Fork 0
forked from fte/fteqw

Try to make sense of obj's mtl files.

Added --ignoresurfname arg to optimise obj files (where the source object's name is not going to be used for skin files).

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5811 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
This commit is contained in:
Spoike 2021-03-13 16:06:09 +00:00
parent 9d2573f708
commit d855cc6e84

View file

@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ struct filespec
int endframe;
meshprop meshprops;
const char *materialprefix;
bool ignoresurfname;
Quat rotate;
float scale;
Vec3 translate;
@ -152,6 +153,7 @@ struct filespec
endframe = -1;
meshprops = meshprop();
materialprefix = NULL;
ignoresurfname = false;
rotate = Quat(0, 0, 0, 1);
scale = 1;
translate = Vec3(0,0,0);
@ -1170,6 +1172,14 @@ void makemeshes(const filespec &spec)
if (spec.ignoresurfname)
emeshes[i].name = getnamekey("");
emesh &em1 = emeshes[i];
@ -1195,7 +1205,6 @@ void makemeshes(const filespec &spec)
if(tinfo.empty()) continue;
mesh &m = meshes.add();
m.name = sharestring(em1.name);
if (spec.materialprefix)
char material[512];
@ -1204,6 +1213,10 @@ void makemeshes(const filespec &spec)
m.material = sharestring(em1.material);
if (!em1.name)
m.name = sharestring(em1.material);
m.name = sharestring(em1.name);
m.firsttri = triangles.length();
m.firstvert = numfverts+vmap.length();
maketriangles(tinfo, mmap);
@ -2557,13 +2570,78 @@ void parseobjvert(char *s, vector<Vec3> &out)
struct mtlinfo{
const char *name;
const char *tex; //often null
Vec4 rgba; //often 1,1,1,1
mtlinfo(const char *matname) : name(getnamekey(matname)), tex(NULL),rgba(Vec4(1,1,1,1)) {}
static vector<mtlinfo> parsemtl(stream *f)
vector<mtlinfo> ret;
char buf[512];
mtlinfo dummy(""), *curmat = &dummy;
if (f)
while(f->getline(buf, sizeof(buf)))
char *c = buf;
while(isspace(*c)) c++;
if (*c == '#')
else if(!strncmp(c, "newmtl", 6) && isspace(c[6]))
while(isalpha(*c)) c++;
while(isspace(*c)) c++;
char *name = c;
size_t namelen = strlen(c);
while(namelen > 0 && isspace(name[namelen-1])) namelen--;
name[namelen] = 0;
curmat = &ret.add(mtlinfo(name));
else if(!strncmp(c, "Kd", 2) && isspace(c[2]))
{ //diffuse colours...
while(isalpha(*c)) c++;
while(isspace(*c)) c++;
curmat->rgba[i] = strtod(c, &c);
while(isspace(*c)) c++;
if(!*c) break;
else if(!strncmp(c, "D", 1) && isspace(c[1]))
{ //'disolve', so basically alpha
while(isalpha(*c)) c++;
while(isspace(*c)) c++;
curmat->rgba[3] = strtod(c, &c);
else if(!strncmp(c, "map_Kd", 6) && isspace(c[6]))
while(isalpha(*c)) c++;
while(isspace(*c)) c++;
char *name = c;
size_t namelen = strlen(c);
while(namelen > 0 && isspace(name[namelen-1])) namelen--;
name[namelen] = 0;
curmat->tex = getnamekey(name);
return ret;
bool parseobj(stream *f)
vector<Vec3> attrib[3];
vector<Vec3> attrib[3]; //coord, tangemt, normal.
char buf[512];
hashtable<objvert, int> verthash;
string meshname = "", matname = "";
string meshname = "", matname = "", tmpname="";
int curmesh = -1, smooth = 0;
Vec4 col = {1,1,1,1};
vector<mtlinfo> mtl;
while(f->getline(buf, sizeof(buf)))
@ -2588,15 +2666,42 @@ bool parseobj(stream *f)
curmesh = -1;
case 'm':
if(strncmp(c, "mtllib", 6)) continue;
while(isalpha(*c)) c++;
while(isspace(*c)) c++;
const char *name = c;
size_t namelen = strlen(name);
while(namelen > 0 && isspace(name[namelen-1])) namelen--;
copystring(tmpname, name, min(namelen+1, sizeof(tmpname)));
mtl = parsemtl(openfile(tmpname, "r"));
case 'u':
if(strncmp(c, "usemtl", 6)) continue;
while(isalpha(*c)) c++;
while(isspace(*c)) c++;
char *name = c;
const char *name = c;
size_t namelen = strlen(name);
while(namelen > 0 && isspace(name[namelen-1])) namelen--;
copystring(matname, name, min(namelen+1, sizeof(matname)));
col = Vec4(1,1,1,1);
{ //if its an obj material, swap out the vertex colour+mat name for whatever the mtl file specifies.
if (!strcmp(matname, mtl[i].name))
col = mtl[i].rgba;
const char *tex = mtl[i].tex;
if (!tex)
tex = (col[3] < 1)?"whiteskin#VC#BLEND":"whiteskin#VC"; //not me being racist or anything...
copystring(matname, tex, sizeof(matname));
curmesh = -1;
@ -2651,6 +2756,7 @@ bool parseobj(stream *f)
epositions.add(Vec4(vkey.attrib[0] < 0 ? Vec3(0, 0, 0) : attrib[0][vkey.attrib[0]].zxy(), 1));
if(vkey.attrib[2] >= 0) enormals.add(attrib[2][vkey.attrib[2]].zxy());
etexcoords.add(vkey.attrib[1] < 0 ? Vec4(0, 0, 0, 0) : Vec4(attrib[1][vkey.attrib[1]].x, 1-attrib[1][vkey.attrib[1]].y, 0, 0));
if(v0 < 0) v0 = *index;
else if(v1 < 0) v1 = *index;
@ -5444,6 +5550,8 @@ bool parseanimfield(const char *tok, char **line, filespec &spec, bool defaults)
spec.noanim = !!strtoul(mystrtok(line), NULL, 0);
else if (!strcasecmp(tok, "materialprefix"))
spec.materialprefix = newstring(mystrtok(line));
else if (!strcasecmp(tok, "ignoresurfname"))
spec.ignoresurfname = atoi(mystrtok(line));
else if(!strcasecmp(tok, "start"))
spec.startframe = max(atoi(mystrtok(line)), 0);
else if(!strcasecmp(tok, "end"))
@ -5687,6 +5795,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
else if(!strcasecmp(&argv[i][2], "start")) { if(i + 1 < argc) inspec.startframe = max(atoi(argv[++i]), 0); }
else if(!strcasecmp(&argv[i][2], "end")) { if(i + 1 < argc) inspec.endframe = atoi(argv[++i]); }
else if(!strcasecmp(&argv[i][2], "scale")) { if(i + 1 < argc) inspec.scale = clamp(atof(argv[++i]), 1e-8, 1e8); }
else if(!strcasecmp(&argv[i][2], "ignoresurfname")) inspec.ignoresurfname = true;
else if(!strcasecmp(&argv[i][2], "help")) help();
else if(!strcasecmp(&argv[i][2], "forcejoints")) forcejoints = true;
else if(!strcasecmp(&argv[i][2], "meshtrans"))
@ -5753,8 +5862,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (outfiles[0])
infiles.add(inspec).file = outfiles[0];
outfiles[0] = NULL;