/* teamplay.c Teamplay enhancements Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Anton Gavrilov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ //Hacked by spike. //things to fix: //TP_SearchForMsgTriggers: should only allow safe commands. work out what the meaning of safe commands is. #include "quakedef.h" //#include "version.h" #include "sound.h" //#include "pmove.h" #include #include typedef qboolean qbool; #define SP 0 #define Com_Printf Con_Printf #define strlcpy Q_strncpyz #define strlcat Q_strncatz #define Q_stricmp strcasecmp #define Q_strnicmp strncasecmp extern int cl_spikeindex, cl_playerindex, cl_h_playerindex, cl_flagindex, cl_rocketindex, cl_grenadeindex, cl_gib1index, cl_gib2index, cl_gib3index; extern cvar_t v_viewheight, dpcompat_console; trace_t PM_TraceLine (vec3_t start, vec3_t end); #define ISDEAD(i) ( (i) >= 41 && (i) <= 102 ) qboolean suppress; //note: csqc obsoletes and even breaks much of this stuff. //cl.simorg is no longer valid, cl.viewangles isn't terribly valid either. /*#define isalpha(x) (((x) >= 'a' && (x) <= 'z') || ((x) >= 'A' && (x) <= 'Z')) #define isdigit(x) ((x) >= '0' && (x) <= '9') #define isxdigit(x) (isdigit(x) || ((x) >= 'a' && (x) <= 'f')) */ #define Q_rint(f) ((int)((f)+0.5)) // callbacks used for TP cvars #ifdef QWSKINS static void QDECL TP_SkinCvar_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); static void QDECL TP_TeamColor_CB (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); static void QDECL TP_EnemyColor_CB (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); //cvar_t enemyforceskins = CVARD("enemyforceskins", "0", "0: Read the skin as-is.\n1: Use the player's name instead of their skin setting.\n2: Use their userid (probably too unreliable).3: Use a per-team player index.\n"); //cvar_t teamforceskins = CVARD("enemyforceskins", "0", "0: Read the skin as-is.\n1: Use the player's name instead of their skin setting.\n2: Use their userid (probably too unreliable).3: Use a per-team player index.\n"); #define TP_SKIN_CVARS \ TP_CVARAC(cl_teamskin, "", teamskin, TP_SkinCvar_Callback); \ TP_CVARAC(cl_enemyskin, "", enemyskin, TP_SkinCvar_Callback); \ static TP_CVARC(enemycolor, "off", TP_EnemyColor_CB); \ static TP_CVARC(teamcolor, "off", TP_TeamColor_CB); #else #define TP_SKIN_CVARS #endif #ifdef QUAKESTATS #define TP_NAME_CVARS \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_none, ""); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_axe, "axe"); \ TP_CVAR(tp_name_sg, "sg"); \ TP_CVAR(tp_name_ssg, "ssg"); \ TP_CVAR(tp_name_ng, "ng"); \ TP_CVAR(tp_name_sng, "sng"); \ TP_CVAR(tp_name_gl, "gl"); \ TP_CVAR(tp_name_rl, "rl"); \ TP_CVAR(tp_name_lg, "lg"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_ra, "ra"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_ya, "ya"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_ga, "ga"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_quad, "quad"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_pent, "pent"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_ring, "ring"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_suit, "suit"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_shells, "shells"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_nails, "nails"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_rockets, "rockets"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_cells, "cells"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_mh, "mega"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_health, "health"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_backpack, "pack"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_flag, "flag"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_nothing, "nothing"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_at, "at"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_need_ra, "50"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_need_ya, "50"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_need_ga, "50"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_need_health, "50"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_need_weapon, "35687"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_need_rl, "1"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_need_rockets, "5"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_need_cells, "20"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_need_nails, "40"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_need_shells, "10"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_disp, "dispenser"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_sentry, "sentry gun"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_rune_1, "resistance rune"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_rune_2, "strength rune"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_rune_3, "haste rune"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_rune_4, "regeneration rune"); \ \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_status_red, "$R"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_status_green, "$G"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_status_yellow, "$Y"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_status_blue, "$B"); \ \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_armortype_ga, "g"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_armortype_ya, "y"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_armortype_ra, "r"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_armor, "armor"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_weapon, "weapon"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_weapon_order, "78654321"); \ \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_quaded, "quaded"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_pented, "pented"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_separator, "/"); \ \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_enemy, "enemy"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_teammate, ""); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_eyes, "eyes"); \ \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_separator, "-"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_ssg, "ssg"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_ng, "ng"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_sng, "sng"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_gl, "gl"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_rl, "rl"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_lg, "lg"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_ga, "ga"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_ya, "ya"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_ra, "ra"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_mh, "mh"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_quad, "quad"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_pent, "pent"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_ring, "ring"); \ static TP_CVAR(loc_name_suit, "suit"); #else #define TP_NAME_CVARS #endif //a list of all the cvars //this is down to the fact that I keep defining them but forgetting to register. :/ #define TP_CVARS \ TP_SKIN_CVARS \ TP_NAME_CVARS \ static TP_CVAR(cl_fakename, ""); \ TP_CVAR(cl_parseSay, "1"); \ TP_CVAR(cl_parseFunChars, "1"); \ TP_CVAR(cl_triggers, "1"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_autostatus, ""); /* things which will not always change, but are useful */ \ TP_CVAR(tp_forceTriggers, "0"); \ TP_CVAR(tp_loadlocs, "1"); \ static TP_CVAR(tp_soundtrigger, "~"); \ \ static TP_CVAR(tp_name_someplace, "someplace") //create the globals for all the TP cvars. #define TP_CVAR(name,def) cvar_t name = CVAR(#name, def) #define TP_CVARC(name,def,call) cvar_t name = CVARC(#name, def, call) #define TP_CVARAC(name,def,name2,call) cvar_t name = CVARAFC(#name, def, #name2, 0, call) TP_CVARS; #undef TP_CVAR #undef TP_CVARC #undef TP_CVARAC extern cvar_t host_mapname; #define MAX_LOC_NAME 48 #ifdef QUAKESTATS static void TP_FindModelNumbers (void); static void TP_FindPoint (void); // this structure is cleared after entering a new map typedef struct tvars_s { char autoteamstatus[256]; float autoteamstatus_time; int health; int items; int olditems; int stat_framecounts[MAX_CL_STATS]; int activeweapon; float respawntrigger_time; float deathtrigger_time; float f_version_reply_time; char lastdeathloc[MAX_LOC_NAME]; char tookname[32]; char tookloc[MAX_LOC_NAME]; float tooktime; int pointframe; // cls.framecount for which point* vars are valid char pointname[32]; vec3_t pointorg; char pointloc[MAX_LOC_NAME]; int droppedweapon; char lastdroploc[MAX_LOC_NAME]; int last_numenemies; int numenemies; int last_numfriendlies; int numfriendlies; int enemy_powerups; float enemy_powerups_time; float lastdrop_time; char lasttrigger_match[256]; enum { POINT_TYPE_ENEMY, POINT_TYPE_TEAMMATE, POINT_TYPE_POWERUP, POINT_TYPE_ITEM } pointtype; float pointtime; } tvars_t; static tvars_t vars; #endif typedef struct item_vis_s { vec3_t vieworg; vec3_t forward; vec3_t right; vec3_t up; vec3_t entorg; float radius; vec3_t dir; float dist; } item_vis_t; #define TP_TOOK_EXPIRE_TIME 15 #define TP_POINT_EXPIRE_TIME TP_TOOK_EXPIRE_TIME //=========================================================================== // TRIGGERS //=========================================================================== void TP_ExecTrigger (char *s, qboolean indemos) { char *astr; if (!cl_triggers.value) return; if (!indemos && cls.demoplayback) return; astr = Cmd_AliasExist(s, RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (astr) { char *p; qbool quote = false; for (p=astr ; *p ; p++) { if (*p == '"') quote = !quote; if (!quote && *p == ';') { // more than one command, add it to the command buffer Cbuf_AddText (astr, RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText ("\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); return; } } // a single line, so execute it right away Cmd_ExecuteString (astr, RESTRICT_LOCAL); return; } } /* ========================================================================== HELPER FUNCTIONS ========================================================================== */ static int TP_CountPlayers (void) { int i, count; count = 0; for (i = 0; i < cl.allocated_client_slots ; i++) { if (cl.players[i].name[0] && !cl.players[i].spectator) count++; } return count; } static char *TP_PlayerTeam (void) { return cl.players[cl.playerview[SP].playernum].team; } static char *TP_EnemyTeam (void) { int i; static char enemyteam[MAX_INFO_KEY]; char *myteam = TP_PlayerTeam(); for (i = 0; i < cl.allocated_client_slots ; i++) { if (cl.players[i].name[0] && !cl.players[i].spectator) { strcpy (enemyteam, cl.players[i].team); if (strcmp(myteam, cl.players[i].team) != 0) return enemyteam; } } return ""; } static char *TP_PlayerName (void) { return cl.players[cl.playerview[SP].playernum].name; } static char *TP_EnemyName (void) { int i; char *myname; static char enemyname[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]; myname = TP_PlayerName (); for (i = 0; i < cl.allocated_client_slots ; i++) { if (cl.players[i].name[0] && !cl.players[i].spectator) { strcpy (enemyname, cl.players[i].name); if (!strcmp(enemyname, myname)) return enemyname; } } return ""; } static char *TP_MapName (void) { return host_mapname.string; } char *TP_GenerateDemoName(void) { if (cl.playerview[SP].spectator) { // FIXME: if tracking a player, use his name return va ("spec_%s_%s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_MapName()); } else { // guess game type and write demo name int i = TP_CountPlayers(); if (cl.teamplay && i >= 3) { // Teamplay return va ("%s_%s_vs_%s_%s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_PlayerTeam(), TP_EnemyTeam(), TP_MapName()); } else { if (i == 2) { // Duel return va ("%s_vs_%s_%s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_EnemyName(), TP_MapName()); } else if (i > 2) { // FFA return va ("%s_ffa_%s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_MapName()); } else { // one player return va ("%s_%s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_MapName()); } } } } /* ========================================================================== MACRO FUNCTIONS ========================================================================== */ #define MAX_MACRO_VALUE 256 static char macro_buf[MAX_MACRO_VALUE] = ""; #ifdef QUAKESTATS // buffer-size-safe helper functions //static void MacroBuf_strcat (char *str) { // strlcat (macro_buf, str, sizeof(macro_buf)); //} static void MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (char *str) { if (macro_buf[0]) strlcat (macro_buf, tp_name_separator.string, sizeof(macro_buf)); strlcat (macro_buf, str, sizeof(macro_buf)); } #endif static char *Macro_Latency (void) { sprintf(macro_buf, "%i", Q_rint(cls.latency*1000)); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_Gamedir (void) { extern char gamedirfile[]; Q_snprintfz(macro_buf, sizeof(macro_buf), "%s", gamedirfile); return macro_buf; } #ifdef QUAKESTATS static char *Macro_Health (void) { sprintf(macro_buf, "%i", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_HEALTH]); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_Armor (void) { sprintf(macro_buf, "%i", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ARMOR]); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_Shells (void) { sprintf(macro_buf, "%i", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_SHELLS]); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_Nails (void) { sprintf(macro_buf, "%i", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_NAILS]); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_Rockets (void) { sprintf(macro_buf, "%i", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ROCKETS]); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_Cells (void) { sprintf(macro_buf, "%i", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_CELLS]); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_Ammo (void) { sprintf(macro_buf, "%i", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_AMMO]); return macro_buf; } static char *Weapon_NumToString (int wnum) { switch (wnum) { case IT_AXE: return tp_name_axe.string; case IT_SHOTGUN: return tp_name_sg.string; case IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN: return tp_name_ssg.string; case IT_NAILGUN: return tp_name_ng.string; case IT_SUPER_NAILGUN: return tp_name_sng.string; case IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER: return tp_name_gl.string; case IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: return tp_name_rl.string; case IT_LIGHTNING: return tp_name_lg.string; default: return tp_name_none.string; } } static char *Macro_Weapon (void) { return Weapon_NumToString(cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON]); } static char *Macro_DroppedWeapon (void) { return Weapon_NumToString(vars.droppedweapon); } static char *Macro_Weapons (void) { macro_buf[0] = 0; if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_LIGHTNING) strcpy(macro_buf, tp_name_lg.string); if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_rl.string); if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_gl.string); if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_sng.string); if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_NAILGUN) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_ng.string); if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_ssg.string); if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SHOTGUN) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_sg.string); if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_AXE) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_axe.string); // if (!macro_buf[0]) // strlcpy(macro_buf, tp_name_none.string, sizeof(macro_buf)); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_WeaponAndAmmo (void) { char buf[sizeof(macro_buf)]; Q_snprintfz (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%s", Macro_Weapon(), Macro_Ammo()); strcpy (macro_buf, buf); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_WeaponNum (void) { switch (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON]) { case IT_AXE: return "1"; case IT_SHOTGUN: return "2"; case IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN: return "3"; case IT_NAILGUN: return "4"; case IT_SUPER_NAILGUN: return "5"; case IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER: return "6"; case IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: return "7"; case IT_LIGHTNING: return "8"; default: return "0"; } } static int _Macro_BestWeapon (void) { int i; char *t[] = {tp_weapon_order.string, "78654321", NULL}, **s; for (s = t; *s; s++) { for (i = 0 ; i < strlen(*s) ; i++) { switch ((*s)[i]) { case '1': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_AXE) return IT_AXE; break; case '2': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SHOTGUN) return IT_SHOTGUN; break; case '3': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN) return IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN; break; case '4': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_NAILGUN) return IT_NAILGUN; break; case '5': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) return IT_SUPER_NAILGUN; break; case '6': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) return IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER; break; case '7': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) return IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; break; case '8': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_LIGHTNING) return IT_LIGHTNING; break; } } } return 0; } static char *Macro_BestWeapon (void) { return Weapon_NumToString(_Macro_BestWeapon()); } static char *Macro_BestAmmo (void) { switch (_Macro_BestWeapon()) { case IT_SHOTGUN: case IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN: sprintf(macro_buf, "%i", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_SHELLS]); return macro_buf; case IT_NAILGUN: case IT_SUPER_NAILGUN: sprintf(macro_buf, "%i", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_NAILS]); return macro_buf; case IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER: case IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: sprintf(macro_buf, "%i", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ROCKETS]); return macro_buf; case IT_LIGHTNING: sprintf(macro_buf, "%i", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_CELLS]); return macro_buf; default: return "0"; } } // needed for %b parsing static char *Macro_BestWeaponAndAmmo (void) { char buf[MAX_MACRO_VALUE]; Q_snprintfz (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%s", Macro_BestWeapon(), Macro_BestAmmo()); strcpy (macro_buf, buf); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_ArmorType (void) { if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR1) return tp_name_armortype_ga.string; else if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR2) return tp_name_armortype_ya.string; else if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR3) return tp_name_armortype_ra.string; else return tp_name_none.string; // no armor at all } static char *Macro_Powerups (void) { int effects; macro_buf[0] = 0; if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_QUAD) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_quad.string); if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVULNERABILITY) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_pent.string); if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVISIBILITY) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_ring.string); effects = cl.inframes[cl.parsecount&UPDATE_MASK].playerstate[cl.playerview[SP].playernum].effects; if ( (effects & (QWEF_FLAG1|QWEF_FLAG2)) || // CTF (cl.teamfortress && cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (IT_KEY1|IT_KEY2)) ) // TF MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_flag.string); return macro_buf; } #endif static char *Macro_Location (void) { return TP_LocationName (cl.playerview[SP].simorg); } #ifdef QUAKESTATS static char *Macro_LastDeath (void) { if (vars.deathtrigger_time) return vars.lastdeathloc; else return tp_name_someplace.string; } static char *Macro_Last_Location (void) { if (vars.deathtrigger_time && realtime - vars.deathtrigger_time <= 5) return vars.lastdeathloc; return Macro_Location(); } // returns the last item picked up static char *Macro_Took (void) { if (!vars.tooktime || realtime > vars.tooktime + 20) strlcpy (macro_buf, tp_name_nothing.string, sizeof(macro_buf)); else strcpy (macro_buf, vars.tookname); return macro_buf; } // returns location of the last item picked up static char *Macro_TookLoc (void) { if (!vars.tooktime || realtime > vars.tooktime + 20) strlcpy (macro_buf, tp_name_someplace.string, sizeof(macro_buf)); else strcpy (macro_buf, vars.tookloc); return macro_buf; } // %i macro - last item picked up in "name at location" style static char *Macro_TookAtLoc (void) { if (!vars.tooktime || realtime > vars.tooktime + 20) strncpy (macro_buf, tp_name_nothing.string, sizeof(macro_buf)-1); else { strlcpy (macro_buf, va("%s %s %s", vars.tookname, tp_name_at.string, vars.tookloc), sizeof(macro_buf)); } return macro_buf; } // pointing calculations are CPU expensive, so the results are cached // in vars.pointname & vars.pointloc static char *Macro_PointName (void) { if (cls.framecount != vars.pointframe) TP_FindPoint (); return vars.pointname; } static char *Macro_PointLocation (void) { if (cls.framecount != vars.pointframe) TP_FindPoint (); if (vars.pointloc[0]) return vars.pointloc; else { strlcpy (macro_buf, tp_name_someplace.string, sizeof(macro_buf)); return macro_buf; } } static char *Macro_PointNameAtLocation (void) { if (cls.framecount != vars.pointframe) TP_FindPoint (); if (vars.pointloc[0]) return va ("%s %s %s", vars.pointname, tp_name_at.string, vars.pointloc); else return vars.pointname; } static char *Macro_Need (void) { int i, weapon; char *needammo = NULL; macro_buf[0] = 0; // check armor if ( ((cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR1) && cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ARMOR] < tp_need_ga.value) || ((cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR2) && cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ARMOR] < tp_need_ya.value) || ((cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR3) && cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ARMOR] < tp_need_ra.value) || (!(cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (IT_ARMOR1|IT_ARMOR2|IT_ARMOR3)) && (tp_need_ga.value || tp_need_ya.value || tp_need_ra.value))) strcpy (macro_buf, tp_name_armor.string); // check health if (tp_need_health.value && cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_HEALTH] < tp_need_health.value) { MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_health.string); } if (cl.teamfortress) { // in TF, we have all weapons from the start, // and ammo is checked differently if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ROCKETS] < tp_need_rockets.value) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_rockets.string); if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_SHELLS] < tp_need_shells.value) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_shells.string); if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_NAILS] < tp_need_nails.value) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_nails.string); if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_CELLS] < tp_need_cells.value) MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_cells.string); goto done; } // check weapon weapon = 0; for (i=strlen(tp_need_weapon.string)-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) { switch (tp_need_weapon.string[i]) { case '2': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SHOTGUN) weapon = 2; break; case '3': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN) weapon = 3; break; case '4': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_NAILGUN) weapon = 4; break; case '5': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) weapon = 5; break; case '6': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) weapon = 6; break; case '7': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) weapon = 7; break; case '8': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_LIGHTNING) weapon = 8; break; } if (weapon) break; } if (!weapon) { MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_weapon.string); } else { if (tp_need_rl.value && !(cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER)) { MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (tp_name_rl.string); } switch (weapon) { case 2: case 3: if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_SHELLS] < tp_need_shells.value) needammo = tp_name_shells.string; break; case 4: case 5: if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_NAILS] < tp_need_nails.value) needammo = tp_name_nails.string; break; case 6: case 7: if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ROCKETS] < tp_need_rockets.value) needammo = tp_name_rockets.string; break; case 8: if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_CELLS] < tp_need_cells.value) needammo = tp_name_cells.string; break; } if (needammo) { MacroBuf_strcat_with_separator (needammo); } } done: if (!macro_buf[0]) strcpy (macro_buf, "nothing"); return macro_buf; } static char *Skin_To_TFSkin (char *myskin) { playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[SP]; if (!cl.teamfortress || pv->spectator || Q_strncasecmp(myskin, "tf_", 3)) { Q_strncpyz(macro_buf, myskin, sizeof(macro_buf)); } else { if (!Q_strcasecmp(myskin, "tf_demo")) Q_strncpyz(macro_buf, "demoman", sizeof(macro_buf)); else if (!Q_strcasecmp(myskin, "tf_eng")) Q_strncpyz(macro_buf, "engineer", sizeof(macro_buf)); else if (!Q_strcasecmp(myskin, "tf_snipe")) Q_strncpyz(macro_buf, "sniper", sizeof(macro_buf)); else if (!Q_strcasecmp(myskin, "tf_sold")) Q_strncpyz(macro_buf, "soldier", sizeof(macro_buf)); else Q_strncpyz(macro_buf, myskin + 3, sizeof(macro_buf)); } return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_TF_Skin (void) { return Skin_To_TFSkin(InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cl.players[cl.playerview[SP].playernum].userinfo, "skin")); } //Spike: added these: static char *Macro_Team (void) { infobuf_t *info; int seat = SP; //read the userinfo's team from the server instead of our local/private cvar/userinfo, if we can. if (cl.players[cl.playerview[seat].playernum].userinfovalid) info = &cl.players[cl.playerview[seat].playernum].userinfo; else //just use the userinfo (which should mirror the cvar - fixme: splitscreen...) info = &cls.userinfo[seat]; return InfoBuf_ValueForKey(info, "team"); } static char *Macro_ConnectionType (void) { playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[SP]; if (!cls.state) return "disconnected"; if (pv->spectator) return "spectator"; return "connected"; } static char *Macro_demoplayback (void) { switch (cls.demoplayback) { case DPB_NONE: return "0"; case DPB_QUAKEWORLD: return "qwdplayback"; case DPB_MVD: return "mvdplayback"; #ifdef NQPROT case DPB_NETQUAKE: return "demplayback"; #endif #ifdef Q2CLIENT case DPB_QUAKE2: return "dm2playback"; #endif } return "1"; //unknown. } static char *Macro_Match_Name (void) { int i; i = TP_CountPlayers(); if (cl.teamplay && i >= 3) { // Teamplay return va ("%s %s vs %s - %s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_PlayerTeam(), TP_EnemyTeam(), TP_MapName()); } else { if (i == 2) { // Duel return va ("%s vs %s - %s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_EnemyName(), TP_MapName()); } else if (i > 2) { // FFA return va ("%s ffa - %s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_MapName()); } else { // one player return va ("%s - %s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_MapName()); } } } //$matchtype //duel,2on2,4on4,ffa,etc... static char *Macro_Match_Type (void) { int i; i = TP_CountPlayers(); if (cl.teamplay && i >= 3) { if (i >= 6) return "4on4"; return "2on2"; } if (i == 2) return "duel"; if (i == 1) return "single"; if (i == 0) return "empty"; return "ffa"; } static char *Macro_Point_LED(void) { TP_FindPoint(); if (vars.pointtype == POINT_TYPE_ENEMY) return tp_name_status_red.string; else if (vars.pointtype == POINT_TYPE_TEAMMATE) return tp_name_status_green.string; else if (vars.pointtype == POINT_TYPE_POWERUP) return tp_name_status_yellow.string; else // POINT_TYPE_ITEM return tp_name_status_blue.string; return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_MyStatus_LED(void) { int count; float save_need_rl; char *s, *save_separator; static char separator[] = {'/', '\0'}; save_need_rl = tp_need_rl.value; save_separator = tp_name_separator.string; tp_need_rl.value = 0; tp_name_separator.string = separator; s = Macro_Need(); tp_need_rl.value = save_need_rl; tp_name_separator.string = save_separator; if (!strcmp(s, tp_name_nothing.string)) { count = 0; } else { for (count = 1; *s; s++) if (*s == separator[0]) count++; } if (count == 0) Q_snprintfz(macro_buf, sizeof(macro_buf), "%s", tp_name_status_green.string); else if (count <= 1) Q_snprintfz(macro_buf, sizeof(macro_buf), "%s", tp_name_status_yellow.string); else Q_snprintfz(macro_buf, sizeof(macro_buf), "%s", tp_name_status_red.string); return macro_buf; } static void CountNearbyPlayers(qboolean dead) { int i; player_state_t *state; player_info_t *info; static int lastframecount = -1; playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[SP]; if (cls.framecount == lastframecount) return; lastframecount = cls.framecount; vars.numenemies = vars.numfriendlies = 0; if (!pv->spectator && !dead) vars.numfriendlies++; if (!cl.oldparsecount || !cl.parsecount || cls.state < ca_active) return; state = cl.inframes[cl.oldparsecount & UPDATE_MASK].playerstate; info = cl.players; for (i = 0; i < cl.allocated_client_slots; i++, info++, state++) { if (i != pv->playernum && state->messagenum == cl.oldparsecount && !info->spectator && !ISDEAD(state->frame)) { if (cl.teamplay && !strcmp(info->team, TP_PlayerTeam())) vars.numfriendlies++; else vars.numenemies++; } } } static char *Macro_CountNearbyEnemyPlayers (void) { if (!ruleset_allow_playercount.ival) return " "; CountNearbyPlayers(false); sprintf(macro_buf, "\xffz%d\xff", vars.numenemies); suppress = true; return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_Count_Last_NearbyEnemyPlayers (void) { if (!ruleset_allow_playercount.ival) return " "; if (vars.deathtrigger_time && realtime - vars.deathtrigger_time <= 5) { sprintf(macro_buf, "\xffz%d\xff", vars.last_numenemies); } else { CountNearbyPlayers(false); sprintf(macro_buf, "\xffz%d\xff", vars.numenemies); } suppress = true; return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_CountNearbyFriendlyPlayers (void) { if (!ruleset_allow_playercount.ival) return " "; CountNearbyPlayers(false); sprintf(macro_buf, "\xffz%d\xff", vars.numfriendlies); suppress = true; return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_Count_Last_NearbyFriendlyPlayers (void) { if (!ruleset_allow_playercount.ival) return " "; if (vars.deathtrigger_time && realtime - vars.deathtrigger_time <= 5) { sprintf(macro_buf, "\xffz%d\xff", vars.last_numfriendlies); } else { CountNearbyPlayers(false); sprintf(macro_buf, "\xffz%d\xff", vars.numfriendlies); } suppress = true; return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_EnemyStatus_LED(void) { CountNearbyPlayers(false); if (vars.numenemies == 0) Q_snprintfz(macro_buf, sizeof(macro_buf), "\xffl%s\xff", tp_name_status_green.string); else if (vars.numenemies <= vars.numfriendlies) Q_snprintfz(macro_buf, sizeof(macro_buf), "\xffl%s\xff", tp_name_status_yellow.string); else Q_snprintfz(macro_buf, sizeof(macro_buf), "\xffl%s\xff", tp_name_status_red.string); suppress = true; return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_LastPointAtLoc (void) { if (!vars.pointtime || realtime - vars.pointtime > TP_POINT_EXPIRE_TIME) Q_strncpyz (macro_buf, tp_name_nothing.string, sizeof(macro_buf)); else Q_snprintfz (macro_buf, sizeof(macro_buf), "%s %s %s", vars.pointname, tp_name_at.string, vars.pointloc[0] ? vars.pointloc : Macro_Location()); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_LastTookOrPointed (void) { if (vars.tooktime && vars.tooktime > vars.pointtime && realtime - vars.tooktime < 5) return Macro_TookAtLoc(); else if (vars.pointtime && vars.tooktime <= vars.pointtime && realtime - vars.pointtime < 5) return Macro_LastPointAtLoc(); Q_snprintfz(macro_buf, sizeof(macro_buf), "%s %s %s", tp_name_nothing.string, tp_name_at.string, tp_name_someplace.string); return macro_buf; } #define TP_PENT 1 #define TP_QUAD 2 #define TP_RING 4 static char *Macro_LastSeenPowerup(void) { /* if (!vars.enemy_powerups_time || realtime - vars.enemy_powerups_time > 5) { Q_strncpyz(macro_buf, tp_name_quad.string, sizeof(macro_buf)); } else*/ { macro_buf[0] = 0; if (vars.enemy_powerups & TP_QUAD) Q_strncatz2(macro_buf, tp_name_quad.string); if (vars.enemy_powerups & TP_PENT) { if (macro_buf[0]) Q_strncatz2(macro_buf, tp_name_separator.string); Q_strncatz2(macro_buf, tp_name_pent.string); } if (vars.enemy_powerups & TP_RING) { if (macro_buf[0]) Q_strncatz2(macro_buf, tp_name_separator.string); Q_strncatz2(macro_buf, tp_name_ring.string); } } return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_LastDrop (void) { if (vars.lastdrop_time) return vars.lastdroploc; else return tp_name_someplace.string; } static char *Macro_LastDropTime (void) { if (vars.lastdrop_time) Q_snprintfz (macro_buf, 32, "%d", (int) (realtime - vars.lastdrop_time)); else Q_snprintfz (macro_buf, 32, "%d", -1); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_CombinedHealth(void) { float h; float t, a, m; //total health = health+armour*armourfrac //however,you're dead if health drops below 0 rather than the entire equation. if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR1) t = 0.3; else if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR2) t = 0.6; else if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR3) t = 0.8; else t = 0; a = cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ARMOR]; h = cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_HEALTH]; //work out the max useful armour //this will under-exagurate, due to usage of ceil based on damage m = h/(1-t); if (m < 0) a = 0; else if (m < a) a = m; h = h + a; Q_snprintfz (macro_buf, 32, "%d", (int)h); return macro_buf; } static char *Macro_Coloured_Armour(void) { if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR3) return "{^s^xe00%%a^r}"; else if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR2) return "{^s^xff0%%a^r}"; else if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR1) return "{^s^x0b0%%a^r}"; else return "{0}"; } static char *Macro_Coloured_Powerups(void) { char *quad, *pent, *ring; quad = (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_QUAD) ?va("^x03f%s", tp_name_quad.string):""; pent = (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVULNERABILITY) ?va("^xe00%s", tp_name_pent.string):""; ring = (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVISIBILITY) ?va("^xff0%s", tp_name_ring.string):""; if (*quad || *pent || *ring) { Q_snprintfz (macro_buf, 32, "{^s%s%s%s^r}", quad, pent, ring); return macro_buf; } else return ""; } static char *Macro_Coloured_Short_Powerups(void) { char *quad, *pent, *ring; quad = (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_QUAD) ?"^x03fq":""; pent = (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVULNERABILITY) ?"^xe00p":""; ring = (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVISIBILITY) ?"^xff0r":""; if (*quad || *pent || *ring) { Q_snprintfz (macro_buf, 32, "{^s%s%s%s^r}", quad, pent, ring); return macro_buf; } else return ""; } static char *Macro_Match_Status(void) { if (cls.state == ca_disconnected) return "disconnected"; if (cls.state < ca_active) return "connecting"; switch(cl.matchstate) { case MATCH_DONTKNOW: case MATCH_INPROGRESS: default: return "normal"; case MATCH_COUNTDOWN: return "countdown"; case MATCH_STANDBY: return "standby"; } } /*static char *Macro_LastIP(void) { //report the last ip that someone said in chat. requires making guesses about what's an ip or not. can't handle hostnames properly return "---"; } static char *Macro_MP3Info(void) { //for people trying to be cool but really just annoying everyone return "---"; } */ static char *Macro_LastTrigger_Match(void) { //returns the last line that triggered a msg_trigger return vars.lasttrigger_match; } #endif /* $matchname you can use to get the name of the match manually (echo $matchname). Example: a matchname might be "[clan]quaker - [4on4_myclan_vs_someclan] - [dm3]" or whatever. $matchstatus ("disconnected", "standby" or "normal"). This can be used for detecting prewar/prematch on ktpro/oztf servers. $mp3info Evaluates to "author - title". Examples: if you bind space "say listening to $mp3info" then hitting space will say something like "listening to disturbed - rise". bind x "if disturbed isin $mp3info then say dde music is cool" $triggermatch $triggermatch is the last chat message that exec'd a msg_trigger. */ //Spike: added end. static void TP_InitMacros(void) { Cmd_AddMacro("latency", Macro_Latency, false); Cmd_AddMacro("location", Macro_Location, false); #ifdef QUAKESTATS Cmd_AddMacro("health", Macro_Health, true); Cmd_AddMacro("armortype", Macro_ArmorType, true); Cmd_AddMacro("armor", Macro_Armor, true); Cmd_AddMacro("shells", Macro_Shells, true); Cmd_AddMacro("nails", Macro_Nails, true); Cmd_AddMacro("rockets", Macro_Rockets, true); Cmd_AddMacro("cells", Macro_Cells, true); Cmd_AddMacro("weaponnum", Macro_WeaponNum, true); Cmd_AddMacro("weapons", Macro_Weapons, true); Cmd_AddMacro("weapon", Macro_Weapon, true); Cmd_AddMacro("ammo", Macro_Ammo, true); Cmd_AddMacro("bestweapon", Macro_BestWeapon, true); Cmd_AddMacro("bestammo", Macro_BestAmmo, true); Cmd_AddMacro("powerups", Macro_Powerups, true); Cmd_AddMacro("droppedweapon", Macro_DroppedWeapon, true); Cmd_AddMacro("tf_skin", Macro_TF_Skin, true); Cmd_AddMacro("team", Macro_Team, true); //confusing Cmd_AddMacro("deathloc", Macro_LastDeath, true); Cmd_AddMacro("tookatloc", Macro_TookAtLoc, true); Cmd_AddMacro("tookloc", Macro_TookLoc, true); Cmd_AddMacro("took", Macro_Took, true); //ones added by Spike, for fuhquake compatability Cmd_AddMacro("connectiontype", Macro_ConnectionType, false); Cmd_AddMacro("demoplayback", Macro_demoplayback, false); Cmd_AddMacro("point", Macro_PointName, true); Cmd_AddMacro("pointatloc", Macro_PointNameAtLocation, true); Cmd_AddMacro("pointloc", Macro_PointLocation, true); Cmd_AddMacro("matchname", Macro_Match_Name, false); Cmd_AddMacro("matchtype", Macro_Match_Type, false); Cmd_AddMacro("need", Macro_Need, true); Cmd_AddMacro("ledstatus", Macro_MyStatus_LED, true); Cmd_AddMacro("ledpoint", Macro_Point_LED, true); Cmd_AddMacro("droploc", Macro_LastDrop, true); Cmd_AddMacro("droptime", Macro_LastDropTime, true); Cmd_AddMacro("matchstatus", Macro_Match_Status, false); Cmd_AddMacro("triggermatch", Macro_LastTrigger_Match, false); #endif // Cmd_AddMacro("mp3info", Macro_MP3Info, false); //new, fte only (at least when first implemented) #ifdef QUAKESTATS Cmd_AddMacro("chealth", Macro_CombinedHealth, true); #endif //added for ezquake compatability // Cmd_AddMacro("lastip", Macro_LastIP, false); Cmd_AddMacro("ping", Macro_Latency, false); #ifdef QUAKESTATS Cmd_AddMacro("colored_armor", Macro_Coloured_Armour, true); //*shudder* Cmd_AddMacro("colored_powerups", Macro_Coloured_Powerups, true); Cmd_AddMacro("colored_short_powerups", Macro_Coloured_Short_Powerups, true); Cmd_AddMacro("lastloc", Macro_Last_Location, true); Cmd_AddMacro("lastpowerup", Macro_LastSeenPowerup, true); #endif Cmd_AddMacro("gamedir", Macro_Gamedir, false); } #define MAX_MACRO_STRING 1024 /* ============= TP_ParseMacroString Parses %a-like expressions ============= */ static char *TP_ParseMacroString (char *s) { static char buf[MAX_MACRO_STRING]; int i = 0; char *macro_string; if (!cl_parseSay.ival) return s; while (*s && i < MAX_MACRO_STRING-1) { // check %[P], etc if (*s == '%' && s[1]=='[' && s[2] && s[3]==']') { #ifdef QUAKESTATS static char mbuf[MAX_MACRO_VALUE]; #endif switch (s[2]) { #ifdef QUAKESTATS case 'a': macro_string = Macro_ArmorType(); if (!macro_string[0]) macro_string = "a"; if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ARMOR] < 30) Q_snprintfz (mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "\x10%s:%i\x11", macro_string, cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ARMOR]); else Q_snprintfz (mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "%s:%i", macro_string, cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_ARMOR]); macro_string = mbuf; break; case 'h': if (cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_HEALTH] >= 50) Q_snprintfz (macro_buf, sizeof(macro_buf), "%i", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_HEALTH]); else Q_snprintfz (macro_buf, sizeof(macro_buf), "\x10%i\x11", cl.playerview[SP].stats[STAT_HEALTH]); macro_string = macro_buf; break; case 'p': case 'P': macro_string = Macro_Powerups(); if (macro_string[0]) Q_snprintfz (mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "\x10%s\x11", macro_string); else mbuf[0] = 0; macro_string = mbuf; break; #endif // todo: %[w], %[b] default: buf[i++] = *s++; continue; } if (i + strlen(macro_string) >= MAX_MACRO_STRING-1) Sys_Error("TP_ParseMacroString: macro string length > MAX_MACRO_STRING)"); strcpy (&buf[i], macro_string); i += strlen(macro_string); s += 4; // skip %[] continue; } // check %a, etc if (*s == '%') { switch (s[1]) { #ifdef QUAKESTATS case 'a': macro_string = Macro_Armor(); break; case 'A': macro_string = Macro_ArmorType(); break; case 'b': macro_string = Macro_BestWeaponAndAmmo(); break; case 'c': macro_string = Macro_Cells(); break; case 'd': macro_string = Macro_LastDeath(); break; // case 'D': case 'h': macro_string = Macro_Health(); break; case 'i': macro_string = Macro_TookAtLoc(); break; case 'j': macro_string = Macro_LastPointAtLoc(); break; case 'k': macro_string = Macro_LastTookOrPointed(); break; case 'L': macro_string = Macro_Last_Location(); break; #endif case 'l': macro_string = Macro_Location(); break; #ifdef QUAKESTATS case 'm': macro_string = Macro_LastTookOrPointed(); break; case 'o': macro_string = Macro_CountNearbyFriendlyPlayers(); break; case 'e': macro_string = Macro_CountNearbyEnemyPlayers(); break; case 'O': macro_string = Macro_Count_Last_NearbyFriendlyPlayers(); break; case 'E': macro_string = Macro_Count_Last_NearbyEnemyPlayers(); break; case 'P': case 'p': macro_string = Macro_Powerups(); break; case 'q': macro_string = Macro_LastSeenPowerup(); break; // case 'r': macro_string = Macro_LastReportedLoc(); break; case 's': macro_string = Macro_EnemyStatus_LED(); break; case 'S': macro_string = Macro_TF_Skin(); break; case 't': macro_string = Macro_PointNameAtLocation(); break; case 'u': macro_string = Macro_Need(); break; case 'w': macro_string = Macro_WeaponAndAmmo(); break; case 'x': macro_string = Macro_PointName(); break; case 'X': macro_string = Macro_Took(); break; case 'y': macro_string = Macro_PointLocation(); break; case 'Y': macro_string = Macro_TookLoc(); break; #endif case 'n': //vicinity case 'N': //hides from you case 'g': //bonus timers. case 'C': //colour case 'z': //nearest waypoint (looking) case 'Z': //nearest waypoint (moving) default: buf[i++] = *s++; continue; } if (i + strlen(macro_string) >= MAX_MACRO_STRING-1) Sys_Error("TP_ParseMacroString: macro string length > MAX_MACRO_STRING)"); strcpy (&buf[i], macro_string); i += strlen(macro_string); s += 2; // skip % and letter continue; } buf[i++] = *s++; } buf[i] = 0; return buf; } /* ============== TP_ParseFunChars Doesn't check for overflows, so strlen(s) should be < MAX_MACRO_STRING ============== */ char *TP_ParseFunChars (char *s) { static char buf[MAX_MACRO_STRING]; char *out = buf; int c; if (!cl_parseFunChars.ival) return s; while (*s) { if (*s == '$' && s[1] == 'x') { int i; // check for $x10, $x8a, etc c = tolower((int)(unsigned char)s[2]); if ( isdigit(c) ) i = (c - (int)'0') << 4; else if ( isxdigit(c) ) i = (c - (int)'a' + 10) << 4; else goto skip; c = tolower((int)(unsigned char)s[3]); if ( isdigit(c) ) i += (c - (int)'0'); else if ( isxdigit(c) ) i += (c - (int)'a' + 10); else goto skip; if (!i) i = (int)' '; *out++ = (char)i; s += 4; continue; } if (*s == '$' && s[1]) { c = 0; switch (s[1]) { case '\\': c = 0x0D; break; case ':': c = 0x0A; break; case '[': c = 0x10; break; case ']': c = 0x11; break; case 'G': c = 0x86; break; case 'R': c = 0x87; break; case 'Y': c = 0x88; break; case 'B': c = 0x89; break; case '(': c = 0x80; break; case '=': c = 0x81; break; case ')': c = 0x82; break; case 'a': c = 0x83; break; case '<': c = 0x1d; break; case '-': c = 0x1e; break; case '>': c = 0x1f; break; case ',': c = 0x1c; break; case '.': c = 0x9c; break; case 'b': c = 0x8b; break; case 'c': case 'd': c = 0x8d; break; case '$': c = '$'; break; case '^': c = '^'; break; } if ( isdigit((int)(unsigned char)s[1]) ) c = s[1] - (int)'0' + 0x12; if (c) { *out++ = (char)c; s += 2; continue; } } skip: *out++ = *s++; } *out = 0; return buf; } /* ============================================================================= PROXY .LOC FILES ============================================================================= */ typedef struct locdata_s { vec3_t min; vec3_t max; char name[MAX_LOC_NAME]; } locdata_t; static locdata_t *locdata; // FIXME: allocate dynamically? static size_t loc_numentries; static size_t loc_maxentries; static void TP_LoadLocFile (char *filename, qbool quiet) { char fullpath[MAX_QPATH]; char *buf, *p; char line[1024]; int i, argc; int errorcount = 0; locdata_t *loc; char *comma, *space; if (!*filename) return; Q_snprintfz (fullpath, sizeof(fullpath) - 4, "locs/%s", filename); COM_DefaultExtension (fullpath, ".loc", sizeof(fullpath)); buf = (char *) COM_LoadTempFile (fullpath, 0, NULL); if (!buf) { if (!quiet) Com_Printf ("Could not load %s\n", fullpath); return; } loc_numentries = 0; // parse the file // we rely on the fact that FS_Load*File always appends a 0 at the end p = buf; while (1) { if (!*p) break; // end of file // get a line out for (i = 0; i < sizeof(line)-1; ) { char c = *p++; if (!c || c == 10) break; if (c != 13) line[i++] = c; } line[i] = 0; comma = strchr(line, ','); space = strchr(line, ' '); if (comma && (comma < space || !space)) { vec3_t min, max; min[0] = strtod(line, &comma); if (*comma++ == ',') { while(*comma == ' ' || *comma == '\t') comma++; min[1] = strtod(comma, &comma); if (*comma++ == ',') { while(*comma == ' ' || *comma == '\t') comma++; min[2] = strtod(comma, &comma); if (*comma++ == ',') { while(*comma == ' ' || *comma == '\t') comma++; max[0] = strtod(comma, &comma); if (*comma++ == ',') { while(*comma == ' ' || *comma == '\t') comma++; max[1] = strtod(comma, &comma); if (*comma++ == ',') { while(*comma == ' ' || *comma == '\t') comma++; max[2] = strtod(comma, &comma); if (*comma++ == ',') { if (loc_numentries == loc_maxentries) Z_ReallocElements((void**)&locdata, &loc_maxentries, loc_numentries+64, sizeof(*locdata)); loc = &locdata[loc_numentries]; loc_numentries++; while(*comma == ' ' || *comma == '\t') comma++; if (*comma == '\"') COM_ParseOut(comma, loc->name, sizeof(loc->name)); else Q_strncpyz(loc->name, comma, sizeof(loc->name)); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (min[i] > max[i]) { loc->min[i] = max[i]; loc->max[i] = min[i]; } else { loc->min[i] = min[i]; loc->max[i] = max[i]; } } } } } } } } errorcount++; } else { Cmd_TokenizeString (line, true, false); argc = Cmd_Argc(); if (!argc) continue; if (argc < 4) { errorcount++; continue; } if (atoi(Cmd_Argv(0)) == 0 && Cmd_Argv(0)[0] != '0') { // first token is not a number errorcount++; continue; } if (loc_numentries == loc_maxentries) Z_ReallocElements((void**)&locdata, &loc_maxentries, loc_numentries+64, sizeof(*locdata)); loc = &locdata[loc_numentries]; loc_numentries++; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) loc->min[i] = loc->max[i] = atoi(Cmd_Argv(i)) / 8.0; loc->name[0] = 0; for (i = 3; i < argc; i++) { if (i != 3) Q_strncatz (loc->name, " ", sizeof(loc->name)); Q_strncatz (loc->name, Cmd_Argv(i), sizeof(loc->name)); } } } if (!quiet) Com_Printf ("Loaded %s (%lu points)\n", fullpath, (unsigned long)loc_numentries); } static void TP_LoadLocFile_f (void) { if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Com_Printf ("loadloc : load a loc file\n"); return; } TP_LoadLocFile (Cmd_Argv(1), false); } char *TP_LocationName (const vec3_t location) { int i, j, minnum; float dist, mindist; vec3_t vec; static qbool recursive; static char buf[MAX_LOC_NAME]; int level; if (!loc_numentries || (cls.state != ca_active)) return tp_name_someplace.string; if (recursive) return ""; minnum = 0; mindist = 9999999; for (i = 0; i < loc_numentries; i++) { //clip the point to the box, to find the nearest point within it. for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) vec[j] = bound(locdata[i].min[j], location[j], locdata[i].max[j]); VectorSubtract (location, vec, vec); dist = VectorLength (vec); if (dist < mindist) { minnum = i; mindist = dist; //break out if we're actually inside it, to always favour the first. if (dist < 0.01) break; } } recursive = true; level = Cmd_ExecLevel; Cmd_ExpandString (locdata[minnum].name, buf, sizeof(buf), &level, false, true, false); recursive = false; return buf; } /* ============================================================================= MESSAGE TRIGGERS ============================================================================= */ // FIXME, we don't provide a way to remove triggers // allocated heap memory is not freed when the engine shuts down typedef struct msg_trigger_s { char name[32]; char string[64]; int level; struct msg_trigger_s *next; } msg_trigger_t; static msg_trigger_t *msg_triggers; static msg_trigger_t *TP_FindTrigger (char *name) { msg_trigger_t *t; for (t=msg_triggers; t; t=t->next) if (!strcmp(t->name, name)) return t; return NULL; } static void TP_MsgTrigger_f (void) { int c; char *name; msg_trigger_t *trig; if (Cmd_IsInsecure()) return; c = Cmd_Argc(); if (c > 5) { Com_Printf ("msg_trigger \"string\" [-l ]\n"); return; } if (c == 1) { if (!msg_triggers) Com_Printf ("no triggers defined\n"); else for (trig=msg_triggers; trig; trig=trig->next) Com_Printf ("%s : \"%s\"\n", trig->name, trig->string); return; } name = Cmd_Argv(1); if (strlen(name) > 31) { Com_Printf ("trigger name too long\n"); return; } if (c == 2) { trig = TP_FindTrigger (name); if (trig) Com_Printf ("%s: \"%s\"\n", trig->name, trig->string); else Com_Printf ("trigger \"%s\" not found\n", name); return; } if (c >= 3) { if (strlen(Cmd_Argv(2)) >= countof(trig->string)) { Com_Printf ("trigger string too long\n"); return; } trig = TP_FindTrigger (name); if (!trig) { // allocate new trigger trig = Z_Malloc (sizeof(msg_trigger_t)); trig->next = msg_triggers; msg_triggers = trig; strcpy (trig->name, name); // safe (length checked earlier) trig->level = PRINT_HIGH; } strcpy (trig->string, Cmd_Argv(2)); // safe (length checked earlier) if (c == 5 && !Q_stricmp (Cmd_Argv(3), "-l")) { if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(4), "t")) trig->level = 4; else { trig->level = Q_atoi (Cmd_Argv(4)); if ((unsigned)trig->level > PRINT_CHAT) trig->level = PRINT_HIGH; } } } } void TP_SearchForMsgTriggers (char *s, int level) { msg_trigger_t *t; char *string; if (cls.demoplayback) return; if (!ruleset_allow_triggers.ival) return; for (t=msg_triggers; t; t=t->next) if ((t->level == level || (t->level == 3 && level == 4)) && t->string[0] && strstr(s, t->string)) { if (level == PRINT_CHAT && ( strstr (s, "_version") || strstr (s, "_system") || strstr (s, "_speed") || strstr (s, "_modified") || strstr (s, "_ruleset"))) continue; // don't let llamas fake proxy replies string = Cmd_AliasExist (t->name, RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (string) { #ifdef QUAKESTATS Q_strncpyz(vars.lasttrigger_match, s, sizeof (vars.lasttrigger_match)); #endif Cbuf_AddText (string, RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText ("\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); // Cbuf_ExecuteLevel (RESTRICT_LOCAL); } else Com_Printf ("trigger \"%s\" has no matching alias\n", t->name); } } #ifdef QWSKINS /* ============================================================================= TEAMCOLOR & ENEMYCOLOR ============================================================================= */ unsigned int cl_teamtopcolor = ~0; unsigned int cl_teambottomcolor = ~0; unsigned int cl_enemytopcolor = ~0; unsigned int cl_enemybottomcolor = ~0; static unsigned int TP_ForceColour(char *col) { float rgb[3]; unsigned int bitval; if (!strcmp(col, "off")) return ~0; if (!strncmp(col, "0x", 2)) { if (strlen(col+2) == 3) { bitval = strtoul(col+2, NULL, 16); bitval = ((bitval & 0xf00)<<12) | ((bitval & 0x0f0)<<8) | ((bitval & 0x00f)<<4); bitval |= 0x01000000; } else bitval = 0x01000000 | strtoul(col+2, NULL, 16); if (bitval == ~0) bitval = 0x01ffffff; return bitval; } if (!strncmp(col, "x", 1)) { if (strlen(col+1) == 3) { bitval = strtoul(col+1, NULL, 16); bitval = ((bitval & 0xf00)<<12) | ((bitval & 0x0f0)<<8) | ((bitval & 0x00f)<<4) | ((bitval & 0xf00)<< 8) | ((bitval & 0x0f0)<<4) | ((bitval & 0x00f)<<0); bitval |= 0x01000000; } else bitval = 0x01000000 | strtoul(col+1, NULL, 16); if (bitval == ~0) bitval = 0x01ffffff; return bitval; } if (strchr(col, ' ')) { SCR_StringToRGB(col, rgb, 1); bitval = ((unsigned char)rgb[0]<<0) | ((unsigned char)rgb[1]<<8) | ((unsigned char)rgb[2]<<16) | (0xff<<24); if (bitval == ~0) bitval = 0x01ffffff; return bitval; } return atoi(col); } colourised_t *TP_FindColours(char *name) { colourised_t *col; for (col = cls.colourised; col; col = col->next) { if (!strncmp(col->name, name, sizeof(col->name)-1)) { return col; } } return NULL; } static void TP_Colourise_f (void) { int i; unsigned char *topstr, *botstr; colourised_t *col, *last; if (Cmd_Argc() == 1) { return; } col = TP_FindColours(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (Cmd_Argc() == 2) { if (col) { if (col == cls.colourised) cls.colourised = col->next; else { for (last = cls.colourised; last; last = last->next) { if (last->next == col) { last->next = col->next; break; } } } Z_Free(col); } } else { if (!col) { col = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*col)); col->next = cls.colourised; cls.colourised = col; Q_strncpyz(col->name, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(col->skin)); } topstr = Cmd_Argv(2); botstr = strchr(topstr, '.'); if (botstr) *botstr++ = '\0'; else botstr = topstr; col->topcolour = TP_ForceColour(topstr); col->bottomcolour = TP_ForceColour(botstr); Q_strncpyz(col->skin, Cmd_Argv(3), sizeof(col->skin)); } Skin_FlushPlayers(); for (i = 0; i < cl.allocated_client_slots; i++) { cl.players[i].colourised = TP_FindColours(cl.players[i].name); CL_NewTranslation(i); } } static void TP_TeamColor_CB (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { unsigned int top, bottom; int i; char *n = COM_Parse(var->string); top = TP_ForceColour(com_token); COM_Parse(n); if (!*com_token) bottom = top; else { bottom = TP_ForceColour(com_token); } cl_teamtopcolor = top; cl_teambottomcolor = bottom; if (qrenderer != QR_NONE) //make sure we have the renderer initialised... for (i = 0; i < cl.allocated_client_slots; i++) CL_NewTranslation(i); } static void TP_EnemyColor_CB (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { unsigned int top, bottom; int i; char *n = COM_Parse(var->string); top = TP_ForceColour(com_token); COM_Parse(n); if (!*com_token) bottom = top; else { bottom = TP_ForceColour(com_token); } cl_enemytopcolor = top; cl_enemybottomcolor = bottom; if (qrenderer != QR_NONE) //make sure we have the renderer initialised... for (i = 0; i < cl.allocated_client_slots; i++) CL_NewTranslation(i); } static void QDECL TP_SkinCvar_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { Skin_FlushPlayers(); } #endif //=================================================================== void TP_NewMap (void) { static char last_map[MAX_QPATH]; char locname[MAX_QPATH]; #ifdef QUAKESTATS memset (&vars, 0, sizeof(vars)); TP_FindModelNumbers (); #endif // FIXME, just try to load the loc file no matter what? if (strcmp(host_mapname.string, last_map)) { // map name has changed loc_numentries = 0; // clear loc file if (tp_loadlocs.value && cl.allocated_client_slots > 1)// && !cls.demoplayback) { Q_snprintfz (locname, sizeof(locname), "%s.loc", host_mapname.string); TP_LoadLocFile (locname, true); strlcpy (last_map, host_mapname.string, sizeof(last_map)); } else strlcpy (last_map, "", sizeof(last_map)); } #ifdef QUAKESTATS TP_UpdateAutoStatus(); #endif TP_ExecTrigger ("f_newmap", false); } /* ====================== TP_CategorizeMessage returns a combination of these values: 0 -- unknown 1 -- normal 2 -- team message 4 -- spectator 16 -- faked or serverside Note that sometimes we can't be sure who really sent the message, e.g. when there's a player "unnamed" in your team and "(unnamed)" in the enemy team. The result will be 3 (1+2) Never returns 2 if we are a spectator. Now additionally returns player info (NULL if no player detected) ====================== */ int TP_CategorizeMessage (char *s, int *offset, player_info_t **plr) { int i, msglen, len; int flags; player_info_t *player; char *name; playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[SP]; *offset = 0; *plr = NULL; flags = TPM_UNKNOWN; msglen = strlen(s); if (!msglen) return TPM_UNKNOWN; if ((s[0] == '^' && s[1] == '[') || (s[0] == '(' && s[1] == '^' && s[2] == '[')) { char *end, *info; i = 0; for(info = s; *info; ) { if (info[0] == '^' && info[1] == ']') break; if (*info == '\\') break; if (info[0] == '^' && info[1] == '^') info+=2; else info++; } for(end = info; *end; ) { if (end[0] == '^' && end[1] == ']') { *end = 0; info = Info_ValueForKey(info, "player"); if (*info) i = atoi(info)+1; *end = '^'; break; } if (end[0] == '^' && end[1] == '^') end+=2; else end++; } if (!*end || i < 1 || i > cl.allocated_client_slots) return TPM_UNKNOWN; if (*s == '(') { if (end[2] != ')') return TPM_UNKNOWN; end+=3; } else end+=2; if (*end++ != ':') return TPM_UNKNOWN; if (*end++ != ' ') return TPM_UNKNOWN; *plr = player = &cl.players[i-1]; *offset = end - s; if (*s == '(') flags = TPM_TEAM; else { if (player->spectator) flags |= TPM_SPECTATOR; else flags |= TPM_NORMAL; } } else { for (i=0, player=cl.players ; i < cl.allocated_client_slots ; i++, player++) { name = player->name; if (!(*name)) continue; len = strlen(name); // check messagemode1 if (len+2 <= msglen && s[len] == ':' && s[len+1] == ' ' && !strncmp(name, s, len)) { if (player->spectator) flags |= TPM_SPECTATOR; else flags |= TPM_NORMAL; *offset = len + 2; *plr = player; } // check messagemode2 else if (s[0] == '(' && len+4 <= msglen && !strncmp(s+len+1, "): ", 3) && !strncmp(name, s+1, len)) { // no team messages in teamplay 0, except for our own if (pv->spectator) { int track = Cam_TrackNum(pv); if (track>=0 && (i == track || ( cl.teamplay && !strcmp(cl.players[track].team, player->team)) )) { flags |= TPM_OBSERVEDTEAM; } } else { if (i == pv->playernum || ( cl.teamplay && !strcmp(cl.players[pv->playernum].team, player->team)) ) { flags |= TPM_TEAM; } } *offset = len + 4; *plr = player; } } // if (i == cl.allocated_client_slots) // return flags; } /* if (!flags) // search for fake/non player { if ((name = strstr(s, ": "))) // use name as temp { *offset = (name - s) + 2; flags = TPM_FAKED; if (msglen > 4 && *s == '(' && s[-1] == ')') flags |= TPM_TEAM; } } */ if (!flags) { char *qtv = NULL; if (!strncmp(s, "#0:qtv_say:#", 12)) { qtv = s+11; flags = TPM_QTV|TPM_SPECTATOR; } else if (!strncmp(s, "#0:qtv_say_game:#", 17)) { qtv = s+16; flags = TPM_QTV|TPM_SPECTATOR; } else if (!strncmp(s, "#0:qtv_say_team_game:#", 22)) { qtv = s+21; flags = TPM_QTV|TPM_TEAM|TPM_SPECTATOR; } if (flags) { *offset = (qtv - s); for (;;) { char *sub = qtv; if (*sub == '#') { strtoul(sub+1, &sub, 10); if (*sub++ == ':') { qtv = strstr(sub, ": "); if (qtv) { *offset = (sub - s); qtv += 2; continue; } } } break; } } } return flags; } #ifdef QUAKESTATS //=================================================================== // Pickup triggers // // symbolic names used in tp_took, tp_pickup, tp_point commands char *pknames[] = {"quad", "pent", "ring", "suit", "ra", "ya", "ga", "mh", "health", "lg", "rl", "gl", "sng", "ng", "ssg", "pack", "cells", "rockets", "nails", "shells", "flag", "teammate", "enemy", "eyes", "sentry", "disp", "runes"}; #define it_quad (1 << 0) #define it_pent (1 << 1) #define it_ring (1 << 2) #define it_suit (1 << 3) #define it_ra (1 << 4) #define it_ya (1 << 5) #define it_ga (1 << 6) #define it_mh (1 << 7) #define it_health (1 << 8) #define it_lg (1 << 9) #define it_rl (1 << 10) #define it_gl (1 << 11) #define it_sng (1 << 12) #define it_ng (1 << 13) #define it_ssg (1 << 14) #define it_pack (1 << 15) #define it_cells (1 << 16) #define it_rockets (1 << 17) #define it_nails (1 << 18) #define it_shells (1 << 19) #define it_flag (1 << 20) #define it_teammate (1 << 21) #define it_enemy (1 << 22) #define it_eyes (1 << 23) #define it_sentry (1 << 24) #define it_disp (1 << 25) #define it_runes (1 << 26) #define NUM_ITEMFLAGS 27 #define it_powerups (it_quad|it_pent|it_ring) #define it_weapons (it_lg|it_rl|it_gl|it_sng|it_ng|it_ssg) #define it_armor (it_ra|it_ya|it_ga) #define it_ammo (it_cells|it_rockets|it_nails|it_shells) #define it_players (it_teammate|it_enemy|it_eyes) #define default_pkflags (it_powerups|it_suit|it_armor|it_weapons|it_mh| \ it_rockets|it_pack|it_flag) #define default_tookflags (it_powerups|it_ra|it_ya|it_lg|it_rl|it_mh|it_flag) #define default_pointflags (it_powerups|it_suit|it_armor|it_mh| \ it_lg|it_rl|it_gl|it_sng|it_rockets|it_pack|it_flag|it_players) int pkflags = default_pkflags; int tookflags = default_tookflags; int pointflags = default_pointflags; static void FlagCommand (int *flags, int defaultflags) { int i, j, c, flag; char *p, str[255] = {0}; qboolean removeflag = false; c = Cmd_Argc (); if (c == 1) { if (!*flags) strcpy (str, "none"); for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_ITEMFLAGS ; i++) if (*flags & (1 << i)) { if (*str) Q_strncatz (str, " ", sizeof(str)); Q_strncatz (str, pknames[i], sizeof(str)); } Com_Printf ("%s\n", str); return; } if (c == 2 && !Q_strcasecmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "none")) { *flags = 0; return; } if (*Cmd_Argv(1) != '+' && *Cmd_Argv(1) != '-') *flags = 0; for (i = 1; i < c; i++) { p = Cmd_Argv (i); if (*p == '+') { removeflag = false; p++; } else if (*p == '-') { removeflag = true; p++; } flag = 0; for (j=0 ; jmodelname)) { model2item[i] = item; break; } } } // on success, result is non-zero // on failure, result is zero // for armors, returns skinnum+1 on success static int FindNearestItem (vec3_t org, int flags, item_t **pitem) { inframe_t *frame; packet_entities_t *pak; entity_state_t *ent; int i = 0, bestidx = 0, bestskin = 0; float bestdist = 0.0, dist = 0.0; vec3_t v; item_t *item; entity_state_t *baseline; // look in previous frame frame = &cl.inframes[cl.oldvalidsequence&UPDATE_MASK]; pak = &frame->packet_entities; bestdist = 100.0f; bestidx = 0; *pitem = NULL; for (i=0,ent=pak->entities ; inum_entities ; i++,ent++) { item = model2item[ent->modelindex]; if (!item) continue; if ( ! (item->itemflag & flags) ) continue; VectorCopy(ent->origin, v); VectorSubtract (v, org, v); VectorAdd (v, item->offset, v); dist = VectorLength (v); // Com_Printf ("%s %f\n", item->modelname, dist); if (dist <= bestdist) { bestdist = dist; bestidx = ent->number; bestskin = ent->skinnum; *pitem = item; } } if (!bestidx) for (i=1; imodelindex]; if (!item) continue; if ( ! (item->itemflag & flags) ) continue; VectorCopy(baseline->origin, v); VectorSubtract (v, org, v); VectorAdd (v, item->offset, v); dist = VectorLength (v); // Com_Printf ("%s %f\n", item->modelname, dist); if (dist <= bestdist) { bestdist = dist; bestidx = i; bestskin = baseline->skinnum; *pitem = item; } } if (bestidx && (*pitem)->itemflag == it_armor) if (bestskin >= 0 && bestskin <= 3) *pitem += bestskin + 1; return bestidx; } static int CountTeammates (void) { int i, count; player_info_t *player; char *myteam; if (tp_forceTriggers.ival) return 1; if (!cl.teamplay) return 0; count = 0; myteam = cl.players[cl.playerview[SP].playernum].team; for (i=0, player=cl.players; i < cl.allocated_client_slots ; i++, player++) { if (player->name[0] && !player->spectator && (i != cl.playerview[SP].playernum) && !strcmp(player->team, myteam)) count++; } return count; } static qboolean CheckTrigger (void) { int i, count; player_info_t *player; char *myteam; playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[SP]; if (pv->spectator) return false; if (tp_forceTriggers.ival) return true; if (!cl.teamplay) return false; count = 0; myteam = cl.players[pv->playernum].team; for (i = 0, player= cl.players; i < cl.allocated_client_slots; i++, player++) { if (player->name[0] && !player->spectator && i != pv->playernum && !strcmp(player->team, myteam)) count++; } return count; } static void ExecTookTrigger_ (char *s, int flag, vec3_t org) { int pkflags_dmm, tookflags_dmm; pkflags_dmm = pkflags; tookflags_dmm = tookflags; if (!cl.teamfortress && cl.deathmatch >= 1 && cl.deathmatch <= 4) { if (cl.deathmatch == 4) { pkflags_dmm &= ~(it_ammo|it_weapons); tookflags_dmm &= ~(it_ammo|it_weapons); } } if (!((pkflags_dmm|tookflags_dmm) & flag)) return; vars.tooktime = realtime; strncpy (vars.tookname, s, sizeof(vars.tookname)-1); strncpy (vars.tookloc, TP_LocationName (org), sizeof(vars.tookloc)-1); if ((tookflags_dmm & flag) && CheckTrigger()) TP_ExecTrigger ("f_took", false); } /* void TP_GetSimpleItemTexture () { } */ static void TP_ItemTaken (char *s, int flag, vec3_t org, int entnum, item_t *item, int seat) { if (seat == 0) ExecTookTrigger_(s, flag, org); /* if (entnum < cl_baselines_count && cl_baselines[entnum].modelindex && item && item->respawntime && (cl.spectator || cls.demoplayback)) { struct itemtimer_s *timer = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*timer)); timer->next = cl.itemtimers; cl.itemtimers = timer; timer->origin[0] = cl_baselines[entnum].origin[0] + item->offset[0]; timer->origin[1] = cl_baselines[entnum].origin[1] + item->offset[1]; timer->origin[2] = cl_baselines[entnum].origin[2]; timer->start = cl.time; timer->duration = item->respawntime; timer->end = cl.time + item->respawntime; timer->radius = item->radius; timer->entnum = entnum; } */ } void TP_ParsePlayerInfo(player_state_t *oldstate, player_state_t *state, player_info_t *info) { playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[SP]; // if (TP_NeedRefreshSkins()) // { // if ((state->effects & (EF_BLUE|EF_RED) ) != (oldstate->effects & (EF_BLUE|EF_RED))) // TP_RefreshSkin(info - cl.players); // } if (!pv->spectator && cl.teamplay && strcmp(info->team, TP_PlayerTeam())) { qboolean eyes; eyes = state->modelindex && cl.model_precache[state->modelindex] && !strcmp(cl.model_precache[state->modelindex]->name, "progs/eyes.mdl"); if (state->effects & (EF_BLUE | EF_RED) || eyes) { vars.enemy_powerups = 0; vars.enemy_powerups_time = realtime; if (state->effects & EF_BLUE) vars.enemy_powerups |= TP_QUAD; if (state->effects & EF_RED) vars.enemy_powerups |= TP_PENT; if (eyes) vars.enemy_powerups |= TP_RING; } } if (!pv->spectator && !cl.teamfortress && info - cl.players == pv->playernum) { if ((state->effects & (QWEF_FLAG1|QWEF_FLAG2)) && !(oldstate->effects & (QWEF_FLAG1|QWEF_FLAG2))) { ExecTookTrigger_ (tp_name_flag.string, it_flag, cl.inframes[cl.validsequence & UPDATE_MASK].playerstate[pv->playernum].origin); } else if (!(state->effects & (QWEF_FLAG1|QWEF_FLAG2)) && (oldstate->effects & (QWEF_FLAG1|QWEF_FLAG2))) { vars.lastdrop_time = realtime; strcpy (vars.lastdroploc, Macro_Location()); } } } void TP_CheckPickupSound (char *s, vec3_t org, int seat) { int entnum; item_t *item; playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[seat]; //if we're spectating, we don't want to do any actual triggers, so pretend it was someone else. if (pv->spectator) seat = -1; if (!s) return; //FIXME: on items/itembk2.wav kill relevant item timer. if (!strcmp(s, "items/damage.wav")) { entnum = FindNearestItem (org, it_quad, &item); TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_quad.string, it_quad, org, entnum, item, seat); } else if (!strcmp(s, "items/protect.wav")) { entnum = FindNearestItem (org, it_pent, &item); TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_pent.string, it_pent, org, entnum, item, seat); } else if (!strcmp(s, "items/inv1.wav")) { entnum = FindNearestItem (org, it_ring, &item); TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_ring.string, it_ring, org, entnum, item, seat); } else if (!strcmp(s, "items/suit.wav")) { entnum = FindNearestItem (org, it_suit, &item); TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_suit.string, it_suit, org, entnum, item, seat); } else if (!strcmp(s, "items/health1.wav") || !strcmp(s, "items/r_item1.wav")) { entnum = FindNearestItem (org, it_health, &item); TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_health.string, it_health, org, entnum, item, seat); } else if (!strcmp(s, "items/r_item2.wav")) { entnum = FindNearestItem (org, it_mh, &item); TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_mh.string, it_mh, org, entnum, item, seat); } else goto more; return; more: if (!cl.validsequence || !cl.oldvalidsequence) return; // weapons if (!strcmp(s, "weapons/pkup.wav")) { entnum = FindNearestItem (org, it_weapons, &item); if (item) TP_ItemTaken (item->cvar->string, item->itemflag, org, entnum, item, seat); else if (seat >= 0) { // we don't know what entity caused the sound, try to guess... if (vars.stat_framecounts[STAT_ITEMS] == cls.framecount) { if (vars.items & ~vars.olditems & IT_LIGHTNING) TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_lg.string, it_lg, pv->simorg, entnum, item, seat); else if (vars.items & ~vars.olditems & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_rl.string, it_rl, pv->simorg, entnum, item, seat); else if (vars.items & ~vars.olditems & IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_gl.string, it_gl, pv->simorg, entnum, item, seat); else if (vars.items & ~vars.olditems & IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_sng.string, it_sng, pv->simorg, entnum, item, seat); else if (vars.items & ~vars.olditems & IT_NAILGUN) TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_ng.string, it_ng, pv->simorg, entnum, item, seat); else if (vars.items & ~vars.olditems & IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN) TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_ssg.string, it_ssg, pv->simorg, entnum, item, seat); } } return; } // armor if (!strcmp(s, "items/armor1.wav")) { item_t *item; qbool armor_updated; armor_updated = (vars.stat_framecounts[STAT_ARMOR] == cls.framecount); entnum = FindNearestItem (org, it_armor, &item); if (item) TP_ItemTaken (item->cvar->string, item->itemflag, org, entnum, item, seat); else if (seat >= 0) { if (armor_updated && pv->stats[STAT_ARMOR] == 100) TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_ga.string, it_ga, org, entnum, NULL, seat); else if (armor_updated && pv->stats[STAT_ARMOR] == 150) TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_ya.string, it_ya, org, entnum, NULL, seat); else if (armor_updated && pv->stats[STAT_ARMOR] == 200) TP_ItemTaken (tp_name_ra.string, it_ra, org, entnum, NULL, seat); } return; } // backpack or ammo if (!strcmp (s, "weapons/lock4.wav")) { item_t *item; entnum = FindNearestItem (org, it_ammo|it_pack|it_runes, &item); if (!item) return; TP_ItemTaken (item->cvar->string, item->itemflag, org, entnum, item, seat); } } qboolean R_CullSphere (vec3_t org, float radius); static qboolean TP_IsItemVisible(item_vis_t *visitem) //BE sure that pmove.skipent is set correctly first { vec3_t end, v; trace_t trace; if (visitem->dist <= visitem->radius) return true; if (R_CullSphere(visitem->entorg, visitem->radius)) return false; VectorNegate (visitem->dir, v); VectorNormalize (v); VectorMA (visitem->entorg, visitem->radius, v, end); trace = PM_TraceLine (visitem->vieworg, end); if (trace.fraction == 1) return true; VectorMA (visitem->entorg, visitem->radius, visitem->right, end); VectorSubtract (visitem->vieworg, end, v); VectorNormalize (v); VectorMA (end, visitem->radius, v, end); trace = PM_TraceLine (visitem->vieworg, end); if (trace.fraction == 1) return true; VectorMA(visitem->entorg, -visitem->radius, visitem->right, end); VectorSubtract(visitem->vieworg, end, v); VectorNormalize(v); VectorMA(end, visitem->radius, v, end); trace = PM_TraceLine(visitem->vieworg, end); if (trace.fraction == 1) return true; VectorMA(visitem->entorg, visitem->radius, visitem->up, end); VectorSubtract(visitem->vieworg, end, v); VectorNormalize(v); VectorMA (end, visitem->radius, v, end); trace = PM_TraceLine(visitem->vieworg, end); if (trace.fraction == 1) return true; // use half the radius, otherwise it's possible to see through floor in some places VectorMA(visitem->entorg, -visitem->radius / 2, visitem->up, end); VectorSubtract(visitem->vieworg, end, v); VectorNormalize(v); VectorMA(end, visitem->radius, v, end); trace = PM_TraceLine(visitem->vieworg, end); if (trace.fraction == 1) return true; return false; } //checks to see if a point at org the size of a player is visible or not qboolean TP_IsPlayerVisible(vec3_t origin) { item_vis_t visitem; VectorCopy(vpn, visitem.forward); VectorCopy(vright, visitem.right); VectorCopy(vup, visitem.up); VectorCopy(r_origin, visitem.vieworg); VectorCopy (origin, visitem.entorg); visitem.entorg[2] += 27; VectorSubtract (visitem.entorg, visitem.vieworg, visitem.dir); visitem.dist = DotProduct (visitem.dir, visitem.forward); visitem.radius = 25; return TP_IsItemVisible(&visitem); } static float TP_RankPoint(item_vis_t *visitem) { vec3_t v2, v3; float miss; if (visitem->dist < 10) return -1; VectorScale (visitem->forward, visitem->dist, v2); VectorSubtract (v2, visitem->dir, v3); miss = VectorLength (v3); if (miss > 300) return -1; if (miss > visitem->dist * 1.7) return -1; // over 60 degrees off return (visitem->dist < 3000.0 / 8.0) ? miss * (visitem->dist * 8.0 * 0.0002f + 0.3f) : miss; } static char *Utils_TF_ColorToTeam_Failsafe(int color) { int i, j, teamcounts[8], numteamsseen = 0, best = -1; char *teams[MAX_CLIENTS]; memset(teams, 0, sizeof(teams)); memset(teamcounts, 0, sizeof(teamcounts)); for (i = 0; i < cl.allocated_client_slots; i++) { if (!cl.players[i].name[0] || cl.players[i].spectator) continue; if (cl.players[i].rbottomcolor != color) continue; for (j = 0; j < numteamsseen; j++) { if (!strcmp(cl.players[i].team, teams[j])) break; } if (j == numteamsseen) { teams[numteamsseen] = cl.players[i].team; teamcounts[numteamsseen] = 1; numteamsseen++; } else { teamcounts[j]++; } } for (i = 0; i < numteamsseen; i++) { if (best == -1 || teamcounts[i] > teamcounts[best]) best = i; } return (best == -1) ? "" : teams[best]; } static char *Utils_TF_ColorToTeam(int color) { char *s; switch (color) { case 13: if (*(s = InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cl.serverinfo, "team1")) || *(s = InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cl.serverinfo, "t1"))) return s; break; case 4: if (*(s = InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cl.serverinfo, "team2")) || *(s = InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cl.serverinfo, "t2"))) return s; break; case 12: if (*(s = InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cl.serverinfo, "team3")) || *(s = InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cl.serverinfo, "t3"))) return s; break; case 11: if (*(s = InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cl.serverinfo, "team4")) || *(s = InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cl.serverinfo, "t4"))) return s; break; default: return ""; } return Utils_TF_ColorToTeam_Failsafe(color); } static void TP_FindPoint (void) { packet_entities_t *pak; entity_state_t *ent; int i, j, pointflags_dmm; float best = -1, rank; entity_state_t *bestent=NULL; vec3_t ang; item_t *item, *bestitem = NULL; player_state_t *state, *beststate = NULL; player_info_t *info, *bestinfo = NULL; item_vis_t visitem; extern cvar_t v_viewheight; int oldskip = pmove.skipent; playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[SP]; if (vars.pointtime == realtime) return; if (!cl.validsequence) goto nothing; pmove.skipent = pv->viewentity; ang[0] = pv->viewangles[0]; ang[1] = pv->viewangles[1]; ang[2] = 0; AngleVectors (ang, visitem.forward, visitem.right, visitem.up); VectorCopy (pv->simorg, visitem.vieworg); visitem.vieworg[2] += 22 + (v_viewheight.value ? bound (-7, v_viewheight.value, 4) : 0); pointflags_dmm = pointflags; if (!cl.teamfortress && cl.deathmatch >= 1 && cl.deathmatch <= 4) { if (cl.deathmatch == 4) pointflags_dmm &= ~it_ammo; if (cl.deathmatch != 1) pointflags_dmm &= ~it_weapons; } pak = &cl.inframes[cl.validsequence & UPDATE_MASK].packet_entities; for (i = 0,ent = pak->entities; i < pak->num_entities; i++, ent++) { item = model2item[ent->modelindex]; if (!item || !(item->itemflag & pointflags_dmm)) continue; // special check for armors if (item->itemflag == (it_ra|it_ya|it_ga)) { item += 1 + bound(0, ent->skinnum, 2); if (!(item->itemflag & pointflags_dmm)) continue; } VectorAdd (ent->origin, item->offset, visitem.entorg); VectorSubtract (visitem.entorg, visitem.vieworg, visitem.dir); visitem.dist = DotProduct (visitem.dir, visitem.forward); visitem.radius = ent->effects & (EF_BLUE|EF_RED|EF_DIMLIGHT|EF_BRIGHTLIGHT) ? 200 : item->radius; if ((rank = TP_RankPoint(&visitem)) < 0) continue; // check if we can actually see the object if ((rank < best || best < 0) && TP_IsItemVisible(&visitem)) { best = rank; bestent = ent; bestitem = item; } } state = cl.inframes[cl.parsecount & UPDATE_MASK].playerstate; info = cl.players; for (j = 0; j < cl.allocated_client_slots; j++, info++, state++) { if (state->messagenum != cl.parsecount || j == pv->playernum || info->spectator) continue; if ( (state->modelindex == cl_playerindex && ISDEAD(state->frame)) || state->modelindex == cl_h_playerindex ) continue; VectorCopy (state->origin, visitem.entorg); visitem.entorg[2] += 30; VectorSubtract (visitem.entorg, visitem.vieworg, visitem.dir); visitem.dist = DotProduct (visitem.dir, visitem.forward); visitem.radius = (state->effects & (EF_BLUE|EF_RED|EF_DIMLIGHT|EF_BRIGHTLIGHT) ) ? 200 : 27; if ((rank = TP_RankPoint(&visitem)) < 0) continue; // check if we can actually see the object if ((rank < best || best < 0) && TP_IsItemVisible(&visitem)) { qboolean teammate, eyes = false; eyes = state->modelindex && cl.model_precache[state->modelindex] && !strcmp(cl.model_precache[state->modelindex]->name, "progs/eyes.mdl"); teammate = !!(cl.teamplay && !strcmp(info->team, TP_PlayerTeam())); if (eyes && !(pointflags_dmm & it_eyes)) continue; else if (teammate && !(pointflags_dmm & it_teammate)) continue; else if (!(pointflags_dmm & it_enemy)) continue; best = rank; bestinfo = info; beststate = state; } } if (best >= 0 && bestinfo) { qboolean teammate, eyes; char *name, buf[256] = {0}; eyes = beststate->modelindex && cl.model_precache[beststate->modelindex] && !strcmp(cl.model_precache[beststate->modelindex]->name, "progs/eyes.mdl"); if (cl.teamfortress) { teammate = !strcmp(Utils_TF_ColorToTeam(bestinfo->rbottomcolor), TP_PlayerTeam()); if (eyes) name = tp_name_eyes.string; //duck on 2night2 else if (pv->spectator) name = bestinfo->name; else if (teammate) name = tp_name_teammate.string[0] ? tp_name_teammate.string : "teammate"; else name = tp_name_enemy.string; if (!eyes) name = va("%s%s%s", name, name[0] ? " " : "", Skin_To_TFSkin(InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&bestinfo->userinfo, "skin"))); } else { teammate = !!(cl.teamplay && !strcmp(bestinfo->team, TP_PlayerTeam())); if (eyes) name = tp_name_eyes.string; else if (pv->spectator || (teammate && !tp_name_teammate.string[0])) name = bestinfo->name; else name = teammate ? tp_name_teammate.string : tp_name_enemy.string; } if (beststate->effects & EF_BLUE) Q_strncatz2(buf, tp_name_quaded.string); if (beststate->effects & EF_RED) Q_strncatz2(buf, va("%s%s", buf[0] ? " " : "", tp_name_pented.string)); Q_strncatz2(buf, va("%s%s", buf[0] ? " " : "", name)); Q_strncpyz (vars.pointname, buf, sizeof(vars.pointname)); Q_strncpyz (vars.pointloc, TP_LocationName (beststate->origin), sizeof(vars.pointloc)); vars.pointtype = (teammate && !eyes) ? POINT_TYPE_TEAMMATE : POINT_TYPE_ENEMY; } else if (best >= 0) { char *p; if (!bestitem->cvar) { p = tp_name_nothing.string; } else { p = bestitem->cvar->string; } vars.pointtype = (bestitem->itemflag & (it_powerups|it_flag)) ? POINT_TYPE_POWERUP : POINT_TYPE_ITEM; Q_strncpyz (vars.pointname, p, sizeof(vars.pointname)); Q_strncpyz (vars.pointloc, TP_LocationName (bestent->origin), sizeof(vars.pointloc)); } else { nothing: Q_strncpyz (vars.pointname, tp_name_nothing.string, sizeof(vars.pointname)); vars.pointloc[0] = 0; vars.pointtype = POINT_TYPE_ITEM; } vars.pointtime = realtime; pmove.skipent = oldskip; } void TP_UpdateAutoStatus(void) { char newstatusbuf[sizeof(vars.autoteamstatus)]; char *newstatus; int level; playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[SP]; if (vars.autoteamstatus_time > realtime || !*tp_autostatus.string) return; vars.autoteamstatus_time = realtime + 3; level = tp_autostatus.restriction; newstatus = Cmd_ExpandString(tp_autostatus.string, newstatusbuf, sizeof(newstatusbuf), &level, false, true, true); newstatus = TP_ParseMacroString(newstatus); if (!strcmp(newstatus, vars.autoteamstatus)) return; if (!*vars.autoteamstatus && !vars.health) { if (cls.state != ca_active) strcpy(vars.autoteamstatus, newstatus); return; //don't start it with a death (stops spamming of locations when we originally connect, before spawning) } strcpy(vars.autoteamstatus, newstatus); if (strchr(tp_autostatus.string, ';')) return; //don't take risks if (tp_autostatus.latched_string) return; if (pv->spectator) //don't spam as spectators, that's just silly return; if (!cl.teamplay) //don't spam in deathmatch, that's just pointless return; //the tp code will reexpand it as part of the say team Cbuf_AddText(va("say_team $\\%s\n", tp_autostatus.string), RESTRICT_LOCAL); } void TP_StatChanged (int stat, int value) { playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[SP]; int i; if (stat == STAT_HEALTH) { if (value > 0) { if (vars.health <= 0) { // we just respawned vars.respawntrigger_time = realtime; if (!pv->spectator && CountTeammates()) TP_ExecTrigger ("f_respawn", false); } } else if (vars.health > 0) { // We have just died vars.droppedweapon = pv->stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON]; vars.deathtrigger_time = realtime; strcpy (vars.lastdeathloc, Macro_Location()); CountNearbyPlayers(true); vars.last_numenemies = vars.numenemies; vars.last_numfriendlies = vars.numfriendlies; if (!pv->spectator && CountTeammates()) { if (cl.teamfortress && (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (IT_KEY1|IT_KEY2)) && Cmd_AliasExist("f_flagdeath", RESTRICT_LOCAL)) TP_ExecTrigger ("f_flagdeath", false); else TP_ExecTrigger ("f_death", false); } } vars.health = value; } else if (stat == STAT_ITEMS) { i = value &~ vars.items; if (i & (IT_KEY1|IT_KEY2)) { if (cl.teamfortress && !pv->spectator) { ExecTookTrigger_ (tp_name_flag.string, it_flag, cl.inframes[cl.validsequence&UPDATE_MASK].playerstate[pv->playernum].origin); } } if (!pv->spectator && cl.teamfortress && ~value & vars.items & (IT_KEY1|IT_KEY2)) { vars.lastdrop_time = realtime; strcpy (vars.lastdroploc, Macro_Location()); } vars.olditems = vars.items; vars.items = value; } else if (stat == STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) { if (pv->stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] != vars.activeweapon) TP_ExecTrigger ("f_weaponchange", false); vars.activeweapon = pv->stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON]; } vars.stat_framecounts[stat] = cls.framecount; TP_UpdateAutoStatus(); } #endif /* ====================== TP_CheckSoundTrigger Find and execute sound triggers. A sound trigger must be terminated by either a CR or LF. Returns true if a sound was found and played ====================== */ qbool TP_CheckSoundTrigger (char *str) { int i, j; int start, length; char soundname[MAX_QPATH]; if (!*str) return false; if (!tp_soundtrigger.string[0]) return false; for (i=strlen(str)-1 ; i ; i--) { if (str[i] != 0x0A && str[i] != 0x0D) continue; for (j = i-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--) { // quick check for chars that cannot be used // as sound triggers but might be part of a file name if ( isalpha((int)(unsigned char)str[j]) || isdigit((int)(unsigned char)str[j]) ) continue; // file name or chat if (strchr(tp_soundtrigger.string, str[j])) { // this might be a sound trigger start = j + 1; length = i - start; if (!length) break; if (length >= MAX_QPATH) break; strlcpy (soundname, str + start, length + 1); if (strstr(soundname, "..")) break; // no thank you // clean up the message strcpy (str + j, str + i); if (!S_HaveOutput()) return false; COM_DefaultExtension (soundname, ".wav", sizeof(soundname)); // make sure we have it on disk (FIXME) if (!FS_FLocateFile (va("sound/%s", soundname), FSLF_IFFOUND, NULL)) return false; // now play the sound S_LocalSound (soundname); return true; } if (str[j] <= ' ' || strchr("\"&'*,:;<>?\\|\x7f", str[j])) break; // we don't allow these in a file name } } return false; } #define MAX_FILTERS 8 #define MAX_FILTER_LENGTH 4 static char filter_strings[MAX_FILTERS][MAX_FILTER_LENGTH+1]; static int num_filters = 0; /* ====================== TP_FilterMessage returns false if the message shouldn't be printed matching filters are stripped from the message ====================== */ qbool TP_FilterMessage (char *s) { int i, j, len, maxlen; if (!num_filters) return true; len = strlen (s); if (len < 2 || s[len-1] != '\n' || s[len-2] == '#') return true; maxlen = MAX_FILTER_LENGTH + 1; for (i=len-2 ; i >= 0 && maxlen > 0 ; i--, maxlen--) { if (s[i] == ' ') return true; if (s[i] == '#') break; } if (i < 0 || !maxlen) return true; // no filter at all s[len-1] = 0; // so that strcmp works properly for (j=0 ; j= countof(filter_strings)) break; } } void TP_Init (void) { #define TEAMPLAYVARS "Teamplay Variables" //register all the TeamPlay cvars. #define TP_CVAR(name,def) Cvar_Register (&name, TEAMPLAYVARS); #define TP_CVARC(name,def,callback) Cvar_Register (&name, TEAMPLAYVARS); #define TP_CVARAC(name,def,name2,callback) Cvar_Register (&name, TEAMPLAYVARS); #define static TP_CVARS; #undef static #undef TP_CVAR #undef TP_CVARC #undef TP_CVARAC Cmd_AddCommand ("loadloc", TP_LoadLocFile_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("filter", TP_MsgFilter_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("msg_trigger", TP_MsgTrigger_f); #ifdef QWSKINS Cmd_AddCommand ("colourise", TP_Colourise_f); //uk Cmd_AddCommand ("colorize", TP_Colourise_f); //us //Cmd_AddCommand ("colorise", TP_Colourise_f); //piss off both. #endif #ifdef QUAKESTATS Cmd_AddCommand ("tp_took", TP_Took_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("tp_pickup", TP_Pickup_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("tp_point", TP_Point_f); #endif TP_InitMacros(); } qboolean TP_SuppressMessage(char *buf) { char *s; unsigned int seat; for (s = buf; *s && *s != 0x7f; s++) ; if (*s == 0x7f && *(s + 1) == '!') { *s++ = '\n'; *s++ = 0; if (!cls.demoplayback) for (seat = 0; seat < cl.splitclients; seat++) if (!cl.playerview[seat].spectator && *s - 'A' == cl.playerview[seat].playernum) return true; } return false; } void CL_PrintChat(player_info_t *plr, char *msg, int plrflags); void CL_Say (qboolean team, char *extra) { extern cvar_t cl_fakename; char text[2048], sendtext[2048], *s; playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[CL_TargettedSplit(false)]; if (Cmd_Argc() < 2) { if (team) Con_Printf ("%s : send a team message\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } if (cls.state == ca_disconnected) { Con_TPrintf ("Can't \"%s\", not connected\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } suppress = false; s = TP_ParseMacroString (Cmd_Args()); Q_strncpyz (text, TP_ParseFunChars (s), sizeof(text)); sendtext[0] = 0; if (team && !pv->spectator && cl_fakename.string[0] && !strchr(s, '\x0d') /* explicit $\ in message overrides cl_fakename */) { char buf[1024]; int level = Cmd_ExecLevel; Cmd_ExpandString (cl_fakename.string, buf, sizeof(buf), &level, false, true, true); strcpy (buf, TP_ParseMacroString (buf)); Q_snprintfz (sendtext, sizeof(sendtext), "\x0d%s: ", TP_ParseFunChars(buf)); } strlcat (sendtext, text, sizeof(sendtext)); if (suppress) { //print it locally: char *d; for (s = sendtext, d = text; *s; s++, d++) { if (*s == '\xff') //text that is hidden to us { // s++; *d++ = '^'; *d++ = 's'; *d++ = '^'; *d++ = '&'; *d++ = '4'; *d++ = '0'; if (*s == 'z') *d++ = 'x'; else *d++ = (char)139; *d++ = '^'; *d++ = 'r'; d--; while(*s != '\xff') { if (!*s) break; s++; } if (!*s) break; } else *d = *s; } *d++ = '\n'; *d = '\0'; { int plrflags = 0; if (team) plrflags |= 2; CL_PrintChat(&cl.players[pv->playernum], text, plrflags); } //strip out the extra markup for (s = sendtext, d = sendtext; *s; s++, d++) { if (*s == '\xff') //text that is hidden to us { // s++; if (*s == 'z') s++; while(*s != '\xff') { if (!*s) break; *d++ = *s++; } if (!*s) break; d--; } else *d = *s; } *d = '\0'; //mark the message so that we ignore it when we get the echo. strlcat (sendtext, va("\x7f!%c", 'A'+pv->playernum), sizeof(sendtext)); } #ifdef Q2CLIENT if (cls.netchan.remote_address.prot == NP_KEXLAN && NET_GetConnectionCertificate(cls.sockets, &cls.netchan.remote_address, QCERT_LOBBYSENDCHAT, sendtext, strlen(sendtext))>0) return; #endif #ifdef Q3CLIENT if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE3) q3->cl.SendClientCommand("%s %s%s", team ? "say_team" : "say", extra?extra:"", sendtext); else #endif { int split = CL_TargettedSplit(true); if (split >= cl.splitclients) return; //messagemode always adds quotes. the console command never did. //the server is expected to use Cmd_Args and to strip first+last chars if the first is a quote. this is annoying and clumsy for mods to parse. #ifdef HAVE_LEGACY if (!dpcompat_console.ival #ifdef NQPROT && !cls.qex #endif ) CL_SendSeatClientCommand(true, split, "%s \"%s%s\"", team ? "say_team" : "say", extra?extra:"", sendtext); else #endif CL_SendSeatClientCommand(true, split, "%s %s%s", team ? "say_team" : "say", extra?extra:"", sendtext); } } void CL_Say_f (void) { #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (isDedicated) SV_ConSay_f(); else #endif CL_Say (false, NULL); } void CL_SayMe_f (void) { CL_Say (false, "/me "); } void CL_SayTeam_f (void) { #ifdef QUAKESTATS vars.autoteamstatus_time = realtime + 3; #endif CL_Say (true, NULL); } qboolean TP_SoundTrigger(char *message) //if there is a trigger there, play it. Return true if we found one, stripping off the file (it's neater that way). { char *strip; char *lineend = NULL; char soundname[128]; int filter = 0; for (strip = message+strlen(message)-1; *strip && strip >= message; strip--) { if (*strip == '#') filter++; if (*strip == ':') break; //if someone says just one word, we can take any tidles in their name to be a voice command if (*strip == '\n') lineend = strip; else if (*strip <= ' ') { if (filter == 0 || filter == 1) //allow one space in front of a filter. { filter++; continue; } break; } else if (*strip == '~') { //looks like a trigger, whoopie! if (lineend-strip > sizeof(soundname)-1) { Con_Printf("Sound trigger's file-name was too long\n"); return false; } Q_strncpyz(soundname, strip+1, lineend-strip); memmove(strip, lineend, strlen(lineend)+1); Cbuf_AddText(va("play %s\n", soundname), RESTRICT_LOCAL); return true; } } return false; }