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//copyright 'Spike', license gplv2+
//provides both a package manager and downloads menu.
//FIXME: block downloads of exe/dll/so/etc if not an https url (even if inside zips). also block such files from package lists over http.
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "shader.h"
#if !defined(NOBUILTINMENUS) && !defined(SERVERONLY)
#include "fs.h"
//whole load of extra args for the downloads menu (for the downloads menu to handle engine updates).
#if defined(VKQUAKE) && !defined(SERVERONLY)
#define PHPVK "&vk=1"
#define PHPVK
#if defined(GLQUAKE) && !defined(SERVERONLY)
#define PHPGL "&gl=1"
#define PHPGL
#if defined(D3DQUAKE) && !defined(SERVERONLY)
#define PHPD3D "&d3d=1"
#define PHPD3D
#ifdef MINIMAL
#define PHPMIN "&min=1"
#define PHPMIN
#define PHPLEG "&leg=1&test=1"
#define PHPLEG "&leg=0&test=1"
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG)
#define PHPDBG "&dbg=1"
#define PHPDBG
extern cvar_t pm_autoupdate;
extern cvar_t pm_downloads_url;
#define INSTALLEDFILES "installed.lst" //the file that resides in the quakedir (saying what's installed).
//installed native okay [previously manually installed, or has no a qhash]
//installed cached okay [had a qhash]
//installed native corrupt [they overwrote it manually]
//installed cached corrupt [we fucked up, probably]
//installed native missing (becomes not installed) [deleted]
//installed cached missing (becomes not installed) [deleted]
//installed none [meta package with no files]
//!installed native okay [was manually installed, flag as installed now]
//!installed cached okay [they got it from some other source / previously installed]
//!installed native corrupt [manually installed conflict]
//!installed cached corrupt [we fucked up, probably]
//!installed * missing [simply not installed]
#define DPF_ENABLED (1u<<0)
#define DPF_NATIVE (1u<<1) //appears to be installed properly
#define DPF_CACHED (1u<<2) //appears to be installed in their dlcache dir (and has a qhash)
#define DPF_CORRUPT (1u<<3) //will be deleted before it can be changed
#define DPF_USERMARKED (1u<<4) //user selected it
#define DPF_AUTOMARKED (1u<<5) //selected only to satisfy a dependancy
#define DPF_DISPLAYVERSION (1u<<6) //some sort of conflict, the package is listed twice, so show versions so the user knows what's old.
#define DPF_FORGETONUNINSTALL (1u<<7) //for previously installed packages, remove them from the list if there's no current version any more (should really be automatic if there's no known mirrors)
#define DPF_HIDDEN (1u<<8) //wrong arch, file conflicts, etc. still listed if actually installed.
#define DPF_PURGE (1u<<9) //package should be completely removed (ie: the dlcache dir too). if its still marked then it should be reinstalled anew. available on cached or corrupt packages, implied by native.
#define DPF_MANIFEST (1u<<10) //package was named by the manifest, and should only be uninstalled after a warning.
#define DPF_TESTING (1u<<11) //package is provided on a testing/trial basis, and will only be selected/listed if autoupdates are configured to allow it.
#define DPF_ENGINE (1u<<12) //engine update. replaces old autoupdate mechanism
#define DPF_PLUGIN (1u<<13) //this is a plugin package, with a dll
#define DPF_TRUSTED (1u<<14) //flag used when parsing package lists. if not set then packages will be ignored if they are anything but paks/pk3s
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
#define DPF_DISABLEDINSTALLED (DPF_ENGINE|DPF_PLUGIN) //engines+plugins can be installed without being enabled.
//priories <0
//manifest packages
//priority 0-999
//priority >=1000
void CL_StartCinematicOrMenu(void);
#if defined(SERVERONLY)
# define ENGINE_RENDERER "sv"
#elif defined(GLQUAKE) && (defined(VKQUAKE) || defined(D3DQUAKE) || defined(SWQUAKE))
# define ENGINE_RENDERER "m"
#elif defined(GLQUAKE)
# define ENGINE_RENDERER "gl"
#elif defined(VKQUAKE)
# define ENGINE_RENDERER "vk"
#elif defined(D3DQUAKE)
# define ENGINE_RENDERER "d3d"
# define ENGINE_RENDERER "none"
#if defined(NOCOMPAT)
# define ENGINE_CLIENT "-nc"
#elif defined(MINIMAL)
# define ENGINE_CLIENT "-min"
#elif defined(CLIENTONLY)
# define ENGINE_CLIENT "-cl"
typedef struct package_s {
char *name;
char *category; //in path form
struct package_s *alternative; //alternative (hidden) forms of this package.
char *mirror[8]; //FIXME: move to two types of dep...
char gamedir[16];
enum fs_relative fsroot;
char version[16];
char *arch;
char *qhash;
char *title;
char *description;
char *license;
char *author;
char *website;
char *previewimage;
EXTRACT_COPY, //just copy the download over
EXTRACT_XZ, //give the download code a write filter so that it automatically decompresses on the fly
EXTRACT_GZ, //give the download code a write filter so that it automatically decompresses on the fly
EXTRACT_ZIP //extract stuff once it completes. kinda sucky.
} extract;
struct packagedep_s
struct packagedep_s *next;
DEP_CONFLICT, //don't install if we have the named package installed.
DEP_FILECONFLICT, //don't install if this file already exists.
DEP_REQUIRE, //don't install unless we have the named package installed.
DEP_RECOMMEND, //like depend, but uninstalling will not bubble.
DEP_SUGGEST, //like recommend, but will not force install (ie: only prevents auto-uninstall)
DEP_NEEDFEATURE, //requires a specific feature to be available (typically controlled via a cvar)
DEP_FILE //a file that will be installed
} dtype;
char name[1];
} *deps;
struct dl_download *download;
unsigned int trymirrors;
int flags;
int priority;
struct package_s **link;
struct package_s *next;
} package_t;
static qboolean loadedinstalled;
static package_t *availablepackages;
static int numpackages;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
static char *manifestpackages; //metapackage named by the manicfest.
static char *declinedpackages; //metapackage named by the manicfest.
static int domanifestinstall; //SECURITY_MANIFEST_*
#ifdef PLUGINS
static qboolean pluginpromptshown; //so we only show prompts for new externally-installed plugins once, instead of every time the file is reloaded.
static qboolean doautoupdate; //updates will be marked (but not applied without the user's actions)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
static qboolean pkg_updating; //when flagged, further changes are blocked until completion.
static const qboolean pkg_updating = false;
//FIXME: these are allocated for the life of the exe. changing basedir should purge the list.
static int numdownloadablelists = 0;
static struct
char *url;
char *prefix;
qboolean trustworthy; //trusted
char received; //says if we got a response yet or not
qboolean save; //written into our local file
struct dl_download *curdl; //the download context
} downloadablelist[32];
static int downloadablessequence; //bumped any time any package is purged
static void PM_WriteInstalledPackages(void);
static void PM_FreePackage(package_t *p)
struct packagedep_s *d;
int i;
if (p->link)
if (p->alternative)
{ //replace it with its alternative package
*p->link = p->alternative;
p->alternative->alternative = p->alternative->next;
if (p->alternative->alternative)
p->alternative->alternative->link = &p->alternative->alternative;
p->alternative->next = p->next;
p->alternative->link = p->link;
{ //just remove it from the list.
*p->link = p->next;
if (p->next)
p->next->link = p->link;
//free its data.
d = p->deps;
p->deps = d->next;
for (i = 0; i < countof(p->mirror); i++)
static qboolean PM_PurgeOnDisable(package_t *p)
//corrupt packages must be purged
if (p->flags & DPF_CORRUPT)
return true;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
//certain updates can be present and not enabled
return false;
//hashed packages can also be present and not enabled, but only if they're in the cache and not native
if (*p->gamedir && p->qhash && (p->flags & DPF_PRESENT))
return false;
//FIXME: add basedir-plugins to the package manager so they can be enabled/disabled properly.
//if (p->arch)
// return false;
//all other packages must be deleted to disable them
return true;
//checks the status of each package
static void PM_ValidatePackage(package_t *p)
package_t *o;
struct packagedep_s *dep;
vfsfile_t *pf;
if (p->flags & DPF_ENABLED)
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
char *n;
if (dep->dtype != DEP_FILE)
if (*p->gamedir)
n = va("%s/%s", p->gamedir, dep->name);
n = dep->name;
pf = FS_OpenVFS(n, "rb", p->fsroot);
if (pf)
p->flags |= DPF_NATIVE;
else if (*p->gamedir && p->qhash)
char temp[MAX_OSPATH];
if (FS_GenCachedPakName(n, p->qhash, temp, sizeof(temp)))
pf = FS_OpenVFS(temp, "rb", p->fsroot);
if (pf)
p->flags |= DPF_CACHED;
if (!(p->flags & (DPF_NATIVE|DPF_CACHED)))
Con_Printf("WARNING: %s (%s) no longer exists\n", p->name, n);
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
char *n;
struct packagedep_s *odep;
unsigned int fl = DPF_NATIVE;
if (dep->dtype != DEP_FILE)
if (*p->gamedir)
n = va("%s/%s", p->gamedir, dep->name);
n = dep->name;
pf = FS_OpenVFS(n, "rb", p->fsroot);
if (!pf && *p->gamedir && p->qhash)
char temp[MAX_OSPATH];
if (FS_GenCachedPakName(n, p->qhash, temp, sizeof(temp)))
pf = FS_OpenVFS(temp, "rb", p->fsroot);
//fixme: skip any archive checks
if (pf)
for (o = availablepackages; o; o = o->next)
if (o == p)
if (o->flags & DPF_ENABLED)
if (!strcmp(p->gamedir, o->gamedir) && p->fsroot == o->fsroot)
if (strcmp(p->name, o->name) || strcmp(p->version, o->version))
for (odep = o->deps; odep; odep = odep->next)
if (!strcmp(dep->name, odep->name))
if (odep)
if ((o && o->qhash && p->qhash && (o->flags & DPF_CACHED)) || fl == DPF_CACHED)
p->flags |= DPF_CACHED;
else if (!o)
if (!PM_PurgeOnDisable(p))
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
p->flags |= fl;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
else if (p->qhash)
searchpathfuncs_t *archive;
win: emulate gamepad thumb axis as buttons. keys: add some extra key names for compat with DP+QS (primarily gamepad buttons). keys: fix a few keys getting mistranslated between engine and qc scancodes. engine menus: remove 16bpp from the video options menu on win8+, as win8 no longer supports anything but rgbx8. pmove: coord size and rounding is now part of the pmove code itself. this fixes truncation issues. r_clutter_density: fix crash from clutter comprising of boneless iqms. gl: added cvars to disable immutable buffers or textures. hopefully these might be usable to work around the issue reported on various geforce 1080s wav: convert ieee wav files to 16bit on load, in case someone tries giving us one of these. vid_srgb: this cvar now uses -1 for the former gamma-only setting. r_viewmodel_quake: new cvar (name comes from quakespasm) that can be used to disable the weird movement of the viewmodel when pitching up or down. nquake: try to block nquake's frogbot's autoexec.cfg, as I keep getting complaints about it fucking over singleplayer games. fs: added -netquake commandline argument that disables the use of the qw/ gamedir. fog: disabled fog on aky surfaces, as it was bugging out in The Wastes. vid: fix some vid_restart/vid_reload issues (which got much worse recently in my attempt to fix a different crash) routing: first attempt at engine-side routing. feature is currently disabled. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5248 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2018-04-27 16:40:50 +00:00
char buf[8];
if (!Q_strcasecmp(COM_FileExtension(n, buf, sizeof(buf)), "pak"))
archive = FSPAK_LoadArchive(pf, NULL, n, n, NULL);
win: emulate gamepad thumb axis as buttons. keys: add some extra key names for compat with DP+QS (primarily gamepad buttons). keys: fix a few keys getting mistranslated between engine and qc scancodes. engine menus: remove 16bpp from the video options menu on win8+, as win8 no longer supports anything but rgbx8. pmove: coord size and rounding is now part of the pmove code itself. this fixes truncation issues. r_clutter_density: fix crash from clutter comprising of boneless iqms. gl: added cvars to disable immutable buffers or textures. hopefully these might be usable to work around the issue reported on various geforce 1080s wav: convert ieee wav files to 16bit on load, in case someone tries giving us one of these. vid_srgb: this cvar now uses -1 for the former gamma-only setting. r_viewmodel_quake: new cvar (name comes from quakespasm) that can be used to disable the weird movement of the viewmodel when pitching up or down. nquake: try to block nquake's frogbot's autoexec.cfg, as I keep getting complaints about it fucking over singleplayer games. fs: added -netquake commandline argument that disables the use of the qw/ gamedir. fog: disabled fog on aky surfaces, as it was bugging out in The Wastes. vid: fix some vid_restart/vid_reload issues (which got much worse recently in my attempt to fix a different crash) routing: first attempt at engine-side routing. feature is currently disabled. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5248 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2018-04-27 16:40:50 +00:00
#ifdef PACKAGE_PK3 //assume zip/pk3/pk4/apk/etc
archive = FSZIP_LoadArchive(pf, NULL, n, n, NULL);
archive = NULL;
if (archive)
unsigned int fqhash;
pf = NULL;
fqhash = archive->GeneratePureCRC(archive, 0, 0);
if (fqhash == (unsigned int)strtoul(p->qhash, NULL, 0))
p->flags |= fl;
if (fl&DPF_NATIVE)
pf = NULL;
p->flags |= DPF_CORRUPT|fl;
static qboolean PM_MergePackage(package_t *oldp, package_t *newp)
//we don't track mirrors for previously-installed packages.
//use the file list of the installed package, zips ignore the file list of the remote package but otherwise they must match to be mergeable
//local installed copies of the package may lack some information, like mirrors.
//the old package *might* be installed, the new won't be. this means we need to use the old's file list rather than the new
if (!oldp->qhash || !strcmp(oldp->qhash?oldp->qhash:"", newp->qhash?newp->qhash:""))
unsigned int om, nm;
struct packagedep_s *od, *nd;
qboolean ignorefiles;
for (om = 0; om < countof(oldp->mirror) && oldp->mirror[om]; om++)
for (nm = 0; nm < countof(newp->mirror) && newp->mirror[nm]; nm++)
// if (oldp->priority != newp->priority)
// return false;
ignorefiles = (oldp->extract==EXTRACT_ZIP); //zips ignore the remote file list, its only important if its already installed (so just keep the old file list and its fine).
if (oldp->extract != newp->extract)
{ //if both have mirrors of different types then we have some sort of conflict
if (ignorefiles || (om && nm))
return false;
for (od = oldp->deps, nd = newp->deps; od && nd; )
//if its a zip then the 'remote' file list will be blank while the local list is not (we can just keep the local list).
//if the file list DOES change, then bump the version.
if (ignorefiles)
if (od->dtype == DEP_FILE)
od = od->next;
if (nd->dtype == DEP_FILE)
nd = nd->next;
if (od->dtype != nd->dtype)
return false; //deps don't match
if (strcmp(od->name, nd->name))
return false;
od = od->next;
nd = nd->next;
//overwrite these. use the 'new' / remote values for each of them
//the versions of the two packages will be the same, so the texts should be the same. still favour the new one so that things can be corrected serverside without needing people to redownload everything.
if (newp->qhash){Z_Free(oldp->qhash); oldp->qhash = Z_StrDup(newp->qhash);}
if (newp->description){Z_Free(oldp->description); oldp->description = Z_StrDup(newp->description);}
if (newp->license){Z_Free(oldp->license); oldp->license = Z_StrDup(newp->license);}
if (newp->author){Z_Free(oldp->author); oldp->author = Z_StrDup(newp->author);}
if (newp->previewimage){Z_Free(oldp->previewimage); oldp->previewimage = Z_StrDup(newp->previewimage);}
oldp->priority = newp->priority;
if (nm)
{ //copy over the mirrors
oldp->extract = newp->extract;
for (; nm --> 0 && om < countof(oldp->mirror); om++)
oldp->mirror[om] = newp->mirror[nm];
newp->mirror[nm] = NULL;
//these flags should only remain set if set in both.
return true;
return false;
static void PM_InsertPackage(package_t *p)
package_t **link;
for (link = &availablepackages; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
package_t *prev = *link;
int v = strcmp(prev->name, p->name);
if (v > 0)
break; //insert before this one
else if (v == 0)
{ //name matches.
//if (!strcmp(p->fullname),prev->fullname)
if (!strcmp(p->version, prev->version))
if (!strcmp(p->gamedir, prev->gamedir))
if (!strcmp(p->arch?p->arch:"", prev->arch?prev->arch:""))
{ /*package matches, merge them somehow, don't add*/
package_t *a;
if (PM_MergePackage(prev, p))
for (a = p->alternative; a; a = a->next)
if (PM_MergePackage(a, p))
p->next = prev->alternative;
prev->alternative = p;
p->link = &prev->alternative;
//something major differs, display both independantly.
prev->flags |= DPF_DISPLAYVERSION;
p->next = *link;
p->link = link;
*link = p;
static qboolean PM_CheckFeature(const char *feature, const char **featurename, const char **concommand)
extern cvar_t r_replacemodels;
*featurename = NULL;
*concommand = NULL;
//check for compressed texture formats, to warn when not supported.
if (!strcmp(feature, "bc1") || !strcmp(feature, "bc2") || !strcmp(feature, "bc3") || !strcmp(feature, "s3tc"))
return *featurename="S3 Texture Compression", sh_config.hw_bc>=1;
if (!strcmp(feature, "bc4") || !strcmp(feature, "bc5") || !strcmp(feature, "rgtc"))
return *featurename="Red/Green Texture Compression", sh_config.hw_bc>=2;
if (!strcmp(feature, "bc6") || !strcmp(feature, "bc7") || !strcmp(feature, "bptc"))
return *featurename="Block Partitioned Texture Compression", sh_config.hw_bc>=3;
if (!strcmp(feature, "etc1"))
return *featurename="Ericson Texture Compression, Original", sh_config.hw_etc>=1;
if (!strcmp(feature, "etc2") || !strcmp(feature, "eac"))
return *featurename="Ericson Texture Compression, Revision 2", sh_config.hw_etc>=2;
if (!strcmp(feature, "astcldr") || !strcmp(feature, "astc"))
return *featurename="Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression (LDR)", sh_config.hw_astc>=1;
if (!strcmp(feature, "astchdr"))
return *featurename="Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression (HDR)", sh_config.hw_astc>=2;
if (!strcmp(feature, "24bit"))
return *featurename="24bit Textures", *concommand="seta gl_load24bit 1\n", gl_load24bit.ival;
if (!strcmp(feature, "md3"))
return *featurename="Replacement Models", *concommand="seta r_replacemodels md3 md2\n", !!strstr(r_replacemodels.string, "md3");
if (!strcmp(feature, "rtlights"))
return *featurename="Realtime Dynamic Lights", *concommand="seta r_shadow_realtime_dlight 1\n", r_shadow_realtime_dlight.ival||r_shadow_realtime_world.ival;
if (!strcmp(feature, "rtworld"))
return *featurename="Realtime World Lights", *concommand="seta r_shadow_realtime_dlight 1\nseta r_shadow_realtime_world 1\n", r_shadow_realtime_world.ival;
return false;
static qboolean PM_CheckPackageFeatures(package_t *p)
struct packagedep_s *dep;
const char *featname, *enablecmd;
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_NEEDFEATURE)
if (!PM_CheckFeature(dep->name, &featname, &enablecmd))
return false;
return true;
static qboolean PM_CheckFile(const char *filename, enum fs_relative base)
vfsfile_t *f = FS_OpenVFS(filename, "rb", base);
if (f)
return true;
return false;
static void PM_AddDep(package_t *p, int deptype, const char *depname)
struct packagedep_s *nd, **link;
//no dupes.
for (link = &p->deps; (nd=*link) ; link = &nd->next)
if (nd->dtype == deptype && !strcmp(nd->name, depname))
//add it on the end, preserving order.
nd = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*nd) + strlen(depname));
nd->dtype = deptype;
strcpy(nd->name, depname);
nd->next = *link;
*link = nd;
static void PM_AddSubList(const char *url, const char *prefix, qboolean save, qboolean trustworthy)
int i;
if (!*url)
if (strchr(url, '\"') || strchr(url, '\n'))
if (strchr(prefix, '\"') || strchr(prefix, '\n'))
for (i = 0; i < numdownloadablelists; i++)
if (!strcmp(downloadablelist[i].url, url))
if (i == numdownloadablelists && i < countof(downloadablelist))
if (!strncmp(url, "https:", 6))
downloadablelist[i].trustworthy = trustworthy;
downloadablelist[i].trustworthy = false; //if its not a secure url, never consider it as trustworthy
downloadablelist[i].save = save;
downloadablelist[i].url = BZ_Malloc(strlen(url)+1);
strcpy(downloadablelist[i].url, url);
downloadablelist[i].prefix = BZ_Malloc(strlen(prefix)+1);
strcpy(downloadablelist[i].prefix, prefix);
static void PM_RemSubList(const char *url)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numdownloadablelists; i++)
if (!strcmp(downloadablelist[i].url, url))
downloadablelist[i].save = false;
static qboolean PM_ParsePackageList(vfsfile_t *f, int parseflags, const char *url, const char *prefix)
char line[65536];
package_t *p;
struct packagedep_s *dep;
char *sl;
int version;
char defaultgamedir[64];
char mirror[countof(p->mirror)][MAX_OSPATH];
int nummirrors = 0;
qboolean isauto;
char *tokstart;
qboolean forcewrite = false;
if (!f)
return forcewrite;
Q_strncpyz(defaultgamedir, FS_GetGamedir(false), sizeof(defaultgamedir));
if (url)
Q_strncpyz(mirror[nummirrors], url, sizeof(mirror[nummirrors]));
sl = COM_SkipPath(mirror[nummirrors]);
*sl = 0;
if (!VFS_GETS(f, line, sizeof(line)-1))
while((sl=strchr(line, '\n')))
*sl = '\0';
while((sl=strchr(line, '\r')))
*sl = '\0';
Cmd_TokenizeString (line, false, false);
} while (!Cmd_Argc());
if (strcmp(Cmd_Argv(0), "version"))
return forcewrite; //it's not the right format.
version = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
if (version != 0 && version != 1 && version != 2)
Con_Printf("Packagelist is of a future or incompatible version\n");
return forcewrite; //it's not the right version.
if (!VFS_GETS(f, line, sizeof(line)-1))
while((sl=strchr(line, '\n')))
*sl = '\0';
while((sl=strchr(line, '\r')))
*sl = '\0';
tokstart = COM_StringParse (line, com_token, sizeof(com_token), false, false);
if (*com_token)
if (!strcmp(com_token, "sublist"))
char *subprefix;
char url[MAX_OSPATH];
tokstart = COM_StringParse (tokstart, url, sizeof(url), false, false);
tokstart = COM_StringParse (tokstart, com_token, sizeof(com_token), false, false);
if (*prefix)
subprefix = va("%s/%s", prefix, com_token);
subprefix = com_token;
#if defined(HAVE_LEGACY) && defined(WEBCLIENT)
//hack. I'm trying to retire the self-signed cert on [fte.]triptohell.info
if (!strcmp(url, "https://triptohell.info/downloadables.php") || !strcmp(url, "https://fte.triptohell.info/downloadables.php"))
Q_strncpyz(url, "https://updates.triptohell.info/downloadables.php", sizeof(url));
forcewrite = true;
PM_AddSubList(url, subprefix, (parseflags & DPF_ENABLED)?true:false, (parseflags&DPF_TRUSTED));
if (!strcmp(com_token, "set"))
tokstart = COM_StringParse (tokstart, com_token, sizeof(com_token), false, false);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "gamedir"))
tokstart = COM_StringParse (tokstart, com_token, sizeof(com_token), false, false);
if (!*com_token)
Q_strncpyz(defaultgamedir, FS_GetGamedir(false), sizeof(defaultgamedir));
Q_strncpyz(defaultgamedir, com_token, sizeof(defaultgamedir));
else if (!strcmp(com_token, "mirrors"))
nummirrors = 0;
while (nummirrors < countof(mirror) && tokstart)
tokstart = COM_StringParse (tokstart, com_token, sizeof(com_token), false, false);
if (*com_token)
Q_strncpyz(mirror[nummirrors], com_token, sizeof(mirror[nummirrors]));
else if (!strcmp(com_token, "updatemode"))
tokstart = COM_StringParse (tokstart, com_token, sizeof(com_token), false, false);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (parseflags & DPF_ENABLED) //don't use a downloaded file's version of this, only use the local version of it.
Cvar_ForceSet(&pkg_autoupdate, com_token);
else if (!strcmp(com_token, "declined"))
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (parseflags & DPF_ENABLED) //don't use a downloaded file's version of this, only use the local version of it.
tokstart = COM_StringParse (tokstart, com_token, sizeof(com_token), false, false);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (*com_token)
declinedpackages = Z_StrDup(com_token);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
declinedpackages = NULL;
isauto = false;
#if 0
if (version < 2)
char pathname[256];
const char *fullname = Cmd_Argv(0);
if (argc > 5 || argc < 3)
Con_Printf("Package list is bad - %s\n", line);
continue; //but try the next line away
p = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*p));
if (*prefix)
Q_snprintfz(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s/%s", prefix, fullname);
Q_snprintfz(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s", fullname);
p->name = Z_StrDup(COM_SkipPath(pathname));
p->title = Z_StrDup(p->name);
*COM_SkipPath(pathname) = 0;
p->category = Z_StrDup(pathname);
p->mirror[0] = Z_StrDup(p->name);
p->flags = parseflags;
p->mirror[0] = Z_StrDup(Cmd_Argv(1));
PM_AddDep(p, DEP_FILE, Cmd_Argv(2));
Q_strncpyz(p->version, Cmd_Argv(3), sizeof(p->version));
Q_strncpyz(p->gamedir, Cmd_Argv(4), sizeof(p->gamedir));
if (!strcmp(p->gamedir, "../"))
p->fsroot = FS_ROOT;
*p->gamedir = 0;
if (!*p->gamedir)
strcpy(p->gamedir, FS_GetGamedir(false));
// p->fsroot = FS_GAMEONLY;
p->fsroot = FS_ROOT;
char pathname[256];
char *fullname = Z_StrDup(com_token);
char *file = NULL;
char *url = NULL;
char *gamedir = NULL;
char *ver = NULL;
char *arch = NULL;
char *qhash = NULL;
char *title = NULL;
char *category = NULL;
char *description = NULL;
char *license = NULL;
char *author = NULL;
char *previewimage = NULL;
char *website = NULL;
int extract = EXTRACT_COPY;
int priority = PM_DEFAULTPRIORITY;
unsigned int flags = parseflags;
enum fs_relative fsroot = FS_ROOT;
int i;
if (version > 2)
flags &= ~DPF_ENABLED;
p = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*p));
for (i = 1; tokstart; i++)
char key[8192];
char val[8192];
char *eq;
//the following are [\]["]key=["]value["] parameters, which is definitely messy, yes.
//skip leading whitespace
while (*tokstart>0 && *tokstart <= ' ')
*val = 0;
if (*tokstart == '\\' || *tokstart == '\"')
{ //legacy quoting
tokstart = COM_StringParse (tokstart, key, sizeof(key), false, false);
eq = strchr(key, '=');
if (eq)
*eq = 0;
Q_strncpyz(val, eq+1, sizeof(val));
tokstart = COM_ParseTokenOut(tokstart, "=", key, sizeof(key), NULL);
if (!*key)
if (tokstart && *tokstart == '=')
if (!(*tokstart >= 0 && *tokstart <= ' '))
tokstart = COM_ParseCString(tokstart, val, sizeof(val), NULL);
if (!strcmp(key, "url"))
Z_StrDupPtr(&url, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "category"))
Z_StrDupPtr(&category, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "title"))
Z_StrDupPtr(&title, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "gamedir"))
Z_StrDupPtr(&gamedir, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "ver") || !strcmp(key, "v"))
Z_StrDupPtr(&ver, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "arch"))
Z_StrDupPtr(&arch, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "priority"))
priority = atoi(val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "qhash"))
Z_StrDupPtr(&qhash, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "desc") || !strcmp(key, "description"))
Z_StrDupPtr(&description, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "license"))
Z_StrDupPtr(&license, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "author"))
Z_StrDupPtr(&author, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "preview"))
Z_StrDupPtr(&previewimage, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "website"))
Z_StrDupPtr(&website, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "file"))
if (!file)
Z_StrDupPtr(&file, val);
PM_AddDep(p, DEP_FILE, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "extract"))
if (!strcmp(val, "xz"))
extract = EXTRACT_XZ;
else if (!strcmp(val, "gz"))
extract = EXTRACT_GZ;
else if (!strcmp(val, "zip"))
extract = EXTRACT_ZIP;
Con_Printf("Unknown decompression method: %s\n", val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "depend"))
PM_AddDep(p, DEP_REQUIRE, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "conflict"))
PM_AddDep(p, DEP_CONFLICT, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "fileconflict"))
else if (!strcmp(key, "recommend"))
PM_AddDep(p, DEP_RECOMMEND, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "suggest"))
PM_AddDep(p, DEP_SUGGEST, val);
else if (!strcmp(key, "need"))
else if (!strcmp(key, "test"))
flags |= DPF_TESTING;
else if (!strcmp(key, "stale") && version==2)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
flags &= ~DPF_ENABLED; //known about, (probably) cached, but not actually enabled.
else if (!strcmp(key, "installed") && version>2)
flags |= parseflags & DPF_ENABLED;
else if (!strcmp(key, "auto"))
isauto = true; //autoinstalled and NOT user-installed
else if (!strcmp(key, "root") && (parseflags&DPF_ENABLED))
if (!Q_strcasecmp(val, "bin"))
fsroot = FS_ROOT;
Con_DPrintf("Unknown package property\n");
if (category)
p->name = fullname;
if (*prefix)
Q_snprintfz(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s/%s", prefix, category);
Q_snprintfz(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s", category);
if (*pathname)
if (pathname[strlen(pathname)-1] != '/')
Q_strncatz(pathname, "/", sizeof(pathname));
p->category = Z_StrDup(pathname);
if (*prefix)
Q_snprintfz(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s/%s", prefix, fullname);
Q_snprintfz(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s", fullname);
p->name = Z_StrDup(COM_SkipPath(pathname));
*COM_SkipPath(pathname) = 0;
p->category = Z_StrDup(pathname);
if (!title)
title = Z_StrDup(p->name);
Q_strncpyz(p->version, ver?ver:"", sizeof(p->version));
Q_snprintfz(p->gamedir, sizeof(p->gamedir), "%s", gamedir?gamedir:defaultgamedir);
p->fsroot = fsroot;
p->extract = extract;
p->priority = priority;
p->flags = flags;
p->title = title;
p->arch = arch;
p->qhash = qhash;
p->description = description;
p->license = license;
p->author = author;
p->previewimage = previewimage;
p->website = website;
if (url && (!strncmp(url, "http://", 7) || !strncmp(url, "https://", 8)))
p->mirror[0] = Z_StrDup(url);
int m;
char *ext = "";
char *relurl = url;
if (!relurl)
if (extract == EXTRACT_XZ)
ext = ".xz";
else if (extract == EXTRACT_GZ)
ext = ".gz";
else if (extract == EXTRACT_ZIP)
ext = ".zip";
relurl = file;
if (relurl)
for (m = 0; m < nummirrors; m++)
p->mirror[m] = Z_StrDup(va("%s%s%s", mirror[m], relurl, ext));
if (p->arch)
if (!Q_strcasecmp(p->arch, THISENGINE))
if (!Sys_EngineCanUpdate())
p->flags |= DPF_HIDDEN;
p->flags |= DPF_ENGINE;
else if (!Q_strcasecmp(p->arch, THISARCH))
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if ((p->fsroot == FS_ROOT || p->fsroot == FS_BINARYPATH) && !*p->gamedir && p->priority == PM_DEFAULTPRIORITY)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
p->flags |= DPF_PLUGIN;
p->flags |= DPF_HIDDEN; //other engine builds or other cpus are all hidden
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_FILECONFLICT)
const char *n;
if (*p->gamedir)
n = va("%s/%s", p->gamedir, dep->name);
n = dep->name;
if (PM_CheckFile(n, p->fsroot))
p->flags |= DPF_HIDDEN;
if (p->flags & DPF_ENABLED)
if (isauto)
p->flags |= DPF_AUTOMARKED; //FIXME: we don't know if this was manual or auto
p->flags |= DPF_USERMARKED; //FIXME: we don't know if this was manual or auto
return forcewrite;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
#ifdef PLUGINS
void PM_EnumeratePlugins(void (*callback)(const char *name))
package_t *p;
struct packagedep_s *d;
for (p = availablepackages; p; p = p->next)
if ((p->flags & DPF_ENABLED) && (p->flags & DPF_PLUGIN))
for (d = p->deps; d; d = d->next)
if (d->dtype == DEP_FILE)
if (!Q_strncasecmp(d->name, PLUGINPREFIX, strlen(PLUGINPREFIX)))
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
#ifdef PLUGINS
static package_t *PM_FindPackage(const char *packagename);
static int QDECL PM_EnumeratedPlugin (const char *name, qofs_t size, time_t mtime, void *param, searchpathfuncs_t *spath)
static const char *knownarch[] =
"x32", "x64", "amd64", "x86", //various x86 ABIs
"arm", "arm64", "armhf", //various arm ABIs
"ppc", "unk", //various misc ABIs
package_t *p;
struct packagedep_s *dep;
char vmname[MAX_QPATH];
int len, l, a;
char *dot;
if (!strncmp(name, PLUGINPREFIX, strlen(PLUGINPREFIX)))
Q_strncpyz(vmname, name+strlen(PLUGINPREFIX), sizeof(vmname));
Q_strncpyz(vmname, name, sizeof(vmname));
len = strlen(vmname);
if (len > l && !strcmp(vmname+len-l, ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX ARCH_DL_POSTFIX))
len -= l;
vmname[len] = 0;
dot = strchr(vmname, '.');
if (dot)
*dot = 0;
len = strlen(vmname);
//if we can find a known cpu arch there then ignore it - its a different cpu arch
for (a = 0; a < countof(knownarch); a++)
l = strlen(knownarch[a]);
if (len > l && !Q_strcasecmp(vmname + len-l, knownarch[a]))
return true; //wrong arch! ignore it.
if (len > 0 && vmname[len-1] == '_')
vmname[len-1] = 0;
for (p = availablepackages; p; p = p->next)
if (!(p->flags & DPF_PLUGIN))
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype != DEP_FILE)
if (!Q_strcasecmp(dep->name, name))
return true;
if (PM_FindPackage(vmname))
return true; //don't include it if its a dupe anyway.
p = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*p));
p->deps = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*p->deps) + strlen(name));
p->deps->dtype = DEP_FILE;
strcpy(p->deps->name, name);
p->arch = Z_StrDup(THISARCH);
p->name = Z_StrDup(vmname);
p->title = Z_StrDup(vmname);
p->category = Z_StrDup("Plugins/");
p->fsroot = FS_BINARYPATH;
strcpy(p->version, "??""??");
*(int*)param = true;
return true;
void PM_PluginDetected(void *ctx, int status)
if (status == 0)
Cmd_ExecuteString("menu_download\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cmd_ExecuteString("menu_download \"Plugins/\"\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
static void PM_PreparePackageList(void)
//figure out what we've previously installed.
if (!loadedinstalled)
vfsfile_t *f = FS_OpenVFS(INSTALLEDFILES, "rb", FS_ROOT);
loadedinstalled = true;
if (f)
#ifdef PLUGINS
int foundone = false;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
char nat[MAX_OSPATH];
FS_NativePath("", FS_BINARYPATH, nat, sizeof(nat));
Con_DPrintf("Loading plugins from \"%s\"\n", nat);
Sys_EnumerateFiles(nat, PLUGINPREFIX"*" ARCH_DL_POSTFIX, PM_EnumeratedPlugin, &foundone, NULL);
if (foundone && !pluginpromptshown)
pluginpromptshown = true;
Menu_Prompt(PM_PluginDetected, NULL, "Plugin(s) appears to have\nbeen installed externally.\nUse the updates menu\nto enable them.", "View", NULL, "Disable");
void PM_LoadPackages(searchpath_t **oldpaths, const char *parent_pure, const char *parent_logical, searchpath_t *search, unsigned int loadstuff, int minpri, int maxpri)
package_t *p;
struct packagedep_s *d;
char temp[MAX_OSPATH];
int pri;
//figure out what we've previously installed.
//find the lowest used priority above the previous
pri = maxpri;
for (p = availablepackages; p; p = p->next)
if ((p->flags & DPF_ENABLED) && p->qhash && p->priority>=minpri&&p->priority<pri && !Q_strcasecmp(parent_pure, p->gamedir))
pri = p->priority;
minpri = pri+1;
for (p = availablepackages; p; p = p->next)
if ((p->flags & DPF_ENABLED) && p->qhash && p->priority==pri && !Q_strcasecmp(parent_pure, p->gamedir))
for (d = p->deps; d; d = d->next)
if (d->dtype == DEP_FILE)
Q_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s/%s", p->gamedir, d->name);
FS_AddHashedPackage(oldpaths, parent_pure, parent_logical, search, loadstuff, temp, p->qhash, NULL, SPF_COPYPROTECTED|SPF_UNTRUSTED);
} while (pri < maxpri);
void PM_Shutdown(void)
//free everything...
pkg_downloads_url.modified = false;
while(numdownloadablelists > 0)
if (downloadablelist[numdownloadablelists].curdl)
downloadablelist[numdownloadablelists].curdl = NULL;
downloadablelist[numdownloadablelists].received = 0;
downloadablelist[numdownloadablelists].url = NULL;
downloadablelist[numdownloadablelists].prefix = NULL;
while (availablepackages)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
loadedinstalled = false;
//finds the newest version
static package_t *PM_FindPackage(const char *packagename)
package_t *p, *r = NULL;
//fixme: NAME (>VER)
//fixme: NAME (<VER)
//fixme: NAME:ARCH (>VER)
for (p = availablepackages; p; p = p->next)
if (!strcmp(p->name, packagename))
if (!r || strcmp(r->version, p->version)>0)
r = p;
return r;
//returns the marked version of a package, if any.
static package_t *PM_MarkedPackage(const char *packagename, int markflag)
package_t *p;
for (p = availablepackages; p; p = p->next)
if (p->flags & markflag)
if (!strcmp(p->name, packagename))
return p;
return NULL;
//just resets all actions, so that a following apply won't do anything.
static void PM_RevertChanges(void)
package_t *p;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (pkg_updating)
for (p = availablepackages; p; p = p->next)
if (p->flags & DPF_ENABLED)
p->flags |= DPF_USERMARKED;
p->flags &= ~DPF_MARKED;
p->flags &= ~DPF_PURGE;
static qboolean PM_HasDependant(package_t *package, unsigned int markflag)
package_t *o;
struct packagedep_s *dep;
for (o = availablepackages; o; o = o->next)
if (o->flags & markflag)
for (dep = o->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_REQUIRE || dep->dtype == DEP_RECOMMEND || dep->dtype == DEP_SUGGEST)
if (!strcmp(package->name, dep->name))
return true;
return false;
//just flags, doesn't delete (yet)
//markflag should be DPF_AUTOMARKED or DPF_USERMARKED
static void PM_UnmarkPackage(package_t *package, unsigned int markflag)
package_t *o;
struct packagedep_s *dep;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (pkg_updating)
if (!(package->flags & markflag))
return; //looks like its already deselected.
package->flags &= ~(markflag);
if (!(package->flags & DPF_MARKED))
//Is this safe?
package->trymirrors = 0; //if its enqueued, cancel that quickly...
if (package->download)
{ //if its currently downloading, cancel it.
package->download = NULL;
//remove stuff that depends on us
for (o = availablepackages; o; o = o->next)
for (dep = o->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_REQUIRE)
if (!strcmp(dep->name, package->name))
PM_UnmarkPackage(o, DPF_MARKED);
if (!(package->flags & DPF_USERMARKED))
//go through dependancies and unmark any automarked packages if nothing else depends upon them
for (dep = package->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_REQUIRE || dep->dtype == DEP_RECOMMEND)
package_t *d = PM_MarkedPackage(dep->name, DPF_AUTOMARKED);
if (d && !(d->flags & DPF_USERMARKED))
if (!PM_HasDependant(d, DPF_MARKED))
PM_UnmarkPackage(d, DPF_AUTOMARKED);
//just flags, doesn't install
static void PM_MarkPackage(package_t *package, unsigned int markflag)
package_t *o;
struct packagedep_s *dep, *dep2;
qboolean replacing = false;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (pkg_updating)
if (package->flags & DPF_MARKED)
package->flags |= markflag;
return; //looks like its already picked. marking it again will do no harm.
//can't mark for download if we cannot download.
if (!(package->flags & DPF_PRESENT))
{ //though we can at least unmark it for deletion...
package->flags &= ~DPF_PURGE;
//any file-conflicts prevent the package from being installable.
//this is mostly for pak1.pak
for (dep = package->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_FILECONFLICT)
const char *n;
if (*package->gamedir)
n = va("%s/%s", package->gamedir, dep->name);
n = dep->name;
if (PM_CheckFile(n, package->fsroot))
package->flags |= markflag;
//first check to see if we're replacing a different version of the same package
for (o = availablepackages; o; o = o->next)
if (o == package)
if (o->flags & DPF_MARKED)
if (!strcmp(o->name, package->name))
{ //replaces this package
o->flags &= ~DPF_MARKED;
replacing = true;
{ //two packages with the same filename are always mutually incompatible, but with totally separate dependancies etc.
qboolean remove = false;
for (dep = package->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_FILE)
for (dep2 = o->deps; dep2; dep2 = dep2->next)
if (dep2->dtype == DEP_FILE)
if (!strcmp(dep->name, dep2->name))
PM_UnmarkPackage(o, DPF_MARKED);
remove = true;
if (remove)
//fixme: zip content conflicts
//if we are replacing an existing one, then dependancies are already settled (only because we don't do version deps)
if (replacing)
//satisfy our dependancies.
for (dep = package->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_REQUIRE || dep->dtype == DEP_RECOMMEND)
package_t *d = PM_MarkedPackage(dep->name, DPF_MARKED);
if (!d)
d = PM_FindPackage(dep->name);
if (d)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_RECOMMEND && !PM_CheckPackageFeatures(d))
Con_DPrintf("Skipping recommendation \"%s\"\n", dep->name);
PM_MarkPackage(d, DPF_AUTOMARKED);
Con_DPrintf("Couldn't find dependancy \"%s\"\n", dep->name);
if (dep->dtype == DEP_CONFLICT)
for (;;)
package_t *d = PM_MarkedPackage(dep->name, DPF_MARKED);
if (!d)
PM_UnmarkPackage(d, DPF_MARKED);
//remove any packages that conflict with us.
for (o = availablepackages; o; o = o->next)
for (dep = o->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_CONFLICT)
if (!strcmp(dep->name, package->name))
PM_UnmarkPackage(o, DPF_MARKED);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
static qboolean PM_NameIsInStrings(const char *strings, const char *match)
char tok[1024];
while (strings && *strings)
strings = COM_ParseStringSetSep(strings, ';', tok, sizeof(tok));
if (!Q_strcasecmp(tok, match)) //okay its here.
return true;
return false;
//just flag stuff as needing updating
unsigned int PM_MarkUpdates (void)
unsigned int changecount = 0;
package_t *p, *o, *b, *e = NULL;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (manifestpackages)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
char tok[1024];
char *strings = manifestpackages;
while (strings && *strings)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
strings = COM_ParseStringSetSep(strings, ';', tok, sizeof(tok));
if (PM_NameIsInStrings(declinedpackages, tok))
p = PM_MarkedPackage(tok, DPF_MARKED);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (!p)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
p = PM_FindPackage(tok);
if (p)
PM_MarkPackage(p, DPF_AUTOMARKED);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
else if (!(p->flags & DPF_ENABLED))
for (p = availablepackages; p; p = p->next)
if ((p->flags & DPF_ENGINE) && !(p->flags & DPF_HIDDEN))
if (!(p->flags & DPF_TESTING) || pkg_autoupdate.ival >= UPD_TESTING)
if (!e || strcmp(e->version, p->version) < 0) //package must be more recent than the previously found engine
if (strcmp(SVNREVISIONSTR, "-") && strcmp(SVNREVISIONSTR, p->version) < 0) //package must be more recent than the current engine too, there's no point auto-updating to an older revision.
e = p;
if (p->flags & DPF_MARKED)
b = NULL;
for (o = availablepackages; o; o = o->next)
if (p == o || (o->flags & DPF_HIDDEN))
if (!(o->flags & DPF_TESTING) || pkg_autoupdate.ival >= UPD_TESTING)
if (!strcmp(o->name, p->name) && !strcmp(o->arch?o->arch:"", p->arch?p->arch:"") && strcmp(o->version, p->version) > 0)
if (!b || strcmp(b->version, o->version) < 0)
b = o;
if (b)
PM_MarkPackage(b, p->flags&DPF_MARKED);
PM_UnmarkPackage(p, DPF_MARKED);
if (e && !(e->flags & DPF_MARKED))
if (pkg_autoupdate.ival >= UPD_STABLE)
PM_MarkPackage(e, DPF_AUTOMARKED);
return changecount;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
#if defined(M_Menu_Prompt) || defined(SERVERONLY)
static unsigned int PM_ChangeList(char *out, size_t outsize)
unsigned int changes = 0;
const char *change;
package_t *p;
size_t l;
size_t ofs = 0;
if (!outsize)
out = NULL;
*out = 0;
for (p = availablepackages; p; p=p->next)
if (!(p->flags & DPF_MARKED) != !(p->flags & DPF_ENABLED) || (p->flags & DPF_PURGE))
if (!out)
if (p->flags & DPF_MARKED)
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
change = va(" reinstall %s\n", p->name);
else if (p->flags & DPF_PRESENT)
change = va(" enable %s\n", p->name);
change = va(" install %s\n", p->name);
else if ((p->flags & DPF_PURGE) || !(p->qhash && (p->flags & DPF_PRESENT)))
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
change = va(" uninstall %s\n", p->name);
change = va(" disable %s\n", p->name);
l = strlen(change);
if (ofs+l >= outsize)
Q_strncpyz(out, "Too many changes\n", outsize);
out = NULL;
memcpy(out+ofs, change, l);
ofs += l;
out[ofs] = 0;
return changes;
static void PM_PrintChanges(void)
qboolean changes = 0;
package_t *p;
for (p = availablepackages; p; p=p->next)
if (!(p->flags & DPF_MARKED) != !(p->flags & DPF_ENABLED) || (p->flags & DPF_PURGE))
if (p->flags & DPF_MARKED)
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
Con_Printf(" reinstall %s\n", p->name);
Con_Printf(" install %s\n", p->name);
else if ((p->flags & DPF_PURGE) || !(p->qhash && (p->flags & DPF_CACHED)))
Con_Printf(" uninstall %s\n", p->name);
Con_Printf(" disable %s\n", p->name);
if (!changes)
Con_Printf("<no changes>\n");
Con_Printf("<%i package(s) changed>\n", changes);
static void PM_ListDownloaded(struct dl_download *dl)
int i;
vfsfile_t *f;
f = dl->file;
dl->file = NULL;
i = dl->user_num;
if (dl != downloadablelist[i].curdl)
//this request looks stale.
downloadablelist[i].curdl = NULL;
if (f)
downloadablelist[i].received = 1;
PM_ParsePackageList(f, 0, dl->url, downloadablelist[i].prefix);
downloadablelist[i].received = -1;
if (!doautoupdate && !domanifestinstall)
return; //don't spam this.
for (i = 0; i < numdownloadablelists; i++)
if (!downloadablelist[i].received)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (domanifestinstall == MANIFEST_SECURITY_INSTALLER && manifestpackages)
package_t *meta;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
meta = PM_MarkedPackage(manifestpackages);
if (!meta)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
meta = PM_FindPackage(manifestpackages);
if (meta)
if (!isDedicated)
if (Key_Dest_Has(kdm_emenu))
#ifdef MENU_DAT
if (Key_Dest_Has(kdm_gmenu))
Cmd_ExecuteString("menu_download\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if ((doautoupdate || domanifestinstall == MANIFEST_SECURITY_DEFAULT) && i == numdownloadablelists)
if (PM_MarkUpdates())
if (!isDedicated)
Cmd_ExecuteString("menu_download\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
//retry 1==
static void PM_UpdatePackageList(qboolean autoupdate, int retry)
unsigned int i;
if (retry>1 || pkg_downloads_url.modified)
//make sure our sources are okay.
if (*pkg_downloads_url.string)
PM_AddSubList(pkg_downloads_url.string, "", false, true);
for (i = 0; i < numdownloadablelists; i++)
downloadablelist[i].received = true;
doautoupdate |= autoupdate;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
//kick off the initial tier of list-downloads.
for (i = 0; i < numdownloadablelists; i++)
if (downloadablelist[i].received)
autoupdate = false;
if (downloadablelist[i].curdl)
downloadablelist[i].curdl = HTTP_CL_Get(va("%s%s"DOWNLOADABLESARGS, downloadablelist[i].url, strchr(downloadablelist[i].url,'?')?"&":"?"), NULL, PM_ListDownloaded);
if (downloadablelist[i].curdl)
downloadablelist[i].curdl->user_num = i;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
downloadablelist[i].curdl->file = VFSPIPE_Open(1, false);
downloadablelist[i].curdl->isquery = true;
DL_CreateThread(downloadablelist[i].curdl, NULL, NULL);
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
Con_Printf("Could not contact updates server - %s\n", downloadablelist[i].url);
downloadablelist[i].received = -1;
if (autoupdate)
doautoupdate = 0;
if (PM_MarkUpdates())
if (!isDedicated)
Cbuf_AddText("menu_download\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
static void COM_QuotedConcat(const char *cat, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
const unsigned char *gah;
for (gah = (const unsigned char*)cat; *gah; gah++)
if (*gah <= ' ' || *gah == '$' || *gah == '\"' || *gah == '\n' || *gah == '\r')
if (*gah || *cat == '\\' ||
strstr(cat, "//") || strstr(cat, "/*"))
{ //contains some dodgy stuff.
size_t curlen = strlen(buf);
buf += curlen;
bufsize -= curlen;
COM_QuotedString(cat, buf, bufsize, false);
{ //okay, no need for quotes.
Q_strncatz(buf, cat, bufsize);
static void PM_WriteInstalledPackages(void)
char buf[65536];
int i;
char *s;
package_t *p, *e = NULL;
struct packagedep_s *dep, *ef = NULL;
vfsfile_t *f = FS_OpenVFS(INSTALLEDFILES, "wb", FS_ROOT);
if (!f)
Con_Printf("package manager: Can't update installed list\n");
s = "version 2\n";
VFS_WRITE(f, s, strlen(s));
s = va("set updatemode %s\n", COM_QuotedString(pkg_autoupdate.string, buf, sizeof(buf), false));
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
VFS_WRITE(f, s, strlen(s));
s = va("set declined %s\n", COM_QuotedString(declinedpackages?declinedpackages:"", buf, sizeof(buf), false));
VFS_WRITE(f, s, strlen(s));
for (i = 0; i < numdownloadablelists; i++)
if (downloadablelist[i].save)
s = va("sublist \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", downloadablelist[i].url, downloadablelist[i].prefix);
VFS_WRITE(f, s, strlen(s));
for (p = availablepackages; p ; p=p->next)
if (p->flags & (DPF_PRESENT|DPF_ENABLED))
buf[0] = 0;
COM_QuotedString(va("%s%s", p->category, p->name), buf, sizeof(buf), false);
if (p->flags & DPF_ENABLED)
{ //v3+
// Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
// COM_QuotedConcat(va("installed=1"), buf, sizeof(buf));
{ //v2
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("stale=1"), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (*p->title && strcmp(p->title, p->name))
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("title=%s", p->title), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (*p->version)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("ver=%s", p->version), buf, sizeof(buf));
//if (*p->gamedir)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("gamedir=%s", p->gamedir), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (p->qhash)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("qhash=%s", p->qhash), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (p->priority!=PM_DEFAULTPRIORITY)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("priority=%i", p->priority), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (p->arch)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("arch=%s", p->arch), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (p->license)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("license=%s", p->license), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (p->website)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("website=%s", p->website), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (p->author)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("author=%s", p->author), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (p->description)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("desc=%s", p->description), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (p->previewimage)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("preview=%s", p->previewimage), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (p->fsroot == FS_BINARYPATH)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat("root=bin", buf, sizeof(buf));
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_FILE)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("file=%s", dep->name), buf, sizeof(buf));
if ((p->flags & DPF_ENABLED) && (p->flags & DPF_ENGINE) && (!e || strcmp(e->version, p->version) < 0))
e = p;
ef = dep;
else if (dep->dtype == DEP_REQUIRE)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("depend=%s", dep->name), buf, sizeof(buf));
else if (dep->dtype == DEP_CONFLICT)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("conflict=%s", dep->name), buf, sizeof(buf));
else if (dep->dtype == DEP_FILECONFLICT)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("fileconflict=%s", dep->name), buf, sizeof(buf));
else if (dep->dtype == DEP_RECOMMEND)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("recommend=%s", dep->name), buf, sizeof(buf));
else if (dep->dtype == DEP_NEEDFEATURE)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat(va("need=%s", dep->name), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (p->flags & DPF_TESTING)
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat("test=1", buf, sizeof(buf));
if ((p->flags & DPF_AUTOMARKED) && !(p->flags & DPF_USERMARKED))
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
COM_QuotedConcat("auto", buf, sizeof(buf));
buf[sizeof(buf)-2] = 0; //just in case.
Q_strncatz(buf, "\n", sizeof(buf));
VFS_WRITE(f, buf, strlen(buf));
if (ef)
char native[MAX_OSPATH];
FS_NativePath(ef->name, e->fsroot, native, sizeof(native));
//package has been downloaded and installed, but some packages need to be enabled
//(plugins might have other dll dependancies, so this can only happen AFTER the entire package was extracted)
static void PM_PackageEnabled(package_t *p)
char ext[8];
struct packagedep_s *dep;
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype != DEP_FILE)
COM_FileExtension(dep->name, ext, sizeof(ext));
if (!stricmp(ext, "pak") || !stricmp(ext, "pk3"))
#ifdef PLUGINS
if ((p->flags & DPF_PLUGIN) && !Q_strncasecmp(dep->name, PLUGINPREFIX, strlen(PLUGINPREFIX)))
Cmd_ExecuteString(va("plug_load %s\n", dep->name), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
#ifdef MENU_DAT
if (!Q_strcasecmp(dep->name, "menu.dat"))
Cmd_ExecuteString("menu_restart\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
//callback from PM_Download_Got, extracts each file from an archive
static int QDECL PM_ExtractFiles(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath)
{ //this is gonna suck. threading would help, but gah.
package_t *p = parm;
flocation_t loc;
if (fname[strlen(fname)-1] == '/')
{ //directory.
else if (spath->FindFile(spath, &loc, fname, NULL) && loc.len < 0x80000000u)
char *f = malloc(loc.len);
const char *n;
if (f)
spath->ReadFile(spath, &loc, f);
if (*p->gamedir)
n = va("%s/%s", p->gamedir, fname);
n = fname;
if (FS_WriteFile(n, f, loc.len, p->fsroot))
//keep track of the installed files, so we can delete them properly after.
PM_AddDep(p, DEP_FILE, fname);
return 1;
static void PM_StartADownload(void);
//callback from PM_StartADownload
static void PM_Download_Got(struct dl_download *dl)
char native[MAX_OSPATH];
qboolean successful = dl->status == DL_FINISHED;
package_t *p;
char *tempname = dl->user_ctx;
for (p = availablepackages; p ; p=p->next)
if (p->download == dl)
if (dl->file)
dl->file = NULL;
if (p)
char ext[8];
char *destname;
struct packagedep_s *dep;
p->download = NULL;
if (!successful)
Con_Printf("Couldn't download %s (from %s)\n", p->name, dl->url);
FS_Remove (tempname, p->fsroot);
if (p->extract == EXTRACT_ZIP)
#ifdef PACKAGE_PK3
vfsfile_t *f = FS_OpenVFS(tempname, "rb", p->fsroot);
if (f)
searchpathfuncs_t *archive = FSZIP_LoadArchive(f, NULL, tempname, tempname, NULL);
if (archive)
archive->EnumerateFiles(archive, "*", PM_ExtractFiles, p);
archive->EnumerateFiles(archive, "*/*", PM_ExtractFiles, p);
archive->EnumerateFiles(archive, "*/*/*", PM_ExtractFiles, p);
archive->EnumerateFiles(archive, "*/*/*/*", PM_ExtractFiles, p);
archive->EnumerateFiles(archive, "*/*/*/*/*", PM_ExtractFiles, p);
archive->EnumerateFiles(archive, "*/*/*/*/*/*", PM_ExtractFiles, p);
archive->EnumerateFiles(archive, "*/*/*/*/*/*/*", PM_ExtractFiles, p);
archive->EnumerateFiles(archive, "*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*", PM_ExtractFiles, p);
archive->EnumerateFiles(archive, "*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*", PM_ExtractFiles, p);
// if (!stricmp(ext, "pak") || !stricmp(ext, "pk3"))
// FS_ReloadPackFiles();
Con_Printf("zip format not supported in this build - %s (from %s)\n", p->name, dl->url);
FS_Remove (tempname, p->fsroot);
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
unsigned int nfl;
if (dep->dtype != DEP_FILE)
COM_FileExtension(dep->name, ext, sizeof(ext));
if (!stricmp(ext, "pak") || !stricmp(ext, "pk3"))
FS_UnloadPackFiles(); //we reload them after
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
#ifdef PLUGINS
if ((!stricmp(ext, "dll") || !stricmp(ext, "so")) && !Q_strncmp(dep->name, PLUGINPREFIX, strlen(PLUGINPREFIX)))
Cmd_ExecuteString(va("plug_close %s\n", dep->name), RESTRICT_LOCAL); //try to purge plugins so there's no files left open
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (*p->gamedir)
char temp[MAX_OSPATH];
destname = va("%s/%s", p->gamedir, dep->name);
if (p->qhash && FS_GenCachedPakName(destname, p->qhash, temp, sizeof(temp)))
destname = va("%s", temp);
destname = dep->name;
FS_CreatePath(destname, p->fsroot);
if (FS_Remove(destname, p->fsroot))
if (!FS_Rename2(tempname, destname, p->fsroot, p->fsroot))
if (!FS_NativePath(destname, p->fsroot, native, sizeof(native)))
Q_strncpyz(native, destname, sizeof(native));
Con_Printf("Couldn't rename %s to %s. Removed instead.\n", tempname, native);
FS_Remove (tempname, p->fsroot);
{ //success!
if (!FS_NativePath(destname, p->fsroot, native, sizeof(native)))
Q_strncpyz(native, destname, sizeof(native));
Con_Printf("Downloaded %s (to %s)\n", p->name, native);
p->flags = nfl;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
Con_Printf("menu_download: %s has no filename info\n", p->name);
Con_Printf("menu_download: Can't figure out where %s came from (url: %s)\n", dl->localname, dl->url);
FS_Remove (tempname, FS_GAMEONLY);
static char *PM_GetTempName(package_t *p)
struct packagedep_s *dep, *fdep;
char *destname, *t, *ts;
//always favour the file so that we can rename safely without needing a copy.
for (dep = p->deps, fdep = NULL; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype != DEP_FILE)
if (fdep)
fdep = NULL;
fdep = dep;
if (fdep)
if (*p->gamedir)
destname = va("%s/%s.tmp", p->gamedir, fdep->name);
destname = va("%s.tmp", fdep->name);
return Z_StrDup(destname);
ts = Z_StrDup(p->name);
for (t = ts; *t; t++)
case '/':
case '?':
case '<':
case '>':
case '\\':
case ':':
case '*':
case '|':
case '\"':
case '.':
*t = '_';
if (*ts)
if (*p->gamedir)
destname = va("%s/%s.tmp", p->gamedir, ts);
destname = va("%s.tmp", ts);
destname = va("%x.tmp", (unsigned int)(quintptr_t)p);
return Z_StrDup(destname);
/*static void PM_AddDownloadedPackage(const char *filename)
char pathname[1024];
package_t *p;
Q_snprintfz(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s/%s", "Cached", filename);
p->name = Z_StrDup(COM_SkipPath(pathname));
*COM_SkipPath(pathname) = 0;
p->category = Z_StrDup(pathname);
Q_strncpyz(p->version, "", sizeof(p->version));
Q_snprintfz(p->gamedir, sizeof(p->gamedir), "%s", "");
p->fsroot = FS_ROOT;
p->extract = EXTRACT_COPY;
p->priority = 0;
p->flags = DPF_INSTALLED;
p->title = Z_StrDup(p->name);
p->arch = NULL;
p->qhash = NULL; //FIXME
p->description = NULL;
p->license = NULL;
p->author = NULL;
p->previewimage = NULL;
int PM_IsApplying(qboolean listsonly)
int count = 0;
package_t *p;
int i;
if (!listsonly)
for (p = availablepackages; p ; p=p->next)
if (p->download)
for (i = 0; i < numdownloadablelists; i++)
if (downloadablelist[i].curdl)
return count;
//looks for the next package that needs downloading, and grabs it
static void PM_StartADownload(void)
vfsfile_t *tmpfile;
char *temp;
package_t *p;
const int simultaneous = PM_IsApplying(true)?1:2;
int i;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
qboolean downloading = false;
for (p = availablepackages; p && simultaneous > PM_IsApplying(false); p=p->next)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (p->download)
downloading = true;
if (p->trymirrors)
{ //flagged for a (re?)download
char *mirror = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < countof(p->mirror); i++)
if (p->mirror[i] && (p->trymirrors & (1u<<i)))
mirror = p->mirror[i];
p->trymirrors &= ~(1u<<i);
if (!mirror)
{ //erk...
p->trymirrors = 0;
for (i = 0; i < countof(p->mirror); i++)
if (p->mirror[i])
if (i == countof(p->mirror))
{ //this appears to be a meta package with no download
//just directly install it.
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
//FIXME: make sure there's no files...
p->flags |= DPF_ENABLED;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
Con_Printf("Enabled meta package %s\n", p->name);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if ((p->flags & DPF_PRESENT) && !PM_PurgeOnDisable(p))
{ //its in our cache directory, so lets just use that
p->trymirrors = 0;
p->flags |= DPF_ENABLED;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
Con_Printf("Enabled cached package %s\n", p->name);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
temp = PM_GetTempName(p);
//FIXME: we should lock in the temp path, in case the user foolishly tries to change gamedirs.
FS_CreatePath(temp, p->fsroot);
switch (p->extract)
tmpfile = FS_OpenVFS(temp, "wb", p->fsroot);
vfsfile_t *raw;
raw = FS_OpenVFS(temp, "wb", p->fsroot);
tmpfile = FS_XZ_DecompressWriteFilter(raw);
if (!tmpfile)
vfsfile_t *raw;
raw = FS_OpenVFS(temp, "wb", p->fsroot);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
tmpfile = FS_GZ_WriteFilter(raw, true, false);
if (!tmpfile)
Con_Printf("decompression method not supported\n");
if (tmpfile)
p->download = HTTP_CL_Get(mirror, NULL, PM_Download_Got);
if (!p->download)
Con_Printf("Unable to download %s\n", p->name);
char syspath[MAX_OSPATH];
FS_NativePath(temp, p->fsroot, syspath, sizeof(syspath));
Con_Printf("Unable to write %s. Fix permissions before trying to download %s\n", syspath, p->name);
if (p->download)
Con_Printf("Downloading %s\n", p->name);
p->download->file = tmpfile;
p->download->user_ctx = temp;
DL_CreateThread(p->download, NULL, NULL);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
downloading = true;
p->flags &= ~DPF_MARKED; //can't do it.
if (tmpfile)
FS_Remove(temp, p->fsroot);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
//clear the updating flag once there's no more activity needed
pkg_updating = downloading;
//'just' starts doing all the things needed to remove/install selected packages
void PM_ApplyChanges(void)
package_t *p, **link;
char temp[MAX_OSPATH];
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (pkg_updating)
pkg_updating = true;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
//delete any that don't exist
for (link = &availablepackages; *link ; )
p = *link;
if (p->download)
; //erk, dude, don't do two!
if ((p->flags & DPF_PURGE) || (!(p->flags&DPF_MARKED) && (p->flags&DPF_ENABLED)))
{ //if we don't want it but we have it anyway. don't bother to follow this logic when reinstalling
qboolean reloadpacks = false;
struct packagedep_s *dep;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_FILE)
char ext[8];
COM_FileExtension(dep->name, ext, sizeof(ext));
if (!stricmp(ext, "pak") || !stricmp(ext, "pk3"))
reloadpacks = true;
#ifdef PLUGINS //when disabling/purging plugins, be sure to unload them first (unfortunately there might be some latency before this can actually happen).
if ((p->flags & DPF_PLUGIN) && !Q_strncasecmp(dep->name, PLUGINPREFIX, strlen(PLUGINPREFIX)))
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
Cmd_ExecuteString(va("plug_close %s\n", dep->name), RESTRICT_LOCAL); //try to purge plugins so there's no files left open
if (reloadpacks) //okay, some package was removed, unload all, do the deletions/disables, then reload them. This is kinda shit. Would be better to remove individual packages, which would avoid unnecessary config execs.
if ((p->flags & DPF_PURGE) || PM_PurgeOnDisable(p))
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
Con_Printf("Purging package %s\n", p->name);
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_FILE)
if (*p->gamedir)
char *f = va("%s/%s", p->gamedir, dep->name);
if (p->qhash && FS_GenCachedPakName(f, p->qhash, temp, sizeof(temp)) && PM_CheckFile(temp, p->fsroot))
if (!FS_Remove(temp, p->fsroot))
p->flags |= DPF_CACHED;
else if (!FS_Remove(va("%s/%s", p->gamedir, dep->name), p->fsroot))
p->flags |= DPF_NATIVE;
else if (!FS_Remove(dep->name, p->fsroot))
p->flags |= DPF_NATIVE;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_FILE)
if (*p->gamedir)
char *f = va("%s/%s", p->gamedir, dep->name);
if ((p->flags & DPF_NATIVE) && p->qhash && FS_GenCachedPakName(f, p->qhash, temp, sizeof(temp)))
FS_Rename(f, temp, p->fsroot);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
Con_Printf("Disabling package %s\n", p->name);
p->flags &= ~(DPF_PURGE|DPF_ENABLED);
/* FIXME: windows bug:
** deleting an exe might 'succeed' but leave the file on disk for a while anyway.
** the file will eventually disappear, but until then we'll still see it as present,
** be unable to delete it again, and trying to open it to see if it still exists
** will fail.
** there's nothing we can do other than wait until whatever part of
** windows that's fucking up releases its handles.
** thankfully this only affects reinstalling exes/engines.
if (reloadpacks)
if ((p->flags & DPF_FORGETONUNINSTALL) && !(p->flags & DPF_PRESENT))
#if 1
if (p->alternative)
{ //replace it with its alternative package
*p->link = p->alternative;
p->alternative->alternative = p->alternative->next;
if (p->alternative->alternative)
p->alternative->alternative->link = &p->alternative->alternative;
p->alternative->next = p->next;
{ //just remove it from the list.
*p->link = p->next;
if (p->next)
p->next->link = p->link;
//FIXME: the menu(s) hold references to packages, so its not safe to purge them
p->flags |= DPF_HIDDEN;
// BZ_Free(p);
link = &(*link)->next;
//and flag any new/updated ones for a download
for (p = availablepackages; p ; p=p->next)
if ((p->flags&DPF_MARKED) && !(p->flags&DPF_ENABLED) && !p->download)
p->trymirrors = ~0u;
PM_StartADownload(); //and try to do those downloads.
for (p = availablepackages; p; p=p->next)
if ((p->flags&DPF_MARKED) && !(p->flags&DPF_ENABLED))
{ //flagged for a (re?)download
int i;
struct packagedep_s *dep;
for (i = 0; i < countof(p->mirror); i++)
if (p->mirror[i])
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep=dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_FILE)
if (!dep && i == countof(p->mirror))
{ //this appears to be a meta package with no download
//just directly install it.
p->flags |= DPF_ENABLED;
Con_Printf("Enabled meta package %s\n", p->name);
if ((p->flags & DPF_PRESENT) && !PM_PurgeOnDisable(p))
{ //its in our cache directory, so lets just use that
p->flags |= DPF_ENABLED;
Con_Printf("Enabled cached package %s\n", p->name);
p->flags &= ~DPF_MARKED;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
#if defined(M_Menu_Prompt) || defined(SERVERONLY)
//if M_Menu_Prompt is a define, then its a stub...
static void PM_PromptApplyChanges(void)
static qboolean PM_DeclinedPackages(char *out, size_t outsize)
size_t ofs = 0;
package_t *p;
qboolean ret = false;
if (manifestpackages)
char tok[1024];
char *strings = manifestpackages;
while (strings && *strings)
strings = COM_ParseStringSetSep(strings, ';', tok, sizeof(tok));
//already in the list
if (PM_NameIsInStrings(declinedpackages, tok))
p = PM_MarkedPackage(tok, DPF_MARKED);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (p) //don't mark it as declined if it wasn't
p = PM_FindPackage(tok);
if (p)
{ //okay, it was declined
ret = true;
if (!out)
{ //we're confirming that they should be flagged as declined
if (declinedpackages)
char *t = declinedpackages;
declinedpackages = Z_StrDup(va("%s;%s", declinedpackages, tok));
declinedpackages = Z_StrDup(tok);
{ //we're collecting a list of package names
char *change = va("%s\n", p->name);
size_t l = strlen(change);
if (ofs+l >= outsize)
Q_strncpyz(out, "Too many changes\n", outsize);
out = NULL;
memcpy(out+ofs, change, l);
ofs += l;
out[ofs] = 0;
if (!out && ret)
return ret;
static void PM_PromptApplyChanges_Callback(void *ctx, int opt)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
pkg_updating = false;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (opt == 0)
static void PM_PromptApplyChanges(void);
static void PM_PromptApplyDecline_Callback(void *ctx, int opt)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
pkg_updating = false;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (opt == 1)
PM_DeclinedPackages(NULL, 0);
static void PM_PromptApplyChanges(void)
unsigned int changes;
char text[8192];
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
//lock it down, so noone can make any changes while this prompt is still displayed
if (pkg_updating)
Menu_Prompt(PM_PromptApplyChanges_Callback, NULL, "An update is already in progress\nPlease wait\n", NULL, NULL, "Cancel");
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
pkg_updating = true;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
strcpy(text, "Really decline the following\nrecommendedpackages?\n\n");
if (PM_DeclinedPackages(text+strlen(text), sizeof(text)-strlen(text)))
Menu_Prompt(PM_PromptApplyDecline_Callback, NULL, text, NULL, "Confirm", "Cancel");
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
strcpy(text, "Apply the following changes?\n\n");
changes = PM_ChangeList(text+strlen(text), sizeof(text)-strlen(text));
if (!changes)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
pkg_updating = false;//no changes...
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
Menu_Prompt(PM_PromptApplyChanges_Callback, NULL, text, "Apply", NULL, "Cancel");
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
//names packages that were listed from the manifest.
//if 'mark' is true, then this is an initial install.
void PM_ManifestPackage(const char *metaname, int security)
domanifestinstall = security;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (metaname && security)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
manifestpackages = Z_StrDup(metaname);
// PM_UpdatePackageList(false, false);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
manifestpackages = NULL;
qboolean PM_CanInstall(const char *packagename)
int i;
package_t *p = PM_FindPackage(packagename);
if (p && !(p->flags&(DPF_ENABLED|DPF_CORRUPT|DPF_HIDDEN)))
for (i = 0; i < countof(p->mirror); i++)
if (p->mirror[i])
return true;
return false;
void PM_Command_f(void)
package_t *p;
const char *act = Cmd_Argv(1);
const char *key;
if (Cmd_FromGamecode())
Con_Printf("%s may not be used from gamecode\n", Cmd_Argv(0));
if (!strcmp(act, "sources") || !strcmp(act, "addsource"))
if (Cmd_Argc() == 2)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numdownloadablelists; i++)
Con_Printf("%s %s\n", downloadablelist[i].url, downloadablelist[i].save?"(explicit)":"(implicit)");
Con_Printf("<%i sources>\n", numdownloadablelists);
PM_AddSubList(Cmd_Argv(2), "", true, true);
else if (!strcmp(act, "remsource"))
if (!loadedinstalled)
PM_UpdatePackageList(false, false);
if (!strcmp(act, "list"))
for (p = availablepackages; p; p=p->next)
const char *status;
char *markup;
if ((p->flags & DPF_HIDDEN) && !(p->flags & (DPF_MARKED|DPF_ENABLED|DPF_PURGE|DPF_CACHED)))
if (p->flags & DPF_ENABLED)
markup = S_COLOR_GREEN;
else if (p->flags & DPF_CORRUPT)
markup = S_COLOR_RED;
else if (p->flags & (DPF_CACHED))
markup = S_COLOR_YELLOW; //downloaded but not active
markup = S_COLOR_WHITE;
if (!(p->flags & DPF_MARKED) != !(p->flags & DPF_ENABLED) || (p->flags & DPF_PURGE))
if (p->flags & DPF_MARKED)
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
status = S_COLOR_CYAN"<reinstall>";
status = S_COLOR_CYAN"<inst all>";
else if ((p->flags & DPF_PURGE) || !(p->qhash && (p->flags & DPF_CACHED)))
status = S_COLOR_CYAN"<uninstall>";
status = S_COLOR_CYAN"<disable>";
else if ((p->flags & (DPF_ENABLED|DPF_CACHED)) == DPF_CACHED)
status = S_COLOR_CYAN"<disabled>";
else if (p->flags & DPF_USERMARKED)
status = S_COLOR_GRAY"<manual>";
else if (p->flags & DPF_AUTOMARKED)
status = S_COLOR_GRAY"<auto>";
status = "";
Con_Printf(" ^["S_COLOR_GRAY"%s%s%s%s%s^] %s"S_COLOR_GRAY" %s (%s%s)\n", p->category?p->category:"", markup, p->name, p->arch?":":"", p->arch?p->arch:"", status, strcmp(p->name, p->title)?p->title:"", p->version, (p->flags&DPF_TESTING)?"-testing":"");
Con_Printf("<end of list>\n");
else if (!strcmp(act, "show"))
key = Cmd_Argv(2);
p = PM_FindPackage(key);
if (p)
if (p->previewimage)
Con_Printf("^[%s (%s)\\tipimg\\%s\\tip\\%s^]\n", p->name, p->version, p->previewimage, "");
Con_Printf("%s (%s)\n", p->name, p->version);
if (p->title)
Con_Printf(" title: %s\n", p->title);
if (p->license)
Con_Printf(" license: %s\n", p->license);
if (p->author)
Con_Printf(" author: %s\n", p->author);
if (p->website)
Con_Printf(" website: %s\n", p->website);
if (p->description)
Con_Printf("%s\n", p->description);
if (p->flags & DPF_MARKED)
if (p->flags & DPF_ENABLED)
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
Con_Printf(" package is flagged to be re-installed\n");
Con_Printf(" package is currently installed\n");
Con_Printf(" package is flagged to be installed\n");
if (p->flags & DPF_ENABLED)
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
Con_Printf(" package is flagged to be purged\n");
Con_Printf(" package is flagged to be disabled\n");
Con_Printf(" package is not installed\n");
if (p->flags & DPF_NATIVE)
Con_Printf(" package is native\n");
if (p->flags & DPF_CACHED)
Con_Printf(" package is cached\n");
if (p->flags & DPF_CORRUPT)
Con_Printf(" package is corrupt\n");
if (p->flags & DPF_DISPLAYVERSION)
Con_Printf(" package has a version conflict\n");
Con_Printf(" package is obsolete\n");
if (p->flags & DPF_HIDDEN)
Con_Printf(" package is hidden\n");
if (p->flags & DPF_ENGINE)
Con_Printf(" package is an engine update\n");
if (p->flags & DPF_TESTING)
Con_Printf(" package is untested\n");
Con_Printf("<package not found>\n");
else if (!strcmp(act, "search") || !strcmp(act, "find"))
const char *key = Cmd_Argv(2);
for (p = availablepackages; p; p=p->next)
if (Q_strcasestr(p->name, key) || (p->title && Q_strcasestr(p->title, key)) || (p->description && Q_strcasestr(p->description, key)))
Con_Printf("%s\n", p->name);
Con_Printf("<end of list>\n");
else if (!strcmp(act, "apply"))
Con_Printf("Applying package changes\n");
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
if (qrenderer != QR_NONE)
else if (Cmd_ExecLevel == RESTRICT_LOCAL)
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
else if (!strcmp(act, "changes"))
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
else if (!strcmp(act, "reset") || !strcmp(act, "revert"))
else if (!strcmp(act, "update"))
{ //flush package cache, make a new request.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numdownloadablelists; i++)
downloadablelist[i].received = 0;
else if (!strcmp(act, "upgrade"))
{ //auto-mark any updated packages.
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
unsigned int changes = PM_MarkUpdates();
if (changes)
Con_Printf("%u packages flagged\n", changes);
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
Con_Printf("Already using latest versions of all packages\n");
else if (!strcmp(act, "add") || !strcmp(act, "get") || !strcmp(act, "install") || !strcmp(act, "enable"))
{ //FIXME: make sure this updates.
int arg = 2;
for (arg = 2; arg < Cmd_Argc(); arg++)
const char *key = Cmd_Argv(arg);
p = PM_FindPackage(key);
if (p)
PM_MarkPackage(p, DPF_USERMARKED);
Con_Printf("%s: package %s not known\n", Cmd_Argv(0), key);
else if (!strcmp(act, "reinstall"))
{ //fixme: favour the current verson.
int arg = 2;
for (arg = 2; arg < Cmd_Argc(); arg++)
const char *key = Cmd_Argv(arg);
p = PM_FindPackage(key);
if (p)
PM_MarkPackage(p, DPF_USERMARKED);
p->flags |= DPF_PURGE;
Con_Printf("%s: package %s not known\n", Cmd_Argv(0), key);
else if (!strcmp(act, "disable") || !strcmp(act, "rem") || !strcmp(act, "remove"))
int arg = 2;
for (arg = 2; arg < Cmd_Argc(); arg++)
const char *key = Cmd_Argv(arg);
p = PM_MarkedPackage(key, DPF_MARKED);
if (!p)
p = PM_FindPackage(key);
if (p)
PM_UnmarkPackage(p, DPF_MARKED);
Con_Printf("%s: package %s not known\n", Cmd_Argv(0), key);
else if (!strcmp(act, "del") || !strcmp(act, "purge") || !strcmp(act, "delete") || !strcmp(act, "uninstall"))
int arg = 2;
for (arg = 2; arg < Cmd_Argc(); arg++)
const char *key = Cmd_Argv(arg);
p = PM_MarkedPackage(key, DPF_MARKED);
if (!p)
p = PM_FindPackage(key);
if (p)
PM_UnmarkPackage(p, DPF_MARKED);
p->flags |= DPF_PURGE;
Con_Printf("%s: package %s not known\n", Cmd_Argv(0), key);
Con_Printf("%s: Unknown action %s\nShould be one of list, show, search, upgrade, revert, add, rem, del, changes, apply, sources, addsource, remsource\n", Cmd_Argv(0), act);
qboolean PM_FindUpdatedEngine(char *syspath, size_t syspathsize)
struct packagedep_s *dep;
package_t *e = NULL, *p;
char *pfname;
//figure out what we've previously installed.
for (p = availablepackages; p; p = p->next)
if ((p->flags & DPF_ENGINE) && !(p->flags & DPF_HIDDEN) && p->fsroot == FS_ROOT)
if ((p->flags & DPF_ENABLED) && (!e || strcmp(e->version, p->version) < 0))
if (strcmp(SVNREVISIONSTR, "-") && strcmp(SVNREVISIONSTR, p->version) < 0) //package must be more recent than the current engine too, there's no point auto-updating to an older revision.
for (dep = p->deps, pfname = NULL; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype != DEP_FILE)
if (pfname)
pfname = NULL;
pfname = dep->name;
if (pfname && PM_CheckFile(pfname, p->fsroot))
if (FS_NativePath(pfname, p->fsroot, syspath, syspathsize))
e = p;
if (e)
return true;
return false;
qboolean PM_CanInstall(const char *packagename)
return false;
dpp7: Treat 'dropped' c2s packets as choked when using dpp7 protocols. This is because the protocol provides no way to disambiguate, and I don't like false reports of packetloss (only reliables loss can be detected, and that's not frequent enough to be meaningful). Pings can still be determined with dpp7, for those few packets which are acked. package manager: reworked to enable/disable plugins when downloaded, which can also be present-but-disabled. package manager: display a confirmation prompt before applying changes. do not allow other changes to be made while applying. prompt may be skipped with 'pkg apply' in dedicated servers. sv: downloads are no longer forced to lower case. sv: added sv_demoAutoCompress cvar. set to 1 to directly record to *.mvd.gz cl: properly support directly playing .mvd.gz files menus: reworked to separate mouse and keyboard focus. mouse focus becomes keyboard focus only on mouse clicks. tooltips follow mouse cursors. menus: cleaned up menu heirachy a little. now simpler. server browser: changed 'hide *' filters to 'show *' instead. I felt it was more logical. deluxmapping: changed to disabled, load, generate, like r_loadlit is. render targets api now supports negative formats to mean nearest filtering, where filtering is part of texture state. drawrotpic fixed, now batches and interacts with drawpic correctly. drawline fixed, no interacts with draw* correctly, but still does not batch. fixed saving games. provide proper userinfo to nq clients, where supported. qcc: catch string table overflows safely, giving errors instead of crashes. switch to 32bit statements if some over-sized function requires it. qtv: some bigcoords support tweaks git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5073 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-03-21 05:27:07 +00:00
void PM_EnumeratePlugins(void (*callback)(const char *name))
void PM_ManifestPackage(const char *metaname, int security)
int PM_IsApplying(qboolean listsonly)
return false;
qboolean PM_FindUpdatedEngine(char *syspath, size_t syspathsize)
return false;
typedef struct {
menucustom_t *list;
char intermediatefilename[MAX_QPATH];
char pathprefix[MAX_QPATH];
int downloadablessequence;
char titletext[128];
qboolean populated;
} dlmenu_t;
static void MD_Draw (int x, int y, struct menucustom_s *c, struct emenu_s *m)
package_t *p;
char *n;
if (c->dint != downloadablessequence)
return; //probably stale
p = c->dptr;
if (p)
if (p->alternative && (p->flags & DPF_HIDDEN))
p = p->alternative;
if (p->download)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, va("%i%%", (int)p->download->qdownload.percent), 48, 2, false);
else if (p->trymirrors)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "PND", 48, 2, false);
if (p->flags & DPF_USERMARKED)
if (!(p->flags & DPF_ENABLED))
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "GET", 48, 2, false);
else if (p->flags & (DPF_PRESENT))
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "USE", 48, 2, false);
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "GET", 48, 2, false);
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "GET", 48, 2, false); //purge and reinstall.
else if (p->flags & DPF_CORRUPT)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "?""?""?", 48, 2, false);
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^Ue080^Ue082", 48, 2, false);
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^Ue083", 48, 2, false);
else if (p->flags & DPF_MARKED)
if (!(p->flags & DPF_ENABLED))
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^hGET", 48, 2, false);
else if (p->flags & (DPF_PRESENT))
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^hUSE", 48, 2, false);
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^hGET", 48, 2, false);
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^hGET", 48, 2, false); //purge and reinstall.
else if (p->flags & DPF_CORRUPT)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "?""?""?", 48, 2, false);
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^Ue080^Ue082", 48, 2, false);
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^Ue083", 48, 2, false);
if (!(p->flags & DPF_ENABLED))
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "DEL", 48, 2, false); //purge
else if (p->flags & DPF_HIDDEN)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "---", 48, 2, false);
else if (p->flags & DPF_CORRUPT)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "!!!", 48, 2, false);
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^Ue080^Ue082", 48, 2, false);
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^Ue081", 48, 2, false);
if (p->flags & DPF_PRESENT)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "-", 48, 2, false);
if ((p->flags & DPF_PURGE) || PM_PurgeOnDisable(p))
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "DEL", 48, 2, false);
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "REM", 48, 2, false);
n = p->title;
if (p->flags & DPF_DISPLAYVERSION)
n = va("%s (%s)", n, *p->version?p->version:"unversioned");
if (p->flags & DPF_TESTING) //hide testing updates
n = va("^h%s", n);
if (!PM_CheckPackageFeatures(p))
Draw_FunStringWidth(0, y, "!", x+8, true, true);
// continue;
// if (&m->selecteditem->common == &c->common)
// Draw_AltFunString (x+48, y, n);
// else
Draw_FunString(x+48, y, n);
static qboolean MD_Key (struct menucustom_s *c, struct emenu_s *m, int key, unsigned int unicode)
extern qboolean keydown[];
qboolean ctrl = keydown[K_LCTRL] || keydown[K_RCTRL];
package_t *p, *p2;
struct packagedep_s *dep, *dep2;
if (c->dint != downloadablessequence)
return false; //probably stale
p = c->dptr;
if (key == 'c' && ctrl)
Sys_SaveClipboard(CBT_CLIPBOARD, p->website);
else if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_GP_START || key == K_MOUSE1)
if (p->alternative && (p->flags & DPF_HIDDEN))
p = p->alternative;
if (p->flags & DPF_ENABLED)
switch (p->flags & (DPF_PURGE|DPF_MARKED))
PM_UnmarkPackage(p, DPF_MARKED); //deactivate it
case 0:
p->flags |= DPF_PURGE; //purge
if (!PM_PurgeOnDisable(p))
//fall through
PM_MarkPackage(p, DPF_USERMARKED); //reinstall
// if (!(p->flags & DPF_HIDDEN) && !(p->flags & DPF_CACHED))
// break;
//fall through
p->flags &= ~DPF_PURGE; //back to no-change
switch (p->flags & (DPF_PURGE|DPF_MARKED))
case 0:
PM_MarkPackage(p, DPF_USERMARKED);
//now: try to install
p->flags |= DPF_USERMARKED;
p->flags |= DPF_PURGE;
//now: re-get despite already having it.
added r_meshpitch cvar that allows for fixing the unfixable mesh pitch bug from vanilla... needs a better name... do note that this will break pretty much any mod, so this is really only for TCs designed to use it. Its likely that I missed places. nqsv: added support for spectators with nq clients. the angles are a bit rough, but hey. need to do something about frags so nq clients know who's a spectator. use 'cmd observe' to get an nq client to spectate on an fte server (then attack/jump behave the same as in qw clients). nqsv: rewrote EF_MUZZLEFLASH handling, so svc_muzzleflash is now translated properly to EF_MUZZLEFLASH, and vice versa. No more missing muzzleflashes! added screenshot_cubemap, so you can actually pre-generate cubemaps with fte (which can be used for reflections or whatever). misc fixes (server crash, a couple of other less important ones). external files based on a model's name will now obey r_replacemodels properly, instead of needing to use foo.mdl_0.skin for foo.md3. identify <playernum> should now use the correct masked ip, instead of abrubtly failing (reported by kt) vid_toggle console command should now obey vid_width and vid_height when switching to fullscreen, but only if vid_fullscreen is actually set, which should make it seem better behaved (reported by kt). qcc: cleaned up sym->symboldata[sym->ofs] to be more consistent at all stages. qcc: typedef float vec4[4]; now works to define a float array with 4 elements (however, it will be passed by-value rather than by-reference). qcc: cleaned up optional vs __out ordering issues. qccgui: shift+f3 searches backwards git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5064 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-02-27 09:34:35 +00:00
if ((p->flags & DPF_CORRUPT) || ((p->flags & DPF_PRESENT) && !PM_PurgeOnDisable(p)))
break; //only makes sense if we already have a cached copy that we're not going to use.
PM_UnmarkPackage(p, DPF_MARKED);
//now: delete
added r_meshpitch cvar that allows for fixing the unfixable mesh pitch bug from vanilla... needs a better name... do note that this will break pretty much any mod, so this is really only for TCs designed to use it. Its likely that I missed places. nqsv: added support for spectators with nq clients. the angles are a bit rough, but hey. need to do something about frags so nq clients know who's a spectator. use 'cmd observe' to get an nq client to spectate on an fte server (then attack/jump behave the same as in qw clients). nqsv: rewrote EF_MUZZLEFLASH handling, so svc_muzzleflash is now translated properly to EF_MUZZLEFLASH, and vice versa. No more missing muzzleflashes! added screenshot_cubemap, so you can actually pre-generate cubemaps with fte (which can be used for reflections or whatever). misc fixes (server crash, a couple of other less important ones). external files based on a model's name will now obey r_replacemodels properly, instead of needing to use foo.mdl_0.skin for foo.md3. identify <playernum> should now use the correct masked ip, instead of abrubtly failing (reported by kt) vid_toggle console command should now obey vid_width and vid_height when switching to fullscreen, but only if vid_fullscreen is actually set, which should make it seem better behaved (reported by kt). qcc: cleaned up sym->symboldata[sym->ofs] to be more consistent at all stages. qcc: typedef float vec4[4]; now works to define a float array with 4 elements (however, it will be passed by-value rather than by-reference). qcc: cleaned up optional vs __out ordering issues. qccgui: shift+f3 searches backwards git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5064 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-02-27 09:34:35 +00:00
if ((p->flags & DPF_CORRUPT) || ((p->flags & DPF_PRESENT) && !PM_PurgeOnDisable(p)))
break; //only makes sense if we have a cached/corrupt copy of it already
p->flags &= ~DPF_PURGE;
//now: no change
if (p->flags&DPF_MARKED)
//any other packages that conflict should be flagged for uninstall now that this one will replace it.
for (p2 = availablepackages; p2; p2 = p2->next)
if (p == p2)
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype != DEP_FILE)
for (dep2 = p2->deps; dep2; dep2 = dep2->next)
if (dep2->dtype != DEP_FILE)
if (!strcmp(dep->name, dep2->name))
PM_UnmarkPackage(p2, DPF_MARKED);
p->trymirrors = 0;
return true;
return false;
static void MD_AutoUpdate_Draw (int x, int y, struct menucustom_s *c, struct emenu_s *m)
char *settings[] =
"Stable Updates",
"Test Updates"
char *text;
int setting = bound(0, pkg_autoupdate.ival, 2);
text = va("Auto Update: ^a%s", settings[setting]);
// if (&m->selecteditem->common == &c->common)
// Draw_AltFunString (x, y, text);
// else
Draw_FunString (x, y, text);
static qboolean MD_AutoUpdate_Key (struct menucustom_s *c, struct emenu_s *m, int key, unsigned int unicode)
if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_GP_START || key == K_MOUSE1)
char nv[8] = "0";
if (pkg_autoupdate.ival < UPD_TESTING && pkg_autoupdate.ival >= 0)
Q_snprintfz(nv, sizeof(nv), "%i", pkg_autoupdate.ival+1);
Cvar_ForceSet(&pkg_autoupdate, nv);
PM_UpdatePackageList(true, 0);
return false;
static qboolean MD_MarkUpdatesButton (union menuoption_s *mo,struct emenu_s *m,int key)
if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_GP_START || key == K_MOUSE1)
return true;
return false;
qboolean MD_PopMenu (union menuoption_s *mo,struct emenu_s *m,int key)
if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_GP_START || key == K_MOUSE1)
return true;
return false;
static qboolean MD_ApplyDownloads (union menuoption_s *mo,struct emenu_s *m,int key)
if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_GP_START || key == K_MOUSE1)
return true;
return false;
static qboolean MD_RevertUpdates (union menuoption_s *mo,struct emenu_s *m,int key)
if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_GP_START || key == K_MOUSE1)
return true;
return false;
static int MD_AddItemsToDownloadMenu(emenu_t *m, int y, const char *pathprefix)
char path[MAX_QPATH];
package_t *p;
menucustom_t *c;
char *slash;
menuoption_t *mo;
int prefixlen = strlen(pathprefix);
struct packagedep_s *dep;
//add all packages in this dir
for (p = availablepackages; p; p = p->next)
if (strncmp(p->category, pathprefix, prefixlen))
if ((p->flags & DPF_HIDDEN) && (p->arch || !(p->flags & DPF_ENABLED)))
slash = strchr(p->category+prefixlen, '/');
if (!slash)
char *desc;
if (p->author || p->license || p->website)
desc = va("^aauthor: ^a%s\n^alicense: ^a%s\n^awebsite: ^a%s\n%s", p->author?p->author:"^hUnknown^h", p->license?p->license:"^hUnknown^h", p->website?p->website:"^hUnknown^h", p->description);
desc = p->description;
for (dep = p->deps; dep; dep = dep->next)
if (dep->dtype == DEP_NEEDFEATURE)
const char *featname, *enablecmd;
if (!PM_CheckFeature(dep->name, &featname, &enablecmd))
if (enablecmd)
desc = va("^aDisabled: ^a%s\n%s", featname, desc);
desc = va("^aUnavailable: ^a%s\n%s", featname, desc);
c = MC_AddCustom(m, 0, y, p, downloadablessequence, desc);
c->draw = MD_Draw;
c->key = MD_Key;
c->common.width = 320-16;
c->common.height = 8;
y += 8;
if (!m->selecteditem)
m->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*)c;
//and then try to add any subdirs...
for (p = availablepackages; p; p = p->next)
if (strncmp(p->category, pathprefix, prefixlen))
if ((p->flags & DPF_HIDDEN) && (p->arch || !(p->flags & DPF_ENABLED)))
slash = strchr(p->category+prefixlen, '/');
if (slash)
Q_strncpyz(path, p->category, MAX_QPATH);
slash = strchr(path+prefixlen, '/');
if (slash)
*slash = '\0';
for (mo = m->options; mo; mo = mo->common.next)
if (mo->common.type == mt_text/*mt_button*/)
if (!strcmp(mo->button.text, path + prefixlen))
if (!mo)
y += 8;
MC_AddBufferedText(m, 48, 320, y, path+prefixlen, false, true);
y += 8;
Q_strncatz(path, "/", sizeof(path));
y = MD_AddItemsToDownloadMenu(m, y, path);
return y;
#include "shader.h"
static void MD_Download_UpdateStatus(struct emenu_s *m)
dlmenu_t *info = m->data;
int i, y;
package_t *p;
unsigned int totalpackages=0, selectedpackages=0, addpackages=0, rempackages=0;
menuoption_t *si;
menubutton_t *b, *d;
unsigned int downloads=0;
menucustom_t *c;
if (info->downloadablessequence != downloadablessequence || !info->populated)
menuoption_t *op = m->options;
m->options = op->common.next;
if (op->common.iszone)
m->cursoritem = m->selecteditem = NULL;
info->downloadablessequence = downloadablessequence;
info->populated = false;
MC_AddWhiteText(m, 24, 320, 8, "Downloads", false)->text = info->titletext;
MC_AddWhiteText(m, 16, 320, 24, "^Ue01d^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01f", false);
//FIXME: should probably reselect the previous selected item. lets just assume everyone uses a mouse...
for (p = availablepackages; p; p = p->next)
if (p->alternative && (p->flags & DPF_HIDDEN))
p = p->alternative;
if (p->download || p->trymirrors)
downloads++; //downloading or pending
if (p->flags & DPF_MARKED)
if (p->flags & DPF_ENABLED)
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
rempackages++; //adding, but also deleting. how weird is that!
if (p->flags & DPF_ENABLED)
if (p->flags & DPF_PURGE)
//show status.
if (cls.download)
{ //we can actually download more than one thing at a time, but that makes the UI messy, so only show one active download here.
if (cls.download->sizeunknown && cls.download->size == 0)
Q_snprintfz(info->titletext, sizeof(info->titletext), "Downloads (%ukbps - %s)", CL_DownloadRate()/1000, cls.download->localname);
Q_snprintfz(info->titletext, sizeof(info->titletext), "Downloads (%u%% %ukbps - %s)", (int)cls.download->percent, CL_DownloadRate()/1000, cls.download->localname);
else if (!addpackages && !rempackages)
Q_snprintfz(info->titletext, sizeof(info->titletext), "Downloads (%i of %i)", selectedpackages, totalpackages);
Q_snprintfz(info->titletext, sizeof(info->titletext), "Downloads (+%u -%u)", addpackages, rempackages);
if (!info->populated)
for (i = 0; i < numdownloadablelists; i++)
if (!downloadablelist[i].received)
Draw_FunStringWidth(0, vid.height - 8, "Querying for package list", vid.width, 2, false);
info->populated = true;
MC_AddFrameStart(m, 48);
y = 48;
b = MC_AddCommand(m, 48, 170, y, "Apply", MD_ApplyDownloads);
b->rightalign = false;
b->common.tooltip = "Enable/Disable/Download/Delete packages to match any changes made (you will be prompted with a list of the changes that will be made).";
d = b = MC_AddCommand(m, 48, 170, y, "Back", MD_PopMenu);
b->rightalign = false;
b = MC_AddCommand(m, 48, 170, y, "Mark Updates", MD_MarkUpdatesButton);
b->rightalign = false;
b->common.tooltip = "Select any updated versions of packages that are already installed.";
b = MC_AddCommand(m, 48, 170, y, "Revert Updates", MD_RevertUpdates);
b->rightalign = false;
b->common.tooltip = "Reset selection to only those packages that are currently installed.";
c = MC_AddCustom(m, 48, y, p, 0, NULL);
c->draw = MD_AutoUpdate_Draw;
c->key = MD_AutoUpdate_Key;
c->common.width = 320;
c->common.height = 8;
y += 8;
y+=4; //small gap
MD_AddItemsToDownloadMenu(m, y, info->pathprefix);
if (!m->selecteditem)
m->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*)d;
m->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(m, 40, 0, m->selecteditem->common.posy, NULL, false);
MC_AddFrameEnd(m, 48);
si = m->mouseitem;
if (!si)
si = m->selecteditem;
if (si && si->common.type == mt_custom && si->custom.dptr)
package_t *p = si->custom.dptr;
if (p->previewimage)
shader_t *sh = R_RegisterPic(p->previewimage, NULL);
if (R_GetShaderSizes(sh, NULL, NULL, false) > 0)
R2D_Image(0, 0, vid.width, vid.height, 0, 0, 1, 1, sh);
void Menu_DownloadStuff_f (void)
emenu_t *menu;
dlmenu_t *info;
menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(dlmenu_t));
info = menu->data;
menu->menu.persist = true;
menu->predraw = MD_Download_UpdateStatus;
info->downloadablessequence = downloadablessequence;
Q_strncpyz(info->pathprefix, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(info->pathprefix));
if (!*info->pathprefix || !loadedinstalled)
PM_UpdatePackageList(false, true);
info->populated = false; //will add any headers as needed
//should only be called AFTER the filesystem etc is inited.
void Menu_Download_Update(void)
if (!pkg_autoupdate.ival)
PM_UpdatePackageList(true, 2);
void Menu_Download_Update(void)
PM_UpdatePackageList(true, 2);
void Menu_DownloadStuff_f (void)
Con_Printf("Download menu not implemented in this build\n");