/* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Mark Olsen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <exec/exec.h> #include <devices/ahi.h> #include <proto/exec.h> #define USE_INLINE_STDARG #include <proto/ahi.h> #include "quakedef.h" #warning Remove this once Spike fixes the sound input code. void S_UpdateCapture(void) { } struct AHIChannelInfo { struct AHIEffChannelInfo aeci; ULONG offset; }; struct AHIdata { struct MsgPort *msgport; struct AHIRequest *ahireq; int ahiopen; struct AHIAudioCtrl *audioctrl; void *samplebuffer; struct Hook EffectHook; struct AHIChannelInfo aci; unsigned int readpos; }; ULONG EffectFunc() { struct Hook *hook = (struct Hook *)REG_A0; struct AHIEffChannelInfo *aeci = (struct AHIEffChannelInfo *)REG_A1; struct AHIdata *ad; ad = hook->h_Data; ad->readpos = aeci->ahieci_Offset[0]; return 0; } static struct EmulLibEntry EffectFunc_Gate = { TRAP_LIB, 0, (void (*)(void))EffectFunc }; static void AHI_Shutdown(soundcardinfo_t *sc) { struct AHIdata *ad; struct Library *AHIBase; ad = sc->handle; AHIBase = (struct Library *)ad->ahireq->ahir_Std.io_Device; ad->aci.aeci.ahie_Effect = AHIET_CHANNELINFO|AHIET_CANCEL; AHI_SetEffect(&ad->aci.aeci, ad->audioctrl); AHI_ControlAudio(ad->audioctrl, AHIC_Play, FALSE, TAG_END); AHI_FreeAudio(ad->audioctrl); FreeVec(ad->samplebuffer); CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)ad->ahireq); DeleteIORequest((struct IORequest *)ad->ahireq); DeleteMsgPort(ad->msgport); FreeVec(ad); } static unsigned int AHI_GetDMAPos(soundcardinfo_t *sc) { struct AHIdata *ad; ad = sc->handle; sc->sn.samplepos = ad->readpos*sc->sn.numchannels; return sc->sn.samplepos; } static void AHI_UnlockBuffer(soundcardinfo_t *sc, void *buffer) { } static void *AHI_LockBuffer(soundcardinfo_t *sc, unsigned int *sampidx) { return sc->sn.buffer; } static void AHI_Submit(soundcardinfo_t *sc) { } static qboolean AHI_InitCard(soundcardinfo_t *sc, const char *cardname) { struct AHIdata *ad; ULONG channels; ULONG speed; ULONG bits; ULONG r; struct Library *AHIBase; struct AHISampleInfo sample; if (cardname && *cardname) return false; /* only allow the default audio device */ ad = AllocVec(sizeof(*ad), MEMF_ANY); if (ad) { ad->msgport = CreateMsgPort(); if (ad->msgport) { ad->ahireq = (struct AHIRequest *)CreateIORequest(ad->msgport, sizeof(struct AHIRequest)); if (ad->ahireq) { ad->ahiopen = !OpenDevice("ahi.device", AHI_NO_UNIT, (struct IORequest *)ad->ahireq, 0); if (ad->ahiopen) { AHIBase = (struct Library *)ad->ahireq->ahir_Std.io_Device; ad->audioctrl = AHI_AllocAudio(AHIA_AudioID, AHI_DEFAULT_ID, AHIA_MixFreq, sc->sn.speed, AHIA_Channels, 1, AHIA_Sounds, 1, TAG_END); if (ad->audioctrl) { AHI_GetAudioAttrs(AHI_INVALID_ID, ad->audioctrl, AHIDB_BufferLen, sizeof(sc->name), AHIDB_Name, (ULONG)sc->name, AHIDB_MaxChannels, (ULONG)&channels, AHIDB_Bits, (ULONG)&bits, TAG_END); AHI_ControlAudio(ad->audioctrl, AHIC_MixFreq_Query, (ULONG)&speed, TAG_END); if (bits == 8 || bits == 16) { if (channels > 2) channels = 2; sc->sn.speed = speed; sc->sn.samplebytes = bits/8; sc->sn.numchannels = channels; sc->sn.samples = speed*channels; ad->samplebuffer = AllocVec(speed*(bits/8)*channels, MEMF_ANY); if (ad->samplebuffer) { sc->sn.buffer = ad->samplebuffer; if (channels == 1) { if (bits == 8) sample.ahisi_Type = AHIST_M8S; else sample.ahisi_Type = AHIST_M16S; } else { if (bits == 8) sample.ahisi_Type = AHIST_S8S; else sample.ahisi_Type = AHIST_S16S; } sc->sn.sampleformat = (bits==8)?QSF_S8:QSF_S16; sample.ahisi_Address = ad->samplebuffer; sample.ahisi_Length = (speed*(bits/8)*channels)/AHI_SampleFrameSize(sample.ahisi_Type); r = AHI_LoadSound(0, AHIST_DYNAMICSAMPLE, &sample, ad->audioctrl); if (r == 0) { r = AHI_ControlAudio(ad->audioctrl, AHIC_Play, TRUE, TAG_END); if (r == 0) { AHI_Play(ad->audioctrl, AHIP_BeginChannel, 0, AHIP_Freq, speed, AHIP_Vol, 0x10000, AHIP_Pan, 0x8000, AHIP_Sound, 0, AHIP_EndChannel, NULL, TAG_END); ad->aci.aeci.ahie_Effect = AHIET_CHANNELINFO; ad->aci.aeci.ahieci_Func = &ad->EffectHook; ad->aci.aeci.ahieci_Channels = 1; ad->EffectHook.h_Entry = (void *)&EffectFunc_Gate; ad->EffectHook.h_Data = ad; AHI_SetEffect(&ad->aci, ad->audioctrl); sc->handle = ad; sc->Lock = AHI_LockBuffer; sc->Unlock = AHI_UnlockBuffer; sc->Submit = AHI_Submit; sc->Shutdown = AHI_Shutdown; sc->GetDMAPos = AHI_GetDMAPos; Con_Printf("Using AHI mode \"%s\" for audio output\n", sc->name); Con_Printf("Channels: %d bits: %d frequency: %d\n", channels, bits, speed); return true; } } } FreeVec(ad->samplebuffer); } AHI_FreeAudio(ad->audioctrl); } else Con_Printf("Failed to allocate AHI audio\n"); CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)ad->ahireq); } DeleteIORequest((struct IORequest *)ad->ahireq); } DeleteMsgPort(ad->msgport); } FreeVec(ad); } return false; } sounddriver_t AHI_AudioOutput = { "AHI", AHI_InitCard, NULL };