#include "quakedef.h" #include "netinc.h" //these are the node names as parsed by MSV_FindSubServerName //"5" finds server 5 only //"5:" is equivelent to the above //"5:dm4" finds server 5 // if not running, it will start up using dm4, even if dm4 is already running on node 4, say. //"0:dm4" starts a new server running dm4, even if its already running //":dm4" finds any server running dm4. starts a new one if none are running dm4. //"dm4" is ambiguous, in the case of a map beginning with a number (bah). don't use. //FIXME: nq protocols not supported. //FIXME: deadlocks when both gw and ss both fill their pipe buffers. //FIXME: no networking for remote nodes. //The servers are arranged as a 'tree'. //There is only one root server, the one that used the 'mapcluster [startmap]' command. // This is treated as a gateway, that clients connect to and then get redirected to one of the other servers. // It may be a 'listen' server, with the server component offloaded to another process/thread. // It may be a dedicated server started with the 'map' command (but not a listen server). //Additional 'leaf' servers are automatically started on the same host. // Will be started automatically when a player tries to transfer to a new/unknown map. // leaf sends a ccmd_serveraddress at init+mapchanges // root sends a ccmd_acceptserver to tell the new leaf what it should be. //Transferring a player from one leaf to another: // ccmd_transferplayer is sent to the root (which includes the player's parms) // the root finds/creates the target server and sends it the ccmd_takeplayer message. // destination tries to create a loadzombie and replies with ccmd_tookplayer (to accept or reject), which root forwards to the source // source tells client to connect to the destination's address // destination receives connection from client (or times out) and sends a ccmd_saveplayer(0) to the root, root sees the server change and sends ccmd_transferedplayer to the source. // source knows that the player is no longer present (or aborts the transfer if it was a timeout, reenabling other transfers/retries). //to connect a new server to a remote gateway, add '-clusterhost GATEWAY:TCPPORT PASSWORD' to the new server's commandline. The gateway needs eg sv_port_tcp open (you might wish to ipfilter for added security). #ifdef SUBSERVERS #ifdef SQL #include "sv_sql.h" #endif #define S_COLOR_SUBSERVER S_COLOR_MAGENTA typedef struct pubsubserver_s { vfsfile_t *stream; struct pubsubserver_s *next; unsigned int id; char name[64]; int activeplayers; int transferingplayers; netadr_t addrv4; netadr_t addrv6; char printtext[4096]; //to split it into lines. qboolean started; #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT console_t *console; qboolean killing; #endif size_t inbuffersize; qbyte inbuffer[8192]; qboolean outfailed; // size_t outbuffersize; // qbyte outbuffer[8192]; } pubsubserver_t; extern cvar_t sv_serverip; void VARGS SV_RejectMessage(enum serverprotocols_e protocol, char *format, ...); void MSV_UpdatePlayerStats(unsigned int playerid, unsigned int serverid, int numstats, float *stats); typedef struct { //fixme: hash tables unsigned int playerid; char name[64]; char guid[64]; char address[64]; link_t allplayers; // link_t sameserver; pubsubserver_t *server; //should never be null } clusterplayer_t; static pubsubserver_t *subservers; static link_t clusterplayers; qboolean isClusterSlave; static vfsfile_t *controlconnection = NULL; static unsigned int nextserverid; static void MSV_WriteSlave(pubsubserver_t *ps, sizebuf_t *cmd) { //FIXME: this is blocking. this is bad if the target is also blocking while trying to write to us. //FIXME: merge buffering logic with SSV_InstructMaster, and allow for failure if full vfsfile_t *s = ps->stream; int wrote; if (ps->outfailed) return; //give up after the first failure, to avoid corruption. cmd->data[0] = cmd->cursize & 0xff; cmd->data[1] = (cmd->cursize>>8) & 0xff; wrote = VFS_WRITE(s, cmd->data, cmd->cursize); if (wrote != cmd->cursize) ps->outfailed = true; } static int MSV_SubServerRead(pubsubserver_t *ps) { if (ps->inbuffersize < sizeof(ps->inbuffer)) { int avail = VFS_READ(ps->stream, ps->inbuffer+ps->inbuffersize, sizeof(ps->inbuffer)-ps->inbuffersize); if (avail < 0) return avail; ps->inbuffersize += avail; } if(ps->inbuffersize >= 2) { unsigned short len = ps->inbuffer[0] | (ps->inbuffer[1]<<8); if (ps->inbuffersize >= len && len>=2) { memcpy(net_message.data, ps->inbuffer+2, len-2); net_message.cursize = len-2; memmove(ps->inbuffer, ps->inbuffer+len, ps->inbuffersize - len); ps->inbuffersize -= len; MSG_BeginReading (&net_message, msg_nullnetprim); return len; } } return 0; } static clusterplayer_t *MSV_FindPlayerId(unsigned int playerid) { link_t *l; clusterplayer_t *pl; FOR_EACH_LINK(l, clusterplayers) { pl = STRUCT_FROM_LINK(l, clusterplayer_t, allplayers); if (pl->playerid == playerid) return pl; } return NULL; } static clusterplayer_t *MSV_FindPlayerName(char *playername) { link_t *l; clusterplayer_t *pl; FOR_EACH_LINK(l, clusterplayers) { pl = STRUCT_FROM_LINK(l, clusterplayer_t, allplayers); if (!strcmp(pl->name, playername)) return pl; } return NULL; } static void MSV_ServerCrashed(pubsubserver_t *server) { link_t *l, *next; clusterplayer_t *pl; #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT if (server->console) { Con_PrintCon(server->console, "<Server Ended>\n", server->console->flags); Q_snprintfz(server->console->title, sizeof(server->console->title), "SERVER DEAD"); server->console->userdata = NULL; //forget about us! for we are no more! } #endif //forget any players that are meant to be on this server. for (l = clusterplayers.next ; l != &clusterplayers ; l = next) { next = l->next; pl = STRUCT_FROM_LINK(l, clusterplayer_t, allplayers); if (pl->server == server) { Con_Printf("%s's node crashed out (%s)\n", pl->name, server->name); RemoveLink(&pl->allplayers); Z_Free(pl); } } if (server->stream) VFS_CLOSE(server->stream); Z_Free(server); } pubsubserver_t *MSV_FindSubServer(unsigned int id) { pubsubserver_t *s; for (s = subservers; s; s = s->next) { if (id == s->id) return s; } return NULL; } static void MSV_SendCvars(pubsubserver_t *s) { extern cvar_t skill, sv_nqplayerphysics, sv_pure, sv_minpitch, sv_maxpitch; cvar_t *cvars[] = { &developer, &deathmatch, &coop, &skill, &teamplay, &nomonsters, &gamecfg, &noexit, &temp1, &scratch1, &scratch2, &scratch3, &scratch4, &saved1, &saved2, &saved3, &saved4, &savedgamecfg, &sv_nqplayerphysics, &sv_pure, &sv_mintic, &sv_maxtic, &sv_minpitch, &sv_maxpitch}; sizebuf_t send; char send_buf[8192]; size_t v; memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); for (v = 0; v < countof(cvars); v++) { send.cursize = 2; MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_setcvar); MSG_WriteString(&send, cvars[v]->name); MSG_WriteString(&send, cvars[v]->string); MSV_WriteSlave(s, &send); } } static pubsubserver_t *MSV_Link_Server(vfsfile_t *stream, int id, const char *mapname) { pubsubserver_t *s; sizebuf_t send; char send_buf[1024]; if (!id) { do id = ++nextserverid; while(MSV_FindSubServer(id)); } s = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*s)); s->stream = stream; s->id = id; s->next = subservers; subservers = s; if (mapname) { MSV_SendCvars(s); Q_strncpyz(s->name, mapname, sizeof(s->name)); memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_acceptserver); MSG_WriteLong(&send, s->id); MSG_WriteString(&send, s->name); MSV_WriteSlave(s, &send); } return s; } //network code just found a new node trying to announce itself to us. qboolean MSV_NewNetworkedNode(vfsfile_t *stream, qbyte *reqstart, qbyte *buffered, size_t buffersize, const char *remoteaddr) { if (stream) { const char *pwd = NULL; qbyte *line, *colon; while (reqstart < buffered) { colon = NULL; for (line = reqstart; line < buffered && *line; line++) { if (*line == ':') { line++; colon = line; break; } if (*line == '\n') break; } for (; line < buffered && *line; line++) { if (*line == '\n') break; } *line++ = 0; if (colon) { if (colon-reqstart == 9 && !strncmp(reqstart, "Password:", 9)) pwd = colon; } reqstart = line; } if (sv.state == ss_clustermode) //only allow remote node additions if we're actually using this stuff. { extern cvar_t rcon_password; COM_ParseOut(pwd, com_token, sizeof(com_token)); if (*rcon_password.string && !strcmp(com_token, rcon_password.string)) { pubsubserver_t *s = MSV_Link_Server(stream, 0, ""); if (s) { //and make sure we don't drop any data that was sent after the header. memcpy(s->inbuffer, buffered, buffersize); s->inbuffersize = buffersize; Con_Printf("Server node at %s connected\n", remoteaddr); return true; } } else Con_Printf("Server node at %s rejected - bad password\n", remoteaddr); } VFS_CLOSE(stream); } return false; } //our pipes are one-way (one side writes, the other side reads). static vfsfile_t *msv_loop_to_ss; static vfsfile_t *msv_loop_from_ss; //but the master needs two-way pipes like tcp (each side can read the other's writes). static int QDECL MSV_Loop_Read (struct vfsfile_s *file, void *buffer, int bytestoread) { return VFS_READ(msv_loop_to_ss, buffer, bytestoread); } static int QDECL MSV_Loop_Write (struct vfsfile_s *file, const void *buffer, int bytestowrite) { return VFS_WRITE(msv_loop_to_ss, buffer, bytestowrite); } static qboolean QDECL MSV_Loop_Close (struct vfsfile_s *file) { Z_Free(file); return true; } static pubsubserver_t *MSV_Loop_GetLocalServer(void) { vfsfile_t *f; pubsubserver_t *s = MSV_FindSubServer(svs.clusterserverid); if (s) return s; if (!clusterplayers.next) //make sure we're initialised properly ClearLink(&clusterplayers); msv_loop_to_ss = VFSPIPE_Open(1, false); msv_loop_from_ss = VFSPIPE_Open(1, false); f = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*f)); f->ReadBytes = MSV_Loop_Read; f->WriteBytes = MSV_Loop_Write; f->Close = MSV_Loop_Close; s = MSV_Link_Server(f, 0, ""); Q_strncpyz(s->name, sv.mapname, sizeof(s->name)); svs.clusterserverid = s->id; return s; } //called at startup to let us know the control connection to read/write void SSV_SetupControlPipe(vfsfile_t *f) { if (!isDedicated) Sys_Error("Subserver in non-dedicated server?"); if (controlconnection) VFS_CLOSE(controlconnection); controlconnection = f; isClusterSlave = !!f; } static pubsubserver_t *MSV_StartSubServer(unsigned int id, const char *mapname) { vfsfile_t *s = Sys_ForkServer(); if (s) return MSV_Link_Server(s, id, mapname); return NULL; } //server names documented at the start of this file static pubsubserver_t *MSV_FindSubServerName(const char *servername) { pubsubserver_t *s; unsigned int id; qboolean forcenew = false; char *mapname; id = strtoul(servername, &mapname, 0); if (*mapname == ':') { if (!id && servername != mapname) forcenew = true; mapname++; } else if (*mapname) { Con_Printf("Invalid node name (lacks colon): %s\n", servername); mapname = ""; } if (id) { s = MSV_FindSubServer(id); if (s) return s; } if (*mapname) { if (!forcenew) { for (s = subservers; s; s = s->next) { if (!strcmp(s->name, mapname)) return s; } } return MSV_StartSubServer(id, mapname); } return NULL; } qboolean MSV_AddressForServer(netadr_t *ret, int natype, pubsubserver_t *s) { if (s) { if (natype == s->addrv6.type) *ret = s->addrv6; else *ret = s->addrv4; return true; } return false; } qboolean MSV_InstructSlave(unsigned int id, sizebuf_t *cmd) { pubsubserver_t *s; if (!id) { for (s = subservers; s; s = s->next) MSV_WriteSlave(s, cmd); return subservers?true:false; } else { s = MSV_FindSubServer(id); if (s) { MSV_WriteSlave(s, cmd); return true; } } return false; } void SV_SetupNetworkBuffers(qboolean bigcoords); void MSV_MapCluster_Setup(const char *landingmap, qboolean use_database, qboolean singleplayer) { extern cvar_t sv_playerslots; int plslots; //not really used, but affects whether we open public sockets or not. //this command will likely be used in configs. don't ever allow subservers to act as entire new clusters if (SSV_IsSubServer()) return; #ifndef SERVERONLY CL_Disconnect(NULL); #endif if (sv.state) SV_UnspawnServer(); //child processes return 0 and fall through SV_WipeServerState(); //this is the new-player map. Q_strncpyz(svs.name, landingmap, sizeof(svs.name)); if (!*svs.name) Q_strncpyz(svs.name, "start", sizeof(svs.name)); Q_strncpyz(sv.modelname, svs.name, sizeof(sv.modelname)); if (use_database) { #ifdef SQL const char *sqlparams[] = { "", "", "", "login", }; Con_Printf("Opening database \"%s\"\n", sqlparams[3]); sv.logindatabase = SQL_NewServer(&sv, "sqlite", sqlparams); if (sv.logindatabase == -1) #endif { SV_UnspawnServer(); Con_Printf("Unable to open account database\n"); return; } } else { sv.logindatabase = -1; Con_Printf("Operating in databaseless mode\n"); } sv.state = ss_clustermode; ClearLink(&clusterplayers); //and for legacy clients, we need some server stuff inited. SV_SetupNetworkBuffers(false); if (sv_playerslots.ival > 0) plslots = sv_playerslots.ival; else if (singleplayer) { /*only make one slot for single-player (ktx sucks)*/ if (!isDedicated && !deathmatch.value && !coop.value) plslots = 1; else plslots = QWMAX_CLIENTS; } else plslots = QWMAX_CLIENTS; if (plslots > MAX_CLIENTS) plslots = MAX_CLIENTS; SV_UpdateMaxPlayers(plslots); NET_InitServer(); //get on with it now... if (singleplayer && !use_database) MSV_FindSubServerName(va(":%s", sv.modelname)); } void MSV_MapCluster_f(void) { MSV_MapCluster_Setup(Cmd_Argv(1), atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)), false); } void MSV_Shutdown(void) { sizebuf_t buf; char bufmem[128]; pubsubserver_t *s; for (s = subservers; s; s = s->next) { buf.data = bufmem; buf.maxsize = sizeof(bufmem); buf.cursize = 2; buf.packing = SZ_RAWBYTES; MSG_WriteByte(&buf, ccmd_stuffcmd); MSG_WriteString(&buf, "\nquit\n"); buf.data[0] = buf.cursize & 0xff; buf.data[1] = (buf.cursize>>8) & 0xff; MSV_WriteSlave(s, &buf); #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT s->killing = true; if (s->console) Con_Destroy(s->console); s->console = NULL; #endif } } void SSV_PrintToMaster(char *s) { sizebuf_t send; char send_buf[8192]; static qboolean norecurse; if (norecurse) return; memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_print); MSG_WriteString(&send, s); norecurse = true; SSV_InstructMaster(&send); norecurse = false; } void MSV_Status(void) { link_t *l; char bufmem[1024]; pubsubserver_t *s; clusterplayer_t *pl; for (s = subservers; s; s = s->next) { Con_Printf("^["S_COLOR_SUBSERVER"%i: %s\\ssv\\%u^]", s->id, s->name, s->id); if (s->addrv4.type != NA_INVALID) Con_Printf(" %s", NET_AdrToString(bufmem, sizeof(bufmem), &s->addrv4)); if (s->addrv6.type != NA_INVALID) Con_Printf(" %s", NET_AdrToString(bufmem, sizeof(bufmem), &s->addrv6)); Con_Printf("\n"); } FOR_EACH_LINK(l, clusterplayers) { pl = STRUCT_FROM_LINK(l, clusterplayer_t, allplayers); Con_Printf("^[%i(%s)\\ssv\\%u^]: (%s) %s (%s)\n", pl->playerid, pl->server->name, pl->server->id, pl->guid, pl->name, pl->address); } } #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT static int MSV_SubConsole_LineBuffered(console_t *con, const char *utf8line) { pubsubserver_t *s = con->userdata; if (s) { sizebuf_t buf; char bufmem[65536]; Con_PrintCon(con, va("]%s\n", utf8line), PFS_FORCEUTF8|PFS_NONOTIFY); if (*utf8line == '/') utf8line++; //command, not text. if (!strcmp(utf8line, "clear")) { Con_ClearCon(con); return true; } buf.data = bufmem; buf.maxsize = sizeof(bufmem); buf.cursize = 2; buf.packing = SZ_RAWBYTES; MSG_WriteByte(&buf, ccmd_stuffcmd); MSG_WriteString(&buf, utf8line); //FIXME: is utf-8 a problem? buf.data[0] = buf.cursize & 0xff; buf.data[1] = (buf.cursize>>8) & 0xff; MSV_WriteSlave(s, &buf); } else Con_Footerf(con, false, "< Unable to send >"); return true; } static qboolean MSV_SubConsole_Close (console_t *con, qboolean force) { //force=true is the final close, the rest are merely queries to see if its save. pubsubserver_t *s = con->userdata; if (force && s) { //stop prints from this server from going here. s->console = NULL; } return true; } static void MSV_SubConsole_Update(pubsubserver_t *s) { if (s->console) { if (s->console->flags & CONF_ISWINDOW) Q_snprintfz(s->console->title, sizeof(s->console->title), "%u:%s", s->id, s->name); else Q_snprintfz(s->console->title, sizeof(s->console->title), "Server %u: %s", s->id, s->name); } } static void MSV_SubConsole_Show(pubsubserver_t *s, qboolean show) { console_t *con = s->console; if (!con) { for (con = con_head; con; con = con->next) { if (con->close == MSV_SubConsole_Close && !con->userdata) break; } if (!con) { con = Con_Create(NULL, CONF_NOTIFY); if (0)//con) { /*make it a console window thing*/ con->flags |= CONF_ISWINDOW; con->wnd_x = 0; con->wnd_y = 0; con->wnd_w = vid.width/2; con->wnd_h = vid.height/2; } } if (con) { s->console = con; MSV_SubConsole_Update(s); con->parseflags = PFS_FORCEUTF8; con->userdata = s; con->linebuffered = MSV_SubConsole_LineBuffered; // con->redirect = Con_Editor_Key; con->close = MSV_SubConsole_Close; con->maxlines = 0x7fffffff; //line limit is effectively unbounded, for a 31-bit process. //use the server's status command as a header. if (show) MSV_SubConsole_LineBuffered(con, "status"); } } if (con && show) Con_SetActive(con); } #else #define MSV_SubConsole_Update(s) #endif void MSV_SubServerCommand_f(void) { sizebuf_t buf; char bufmem[65536]; pubsubserver_t *s; int id; char *c; if (Cmd_Argc() == 1) { Con_Printf("Active servers on this cluster:\n"); for (s = subservers; s; s = s->next) { Con_Printf("^[%i: %s %i+%i\\ssv\\%u^]", s->id, s->name, s->activeplayers, s->transferingplayers, s->id); if (s->addrv4.type != NA_INVALID) Con_Printf(" %s", NET_AdrToString(bufmem, sizeof(bufmem), &s->addrv4)); if (s->addrv6.type != NA_INVALID) Con_Printf(" %s", NET_AdrToString(bufmem, sizeof(bufmem), &s->addrv6)); Con_Printf("\n"); } return; } if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(0), "ssv_all")) id = 0; #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT else if (Cmd_Argc() == 2) { //subservers, meet subconsoles s = MSV_FindSubServer(atoi(Cmd_Argv(1))); if (s) MSV_SubConsole_Show(s, true); return; } #endif else { id = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); Cmd_ShiftArgs(1, false); } buf.data = bufmem; buf.maxsize = sizeof(bufmem); buf.cursize = 2; buf.packing = SZ_RAWBYTES; c = Cmd_Args(); MSG_WriteByte(&buf, ccmd_stuffcmd); MSG_WriteString(&buf, c); buf.data[0] = buf.cursize & 0xff; buf.data[1] = (buf.cursize>>8) & 0xff; if (!MSV_InstructSlave(id, &buf)) Con_Printf("No node for index.\n"); } qboolean MSV_ForwardToAutoServer(void) { pubsubserver_t *s; if (sv.state > ss_clustermode) return false; //don't forward if we have our own server. if (subservers && !subservers->next && sv.state == ss_clustermode) s = subservers; //there is only one. else { s = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT if (!s && cls.state >= ca_connected) { //find the one the local player is currently on. for (; s; s = s->next) { if (s->addrv6.type!=NA_INVALID && NET_CompareAdr(&s->addrv4, &cls.netchan.remote_address)) break; if (s->addrv6.type!=NA_INVALID && NET_CompareAdr(&s->addrv6, &cls.netchan.remote_address)) break; } } #endif if (!s) return false; } { sizebuf_t buf; char bufmem[65536]; const char *cmd = Cmd_Argv(0); const char *args = Cmd_Args();; buf.data = bufmem; buf.maxsize = sizeof(bufmem); buf.cursize = 2; buf.packing = SZ_RAWBYTES; MSG_WriteByte(&buf, ccmd_stuffcmd); SZ_Write(&buf, cmd, strlen(cmd)); if(*args) MSG_WriteChar(&buf, ' '); MSG_WriteString(&buf, args); buf.data[0] = buf.cursize & 0xff; buf.data[1] = (buf.cursize>>8) & 0xff; MSV_WriteSlave(s, &buf); return true; } } static void MSV_PrintFromSubServer(pubsubserver_t *s, const char *newtext) { char *nl; #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT if (!s->console) { if (s->killing) return; MSV_SubConsole_Show(s, false); } if (s->console) { if (*s->printtext) { //flush it if there was something buffered there... Con_PrintCon(s->console, s->printtext, s->console->flags); *s->printtext = 0; } Con_PrintCon(s->console, newtext, s->console->flags); return; } #endif Q_strncatz(s->printtext, newtext, sizeof(s->printtext)); while((nl = strchr(s->printtext, '\n'))) { //FIXME: handle overflows. *nl++ = 0; Con_Printf("^["S_COLOR_SUBSERVER"%i(%s)\\ssv\\%u^]: %s\n", s->id, s->name, s->id, s->printtext); memmove(s->printtext, nl, strlen(nl)+1); } if (strlen(s->printtext) > sizeof(s->printtext)/2) { Con_Printf("^["S_COLOR_SUBSERVER"%i(%s)\\ssv\\%u^]: %s\n", s->id, s->name, s->id, s->printtext); *s->printtext = 0; } } void MSV_ReadFromSubServer(pubsubserver_t *s) { sizebuf_t send; qbyte send_buf[MAX_QWMSGLEN]; netadr_t adr; char *str; int c; pubsubserver_t *toptr; clusterplayer_t *pl; c = MSG_ReadByte(); switch(c) { default: case ccmd_bad: Sys_Error("Corrupt message (%i) from SubServer %i:%s", c, s->id, s->name); break; case ccmd_print: MSV_PrintFromSubServer(s, MSG_ReadString()); break; case ccmd_saveplayer: { float stats[NUM_SPAWN_PARMS]; int i; unsigned char reason = MSG_ReadByte(); unsigned int plid = MSG_ReadLong(); int numstats = MSG_ReadByte(); numstats = min(numstats, NUM_SPAWN_PARMS); for (i = 0; i < numstats; i++) stats[i] = MSG_ReadFloat(); pl = MSV_FindPlayerId(plid); if (!pl) { Con_Printf("player %u(%s) does not exist!\n", plid, s->name); return; } //player already got taken by a different server, don't save stale data. if (reason && pl->server != s) return; MSV_UpdatePlayerStats(plid, s->id, numstats, stats); switch (reason) { case 0: //server reports that it accepted the player if (pl->server != s) { if (pl->server) { //let the previous server know sizebuf_t send; qbyte send_buf[64]; memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_transferedplayer); MSG_WriteLong(&send, s->id); MSG_WriteLong(&send, plid); MSV_WriteSlave(pl->server, &send); pl->server->activeplayers--; } pl->server = s; pl->server->activeplayers++; } break; case 1: //belongs to another node now, (but we might not have had the other node's response yet) if (pl->server == s) { s->activeplayers--; pl->server = NULL; } break; case 2: //drop case 3: //transfer abort if (pl->server == s) { pl->server->activeplayers--; Con_Printf("%s(%s) dropped\n", pl->name, s->name); RemoveLink(&pl->allplayers); Z_Free(pl); } break; } } break; case ccmd_foundplayer: { char guid[64]; char plnamebuf[64]; char *plname = MSG_ReadStringBuffer(plnamebuf, sizeof(plnamebuf)); char *claddr = MSG_ReadString(); char *clguid = MSG_ReadStringBuffer(guid, sizeof(guid)); extern int nextuserid; const unsigned int statsblobsize = 0; const void *statsblob = NULL; sizebuf_t send; qbyte send_buf[MAX_QWMSGLEN]; clusterplayer_t *pl; if (sv.logindatabase) break; //if we're using a login database then this could be used as an exploit. memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; pl = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*pl)); Q_strncpyz(pl->name, plname, sizeof(pl->name)); Q_strncpyz(pl->guid, clguid, sizeof(pl->guid)); Q_strncpyz(pl->address, claddr, sizeof(pl->address)); pl->playerid = ++nextuserid; InsertLinkBefore(&pl->allplayers, &clusterplayers); pl->server = s; s->activeplayers++; MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_takeplayer); MSG_WriteLong(&send, pl->playerid); MSG_WriteString(&send, pl->name); MSG_WriteLong(&send, 0); //from server MSG_WriteString(&send, pl->address); MSG_WriteString(&send, pl->guid); MSG_WriteByte(&send, statsblobsize/4); SZ_Write(&send, statsblob, statsblobsize&~3); MSV_WriteSlave(s, &send); } break; case ccmd_transferplayer: { //server is offering a player to another server char guid[64]; char mapname[64]; char plnamebuf[64]; int plid = MSG_ReadLong(); char *plname = MSG_ReadStringBuffer(plnamebuf, sizeof(plnamebuf)); char *newmap = MSG_ReadStringBuffer(mapname, sizeof(mapname)); char *claddr = MSG_ReadString(); char *clguid = MSG_ReadStringBuffer(guid, sizeof(guid)); memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; if (NULL!=(toptr=MSV_FindSubServerName(newmap)) && s != toptr) { // Con_Printf("Transfer to %i:%s\n", toptr->id, toptr->name); MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_takeplayer); MSG_WriteLong(&send, plid); MSG_WriteString(&send, plname); MSG_WriteLong(&send, s->id); MSG_WriteString(&send, claddr); MSG_WriteString(&send, clguid); c = MSG_ReadByte(); MSG_WriteByte(&send, c); // Con_Printf("Transfer %i stats\n", c); while(c--) MSG_WriteFloat(&send, MSG_ReadFloat()); MSV_WriteSlave(toptr, &send); s->transferingplayers--; toptr->transferingplayers++; } else { //suck up the stats c = MSG_ReadByte(); while(c--) MSG_ReadFloat(); // Con_Printf("Transfer abort\n"); MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_tookplayer); MSG_WriteLong(&send, s->id); MSG_WriteLong(&send, plid); MSG_WriteString(&send, ""); MSV_WriteSlave(s, &send); } } break; case ccmd_tookplayer: { //server has space, and wants the client. int to = MSG_ReadLong(); int plid = MSG_ReadLong(); char *claddr = MSG_ReadString(); char *rmsg; netadr_t cladr; netadr_t svadr; char adrbuf[256]; // Con_Printf("Took player\n"); memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; NET_StringToAdr(claddr, 0, &cladr); MSV_AddressForServer(&svadr, cladr.type, s); if (!to) { if (svadr.type != NA_INVALID) { //the client was trying to connect to the cluster master. rmsg = va("fredir\n%s", NET_AdrToString(adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &svadr)); Netchan_OutOfBand (NS_SERVER, &cladr, strlen(rmsg), (qbyte *)rmsg); } } else { MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_tookplayer); MSG_WriteLong(&send, s->id); MSG_WriteLong(&send, plid); MSG_WriteString(&send, NET_AdrToString(adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &svadr)); toptr = MSV_FindSubServer(to); if (toptr) { MSV_WriteSlave(toptr, &send); toptr->transferingplayers++; } } s->transferingplayers--; } break; case ccmd_serveraddress: { enum addressscope_e v4class=ASCOPE_PROCESS, v6class=ASCOPE_PROCESS, nclass; s->addrv4.type = NA_INVALID; s->addrv6.type = NA_INVALID; str = MSG_ReadString(); Q_strncpyz(s->name, str, sizeof(s->name)); for (;;) { str = MSG_ReadString(); if (!*str) break; if (NET_StringToAdr(str, 0, &adr)) { nclass = NET_ClassifyAddress(&adr, NULL); //for each address type, pick the network address with the widest scope. hopefully an internet routable one rather than a lan address. I hope your router forwards properly. if (adr.type == NA_IP && nclass > v4class) { s->addrv4 = adr; v4class = nclass; } if (adr.type == NA_IPV6 && nclass > v6class) { s->addrv6 = adr; v6class = nclass; } } } MSV_SubConsole_Update(s); if (s->started) Con_DPrintf("^["S_COLOR_SUBSERVER"[%i:%s: map changed]\\ssv\\%u\\tip\\Click for server's console^]\n", s->id, s->name, s->id); else Con_Printf("^["S_COLOR_SUBSERVER"[%i:%s: new node initialised]\\ssv\\%u\\tip\\Click for server's console^]\n", s->id, s->name, s->id); s->started = true; } break; case ccmd_stringcmd: { char dest[1024]; char from[1024]; char cmd[1024]; char info[1024]; MSG_ReadStringBuffer(dest, sizeof(dest)); MSG_ReadStringBuffer(from, sizeof(from)); MSG_ReadStringBuffer(cmd, sizeof(cmd)); MSG_ReadStringBuffer(info, sizeof(info)); memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString(&send, dest); MSG_WriteString(&send, from); MSG_WriteString(&send, cmd); MSG_WriteString(&send, info); if (!*dest) //broadcast if no dest { for (s = subservers; s; s = s->next) MSV_WriteSlave(s, &send); } else if (*dest == '\\') { //send to a specific server (backslashes should not be valid in infostrings, and thus not in names. //FIXME: broadcasting for now. for (s = subservers; s; s = s->next) MSV_WriteSlave(s, &send); } else { //send it to the server that the player is currently on. clusterplayer_t *pl = MSV_FindPlayerName(dest); if (pl) MSV_WriteSlave(pl->server, &send); else if (!pl && strncmp(cmd, "error:", 6)) { //player not found. send it back to the sender, but add an error prefix. send.cursize = 2; MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString(&send, from); MSG_WriteString(&send, dest); SZ_Write(&send, "error:", 6); MSG_WriteString(&send, cmd); MSG_WriteString(&send, info); MSV_WriteSlave(s, &send); } } } break; } if (MSG_GetReadCount() != net_message.cursize || msg_badread) Sys_Error("Master: Readcount isn't right (%i)\n", net_message.data[0]); } void MSV_PollSlaves(void) { pubsubserver_t **link, *s; if (controlconnection) { static unsigned inbuffersize; static qbyte inbuffer[8192]; qboolean error = false; for (;;) { if (inbuffersize < 2) { int r = VFS_READ(controlconnection, inbuffer+inbuffersize, 2-inbuffersize); if (r < 0) error = true; else inbuffersize += r; } if (inbuffersize >= 2) { size_t size = inbuffer[0] | ((unsigned short)inbuffer[1]<<8); int r; if (size > sizeof(inbuffer) || size >= sizeof(net_message_buffer)) break; //error... if (size > inbuffersize) { r = VFS_READ(controlconnection, inbuffer+inbuffersize, size-inbuffersize); if (r < 0) error = true; else inbuffersize += r; } if (inbuffersize < size) break; //not complete yet. net_message.cursize = size-2; memcpy(net_message.data, inbuffer+2, net_message.cursize); memmove(inbuffer, inbuffer+size, inbuffersize-size); inbuffersize -= size; MSG_BeginReading (&net_message, msg_nullnetprim); SSV_ReadFromControlServer(); } else break; } if (error) { error = isClusterSlave; SSV_SetupControlPipe(NULL); inbuffersize = 0; if (error) { SV_FinalMessage("Cluster shut down\n"); Cmd_ExecuteString("quit\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } } } else if (msv_loop_to_ss) { unsigned short size; while (VFS_READ(msv_loop_to_ss, &size, sizeof(size))>0) { VFS_READ(msv_loop_to_ss, net_message.data, size); net_message.cursize = size-2; MSG_BeginReading (&net_message, msg_nullnetprim); SSV_ReadFromControlServer(); } } for (link = &subservers; (s=*link); ) { switch(MSV_SubServerRead(s)) { case -1: //error - server is dead and needs to be freed. *link = s->next; MSV_ServerCrashed(s); break; case 0: //no messages link = &s->next; break; default: //got a message. read it and see if there's more. MSV_ReadFromSubServer(s); break; } } } void SSV_InstructMaster(sizebuf_t *cmd) { cmd->data[0] = cmd->cursize & 0xff; cmd->data[1] = (cmd->cursize>>8) & 0xff; if (msv_loop_from_ss) VFS_WRITE(msv_loop_from_ss, cmd->data, cmd->cursize); else if (controlconnection) VFS_WRITE(controlconnection, cmd->data, cmd->cursize); //FIXME: handle partial writes. } void SSV_ReadFromControlServer(void) { int c; char *s; c = MSG_ReadByte(); switch(c) { case ccmd_bad: default: SV_Error("Invalid message from cluster (%i)\n", c); break; //console command (entered via the cluster host, either broadcast or uni) case ccmd_stuffcmd: s = MSG_ReadString(); SV_BeginRedirect(RD_MASTER, 0); Cmd_ExecuteString(s, RESTRICT_LOCAL); SV_EndRedirect(); break; case ccmd_setcvar: { cvar_t *var = Cvar_FindVar(MSG_ReadString()); const char *val = MSG_ReadString(); Con_DPrintf("Setting cvar \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", var?var->name:"UNKNOWN", val); Cvar_Set(var, val); } break; //cluster has 'accepted' us as an allowed server. this is where it tells us who we're meant to be, which needs to be set up ready for the players that are (probably) about to join us case ccmd_acceptserver: svs.clusterserverid = MSG_ReadLong(); s = MSG_ReadString(); if (*s && !strchr(s, ';') && !strchr(s, '\n') && !strchr(s, '\"')) //sanity check the argument Cmd_ExecuteString(va("map \"%s\"", s), RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (svprogfuncs && pr_global_ptrs->serverid) *pr_global_ptrs->serverid = svs.clusterserverid; break; //another server wants us to reserve a player slot for an inbound player. case ccmd_takeplayer: { client_t *cl = NULL; int i, j; float stat; char guid[64], name[64]; int plid = MSG_ReadLong(); char *plname = MSG_ReadStringBuffer(name, sizeof(name)); int fromsv = MSG_ReadLong(); char *claddr = MSG_ReadString(); char *clguid = MSG_ReadStringBuffer(guid, sizeof(guid)); if (sv.state >= ss_active) { for (i = 0; i < svs.allocated_client_slots; i++) { if (!svs.clients[i].state || (svs.clients[i].userid == plid && svs.clients[i].state >= cs_loadzombie)) { cl = &svs.clients[i]; break; } } } // Con_Printf("%s: takeplayer\n", sv.name); if (cl) { cl->userid = plid; if (cl->state == cs_loadzombie && cl->istobeloaded) cl->connection_started = realtime+20; //renew the slot else if (!cl->state) { //allocate a new pending player. cl->state = cs_loadzombie; cl->connection_started = realtime+20; Q_strncpyz(cl->guid, clguid, sizeof(cl->guid)); Q_strncpyz(cl->namebuf, plname, sizeof(cl->namebuf)); cl->name = cl->namebuf; memset(&cl->netchan, 0, sizeof(cl->netchan)); SV_GetNewSpawnParms(cl); } //else: already on the server somehow. laggy/dupe request? must be. } else { Con_Printf("%s: server full!\n", svs.name); } j = MSG_ReadByte(); // Con_Printf("%s: %i stats\n", sv.name, j); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { stat = MSG_ReadFloat(); if (cl && cl->state == cs_loadzombie && i < NUM_SPAWN_PARMS) cl->spawn_parms[i] = stat; } { sizebuf_t send; qbyte send_buf[MAX_QWMSGLEN]; memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; if (cl) { MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_tookplayer); MSG_WriteLong(&send, fromsv); MSG_WriteLong(&send, plid); MSG_WriteString(&send, claddr); SSV_InstructMaster(&send); } } } break; //a server has acknowledged a transfer request, and we now know where to actually send them to. case ccmd_tookplayer: { client_t *cl = NULL; int to = MSG_ReadLong(); int plid = MSG_ReadLong(); char *addr = MSG_ReadString(); int i; (void)to; Con_Printf("%s: got tookplayer\n", sv.modelname); for (i = 0; i < svs.allocated_client_slots; i++) { if (svs.clients[i].state && svs.clients[i].userid == plid) { cl = &svs.clients[i]; break; } } if (cl) { if (!*addr) { Con_Printf("%s: tookplayer: failed\n", sv.modelname); Z_Free(cl->transfer); cl->transfer = NULL; } else { Con_Printf("%s: tookplayer: do transfer\n", sv.modelname); // SV_StuffcmdToClient(cl, va("connect \"%s\"\n", addr)); SV_StuffcmdToClient(cl, va("cl_transfer \"%s\"\n", addr)); cl->redirect = 2; } } else Con_Printf("%s: tookplayer: invalid player.\n", sv.modelname); } break; //another server has successfully taken a player from us (100% complete). we can drop the player now, they're not going to respond to us anyway. case ccmd_transferedplayer: { client_t *cl; int toserver = MSG_ReadLong(); int playerid = MSG_ReadLong(); int i; (void)toserver; for (i = 0; i < svs.allocated_client_slots; i++) { if (svs.clients[i].userid == playerid && svs.clients[i].state >= cs_loadzombie) { cl = &svs.clients[i]; cl->drop = true; Con_Printf("%s transfered to %s\n", cl->name, cl->transfer); break; } } } break; //qc-based string command sent from gamecode of node to the gamecode of another. case ccmd_stringcmd: { char dest[1024]; char from[1024]; char cmd[1024]; char info[1024]; int i; client_t *cl; MSG_ReadStringBuffer(dest, sizeof(dest)); MSG_ReadStringBuffer(from, sizeof(from)); MSG_ReadStringBuffer(cmd, sizeof(cmd)); MSG_ReadStringBuffer(info, sizeof(info)); if (!PR_ParseClusterEvent(dest, from, cmd, info)) { //meh, lets make some lame fallback thing for (i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++) { cl = &svs.clients[i]; if (cl->state >= cs_connected) if (!*dest || !strcmp(dest, cl->name)) { if (!strcmp(cmd, "say")) SV_PrintToClient(cl, PRINT_HIGH, va("^[%s^]: %s\n", from, info)); else if (!strcmp(cmd, "join")) { SV_PrintToClient(cl, PRINT_HIGH, va("^[%s^] is joining you\n", from)); SSV_Send(from, cl->name, "joinnode", va("%i", svs.clusterserverid)); } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "joinnode")) { SSV_InitiatePlayerTransfer(cl, info); } else SV_PrintToClient(cl, PRINT_HIGH, va("%s from [%s]: %s\n", cmd, from, info)); if (*dest) break; } } } } break; } if (MSG_GetReadCount() != net_message.cursize || msg_badread) Sys_Error("Subserver: Readcount isn't right (%i)\n", net_message.data[0]); } void SSV_UpdateAddresses(void) { char buf[256]; netadr_t addr[64]; struct ftenet_generic_connection_s *con[sizeof(addr)/sizeof(addr[0])]; unsigned int flags[sizeof(addr)/sizeof(addr[0])]; const char *params[sizeof(addr)/sizeof(addr[0])]; int count; sizebuf_t send; qbyte send_buf[MAX_QWMSGLEN]; int i; if (!SSV_IsSubServer() && !msv_loop_from_ss) return; count = NET_EnumerateAddresses(svs.sockets, con, flags, addr, params, sizeof(addr)/sizeof(addr[0])); if (*sv_serverip.string) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (addr[i].type == NA_IP) { NET_StringToAdr2(sv_serverip.string, BigShort(addr[i].port), &addr[0], sizeof(addr)/sizeof(addr[0]), NULL); count = 1; break; } } } memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_serveraddress); MSG_WriteString(&send, svs.name); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) MSG_WriteString(&send, NET_AdrToString(buf, sizeof(buf), &addr[i])); MSG_WriteByte(&send, 0); SSV_InstructMaster(&send); } void SSV_SavePlayerStats(client_t *cl, int reason) { sizebuf_t send; qbyte send_buf[MAX_QWMSGLEN]; int i; if (!SSV_IsSubServer()) return; if ((reason == 1 || reason == 2) && cl->edict) SV_SaveSpawnparmsClient(cl, NULL); memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_saveplayer); MSG_WriteByte(&send, reason); MSG_WriteLong(&send, cl->userid); MSG_WriteByte(&send, NUM_SPAWN_PARMS); for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPAWN_PARMS; i++) { MSG_WriteFloat(&send, cl->spawn_parms[i]); } SSV_InstructMaster(&send); } void SSV_Send(const char *dest, const char *src, const char *cmd, const char *msg) { sizebuf_t send; qbyte send_buf[MAX_QWMSGLEN]; if (!SSV_IsSubServer()) return; memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString(&send, dest?dest:""); MSG_WriteString(&send, src?src:""); MSG_WriteString(&send, cmd?cmd:""); MSG_WriteString(&send, msg?msg:""); SSV_InstructMaster(&send); } void SSV_InitiatePlayerTransfer(client_t *cl, const char *newserver) { sizebuf_t send; qbyte send_buf[MAX_QWMSGLEN]; int i; char tmpbuf[256]; float parms[NUM_SPAWN_PARMS]; SV_SaveSpawnparmsClient(cl, parms); memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; if (!SSV_IsSubServer()) { //main->sub. //make sure the main server exists, and the player does too. pubsubserver_t *s = MSV_Loop_GetLocalServer(); //make sure there's a player entry for this player, as they probably bypassed the initial connection thing if (!MSV_FindPlayerId(cl->userid)) { clusterplayer_t *pl = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*pl)); Q_strncpyz(pl->name, cl->name, sizeof(pl->name)); Q_strncpyz(pl->guid, cl->guid, sizeof(pl->guid)); NET_AdrToString(pl->address, sizeof(pl->address), &cl->netchan.remote_address); pl->playerid = cl->userid; InsertLinkBefore(&pl->allplayers, &clusterplayers); pl->server = s; s->activeplayers++; } } MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_transferplayer); MSG_WriteLong(&send, cl->userid); MSG_WriteString(&send, cl->name); MSG_WriteString(&send, newserver); MSG_WriteString(&send, NET_AdrToString(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), &cl->netchan.remote_address)); MSG_WriteString(&send, cl->guid); //stats MSG_WriteByte(&send, NUM_SPAWN_PARMS); for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPAWN_PARMS; i++) { MSG_WriteFloat(&send, parms[i]); } SSV_InstructMaster(&send); } #ifdef SQL #include "sv_sql.h" static int pendinglookups = 0; struct logininfo_s { netadr_t clientaddr; char guid[64]; char name[64]; }; qboolean SV_IgnoreSQLResult(queryrequest_t *req, int firstrow, int numrows, int numcols, qboolean eof) { return false; } #endif void MSV_UpdatePlayerStats(unsigned int playerid, unsigned int serverid, int numstats, float *stats) { #ifdef SQL queryrequest_t *req; sqlserver_t *srv = SQL_GetServer(&sv, sv.logindatabase, false); static char hex[16] = "0123456789abcdef"; char sql[2048], *sqle; union{float *f;qbyte *b;} blob; if (srv) { Q_snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql), "UPDATE accounts SET stats=x'"); sqle = sql+strlen(sql); for (blob.f = stats, numstats*=4; numstats--; blob.b++) { *sqle++ = hex[*blob.b>>4]; *sqle++ = hex[*blob.b&15]; } Q_snprintfz(sqle, sizeof(sql)-(sqle-sql), "', serverid=%u WHERE playerid = %u;", serverid, playerid); SQL_NewQuery(srv, SV_IgnoreSQLResult, sql, &req); } #endif } qboolean MSV_ClusterLoginReply(netadr_t *legacyclientredirect, unsigned int serverid, unsigned int playerid, char *playername, char *clientguid, netadr_t *clientaddr, void *statsblob, size_t statsblobsize) { char tmpbuf[256]; netadr_t serveraddr; pubsubserver_t *s = NULL; if (!s) s = MSV_FindSubServerName(va(":%s", sv.modelname)); if (!s || !MSV_AddressForServer(&serveraddr, clientaddr->type, s)) SV_RejectMessage(SCP_QUAKEWORLD, "Unable to find lobby.\n"); else { sizebuf_t send; qbyte send_buf[MAX_QWMSGLEN]; clusterplayer_t *pl; memset(&send, 0, sizeof(send)); send.data = send_buf; send.maxsize = sizeof(send_buf); send.cursize = 2; pl = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*pl)); Q_strncpyz(pl->name, playername, sizeof(pl->name)); Q_strncpyz(pl->guid, clientguid, sizeof(pl->guid)); NET_AdrToString(pl->address, sizeof(pl->address), clientaddr); pl->playerid = playerid; InsertLinkBefore(&pl->allplayers, &clusterplayers); pl->server = s; s->activeplayers++; MSG_WriteByte(&send, ccmd_takeplayer); MSG_WriteLong(&send, playerid); MSG_WriteString(&send, pl->name); MSG_WriteLong(&send, 0); //from server MSG_WriteString(&send, NET_AdrToString(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), &net_from)); MSG_WriteString(&send, clientguid); MSG_WriteByte(&send, statsblobsize/4); SZ_Write(&send, statsblob, statsblobsize&~3); MSV_WriteSlave(s, &send); if (serveraddr.type == NA_INVALID) { if (net_from.type != NA_LOOPBACK) SV_RejectMessage(SCP_QUAKEWORLD, "Starting instance.\n"); } else if (legacyclientredirect) { *legacyclientredirect = serveraddr; return true; } else { char *s = va("fredir\n%s", NET_AdrToString(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), &serveraddr)); Netchan_OutOfBand (NS_SERVER, clientaddr, strlen(s), (qbyte *)s); return true; } } return false; } #ifdef SQL qboolean MSV_ClusterLoginSQLResult(queryrequest_t *req, int firstrow, int numrows, int numcols, qboolean eof) { sqlserver_t *sql = SQL_GetServer(&sv, req->srvid, true); queryresult_t *res = SQL_GetQueryResult(sql, req->num, 0); svconnectinfo_t *info = req->user.thread; char *s; int playerid, serverid; char *statsblob; size_t blobsize; //we only expect one row. if its a continuation then don't bug out if (!firstrow) { res = SQL_GetQueryResult(sql, req->num, 0); if (!res) { playerid = 0; statsblob = NULL; blobsize = 0; serverid = 0; } else { s = SQL_ReadField(sql, res, 0, 0, true, NULL); playerid = atoi(s); statsblob = SQL_ReadField(sql, res, 0, 2, true, &blobsize); s = SQL_ReadField(sql, res, 0, 1, true, NULL); serverid = s?atoi(s):0; } net_from = info->adr; //okay, that's a bit stupid, rewrite rejectmessage to accept an arg? if (!playerid) SV_RejectMessage(info->protocol, "Bad username or password.\n"); else if (sv.state == ss_clustermode) MSV_ClusterLoginReply(NULL, serverid, playerid, Info_ValueForKey(info->userinfo, "name"), info->guid, &info->adr, statsblob, blobsize); else SV_DoDirectConnect(info); Z_Free(info); req->user.thread = NULL; pendinglookups--; } return false; } #endif #if 0 static qboolean MSV_IgnoreSQLResult(queryrequest_t *req, int firstrow, int numrows, int numcols, qboolean eof) { return false; } #endif void MSV_OpenUserDatabase(void) { #if 0 sqlserver_t *sql; const char *sqlparams[] = { "", "", "", "login", }; Con_Printf("Opening database \"%s\"\n", sqlparams[3]); sv.logindatabase = SQL_NewServer(&sv, "sqlite", sqlparams); //create a the accounts table, so we don't end up with unusable databases. sql = SQL_GetServer(&sv, sv.logindatabase, false); if (sql) { SQL_NewQuery(sql, MSV_IgnoreSQLResult, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accounts(" "playerid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE," "password TEXT," "serverid INTEGER," "parms BLOB," "parmstring TEXT" ");", NULL); } #endif } //returns true to block entry to this server. extern int nextuserid; qboolean MSV_ClusterLogin(svconnectinfo_t *info) { /*if (!*guid) { SV_RejectMessage(SCP_QUAKEWORLD, "No guid info, please set cl_sendguid to 1.\n"); return false; }*/ #ifdef SQL if (sv.logindatabase != -1) { char escname[64], escpasswd[64]; sqlserver_t *sql; queryrequest_t *req; if (pendinglookups > 10) return true; //don't spam requests if we're getting dos-spammed. sql = SQL_GetServer(&sv, sv.logindatabase, false); if (!sql) return true; //connection was killed? o.O SQL_Escape(sql, Info_ValueForKey(info->userinfo, "name"), escname, sizeof(escname)); SQL_Escape(sql, Info_ValueForKey(info->userinfo, "password"), escpasswd, sizeof(escpasswd)); if (SQL_NewQuery(sql, MSV_ClusterLoginSQLResult, va("SELECT playerid,serverid,parms,parmstring FROM accounts WHERE name='%s' AND password='%s';", escname, escpasswd), &req) != -1) { pendinglookups++; req->user.thread = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*info)); memcpy(req->user.thread, info, sizeof(*info)); } } else #endif if (sv.state != ss_clustermode) return false; else /* if (0) { char tmpbuf[256]; netadr_t redir; if (MSV_ClusterLoginReply(&redir, 0, nextuserid++, guid, &net_from, NULL, 0)) { Info_SetValueForStarKey(userinfo, "*redirect", NET_AdrToString(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), &redir), userinfosize); return false; } return true; } else*/ MSV_ClusterLoginReply(NULL, 0, ++nextuserid, Info_ValueForKey(info->userinfo, "name"), info->guid, &net_from, NULL, 0); return true; } #endif