#!/bin/bash #sets up dependancies for debian-jessie (8.7) #this script must be run twice. first time as root, which installs system packages #second time as a regular user (probably not your normal one), which installs 3rd-party stuff SVNROOT=$(cd "$(dirname "$BASH_SOURCE")" && pwd) FTEROOT=$(realpath $SVNROOT/..) FTEROOT=${FTEROOT:-~} FTECONFIG=$SVNROOT/build.cfg BUILDFOLDER=`echo ~`/htdocs BUILDLOGFOLDER=$BUILDFOLDER/build_logs #mac defaults OSXCROSSROOT=$FTEROOT/osxcross #emscripten defaults EMSCRIPTENROOT=$FTEROOT/emsdk-portable #android defaults ANDROIDROOT=$FTEROOT/android if [ ! -z "$(uname -o 2>&1 | grep Cygwin)" ]; then ANDROID_HOSTSYSTEM=windows-x86_64 else ANDROID_HOSTSYSTEM=linux-$(uname -m) fi ANDROIDBUILDTOOLS=25.0.0 ANDROID_ZIPALIGN=$ANDROIDROOT/build-tools/$ANDROIDBUILDTOOLS/zipalign #relative to ndk tools THREADS="-j 4" TARGETS_LINUX="qcc-rel rel dbg plugins-rel plugins-dbg" #gl-rel vk-rel TARGETS_WINDOWS="sv-rel m-rel qcc-rel qccgui-scintilla qccgui-dbg m-dbg sv-dbg plugins-dbg plugins-rel" #gl-rel vk-rel mingl-rel d3d-rel PLUGINS_DROID="qi ezhud irc hl2" PLUGINS_LINUXx86="openxr ode qi ezhud xmpp irc hl2" PLUGINS_LINUXx64="openxr ode qi ezhud xmpp irc hl2" PLUGINS_LINUXx32="qi ezhud xmpp irc hl2" PLUGINS_LINUXarmhf="qi ezhud xmpp irc hl2" PLUGINS_LINUXaarch64="qi ezhud xmpp irc hl2" if [ "$(uname -m)" != "x86_64" ]; then PLUGINS_LINUXx86="openxr ode qi ezhud xmpp irc hl2" fi if [ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]; then PLUGINS_LINUX64="openxr ode qi ezhud xmpp irc hl2" fi #windows is always cross compiled, so we don't have issues with non-native ffmpeg #windows doesn't cross compile, so no system dependancy issues #skip some dependancies if we're running on cygwin, ode is buggy. if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" ]; then PLUGINS_WIN32="ode qi ezhud xmpp irc hl2" PLUGINS_WIN64="ode qi ezhud xmpp irc hl2" else PLUGINS_WIN32="qi ezhud xmpp irc hl2" PLUGINS_WIN64="qi ezhud xmpp irc hl2" fi echo echo "This is Spike's script to set up various cross compilers and dependancies." echo "This script will check dependancies. If something isn't installed you can either rerun the script as root (which will ONLY install system packages), or manually apt-get or whatever. You can then re-run the script as a regular user to finish configuring 3rd party dependancies." echo echo "You can change your choices later by just re-running this script" echo "(Your settings will be autosaved in $FTECONFIG)" echo echo "If you just want to compile a native build, just use the following command:" echo "cd $SVNROOT/engine && make gl-rel" echo "(if you're in cygwin, add FTE_TARGET=win32 to compile for native windows)" echo "(add plugins-rel qcc-rel qccgui-rel sv-rel vk-rel etc for additional targets)" echo "(or use -dbg if you want debug builds for whatever reason)" echo #always execute it if it exists, so that we preserve custom paths etc that are not prompted for here if [ -e $FTECONFIG ]; then . $FTECONFIG if [ $UID -eq 0 ]; then REUSE_CONFIG="y" #root shouldn't be writing/owning the config file. else REUSE_CONFIG="u" fi else if [ $UID -eq 0 ]; then exit #root can't create the output, as that would take ownership. else REUSE_CONFIG="n" fi fi if [ "$BUILD_CLEAN" == "n" ]; then NOUPDATE="y" fi #check args (and override config as desired) while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do case $1 in -r) #for people that want to build a specific revision for some reason. SVN_REV_ARG="-r $2" NOUPDATE= shift ;; -j) THREADS="-j $2" shift ;; -help|--help) echo " -r VER Specifies the SVN revision to update to" echo " -j THREADS Specifies how many jobs to make with" echo " --help This text" exit 0 ;; -build|--build) #for custom build settings TARGET="FTE_CONFIG=$2" shift ;; --fast) #for people that want to live dangerously. BUILD_CLEAN="n" ;; --noupdate) #for people living privately or building old revisions... NOUPDATE="y" ;; --unattended) #don't prompt, use various defaults. UNATTENDED="y" REUSE_CONFIG="y" ;; *) echo "Unknown option $1" ;; esac shift done if [ "$REUSE_CONFIG" == "u" ]; then read -n 1 -p "Reuse previous build config? [y/N] " REUSE_CONFIG && echo REUSE_CONFIG=${REUSE_CONFIG:-n} fi if [ "$REUSE_CONFIG" != "y" ]; then #linux compiles are native-only, so don't bug out on cygwin which lacks a cross compiler. BUILD_LINUXx86=n BUILD_LINUXx64=n BUILD_LINUXx32=n BUILD_LINUXarmhf=n if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" ]; then read -n 1 -p "Build for Linux x86? [Y/n] " BUILD_LINUXx86 && echo read -n 1 -p "Build for Linux x86_64? [Y/n] " BUILD_LINUXx64 && echo read -n 1 -p "Build for Linux x32? [y/N] " BUILD_LINUXx32 && echo #ubuntu's gcc-multilib-arm-foo package conflicts with gcc-multilib... #the whole point of multilib was to avoid conflicts... someone fucked up. #read -n 1 -p "Build for Linux armhf [y/N] " BUILD_LINUXarmhf && echo else echo "Skipping Linux options." fi BUILD_CYGWIN=n BUILD_MSVC=n if [ "$(uname -o)" == "Cygwin" ]; then read -n 1 -p "Build for Cygwin? [y/N] " BUILD_CYGWIN && echo read -n 1 -p "Build with MSVC? (requires windows7 sdk) [y/N] " BUILD_MSVC && echo else echo "Skipping Cygwin options." fi read -n 1 -p "Build for Windows x86? [Y/n] " BUILD_WIN32 && echo read -n 1 -p "Build for Windows x86_64? [Y/n] " BUILD_WIN64 && echo BUILD_DOS=n if [ "$(uname -o)" == "Cygwin" ]; then read -n 1 -p "Build for Dos? [y/N] " BUILD_DOS && echo fi BUILD_SDL_LINUXx86=n BUILD_SDL_LINUXx64=n BUILD_SDL_WIN32=n BUILD_SDL_WIN64=n if [ "$(uname -sm)" == "Linux i686" ]; then read -n 1 -p "Build for Linux x86 SDL? [y/N] " BUILD_SDL_LINUXx32 && echo fi if [ "$(uname -sm)" == "Linux x86_64" ]; then read -n 1 -p "Build for Linux x86_64 SDL? [y/N] " BUILD_SDL_LINUXx64 && echo fi read -n 1 -p "Build for Android? [y/N] " BUILD_ANDROID && echo read -n 1 -p "Build for Emscripten? [y/N] " BUILD_WEB && echo if [ 0 -ne 0 ]; then read -n 1 -p "Build for MacOSX? [y/N] " BUILD_MAC && echo else echo "Skipping mac option." fi fi BUILD_CLEAN=${BUILD_CLEAN:-y} BUILD_LINUXx86=${BUILD_LINUXx86:-y} BUILD_LINUXx64=${BUILD_LINUXx64:-y} BUILD_LINUXx32=${BUILD_LINUXx32:-n} BUILD_LINUXarmhf=${BUILD_LINUXarmhf:-n} BUILD_LINUXaarch64=${BUILD_LINUXaarch64:-n} BUILD_CYGWIN=${BUILD_CYGWIN:-n} BUILD_WIN32=${BUILD_WIN32:-y} BUILD_WIN64=${BUILD_WIN64:-y} BUILD_DOS=${BUILD_DOS:-n} BUILD_MSVC=${BUILD_MSVC:-n} BUILD_SDL=${BUILD_SDL:-n} BUILD_ANDROID=${BUILD_ANDROID:-n} BUILD_WEB=${BUILD_WEB:-n} BUILD_MAC=${BUILD_MAC:-n} if [ "$UID" != "0" ]; then echo "#path config for fte build scripts" >$FTECONFIG echo "THREADS=\"$THREADS\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILDFOLDER=\"$BUILDFOLDER\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILDLOGFOLDER=\"$BUILDLOGFOLDER\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "SVNROOT=\"$SVNROOT\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "ANDROIDROOT=\"$ANDROIDROOT\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "export ANDROID_HOSTSYSTEM=\"$ANDROID_HOSTSYSTEM\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "export ANDROID_ZIPALIGN=\"$ANDROID_ZIPALIGN\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "EMSCRIPTENROOT=\"$EMSCRIPTENROOT\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "OSXCROSSROOT=\"$OSXCROSSROOT\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_CLEAN=\"$BUILD_CLEAN\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_LINUXx86=\"$BUILD_LINUXx86\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_LINUXx64=\"$BUILD_LINUXx64\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_LINUXx32=\"$BUILD_LINUXx32\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_LINUXarmhf=\"$BUILD_LINUXarmhf\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_LINUXaarch64=\"$BUILD_LINUXaarch64\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_CYGWIN=\"$BUILD_CYGWIN\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_WIN32=\"$BUILD_WIN32\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_WIN64=\"$BUILD_WIN64\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_DOS=\"$BUILD_DOS\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_MSVC=\"$BUILD_MSVC\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_ANDROID=\"$BUILD_ANDROID\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_SDL=\"$BUILD_SDL\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_WEB=\"$BUILD_WEB\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "BUILD_MAC=\"$BUILD_MAC\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "TARGETS_WINDOWS=\"$TARGETS_WINDOWS\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "TARGETS_LINUX=\"$TARGETS_LINUX\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "PLUGINS_WIN32=\"$PLUGINS_WIN32\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "PLUGINS_WIN64=\"$PLUGINS_WIN64\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "PLUGINS_LINUXx86=\"$PLUGINS_LINUXx86\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "PLUGINS_LINUXx64=\"$PLUGINS_LINUXx64\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "PLUGINS_LINUXx32=\"$PLUGINS_LINUXx32\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "PLUGINS_LINUXarmhf=\"$PLUGINS_LINUXarmhf\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "PLUGINS_LINUXaarch64=\"$PLUGINS_LINUXaarch64\"" >>$FTECONFIG echo "PLUGINS_DROID=\"$PLUGINS_DROID\"" >>$FTECONFIG fi true true=$? false false=$? if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" ]; then . /etc/os-release fi function debianpackages { #make sure apt-get is installed if [ -z `which apt-get 2>>/dev/null` ]; then return $false fi local ret=$true for i in "$@" do dpkg -s $i 2>&1 >> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "Package missing: $i" ret=$false fi done if [ $ret == $false ]; then echo "Packages are not installed. Press enter to continue (or ctrl+c and install)." if [ "$UNATTENDED" != "y" ]; then read fi ret=$true fi return $ret } function jessiepackages { if [ "$PRETTY_NAME" != "Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)" ]; then return $false fi debianpackages $@ return $? } #we don't really know what system we're on. assume they have any system dependancies. #fixme: args are programs findable with which function otherpackages { if [ -z "$PRETTY_NAME" ]; then return $true fi return $false } #Note: only the native linux-sdl target can be compiled, as libSDL[2]-dev doesn't support multiarch properly, and we depend upon it instead of building from source (thus ensuring it has whatever distro stuff needed... though frankly that should be inside the .so instead of the headers). #if [ $UID -eq 0 ] && [ ! -z `which apt-get` ]; then #because multiarch requires separate packages for some things, we'll need to set that up now (in case noone did that yet) # dpkg --add-architecture i386 # apt-get update #fi #generic crap. much of this is needed to set up and decompress dependancies and stuff. debianpackages git make automake libtool p7zip-full zip ca-certificates || otherpackages z7 make git || exit if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx86" == "y" ]; then #for building linux targets debianpackages gcc-multilib g++-multilib mesa-common-dev libasound2-dev libxcursor-dev || otherpackages gcc || exit jessiepackages libgnutls28-dev || debianpackages libgnutls28-dev || otherpackages gcc || exit if [[ "$PLUGINS_LINUXx86" =~ "ffmpeg" ]]; then debianpackages libswscale-dev libavcodec-dev || otherpackages || exit fi if [[ "$PLUGINS_LINUXx86" =~ "openxr" ]]; then debianpackages libopenxr-dev || otherpackages || exit fi fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx64" == "y" ]; then #for building linux targets debianpackages gcc-multilib g++-multilib mesa-common-dev libasound2-dev libxcursor-dev || otherpackages gcc || exit jessiepackages libgnutls28-dev || debianpackages libgnutls28-dev || otherpackages gcc || exit if [[ "$PLUGINS_LINUXx64" =~ "ffmpeg" ]]; then debianpackages libswscale-dev libavcodec-dev || otherpackages || exit fi if [[ "$PLUGINS_LINUXx64" =~ "openxr" ]]; then debianpackages libopenxr-dev || otherpackages || exit fi fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx32" == "y" ]; then #for building linux targets debianpackages gcc-multilib g++-multilib mesa-common-dev libasound2-dev libxcursor-dev || otherpackages gcc || exit jessiepackages libgnutls28-dev || debianpackages libgnutls28-dev || otherpackages gcc || exit fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXarmhf" == "y" ]; then #for building linux targets debianpackages gcc-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf mesa-common-dev libasound2-dev libxcursor-dev || otherpackages gcc || exit jessiepackages libgnutls28-dev || debianpackages libgnutls28-dev || otherpackages gcc || exit fi if [ "$BUILD_SDL" == "y" ]; then #for building SDL targets debianpackages libSDL1.2-dev libSDL2-dev libspeex-dev libspeexdsp-dev || otherpackages || exit fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN32" == "y" ] || [ "$BUILD_WIN64" == "y" ]; then #for building windows targets #tools package provides pkg-config #python is needed to configure scintilla properly. debianpackages mingw-w64 mingw-w64-tools python || otherpackages x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc python || exit fi if [ "$BUILD_ANDROID" == "y" ]; then ( (jessiepackages openjdk-8-jdk-headless || debianpackages openjdk-8-jdk-headless ) && debianpackages ant) || otherpackages || exit fi if [ "$BUILD_WEB" == "y" ]; then ( (jessiepackages cmake || debianpackages cmake) && debianpackages git build-essential) || exit fi if [ "$BUILD_MAC" == "y" ]; then debianpackages git cmake libxml2-dev fuse || otherpackages || exit fi debianpackages subversion make build-essential || otherpackages svn make || exit echo "System Package checks complete." if [ "$UID" == "0" ]; then #avoid root taking ownership of anything. echo "Refusing to update/rebuild toolchains as root." echo "Please continue running this script as a regular user." exit fi if [ "$UNATTENDED" != "y" ]; then echo echo "(Any new toolchains will be installed to $FTEROOT)" echo "(Say no if you're certain you already set up everything)" read -n 1 -p "Rebuild/update any toolchains now? [y/N] " REBUILD_TOOLCHAINS && echo else REBUILD_TOOLCHAINS="y" fi REBUILD_TOOLCHAINS=${REBUILD_TOOLCHAINS:-n} mkdir -p $FTEROOT #dos shit if [ "$BUILD_DOS" == "y" ] && [ $UID -ne 0 ] && [ $REBUILD_TOOLCHAINS == "y" ]; then echo "You'll need to manually install djgpp for DOS builds." fi #android shit. WARNING: should come first as it spits out some EULAs that need confirming. if [ "$BUILD_ANDROID" == "y" ] && [ $UID -ne 0 ] && [ $REBUILD_TOOLCHAINS == "y" ]; then mkdir -p $ANDROIDROOT cd $ANDROIDROOT wget -N https://dl.google.com/android/repository/tools_r25.2.3-linux.zip unzip -qn tools_r25.2.3-linux.zip cd tools/bin #yes, android-8 is fucking old now. newer versions won't work on older devices. echo "downloading android build tools" ./sdkmanager "build-tools;$ANDROID_BUILDTOOLS" echo "downloading android platform tools" ./sdkmanager "platform-tools" echo "downloading android-9" ./sdkmanager "platforms;android-9" echo "downloading android ndk" ./sdkmanager "ndk-bundle" cd ~ fi #emscripten/web shit if [ "$BUILD_WEB" == "y" ] && [ $UID -ne 0 ] && [ $REBUILD_TOOLCHAINS == "y" ]; then mkdir -p $EMSCRIPTENROOT cd $EMSCRIPTENROOT/.. wget -N https://s3.amazonaws.com/mozilla-games/emscripten/releases/emsdk-portable.tar.gz cd $EMSCRIPTENROOT tar xzf ../emsdk-portable.tar.gz --strip-components=1 ./emsdk install latest ./emsdk activate latest cd ~ fi #osxcross, for mac crap if [ "$BUILD_MAC" == "y" ] && [ $UID -ne 0 ] && [ $REBUILD_TOOLCHAINS == "y" ] && [ "$UNATTENDED" != "y" ]; then echo "Setting up OSXCross... THIS IS TOTALLY UNTESTED" read -p "You need to download xcode first. Where did you download the .dmg file to?" XCODE git clone https://github.com/tpoechtrager/osxcross.git $OSXCROSSROOT cd $OSXCROSSROOT tools/gen_sdk_package_darling_dmg.sh $XCODE cp *.tar.xz SDK_VERSION=10.10 UNATTENDED=0 ./build.sh cd ~ fi if [ $UID -ne 0 ] && [ $REBUILD_TOOLCHAINS == "y" ]; then #initial checkout of fte's svn if [ "$NOUPDATE"!="n" ]; then if [ ! -d $SVNROOT ]; then svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk $SVNROOT $SVN_REV_ARG else cd $SVNROOT svn up $SVN_REV_ARG fi fi #FIXME: there may be race conditions when compiling. #so make sure we've pre-built certain targets without using -j #linux distros vary too much with various dependancies and versions and such, so we might as well pre-build our own copies of certain libraries. this really only needs to be done once, but its safe to retry anyway. cd $SVNROOT/engine if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx86" == "y" ]; then echo "Making libraries (linux x86)..." make FTE_TARGET=linux32 makelibs CPUOPTIMISATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx64" == "y" ]; then echo "Making libraries (linux x86_64)..." make FTE_TARGET=linux64 makelibs CPUOPTIMISATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx32" == "y" ]; then echo "Making libraries (linux x32)..." make FTE_TARGET=linuxx32 makelibs CPUOPTIMISATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXarmhf" == "y" ]; then echo "Making libraries (linux armhf)..." make FTE_TARGET=linuxarmhf makelibs CPUOPTIMISATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXaarch64" == "y" ]; then echo "Making libraries (linux aarch64)..." make FTE_TARGET=linuxaarch64 makelibs CPUOPTIMISATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN32" == "y" ]; then echo "Making libraries (win32)..." make FTE_TARGET=win32 makelibs CPUOPTIMISATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN64" == "y" ]; then echo "Making libraries (win64)..." make FTE_TARGET=win64 makelibs CPUOPTIMISATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi #These plugins have external 3rd-party dependancies that are downloaded as part of building. if [ "$BUILD_WIN32" == "y" ] && [[ "$PLUGINS_WIN32" =~ "ode" ]]; then echo "Prebuilding ODE library (win32)..." make FTE_TARGET=win32 plugins-rel NATIVE_PLUGINS=ode 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN64" == "y" ] && [[ "$PLUGINS_WIN64" =~ "ode" ]]; then echo "Prebuilding ODE library (win64)..." make FTE_TARGET=win64 plugins-rel NATIVE_PLUGINS=ode 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx86" == "y" ] && [[ "$PLUGINS_LINUXx86" =~ "ode" ]]; then echo "Prebuilding ODE library (linux x86)..." make FTE_TARGET=linux32 plugins-rel NATIVE_PLUGINS=ode CPUOPTIMISATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx64" == "y" ] && [[ "$PLUGINS_LINUXx64" =~ "ode" ]]; then echo "Prebuilding ODE library (linux x86_64)..." make FTE_TARGET=linux64 plugins-rel NATIVE_PLUGINS=ode CPUOPTIMISATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN32" == "y" ] && [[ "$PLUGINS_WIN32" =~ "ffmpeg" ]]; then echo "Obtaining ffmpeg library (win32)..." make FTE_TARGET=win32 plugins-rel NATIVE_PLUGINS=ffmpeg 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN64" == "y" ] && [[ "$PLUGINS_WIN64" =~ "ffmpeg" ]]; then echo "Obtaining ffmpeg library (win64)..." make FTE_TARGET=win64 plugins-rel NATIVE_PLUGINS=ffmpeg 2>&1 >>/dev/null fi cd ~ fi echo "Setup script complete." echo "When you run build_wip.sh output will be written to $BUILDFOLDER/*"