//maxclients is a QW thing. NQ engines use maxplayers (which requires a disconnect to apply) #include "../menusys/mitem_grid.qc" static string newgameinfo; nonstatic void(mitem_desktop desktop) M_Dir = { //implementing this primarily so its available in QSS. :P string path = argv(1); string pack = argv(2); searchhandle h; if (path == "") { print("m_dir [PACKAGE]\n"); return; } if (pack) h = search_begin(path, SB_FULLPACKAGEPATH|SB_FORCESEARCH|16, 0, argv(2)); else h = search_begin(path, SB_FULLPACKAGEPATH|16|32, 0); print(sprintf("Directory listing of %S (%g files)\n", path, search_getsize(h))); for (float i = 0; i < search_getsize(h); i++) { float sz = search_getfilesize(h,i); string szfmt = "b"; if (sz > 512*1024*1024) sz /= 1024*1024*1024, szfmt = "gb"; else if (sz > 512*1024) sz /= 1024*1024, szfmt = "mb"; else if (sz > 512) sz /= 1024, szfmt = "kb"; print(sprintf(" %S (%.4g %s, %s, %S)\n", search_getfilename(h,i), sz,szfmt, search_getfilemtime(h,i), search_getpackagename(h,i) )); #if 1 float f = search_fopen(h,i); if (f>=0) { print(sprintf("^`u8:" "\t%S\n", substring(fgets(f), 0, 64))); fclose(f); } else print("\tsearch_fopen failure\n"); #endif } search_end(h); }; nonstatic void(mitem_desktop desktop) M_FOpen = { float f = fopen(argv(1), FILE_READ); string s; if (f>=0) { while ((s=fgets(f))) print(sprintf("^`u8:" "%s\n", s)); fclose(f); print("\n"); } else print("fopen failure\n"); }; static string(string name) basemapname = { if (!strncmp(name, "maps/", 5)) name = substring(name, 5, -1); if (substring(name, -4, -1) == ".bsp") name = substring(name, 0, -5); return name; }; static string(string name) enginemapname = { float ofs = strstrofs(name, ":"); if (ofs<0) { if (!strncmp(name, "maps/", 5)) name = substring(name, 5, -1); if (substring(name, -8, -1) == ".bsp.gz") name = strcat(substring(name, 0, -9),"^8.gz"); //fiddle a little with its display if (substring(name, -4, -1) == ".bsp") name = substring(name, 0, -5); } else { //faff with the cullers to try to make it more readable. name = sprintf("^8%s:^7%s", substring(name, 0, ofs), substring(name, ofs, -1)); } return name; }; #define FOURCC(a,b,c,d) ((int)(a)<<0i)|((int)(b)<<8i)|((int)(c)<<16i)|((int)(d)<<24i) static string(string name) getmapdesc = { if (strstrofs(name, ":")>=0) { //FIXME: look up the package's title? return strcat("^8", basemapname(name)); } if (checkbuiltin(fread) && checkbuiltin(fseek) && checkbuiltin(memalloc) && checkbuiltin(memfree) && checkbuiltin(memgetval) && checkbuiltin(itof) && checkbuiltin(ftoi)) { //we can do it, so do it. filestream f = fopen(name, FILE_READ); if (f < 0) print(sprintf("Unable to read %s\n", name)); name = basemapname(name); if (f < 0) return name; int *header = memalloc(sizeof(int)*4); int bspver = 0, entofs, entlen; if (fread(f, (void*)header, sizeof(int)*4) == sizeof(int)*4 && ((bspver=header[0]),( bspver == FOURCC('I','B','S','P') || //IBSP (q2/q3) bspver == FOURCC('R','B','S','P') || //RBSP (jk2o etc) bspver == FOURCC('F','B','S','P') || //IBSP (qfusion/warsow) bspver == 29i || //q1 bspver == 30i || //hl bspver == FOURCC('B','S','P','2')))) //bsp2 { if (bspver == FOURCC('I','B','S','P')) { //has an actual version number! ooo... entofs = header[2]; entlen = header[3]; } else { entofs = header[1]; entlen = header[2]; } fseek(f, entofs); string s = (string)memalloc(entlen+1); fread(f, (void*)s, entlen); float argc = tokenize(s); if (argv(0) == "{") { for (float p = 1; p < argc; p+=2) { string t = argv(p); if (t == "message") { //finally found the human-readable name of the map. woo. name = argv(p+1); break; } if (t == "}") //don't read the message from some kind of trigger break; if (t == "{") //some sort of corruption break; } } else name = "ERROR"; memfree((void*)s); } else name = sprintf("UNSUPPORTED %i", bspver); memfree(header); fclose(f); return name; } return ""; //we can't do that in this engine... don't show anything, because its pointless showing the same thing twice. }; static string(string name) packagetogamedir = { float so = strstrofs(name, "/"); if (so>=0) name = substring(name, 0, so); //don't hide id1/dm4 etc just because the user previously auto-downloaded eg qw/aerowalk name = strtolower(name); if (name == "qw" || name == "fte") name = "id1"; return name; }; class mitem_maplist : mitem_grid { strbuf names; strbuf descs; virtual void() item_remove = { buf_del(names); buf_del(descs); super::item_remove(); }; void() mitem_maplist = { searchhandle searchtable; searchtable = search_begin("maps/*.bsp:maps/*.bsp.gz", SB_FULLPACKAGEPATH|SB_MULTISEARCH, 0); float files = search_getsize(searchtable); if (files && checkbuiltin(search_getpackagename)) { //find which gamedir the first entry is in (highest-priority is first) string gd = packagetogamedir(search_getpackagename(searchtable,0)); for (float count = 1; count < files; count++) { string mgd = packagetogamedir(search_getpackagename(searchtable,count)); if (mgd != gd) { //the gamedir changed... truncate the list here. files = count; break; } } } grid_numchildren = 0; names = buf_create(); for (float count = 0; count < files; count++) { string n = search_getfilename(searchtable, count); if (!strncmp(n, "maps/_", 6) || !strncmp(n, "maps/b_", 7)) continue; //don't add b_* names nor _* bufstr_add(names, n, TRUE); } search_end(searchtable); for (float pkg = 0; ; pkg++) { string n = getpackagemanagerinfo(pkg, GPMI_NAME); if not(n) break; //end of list. string maps = getpackagemanagerinfo(pkg, GPMI_MAPS); if not(maps) continue; //none? not a mappack? don't waste time on the tokenizing. float eq = strstrofs(n, "="); if (eq >= 0) n = substring(n, 0, eq); float c = tokenize_console(maps); for (float i = 0; i < c; i++) bufstr_add(names, sprintf("%s:%s", n, argv(i)), TRUE); } buf_sort(names, 0, FALSE); //make sure they're sorted now. grid_numchildren = buf_getsize(names); descs = buf_create(); item_resized(); //FIXME: is this needed? grid_kactive = grid_numchildren?0:-1; grid_selectionchanged(-1,grid_kactive); }; virtual void(vector pos, float idx) grid_draw = { string map = bufstr_get(names, idx); string desc = bufstr_get(descs, idx); if not(desc) { desc = map; static float lasttime; if (time != lasttime) { //fix up the name and cache it. lasttime = time; desc = getmapdesc(map); bufstr_set(descs, idx, desc); } } map = basemapname(map); vector col = (map == get("map"))?[1.16, 0.54, 0.41]:'1 1 1'; if (item_flags & IF_MFOCUSED && idx == grid_mactive) col_z = 0; if (item_flags & IF_KFOCUSED && idx == grid_kactive) col_x = 0; vector valuepos = [pos_x+item_size_x/2, pos_y]; pos_x = valuepos_x - stringwidth(map, TRUE, '1 1 0'*this.item_scale) - 8; valuepos_x += 1; ui.drawstring(pos, map, '1 1 0' * item_scale, col, item_alpha, 0); ui.drawstring(valuepos, desc, '1 1 0' * item_scale, col, item_alpha, 0); }; virtual float(vector pos, float scan, float chr, float down, float idx) grid_keypress = { if ((scan == K_ENTER || scan == K_MOUSE1) && down) { string map = bufstr_get(names, idx); map = enginemapname(map); set("map", map); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }; // virtual void(float olditem, float newitem) grid_selectionchanged; }; class mitem_newgame : mitem_exmenu { virtual float(string key) isvalid = { return TRUE; }; virtual string(string key) get = { return infoget(newgameinfo, key); }; virtual void(string key, string newval) set = { string old = newgameinfo; newgameinfo = strzone(infoadd(newgameinfo, key, newval)); if (old) strunzone(old); }; }; nonstatic void(mitem_desktop desktop) M_NewGame = { mitem_pic banner; string gametype = argv(1); local float pos; mitem_exmenu m; if (gametype == "sp") { //single player has no options. the start map itself gives skill+episode options. //use 0 for maxplayers. this allows splitscreen to allocate more. localcmd("\ndisconnect; deathmatch 0; coop 0; maxplayers 0; timelimit 0; fraglimit 0; teamplay 0; samelevel 0; startmap_sp\n"); return; } if (gametype == "begin") { cvar_set("hostname", infoget(newgameinfo, "hostname")); cvar_set("deathmatch", infoget(newgameinfo, "deathmatch")); cvar_set("coop", infoget(newgameinfo, "coop")); cvar_set("teamplay", infoget(newgameinfo, "teamplay")); cvar_set("sv_public", infoget(newgameinfo, "sv_public")); cvar_set("timelimit", infoget(newgameinfo, "timelimit")); cvar_set("fraglimit", infoget(newgameinfo, "fraglimit")); string map = infoget(newgameinfo, "map"); if (map == "") { if (infoget(newgameinfo, "deathmatch")) map = sprintf("dm%g", floor(random(1, 6))); else map = "start"; } if (engine == E_QSS) { if (stof(infoget(newgameinfo, "maxclients")) != cvar("maxplayers")) localcmd(sprintf("\ndisconnect; maxplayers %S\n", infoget(newgameinfo, "maxclients")?:"0")); } else cvar_set("maxclients", infoget(newgameinfo, "maxclients")); //'map' acts slightly differently in different engines. //qss: kicks everyone, resets all parms //fte: just resets parms. //whereas 'changelevel' works more predictably, but does mean you might get more weapons than were really intended. if (engine == E_QSS && gametype == "warp") localcmd(sprintf("\nchangelevel %S\n", map)); else localcmd(sprintf("\nmap %S\n", map)); return; } if (newgameinfo) strunzone(newgameinfo); newgameinfo = ""; newgameinfo = infoadd(newgameinfo, "hostname", cvar_string("hostname")); newgameinfo = infoadd(newgameinfo, "deathmatch", cvar_string("deathmatch")); newgameinfo = infoadd(newgameinfo, "teamplay", cvar_string("teamplay")); newgameinfo = infoadd(newgameinfo, "sv_public", cvar_string("sv_public")); newgameinfo = infoadd(newgameinfo, "maxclients", cvar_string((engine == E_QSS)?"maxplayers":"maxclients")); newgameinfo = infoadd(newgameinfo, "timelimit", cvar_string("timelimit")); newgameinfo = infoadd(newgameinfo, "fraglimit", cvar_string("fraglimit")); newgameinfo = strzone(newgameinfo); //create the menu m = spawn(mitem_newgame, item_text:_("New Game"), item_flags:IF_SELECTABLE, item_command:"m_main"); desktop.add(m, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, '0 0', '0 0'); desktop.item_focuschange(m, IF_KFOCUSED); m.totop(); #if 1 mitem_frame fr = m; #else //create a frame for its scrollbar. float h = 100; mitem_frame fr = spawn(mitem_frame, item_flags: IF_SELECTABLE, frame_hasscroll:TRUE); m.add(fr, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [-160, -h], [160, h*2]); #endif switch(gametype) { case "tdm": case "dm": case "coop": case "sp": case "warp": break; default: //show game type selection pos = (16/-2)*(4); banner = spawn(mitem_pic, item_text:"gfx/p_option.lmp", item_size_y:24, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN); m.addm(banner, [(160-banner.item_size_x)*0.5, pos-32], [(160+banner.item_size_x)*0.5, pos-8]); m.addm(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:"Single Player", item_command:"m_pop;m_newgame sp", item_scale:16, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN), [0, pos], [160, pos+16]); pos += 16; m.addm(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:"Cooperative", item_command:"m_pop;m_newgame coop", item_scale:16, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN), [0, pos], [160, pos+16]); pos += 16; m.addm(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:"Deathmatch", item_command:"m_pop;m_newgame dm", item_scale:16, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN), [0, pos], [160, pos+16]); pos += 16; m.addm(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:"Team Deathmatch", item_command:"m_pop;m_newgame tdm", item_scale:16, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN), [0, pos], [160, pos+16]); pos += 16; m.addm(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:"Map Selection", item_command:"m_pop;m_newgame warp", item_scale:16, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN), [0, pos], [160, pos+16]); pos += 16; m.add(spawn (mitem_spinnymodel, item_text: "progs/soldier.mdl",firstframe:73, framecount:8, shootframe:81, shootframes:9), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [-160, 12*-16/2], [0, 12*16/2]); return; } pos = -100; banner = spawn(mitem_pic, item_text:"gfx/p_multi.lmp", item_size_y:24, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN); m.addm(banner, [(0-banner.item_size_x)*0.5, pos-32], [(0+banner.item_size_x)*0.5, pos-8]); if (gametype != "warp") { fr.addm(menuitemeditt_spawn(_("Hostname"), "hostname", '280 8'), [-160, pos], [160, pos+8]); pos += 8; fr.addm(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Public"), "sv_public", '280 8', (engine == E_QSS)?_( "0 \"LAN\" " "1 \"Internet\" " ):_( "-1 \"Reject All (Splitscreen)\" " "0 \"Private (Manual IP Sharing)\" " "1 \"Public (Manual Config)\" " "2 \"Public (Holepunch)\" " )), [-160, pos], [160, pos+8]); pos += 8; fr.addm(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Max Clients"), "maxclients", '280 8', _( "2 \"Two\" " "3 \"Three\" " "4 \"Four\" " "8 \"Eight\" " "16 \"Sixteen\" " "32 \"Thirty Two\" " )), [-160, pos], [160, pos+8]); pos += 8; } if (gametype == "dm" || gametype == "tdm") { if (m.get("deathmatch") == "0") { m.set("deathmatch", "1"); m.set("coop", "0"); } fr.addm(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Deathmatch Mode"), "deathmatch", '280 8', _( "1 \"Weapons Respawn\" " "2 \"Weapons Stay\" " "3 \"Powerups Respawn\" " "4 \"Start With Weapons\" " )), [-160, pos], [160, pos+8]); pos += 8; } else { if (m.get("coop") == "0") { m.set("deathmatch", "0"); m.set("coop", "1"); } } if (gametype == "tdm") { if (m.get("teamplay") == "0") m.set("teamplay", "1"); } if (gametype == "dm") { if (m.get("teamplay") != "0") m.set("teamplay", "0"); } if (gametype == "coop") fr.addm(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("No Friendly Fire"), "teamplay", '280 8'), [-160, pos], [160, pos+8]), pos += 8; // if (gametype == "dm" || gametype == "tdm") if (gametype == "coop") m.set("map", "start"); else { m.set("map", ""); if (gametype != "warp") { fr.addm(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Time Limit"), "timelimit", '280 8', _( "0 \"No Limit\" " "5 \"5 minutes\" " "10 \"10 minutes\" " "15 \"15 minutes\" " "20 \"20 minutes\" " "25 \"25 minutes\" " "30 \"30 minutes\" " "35 \"35 minutes\" " "40 \"40 minutes\" " "45 \"45 minutes\" " "50 \"50 minutes\" " "55 \"55 minutes\" " "60 \"1 hour\" " )), [-160, pos], [160, pos+8]); pos += 8; fr.addm(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Frag Limit"), "fraglimit", '280 8', _( "0 \"No Limit\" " "10 \"10 frags\" " "20 \"20 frags\" " "30 \"30 frags\" " "40 \"40 frags\" " "50 \"50 frags\" " "60 \"60 frags\" " "70 \"70 frags\" " "80 \"80 frags\" " "90 \"90 frags\" " "100 \"100 frags\" " )), [-160, pos], [160, pos+8]); pos += 8; } pos += 8; fr.addm(spawn(mitem_maplist, item_scale:8, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN|IF_SELECTABLE), [-160, pos], [150, 100-16-8]), pos = 100-16; } fr.addm(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:"BEGIN!", item_command:"m_pop;m_newgame begin", item_scale:16, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN), [-160, pos], [160, pos+16]);pos += 16; //random art for style if (gametype == "coop") { m.add(spawn (mitem_spinnymodel, item_text: "progs/soldier.mdl", firstframe:73, framecount:8, shootframe:81, shootframes:9), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [-160, -240/2], [0, 240/2]); } else { m.add(spawn (mitem_spinnymodel, item_text: "progs/player.mdl", firstframe:0, framecount:6, shootframe:119, shootframes:6), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [-160, 12*-16/2], [0, 12*16/2]); } addmenuback(m); };