Misc tweaks, including a corrupt-bsp crash fix.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@6070 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 74 additions and 19 deletions
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ cvar_t cl_pure = CVARD("cl_pure", "0", "0=standard quake rules.\n1=clients shou
cvar_t cl_sbar = CVARFC("cl_sbar", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CL_Sbar_Callback);
cvar_t cl_hudswap = CVARF("cl_hudswap", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
cvar_t cl_maxfps = CVARFD("cl_maxfps", "250", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Sets the maximum allowed framerate. If you're using vsync or want to uncap framerates entirely then you should probably set this to 0. Set cl_yieldcpu 0 if you're trying to benchmark.");
cvar_t cl_idlefps = CVARFD("cl_idlefps", "60", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "This is the maximum framerate to attain while idle/paused/unfocused.");
cvar_t cl_idlefps = CVARAFD("cl_idlefps", "60", "cl_maxidlefps"/*dp*/, CVAR_ARCHIVE, "This is the maximum framerate to attain while idle/paused/unfocused.");
cvar_t cl_yieldcpu = CVARFD("cl_yieldcpu", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Attempt to yield between frames. This can resolve issues with certain drivers and background software, but can mean less consistant frame times. Will reduce power consumption/heat generation so should be set on laptops or similar (over-hot/battery powered) devices.");
cvar_t cl_nopext = CVARF("cl_nopext", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
cvar_t cl_pext_mask = CVAR("cl_pext_mask", "0xffffffff");
@ -146,11 +146,11 @@ cvar_t password = CVARAF("password", "", "pq_password", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_NOU
cvar_t spectator = CVARF("spectator", "", CVAR_USERINFO);
cvar_t name = CVARFC("name", "Player", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, Name_Callback);
cvar_t team = CVARF("team", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO);
cvar_t skin = CVARAF("skin", "", "_cl_playerskin", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO);
cvar_t model = CVARAF("model", "", "_cl_playermodel", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO);
cvar_t skin = CVARAF("skin", "", "_cl_playerskin"/*dp*/, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO);
cvar_t model = CVARAF("model", "", "_cl_playermodel"/*dp*/, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO);
cvar_t topcolor = CVARF("topcolor", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO);
cvar_t bottomcolor = CVARF("bottomcolor", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO);
cvar_t rate = CVARFD("rate", "30000"/*"6480"*/, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, "A rough measure of the bandwidth to try to use while playing. Too high a value may result in 'buffer bloat'.");
cvar_t rate = CVARAFD("rate", "30000"/*"6480"*/, "_cl_rate"/*dp*/, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, "A rough measure of the bandwidth to try to use while playing. Too high a value may result in 'buffer bloat'.");
static cvar_t drate = CVARFD("drate", "3000000", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, "A rough measure of the bandwidth to try to use while downloading (in bytes per second)."); // :)
static cvar_t noaim = CVARF("noaim", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO);
cvar_t msg = CVARFD("msg", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, "Filter console prints/messages. Only functions on QuakeWorld servers. 0=pickup messages. 1=death messages. 2=critical messages. 3=chat.");
@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ static void OpenAL_ChannelUpdate(soundcardinfo_t *sc, channel_t *chan, chanupdat
//openal doesn't support loopstart (entire sample loops or not at all), so if we're meant to skip the first half then we need to stream it.
stream = sfx->decoder.decodedata || sfx->loopstart > 0;
if (schanged & CUR_SOUNDCHANGE || stream)
if ((schanged&CUR_SOUNDCHANGE) || stream)
int sndnum = sfx-known_sfx;
int buf;
@ -7858,6 +7858,7 @@ qc_extension_t QSG_Extensions[] = {
#ifdef Q3SERVER
{"FTE_QUAKE3_SERVER", NULL, 0,{NULL}, "This engine is able to act as a quake3 server"},
{"FTE_SOLID_BSPTRIGGER", NOBI "Allows for mappers to use shaped triggers instead of being limited to axially aligned triggers."},
{"FTE_SOLID_LADDER", NOBI "Allows a simple trigger to remove effects of gravity (solid 20). obsolete. will prolly be removed at some point as it is not networked properly. Use FTE_ENT_SKIN_CONTENTS"},
{"FTE_SPLITSCREEN", NOBI "Client supports splitscreen, controlled via cl_splitscreen. Servers require allow_splitscreen 1 if splitscreen is to be used over the internet. Mods that use csqc will need to be aware for this to work properly. per-client networking may be problematic."},
@ -599,6 +599,10 @@ void TL_Reformat(char *out, size_t outsize, size_t numargs, const char **arg)
if (!*fmt)
else if (*fmt == '{' && fmt[1] == '{')
*out++ = '{', fmt+=2, outsize--;
else if (*fmt == '}' && fmt[1] == '}')
*out++ = '}', fmt+=2, outsize--;
else if (*fmt == '{')
unsigned int index = strtoul(fmt+1, (char**)&fmt, 10)+1;
@ -3192,6 +3192,12 @@ static void Mod_Batches_Build(model_t *mod, builddata_t *bd)
mesh = surf->mesh;
if (mesh->numindexes <= 0 || mesh->numvertexes < 1)
mesh->numindexes = 0;
mesh->numvertexes = 0;
numverts += mesh->numvertexes;
numindicies += mesh->numindexes;
// surf->lightmaptexturenum = -1;
@ -4255,6 +4261,9 @@ static qboolean Mod_LoadFaces (model_t *loadmodel, bspx_header_t *bspx, qbyte *m
if (!out->texinfo->texture)
if (out->numedges < 3)
Con_Printf(CON_WARNING"%s: Face %i has only %i edge(s) - \"%s\".\n", loadmodel->name, surfnum, out->numedges, out->texinfo->texture->name);
// set the drawing flags flag
if (!Q_strncmp(out->texinfo->texture->name,"sky",3)) // sky
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ extern cvar_t vid_vsync;
EGLContext eglctx = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
EGLDisplay egldpy = EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
EGLSurface eglsurf = EGL_NO_SURFACE;
static const char *eglexts;
static dllhandle_t *egllibrary;
static dllhandle_t *eslibrary;
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ static EGLint (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglGetError)(void);
static EGLDisplay (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglGetPlatformDisplay)(EGLenum platform, void *native_display, const EGLAttrib *attrib_list);
static EGLDisplay (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglGetDisplay)(EGLNativeDisplayType display_id);
static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglInitialize)(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint *major, EGLint *minor);
static const char * (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglQueryString)(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint name);
static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglTerminate)(EGLDisplay dpy);
static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglGetConfigs)(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig *configs, EGLint config_size, EGLint *num_config);
@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ static dllfunction_t qeglfuncs[] =
{(void*)&qeglGetDisplay, "eglGetDisplay"},
{(void*)&qeglInitialize, "eglInitialize"},
{(void*)&qeglQueryString, "eglQueryString"},
{(void*)&qeglTerminate, "eglTerminate"},
{(void*)&qeglGetConfigs, "eglGetConfigs"},
@ -126,6 +129,28 @@ static const char *EGL_GetErrorString(int error)
static qboolean EGL_CheckExtension(const char *extname)
const char *x = eglexts, *n;
size_t l;
if (!x)
return false;
l = strlen(extname);
n = strchr(x, ' ');
if (!n)
if (!strcmp(x, extname))
return true;
return false;
else if (n-x==l && !strncmp(x, extname, l))
return true;
x = n+1;
void EGL_UnloadLibrary(void)
if (egllibrary)
@ -216,6 +241,7 @@ void EGL_Shutdown(void)
eglctx = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
egldpy = EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
eglsurf = EGL_NO_SURFACE;
eglexts = NULL;
/*static void EGL_ShowConfig(EGLDisplay egldpy, EGLConfig cfg)
@ -309,11 +335,11 @@ qboolean EGL_InitDisplay (rendererstate_t *info, int eglplat, void *ndpy, EGLNat
// EGL_BUFFER_SIZE, info->bpp,
// EGL_SAMPLES, info->multisample,
EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, info->depthbits?info->depthbits:16,
@ -351,6 +377,8 @@ qboolean EGL_InitDisplay (rendererstate_t *info, int eglplat, void *ndpy, EGLNat
return false;
eglexts = qeglQueryString(egldpy, EGL_EXTENSIONS);
if (!qeglGetConfigs(egldpy, NULL, 0, &numconfigs) || !numconfigs)
@ -392,13 +420,25 @@ qboolean EGL_InitWindow (rendererstate_t *info, int eglplat, void *nwindow, EGLN
else if (qeglCreatePlatformWindowSurface)
EGLAttrib wndattrib[] =
EGLAttrib wndattrib[3*2];
size_t i = 0;
eglsurf = qeglCreatePlatformWindowSurface(egldpy, cfg, nwindow, info->srgb?wndattrib:NULL);
if (info->srgb)
wndattrib[i++] = EGL_GL_COLORSPACE_KHR;
wndattrib[i++] = EGL_GL_COLORSPACE_SRGB_KHR;
if (EGL_CheckExtension("EGL_EXT_present_opaque"))
{ //try to avoid nasty surprises.
wndattrib[i++] = EGL_PRESENT_OPAQUE_EXT;
wndattrib[i++] = EGL_TRUE;
wndattrib[i++] = EGL_NONE;
wndattrib[i++] = EGL_NONE;
eglsurf = qeglCreatePlatformWindowSurface(egldpy, cfg, nwindow, wndattrib);
@ -10936,7 +10936,7 @@ static BuiltinList_t BuiltinList[] = { //nq qw h2 ebfs
{"loadfromfile", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 69, D("void(string s)", "Reads a set of entities from the named file. This file should have the same format as a .ent file or a saved game. Entities will be spawned as required. If you need to see the entities that were created, you should use parseentitydata instead.")},
{"mod", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 70, "float(float val, float m)"},
{"cvar_string", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 71, D("string(string name)", "Returns the value of a cvar, as a string.")},
{"crash", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 72, D("void()", "Demonstrates that no program is bug free.")},
{"crash", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 72, D("FTEDEP(\"Call 'error' instead\") void()", "Demonstrates that no program is bug free.")},
{"stackdump", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 73, D("void()", "Prints out the QC's stack, for console-based error reports.")},
{"search_begin", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 74, "searchhandle(string pattern, enumflags:float{"
@ -1473,8 +1473,9 @@ static void ImgTool_PrintInfo(const char *inname, struct pendingtextureinfo *in)
printf("%-20s(%s): \"%s\"%s %i*%i, %i mips\n", inname, Image_FormatName(in->encoding), mip->name, mip->offsets[0]?"":" (stripped)", mip->width, mip->height, in->mipcount);
printf("%-20s(%s): %s, %i*%i*%i, %i mips\n", inname, Image_FormatName(in->encoding), imagetypename[in->type], in->mip[0].width, in->mip[0].height, in->mip[0].depth, in->mipcount);
for (m = 0; m < in->mipcount; m++)
printf("\t%u: %i*%i*%i, %u\n", (unsigned)m, in->mip[m].width, in->mip[m].height, in->mip[m].depth, (unsigned)in->mip[m].datasize);
if (verbose)
for (m = 0; m < in->mipcount; m++)
printf("\t%u: %i*%i*%i, %u\n", (unsigned)m, in->mip[m].width, in->mip[m].height, in->mip[m].depth, (unsigned)in->mip[m].datasize);
static void ImgTool_Enumerate(struct opts_s *args, const char *inname, void(*callback)(const char *name, struct pendingtextureinfo *mips))
@ -1617,7 +1618,7 @@ static void ImgTool_Enumerate(struct opts_s *args, const char *inname, void(*cal
char syn[MAX_QPATH];
sprintf(syn, "unnamed%u", (unsigned)i);
printf("\t%16.16s: <NO DATA>\n", syn);
printf("%-20s---<NO DATA>--- %d\n", syn, texlump->dataofs[i]);
Reference in a new issue