Fork 0
forked from fte/fteqw

2337 lines
59 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "quakedef.h"
#include "shader.h"
#include "gl_draw.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef _XBOX
#include <xtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ctype.h>
void Font_Init(void);
void Font_Shutdown(void);
struct font_s *Font_LoadFont(float height, const char *fontfilename);
void Font_Free(struct font_s *f);
void Font_BeginString(struct font_s *font, float vx, float vy, int *px, int *py);
void Font_BeginScaledString(struct font_s *font, float vx, float vy, float szx, float szy, float *px, float *py); /*avoid using*/
void Font_Transform(float vx, float vy, int *px, int *py);
int Font_CharHeight(void);
float Font_CharScaleHeight(void);
int Font_CharWidth(unsigned int charflags, unsigned int codepoint);
float Font_CharScaleWidth(unsigned int charflags, unsigned int codepoint);
int Font_CharEndCoord(struct font_s *font, int x, unsigned int charflags, unsigned int codepoint);
int Font_DrawChar(int px, int py, unsigned int charflags, unsigned int codepoint);
float Font_DrawScaleChar(float px, float py, unsigned int charflags, unsigned int codepoint); /*avoid using*/
void Font_EndString(struct font_s *font);
int Font_LineBreaks(conchar_t *start, conchar_t *end, int maxpixelwidth, int maxlines, conchar_t **starts, conchar_t **ends);
struct font_s *font_default;
struct font_s *font_console;
struct font_s *font_tiny;
static int font_be_flags;
extern unsigned int r2d_be_flags;
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
static FT_Library fontlib;
qboolean triedtoloadfreetype;
dllhandle_t *fontmodule;
FT_Error (VARGS *pFT_Init_FreeType) (FT_Library *alibrary);
FT_Error (VARGS *pFT_Load_Char) (FT_Face face, FT_ULong char_code, FT_Int32 load_flags);
FT_UInt (VARGS *pFT_Get_Char_Index) (FT_Face face, FT_ULong charcode);
FT_Error (VARGS *pFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes) (FT_Face face, FT_UInt pixel_width, FT_UInt pixel_height);
FT_Error (VARGS *pFT_New_Face) (FT_Library library, const char *pathname, FT_Long face_index, FT_Face *aface);
FT_Error (VARGS *pFT_New_Memory_Face) (FT_Library library, const FT_Byte* file_base, FT_Long file_size, FT_Long face_index, FT_Face *aface);
FT_Error (VARGS *pFT_Done_Face) (FT_Face face);
static const char *imgs[] =
"inv_lightng", //8
#define FONTCHARS (1<<16)
#define FONTPLANES (1<<2) //this is total, not per font.
#define PLANEIDXTYPE unsigned short
#define CHARIDXTYPE unsigned short
#define INVALIDPLANE ((1<<(8*sizeof(PLANEIDXTYPE)))-1)
#define BITMAPPLANE ((1<<(8*sizeof(PLANEIDXTYPE)))-2)
#define DEFAULTPLANE ((1<<(8*sizeof(PLANEIDXTYPE)))-3)
#define SINGLEPLANE ((1<<(8*sizeof(PLANEIDXTYPE)))-4)
#define TRACKERIMAGE ((1<<(8*sizeof(PLANEIDXTYPE)))-5)
#define PLANEWIDTH (1<<8)
//windows' font linking allows linking multiple extra fonts to a main font.
//this means that a single selected font can use chars from lots of different files if the first one(s) didn't provide that font.
//they're provided as fallbacks.
#define MAX_FTFACES 32
typedef struct ftfontface_s
struct ftfontface_s *fnext;
struct ftfontface_s **flink; //like prev, but not.
char name[MAX_OSPATH];
int refs;
int activeheight; //needs reconfiguring when different sizes are used
FT_Face face;
void *membuf;
} ftfontface_t;
static ftfontface_t *ftfaces;
#define GEN_CONCHAR_GLYPHS 0 //set to 0 or 1 to define whether to generate glyphs from conchars too, or if it should just draw them as glquake always used to
extern cvar_t cl_noblink;
extern cvar_t con_ocranaleds;
typedef struct font_s
//FIXME: use a hash table? will need it if we go beyond ucs-2.
//currently they're in a single block so the font can be checked from scanning the active chars when shutting down. we could instead scan all 65k chars in every font instead...
struct charcache_s
struct charcache_s *nextchar;
unsigned char advance; //how wide this char is, when drawn
char pad;
unsigned char bmx;
unsigned char bmy;
unsigned char bmw;
unsigned char bmh;
short top;
short left;
} chars[FONTCHARS];
char name[MAX_OSPATH];
short charheight;
texid_t singletexture;
//FIXME: multiple sized font_t objects should refer to a single FT_Face.
int ftfaces;
ftfontface_t *face[MAX_FTFACES];
struct font_s *alt;
vec3_t tint;
vec3_t alttint;
} font_t;
//shared between fonts.
typedef struct {
texid_t texnum[FONTPLANES];
texid_t defaultfont;
texid_t trackerimage;
unsigned char plane[PLANEWIDTH*PLANEHEIGHT][4]; //tracks the current plane
PLANEIDXTYPE activeplane;
unsigned char planerowx;
unsigned char planerowy;
unsigned char planerowh;
qboolean planechanged;
struct charcache_s *oldestchar;
struct charcache_s *newestchar;
shader_t *shader;
shader_t *backshader;
} fontplanes_t;
static fontplanes_t fontplanes;
#define FONT_CHAR_BUFFER 512
static index_t font_indicies[FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*6];
static vecV_t font_coord[FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*4];
static vecV_t font_backcoord[FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*4];
static vec2_t font_texcoord[FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*4];
static byte_vec4_t font_forecoloura[FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*4];
static byte_vec4_t font_backcoloura[FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*4];
static mesh_t font_foremesh;
static mesh_t font_backmesh;
static texid_t font_texture;
static int font_colourmask;
static byte_vec4_t font_forecolour;
static byte_vec4_t font_backcolour;
static avec4_t font_foretint;
static struct font_s *curfont;
static float curfont_scale[2];
static qboolean curfont_scaled;
static struct
image_t *image;
char name[64];
} trackerimages[256];
static int numtrackerimages;
#define TRACKERFIRST 0xe200
int Font_RegisterTrackerImage(const char *image)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numtrackerimages; i++)
if (!strcmp(trackerimages[i].name, image))
return TRACKERFIRST + i;
if (numtrackerimages == 256)
return 0;
trackerimages[i].image = NULL; //actually load it elsewhere, because we're lazy.
Q_strncpyz(trackerimages[i].name, image, sizeof(trackerimages[i].name));
return TRACKERFIRST + i;
//called from the font display code for tracker images
static image_t *Font_GetTrackerImage(unsigned int imid)
if (!trackerimages[imid].image)
if (!*trackerimages[imid].name)
return NULL;
trackerimages[imid].image = Image_GetTexture(trackerimages[imid].name, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, TF_INVALID);
if (!trackerimages[imid].image)
return NULL;
if (trackerimages[imid].image->status != TEX_LOADED)
return NULL;
return trackerimages[imid].image;
qboolean Font_TrackerValid(unsigned int imid)
if (imid >= countof(trackerimages))
return false;
if (!trackerimages[imid].image)
if (!*trackerimages[imid].name)
return false;
trackerimages[imid].image = Image_GetTexture(trackerimages[imid].name, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, TF_INVALID);
if (!trackerimages[imid].image)
return false;
if (trackerimages[imid].image->status == TEX_LOADING)
COM_WorkerPartialSync(trackerimages[imid].image, &trackerimages[imid].image->status, TEX_LOADING);
if (trackerimages[imid].image->status != TEX_LOADED)
return false;
return true;
//called at load time - initalises font buffers
void Font_Init(void)
int i;
TEXASSIGN(fontplanes.defaultfont, r_nulltex);
//clear tracker images, just in case they were still set for the previous renderer context
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(trackerimages)/sizeof(trackerimages[0]); i++)
trackerimages[i].image = NULL;
font_foremesh.indexes = font_indicies;
font_foremesh.xyz_array = font_coord;
font_foremesh.st_array = font_texcoord;
font_foremesh.colors4b_array = font_forecoloura;
font_backmesh.indexes = font_indicies;
font_backmesh.xyz_array = font_backcoord;
font_backmesh.st_array = font_texcoord;
font_backmesh.colors4b_array = font_backcoloura;
for (i = 0; i < FONT_CHAR_BUFFER; i++)
font_indicies[i*6+0] = i*4+0;
font_indicies[i*6+1] = i*4+1;
font_indicies[i*6+2] = i*4+2;
font_indicies[i*6+3] = i*4+0;
font_indicies[i*6+4] = i*4+2;
font_indicies[i*6+5] = i*4+3;
for (i = 0; i < FONTPLANES; i++)
TEXASSIGN(fontplanes.texnum[i], Image_CreateTexture("***fontplane***", NULL, IF_UIPIC|IF_NEAREST|IF_NOPICMIP|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA));
fontplanes.shader = R_RegisterShader("ftefont", SUF_NONE,
"if $nofixed\n"
"program default2d\n"
"map $diffuse\n"
"rgbgen vertex\n"
"alphagen vertex\n"
"blendfunc blend\n"
fontplanes.backshader = R_RegisterShader("ftefontback", SUF_NONE,
"map $whiteimage\n"
"rgbgen vertex\n"
"alphagen vertex\n"
"blendfunc blend\n"
font_colourmask = ~0;
//flush the font buffer, by drawing it to the screen
static void Font_Flush(void)
R2D_Flush = NULL;
if (!font_foremesh.numindexes)
if (fontplanes.planechanged)
Image_Upload(fontplanes.texnum[fontplanes.activeplane], TF_RGBA32, (void*)fontplanes.plane, NULL, PLANEWIDTH, PLANEHEIGHT, IF_UIPIC|IF_NEAREST|IF_NOPICMIP|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
fontplanes.planechanged = false;
font_foremesh.istrifan = (font_foremesh.numvertexes == 4);
if ((font_colourmask & (CON_RICHFORECOLOUR|CON_NONCLEARBG)) == CON_NONCLEARBG && font_foremesh.numindexes)
font_backmesh.numindexes = font_foremesh.numindexes;
font_backmesh.numvertexes = font_foremesh.numvertexes;
font_backmesh.istrifan = font_foremesh.istrifan;
BE_DrawMesh_Single(fontplanes.backshader, &font_backmesh, NULL, font_be_flags);
TEXASSIGN(fontplanes.shader->defaulttextures->base, font_texture);
BE_DrawMesh_Single(fontplanes.shader, &font_foremesh, NULL, font_be_flags);
font_foremesh.numindexes = 0;
font_foremesh.numvertexes = 0;
static int Font_BeginChar(texid_t tex)
int fvert;
if (font_foremesh.numindexes >= FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*6 || font_texture != tex)
TEXASSIGNF(font_texture, tex);
fvert = font_foremesh.numvertexes;
font_foremesh.numindexes += 6;
font_foremesh.numvertexes += 4;
return fvert;
//clear the shared planes and free memory etc
void Font_Shutdown(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < FONTPLANES; i++)
TEXASSIGN(fontplanes.texnum[i], r_nulltex);
fontplanes.activeplane = 0;
fontplanes.oldestchar = NULL;
fontplanes.newestchar = NULL;
fontplanes.planechanged = 0;
fontplanes.planerowx = 0;
fontplanes.planerowy = 0;
fontplanes.planerowh = 0;
//we got too many chars and switched to a new plane - purge the chars in that plane
void Font_FlushPlane(void)
oldest chars must be of the oldest plane
//we've not broken anything yet, flush while we can
if (fontplanes.planechanged)
Image_Upload(fontplanes.texnum[fontplanes.activeplane], TF_RGBA32, (void*)fontplanes.plane, NULL, PLANEWIDTH, PLANEHEIGHT, IF_UIPIC|IF_NEAREST|IF_NOPICMIP|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
fontplanes.planechanged = false;
fontplanes.activeplane = fontplanes.activeplane % FONTPLANES;
fontplanes.planerowh = 0;
fontplanes.planerowx = 0;
fontplanes.planerowy = 0;
while (fontplanes.oldestchar)
if (fontplanes.oldestchar->texplane != fontplanes.activeplane)
//remove it from the list of active chars, and invalidate it
fontplanes.oldestchar->texplane = INVALIDPLANE;
fontplanes.oldestchar = fontplanes.oldestchar->nextchar;
if (!fontplanes.oldestchar)
fontplanes.newestchar = NULL;
//loads a new image into a given character slot for the given font.
//note: make sure it doesn't already exist or things will get cyclic
//alphaonly says if its a greyscale image. false means rgba.
static struct charcache_s *Font_LoadGlyphData(font_t *f, CHARIDXTYPE charidx, int alphaonly, void *data, unsigned int bmw, unsigned int bmh, unsigned int pitch)
int x, y;
unsigned char *out;
struct charcache_s *c = &f->chars[charidx];
if (fontplanes.planerowx + (int)bmw >= PLANEWIDTH)
fontplanes.planerowx = 0;
fontplanes.planerowy += fontplanes.planerowh;
fontplanes.planerowh = 0;
if (fontplanes.planerowy+(int)bmh >= PLANEHEIGHT)
if (fontplanes.newestchar)
fontplanes.newestchar->nextchar = c;
fontplanes.oldestchar = c;
fontplanes.newestchar = c;
c->nextchar = NULL;
c->texplane = fontplanes.activeplane;
c->bmx = fontplanes.planerowx;
c->bmy = fontplanes.planerowy;
c->bmw = bmw;
c->bmh = bmh;
if (fontplanes.planerowh < (int)bmh)
fontplanes.planerowh = bmh;
fontplanes.planerowx += bmw;
out = (unsigned char *)&fontplanes.plane[c->bmx+(int)c->bmy*PLANEHEIGHT];
if (alphaonly)
for (y = 0; y < bmh; y++)
for (x = 0; x < bmw; x++)
*(unsigned int *)&out[x*4] = 0xffffffff;
out[x*4+3] = ((unsigned char*)data)[x];
data = (char*)data + pitch;
out += PLANEWIDTH*4;
for (y = 0; y < bmh; y++)
for (x = 0; x < bmw; x++)
((unsigned int*)out)[x] = ((unsigned int*)data)[x];
data = (char*)data + pitch;
out += PLANEWIDTH*4;
fontplanes.planechanged = true;
return c;
//loads the given charidx for the given font, importing from elsewhere if needed.
static struct charcache_s *Font_TryLoadGlyph(font_t *f, CHARIDXTYPE charidx)
struct charcache_s *c;
if (charidx >= 0xe000 && charidx <= 0xe0ff)
int cpos = charidx & 0xff;
unsigned int img[64*64], *d;
unsigned char *s;
int scale;
int x,y, ys;
qbyte *draw_chars = W_GetLumpName("conchars");
if (draw_chars)
d = img;
s = draw_chars + 8*(cpos&15)+128*8*(cpos/16);
scale = f->charheight/8;
if (scale < 1)
scale = 1;
if (scale > 64/8)
scale = 64/8;
for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
for (ys = 0; ys < scale; ys++)
for (x = 0; x < 8*scale; x++)
d[x] = d_8to24rgbtable[s[x/scale]];
c = Font_LoadGlyphData(f, charidx, false, img, 8*scale, 8*scale, 8*scale);
if (c)
c->advance = 8*scale;
c->left = 0;
c->top = 7*scale;
return c;
charidx &= 0x7f;
if (charidx >= 0xe100 && charidx <= 0xe1ff)
qpic_t *wadimg;
unsigned char *src;
unsigned int img[64*64];
int nw, nh;
int x, y;
unsigned int stepx, stepy;
unsigned int srcx, srcy;
size_t lumpsize = 0;
if (charidx-0xe100 >= sizeof(imgs)/sizeof(imgs[0]))
wadimg = NULL;
wadimg = W_SafeGetLumpName(imgs[charidx-0xe100], &lumpsize);
if (wadimg && lumpsize == 8+wadimg->height*wadimg->width)
nh = wadimg->height;
nw = wadimg->width;
while (nh < f->charheight)
nh *= 2;
nw *= 2;
if (nh > f->charheight)
nw = (nw * f->charheight)/nh;
nh = f->charheight;
stepy = 0x10000*((float)wadimg->height/nh);
stepx = 0x10000*((float)wadimg->width/nw);
if (nh > 64)
nh = 64;
if (nw > 64)
nw = 64;
srcy = 0;
for (y = 0; y < nh; y++)
src = (unsigned char *)(wadimg->data);
src += wadimg->width * (srcy>>16);
srcy += stepy;
srcx = 0;
for (x = 0; x < nw; x++)
img[x+y*64] = d_8to24rgbtable[src[srcx>>16]];
srcx += stepx;
c = Font_LoadGlyphData(f, charidx, false, img, nw, nh, 64);
if (c)
c->left = 0;
c->top = f->charheight - nh;
c->advance = nw;
return c;
/*make tab invisible*/
if (charidx == '\t' || charidx == '\n')
c = &f->chars[charidx];
c->left = 0;
c->advance = f->charheight;
c->top = 0;
c->texplane = 0;
c->bmx = 0;
c->bmy = 0;
c->bmw = 0;
c->bmh = 0;
return c;
if (f->ftfaces)
int file;
for (file = 0; file < f->ftfaces; file++)
FT_Face face = f->face[file]->face;
if (f->face[file]->activeheight != f->charheight)
f->face[file]->activeheight = f->charheight;
pFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, f->charheight);
if (charidx == 0xfffe || pFT_Get_Char_Index(face, charidx)) //ignore glyph 0 (undefined)
if (pFT_Load_Char(face, charidx, FT_LOAD_RENDER) == 0)
FT_GlyphSlot slot;
FT_Bitmap *bm;
slot = face->glyph;
bm = &slot->bitmap;
c = Font_LoadGlyphData(f, charidx, true, bm->buffer, bm->width, bm->rows, bm->pitch);
if (c)
c->advance = slot->advance.x >> 6;
c->left = slot->bitmap_left;
c->top = f->charheight*3/4 - slot->bitmap_top;
return c;
if (charidx == '\r')
if (f->chars[charidx|0xe000].texplane != INVALIDPLANE)
f->chars[charidx] = f->chars[charidx|0xe000];
return &f->chars[charidx];
return NULL;
//obtains a cached char, null if not cached
static struct charcache_s *Font_GetChar(font_t *f, unsigned int codepoint)
struct charcache_s *c;
if (codepoint > CON_CHARMASK)
charidx = 0xfffd;
charidx = codepoint;
c = &f->chars[charidx];
if (c->texplane == INVALIDPLANE)
if (charidx >= TRACKERFIRST && charidx < TRACKERFIRST+100)
static struct charcache_s tc;
tc.texplane = TRACKERIMAGE;
fontplanes.trackerimage = Font_GetTrackerImage(charidx-TRACKERFIRST);
if (!fontplanes.trackerimage)
return Font_GetChar(f, '?');
tc.advance = fontplanes.trackerimage->width * ((float)f->charheight / fontplanes.trackerimage->height);
return &tc;
//not cached, can't get.
c = Font_TryLoadGlyph(f, charidx);
if (!c && charidx >= 0x400 && charidx <= 0x45f)
{ //apparently there's a lot of russian players out there.
//if we just replace all their chars with a '?', they're gonna get pissed.
//so lets at least attempt to provide some default mapping that makes sense even if they don't have a full font.
//koi8-u is a mapping useful with 7-bit email because the message is still vaugely readable in latin if the high bits get truncated.
//not being a language specialist, I'm just going to use that mapping, with the high bit truncated to ascii (which mostly exists in the quake charset).
//this exact table is from ezquake. because I'm too lazy to figure out the proper mapping. (beware of triglyphs)
static char *wc2koi_table =
"?3??4?67??" "??" "??" ">?"
"?#??$?&'??" "??" "??.?";
charidx = wc2koi_table[charidx - 0x400];
if (charidx != '?')
c = &f->chars[charidx];
if (c->texplane == INVALIDPLANE)
c = Font_TryLoadGlyph(f, charidx);
if (!c)
charidx = 0xfffd; //unicode's replacement char
c = &f->chars[charidx];
if (c->texplane == INVALIDPLANE)
c = Font_TryLoadGlyph(f, charidx);
if (!c)
charidx = '?'; //meh
c = &f->chars[charidx];
if (c->texplane == INVALIDPLANE)
c = Font_TryLoadGlyph(f, charidx);
return c;
qboolean Font_LoadFreeTypeFont(struct font_s *f, int height, const char *fontfilename)
ftfontface_t *qface;
FT_Face face = NULL;
FT_Error error;
flocation_t loc;
void *fbase = NULL;
if (!*fontfilename)
return false;
//ran out of font slots.
if (f->ftfaces == MAX_FTFACES)
return false;
for (qface = ftfaces; qface; qface = qface->fnext)
if (!strcmp(qface->name, fontfilename))
f->face[f->ftfaces++] = qface;
return true;
if (!fontlib)
dllfunction_t ft2funcs[] =
{(void**)&pFT_Init_FreeType, "FT_Init_FreeType"},
{(void**)&pFT_Load_Char, "FT_Load_Char"},
{(void**)&pFT_Get_Char_Index, "FT_Get_Char_Index"},
{(void**)&pFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes, "FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes"},
{(void**)&pFT_New_Face, "FT_New_Face"},
{(void**)&pFT_New_Memory_Face, "FT_New_Memory_Face"},
{(void**)&pFT_Init_FreeType, "FT_Init_FreeType"},
{(void**)&pFT_Done_Face, "FT_Done_Face"},
if (triedtoloadfreetype)
return false;
triedtoloadfreetype = true;
#ifdef _WIN32
fontmodule = Sys_LoadLibrary("freetype6", ft2funcs);
fontmodule = Sys_LoadLibrary("libfreetype.so.6", ft2funcs);
if (!fontmodule)
Con_DPrintf("Couldn't load freetype library.\n");
return false;
error = pFT_Init_FreeType(&fontlib);
if (error)
Con_Printf("FT_Init_FreeType failed.\n");
return false;
/*any other errors leave freetype open*/
error = FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource;
if (FS_FLocateFile(fontfilename, FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc))
if (*loc.rawname && !loc.offset)
fbase = NULL;
/*File is directly fopenable with no bias (not in a pk3/pak). Use the system-path form, so we don't have to eat the memory cost*/
error = pFT_New_Face(fontlib, loc.rawname, 0, &face);
/*File is inside an archive, we need to read it and pass it as memory (and keep it available)*/
vfsfile_t *f;
f = FS_OpenReadLocation(&loc);
if (f && loc.len > 0)
fbase = BZ_Malloc(loc.len);
VFS_READ(f, fbase, loc.len);
error = pFT_New_Memory_Face(fontlib, fbase, loc.len, 0, &face);
#if defined(_WIN32)
if (error)
static qboolean firsttime = true;
static char fontdir[MAX_OSPATH];
if (firsttime)
HRESULT (WINAPI *dSHGetFolderPath) (HWND hwndOwner, int nFolder, HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwFlags, LPTSTR pszPath);
dllfunction_t shfolderfuncs[] =
{(void**)&dSHGetFolderPath, "SHGetFolderPathA"},
dllhandle_t *shfolder = Sys_LoadLibrary("shfolder.dll", shfolderfuncs);
firsttime = false;
if (shfolder)
// 0x14 == CSIDL_FONTS
if (dSHGetFolderPath(NULL, 0x14, NULL, 0, fontdir) != S_OK)
*fontdir = 0;
if (*fontdir)
error = pFT_New_Face(fontlib, va("%s/%s", fontdir, fontfilename), 0, &face);
if (error)
error = pFT_New_Face(fontlib, va("%s/%s.ttf", fontdir, fontfilename), 0, &face);
if (!error)
error = pFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, height);
if (!error)
qface = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*qface));
qface->flink = &ftfaces;
qface->fnext = *qface->flink;
*qface->flink = qface;
if (qface->fnext)
qface->fnext->flink = &qface->fnext;
qface->face = face;
qface->membuf = fbase;
qface->activeheight = height;
Q_strncpyz(qface->name, fontfilename, sizeof(qface->name));
f->face[f->ftfaces++] = qface;
return true;
if (error && error != FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource)
Con_Printf("Freetype error: %i\n", error);
if (fbase)
return false;
static texid_t Font_LoadReplacementConchars(void)
texid_t tex;
//q1 replacement
tex = R_LoadHiResTexture("gfx/conchars.lmp", NULL, IF_LOADNOW|IF_UIPIC|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);//, NULL, 0, 0, TF_INVALID);
if (TEXLOADED(tex))
return tex;
tex = R_LoadHiResTexture("pics/conchars.pcx", NULL, IF_LOADNOW|IF_UIPIC|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
if (TEXLOADED(tex))
return tex;
tex = R_LoadHiResTexture("gfx/2d/bigchars.tga", NULL, IF_LOADNOW|IF_UIPIC|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
if (TEXLOADED(tex))
return tex;
return r_nulltex;
static texid_t Font_LoadQuakeConchars(void)
/*unsigned int i;
qbyte *lump;
lump = W_SafeGetLumpName ("conchars");
if (lump)
// add ocrana leds
if (con_ocranaleds.ival)
if (con_ocranaleds.ival != 2 || QCRC_Block(lump, 128*128) == 798)
AddOcranaLEDsIndexed (lump, 128, 128);
for (i=0 ; i<128*128 ; i++)
if (lump[i] == 0)
lump[i] = 255; // proper transparent color
return R_LoadTexture8("charset", 128, 128, (void*)lump, IF_LOADNOW|IF_UIPIC|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA, 1);
return r_nulltex;
static texid_t Font_LoadHexen2Conchars(qboolean iso88591)
//gulp... so it's come to this has it? rework the hexen2 conchars into the q1 system.
texid_t tex;
unsigned int i, x;
unsigned char *tempchars;
unsigned char *in, *out, *outbuf;
FS_LoadFile("gfx/menu/conchars.lmp", (void**)&tempchars);
/*hexen2's conchars are arranged 32-wide, 16 high.
the upper 8 rows are 256 8859-1 chars
the lower 8 rows are a separate set of recoloured 8859-1 chars.
if we're loading for the fallback then we're loading this data for quake compatibility,
so we grab only the first 4 rows of each set of chars (128 low chars, 128 high chars).
if we're loading a proper charset, then we load only the first set of chars, we can recolour the rest anyway (com_parseutf8 will do so anyway).
as a final note, parsing iso8859-1 french/german/etc as utf8 will generally result in decoding errors which can gracefully revert to 8859-1 safely. If this premise fails too much, we can always change the parser for different charsets - the engine always uses unicode and thus 8859-1 internally.
if (tempchars)
outbuf = BZ_Malloc(8*8*256*8);
out = outbuf;
i = 0;
/*read the low chars*/
for (; i < 8*8*1; i+=1)
if (i&(1<<3))
in = tempchars + (i>>3)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8 - 256*4+128;
in = tempchars + (i>>3)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8;
for (x = 0; x < 16*8; x++)
*out++ = *in++;
if (iso88591)
/*read the non 8859-1 quake-compat control chars*/
for (; i < 8*8*1 + 16; i+=1)
if (i&(1<<3))
in = tempchars+128*128 + ((i>>3)&7)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8 - 256*4+128;
in = tempchars+128*128 + ((i>>3)&7)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8;
for (x = 0; x < 16*8; x++)
*out++ = *in++;
/*read the final low chars (final if 8859-1 anyway)*/
for (; i < 8*8*2; i+=1)
if (i&(1<<3))
in = tempchars + (i>>3)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8 - 256*4+128;
in = tempchars + (i>>3)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8;
for (x = 0; x < 16*8; x++)
*out++ = *in++;
/*read the high chars*/
for (; i < 8*8*2; i+=1)
if (i&(1<<3))
in = tempchars+128*128 + ((i>>3)&15)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8 - 256*4+128;
in = tempchars+128*128 + ((i>>3)&15)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8;
for (x = 0; x < 16*8; x++)
*out++ = *in++;
// add ocrana leds
if (!iso88591 && con_ocranaleds.value && con_ocranaleds.value != 2)
AddOcranaLEDsIndexed (outbuf, 128, 128);
for (i=0 ; i<128*128 ; i++)
if (outbuf[i] == 0)
outbuf[i] = 255; // proper transparent color
tex = R_LoadTexture8 (iso88591?"gfx/menu/8859-1.lmp":"charset", 128, 128, outbuf, IF_LOADNOW|IF_UIPIC|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA, 1);
return tex;
return r_nulltex;
FTE_ALIGN(4) qbyte default_conchar[/*11356*/] =
#include "lhfont.h"
static void Font_CopyGlyph(int src, int dst, void *data)
int glyphsize = 16;
int y;
int x;
char *srcptr = (char*)data + (src&15)*glyphsize*4 + (src>>4)*glyphsize*256*4;
char *dstptr = (char*)data + (dst&15)*glyphsize*4 + (dst>>4)*glyphsize*256*4;
for (y = 0; y < glyphsize; y++)
for (x = 0; x < glyphsize; x++)
dstptr[x*4+0] = srcptr[x*4+0];
dstptr[x*4+1] = srcptr[x*4+1];
dstptr[x*4+2] = srcptr[x*4+2];
dstptr[x*4+3] = srcptr[x*4+3];
dstptr += 256*4;
srcptr += 256*4;
static texid_t Font_LoadFallbackConchars(void)
texid_t tex;
int width, height;
unsigned int i;
qbyte *lump;
qboolean hasalpha;
lump = ReadTargaFile(default_conchar, sizeof(default_conchar), &width, &height, &hasalpha, false);
if (!lump)
Sys_Error("Corrupt internal drawchars");
/*convert greyscale to alpha*/
for (i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
lump[i*4+3] = lump[i*4];
lump[i*4+0] = 255;
lump[i*4+1] = 255;
lump[i*4+2] = 255;
if (width == 256 && height == 256)
{ //make up some scroll-bar/download-progress-bar chars, so that webgl doesn't look so buggy with the initial pak file(s).
Font_CopyGlyph('[', 128, lump);
Font_CopyGlyph('-', 129, lump);
Font_CopyGlyph(']', 130, lump);
Font_CopyGlyph('o', 131, lump);
tex = R_LoadTexture32("charset", width, height, (void*)lump, IF_LOADNOW|IF_UIPIC|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
return tex;
/*loads a fallback image. not allowed to fail (use syserror if needed)*/
static texid_t Font_LoadDefaultConchars(void)
texid_t tex;
tex = Font_LoadReplacementConchars();
if (TEXLOADED(tex))
return tex;
tex = Font_LoadQuakeConchars();
if (tex && tex->status == TEX_LOADING)
COM_WorkerPartialSync(tex, &tex->status, TEX_LOADING);
if (TEXLOADED(tex))
return tex;
tex = Font_LoadHexen2Conchars(true);
if (tex && tex->status == TEX_LOADING)
COM_WorkerPartialSync(tex, &tex->status, TEX_LOADING);
if (TEXLOADED(tex))
return tex;
tex = Font_LoadFallbackConchars();
if (tex && tex->status == TEX_LOADING)
COM_WorkerPartialSync(tex, &tex->status, TEX_LOADING);
if (TEXLOADED(tex))
return tex;
Sys_Error("Unable to load any conchars\n");
typedef struct
short width;
short height;
short leftoffset; // pixels to the left of origin
short topoffset; // pixels below the origin
int columnofs[1];
} doompatch_t;
typedef struct
unsigned char topdelta; // -1 is the last post in a column
unsigned char length; // length data bytes follows
} doomcolumn_t;
void Doom_ExpandPatch(doompatch_t *p, unsigned char *b, int stride)
doomcolumn_t *col;
unsigned char *src, *dst;
int x, y;
for (x = 0; x < p->width; x++)
col = (doomcolumn_t *)((unsigned char *)p + p->columnofs[x]);
while(col->topdelta != 0xff)
//exploit protection
if (col->length + col->topdelta > p->height)
src = (unsigned char *)col + 2; /*why 3? why not, I suppose*/
dst = b + stride*col->topdelta;
for (y = 0; y < col->length; y++)
*dst = *src++;
dst += stride;
col = (doomcolumn_t *)((unsigned char*)col + col->length + 4);
//creates a new font object from the given file, with each text row with the given height.
//width is implicit and scales with height and choice of font.
struct font_s *Font_LoadFont(float vheight, const char *fontfilename)
struct font_s *f;
int i = 0;
int defaultplane;
char *aname;
char *parms;
int height = ((vheight * vid.rotpixelheight)/vid.height) + 0.5;
char facename[MAX_QPATH];
Q_strncpy(facename, fontfilename, sizeof(facename));
aname = strstr(facename, ":");
if (aname)
*aname++ = 0;
parms = strstr(facename, "?");
if (parms)
*parms++ = 0;
f = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*f));
f->charheight = height;
Q_strncpyz(f->name, fontfilename, sizeof(f->name));
case MGT_QUAKE2:
VectorSet(f->alttint, 0.44, 1.0, 0.2);
VectorSet(f->alttint, 1.16, 0.54, 0.41);
VectorSet(f->tint, 1, 1, 1);
fontfilename = facename;
if (parms)
while (*parms)
if (!strncmp(parms, "col=", 4))
char *t = parms+4;
f->tint[0] = strtod(t, &t);
if (*t == ',') t++;
if (*t == ' ') t++;
f->tint[1] = strtod(t, &t);
if (*t == ',') t++;
if (*t == ' ') t++;
f->tint[2] = strtod(t, &t);
parms = t;
while(*parms && *parms != '&')
if (*parms == '&')
if (!*fontfilename)
unsigned char buf[PLANEWIDTH*PLANEHEIGHT];
int i;
int x=0,y=0,h=0;
doompatch_t *dp;
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
for (i = '!'; i <= '_'; i++)
dp = NULL;
FS_LoadFile(va("wad/stcfn%.3d", i), (void**)&dp);
if (!dp)
/*make sure it can fit*/
if (x + dp->width > PLANEWIDTH)
x = 0;
y += h;
h = 0;
f->chars[i].advance = dp->width; /*this is how much line space the char takes*/
f->chars[i].left = -dp->leftoffset;
f->chars[i].top = -dp->topoffset;
f->chars[i].nextchar = 0;
f->chars[i].pad = 0;
f->chars[i].texplane = SINGLEPLANE;
f->chars[i].bmx = x;
f->chars[i].bmy = y;
f->chars[i].bmh = dp->height;
f->chars[i].bmw = dp->width;
Doom_ExpandPatch(dp, &buf[y*PLANEWIDTH + x], PLANEWIDTH);
x += dp->width;
if (dp->height > h)
h = dp->height;
if (h > f->charheight)
f->charheight = h;
/*if all loaded okay, replicate the chars to the quake-compat range (both white+red chars)*/
if (i == '_'+1)
//doom doesn't have many chars, so make sure the lower case chars exist.
for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++)
f->chars[i] = f->chars[i-'a'+'A'];
//no space char either
f->chars[' '].advance = 8;
f->singletexture = R_LoadTexture8("doomfont", PLANEWIDTH, PLANEHEIGHT, buf, 0, true);
for (i = 0xe000; i <= 0xe0ff; i++)
f->chars[i] = f->chars[toupper(i&0x7f)];
return f;
if (!strcmp(fontfilename, "gfx/tinyfont"))
unsigned int *img;
int x, y;
size_t lumpsize;
unsigned char *w = W_SafeGetLumpName(fontfilename+4, &lumpsize);
if (!w || lumpsize != 5)
return NULL;
for (y = 0; y < 32; y++)
for (x = 0; x < 128; x++)
img[x + y*PLANEWIDTH] = w[x + y*128]?d_8to24rgbtable[w[x + y*128]]:0;
f->singletexture = R_LoadTexture("tinyfont",PLANEWIDTH,PLANEWIDTH,TF_RGBA32,img,IF_UIPIC|IF_NOPICMIP|IF_NOMIPMAP);
if (f->singletexture->status == TEX_LOADING)
COM_WorkerPartialSync(f->singletexture, &f->singletexture->status, TEX_LOADING);
for (i = 0x00; i <= 0xff; i++)
f->chars[i].advance = (height*3)/4;
f->chars[i].left = 0;
f->chars[i].top = 0;
f->chars[i].nextchar = 0; //these chars are not linked in
f->chars[i].pad = 0;
f->chars[i].texplane = BITMAPPLANE; /*if its a 'raster' font, don't use the default chars, always use the raster images*/
if (i >= 'a' && i <= 'z')
f->chars[i].bmx = ((i - 64)&15)*8;
f->chars[i].bmy = ((i - 64)/16)*8;
f->chars[i].bmh = 8;
f->chars[i].bmw = 8;
else if (i >= 32 && i < 96)
f->chars[i].bmx = ((i - 32)&15)*8;
f->chars[i].bmy = ((i - 32)/16)*8;
f->chars[i].bmh = 8;
f->chars[i].bmw = 8;
f->chars[i].bmh = 0;
f->chars[i].bmw = 0;
f->chars[i].bmx = 0;
f->chars[i].bmy = 0;
for (i = 0xe000; i <= 0xe0ff; i++)
f->chars[i] = f->chars[i&0xff];
return f;
if (aname)
if (!strncmp(aname, "?col=", 5))
char *t = aname+5;
f->alttint[0] = strtod(t, &t);
if (*t == ',') t++;
if (*t == ' ') t++;
f->alttint[1] = strtod(t, &t);
if (*t == ',') t++;
if (*t == ' ') t++;
f->alttint[2] = strtod(t, &t);
f->alt = Font_LoadFont(vheight, aname);
if (f->alt)
VectorCopy(f->alt->tint, f->alttint);
VectorCopy(f->alt->tint, f->alt->alttint);
const char *start;
start = fontfilename;
char *end = strchr(start, ',');
if (end)
*end = 0;
Font_LoadFreeTypeFont(f, height, start);
if (end)
*end = ',';
start = end+1;
if (!f->ftfaces)
//default to only map the ascii-compatible chars from the quake font.
if (*fontfilename)
f->singletexture = R_LoadHiResTexture(fontfilename, "fonts:charsets", IF_UIPIC|IF_NOMIPMAP);
if (f->singletexture->status == TEX_LOADING)
COM_WorkerPartialSync(f->singletexture, &f->singletexture->status, TEX_LOADING);
for ( ; i < 32; i++)
f->chars[i].texplane = INVALIDPLANE;
/*force it to load, even if there's nothing there*/
for ( ; i < 128; i++)
f->chars[i].advance = f->charheight;
f->chars[i].bmh = PLANEWIDTH/16;
f->chars[i].bmw = PLANEWIDTH/16;
f->chars[i].bmx = (i&15)*(PLANEWIDTH/16);
f->chars[i].bmy = (i/16)*(PLANEWIDTH/16);
f->chars[i].left = 0;
f->chars[i].top = 0;
f->chars[i].nextchar = 0; //these chars are not linked in
f->chars[i].pad = 0;
f->chars[i].texplane = BITMAPPLANE;
defaultplane = BITMAPPLANE;/*assume the bitmap plane - don't use the fallback as people don't think to use com_parseutf8*/
if (!TEXLOADED(f->singletexture))
if (!TEXLOADED(fontplanes.defaultfont))
fontplanes.defaultfont = Font_LoadDefaultConchars();
if (!strcmp(fontfilename, "gfx/hexen2"))
f->singletexture = Font_LoadHexen2Conchars(false);
defaultplane = DEFAULTPLANE;
if (!TEXLOADED(f->singletexture))
f->singletexture = fontplanes.defaultfont;
for (; i < FONTCHARS; i++)
f->chars[i].texplane = INVALIDPLANE;
/*pack the default chars into it*/
for (i = 0xe000; i <= 0xe0ff; i++)
f->chars[i].advance = f->charheight;
f->chars[i].bmh = PLANEWIDTH/16;
f->chars[i].bmw = PLANEWIDTH/16;
f->chars[i].bmx = (i&15)*(PLANEWIDTH/16);
f->chars[i].bmy = ((i/16)*(PLANEWIDTH/16)) & 0xff;
f->chars[i].left = 0;
f->chars[i].top = 0;
f->chars[i].nextchar = 0; //these chars are not linked in
f->chars[i].pad = 0;
f->chars[i].texplane = defaultplane;
return f;
//removes a font from memory.
void Font_Free(struct font_s *f)
struct charcache_s **link, *c, *valid;
//kill the alt font first.
if (f->alt)
f->alt = NULL;
valid = NULL;
//walk all chars, unlinking any that appear to be within this font's char cache
for (link = &fontplanes.oldestchar; *link; )
c = *link;
if (c >= f->chars && c <= f->chars + FONTCHARS)
c = c->nextchar;
if (!c)
fontplanes.newestchar = valid;
*link = c;
valid = c;
link = &c->nextchar;
while(f->ftfaces --> 0)
ftfontface_t *qface = f->face[f->ftfaces];
if (!qface->refs)
if (qface->face)
if (qface->membuf)
*qface->flink = qface->fnext;
if (qface->fnext)
qface->fnext->flink = qface->flink;
//maps a given virtual screen coord to a pixel coord, which matches the font's height/width values
void Font_BeginString(struct font_s *font, float vx, float vy, int *px, int *py)
if (R2D_Flush && (R2D_Flush != Font_Flush || curfont != font || font_be_flags != r2d_be_flags))
R2D_Flush = Font_Flush;
font_be_flags = r2d_be_flags;
curfont = font;
*px = (vx*(int)vid.rotpixelwidth) / (float)vid.width;
*py = (vy*(int)vid.rotpixelheight) / (float)vid.height;
curfont_scale[0] = curfont->charheight;
curfont_scale[1] = curfont->charheight;
curfont_scaled = false;
void Font_Transform(float vx, float vy, int *px, int *py)
if (px)
*px = (vx*(int)vid.rotpixelwidth) / (float)vid.width;
if (py)
*py = (vy*(int)vid.rotpixelheight) / (float)vid.height;
void Font_BeginScaledString(struct font_s *font, float vx, float vy, float szx, float szy, float *px, float *py)
if (R2D_Flush && (R2D_Flush != Font_Flush || curfont != font || font_be_flags != r2d_be_flags))
R2D_Flush = Font_Flush;
font_be_flags = r2d_be_flags;
curfont = font;
*px = (vx*(float)vid.rotpixelwidth) / (float)vid.width;
*py = (vy*(float)vid.rotpixelheight) / (float)vid.height;
//now that its in pixels, clamp it so the text is at least consistant with its position.
//an individual char may end straddling a pixel boundary, but at least the pixels won't jiggle around as the text moves.
*px = (int)*px;
*py = (int)*py;
if ((int)(szx * vid.rotpixelheight/vid.height) == curfont->charheight && (int)(szy * vid.rotpixelheight/vid.height) == curfont->charheight)
curfont_scaled = false;
curfont_scaled = true;
curfont_scale[0] = (szx * (float)vid.rotpixelheight) / (curfont->charheight * (float)vid.height);
curfont_scale[1] = (szy * (float)vid.rotpixelheight) / (curfont->charheight * (float)vid.height);
void Font_EndString(struct font_s *font)
// Font_Flush();
// curfont = NULL;
R2D_Flush = Font_Flush;
//obtains the font's row height (each row of chars should be drawn using this increment)
int Font_CharHeight(void)
return curfont->charheight;
//obtains the font's row height (each row of chars should be drawn using this increment)
float Font_CharScaleHeight(void)
return curfont->charheight * curfont_scale[1];
int Font_TabWidth(int x)
int tabwidth = Font_CharWidth(CON_WHITEMASK, ' ');
tabwidth *= 8;
x = x + ((tabwidth - (x % tabwidth)) % tabwidth);
return x;
This is where the character ends.
Note: this function supports tabs - x must always be based off 0, with Font_LineDraw actually used to draw the line.
int Font_CharEndCoord(struct font_s *font, int x, unsigned int charflags, unsigned int codepoint)
struct charcache_s *c;
if (charflags&CON_HIDDEN)
return x;
if (codepoint == '\t')
return Font_TabWidth(x);
if ((charflags & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT) && font->alt)
font = font->alt;
c = Font_GetChar(font, codepoint);
if (!c)
return x+0;
return x+c->advance;
//obtains the width of a character from a given font. This is how wide it is. The next char should be drawn at x + result.
//FIXME: this function cannot cope with tab and should not be used.
int Font_CharWidth(unsigned int charflags, unsigned int codepoint)
struct charcache_s *c;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
if (charflags&CON_HIDDEN)
return 0;
if ((charflags & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT) && font->alt)
font = font->alt;
c = Font_GetChar(curfont, codepoint);
if (!c)
return 0;
return c->advance;
//obtains the width of a character from a given font. This is how wide it is. The next char should be drawn at x + result.
//FIXME: this function cannot cope with tab and should not be used.
float Font_CharScaleWidth(unsigned int charflags, unsigned int codepoint)
struct charcache_s *c;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
if (charflags&CON_HIDDEN)
return 0;
if ((charflags & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT) && font->alt)
font = font->alt;
c = Font_GetChar(curfont, codepoint);
if (!c)
return 0;
return c->advance * curfont_scale[0];
conchar_t *Font_DecodeReverse(conchar_t *start, conchar_t *stop, unsigned int *codeflags, unsigned int *codepoint)
if (start <= stop)
*codeflags = 0;
*codepoint = 0;
return stop;
if (start > stop && start[-1] & CON_LONGCHAR)
if (!(start[-1] & CON_RICHFORECOLOUR))
*codeflags = start[1];
*codepoint = ((start[0] & CON_CHARMASK)<<16) | (start[1] & CON_CHARMASK);
return start;
*codeflags = start[0];
*codepoint = start[0] & CON_CHARMASK;
return start;
//for a given font, calculate the line breaks and word wrapping for a block of text
//start+end are the input string
//starts+ends are an array of line start and end points, which have maxlines elements.
//(end is the terminator, null or otherwise)
//maxpixelwidth is the width of the display area in pixels
int Font_LineBreaks(conchar_t *start, conchar_t *end, int maxpixelwidth, int maxlines, conchar_t **starts, conchar_t **ends)
conchar_t *l, *bt, *n;
int px;
int foundlines = 0;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
unsigned int codeflags, codepoint;
while (start < end)
// scan the width of the line
for (px=0, l=start ; px <= maxpixelwidth; )
if (l >= end)
n = Font_Decode(l, &codeflags, &codepoint);
if (!(codeflags & CON_HIDDEN) && (codepoint == '\n' || codepoint == '\v'))
px = Font_CharEndCoord(font, px, codeflags, codepoint);
l = n;
//if we did get to the end
if (px > maxpixelwidth)
bt = l;
//backtrack until we find a space
n = Font_DecodeReverse(l, start, &codeflags, &codepoint);
if (codepoint > ' ')
l = n;
if (l == start && bt>start)
l = Font_DecodeReverse(bt, start, &codeflags, &codepoint);
starts[foundlines] = start;
ends[foundlines] = l;
if (foundlines == maxlines)
if (start == end)
if ((*start&(CON_CHARMASK|CON_HIDDEN)) == '\n' || (*start&(CON_CHARMASK|CON_HIDDEN)) == '\v')
start++; // skip the \n
return foundlines;
int Font_LineWidth(conchar_t *start, conchar_t *end)
//fixme: does this do the right thing with tabs?
int x = 0;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
unsigned int codeflags, codepoint;
for (; start < end; )
start = Font_Decode(start, &codeflags, &codepoint);
x = Font_CharEndCoord(font, x, codeflags, codepoint);
return x;
float Font_LineScaleWidth(conchar_t *start, conchar_t *end)
int x = 0;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
unsigned int codeflags, codepoint;
while(start < end)
start = Font_Decode(start, &codeflags, &codepoint);
x = Font_CharEndCoord(font, x, codeflags, codepoint);
return x * curfont_scale[0];
void Font_LineDraw(int x, int y, conchar_t *start, conchar_t *end)
int lx = 0;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
unsigned int codeflags, codepoint;
for (; start < end; )
start = Font_Decode(start, &codeflags, &codepoint);
Font_DrawChar(x+lx, y, codeflags, codepoint);
lx = Font_CharEndCoord(font, lx, codeflags, codepoint);
conchar_t *Font_CharAt(int x, conchar_t *start, conchar_t *end)
int lx = 0, nx;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
unsigned int codeflags, codepoint;
conchar_t *nc;
for (; start < end; lx = nx, start = nc)
nc = Font_Decode(start, &codeflags, &codepoint);
nx = Font_CharEndCoord(font, lx, codeflags, codepoint);
if (x >= lx && x < nx)
return start;
return NULL;
/*Note: *all* strings after the current one will inherit the same colour, until one changes it explicitly
correct usage of this function thus requires calling this with 1111 before Font_EndString*/
void Font_InvalidateColour(vec4_t newcolour)
if (font_foretint[0] == newcolour[0] && font_foretint[1] == newcolour[1] && font_foretint[2] == newcolour[2] && font_foretint[3] == newcolour[3])
if (font_colourmask & CON_NONCLEARBG)
R2D_Flush = Font_Flush;
font_colourmask = CON_WHITEMASK;
Vector4Copy(newcolour, font_foretint);
Vector4Scale(font_foretint, 255, font_forecolour);
font_backcolour[3] = 0;
/*Any drawchars that are now drawn will get the forced colour*/
//draw a character from the current font at a pixel location.
int Font_DrawChar(int px, int py, unsigned int charflags, unsigned int codepoint)
struct charcache_s *c;
float s0, s1;
float t0, t1;
float nextx;
float sx, sy, sw, sh;
int col;
int v;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
#ifdef D3D11QUAKE
float dxbias = 0;//(qrenderer == QR_DIRECT3D11)?0.5:0;
#define dxbias 0
if (charflags & CON_HIDDEN)
return px;
if (charflags & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)
if (font->alt)
font = font->alt;
// charflags &= ~CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT;
else if ((codepoint) >= 0xe000 && (codepoint) <= 0xe0ff)
charflags &= ~CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT; //don't double-dip
//crash if there is no current font.
c = Font_GetChar(font, codepoint);
if (!c)
return px;
nextx = px + c->advance;
if (codepoint == '\t')
return Font_TabWidth(px);
if (codepoint == ' ' && (charflags & (CON_RICHFORECOLOUR|CON_NONCLEARBG)) != CON_NONCLEARBG)
return nextx;
/* if (charcode & CON_BLINKTEXT)
if (!cl_noblink.ival)
if ((int)(realtime*3) & 1)
return nextx;
if (charflags & CON_RICHFORECOLOUR)
if (col != font_colourmask)
vec4_t rgba;
if (font_colourmask & CON_NONCLEARBG)
R2D_Flush = Font_Flush;
font_colourmask = col;
rgba[0] = ((col>>CON_RICHRSHIFT)&0xf)*0x11;
rgba[1] = ((col>>CON_RICHGSHIFT)&0xf)*0x11;
rgba[2] = ((col>>CON_RICHBSHIFT)&0xf)*0x11;
rgba[3] = 255;
font_backcolour[0] = 0;
font_backcolour[1] = 0;
font_backcolour[2] = 0;
font_backcolour[3] = 0;
if (charflags & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)
rgba[0] *= font->alttint[0];
rgba[1] *= font->alttint[1];
rgba[2] *= font->alttint[2];
rgba[0] *= font->tint[0];
rgba[1] *= font->tint[1];
rgba[2] *= font->tint[2];
rgba[0] *= font_foretint[0];
rgba[1] *= font_foretint[1];
rgba[2] *= font_foretint[2];
rgba[3] *= font_foretint[3];
if (charflags & CON_BLINKTEXT)
float a = (sin(realtime*3)+1)*0.4 + 0.2;
rgba[3] *= a;
font_forecolour[0] = min(rgba[0], 255);
font_forecolour[1] = min(rgba[1], 255);
font_forecolour[2] = min(rgba[2], 255);
font_forecolour[3] = min(rgba[3], 255);
if (col != font_colourmask)
vec4_t rgba;
if ((col ^ font_colourmask) & CON_NONCLEARBG)
R2D_Flush = Font_Flush;
font_colourmask = col;
col = (charflags&CON_FGMASK)>>CON_FGSHIFT;
rgba[0] = consolecolours[col].fr*255;
rgba[1] = consolecolours[col].fg*255;
rgba[2] = consolecolours[col].fb*255;
rgba[3] = (charflags & CON_HALFALPHA)?0xc0:255;
col = (charflags&CON_BGMASK)>>CON_BGSHIFT;
font_backcolour[0] = consolecolours[col].fr*255;
font_backcolour[1] = consolecolours[col].fg*255;
font_backcolour[2] = consolecolours[col].fb*255;
font_backcolour[3] = (charflags & CON_NONCLEARBG)?0xc0:0;
if (charflags & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)
rgba[0] *= font->alttint[0];
rgba[1] *= font->alttint[1];
rgba[2] *= font->alttint[2];
rgba[0] *= font->tint[0];
rgba[1] *= font->tint[1];
rgba[2] *= font->tint[2];
rgba[0] *= font_foretint[0];
rgba[1] *= font_foretint[1];
rgba[2] *= font_foretint[2];
rgba[3] *= font_foretint[3];
if (charflags & CON_BLINKTEXT)
float a = (sin(realtime*3)+1)*0.4 + 0.2;
rgba[3] *= a;
font_forecolour[0] = min(rgba[0], 255);
font_forecolour[1] = min(rgba[1], 255);
font_forecolour[2] = min(rgba[2], 255);
font_forecolour[3] = min(rgba[3], 255);
s0 = (float)c->bmx/PLANEWIDTH;
t0 = (float)c->bmy/PLANEWIDTH;
s1 = (float)(c->bmx+c->bmw)/PLANEWIDTH;
t1 = (float)(c->bmy+c->bmh)/PLANEWIDTH;
s0 = t0 = 0;
s1 = t1 = 1;
sx = ((px+c->left + dxbias)*(int)vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy = ((py+c->top + dxbias)*(int)vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw = (c->advance*vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh = (font->charheight*vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
v = Font_BeginChar(fontplanes.trackerimage);
sx = ((px+c->left + dxbias)*(int)vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy = ((py+c->top + dxbias)*(int)vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw = ((font->charheight)*vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh = ((font->charheight)*vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
v = Font_BeginChar(fontplanes.defaultfont);
sx = ((px+c->left + dxbias)*(int)vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy = ((py+c->top + dxbias)*(int)vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw = ((font->charheight)*vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh = ((font->charheight)*vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
v = Font_BeginChar(font->singletexture);
sx = ((px+c->left + dxbias)*(int)vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy = ((py+c->top + dxbias)*(int)vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw = ((c->bmw)*vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh = ((c->bmh)*vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
v = Font_BeginChar(font->singletexture);
sx = ((px+c->left + dxbias)*(int)vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy = ((py+c->top + dxbias)*(int)vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw = ((c->bmw)*vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh = ((c->bmh)*vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
v = Font_BeginChar(fontplanes.texnum[c->texplane]);
font_texcoord[v+0][0] = s0;
font_texcoord[v+0][1] = t0;
font_texcoord[v+1][0] = s1;
font_texcoord[v+1][1] = t0;
font_texcoord[v+2][0] = s1;
font_texcoord[v+2][1] = t1;
font_texcoord[v+3][0] = s0;
font_texcoord[v+3][1] = t1;
font_coord[v+0][0] = sx;
font_coord[v+0][1] = sy;
font_coord[v+1][0] = sx+sw;
font_coord[v+1][1] = sy;
font_coord[v+2][0] = sx+sw;
font_coord[v+2][1] = sy+sh;
font_coord[v+3][0] = sx;
font_coord[v+3][1] = sy+sh;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+0] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+1] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+2] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+3] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
if (font_colourmask & CON_NONCLEARBG)
sx = ((px+dxbias)*(int)vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy = ((py+dxbias)*(int)vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw = sx + ((c->advance)*vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh = sy + ((font->charheight)*vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
//don't care about texcoords
font_backcoord[v+0][0] = sx;
font_backcoord[v+0][1] = sy;
font_backcoord[v+1][0] = sw;
font_backcoord[v+1][1] = sy;
font_backcoord[v+2][0] = sw;
font_backcoord[v+2][1] = sh;
font_backcoord[v+3][0] = sx;
font_backcoord[v+3][1] = sh;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+0] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+1] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+2] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+3] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
return nextx;
/*there is no sane way to make this pixel-correct*/
float Font_DrawScaleChar(float px, float py, unsigned int charflags, unsigned int codepoint)
struct charcache_s *c;
float s0, s1;
float t0, t1;
float nextx;
float sx, sy, sw, sh;
int col;
int v;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
float cw, ch;
#ifdef D3D11QUAKE
float dxbias = 0;//(qrenderer == QR_DIRECT3D11)?0.5:0;
#define dxbias 0
// if (!curfont_scaled)
// return Font_DrawChar(px, py, charcode);
if (charflags & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)
if (font->alt)
font = font->alt;
charflags &= ~CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT;
else if (codepoint >= 0xe000 && codepoint <= 0xe0ff)
charflags &= ~CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT; //don't double-dip
cw = curfont_scale[0];
ch = curfont_scale[1];
//crash if there is no current font.
c = Font_GetChar(font, codepoint);
if (!c)
return px;
nextx = px + c->advance*cw;
if (codepoint == ' ' && (charflags & (CON_RICHFORECOLOUR|CON_NONCLEARBG)) != CON_NONCLEARBG)
return nextx;
if (charflags & CON_BLINKTEXT)
if (!cl_noblink.ival)
if ((int)(realtime*3) & 1)
return nextx;
if (charflags & CON_RICHFORECOLOUR)
if (col != font_colourmask)
vec4_t rgba;
if (font_backcolour[3])
R2D_Flush = Font_Flush;
font_colourmask = col;
rgba[0] = ((col>>CON_RICHRSHIFT)&0xf)*0x11;
rgba[1] = ((col>>CON_RICHGSHIFT)&0xf)*0x11;
rgba[2] = ((col>>CON_RICHBSHIFT)&0xf)*0x11;
rgba[3] = 255;
font_backcolour[0] = 0;
font_backcolour[1] = 0;
font_backcolour[2] = 0;
font_backcolour[3] = 0;
if (charflags & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)
rgba[0] *= font->alttint[0];
rgba[1] *= font->alttint[1];
rgba[2] *= font->alttint[2];
rgba[0] *= font->tint[0];
rgba[1] *= font->tint[1];
rgba[2] *= font->tint[2];
rgba[0] *= font_foretint[0];
rgba[1] *= font_foretint[1];
rgba[2] *= font_foretint[2];
rgba[3] *= font_foretint[3];
font_forecolour[0] = min(rgba[0], 255);
font_forecolour[1] = min(rgba[1], 255);
font_forecolour[2] = min(rgba[2], 255);
font_forecolour[3] = min(rgba[3], 255);
if (col != font_colourmask)
vec4_t rgba;
if (font_backcolour[3] != ((charflags & CON_NONCLEARBG)?127:0))
R2D_Flush = Font_Flush;
font_colourmask = col;
col = (charflags&CON_FGMASK)>>CON_FGSHIFT;
rgba[0] = consolecolours[col].fr*255;
rgba[1] = consolecolours[col].fg*255;
rgba[2] = consolecolours[col].fb*255;
rgba[3] = (charflags & CON_HALFALPHA)?0xc0:255;
col = (charflags&CON_BGMASK)>>CON_BGSHIFT;
font_backcolour[0] = consolecolours[col].fr*255;
font_backcolour[1] = consolecolours[col].fg*255;
font_backcolour[2] = consolecolours[col].fb*255;
font_backcolour[3] = (charflags & CON_NONCLEARBG)?0xc0:0;
if (charflags & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)
rgba[0] *= font->alttint[0];
rgba[1] *= font->alttint[1];
rgba[2] *= font->alttint[2];
rgba[0] *= font->tint[0];
rgba[1] *= font->tint[1];
rgba[2] *= font->tint[2];
rgba[0] *= font_foretint[0];
rgba[1] *= font_foretint[1];
rgba[2] *= font_foretint[2];
rgba[3] *= font_foretint[3];
font_forecolour[0] = min(rgba[0], 255);
font_forecolour[1] = min(rgba[1], 255);
font_forecolour[2] = min(rgba[2], 255);
font_forecolour[3] = min(rgba[3], 255);
s0 = (float)c->bmx/PLANEWIDTH;
t0 = (float)c->bmy/PLANEWIDTH;
s1 = (float)(c->bmx+c->bmw)/PLANEWIDTH;
t1 = (float)(c->bmy+c->bmh)/PLANEWIDTH;
if (c->texplane >= DEFAULTPLANE)
sx = ((px+c->left*cw));
sy = ((py+c->top*ch));
sw = ((font->charheight*cw));
sh = ((font->charheight*ch));
if (c->texplane == DEFAULTPLANE)
v = Font_BeginChar(fontplanes.defaultfont);
v = Font_BeginChar(font->singletexture);
sx = (px+c->left*cw);
sy = (py+c->top*ch);
sw = ((c->bmw*cw));
sh = ((c->bmh*ch));
v = Font_BeginChar(fontplanes.texnum[c->texplane]);
sx += dxbias;
sy += dxbias;
sx *= (int)vid.width / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy *= (int)vid.height / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw *= (int)vid.width / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh *= (int)vid.height / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
font_texcoord[v+0][0] = s0;
font_texcoord[v+0][1] = t0;
font_texcoord[v+1][0] = s1;
font_texcoord[v+1][1] = t0;
font_texcoord[v+2][0] = s1;
font_texcoord[v+2][1] = t1;
font_texcoord[v+3][0] = s0;
font_texcoord[v+3][1] = t1;
font_coord[v+0][0] = sx;
font_coord[v+0][1] = sy;
font_coord[v+1][0] = sx+sw;
font_coord[v+1][1] = sy;
font_coord[v+2][0] = sx+sw;
font_coord[v+2][1] = sy+sh;
font_coord[v+3][0] = sx;
font_coord[v+3][1] = sy+sh;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+0] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+1] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+2] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+3] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
if (font_colourmask & CON_NONCLEARBG)
sx = px + dxbias;
sy = py + dxbias;
sw = sx + c->advance;
sh = sy + font->charheight;
sx *= (int)vid.width / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy *= (int)vid.height / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw *= (int)vid.width / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh *= (int)vid.height / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
//don't care about texcoords
font_backcoord[v+0][0] = sx;
font_backcoord[v+0][1] = sy;
font_backcoord[v+1][0] = sw;
font_backcoord[v+1][1] = sy;
font_backcoord[v+2][0] = sw;
font_backcoord[v+2][1] = sh;
font_backcoord[v+3][0] = sx;
font_backcoord[v+3][1] = sh;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+0] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+1] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+2] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+3] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
return nextx;
#endif //!SERVERONLY