/* Contains the control routines that handle both incoming and outgoing stuff */ #include "qtv.h" #include // char *date = "Oct 24 1996"; static char *date = __DATE__ ; static char *mon[12] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; static char mond[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; // returns days since Oct 24 1996 int build_number( void ) { int m = 0; int d = 0; int y = 0; static int b = 0; if (b != 0) return b; for (m = 0; m < 11; m++) { if (strncmp( &date[0], mon[m], 3 ) == 0) break; d += mond[m]; } d += atoi( &date[4] ) - 1; y = atoi( &date[7] ) - 1900; b = d + (int)((y - 1) * 365.25); if (((y % 4) == 0) && m > 1) { b += 1; } b -= 35778; // Dec 16 1998 return b; } typedef struct { char name[56]; int offset; int length; } pakfile; // PACK, offset, lengthofpakfiles FILE *FindInPaks(char *gamedir, char *filename, int *size) { FILE *f; char fname[1024]; int i, j; int numfiles; unsigned int header[3]; pakfile pf; for (i = 0; ; i++) { sprintf(fname, "%s/pak%i.pak", gamedir, i); f = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (!f) return NULL; //ran out of possible pak files. fread(header, 1, sizeof(header), f); if (header[0] != *(unsigned int*)"PACK") { //err... hmm. fclose(f); continue; } numfiles = LittleLong(header[2])/sizeof(pakfile); fseek(f, LittleLong(header[1]), SEEK_SET); for (j = 0; j < numfiles; j++) { fread(&pf, 1, sizeof(pf), f); if (!strcmp(pf.name, filename)) { fseek(f, LittleLong(pf.offset), 0); if (size) *size = LittleLong(pf.length); return f; } } fclose(f); //not found } return NULL; } unsigned char *FS_ReadFile2(char *gamedir, char *filename, unsigned int *sizep) { int size; unsigned char *data; FILE *f; char fname[1024]; if (!*filename) return NULL; //try and read it straight out of the file system sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", gamedir, filename); f = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (!f) f = fopen(filename, "rb"); //see if we're being run from inside the gamedir if (!f) { f = FindInPaks(gamedir, filename, &size); if (!f) f = FindInPaks("id1", filename, &size); if (!f) { return NULL; } } else { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); } data = malloc(size); if (data) fread(data, 1, size, f); fclose(f); if (sizep) *sizep = size; return data; } unsigned char *FS_ReadFile(char *gamedir, char *filename, unsigned int *size) { char *data; if (!gamedir || !*gamedir || !strcmp(gamedir, "qw")) data = NULL; else data = FS_ReadFile2(gamedir, filename, size); if (!data) { data = FS_ReadFile2("qw", filename, size); if (!data) { data = FS_ReadFile2("id1", filename, size); if (!data) { return NULL; } } } return data; } int SortFilesByDate(const void *a, const void *b) { if (((availdemo_t*)a)->time < ((availdemo_t*)b)->time) return 1; if (((availdemo_t*)a)->time > ((availdemo_t*)b)->time) return -1; if (((availdemo_t*)a)->smalltime < ((availdemo_t*)b)->smalltime) return 1; if (((availdemo_t*)a)->smalltime > ((availdemo_t*)b)->smalltime) return -1; return 0; } void Cluster_BuildAvailableDemoList(cluster_t *cluster) { cluster->availdemoscount = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 { WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; HANDLE h; h = FindFirstFile("*.mvd", &ffd); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (cluster->availdemoscount == sizeof(cluster->availdemos)/sizeof(cluster->availdemos[0])) break; strncpy(cluster->availdemos[cluster->availdemoscount].name, ffd.cFileName, sizeof(cluster->availdemos[0].name)); cluster->availdemos[cluster->availdemoscount].size = ffd.nFileSizeLow; cluster->availdemos[cluster->availdemoscount].time = ffd.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime; cluster->availdemos[cluster->availdemoscount].smalltime = ffd.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime; cluster->availdemoscount++; } while(FindNextFile(h, &ffd)); FindClose(h); } } #endif qsort(cluster->availdemos, cluster->availdemoscount, sizeof(cluster->availdemos[0]), SortFilesByDate); } void Cluster_Run(cluster_t *cluster, qboolean dowait) { oproxy_t *pend, *pend2, *pend3; sv_t *sv, *old; int m; struct timeval timeout; fd_set socketset; if (dowait) { FD_ZERO(&socketset); m = 0; if (cluster->qwdsocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { FD_SET(cluster->qwdsocket, &socketset); if (cluster->qwdsocket >= m) m = cluster->qwdsocket+1; } for (sv = cluster->servers; sv; sv = sv->next) { if (sv->usequkeworldprotocols && sv->sourcesock != INVALID_SOCKET) { FD_SET(sv->sourcesock, &socketset); if (sv->sourcesock >= m) m = sv->sourcesock+1; } } #ifndef _WIN32 #ifndef STDIN #define STDIN 0 #endif FD_SET(STDIN, &socketset); if (STDIN >= m) m = STDIN+1; #endif if (cluster->viewserver) { timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 1000; } else { timeout.tv_sec = 100/1000; timeout.tv_usec = (100%1000)*1000; } m = select(m, &socketset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); #ifdef _WIN32 for (;;) { char buffer[8192]; char *result; char c; if (!_kbhit()) break; c = _getch(); if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { Sys_Printf(cluster, "\n"); if (cluster->inputlength) { cluster->commandinput[cluster->inputlength] = '\0'; result = Rcon_Command(cluster, NULL, cluster->commandinput, buffer, sizeof(buffer), true); Sys_Printf(cluster, "%s", result); cluster->inputlength = 0; cluster->commandinput[0] = '\0'; } } else if (c == '\b') { if (cluster->inputlength > 0) { Sys_Printf(cluster, "%c", c); Sys_Printf(cluster, " ", c); Sys_Printf(cluster, "%c", c); cluster->inputlength--; cluster->commandinput[cluster->inputlength] = '\0'; } } else { Sys_Printf(cluster, "%c", c); if (cluster->inputlength < sizeof(cluster->commandinput)-1) { cluster->commandinput[cluster->inputlength++] = c; cluster->commandinput[cluster->inputlength] = '\0'; } } } #else if (FD_ISSET(STDIN, &socketset)) { char buffer[8192]; char *result; cluster->inputlength = read (0, cluster->commandinput, sizeof(cluster->commandinput)); if (cluster->inputlength >= 1) { cluster->commandinput[cluster->inputlength-1] = 0; // rip off the /n and terminate cluster->inputlength--; if (cluster->inputlength) { cluster->commandinput[cluster->inputlength] = '\0'; result = Rcon_Command(cluster, NULL, cluster->commandinput, buffer, sizeof(buffer), true); printf("%s", result); cluster->inputlength = 0; cluster->commandinput[0] = '\0'; } } } #endif } cluster->curtime = Sys_Milliseconds(); for (sv = cluster->servers; sv; ) { old = sv; sv = sv->next; QTV_Run(old); } SV_FindProxies(cluster->tcpsocket, cluster, NULL); //look for any other proxies wanting to muscle in on the action. QW_UpdateUDPStuff(cluster); while(cluster->pendingproxies) { pend2 = cluster->pendingproxies->next; if (SV_ReadPendingProxy(cluster, cluster->pendingproxies)) cluster->pendingproxies = pend2; else break; } if (cluster->pendingproxies) { for(pend = cluster->pendingproxies; pend && pend->next; ) { pend2 = pend->next; pend3 = pend2->next; if (SV_ReadPendingProxy(cluster, pend2)) { pend->next = pend3; pend = pend3; } else { pend = pend2; } } } } void DoCommandLine(cluster_t *cluster, int argc, char **argv) { int i; char commandline[8192]; char *start, *end, *result; char buffer[8192]; result = Rcon_Command(cluster, NULL, "exec qtv.cfg", buffer, sizeof(buffer), true); Sys_Printf(cluster, "%s", result); commandline[0] = '\0'; //build a block of strings. for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { strcat(commandline, argv[i]); strcat(commandline, " "); } strcat(commandline, "+"); start = commandline; while(start) { end = strchr(start+1, '+'); if (end) *end = '\0'; if (start[1]) { result = Rcon_Command(cluster, NULL, start+1, buffer, sizeof(buffer), true); Sys_Printf(cluster, "%s", result); } start = end; } Sys_Printf(cluster, "\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { cluster_t cluster; // soundtest(); #ifdef SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 { WSADATA discard; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &discard); } #endif memset(&cluster, 0, sizeof(cluster)); cluster.qwdsocket = INVALID_SOCKET; cluster.tcpsocket = INVALID_SOCKET; cluster.qwlistenportnum = 0; cluster.allownqclients = true; strcpy(cluster.hostname, DEFAULT_HOSTNAME); cluster.buildnumber = build_number(); cluster.maxproxies = -1; Sys_Printf(&cluster, "QTV Build %i.\n", cluster.buildnumber); DoCommandLine(&cluster, argc, argv); if (!cluster.numservers) { //probably running on a home user's computer if (cluster.qwdsocket == INVALID_SOCKET && !cluster.qwlistenportnum) { cluster.qwdsocket = QW_InitUDPSocket(cluster.qwlistenportnum = 27599); if (cluster.qwdsocket != INVALID_SOCKET) Sys_Printf(&cluster, "opened udp port %i\n", cluster.qwlistenportnum); } if (cluster.tcpsocket == INVALID_SOCKET && !cluster.tcplistenportnum) { cluster.tcpsocket = Net_MVDListen(cluster.tcplistenportnum = 27599); if (cluster.tcpsocket != INVALID_SOCKET) Sys_Printf(&cluster, "opened tcp port %i\n", cluster.tcplistenportnum); } Sys_Printf(&cluster, "\n" "Welcome to FTEQTV\n" "Please type\n" "qtv server:port\n" " to connect to a tcp server.\n" "qw server:port\n" " to connect to a regular qw server.\n" "demo qw/example.mvd\n" " to play a demo from an mvd.\n" "\n"); } // Cluster_BuildAvailableDemoList(&cluster); while (!cluster.wanttoexit) { Cluster_Run(&cluster, true); #ifdef VIEWER DemoViewer_Update(cluster.viewserver); #endif } return 0; } void QTV_Printf(sv_t *qtv, char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[2048]; va_start (argptr, fmt); vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string)-1, fmt,argptr); string[sizeof(string)-1] = 0; va_end (argptr); if (qtv->silentstream) return; Sys_Printf(qtv->cluster, "%s", string); } void Sys_Printf(cluster_t *cluster, char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[2048]; unsigned char *t; va_start (argptr, fmt); vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string)-1, fmt,argptr); string[sizeof(string)-1] = 0; va_end (argptr); for (t = (unsigned char*)string; *t; t++) { if (*t >= 146 && *t < 156) *t = *t - 146 + '0'; if (*t == 143) *t = '.'; if (*t == 157 || *t == 158 || *t == 159) *t = '-'; if (*t >= 128) *t -= 128; if (*t == 16) *t = '['; if (*t == 17) *t = ']'; if (*t == 29) *t = '-'; if (*t == 30) *t = '-'; if (*t == 31) *t = '-'; if (*t == '\a') //doh. :D *t = ' '; } printf("%s", string); }