Fork 0
forked from fte/fteqw

524 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

void() InitBodyQue;
void() main =
dprint ("main function\n");
// these are just commands the the prog compiler to copy these files
precache_file ("progs.dat");
precache_file ("gfx.wad");
precache_file ("quake.rc");
precache_file ("default.cfg");
precache_file ("end1.bin");
precache_file2 ("end2.bin");
precache_file ("demo1.dem");
precache_file ("demo2.dem");
precache_file ("demo3.dem");
// these are all of the lumps from the cached.ls files
precache_file ("gfx/palette.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/colormap.lmp");
precache_file2 ("gfx/pop.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/complete.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/inter.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/ranking.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/vidmodes.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/finale.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/conback.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/qplaque.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/menudot1.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/menudot2.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/menudot3.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/menudot4.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/menudot5.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/menudot6.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/menuplyr.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/bigbox.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/dim_modm.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/dim_drct.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/dim_ipx.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/dim_tcp.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/dim_mult.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/mainmenu.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/box_tl.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/box_tm.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/box_tr.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/box_ml.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/box_mm.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/box_mm2.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/box_mr.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/box_bl.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/box_bm.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/box_br.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/sp_menu.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/ttl_sgl.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/ttl_main.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/ttl_cstm.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/mp_menu.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/netmen1.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/netmen2.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/netmen3.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/netmen4.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/netmen5.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/sell.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/help0.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/help1.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/help2.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/help3.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/help4.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/help5.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/pause.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/loading.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/p_option.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/p_load.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/p_save.lmp");
precache_file ("gfx/p_multi.lmp");
// sounds loaded by C code
precache_sound ("misc/menu1.wav");
precache_sound ("misc/menu2.wav");
precache_sound ("misc/menu3.wav");
precache_sound ("ambience/water1.wav");
precache_sound ("ambience/wind2.wav");
// shareware
precache_file ("maps/start.bsp");
precache_file ("maps/e1m1.bsp");
precache_file ("maps/e1m2.bsp");
precache_file ("maps/e1m3.bsp");
precache_file ("maps/e1m4.bsp");
precache_file ("maps/e1m5.bsp");
precache_file ("maps/e1m6.bsp");
precache_file ("maps/e1m7.bsp");
precache_file ("maps/e1m8.bsp");
// registered
precache_file2 ("gfx/pop.lmp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e2m1.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e2m2.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e2m3.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e2m4.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e2m5.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e2m6.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e2m7.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e3m1.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e3m2.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e3m3.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e3m4.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e3m5.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e3m6.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e3m7.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e4m1.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e4m2.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e4m3.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e4m4.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e4m5.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e4m6.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e4m7.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/e4m8.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/end.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/dm1.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/dm2.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/dm3.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/dm4.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/dm5.bsp");
precache_file2 ("maps/dm6.bsp");
void () GameTimer =
local entity te, ze;
local float switch;
local float c, z;
switch = 0;
te = findradius(self.origin, 25000);
while (c < 300 && switch == 0)
if (te.classname == "raider" && te.enemy != world && te.processed == 0 && te.active == 0 && switch == 0)
te.active = 1;
te.processed = 1;
bprint(2, "it is now ");
bprint(2, te.netname);
bprint(2, "'s turn.\n");
te.maxspeed = 300;
switch = 1;
ze = findradius(self.origin, 25000);
z = 0;
while (z < 300)
if ((ze.classname == "player" || ze.classname == "raider") && ze != te)
ze.active = 0;
ze.maxspeed = 0;
z = z + 1;
ze = ze.chain;
if (te.classname == "player" && te.processed == 0 && te.active == 0 && switch == 0)
te.active = 1;
te.processed = 1;
bprint(2, "it is now ");
bprint(2, te.netname);
bprint(2, "'s turn.\n");
te.maxspeed = 300;
switch = 1;
ze = findradius(self.origin, 25000);
z = 0;
while (z < 300)
if ((ze.classname == "player" || ze.classname == "raider") && ze != te)
ze.active = 0;
ze.maxspeed = 0;
z = z + 1;
ze = ze.chain;
c = c + 1;
te = te.chain;
c = 0;
if (switch == 0) // no entities left, turn is over
bprint(2, "round is now over.\n");
te = findradius(self.origin, 25000);
while (c < 300)
if (te.classname == "player" || te.classname == "raider")
te.active = 0;
te.processed = 0;
te.maxspeed = 0;
c = c + 1;
te = te.chain;
self.think = GameTimer;
self.nextthink = time + 1;
void () create_timer =
newmis = spawn ();
newmis.owner = self;
newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
setsize (newmis, VEC_ORIGIN, VEC_ORIGIN);
newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
newmis.velocity = VEC_ORIGIN;
newmis.touch = SUB_Null;
setorigin (newmis, '0 0 -300');
newmis.nextthink = (time + 1);
newmis.think = GameTimer;
newmis.classname = "referee";
entity lastspawn;
/*QUAKED worldspawn (0 0 0) ?
Only used for the world entity.
Set message to the level name.
Set sounds to the cd track to play.
World Types:
0: medieval
1: metal
2: base
void() worldspawn =
lastspawn = world;
InitBodyQue ();
coop = 1;
// custom map attributes
if (self.model == "maps/e1m8.bsp")
cvar_set ("sv_gravity", "100");
cvar_set ("sv_gravity", "800");
// the area based ambient sounds MUST be the first precache_sounds
// player precaches
W_Precache (); // get weapon precaches
// sounds used from C physics code
precache_sound ("demon/dland2.wav"); // landing thud
precache_sound ("misc/h2ohit1.wav"); // landing splash
// setup precaches allways needed
precache_sound ("items/itembk2.wav"); // item respawn sound
precache_sound ("player/plyrjmp8.wav"); // player jump
precache_sound ("player/land.wav"); // player landing
precache_sound ("player/land2.wav"); // player hurt landing
precache_sound ("player/drown1.wav"); // drowning pain
precache_sound ("player/drown2.wav"); // drowning pain
precache_sound ("player/gasp1.wav"); // gasping for air
precache_sound ("player/gasp2.wav"); // taking breath
precache_sound ("player/h2odeath.wav"); // drowning death
precache_sound ("misc/talk.wav"); // talk
precache_sound ("player/teledth1.wav"); // telefrag
precache_sound ("misc/r_tele1.wav"); // teleport sounds
precache_sound ("misc/r_tele2.wav");
precache_sound ("misc/r_tele3.wav");
precache_sound ("misc/r_tele4.wav");
precache_sound ("misc/r_tele5.wav");
precache_sound ("weapons/lock4.wav"); // ammo pick up
precache_sound ("weapons/pkup.wav"); // weapon up
precache_sound ("items/armor1.wav"); // armor up
precache_sound ("weapons/lhit.wav"); //lightning
precache_sound ("weapons/lstart.wav"); //lightning start
precache_sound ("items/damage3.wav");
precache_sound ("misc/power.wav"); //lightning for boss
// player gib sounds
precache_sound ("player/gib.wav"); // player gib sound
precache_sound ("player/udeath.wav"); // player gib sound
precache_sound ("player/tornoff2.wav"); // gib sound
// player pain sounds
precache_sound ("player/pain1.wav");
precache_sound ("player/pain2.wav");
precache_sound ("player/pain3.wav");
precache_sound ("player/pain4.wav");
precache_sound ("player/pain5.wav");
precache_sound ("player/pain6.wav");
// player death sounds
precache_sound ("player/death1.wav");
precache_sound ("player/death2.wav");
precache_sound ("player/death3.wav");
precache_sound ("player/death4.wav");
precache_sound ("player/death5.wav");
precache_sound ("boss1/sight1.wav");
// ax sounds
precache_sound ("weapons/ax1.wav"); // ax swoosh
precache_sound ("player/axhit1.wav"); // ax hit meat
precache_sound ("player/axhit2.wav"); // ax hit world
precache_sound ("player/h2ojump.wav"); // player jumping into water
precache_sound ("player/slimbrn2.wav"); // player enter slime
precache_sound ("player/inh2o.wav"); // player enter water
precache_sound ("player/inlava.wav"); // player enter lava
precache_sound ("misc/outwater.wav"); // leaving water sound
precache_sound ("player/lburn1.wav"); // lava burn
precache_sound ("player/lburn2.wav"); // lava burn
precache_sound ("misc/water1.wav"); // swimming
precache_sound ("misc/water2.wav"); // swimming
// Invulnerability sounds
precache_sound ("items/protect.wav");
precache_sound ("items/protect2.wav");
precache_sound ("items/protect3.wav");
precache_model ("progs/player.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/guy.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/lay.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/eyes.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/h_player.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/gib1.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/gib2.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/gib3.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/s_bubble.spr"); // drowning bubbles
precache_model ("progs/s_explod.spr"); // sprite explosion
precache_model ("progs/v_axe.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_shot.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_nail.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_rock.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_shot2.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_nail2.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_rock2.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_fist.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_knife.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_1911.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_mp5.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_ak47.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_night.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/sneak.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/dead.mdl");
precache_sound ("weapons/1911.wav");
precache_sound ("weapons/ak47.wav");
precache_sound ("weapons/reload.wav");
precache_sound ("weapons/click.wav");
precache_model ("progs/bolt.mdl"); // for lightning gun
precache_model ("progs/bolt2.mdl"); // for lightning gun
precache_model ("progs/bolt3.mdl"); // for boss shock
precache_model ("progs/lavaball.mdl"); // for testing
precache_model ("progs/missile.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/grenade.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/spike.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/s_spike.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/backpack.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/zom_gib.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/v_light.mdl");
// Setup light animation tables. 'a' is total darkness, 'z' is maxbright.
// 0 normal
lightstyle(0, "m");
// 1 FLICKER (first variety)
lightstyle(1, "mmnmmommommnonmmonqnmmo");
lightstyle(2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba");
// 3 CANDLE (first variety)
lightstyle(3, "mmmmmaaaaammmmmaaaaaabcdefgabcdefg");
lightstyle(4, "mamamamamama");
// 6 FLICKER (second variety)
lightstyle(6, "nmonqnmomnmomomno");
// 7 CANDLE (second variety)
lightstyle(7, "mmmaaaabcdefgmmmmaaaammmaamm");
// 8 CANDLE (third variety)
lightstyle(8, "mmmaaammmaaammmabcdefaaaammmmabcdefmmmaaaa");
// 9 SLOW STROBE (fourth variety)
lightstyle(9, "aaaaaaaazzzzzzzz");
lightstyle(10, "mmamammmmammamamaaamammma");
lightstyle(11, "abcdefghijklmnopqrrqponmlkjihgfedcba");
// styles 32-62 are assigned by the light program for switchable lights
// 63 testing
lightstyle(63, "a");
void() StartFrame =
timelimit = cvar("timelimit") * 60;
fraglimit = cvar("fraglimit");
teamplay = cvar("teamplay");
deathmatch = cvar("deathmatch");
framecount = framecount + 1;
entity bodyque_head;
void() bodyque =
{ // just here so spawn functions don't complain after the world
// creates bodyques
void() InitBodyQue =
local entity e;
bodyque_head = spawn();
bodyque_head.classname = "bodyque";
bodyque_head.owner = spawn();
bodyque_head.owner.classname = "bodyque";
bodyque_head.owner.owner = spawn();
bodyque_head.owner.owner.classname = "bodyque";
bodyque_head.owner.owner.owner = spawn();
bodyque_head.owner.owner.owner.classname = "bodyque";
bodyque_head.owner.owner.owner.owner = bodyque_head;
// make a body que entry for the given ent so the ent can be
// respawned elsewhere
void(entity ent) CopyToBodyQue =
bodyque_head.angles = ent.angles;
bodyque_head.model = ent.model;
bodyque_head.modelindex = ent.modelindex;
bodyque_head.frame = ent.frame;
bodyque_head.colormap = ent.colormap;
bodyque_head.movetype = ent.movetype;
bodyque_head.velocity = ent.velocity;
bodyque_head.flags = 0;
setorigin (bodyque_head, ent.origin);
setsize (bodyque_head, ent.mins, ent.maxs);
bodyque_head = bodyque_head.owner;