Fork 0
forked from fte/fteqw

Jogi's changes.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@3985 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
This commit is contained in:
Spoike 2012-02-13 01:41:49 +00:00
parent 37ce84814d
commit 3c4100a2a9
4 changed files with 750 additions and 167 deletions

View file

@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ typedef struct
float starttime;
float endtime;
float startfov;
float endfov;
spline_t spline;
} cam_t;
@ -31,6 +29,8 @@ typedef struct
static camdata_t *camdata;
static var float splinefile = -1;
static int edit_type = 0;
static vector submenu_position;
void() spline_init =
@ -113,29 +113,118 @@ void(vector p1, vector p2, vector color) fakeline = {
R_PolygonVertex(p1-'0 0 1', '0 1', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(p2-'0 0 1', '1 1', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(p2+'0 0 1', '1 0', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(p1-'0 0 1', '0 0', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(p1+'0 0 1', '0 1', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(p2+'0 0 1', '1 1', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(p2-'0 0 1', '1 0', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(p2+'0 0 1', '0 0', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(p2-'0 0 1', '0 1', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(p1-'0 0 1', '1 1', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(p1-'0 0 1', '1 0', color,1);
void (vector pos, vector color) draw_point
void (vector p1, vector p2, float size, vector color) fakeline_new
local vector pos1, pos2;
pos1 = pos - '10 0 0';
pos2 = pos + '10 0 0';
fakeline(pos1, pos2, color);
pos1 = pos - '0 10 0';
pos2 = pos + '0 10 0';
fakeline(pos1, pos2, color);
//z -- this isnt drawing right for some reason
pos1 = pos - '0 0 10';
pos2 = pos + '0 0 10';
fakeline(pos1, pos2, color);
local vector diff;
diff = p2 - p1;
void (vector pos, float size, vector color) draw_point
local int i;
local vector offsets[5];
local vector points[8];
local vector point, point1;
if (size == 0)
point_x = -(size/2);
point_y = -(size/2);
offsets[0] = point;
point_x = size/2;
point_y = -(size/2);
offsets[1] = point;
point_x = -(size/2);
point_y = (size/2);
offsets[2] = point;
point_x = (size/2);
point_y = (size/2);
offsets[3] = point;
point1_z = -(size/2);
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
points[i] = offsets[i] + point1 + pos;
point1_z = (size/2);
for (i=4; i<8; i++)
points[i] = offsets[i-4] + point1 + pos;
* bottom
* 2 3
* 0 1
* top
* 6 7
* 4 5
// bottom
R_PolygonVertex(points[3], '0 0', color ,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[2], '0 1', color ,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[0], '1 1', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[1], '1 0', color,1);
// top
R_PolygonVertex(points[5], '0 0', color ,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[4], '0 1', color ,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[6], '1 1', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[7], '1 0', color,1);
// front
R_PolygonVertex(points[4], '0 0', color ,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[5], '0 1', color ,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[1], '1 1', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[0], '1 0', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[7], '0 0', color ,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[6], '0 1', color ,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[2], '1 1', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[3], '1 0', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[6], '0 0', color ,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[4], '0 1', color ,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[0], '1 1', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[2], '1 0', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[5], '0 0', color ,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[7], '0 1', color ,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[3], '1 1', color,1);
R_PolygonVertex(points[1], '1 0', color,1);
// time has to be between 0 and 1
@ -198,11 +287,9 @@ vector(spline_t *s, float frac_time) spline_calculate_position =
// first point is always an entry point last point also
t5 = 1 / (s->numpoints - 3);
for (i=1, t4=t5; t4<frac_time; t4 = t4 + t5)
//print(sprintf("end: %i\n", i));
if (i > s->numpoints)
if (i >= s->numpoints)
print(sprintf("something went wrong while getting the start point!\n"));
return s->pos[0];
@ -243,9 +330,6 @@ vector(spline_t *s, float frac_time) spline_calculate_position =
t4 = -0.5 * point1_z + 1.5 * point2_z + (-1.5 * point3_z) + 0.5 * point4_z;
r_z = ((t4 * t_scaled + t3)*t_scaled + t2)*t_scaled + t1;
return r;
@ -260,9 +344,10 @@ static void(spline_t *s) spline_draw =
local vector bdir;
local int i;
local vector color;
local float psize;
/*example of drawing convex polygons*/
vpos = getviewprop(VF_ORIGIN);
@ -295,18 +380,56 @@ static void(spline_t *s) spline_draw =
// draw points
for (i=0; i<s->numpoints; i++)
psize = 5;
color = '0.25 0.25 0.25';
if (i == s->selected_point)
psize = 10;
color = '1 1 1';
draw_point(s->pos[i], color);
draw_point(s->pos[i], psize, color);
// draw position
pos = spline_calculate_position(s, s->position);
draw_point(pos, '1 0 0');
draw_point(pos, 3, '1 0 0');
void(float attime) spline_overrides =
local vector position, view;
local cam_t *cpos;
local cam_t *cview;
local float stime;
local int i;
for (i=0; i < camdata->position_count; i++)
cpos = &camdata->position[i];
if (cpos->starttime <= attime && cpos->endtime > attime)
if (i == camdata->position_count)
for (i=0; i < camdata->view_count; i++)
cview = &camdata->view[i];
if (cview->starttime <= attime && cview->endtime > attime)
if (i == camdata->view_count)
stime = (attime - cpos->starttime) / (cpos->endtime - cpos->starttime);
position = spline_calculate_position(&cpos->spline, stime);
stime = (attime - cview->starttime) / (cview->endtime - cview->starttime);
view = spline_calculate_position(&cview->spline, stime);
setviewprop(VF_ORIGIN, position);
setviewprop(VF_ANGLES, vectoangles(view - position));
/*called to move the view to some simulation time*/
@ -340,123 +463,82 @@ void(float attime) spline_overrides =
void() editor_spline_add =
int i;
local int i;
local float ctime, stime;
if (splinefile < 0)
ctime = gettime(5);
/*add visible splines to the scene*/
for (i = 0; i < camdata->position_count; i+=1i)
for (i = 0; i < camdata->view_count; i+=1i)
/*sort out the overrides*/
// spline_overrides(simtime);
float slidertestfloat1, slidertestfloat2;
float slidertestfloat1, slidertestfloat2, slidertestfloat3;
static float *curslider;
void(string fieldname, vector pos, vector mousepos, float *value, float minv, float maxv, float key) sliderf_widgit =
static menu_t menu;
int (vector *curmousepos, vector mousediff, float key) submenu =
local vector rpos, col;
local float f;
rpos = pos + '132 0 0';
/*if they're dragging us, update*/
if ((int)curslider == (int)value)
local vector pos;
local spline_t *s;
local vector point;
pos = submenu_position;
menu->key = key;
menu->mousepos = curmousepos;
menu->mousediff = mousediff;
if (edit_type == 0)
s = &camdata.position[camdata.position_selected].spline;
s = &camdata.view[camdata.view_selected].spline;
if (s->numpoints > 0)
if (mousedown == 1)
*value = ((mousepos_x - 4 - rpos)/(9*8)*(maxv-minv)) + minv;
*value = bound(minv, *value, maxv);
curslider = (int*)__NULL__;
point = s->pos[s->selected_point];
sliderf_fixed_widgit(&menu, "x:", pos, &point_x);pos_y+=8;
sliderf_fixed_widgit(&menu, "y:", pos, &point_y);pos_y+=8;
sliderf_fixed_widgit(&menu, "z:", pos, &point_z);pos_y+=8;
s->pos[s->selected_point] = point;
if (key == -1)
if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8)
col_x = (sin(time*3.14)+1) / 2;
col_y = col_x;
col_z = 1;
col = '1 1 1';
f = *value;
if (f < minv)
f = minv;
if (f > maxv)
f = maxv;
drawstring(pos, fieldname, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
pos = rpos;
rpos_x -= 4;
drawstring(rpos, "^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
drawstring(rpos + '88 0', ftos(f), '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
rpos_x += 4;
rpos_x += 9*8*(f - minv) / (maxv - minv);
drawstring(rpos, "^Ue083", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
else if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8)
if (key == 512)
curslider = value;
else if (key == 515)
*value = bound(minv, *value + (maxv - minv) / 10, maxv);
else if (key == 516)
*value = bound(minv, *value - (maxv - minv) / 10, maxv);
void(string fieldname, vector pos, vector mousepos, float *value, float key) checkboxf_widgit =
local vector rpos, col;
rpos = pos + '132 0 0';
if (key == -1)
if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8)
col_x = (sin(time*3.14)+1) / 2;
col_y = col_x;
col_z = 1;
col = '1 1 1';
drawstring(pos, fieldname, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
rpos_x -= 4;
drawstring(rpos, "^Ue080^Ue082", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
drawstring(rpos + '88 0', ((*value) ?"TRUE":"FALSE"), '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
rpos_x += 4;
if (*value)
drawstring(rpos, "^Ue083", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
else if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8)
if (key == 512)
*value = !*value;
else if (key == 515)
*value = !*value;
else if (key == 516)
*value = !*value;
void(vector curmousepos, float key) testmenu =
vector pos;
pos = '0 80';
sliderf_widgit ("test float a", pos, curmousepos, &slidertestfloat1, 100, 200, key);pos_y += 8;
sliderf_widgit ("test float b", pos, curmousepos, &slidertestfloat2, 0, 1, key);pos_y += 8;
checkboxf_widgit ("checkbox test", pos, curmousepos, &slidertestfloat2, key);pos_y += 8;
void(vector curmousepos) editor_spline_overlay =
* the widgets have to handle mouse properly
* if mousedown == 1 && curslider == self -> return
int (vector *curmousepos, vector mousediff, float key) testmenu =
local vector pos;
local int reset_mouse = 0;
pos = '0 80';
sliderf_widgit ("test float a", pos, curmousepos, mousediff, &slidertestfloat1, 100, 200);pos_y += 8;
sliderf_widgit ("test float b", pos, curmousepos, mousediff, &slidertestfloat2, 0, 1);pos_y += 8;
checkboxf_widgit ("checkbox test", pos, curmousepos, &slidertestfloat2, key);pos_y += 32;
sliderf_fixed_widgit("test float c", pos, curmousepos, mousediff, &slidertestfloat3, key, 1i);pos_y += 32;
//curmousepos = '0 0 0';
return reset_mouse;
int (vector *curmousepos, vector mousediff) editor_spline_overlay =
local vector pos, v;
local spline_t *s;
local int ri;
if (splinefile < 0)
@ -465,7 +547,11 @@ void(vector curmousepos) editor_spline_overlay =
/*draw menu*/
/*dunno if the light editor has any convienient code*/
pos_y = 40;
drawrawstring(pos, sprintf("cam : %i / %i", camdata->position_selected + 1i , camdata->position_count), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
if (edit_type == 0)
drawrawstring(pos, "cam", '8 8 0', '1 0 0', 1);
drawrawstring(pos, "cam", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
drawrawstring(pos + '24 0 0', sprintf(" : %i / %i", camdata->position_selected + 1i , camdata->position_count), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
if (camdata->position_count)
pos_y += 8;
@ -474,9 +560,24 @@ void(vector curmousepos) editor_spline_overlay =
drawrawstring(pos, sprintf(" point: %i / %i -- %f %f %f", s->selected_point + 1i, s->numpoints, v_x, v_y, v_z), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
pos_y += 8;
drawrawstring(pos, sprintf("view : %i / %i", camdata->view_selected + 1i, camdata->view_count), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
if (edit_type == 1)
drawrawstring(pos, "view", '8 8 0', '1 0 0', 1);
drawrawstring(pos, "view", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
drawrawstring(pos + '32 0 0', sprintf(" : %i / %i", camdata->view_selected + 1i, camdata->view_count), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
if (camdata->view_count)
pos_y += 8;
s = &camdata->view[camdata->view_selected].spline;
v = s->pos[s->selected_point];
drawrawstring(pos, sprintf(" point: %i / %i -- %f %f %f", s->selected_point + 1i, s->numpoints, v_x, v_y, v_z), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
testmenu(curmousepos, -1);
submenu_position = pos + '0 8';
submenu(curmousepos, mousediff, -1);
return ri;
int (spline_t *s, vector point) spline_add_point =
@ -521,6 +622,31 @@ void (int type) position_add_point =
void (int type) view_add_point =
vector v;
int i;
local cam_t *c;
local spline_t *s;
i = camdata->view_selected;
c = &camdata->view[i];
s = &c->spline;
v = getviewprop(VF_ORIGIN);
if (type == 0)
if (spline_add_point(s, v))
// print(sprintf("point could not be added.\n"));
// print(sprintf("added point: %i %f %f %f\n", s->selected_point, v_x, v_y, v_z));
void(void) position_add
@ -552,6 +678,20 @@ void(spline_t *s, vector change) spline_change_point_position
s->pos[s->selected_point] = s->pos[s->selected_point] + change;
void (cam_t *c, float starttime) cam_set_start_time
c->starttime = starttime;
if (starttime > c->endtime)
c->endtime = starttime;
void (cam_t *c, float endtime) cam_set_stop_time
c->endtime = endtime;
if (endtime < c->starttime)
c->starttime = endtime;
void (spline_t *s, float change) spline_change_position
s->position = s->position + change;
@ -574,20 +714,40 @@ void(spline_t *s, int change) spline_change_selected_point
s->selected_point = s->selected_point + change;
float(float keycode, float unicode, vector curmousepos) editor_spline_key
float(float keycode, float unicode, vector *curmousepos_in, vector mousediff) editor_spline_key
local vector curmousepos = *curmousepos_in;
if (keycode == 'j')
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
if (camdata->view_count == 0)
return TRUE;
if (keycode == 'k')
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_selected_point(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, -1);
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_selected_point(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, -1);
if (camdata->view_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_selected_point(&camdata->view[camdata->view_selected].spline, -1);
return TRUE;
@ -601,75 +761,198 @@ float(float keycode, float unicode, vector curmousepos) editor_spline_key
if (keycode == '9')
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '0 0 -1');
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '0 0 -1');
if (camdata->view_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->view[camdata->view_selected].spline, '0 0 -1');
return TRUE;
if (keycode == '0')
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '0 0 1');
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '0 0 1');
if (camdata->view_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->view[camdata->view_selected].spline, '0 0 1');
return TRUE;
if (keycode == '7')
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '0 -1 0');
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '0 -1 0');
if (camdata->view_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->view[camdata->view_selected].spline, '0 -1 0');
return TRUE;
if (keycode == '8')
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '0 1 0');
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '0 1 0');
if (camdata->view_count== 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->view[camdata->view_selected].spline, '0 1 0');
return TRUE;
if (keycode == '5')
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '-1 0 0');
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '-1 0 0');
if (camdata->view_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->view[camdata->view_selected].spline, '-1 0 0');
return TRUE;
if (keycode == '6')
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '1 0 0');
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '1 0 0');
if (camdata->view_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->view[camdata->view_selected].spline, '1 0 0');
return TRUE;
if (keycode == '6')
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, '1 0 0');
if (camdata->view_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_point_position(&camdata->view[camdata->view_selected].spline, '1 0 0');
return TRUE;
if (keycode == '-')
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, -0.01);
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, -0.01);
if (camdata->view_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_position(&camdata->view[camdata->view_selected].spline, -0.01);
return TRUE;
if (keycode == '=')
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, 0.01);
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_position(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected].spline, 0.01);
if (camdata->view_count == 0)
return FALSE;
spline_change_position(&camdata->view[camdata->view_selected].spline, 0.01);
return TRUE;
if (keycode == '1')
edit_type = !edit_type;
return TRUE;
testmenu(curmousepos, keycode);
if (keycode == '2')
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
cam_set_start_time(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected], gettime(5));
if (camdata->view_count == 0)
return FALSE;
cam_set_start_time(&camdata->view[camdata->view_selected], gettime(5));
return TRUE;
if (keycode == '2')
if (edit_type == 0)
if (camdata->position_count == 0)
return FALSE;
cam_set_stop_time(&camdata->position[camdata->position_selected], gettime(5));
if (camdata->view_count == 0)
return FALSE;
cam_set_stop_time(&camdata->view[camdata->view_selected], gettime(5));
return TRUE;
submenu(curmousepos_in, mousediff, keycode);
return FALSE;

View file

@ -13,11 +13,14 @@ enum
var vector vidsize = '640 480 0';
vector curmousepos;
vector mousediff;
vector originalmousepos;
float mousedown;
/*the renderscene builtin in the parent progs is redirected to here*/
void() wrap_renderscene =
local int retval;
vector col;
/*inactive? then show nothing*/
if (!autocvar_ca_show)
@ -119,7 +122,11 @@ void() wrap_renderscene =
if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_LIGHTEDIT)
else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_SPLINEEDIT)
editor_spline_overlay(&curmousepos, mousediff);
originalmousepos = curmousepos;
mousediff = '0 0 0';
else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_PARTICLEEDIT)
@ -145,8 +152,12 @@ float (float event, float parama, float paramb) wrap_InputEvent =
else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_SPLINEEDIT)
if (editor_spline_key(parama, paramb, curmousepos))
if (editor_spline_key(parama, paramb, &curmousepos, mousediff))
originalmousepos = curmousepos;
mousediff = '0 0 0';
return TRUE;
else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_PARTICLEEDIT)
@ -173,8 +184,10 @@ float (float event, float parama, float paramb) wrap_InputEvent =
if (mousedown == 2)
return FALSE;
originalmousepos = curmousepos;
curmousepos_x += parama;
curmousepos_y += paramb;
mousediff = curmousepos - originalmousepos;
if (curmousepos_x < 0)
curmousepos_x = 0;
if (curmousepos_y < 0)

View file

@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ csplat.qc

quakec/csaddon/src/menu.qc Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
typedef struct
float *current;
float key;
vector *mousepos;
vector mousediff;
} menu_t;
void(menu_t menu, string fieldname, vector pos, float *value, float minv, float maxv) sliderf_widgit =
local vector rpos, spos, col;
local float f;
local int render_only;
local vector mousepos = *menu->mousepos;
local vector mp = *menu->mousepos;
local vector mousediff = menu->mousediff;
local int draw_value = 1; // 8 parameter limit?
local float key = menu->key;
render_only = 0;
rpos = pos;
spos = rpos;
spos_x = pos_x + strlen(fieldname) * 8 + 4;
/*if they're dragging us, update*/
if ((int)menu->current == (int)value)
if (mousedown == 1)
*value = *value + mousediff_x/10;
*value = bound(minv, *value, maxv);
f = *value;
mp_y = spos_y + 4;
mp_x = spos_x + 9 * 8 * (f - minv) / (maxv - minv) + 4;
*menu->mousepos = mp;
menu->current = (int*)__NULL__;
if (mousedown == 1)
render_only = 1;
if (key == -1 || render_only == 1 )
if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8 && render_only == 0)
col_x = (sin(time*3.14)+1) / 2;
col_y = col_x;
col_z = 1;
col = '1 1 1';
f = *value;
if (f < minv)
f = minv;
if (f > maxv)
f = maxv;
drawstring(pos, fieldname, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
drawstring(spos, "^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
if (draw_value == 1)
drawstring(spos + '88 0', ftos(f), '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
spos_x += 9*8*(f - minv) / (maxv - minv);
drawstring(spos, "^Ue083", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
else if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8)
if (key == 512)
f = *value;
menu->current = value;
mp_x = spos_x + 9 * 8 * (f - minv) / (maxv - minv) + 4;
*menu->mousepos = mp;
else if (key == 515)
*value = bound(minv, *value + (maxv - minv) / 10, maxv);
else if (key == 516)
*value = bound(minv, *value - (maxv - minv) / 10, maxv);
#pragma wrasm 1
void(menu_t *menu, string fieldname, vector pos, float *value) sliderf_fixed_widgit =
local vector rpos, spos, col;
local float f;
local int render_only;
local vector mousepos = *menu->mousepos;
local vector mp = *menu->mousepos;
local vector mousediff = menu->mousediff;
local vector *mpp = menu->mousepos;
local int draw_value = 1; // 8 parameter limit?
local float key = menu->key;
render_only = 0;
rpos = pos;
spos = rpos;
spos_x = pos_x + strlen(fieldname) * 8 + 4;
/*if they're dragging us, update*/
//print(sprintf("%i %i\n", (int) menu->current, (int) value));
if ((int)menu->current == (int)value)
print(sprintf("mousedown: %i\n", mousedown));
if (mousedown == 1)
*value = *value + mousediff_x/10;
f = *value;
mp_y = spos_y + 4;
mp_x = spos_x + 4;
*menu->mousepos = mp;
menu->current = (int*)__NULL__;
if (mousedown == 1)
render_only = 1;
if (key == -1 || render_only == 1 )
if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8 && render_only == 0)
col_x = (sin(time*3.14)+1) / 2;
col_y = col_x;
col_z = 1;
col = '1 1 1';
f = *value;
drawstring(pos, fieldname, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
drawstring(spos, "^Ue080^Ue082", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
if (draw_value)
drawstring(spos + '20 0', ftos(f), '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
drawstring(spos + '4 0', "^Ue083", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
else if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8)
if (key == 512)
f = *value;
int*tmp=(int*)menu;tmp[0] = (int)value; //fteqcc bug - really menu->current = value;
print(sprintf("test thing: %i %i\n", menu->current, value));
mp_x = spos_x + 4;
*mpp = mp;
else if (key == 515)
*value = *value + 0.1;
else if (key == 516)
*value = *value - 0.1;
#pragma wrasm 0
void(menu_t menu, string fieldname, vector pos, int *value, int minv, int maxv) slideri_widgit =
local vector rpos, spos, col;
local int f;
local int render_only;
local vector mousepos = *menu->mousepos;
local vector mp = *menu->mousepos;
local vector mousediff = menu->mousediff;
local int draw_value = 1; // 8 parameter limit?
local float key;
key = menu->key;
render_only = 0;
rpos = pos;
spos = rpos;
spos_x = pos_x + strlen(fieldname) * 8 + 4;
/*if they're dragging us, update*/
if ((int)menu->current == (int)value)
if (mousedown == 1)
*value = *value + mousediff_x/10;
*value = bound(minv, *value, maxv);
f = *value;
mp_y = spos_y + 4;
mp_x = spos_x + 9 * 8 * (f - minv) / (maxv - minv) + 4;
*menu->mousepos = mp;
menu->current = (int*)__NULL__;
if (mousedown == 1)
render_only = 1;
if (key == -1 || render_only == 1 )
if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8 && render_only == 0)
col_x = (sin(time*3.14)+1) / 2;
col_y = col_x;
col_z = 1;
col = '1 1 1';
f = *value;
if (f < minv)
f = minv;
if (f > maxv)
f = maxv;
drawstring(pos, fieldname, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
drawstring(spos, "^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
if (draw_value == 1)
drawstring(spos + '88 0', ftos(f), '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
spos_x += 9*8*(f - minv) / (maxv - minv);
drawstring(spos, "^Ue083", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
else if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8)
if (key == 512)
f = *value;
menu->current = value;
mp_x = spos_x + 9 * 8 * (f - minv) / (maxv - minv) + 4;
*menu->mousepos = mp;
else if (key == 515)
*value = bound(minv, *value + (maxv - minv) / 10, maxv);
else if (key == 516)
*value = bound(minv, *value - (maxv - minv) / 10, maxv);
void(string fieldname, vector pos, vector *mousepos_in, float *value, float key) checkboxf_widgit =
local vector rpos, col;
local int render_only;
local vector mousepos = *mousepos_in;
rpos = pos + '132 0 0';
render_only = 0;
// fix this
if (mousedown == 1)
render_only = 1;
if (key == -1 || render_only == 1)
if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8 && render_only == 0)
col_x = (sin(time*3.14)+1) / 2;
col_y = col_x;
col_z = 1;
col = '1 1 1';
drawstring(pos, fieldname, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
rpos_x -= 4;
drawstring(rpos, "^Ue080^Ue082", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
drawstring(rpos + '88 0', ((*value) ?"TRUE":"FALSE"), '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
rpos_x += 4;
if (*value)
drawstring(rpos, "^Ue083", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
else if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8)
if (key == 512)
*value = !*value;
else if (key == 515)
*value = !*value;
else if (key == 516)
*value = !*value;