHTARROW}, {"KP_7", K_KP_HOME}, {"KP_8", K_KP_UPARROW}, {"KP_9", K_KP_PGUP}, {"MOUSE1", K_MOUSE1}, {"MOUSE2", K_MOUSE2}, {"MOUSE3", K_MOUSE3}, {"MOUSE4", K_MOUSE4}, {"MOUSE5", K_MOUSE5}, {"MOUSE6", K_MOUSE6}, {"MOUSE7", K_MOUSE7}, {"MOUSE8", K_MOUSE8}, {"MOUSE9", K_MOUSE9}, {"MOUSE10", K_MOUSE10}, {"LWIN", K_LWIN}, {"RWIN", K_RWIN}, {"APP", K_APP}, {"JOY1", K_JOY1}, {"JOY2", K_JOY2}, {"JOY3", K_JOY3}, {"JOY4", K_JOY4}, {"AUX1", K_AUX1}, {"AUX2", K_AUX2}, {"AUX3", K_AUX3}, {"AUX4", K_AUX4}, {"AUX5", K_AUX5}, {"AUX6", K_AUX6}, {"AUX7", K_AUX7}, {"AUX8", K_AUX8}, {"AUX9", K_AUX9}, {"AUX10", K_AUX10}, {"AUX11", K_AUX11}, {"AUX12", K_AUX12}, {"AUX13", K_AUX13}, {"AUX14", K_AUX14}, {"AUX15", K_AUX15}, {"AUX16", K_AUX16}, {"AUX17", K_AUX17}, {"AUX18", K_AUX18}, {"AUX19", K_AUX19}, {"AUX20", K_AUX20}, {"AUX21", K_AUX21}, {"AUX22", K_AUX22}, {"AUX23", K_AUX23}, {"AUX24", K_AUX24}, {"AUX25", K_AUX25}, {"AUX26", K_AUX26}, {"AUX27", K_AUX27}, {"AUX28", K_AUX28}, {"AUX29", K_AUX29}, {"AUX30", K_AUX30}, {"AUX31", K_AUX31}, {"AUX32", K_AUX32}, {"PAUSE", K_PAUSE}, {"MWHEELUP", K_MWHEELUP}, {"MWHEELDOWN", K_MWHEELDOWN}, {"CAPSLOCK", K_CAPSLOCK}, {"SCROLLLOCK", K_SCRLCK}, {"SEMICOLON", ';'}, // because a raw semicolon seperates commands {"TILDE", '~'}, {"BACKQUOTE", '`'}, {"BACKSLASH", '\\'}, {NULL,0} }; /* ============================================================================== LINE TYPING INTO THE CONSOLE ============================================================================== */ qboolean Cmd_IsCommand (char *line) { char command[128]; char *cmd, *s; int i; s = line; for (i=0 ; i<127 ; i++) if (s[i] <= ' ' || s[i] == ';') break; else command[i] = s[i]; command[i] = 0; cmd = Cmd_CompleteCommand (command, true, false, -1); if (!cmd || strcmp (cmd, command) ) return false; // just a chat message return true; } #define COLUMNWIDTH 20 #define MINCOLUMNWIDTH 18 int PaddedPrint (char *s, int x) { Con_Printf ("^4%s\t", s); x+=strlen(s); return x; } int con_commandmatch; void CompleteCommand (qboolean force) { int i; char *cmd, *s; s = key_lines[edit_line]+1; if (*s == '\\' || *s == '/') s++; cmd = Cmd_CompleteCommand (s, true, true, 2); if (!cmd || force) { if (!force) cmd = Cmd_CompleteCommand (s, false, true, 1); else cmd = Cmd_CompleteCommand (s, true, true, con_commandmatch); if (cmd) { key_lines[edit_line][1] = '/'; Q_strcpy (key_lines[edit_line]+2, cmd); key_linepos = Q_strlen(cmd)+2; s = key_lines[edit_line]+1; //readjust to cope with the insertion of a / if (*s == '\\' || *s == '/') s++; // if (strlen(cmd)>strlen(s)) { cmd = Cmd_CompleteCommand (s, true, true, 0); if (cmd && !strcmp(s, cmd)) //also a compleate var { key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos] = ' '; key_linepos++; } } key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos] = 0; if (!con_commandmatch) con_commandmatch = 1; return; } } cmd = Cmd_CompleteCommand (s, false, true, 0); if (cmd) { i = key_lines[edit_line][1] == '/'?2:1; if (i != 2 || strcmp(key_lines[edit_line]+i, cmd)) { //if changed, compleate it key_lines[edit_line][1] = '/'; Q_strcpy (key_lines[edit_line]+2, cmd); key_linepos = Q_strlen(cmd)+2; s = key_lines[edit_line]+1; //readjust to cope with the insertion of a / if (*s == '\\' || *s == '/') s++; key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos] = 0; if (!con_commandmatch) con_commandmatch = 1; return; //don't alter con_commandmatch if we compleated a tiny bit more } } con_commandmatch++; if (!Cmd_CompleteCommand(s, true, true, con_commandmatch)) con_commandmatch = 1; } //lines typed at the main console enter here void Con_ExecuteLine(console_t *con, char *line) { qboolean waschat = false; con_commandmatch=1; if (cls.state >= ca_connected && cl_chatmode.value == 2) { waschat = true; if (keydown[K_CTRL]) Cbuf_AddText ("say_team ", RESTRICT_LOCAL); else if (keydown[K_SHIFT]) Cbuf_AddText ("say ", RESTRICT_LOCAL); else waschat = false; } if (waschat) Cbuf_AddText (line, RESTRICT_LOCAL); else { if (line[0] == '\\' || line[0] == '/') Cbuf_AddText (line+1, RESTRICT_LOCAL); // skip the > else if (cl_chatmode.value == 2 && Cmd_IsCommand(line)) Cbuf_AddText (line, RESTRICT_LOCAL); // valid command #ifdef Q2CLIENT else if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2) Cbuf_AddText (line, RESTRICT_LOCAL); // send the command to the server via console, and let the server convert to chat #endif else if (*line) { // convert to a chat message if ((cl_chatmode.value == 1 || ((cls.state >= ca_connected && cl_chatmode.value == 2) && (strncmp(line, "say ", 4))))) { if (keydown[K_CTRL]) Cbuf_AddText ("say_team ", RESTRICT_LOCAL); else Cbuf_AddText ("say ", RESTRICT_LOCAL); waschat = true; } Cbuf_AddText (line, RESTRICT_LOCAL); // skip the > } } Cbuf_AddText ("\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (!waschat || con_echochat.value) Con_Printf ("]%s\n",line); if (cls.state == ca_disconnected) SCR_UpdateScreen (); // force an update, because the command // may take some time } vec3_t sccolor; void Con_Selectioncolour_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { if (qrenderer != QR_NONE) SCR_StringToRGB(var->string, sccolor, 1); } qboolean Key_GetConsoleSelectionBox(int *sx, int *sy, int *ex, int *ey) { extern int mousecursor_x, mousecursor_y; if (!con_mousedown[2]) { *sx = *sy = *ex = *ey = 0; return false; } *sx = con_mousedown[0]; *sy = con_mousedown[1]; *ex = mousecursor_x; *ey = mousecursor_y; return true; } void Key_ConsoleRelease(int key, int unicode) { if (key == K_MOUSE1) con_mousedown[2] = false; if (key == K_MOUSE2 && con_mousedown[2]) { extern int mousecursor_x, mousecursor_y; char *buffer; con_mousedown[2] = false; buffer = Con_CopyConsole(); if (!buffer) return; Sys_SaveClipboard(buffer); Z_Free(buffer); } } /* ==================== Key_Console Interactive line editing and console scrollback ==================== */ void Key_Console (unsigned int unicode, int key) { extern cvar_t com_parseutf8; char *clipText; if (con_current->redirect) { if (key == K_TAB) { // command completion if (keydown[K_CTRL] || keydown[K_SHIFT]) { Con_CycleConsole(); return; } } con_current->redirect(con_current, key); return; } if ((key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2)) { extern cvar_t vid_conwidth, vid_conheight; extern int mousecursor_x, mousecursor_y; int xpos, ypos; xpos = (int)((mousecursor_x*vid.width)/(vid.pixelwidth*8)); ypos = (int)((mousecursor_y*vid.height)/(vid.pixelheight*8)); con_mousedown[0] = mousecursor_x; con_mousedown[1] = mousecursor_y; if (ypos == 0 && con_main.next) { console_t *con; for (con = &con_main; con; con = con->next) { if (con == &con_main) xpos -= 5; else xpos -= strlen(con->name)+1; if (xpos == -1) break; if (xpos < 0) { if (key == K_MOUSE2) Con_Destroy (con); else con_current = con; break; } } } else if (key == K_MOUSE2) con_mousedown[2] = true; else con_mousedown[2] = false; return; } if (key == K_ENTER) { // backslash text are commands, else chat int oldl = edit_line; edit_line = (edit_line + 1) & 31; history_line = edit_line; key_lines[edit_line][0] = ']'; key_lines[edit_line][1] = '\0'; key_linepos = 1; if (con_current->linebuffered) con_current->linebuffered(con_current, key_lines[oldl]+1); return; } if (key == K_SPACE && con_current->commandcompletion) { if (keydown[K_CTRL] && Cmd_CompleteCommand(key_lines[edit_line]+1, true, true, con_current->commandcompletion)) { CompleteCommand (true); return; } } if (key == K_TAB) { // command completion if (keydown[K_CTRL] || keydown[K_SHIFT]) { Con_CycleConsole(); return; } if (con_current->commandcompletion) CompleteCommand (false); return; } if (key != K_SHIFT && con_commandmatch) con_commandmatch=1; if (key == K_LEFTARROW) { if (key_linepos > 1) key_linepos--; return; } if (key == K_RIGHTARROW) { if (key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos]) { key_linepos++; return; } else key = ' '; } if (key == K_DEL) { if (key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos]) { int charlen = 1; if (com_parseutf8.ival>0 && (key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos] & 0xc0) != 0x80) { while((key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos+charlen] & 0xc0) == 0x80) charlen++; } memmove(key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos, key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos+charlen, strlen(key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos+charlen)+charlen); return; } else key = K_BACKSPACE; } if (key == K_BACKSPACE) { if (key_linepos > 1) { int charlen = 1; if (com_parseutf8.ival>0) { while (key_linepos > charlen && (key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos-charlen] & 0xc0) == 0x80) charlen++; } memmove(key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos-charlen, key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos, strlen(key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos)+charlen); key_linepos -= charlen; } return; } if (key == K_UPARROW) { do { history_line = (history_line - 1) & 31; } while (history_line != edit_line && !key_lines[history_line][1]); if (history_line == edit_line) history_line = (edit_line+1)&31; Q_strcpy(key_lines[edit_line], key_lines[history_line]); key_linepos = Q_strlen(key_lines[edit_line]); key_lines[edit_line][0] = ']'; return; } if (key == K_DOWNARROW) { if (history_line == edit_line) { key_lines[edit_line][0] = ']'; key_lines[edit_line][1] = '\0'; key_linepos=1; return; } do { history_line = (history_line + 1) & 31; } while (history_line != edit_line && !key_lines[history_line][1]); if (history_line == edit_line) { key_lines[edit_line][0] = ']'; key_lines[edit_line][1] = '\0'; key_linepos = 1; } else { Q_strcpy(key_lines[edit_line], key_lines[history_line]); key_linepos = Q_strlen(key_lines[edit_line]); } return; } if (key == K_PGUP || key==K_MWHEELUP) { int i = 2; if (keydown[K_CTRL]) i = 8; if (!con_current->display) return; if (con_current->display == con_current->current) i+=2; //skip over the blank input line, and extra so we actually move despite the addition of the ^^^^^ line while (i-->0) { if (con_current->display->older == NULL) break; con_current->display = con_current->display->older; } return; } if (key == K_PGDN || key==K_MWHEELDOWN) { int i = 2; if (keydown[K_CTRL]) i = 8; if (!con_current->display) return; while (i-->0) { if (con_current->display->newer == NULL) break; con_current->display = con_current->display->newer; } if (con_current->display->newer && con_current->display->newer == con_current->current) con_current->display = con_current->current; return; } if (key == K_HOME) { if (keydown[K_CTRL]) con_current->display = con_current->oldest; else key_linepos = 1; return; } if (key == K_END) { if (keydown[K_CTRL]) con_current->display = con_current->current; else key_linepos = strlen(key_lines[edit_line]); return; } if (((unicode=='C' || unicode=='c') && keydown[K_CTRL]) || (keydown[K_CTRL] && key == K_INS)) { Sys_SaveClipboard(key_lines[edit_line]+1); return; } if (((unicode=='V' || unicode=='v') && keydown[K_CTRL]) || (keydown[K_SHIFT] && key == K_INS)) { clipText = Sys_GetClipboard(); if (clipText) { int i; int len; len = strlen(clipText); if (len + strlen(key_lines[edit_line]) > MAXCMDLINE - 1) len = MAXCMDLINE - 1 - strlen(key_lines[edit_line]); if (len > 0) { // insert the string memmove (key_lines[edit_line] + key_linepos + len, key_lines[edit_line] + key_linepos, strlen(key_lines[edit_line]) - key_linepos + 1); memcpy (key_lines[edit_line] + key_linepos, clipText, len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos+i] == '\r') key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos+i] = ' '; else if (key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos+i] == '\n') key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos+i] = ';'; } key_linepos += len; } Sys_CloseClipboard(clipText); } return; } key = unicode; if (!key) return; { unsigned char c1; unsigned char c2; unsigned char c3; if (unicode > ((com_parseutf8.ival<0)?255:127)) { extern cvar_t com_parseutf8; if (com_parseutf8.ival>0) { if (unicode > 0xffff) { } else if (unicode > 0x7ff) { c1 = 0xe0 | ((unicode>>12)&0x0f); c2 = 0x80 | ((unicode>> 6)&0x3f); c3 = 0x80 | ((unicode>> 0)&0x3f); if (key_linepos < MAXCMDLINE-3) { memmove(key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos+2, key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos, strlen(key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos)+1); key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos] = c1; key_linepos++; key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos] = c2; key_linepos++; key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos] = c3; key_linepos++; } return; } else { c1 = 0xc0 | ((unicode>>6)&0x1f); c2 = 0x80 | ((unicode>>0)&0x3f); if (key_linepos < MAXCMDLINE-2) { memmove(key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos+2, key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos, strlen(key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos)+1); key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos] = c1; key_linepos++; key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos] = c2; key_linepos++; } return; } } unicode = '?'; //sorry } } if (!com_parseutf8.ival) { if (keydown[K_CTRL]) { if (key >= '0' && key <= '9') key = key - '0' + 0x12; // yellow number else switch (key) { case '[': key = 0x10; break; case ']': key = 0x11; break; case 'g': key = 0x86; break; case 'r': key = 0x87; break; case 'y': key = 0x88; break; case 'b': key = 0x89; break; case '(': key = 0x80; break; case '=': key = 0x81; break; case ')': key = 0x82; break; case 'a': key = 0x83; break; case '<': key = 0x1d; break; case '-': key = 0x1e; break; case '>': key = 0x1f; break; case ',': key = 0x1c; break; case '.': key = 0x9c; break; case 'B': key = 0x8b; break; case 'C': key = 0x8d; break; case 'n': key = '\r'; break; } } if (keydown[K_ALT]) key |= 128; // red char } if (strlen(key_lines[edit_line])+1 < MAXCMDLINE-1) { memmove(key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos+1, key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos, strlen(key_lines[edit_line]+key_linepos)+1); key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos] = key; key_linepos++; } } //============================================================================ qboolean chat_team; char chat_buffer[MAXCMDLINE]; int chat_bufferlen = 0; void Key_Message (int key, int unicode) { if (key == K_ENTER) { if (chat_buffer[0]) { //send it straight into the command. Cmd_TokenizeString(va("%s %s", chat_team?"say_team":"say", chat_buffer), true, false); CL_Say(chat_team, ""); } key_dest = key_game; chat_bufferlen = 0; chat_buffer[0] = 0; return; } if (key == K_ESCAPE) { key_dest = key_game; chat_bufferlen = 0; chat_buffer[0] = 0; return; } if (key < 32 || key > 127) return; // non printable if (key == K_BACKSPACE) { if (chat_bufferlen) { chat_bufferlen--; chat_buffer[chat_bufferlen] = 0; } return; } if (chat_bufferlen == sizeof(chat_buffer)-1) return; // all full chat_buffer[chat_bufferlen++] = unicode; chat_buffer[chat_bufferlen] = 0; } //============================================================================ char *Key_GetBinding(int keynum) { if (keynum >= 0 && keynum < K_MAX) return keybindings[keynum][0]; return NULL; } /* =================== Key_StringToKeynum Returns a key number to be used to index keybindings[] by looking at the given string. Single ascii characters return themselves, while the K_* names are matched up. =================== */ int Key_StringToKeynum (char *str, int *modifier) { keyname_t *kn; char *underscore; if (!strnicmp(str, "std_", 4)) *modifier = 0; else { *modifier = 0; while(1) { underscore = strchr(str, '_'); if (!underscore || !underscore[1]) break; //nothing afterwards or no underscore. if (!strnicmp(str, "shift_", 6)) *modifier |= 1; else if (!strnicmp(str, "alt_", 4)) *modifier |= 2; else if (!strnicmp(str, "ctrl_", 5)) *modifier |= 4; else break; str = underscore+1; //next char. } if (!*modifier) *modifier = ~0; } if (!str || !str[0]) return -1; if (!str[1]) //single char. { #if 0//def _WIN32 return VkKeyScan(str[0]); #else return str[0]; #endif } if (!strncmp(str, "K_", 2)) str+=2; for (kn=keynames ; kn->name ; kn++) { if (!Q_strcasecmp(str,kn->name)) return kn->keynum; } if (atoi(str)) //assume ascii code. (prepend with a 0 if needed) { return atoi(str); } return -1; } /* =================== Key_KeynumToString Returns a string (either a single ascii char, or a K_* name) for the given keynum. FIXME: handle quote special (general escape sequence?) =================== */ char *Key_KeynumToString (int keynum) { keyname_t *kn; static char tinystr[2]; if (keynum == -1) return "<KEY NOT FOUND>"; if (keynum > 32 && keynum < 127) { // printable ascii tinystr[0] = keynum; tinystr[1] = 0; return tinystr; } for (kn=keynames ; kn->name ; kn++) if (keynum == kn->keynum) return kn->name; { if (keynum < 10) //don't let it be a single character return va("0%i", keynum); return va("%i", keynum); } return "<UNKNOWN KEYNUM>"; } /* =================== Key_SetBinding =================== */ void Key_SetBinding (int keynum, int modifier, char *binding, int level) { char *newc; int l; if (modifier == ~0) //all of the possibilities. { for (l = 0; l < KEY_MODIFIERSTATES; l++) Key_SetBinding(keynum, l, binding, level); return; } if (keynum == -1) return; // free old bindings if (keybindings[keynum][modifier]) { Z_Free (keybindings[keynum][modifier]); keybindings[keynum][modifier] = NULL; } if (!binding) { keybindings[keynum][modifier] = NULL; return; } // allocate memory for new binding l = Q_strlen (binding); newc = Z_Malloc (l+1); Q_strcpy (newc, binding); newc[l] = 0; keybindings[keynum][modifier] = newc; bindcmdlevel[keynum][modifier] = level; } /* =================== Key_Unbind_f =================== */ void Key_Unbind_f (void) { int b, modifier; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Printf ("unbind <key> : remove commands from a key\n"); return; } b = Key_StringToKeynum (Cmd_Argv(1), &modifier); if (b==-1) { Con_Printf ("\"%s\" isn't a valid key\n", Cmd_Argv(1)); return; } Key_SetBinding (b, modifier, NULL, Cmd_ExecLevel); } void Key_Unbindall_f (void) { int i; for (i=0 ; i<K_MAX ; i++) if (keybindings[i]) Key_SetBinding (i, ~0, NULL, Cmd_ExecLevel); } /* =================== Key_Bind_f =================== */ void Key_Bind_f (void) { int i, c, b, modifier; char cmd[1024]; c = Cmd_Argc(); if (c < 2) { Con_Printf ("bind <key> [command] : attach a command to a key\n"); return; } b = Key_StringToKeynum (Cmd_Argv(1), &modifier); if (b==-1) { Con_Printf ("\"%s\" isn't a valid key\n", Cmd_Argv(1)); return; } if (c == 2) { if (keybindings[b][0]) Con_Printf ("\"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", Cmd_Argv(1), keybindings[b][0] ); else Con_Printf ("\"%s\" is not bound\n", Cmd_Argv(1) ); return; } if (c > 3) { Cmd_ShiftArgs(1, Cmd_ExecLevel==RESTRICT_LOCAL); Key_SetBinding (b, modifier, Cmd_Args(), Cmd_ExecLevel); return; } // copy the rest of the command line cmd[0] = 0; // start out with a null string for (i=2 ; i< c ; i++) { Q_strncatz (cmd, Cmd_Argv(i), sizeof(cmd)); if (i != (c-1)) Q_strncatz (cmd, " ", sizeof(cmd)); } Key_SetBinding (b, modifier, cmd, Cmd_ExecLevel); } void Key_BindLevel_f (void) { int i, c, b, modifier; char cmd[1024]; c = Cmd_Argc(); if (c != 2 && c != 3) { Con_Printf ("bindat <key> [<level> <command>] : attach a command to a key for a specific level of access\n"); return; } b = Key_StringToKeynum (Cmd_Argv(1), &modifier); if (b==-1) { Con_Printf ("\"%s\" isn't a valid key\n", Cmd_Argv(1)); return; } if (c == 2) { if (keybindings[b]) Con_Printf ("\"%s\" (%i)= \"%s\"\n", Cmd_Argv(1), bindcmdlevel[b][modifier], keybindings[b][modifier] ); else Con_Printf ("\"%s\" is not bound\n", Cmd_Argv(1) ); return; } if (Cmd_IsInsecure()) { Con_Printf("Server attempted usage of bindat\n"); return; } // copy the rest of the command line cmd[0] = 0; // start out with a null string for (i=3 ; i< c ; i++) { Q_strncatz (cmd, Cmd_Argv(i), sizeof(cmd)); if (i != (c-1)) Q_strncatz (cmd, " ", sizeof(cmd)); } Key_SetBinding (b, modifier, cmd, atoi(Cmd_Argv(2))); } /* ============ Key_WriteBindings Writes lines containing "bind key value" ============ */ void Key_WriteBindings (vfsfile_t *f) { char *s; int i, m; char *binding, *base; char prefix[128]; for (i=0 ; i<K_MAX ; i++) //we rebind the key with all modifiers to get the standard bind, then change the specific ones. { //this does two things, it normally allows us to skip 7 of the 8 possibilities base = keybindings[i][0]; //plus we can use the config with other clients. if (!base) base = ""; for (m = 0; m < KEY_MODIFIERSTATES; m++) { binding = keybindings[i][m]; if (!binding) binding = ""; if (strcmp(binding, base) || (m==0 && keybindings[i][0]) || bindcmdlevel[i][m] != bindcmdlevel[i][0]) { *prefix = '\0'; if (m & 4) strcat(prefix, "CTRL_"); if (m & 2) strcat(prefix, "ALT_"); if (m & 1) strcat(prefix, "SHIFT_"); if (bindcmdlevel[i][m] != bindcmdlevel[i][0]) { if (i == ';') s = va("bindlevel \"%s%s\" %i \"%s\"\n", prefix, Key_KeynumToString(i), bindcmdlevel[i][m], keybindings[i][m]); else if (i == '\"') s = va("bindlevel \"%s%s\" %i \"%s\"\n", prefix, "\"\"", bindcmdlevel[i][m], keybindings[i][m]); else s = va("bindlevel %s%s %i \"%s\"\n", prefix, Key_KeynumToString(i), bindcmdlevel[i][m], keybindings[i][m]); } else { if (i == ';') s = va("bind \"%s%s\" \"%s\"\n", prefix, Key_KeynumToString(i), keybindings[i][m]); else if (i == '\"') s = va("bind \"%s%s\" \"%s\"\n", prefix, "\"\"", keybindings[i][m]); else s = va("bind %s%s \"%s\"\n", prefix, Key_KeynumToString(i), keybindings[i][m]); } VFS_WRITE(f, s, strlen(s)); } } } } /* =================== Key_Init =================== */ void Key_Init (void) { int i; for (i=0 ; i<32 ; i++) { key_lines[i][0] = ']'; key_lines[i][1] = 0; } key_linepos = 1; // // init ascii characters in console mode // for (i=32 ; i<128 ; i++) consolekeys[i] = true; consolekeys[K_ENTER] = true; consolekeys[K_TAB] = true; consolekeys[K_LEFTARROW] = true; consolekeys[K_RIGHTARROW] = true; consolekeys[K_UPARROW] = true; consolekeys[K_DOWNARROW] = true; consolekeys[K_BACKSPACE] = true; consolekeys[K_DEL] = true; consolekeys[K_HOME] = true; consolekeys[K_END] = true; consolekeys[K_PGUP] = true; consolekeys[K_PGDN] = true; consolekeys[K_SHIFT] = true; consolekeys[K_MWHEELUP] = true; consolekeys[K_MWHEELDOWN] = true; consolekeys[K_CTRL] = true; consolekeys[K_ALT] = true; consolekeys['`'] = false; consolekeys['~'] = false; for (i=K_MOUSE1 ; i<K_MOUSE10 ; i++) { consolekeys[i] = true; } consolekeys[K_MWHEELUP] = true; consolekeys[K_MWHEELDOWN] = true; for (i=0 ; i<K_MAX ; i++) keyshift[i] = i; for (i='a' ; i<='z' ; i++) keyshift[i] = i - 'a' + 'A'; keyshift['1'] = '!'; keyshift['2'] = '@'; keyshift['3'] = '#'; keyshift['4'] = '$'; keyshift['5'] = '%'; keyshift['6'] = '^'; keyshift['7'] = '&'; keyshift['8'] = '*'; keyshift['9'] = '('; keyshift['0'] = ')'; keyshift['-'] = '_'; keyshift['='] = '+'; keyshift[','] = '<'; keyshift['.'] = '>'; keyshift['/'] = '?'; keyshift[';'] = ':'; keyshift['\''] = '"'; keyshift['['] = '{'; keyshift[']'] = '}'; keyshift['`'] = '~'; keyshift['\\'] = '|'; menubound[K_ESCAPE] = true; for (i=0 ; i<12 ; i++) menubound[K_F1+i] = true; // // register our functions // Cmd_AddCommand ("bind",Key_Bind_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("bindlevel",Key_BindLevel_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("unbind",Key_Unbind_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("unbindall",Key_Unbindall_f); Cvar_Register (&con_selectioncolour, "Console variables"); Cvar_Register (&con_echochat, "Console variables"); } qboolean Key_MouseShouldBeFree(void) { //returns if the mouse should be a cursor or if it should go to the menu //if true, the input code is expected to return mouse cursor positions rather than deltas extern cvar_t cl_prydoncursor; // extern int mouseusedforgui; // if (mouseusedforgui) //I don't like this // return true; if (key_dest == key_menu) { if (m_state == m_complex || m_state == m_plugin /*|| m_state == m_menu_dat*/) return true; } if (key_dest == key_console || key_dest == key_editor) return true; #ifdef VM_UI if (UI_MenuState()) return false; #endif if (cl_prydoncursor.ival) return true; return false; } /* =================== Key_Event Called by the system between frames for both key up and key down events Should NOT be called during an interrupt! =================== */ void Key_Event (int devid, int key, unsigned int unicode, qboolean down) { char *kb; char p[16]; char cmd[1024]; int keystate, oldstate; // Con_Printf ("%i : %i : %i\n", key, unicode, down); //@@@ oldstate = KeyModifier(keydown[K_SHIFT], keydown[K_ALT], keydown[K_CTRL]); keydown[key] = down; if (key == K_SHIFT || key == K_ALT || key == K_CTRL) { int k; keystate = KeyModifier(keydown[K_SHIFT], keydown[K_ALT], keydown[K_CTRL]); for (k = 0; k < K_MAX; k++) { //go through the old state removing all depressed keys. they are all up now. if (k == K_SHIFT || k == K_ALT || k == K_CTRL) continue; if (deltaused[k][oldstate]) { if (keybindings[k][oldstate] == keybindings[k][keystate] || !strcmp(keybindings[k][oldstate], keybindings[k][keystate])) { //bindings match. skip this key // Con_Printf ("keeping bind %i\n", k); //@@@ deltaused[k][oldstate] = false; deltaused[k][keystate] = true; continue; } // Con_Printf ("removing bind %i\n", k); //@@@ deltaused[k][oldstate] = false; kb = keybindings[k][oldstate]; if (kb && kb[0] == '+') { Q_snprintfz (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "-%s %i\n", kb+1, k+oldstate*256); Cbuf_AddText (cmd, bindcmdlevel[k][oldstate]); } if (keyshift[k] != k) { kb = keybindings[keyshift[k]][oldstate]; if (kb && kb[0] == '+') { Q_snprintfz (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "-%s %i\n", kb+1, k+oldstate*256); Cbuf_AddText (cmd, bindcmdlevel[k][oldstate]); } } } if (keydown[k] && (key_dest != key_console && key_dest != key_message)) { deltaused[k][keystate] = true; // Con_Printf ("adding bind %i\n", k); //@@@ kb = keybindings[k][keystate]; if (kb) { if (kb[0] == '+') { // button commands add keynum as a parm Q_snprintfz (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s %i\n", kb, k+keystate*256); Cbuf_AddText (cmd, bindcmdlevel[k][keystate]); } else { Cbuf_AddText (kb, bindcmdlevel[k][keystate]); Cbuf_AddText ("\n", bindcmdlevel[k][keystate]); } } } } keystate = oldstate = 0; } else keystate = oldstate; if (!down) key_repeats[key] = 0; key_lastpress = key; key_count++; if (key_count <= 0) { return; // just catching keys for Con_NotifyBox } // update auto-repeat status if (down) { key_repeats[key]++; // if (key >= 200 && !keybindings[key]) //is this too annoying? // Con_Printf ("%s is unbound, hit F4 to set.\n", Key_KeynumToString (key) ); } if (key == K_SHIFT) { shift_down = down; } if (key == K_ESCAPE) if (shift_down) { if (down) { Con_ToggleConsole_f(); return; } } //yes, csqc is allowed to steal the escape key. if (key != '`' && key != '~') if (key_dest == key_game) { #ifdef CSQC_DAT if (CSQC_KeyPress(key, unicode, down, devid)) //give csqc a chance to handle it. return; #endif #ifdef VM_CG if (CG_KeyPress(key, unicode, down)) return; #endif } // // handle escape specialy, so the user can never unbind it // if (key == K_ESCAPE) { #ifdef VM_UI #ifdef TEXTEDITOR if (key_dest == key_game) #endif { if (down && Media_PlayingFullScreen()) { Media_PlayFilm(""); return; } if (UI_KeyPress(key, unicode, down)) //Allow the UI to see the escape key. It is possible that a developer may get stuck at a menu. return; } #endif if (!down) { if (key_dest == key_menu) M_Keyup (key, unicode); return; } switch (key_dest) { case key_message: Key_Message (key, unicode); break; case key_menu: M_Keydown (key, unicode); break; #ifdef TEXTEDITOR case key_editor: Editor_Key (key, unicode); break; #endif case key_game: if (Media_PlayingFullScreen()) { Media_PlayFilm(""); break; } case key_console: M_ToggleMenu_f (); break; default: Sys_Error ("Bad key_dest"); } return; } #ifndef NOMEDIA if (key_dest == key_game && Media_PlayingFullScreen()) { Media_Send_KeyEvent(NULL, key, unicode, down?0:1); return; } #endif // // key up events only generate commands if the game key binding is // a button command (leading + sign). These will occur even in console mode, // to keep the character from continuing an action started before a console // switch. Button commands include the keynum as a parameter, so multiple // downs can be matched with ups // if (!down) { switch (key_dest) { case key_menu: M_Keyup (key, unicode); break; case key_console: Key_ConsoleRelease(key, unicode); break; default: break; } if (!deltaused[key][keystate]) //this wasn't down, so don't make it leave down state. return; deltaused[key][keystate] = false; if (devid) Q_snprintfz (p, sizeof(p), "p %i ", devid+1); else *p = 0; kb = keybindings[key][keystate]; if (kb && kb[0] == '+') { Q_snprintfz (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "-%s%s %i\n", p, kb+1, key+oldstate*256); Cbuf_AddText (cmd, bindcmdlevel[key][keystate]); } if (keyshift[key] != key) { kb = keybindings[keyshift[key]][keystate]; if (kb && kb[0] == '+') { Q_snprintfz (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "-%s%s %i\n", p, kb+1, key+oldstate*256); Cbuf_AddText (cmd, bindcmdlevel[key][keystate]); } } return; } // // during demo playback, most keys bring up the main menu // if (cls.demoplayback && cls.demoplayback != DPB_MVD && cls.demoplayback != DPB_EZTV && down && consolekeys[key] && key != K_TAB && key_dest == key_game) { M_ToggleMenu_f (); return; } // // if not a consolekey, send to the interpreter no matter what mode is // #ifdef VM_UI if (key != '`' && key != '~') if (key_dest == key_game || !down) { if (UI_KeyPress(key, unicode, down) && down) //UI is allowed to take these keydowns. Keyups are always maintained. return; } #endif if (key && ((key_dest == key_menu && menubound[key]) || (key_dest == key_console && !consolekeys[key]) || (key_dest == key_game && ( cls.state == ca_active || !consolekeys[key] ) ) )) { /*don't auto-repeat binds as it breaks too many scripts*/ if (key_repeats[key] > 1) return; deltaused[key][keystate] = true; if (devid) Q_snprintfz (p, sizeof(p), "p %i ", devid+1); else *p = 0; kb = keybindings[key][keystate]; if (kb) { if (kb[0] == '+') { // button commands add keynum as a parm Q_snprintfz (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "+%s%s %i\n", p, kb+1, key+oldstate*256); Cbuf_AddText (cmd, bindcmdlevel[key][keystate]); } else { if (*p)Cbuf_AddText (p, bindcmdlevel[key][keystate]); Cbuf_AddText (kb, bindcmdlevel[key][keystate]); Cbuf_AddText ("\n", bindcmdlevel[key][keystate]); } } return; } if (!down) { switch (key_dest) { case key_menu: M_Keyup (key, unicode); break; default: break; } return; // other systems only care about key down events } switch (key_dest) { case key_message: Key_Message (key, unicode); break; case key_menu: M_Keydown (key, unicode); break; #ifdef TEXTEDITOR case key_editor: Editor_Key (key, unicode); break; #endif case key_game: case key_console: if ((unicode) || key == K_ENTER || key == K_TAB) key_dest = key_console; Key_Console (unicode, key); break; default: Sys_Error ("Bad key_dest"); } } /* =================== Key_ClearStates =================== */ void Key_ClearStates (void) { int i; for (i=0 ; i<K_MAX ; i++) { keydown[i] = false; key_repeats[i] = false; } }