Fork 0
forked from fte/fteqw

Fix up some qc genericdefs stuff.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5937 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
This commit is contained in:
Spoike 2021-07-01 15:43:28 +00:00
parent 93253a026a
commit c452bccd94
6 changed files with 9 additions and 6 deletions

View file

@ -307,14 +307,16 @@ x86_64)
if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx64" != "n" ]; then
FTEQCC=$BUILDFOLDER/linux_amd64/fteqcc64 FTEQW=$BUILDFOLDER/linux_amd64/fteqw64 QUAKESPASM=quakespasm-spiked-linux64 ./build_qc.sh
FTEQCC=$BUILDFOLDER/linux_amd64/fteqcc64 FTEQW=$BUILDFOLDER/linux_amd64/fteqw64 QSS=$BUILDFOLDER/qss/quakespasm-spiked-linux64 ./build_qc.sh
i386 | i486 | i586)
if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx86" != "n" ]; then
FTEQCC=$BUILDFOLDER/linux_x86/fteqcc32 FTEQW=$BUILDFOLDER/linux_x86/fteqw32 QUAKESPASM= ./build_qc.sh
FTEQCC=$BUILDFOLDER/linux_x86/fteqcc32 FTEQW=$BUILDFOLDER/linux_x86/fteqw32 QSS= ./build_qc.sh

View file

@ -7221,7 +7221,7 @@ static struct {
{"entityprotection", PF_entityprotection, 0},
{"copyentity", PF_copyentity, 400}, // #400 void(entity from, entity to) copyentity (DP_QC_COPYENTITY)
{"setcolors", PF_NoCSQC, 401}, // #401 void(entity cl, float colours) setcolors (DP_SV_SETCOLOR) (don't implement)
{"setcolor", PF_NoCSQC, 401}, // #401 void(entity cl, float colours) setcolors (DP_SV_SETCOLOR) (don't implement)
{"findchain", PF_findchain, 402}, // #402 entity(string field, string match) findchain (DP_QC_FINDCHAIN)
{"findchainfloat", PF_findchainfloat, 403}, // #403 entity(float fld, float match) findchainfloat (DP_QC_FINDCHAINFLOAT)
{"effect", PF_cl_effect, 404}, // #404 void(vector org, string modelname, float startframe, float endframe, float framerate) effect (DP_SV_EFFECT)

View file

@ -7657,7 +7657,7 @@ qc_extension_t QSG_Extensions[] = {
{"DP_SV_PRECACHEANYTIME", NULL, 0,{NULL}, "Specifies that the various precache builtins can be called at any time. WARNING: precaches are sent reliably while sound events, modelindexes, and particle events are not. This can mean sounds and particles might not work the first time around, or models may take a while to appear (after the reliables are received and the model is loaded from disk). Always attempt to precache a little in advance in order to reduce these issues (preferably at the start of the map...)"},
{"DP_SV_PRINT", NULL, 1,{"print"}, "Says that the print builtin can be used from nqssqc (as well as just csqc), bypassing the developer cvar issues."},
{"DP_SV_ROTATINGBMODEL", NOBI "Engines that support this support avelocity on MOVETYPE_PUSH entities, pushing entities out of the way as needed."},
{"DP_SV_SETCOLOR", NULL, 1,{"setcolors"}},
{"DP_SV_SETCOLOR", NULL, 1,{"setcolor"}},
{"DP_SV_WRITEPICTURE", NULL, 1,{"WritePicture"}},
{"DP_SV_WRITEUNTERMINATEDSTRING", NULL, 1,{"WriteUnterminatedString"}},

View file

@ -11499,7 +11499,7 @@ static BuiltinList_t BuiltinList[] = { //nq qw h2 ebfs
{"copyentity", PF_copyentity, 0, 0, 0, 400, D("entity(entity from, optional entity to)", "Copies all fields from one entity to another.")},// (DP_QC_COPYENTITY)
{"setcolors", PF_setcolors, 0, 0, 0, 401, D("__deprecated(\"No RGB support.\") void(entity ent, float colours)", "Changes a player's colours. The bits 0-3 are the lower/trouser colour, bits 4-7 are the upper/shirt colours.")},//DP_SV_SETCOLOR
{"setcolor", PF_setcolors, 0, 0, 0, 401, D("__deprecated(\"No RGB support.\") void(entity ent, float colours)", "Changes a player's colours. The bits 0-3 are the lower/trouser colour, bits 4-7 are the upper/shirt colours.")},//DP_SV_SETCOLOR
{"findchain", PF_findchain, 0, 0, 0, 402, "entity(.string field, string match, optional .entity chainfield)"},// (DP_QC_FINDCHAIN)

View file

@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ and the extension fields are added on the end and can have extra vm-specific stu
comfieldfloat(dimension_hit,"This is the bitmask of dimensions which the entity will be blocked by. If other.dimension_solid & self.dimension_hit, our traces will impact and not proceed. If its false, the traces will NOT impact, allowing self to pass straight through.")/*EXT_DIMENSION_PHYSICS*/\
/*comfieldfloat_legacy(hitcontentsmask,"Traces performed for this entity will impact against surfaces that match this contents mask.")*/ \
comfieldint(hitcontentsmaski,"Traces performed for this entity will impact against surfaces that match this contents mask (CONTENTBITS_* constants).")\
comfieldfloatdep_legacy(dphitcontentsmask, "Some crappy field that inefficiently requires translating to the native contents flags. Ditch the 'dp', do it properly.", "Does not support mos-ecific contents.")\
comfieldfloatdep_legacy(dphitcontentsmask, "Some crappy field that inefficiently requires translating to the native contents flags. Ditch the 'dp', do it properly.", "Does not support mod-specific contents.")\
comfieldfloat(scale,"Multiplier that resizes the entity. 1 is normal sized, 2 is double sized. scale 0 is remapped to 1. In SSQC, this is limited to 1/16th precision, with a maximum just shy of 16.")/*DP_ENT_SCALE*/\
comfieldfloat(fatness,"How many QuakeUnits to push the entity's verticies along their normals by.")/*FTE_PEXT_FATNESS*/\
comfieldfloat(alpha,"The transparency of the entity. 1 means opaque, 0.0001 means virtually invisible. 0 is remapped to 1, for compatibility.")/*DP_ENT_ALPHA*/\

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#define ReadShort readshort
#define ReadString readstring
#define draw_getimagesize drawgetimagesize
#define addstat clientstat
#define skel_mul_bone skel_premul_bone
#define skel_mul_bones skel_premul_bones