@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "quakedef.h"
#ifdef MAP_PROC
#include "shader.h"
#include "com_mesh.h"
@ -10,15 +10,9 @@
//fixme: merge areas and static ents too somehow.
void Mod_SetParent (mnode_t *node, mnode_t *parent);
static int D3_ClusterForPoint (struct model_s *model, vec3_t point);
void ModD3_GenAreaVBO(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b)
model_t *sub = ctx;
static int D3_ClusterForPoint (struct model_s *model, const vec3_t point, int *areaout);
static void R_BuildDefaultTexnums_Doom3(shader_t *shader)
extern qboolean r_loadbumpmapping;
@ -140,6 +134,37 @@ static void R_BuildDefaultTexnums_Doom3(shader_t *shader)
static void ModD3_GenAreaVBO(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t barg)
model_t *sub = ctx;
batch_t *b = sub->batches[0];
int surf;
sub->batches[0] = NULL;
for (surf = 0; surf < sub->numbatches; surf++)
sub->numsurfaces += b[surf].meshes;
sub->texinfo = ZG_Malloc(&sub->memgroup, sizeof(*sub->texinfo)*sub->numsurfaces);
sub->surfaces = ZG_Malloc(&sub->memgroup, sizeof(*sub->surfaces)*sub->numsurfaces);
sub->firstmodelsurface = sub->nummodelsurfaces = 0;
for (surf = 0; surf < sub->numbatches; surf++)
b[surf].shader = R_RegisterShader_Vertex(sub, b[surf].texture->name);
//now we know its sort key, we can link it properly. *sigh*
b[surf].next = sub->batches[b[surf].shader->sort];
sub->batches[b[surf].shader->sort] = &b[surf];
//all this extra stuff so r_showshaders works. *sigh*
sub->surfaces[sub->nummodelsurfaces].texinfo = &sub->texinfo[sub->nummodelsurfaces];
sub->surfaces[sub->nummodelsurfaces].texinfo->texture = b[surf].texture;
sub->surfaces[sub->nummodelsurfaces].mesh = b[surf].mesh[0];
static qboolean Mod_LoadMap_Proc(model_t *model, char *data)
@ -186,8 +211,14 @@ static qboolean Mod_LoadMap_Proc(model_t *model, char *data)
if (strcmp(token, "{"))
return false;
data = COM_ParseOut(data, token, sizeof(token));
sub = Mod_FindName(va("*%s", token));
*token = '*';
data = COM_ParseOut(data, token+1, sizeof(token)-1);
Q_strncatz(token, ":", sizeof(token));
Q_strncatz(token, model->publicname, sizeof(token));
sub = Mod_FindName(token);
if (sub->loadstate != MLS_NOTLOADED)
return false;
data = COM_ParseOut(data, token, sizeof(token));
numsurfs = atoi(token);
@ -241,16 +272,14 @@ static qboolean Mod_LoadMap_Proc(model_t *model, char *data)
b[surf].lmlightstyle[3] = INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE;
data = COM_ParseOut(data, token, sizeof(token));
b[surf].shader = R_RegisterShader_Vertex(token);
b[surf].texture = ZG_Malloc(&sub->memgroup, sizeof(*b[surf].texture));
Q_strncpyz(b[surf].texture->name, token, sizeof(b[surf].texture->name));
data = COM_ParseOut(data, token, sizeof(token));
numverts = atoi(token);
data = COM_ParseOut(data, token, sizeof(token));
numindicies = atoi(token);
b[surf].next = sub->batches[b[surf].shader->sort];
sub->batches[b[surf].shader->sort] = &b[surf];
m[surf].numvertexes = numverts;
m[surf].numindexes = numindicies;
vdata = ZG_Malloc(&sub->memgroup, numverts * (sizeof(vecV_t) + sizeof(vec2_t) + sizeof(vec3_t)*3 + sizeof(vec4_t)) + numindicies * sizeof(index_t));
@ -334,10 +363,14 @@ static qboolean Mod_LoadMap_Proc(model_t *model, char *data)
if (strcmp(token, "}"))
return false;
// sub->loadstate = MLS_LOADED;
sub->fromgame = fg_doom3;
sub->fromgame = fg_new;
sub->type = mod_brush;
sub->lightmaps.surfstyles = 1;
memset(sub->batches, 0, sizeof(sub->batches));
sub->batches[0] = b;
sub->numbatches = numsurfs;
COM_AddWork(WG_MAIN, ModD3_GenAreaVBO, sub, NULL, MLS_LOADED, 0);
COM_AddWork(WG_MAIN, Mod_ModelLoaded, sub, NULL, MLS_LOADED, 0);
@ -536,7 +569,7 @@ static void D3_WalkPortal(model_t *mod, int start, vec_t bounds[4], unsigned cha
unsigned char *D3_CalcVis(model_t *mod, vec3_t org)
static void D3_PrepareFrame(model_t *mod, refdef_t *refdef, int inarea, int inclusters[2], pvsbuffer_t *vis, qbyte **entvis_out, qbyte **surfvis_out)
int start;
static qbyte visbuf[256];
@ -546,7 +579,7 @@ unsigned char *D3_CalcVis(model_t *mod, vec3_t org)
int area;
entity_t ent;
start = D3_ClusterForPoint(mod, org);
start = D3_ClusterForPoint(mod, refdef->vieworg, NULL);
/*figure out which area we're in*/
if (start < 0)
@ -588,13 +621,25 @@ unsigned char *D3_CalcVis(model_t *mod, vec3_t org)
return usevis;
*entvis_out = *surfvis_out = usevis;
static void D3_StainNode (struct model_s *model, float *parms)
static void D3_LightPointValues (struct model_s *model, const vec3_t point, vec3_t res_diffuse, vec3_t res_ambient, vec3_t res_dir)
/*basically require rtlighting for any light*/
res_dir[2] = 1;
//edict system as opposed to q2 game dll system.
static void D3_FindTouchedLeafs (struct model_s *model, struct pvscache_s *ent, vec3_t cullmins, vec3_t cullmaxs)
static void D3_FindTouchedLeafs (struct model_s *model, struct pvscache_s *ent, const vec3_t cullmins, const vec3_t cullmaxs)
static qbyte *D3_ClusterPVS (struct model_s *model, int num, pvsbuffer_t *buffer, pvsmerge_t merge)
@ -602,12 +647,14 @@ static qbyte *D3_ClusterPVS (struct model_s *model, int num, pvsbuffer_t *buffer
memset(buffer->buffer, 0xff, buffer->buffersize);
return buffer->buffer;
static int D3_ClusterForPoint (struct model_s *model, vec3_t point)
static int D3_ClusterForPoint (struct model_s *model, const vec3_t point, int *areaout)
float p;
int c;
mnode_t *node;
node = model->nodes;
if (areaout)
*areaout = 0;
p = DotProduct(point, node->plane->normal) + node->plane->dist;
@ -618,26 +665,12 @@ static int D3_ClusterForPoint (struct model_s *model, vec3_t point)
return 0;
static unsigned int D3_FatPVS (struct model_s *model, vec3_t org, pvsbuffer_t *pvsbuffer, qboolean merge)
static unsigned int D3_FatPVS (struct model_s *model, const vec3_t org, pvsbuffer_t *pvsbuffer, qboolean merge)
return 0;
static void D3_StainNode (struct mnode_s *node, float *parms)
static void D3_LightPointValues (struct model_s *model, vec3_t point, vec3_t res_diffuse, vec3_t res_ambient, vec3_t res_dir)
/*basically require rtlighting for any light*/
res_dir[2] = 1;
static qboolean D3_EdictInFatPVS (struct model_s *model, struct pvscache_s *edict, qbyte *pvsbuffer)
static qboolean D3_EdictInFatPVS (struct model_s *model, const struct pvscache_s *edict, const qbyte *pvsbuffer, const int *areas)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < edict->num_leafs; i++)
@ -879,7 +912,7 @@ static void D3_InsertClipBrush(cm_node_t *node, cm_brush_t *brush)
node->brushlist = brush;
static void D3_RecursiveSurfCheck (cm_node_t *node, float p1f, float p2f, vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2)
static void D3_RecursiveSurfCheck (cm_node_t *node, float p1f, float p2f, const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2)
float t1, t2, offset;
float frac, frac2;
@ -973,7 +1006,7 @@ return;
D3_RecursiveSurfCheck (node->child[side^1], midf, p2f, mid, p2);
static qboolean D3_Trace (struct model_s *model, int hulloverride, framestate_t *framestate, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, qboolean capsule, unsigned int hitcontentsmask, struct trace_s *trace)
static qboolean D3_Trace (struct model_s *model, int hulloverride, const framestate_t *framestate, const vec3_t axis[3], const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, qboolean capsule, unsigned int hitcontentsmask, struct trace_s *trace)
int i;
float e1,e2;
@ -1055,21 +1088,21 @@ static qboolean D3_Trace (struct model_s *model, int hulloverride, framestate_t
return false;
static unsigned int D3_PointContents (struct model_s *model, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t p)
static unsigned int D3_PointContents (struct model_s *model, const vec3_t axis[3], const vec3_t p)
cm_node_t *node = model->cnodes;
cm_brush_t *brush;
float t1;
unsigned int contents = 0;
int i;
vec3_t np;
if (axis)
vec3_t tmp;
VectorCopy(p, tmp);
p[0] = DotProduct(tmp, axis[0]);
p[1] = DotProduct(tmp, axis[1]);
p[2] = DotProduct(tmp, axis[2]);
np[0] = DotProduct(p, axis[0]);
np[1] = DotProduct(p, axis[1]);
np[2] = DotProduct(p, axis[2]);
p = np;
@ -1106,7 +1139,7 @@ static unsigned int D3_PointContents (struct model_s *model, vec3_t axis[3], vec
return contents;
#define ensurenewtoken(t) buf = COM_ParseOut(buf, token, sizeof(token)); if (strcmp(token, t)) break;
#define ensurenewtoken(t) buf = COM_ParseOut(buf, token, sizeof(token)); if (strcmp(token, t)) break
static int D3_ParseContents(char *str)
@ -1173,7 +1206,13 @@ qboolean QDECL D3_LoadMap_CollisionMap(model_t *mod, void *buf, size_t bufsize)
if (!strcmp(token, "worldMap"))
cmod = mod;
Q_strncatz(token, ":", sizeof(token));
Q_strncatz(token, mod->publicname, sizeof(token));
cmod = Mod_FindName(token);
if (cmod->loadstate != MLS_NOTLOADED)
return false;
if (filever == 3)
@ -1298,7 +1337,7 @@ qboolean QDECL D3_LoadMap_CollisionMap(model_t *mod, void *buf, size_t bufsize)
buf = COM_ParseOut(buf, token, sizeof(token));
// surf->shader = R_RegisterShader_Vertex(token);
// R_BuildDefaultTexnums_Doom3(NULL, surf->shader);
@ -1429,32 +1468,37 @@ qboolean QDECL D3_LoadMap_CollisionMap(model_t *mod, void *buf, size_t bufsize)
/*load up the .map so we can get some entities (anyone going to bother making a qc mod compatible with this?)*/
COM_StripExtension(mod->name, token, sizeof(token));
Mod_SetEntitiesString(mod, FS_LoadMallocFile(va("%s.map", token), NULL), true);
Q_strncatz(token, ".map", sizeof(token));
Mod_SetEntitiesString(mod, FS_LoadMallocFile(token, NULL), true);
mod->funcs.FindTouchedLeafs = D3_FindTouchedLeafs;
mod->funcs.NativeTrace = D3_Trace;
mod->funcs.PointContents = D3_PointContents;
mod->funcs.FatPVS = D3_FatPVS;
mod->funcs.ClusterForPoint = D3_ClusterForPoint;
mod->funcs.StainNode = D3_StainNode;
mod->funcs.LightPointValues = D3_LightPointValues;
mod->funcs.EdictInFatPVS = D3_EdictInFatPVS;
mod->funcs.ClusterPVS = D3_ClusterPVS;
mod->funcs.StainNode = D3_StainNode;
mod->funcs.LightPointValues = D3_LightPointValues;
mod->funcs.PrepareFrame = D3_PrepareFrame;
mod->fromgame = fg_doom3;
mod->type = mod_brush; //err, kinda, sorta, maybe.
mod->fromgame = fg_new;
/*that's the physics sorted*/
if (!isDedicated)
COM_StripExtension(mod->name, token, sizeof(token));
buf = FS_LoadMallocFile(va("%s.proc", token), NULL);
Q_strncatz(token, ".proc", sizeof(token));
buf = FS_LoadMallocFile(token, NULL);
Mod_LoadMap_Proc(mod, buf);
return true;