//read menu.h #include "quakedef.h" #include "winquake.h" #include "shader.h" #ifndef NOBUITINMENUS extern cvar_t maxclients; /* MULTIPLAYER MENU */ void M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (void) { menubutton_t *b; menu_t *menu; mpic_t *p; int mgt; static menuresel_t resel; p = NULL; Key_Dest_Add(kdm_menu); m_state = m_complex; mgt = M_GameType(); menu = M_CreateMenu(0); if (mgt == MGT_QUAKE2) { MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, 24, "pics/m_banner_multiplayer"); menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*) MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 170, 40, "Join network server", "menu_slist\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 170, 48, "Quick Connect", "quickconnect qw\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 170, 56, "Start network server", "menu_newmulti\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 170, 64, "Player setup", "menu_setup\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 170, 72, "Demos", "menu_demo\n"); menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 48, 0, 40, NULL, false); return; } else if (mgt == MGT_HEXEN2) { MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 0, 60, "gfx/menu/title4.lmp"); mgt=64; menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*) MC_AddConsoleCommandHexen2BigFont (menu, 80, mgt, "Server List ", "menu_slist\n");mgt+=20; MC_AddConsoleCommandHexen2BigFont (menu, 80, mgt, "New Server ", "menu_newmulti\n");mgt+=20; MC_AddConsoleCommandHexen2BigFont (menu, 80, mgt, "Player Setup", "menu_setup\n");mgt+=20; MC_AddConsoleCommandHexen2BigFont (menu, 80, mgt, "Demos ", "menu_demo\n");mgt+=20; menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t *)MC_AddCursor(menu, &resel, 48, 64); return; } else if (QBigFontWorks()) { MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, 32, 144, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, 24, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); mgt=32; menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*) MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont (menu, 72, mgt, "Server List ", "menu_slist\n");mgt+=20; MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont (menu, 72, mgt, "Quick Connect", "quickconnect qw\n");mgt+=20; MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont (menu, 72, mgt, "New Server ", "menu_newmulti\n");mgt+=20; MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont (menu, 72, mgt, "Player Setup", "menu_setup\n");mgt+=20; MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont (menu, 72, mgt, "Demos ", "menu_demo\n");mgt+=20; menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddCursor(menu, &resel, 54, 32); return; } else { p = R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/mp_menu.lmp"); if (p) { MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, 32, 144, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, 24, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); MC_AddPicture(menu, 72, 32, 232, 64, "gfx/mp_menu.lmp"); } b = MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 72, 320, 32, "", "menu_slist\n"); menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*)b; b->common.height = 20; b->common.width = p?p->width:320; b = MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 72, 320, 52, "", "menu_newmulti\n"); b->common.height = 20; b->common.width = p?p->width:320; b = MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 72, 320, 72, "", "menu_setup\n"); b->common.height = 20; b->common.width = p?p->width:320; b = MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 72, 320, 92, "", "menu_demo\n"); MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 72, 0, 92+20/2-6, "Demos", false); b->common.height = 20/2+2; b->common.width = p?p->width:320; b = MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 72, 320, 112, "", "quickconnect qw\n"); MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 72, 0, 112+20/2-6, "Quick Connect", false); b->common.height = 20/2+2; b->common.width = p?p->width:320; } menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddCursor(menu, &resel, 54, 32); } extern cvar_t team, skin; extern cvar_t topcolor; extern cvar_t bottomcolor; extern cvar_t skill; typedef struct { menuedit_t *nameedit; menuedit_t *teamedit; menuedit_t *skinedit; menucombo_t *classedit; menucombo_t *modeledit; int topcolour; int lowercolour; int ticlass; int tiwidth, tiheight; qbyte translationimage[128*128]; } setupmenu_t; qboolean ApplySetupMenu (union menuoption_s *option,struct menu_s *menu, int key) { setupmenu_t *info = menu->data; if (key != K_ENTER && key != K_KP_ENTER) return false; Cvar_Set(&name, info->nameedit->text); Cvar_Set(&team, info->teamedit->text); if (info->skinedit) Cvar_Set(&skin, info->skinedit->text); if (info->classedit) Cvar_SetValue(Cvar_FindVar("cl_playerclass"), info->classedit->selectedoption+1); Cbuf_AddText(va("color %i %i\n", info->lowercolour, info->topcolour), RESTRICT_LOCAL); S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); M_RemoveMenu(menu); return true; } qboolean SetupMenuColour (union menuoption_s *option,struct menu_s *menu, int key) { setupmenu_t *info = menu->data; if (*option->button.text == 'T') { if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_RIGHTARROW) { info->topcolour ++; if (info->topcolour>=14) info->topcolour=0; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); return true; } if (key == K_LEFTARROW) { info->topcolour --; if (info->topcolour<=0) info->topcolour=13; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); return true; } } else { if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_RIGHTARROW) { info->lowercolour ++; if (info->lowercolour>=14) info->lowercolour=0; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); return true; } if (key == K_LEFTARROW) { info->lowercolour --; if (info->lowercolour<=0) info->lowercolour=13; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); return true; } } return false; } typedef struct { char **names; int entries; int match; } q2skinsearch_t; int QDECL q2skin_enumerate(const char *name, qofs_t fsize, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath) { char blah[MAX_QPATH]; q2skinsearch_t *s = parm; COM_StripExtension(name+8, blah, sizeof(blah)); if (strlen(blah) < 2) return false; //this should never happen blah[strlen(blah)-2] = 0; s->names = BZ_Realloc(s->names, ((s->entries+64)&~63) * sizeof(char*)); s->names[s->entries] = BZ_Malloc(strlen(blah)+1); strcpy(s->names[s->entries], blah); if (!strcmp(blah, skin.string)) s->match = s->entries; s->entries++; return true; } void q2skin_destroy(q2skinsearch_t *s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < s->entries; i++) { BZ_Free(s->names[i]); } BZ_Free(s); } qboolean MSetupQ2_ChangeSkin (struct menucustom_s *option,struct menu_s *menu, int key) { setupmenu_t *info = menu->data; q2skinsearch_t *s = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*s)); COM_EnumerateFiles(va("players/%s/*_i.*", info->modeledit->values[info->modeledit->selectedoption]), q2skin_enumerate, s); if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_RIGHTARROW) { s->match ++; if (s->match>=s->entries) s->match=0; } else if (key == K_LEFTARROW) { s->match --; if (s->match<=0) s->match=s->entries-1; } else { q2skin_destroy(s); return false; } if (s->entries) Cvar_Set(&skin, s->names[s->match]); S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); q2skin_destroy(s); return true; } void MSetupQ2_TransDraw (int x, int y, menucustom_t *option, menu_t *menu) { setupmenu_t *info = menu->data; mpic_t *p; p = R2D_SafeCachePic (va("players/%s_i", skin.string)); if (!p) { q2skinsearch_t *s = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*s)); COM_EnumerateFiles(va("players/%s/*_i.*", info->modeledit->values[info->modeledit->selectedoption]), q2skin_enumerate, s); if (s->entries) Cvar_Set(&skin, s->names[rand()%s->entries]); q2skin_destroy(s); p = R2D_SafeCachePic (va("players/%s_i", skin.string)); } if (p) R2D_ScalePic (x-12, y-8, p->width, p->height, p); } void MSetup_TransDraw (int x, int y, menucustom_t *option, menu_t *menu) { unsigned int translationTable[256]; setupmenu_t *info = menu->data; mpic_t *p; void *f; qboolean reloadtimage = false; if (info->skinedit && info->skinedit->modified) { info->skinedit->modified = false; reloadtimage = true; } if (info->classedit && info->classedit->selectedoption != info->ticlass) { info->ticlass = info->classedit->selectedoption; reloadtimage = true; } if (reloadtimage) { if (info->classedit) //quake2 main menu. { FS_LoadFile(va("gfx/menu/netp%i.lmp", info->ticlass+1), &f); } else { FS_LoadFile(va("gfx/player/%s.lmp", info->skinedit->text), &f); if (!f) FS_LoadFile("gfx/menuplyr.lmp", &f); } if (f) { info->tiwidth = ((int*)f)[0]; info->tiheight = ((int*)f)[1]; if (info->tiwidth * info->tiheight > sizeof(info->translationimage)) info->tiwidth = info->tiheight = 0; memcpy(info->translationimage, (char*)f+8, info->tiwidth*info->tiheight); FS_FreeFile(f); } } R2D_ImageColours(1,1,1,1); p = R2D_SafeCachePic ("gfx/bigbox.lmp"); if (p) R2D_ScalePic (x-12, y-8, 72, 72, p); M_BuildTranslationTable(info->topcolour, info->lowercolour, translationTable); R2D_TransPicTranslate (x, y, info->tiwidth, info->tiheight, info->translationimage, translationTable); } void M_Menu_Setup_f (void) { int mgt; setupmenu_t *info; menu_t *menu; menucustom_t *ci; menubutton_t *b; static menuresel_t resel; mgt = M_GameType(); if (mgt == MGT_QUAKE2) //quake2 main menu. { if (R2D_SafeCachePic("pics/m_banner_player_setup")) { static const char *modeloptions[] = { "male", "female", NULL }; mpic_t *p; menucustom_t *cu; m_state = m_complex; Key_Dest_Add(kdm_menu); menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(setupmenu_t)); info = menu->data; // menu->key = MC_Main_Key; MC_AddPicture(menu, 0, 4, 38, 166, "pics/m_main_plaque"); p = R2D_SafeCachePic("pics/m_main_logo"); if (!p) return; MC_AddPicture(menu, 0, 173, 36, 42, "pics/m_main_logo"); menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*) (info->nameedit = MC_AddEdit(menu, 64, 160, 40, "Your name", name.string)); (info->modeledit = MC_AddCvarCombo(menu, 64, 160,72, "model", &skin, (const char **)modeloptions, (const char **)modeloptions)); info->modeledit->selectedoption = !strncmp(skin.string, "female", 6); cu = MC_AddCustom(menu, 172-16, 88+16, NULL, 0); cu->draw = MSetupQ2_TransDraw; cu->key = MSetupQ2_ChangeSkin; menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddCursorSmall(menu, &resel, 54, 32); } return; } Key_Dest_Add(kdm_menu); m_state = m_complex; menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(setupmenu_t)); info = menu->data; MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, 32, 144, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, 24, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); // MC_AddPicture(menu, 72, 32, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/mp_menu.lmp") ); menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*) (info->nameedit = MC_AddEdit(menu, 64, 160, 40, "Your name", name.string)); (info->teamedit = MC_AddEdit(menu, 64, 160, 56, "Your team", team.string)); if (mgt == MGT_HEXEN2) { static const char *classnames[] = { "Paladin", "Crusader", "Necromancer", "Assasin", "Demoness", NULL }; cvar_t *pc = Cvar_Get("cl_playerclass", "1", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Hexen2"); (info->classedit = MC_AddCombo(menu, 64, 160, 72, "Your class", (const char **)classnames, pc->ival-1)); } else (info->skinedit = MC_AddEdit(menu, 64, 160, 72, "Your skin", skin.string)); ci = MC_AddCustom(menu, 172+32, 88, NULL, 0); ci->draw = MSetup_TransDraw; ci->key = NULL; MC_AddCommand(menu, 64, 160, 96, "Top colour", SetupMenuColour); MC_AddCommand(menu, 64, 160, 120, "Lower colour", SetupMenuColour); MC_AddCommand(menu, 64, 160, 152, "Accept changes", ApplySetupMenu); b = MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 64, 160, 168, "Network Settings", "menu_network\n"); b->common.tooltip = "Change network and client prediction settings."; b = MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 64, 160, 176, "Teamplay Settings", "menu_teamplay\n"); b->common.tooltip = "Change teamplay macro settings."; menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddCursorSmall(menu, &resel, 54, 32); info->lowercolour = bottomcolor.value; info->topcolour = topcolor.value; if (info->skinedit) info->skinedit->modified = true; info->ticlass = -1; } #ifdef CLIENTONLY void M_Menu_GameOptions_f (void) { } #else typedef struct { menuedit_t *hostnameedit; menucombo_t *deathmatch; menucombo_t *numplayers; menucombo_t *teamplay; menucombo_t *skill; menucombo_t *timelimit; menucombo_t *fraglimit; menuedit_t *mapnameedit; menucheck_t *rundedicated; int topcolour; int lowercolour; } newmultimenu_t; static const char *numplayeroptions[] = { "2", "3", "4", "8", "12", "16", "20", "24", "32", NULL }; qboolean MultiBeginGame (union menuoption_s *option,struct menu_s *menu, int key) { newmultimenu_t *info = menu->data; if (key != K_ENTER && key != K_KP_ENTER && key != K_MOUSE1) return false; if (cls.state) Cbuf_AddText("disconnect\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("maxclients \"%s\"\n", numplayeroptions[info->numplayers->selectedoption]), RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (info->rundedicated->value) Cbuf_AddText("setrenderer dedicated\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("hostname \"%s\"\n", info->hostnameedit->text), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("deathmatch %i\n", info->deathmatch->selectedoption), RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (!info->deathmatch->selectedoption) Cbuf_AddText("coop 1\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); else Cbuf_AddText("coop 0\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("teamplay %i\n", info->teamplay->selectedoption), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("skill %i\n", info->skill->selectedoption), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("timelimit %i\n", info->timelimit->selectedoption*5), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("fraglimit %i\n", info->fraglimit->selectedoption*10), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("map \"%s\"\n", info->mapnameedit->text), RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (info->rundedicated->value) { Cbuf_AddText("echo You can use the setrenderer command to return to a graphical interface at any time\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } M_RemoveAllMenus(); return true; } void M_Menu_GameOptions_f (void) { extern cvar_t pr_maxedicts; static const char *deathmatchoptions[] = { "Cooperative", "Deathmatch 1", "Deathmatch 2", "Deathmatch 3", "Deathmatch 4", "Deathmatch 5", NULL }; static const char *teamplayoptions[] = { "off", "friendly fire", "no friendly fire", NULL }; static const char *skilloptions[] = { "Easy", "Medium", "Hard", "NIGHTMARE", NULL }; static const char *timelimitoptions[] = { "no limit", "5 minutes", "10 minutes", "15 minutes", "20 minutes", "25 minutes", "30 minutes", "35 minutes", "40 minutes", "45 minutes", "50 minutes", "55 minutes", "1 hour", NULL }; static const char *fraglimitoptions[] = { "no limit", "10 frags", "20 frags", "30 frags", "40 frags", "50 frags", "60 frags", "70 frags", "80 frags", "90 frags", "100 frags", NULL }; newmultimenu_t *info; menu_t *menu; int y = 40; int mgt; int players; Key_Dest_Add(kdm_menu); m_state = m_complex; menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(newmultimenu_t)); info = menu->data; mgt = M_GameType(); if (mgt == MGT_QUAKE2) { MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, 24, "pics/m_banner_start_server"); y += 8; } else if (mgt == MGT_HEXEN2) { } else { MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, 32, 144, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, 24, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); } // MC_AddPicture(menu, 72, 32, ("gfx/mp_menu.lmp") ); menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*) MC_AddCommand (menu, 64, 160, y, "Start game", MultiBeginGame);y+=16; info->hostnameedit = MC_AddEdit (menu, 64, 160, y, "Hostname", name.string);y+=16; for (players = 0; players < sizeof(numplayeroptions)/ sizeof(numplayeroptions[0]); players++) { if (atoi(numplayeroptions[players]) >= maxclients.value) break; } info->numplayers = MC_AddCombo (menu, 64, 160, y, "Max players", (const char **)numplayeroptions, players);y+=8; info->deathmatch = MC_AddCombo (menu, 64, 160, y, "Deathmatch", (const char **)deathmatchoptions, deathmatch.value);y+=8; info->teamplay = MC_AddCombo (menu, 64, 160, y, "Teamplay", (const char **)teamplayoptions, teamplay.value);y+=8; info->skill = MC_AddCombo (menu, 64, 160, y, "Skill", (const char **)skilloptions, skill.value);y+=8; info->rundedicated = MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 64, 160, y, "dedicated", NULL, 0);y+=8; y+=8; info->timelimit = MC_AddCombo (menu, 64, 160, y, "Time Limit", (const char **)timelimitoptions, timelimit.value/5);y+=8; info->fraglimit = MC_AddCombo (menu, 64, 160, y, "Frag Limit", (const char **)fraglimitoptions, fraglimit.value/10);y+=8; y+=8; if (mgt == MGT_QUAKE2) info->mapnameedit = MC_AddEdit (menu, 64, 160, y, "map", "base1"); else info->mapnameedit = MC_AddEdit (menu, 64, 160, y, "map", "start"); y += 16; menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 54, 0, 32, NULL, false); info->lowercolour = bottomcolor.value; info->topcolour = topcolor.value; } #endif void M_Menu_Teamplay_f (void) { static const char *noskinsoptions[] = { "Enabled", "Disabled", "No Download", NULL }; static const char *noskinsvalues[] = { "0", "1", "2", NULL }; extern cvar_t cl_parseSay, cl_triggers, tp_forceTriggers, tp_loadlocs, cl_parseFunChars, cl_noblink, noskins; int y; menubulk_t bulk[] = { MB_REDTEXT("Teamplay Options", false), MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", false), MB_COMBOCVAR("Skins", noskins, noskinsoptions, noskinsvalues, "Enable or disable player skin usage. No download will use skins but will not download them from the server."), MB_EDITCVARTIP("Enemy Skin", "cl_enemyskin", "Override enemy skin with this."), MB_EDITCVARTIP("Team Skin", "cl_teamskin", "Override teammate skin with this."), MB_EDITCVARTIP("Fake Name", "cl_fakename", "Name that appears in teamplay messages"), MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Parse Fun Chars", cl_parseFunChars, 0, "Whether to parse fun characters"), MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Parse Macros", cl_parseSay, 0, "Whether to parse teamplay macros like %l etc."), MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Load Locs", tp_loadlocs, 0, "Whether to load teamplay locations from .loc files"), MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("No Blink", cl_noblink, 0, "No blinking characters"), MB_EDITCVARTIP("Sound Trigger", "tp_soundtrigger", "Character that indicates the following text is a wav file.\nExample:\nsay_team ~location.wav$\\me: I'm at %l #a"), MB_EDITCVARTIP("Weapon Order", "tp_weapon_order","Weapon preference order:\n8 = Lightning Gun\n7 = Rocket Launcher\n6 = Grenade Launcher\n5 = Super Nailgun\n4 = Nailgun\n3 = Super Shotgun\n2 = Shotgun\n1 = Axe"), MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Teamplay Triggers", cl_triggers, 0, "Enable or disable teamplay triggers"), MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Force Triggers", tp_forceTriggers, 0, "Whether to force teamplay triggers in non-teamplay play like in a 1 on 1 situation"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_CONSOLECMD("Location Names", "menu_teamplay_locations\n", "Modify team play location settings."), MB_CONSOLECMD("Item Needs", "menu_teamplay_needs\n", "Modify messages for item needs in team play macros."), MB_CONSOLECMD("Item Names", "menu_teamplay_items\n", "Modify messages for items in team play macros."), MB_END() }; static menuresel_t resel; menu_t *menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0); MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 200, y); } void M_Menu_Teamplay_Locations_f (void) { menu_t *menu; int y; menubulk_t bulk[] = { MB_REDTEXT("Teamplay Location Names", false), MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", false), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Separator", "loc_name_separator", "Location name seperator character(s)"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Super Shotgun", "loc_name_ssg", "Short name for Super Shotgun in teamplay location 'reports'"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Nailgun", "loc_name_ng", "Short name for Nailgun in teamplay location 'reports'"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Super Nailgun", "loc_name_sng", "Short name for Super Nailgun in teamplay location 'reports'"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Grenade Launcher", "loc_name_gl", "Short name for Grenade Launcher in teamplay location 'reports'"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Rocket Launcher", "loc_name_rl", "Short name for Rocket Launcher in teamplay location 'reports'"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Lightning Gun", "loc_name_lg", "Short name for Lightning Gun in teamplay location 'reports'"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Quad Damage", "loc_name_quad", "Short name for Quad Damage in teamplay location 'reports'"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Pentagram", "loc_name_pent", "Short name for Pentagram of Protection in teamplay location 'reports'"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Ring of Invis", "loc_name_ring", "Short name for Ring of Invisibility in teamplay location 'reports'"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Suit", "loc_name_suit", "Short name for Environment Suit in teamplay location 'reports'"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Green Armor", "loc_name_ga", "Short name for Green Armor in teamplay location 'reports'"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Yellow Armor", "loc_name_ya", "Short name for Yellow Armor in teamplay location 'reports'" ), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Red Armor", "loc_name_ra", "Short name for Red Armor in teamplay location 'reports'"), // TODO: we probably need an actual back button or some such //MB_SPACING(4), //MB_CONSOLECMD("\x7f Teamplay", "menu_teamplay\n", "Return to the teamplay menu."), MB_END() }; static menuresel_t resel; menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0); MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 200, y); } void M_Menu_Teamplay_Needs_f (void) { menu_t *menu; int y; menubulk_t bulk[] = { MB_REDTEXT("Teamplay Needed Items", false), MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", false), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Shells", "tp_need_shells", "Short name for Shotgun Shells in teamplay 'need' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Nails", "tp_need_nails", "Short name for Nails in teamplay 'need' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Rockets", "tp_need_rockets", "Short name for Rockets/Grenades in teamplay 'need' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Cells", "tp_need_cells", "Short name for Power Cells in teamplay 'need' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Rocket Launcher", "tp_need_rl", "Short name for Rocket Launcher in teamplay 'need' reports"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Green Armor", "tp_need_ga", "Short name for Green Armor in teamplay 'need' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Yellow Armor", "tp_need_ya", "Short name for Yellow Armor in teamplay 'need' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Red Armor", "tp_need_ra", "Short name for Red Armor in teamplay 'need' reports"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Health", "tp_need_health", "Short name for Health in teamplay 'need' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Weapon", "tp_need_weapon", "Need weapon preference order:\n8 = Lightning Gun\n7 = Rocket Launcher\n6 = Grenade Launcher\n5 = Super Nailgun\n4 = Nailgun\n3 = Super Shotgun\n2 = Shotgun\n1 = Axe"), MB_END() }; static menuresel_t resel; menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0); MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 200, y); } void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_f (void) { menu_t *menu; int y; menubulk_t bulk[] = { MB_REDTEXT("Teamplay Item Names", false), MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", false), MB_CONSOLECMD("Armor", "menu_teamplay_armor\n", "Modify team play macro armor names."), MB_CONSOLECMD("Weapon", "menu_teamplay_weapons\n", "Modify team play macro weapon names."), MB_CONSOLECMD("Powerups", "menu_teamplay_powerups\n", "Modify team play macro powerup names."), MB_CONSOLECMD("Ammo/Health", "menu_teamplay_ammo_health\n", "Modify team play macro ammo and health names."), MB_CONSOLECMD("Team Fortress", "menu_teamplay_team_fortress\n", "Modify Team Fortress exclusive team play macro names."), MB_CONSOLECMD("Status/Location/Misc", "menu_teamplay_status_location_misc\n", "Modify status, location, and miscellaneous team play macro names."), MB_END() }; static menuresel_t resel; menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0); MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 224, y); } void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Armor_f (void) { menu_t *menu; int y; menubulk_t bulk[] = { MB_REDTEXT("Teamplay Armor Names", false), MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", false), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Armor", "tp_name_armor", "Short name for Armor type"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Green Type -", "tp_name_armortype_ga", "Short name for Green Armor type"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Yellow Type -", "tp_name_armortype_ya", "Short name for Yellow Armor type"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Red Type -", "tp_name_armortype_ra", "Short name for Red Armor type"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Green Armor", "tp_name_ga", "Short name for Green Armor"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Yellow Armor", "tp_name_ya", "Short name for Yellow Armor"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Red Armor", "tp_name_ra", "Short name for Red Armor"), MB_END() }; static menuresel_t resel; menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0); MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 200, y); } void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Weapons_f (void) { menu_t *menu; int y; menubulk_t bulk[] = { MB_REDTEXT("Teamplay Weapon Names", false), MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", false), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Weapon", "tp_name_weapon", "Short name for Weapon"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Axe", "tp_name_axe", "Short name for Weapon"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Shotgun", "tp_name_sg", "Short name for Shotgun"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Super Shotgun", "tp_name_ssg", "Short name for Super Shotgun"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Nailgun", "tp_name_ng", "Short name for Nailgun"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Super Nailgun", "tp_name_sng", "Short name for Super Nailgun"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Grenade Launcher", "tp_name_gl", "Short name for Grenade Launcher"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Rocket Launcher", "tp_name_rl", "Short name for Rocket Launcher"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Lightning Gun", "tp_name_lg", "Short name for Lightning Gun"), MB_END() }; static menuresel_t resel; menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0); MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 200, y); } void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Powerups_f (void) { menu_t *menu; int y; menubulk_t bulk[] = { MB_REDTEXT("Teamplay Powerup Names", false), MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", false), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Quad Damage", "tp_name_quad", "Short name for Quad Damage"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Pentagram", "tp_name_pent", "Short name for Pentgram of Protection"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Ring of Invis", "tp_name_ring", "Short name for Ring Of Invisibilty"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Suit", "tp_name_suit", "Short name for Environment Suit"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Quaded", "tp_name_quaded", "Short name for reporting being 'Quaded'. Dying by another player who has Quad Damage"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Pented", "tp_name_pented", "Short name for reporting being 'Pented'. Dying by another player who has the Pentagram"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Eyes (Ringed)", "tp_name_eyes", "Short name for reporting being 'Ringed', Dying by another player who has Eyes (Invisibility)"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Resistance Rune", "tp_name_rune_1", "Short name for Resistance Rune"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Strength Rune", "tp_name_rune_2", "Short name for Strength Rune"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Haste Rune", "tp_name_rune_3", "Short name for Haste Rune"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Regen Rune", "tp_name_rune_4", "Short name for Regeneration Rune"), MB_END() }; static menuresel_t resel; menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0); MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 200, y); } void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Ammo_Health_f (void) { menu_t *menu; int y; menubulk_t bulk[] = { MB_REDTEXT("Teamplay Ammo/Health", false), MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", false), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Shells", "tp_name_shells", "Short name for Shells"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Nails", "tp_name_nails", "Short name for Nails"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Rockets", "tp_name_rockets", "Short name for Rockets"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Cells", "tp_name_cells", "Short name for Cells"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Backpack", "tp_name_backpack", "Short name for Backpack"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Health", "tp_name_health", "Short name for Health"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Mega Health", "tp_name_mh", "Short name for Mega Health"), MB_END() }; static menuresel_t resel; menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0); MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 200, y); } void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Team_Fortress_f (void) { menu_t *menu; int y; menubulk_t bulk[] = { MB_REDTEXT("Teamplay Team Fortress", false), MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", false), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Sentry Gun", "tp_name_sentry", "Short name for the Engineer's Sentry Gun"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Dispenser", "tp_name_disp", "Short name for the Engineer's Ammo Dispenser"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Flag", "tp_name_flag", "Short name for Flag"), MB_END() }; static menuresel_t resel; menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0); MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 200, y); } void M_Menu_Teamplay_Items_Status_Location_Misc_f (void) { menu_t *menu; int y; menubulk_t bulk[] = { MB_REDTEXT("Teamplay Misc", false), MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", false), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Enemy", "tp_name_enemy", "Short for Enemy in teamplay 'status' & 'location' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Teammate", "tp_name_teammate", "Short for Enemy in teamplay 'status' & 'location' reports"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("At (Location)", "tp_name_at", "Short for @ (Location) in teamplay 'status' & 'location' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("None", "tp_name_none", "Short for None in teamplay 'status' & 'location' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Nothing", "tp_name_nothing", "Short for Nothing in teamplay 'status' & 'location' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Separator", "tp_name_separator", "Seperator character(s) in teamplay 'status' & 'location' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Some place", "tp_name_someplace", "Short for Someplace in teamplay 'status' & 'location' reports"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Red Status", "tp_name_status_red", "Macro for Status Red in teamplay 'status' & 'location' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Green Status", "tp_name_status_green", "Macro for Status Green in teamplay 'status' & 'location' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Blue Status", "tp_name_status_blue", "Macro for Status Blue in teamplay 'status' & 'location' reports"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Yellow Status", "tp_name_status_yellow", "Macro for Status Yellow in teamplay 'status' & 'location' reports"), MB_END() }; static menuresel_t resel; menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0); MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 200, y); } void M_Menu_Network_f (void) { static const char *splitopts[] = { "Disabled", "2 Screens", "3 Screens", "4 Screens", NULL }; static const char *splitvalues[] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", NULL}; static const char *smoothingopts[] = { "Lower Latency", "Smoother", "Smooth Demos Only", NULL }; static const char *smoothingvalues[] = {"0", "1", "2", NULL}; extern cvar_t cl_download_csprogs, cl_download_redirection, requiredownloads, cl_solid_players; extern cvar_t cl_splitscreen, cl_predict_players, cl_predict_smooth, cl_predict_extrapolate; menu_t *menu; static menuresel_t resel; int y; menubulk_t bulk[] = { MB_REDTEXT("Network Settings", false), MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", false), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Network FPS", "cl_netfps", "Sets ammount of FPS used to communicate with server (sent and received)"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Rate", "rate", "Maximum bytes per second that the server should send to the client"), MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Download Rate", "drate", "Maximum bytes per second that the server should send maps and demos to the client"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Require Download", requiredownloads, 0, "Ignore downloaded content sent to the client and connect immediatly"), MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Redirect Download", cl_download_redirection, 0, "Whether the client will ignore download redirection from servers"), MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Download CSQC", cl_download_csprogs, 0, "Whether to allow the client to download CSQC (client-side QuakeC) progs from servers"), MB_SPACING(4), MB_COMBOCVAR("Network Smoothing", cl_predict_smooth, smoothingopts, smoothingvalues, "Smoother gameplay comes at the cost of higher latency. Which do you favour?"), MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Extrapolate Prediction", cl_predict_extrapolate, 0, "Extrapolate local player movement beyond the frames already sent to the server"), MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Predict Other Players", cl_predict_players, 0, "Toggle player prediction"), MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Solid Players", cl_solid_players, 0, "When running/clipping into other players, ON make it appear they are solid, OFF will make it appear like running into a marshmellon."), MB_COMBOCVAR("Split-screen", cl_splitscreen, splitopts, splitvalues, "Enables split screen with a number of clients. This feature requires server support."), MB_END() }; menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0); MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 200, y); } #endif