2020-02-11 18:06:10 +00:00
# if !defined(GLQUAKE) && !defined(FTEENGINE)
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
# define GLQUAKE //this is shit, but ensures index sizes come out the right size
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
# endif
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
# ifdef IQMTOOL
# define FTEPLUGIN
# endif
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
# include "../plugin.h"
# include "com_mesh.h"
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
# ifdef IQMTOOL
# define Con_Printf printf
# define Con_DPrintf printf
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
# define CON_WARNING
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
# endif
2019-05-10 09:31:21 +00:00
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-05-10 09:31:21 +00:00
# endif
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
materials :
material names ( when present ) are assumed to be either globally unique , or the material attributes must match those of all other materials with the same name .
texture modes ( like clamp ) must match on both axis ( either both clamp or both wrap , no mixing )
mirrored - repeat not supported
mip - mag - mip filters must match ( all linear , or all nearest )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
gltf1 : techniques are disabled by default .
gltf1 : symbol names are linked via defines . this results in potential conflicts .
gltf1 : static uniforms are not set .
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
animations :
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
input framerates are not well - defined . this can result in issues when converting to other formats ( especially with stepping anims ) . this does not necessarily affect directly - loaded animations .
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
total nodes ( + joints ) must be < MAX_BONES , and ideally < MAX_GPU_BONES too but it is sufficient for that to be per - mesh .
meshes :
multiple texture coord sets are not supported .
additional colours / weights attributes are not supported .
multiple meshes with the same material will not be merged .
scene :
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
cameras are parsed , but are not necessarily useful as they are not exposed to the gamecode .
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
extensions :
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
no KHR_draco_mesh_compression , so many sample models will fail .
unknown extensions will result in warning spam for each occurence . : (
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
//'The units for all linear distances are meters.'
//'feh: 1 metre is approx. 26.24671916 qu.'
//if the player is 1.6m tall, and the player's model is around 48qu, then 1m=30qu, which is a slightly nicer number to work with, and 1qu is a really poorly defined unit.
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-02-12 12:15:56 +00:00
static plugmodfuncs_t * modfuncs ;
static plugfsfuncs_t * filefuncs ;
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
static cvar_t * mod_gltf_loop ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static cvar_t * mod_gltf_scale ;
static cvar_t * mod_gltf_fixbuggyanims ;
static cvar_t * mod_gltf_privatematerials ;
static cvar_t * mod_gltf_ignoretechniques ;
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
static cvar_t * mod_gltf_standardorientation ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
# include <stdarg.h>
void VARGS Q_snprintfcat ( char * dest , size_t size , const char * fmt , . . . )
va_list argptr ;
size_t skip = strlen ( dest ) ;
dest + = skip ;
size - = skip ;
va_start ( argptr , fmt ) ;
vsnprintf ( dest , size , fmt , argptr ) ;
va_end ( argptr ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
static void JSON_GetPath ( json_t * t , qboolean ignoreroot , char * buffer , size_t buffersize )
if ( t - > parent & & ( t - > parent - > parent | | ! ignoreroot ) )
JSON_GetPath ( t - > parent , ignoreroot , buffer , buffersize ) ;
Q_strlcat ( buffer , " . " , buffersize ) ;
Q_strlcat ( buffer , t - > name , buffersize ) ;
static void JSON_WarnUnused ( json_t * t , int * warnlimit )
if ( ! t )
return ;
if ( t - > used )
for ( t = t - > child ; t ; t = t - > sibling )
JSON_WarnUnused ( t , warnlimit ) ;
char path [ 8192 ] ;
* path = 0 ;
JSON_GetPath ( t , false , path , sizeof ( path ) ) ;
if ( ( * warnlimit ) - - > 0 )
Con_DPrintf ( CON_WARNING " GLTF property %s was not used \n " , path ) ;
static void JSON_FlagAsUsed ( json_t * t , const char * child )
if ( child )
t = JSON_FindChild ( t , child ) ;
if ( ! t )
return ;
t - > used = true ;
for ( t = t - > child ; t ; t = t - > sibling )
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( t , NULL ) ;
static void JSON_WarnIfChild ( json_t * t , const char * child , int * warnlimit )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
t = JSON_FindChild ( t , child ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( t )
char path [ 8192 ] ;
* path = 0 ;
JSON_GetPath ( t , false , path , sizeof ( path ) ) ;
if ( ( * warnlimit ) - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " Standard feature %s is not supported \n " , path ) ;
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( t , NULL ) ;
static unsigned int FromBase64 ( char c )
if ( c > = ' A ' & & c < = ' Z ' )
return 0 + ( c - ' A ' ) ;
if ( c > = ' a ' & & c < = ' z ' )
return 26 + ( c - ' a ' ) ;
if ( c > = ' 0 ' & & c < = ' 9 ' )
return 52 + ( c - ' 0 ' ) ;
if ( c = = ' + ' )
return 62 ;
if ( c = = ' / ' )
return 63 ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
return 64 ; //'=' for no-more/padding.
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-01-20 18:36:45 +00:00
//fancy parsing of content. NOTE: doesn't bother to handle escape codes, which shouldn't be present (\u for ascii chars is horribly wasteful).
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
static void * JSON_MallocDataURI ( json_t * t , size_t * outlen )
size_t bl = t - > bodyend - t - > bodystart ;
if ( bl > = 5 & & ! strncmp ( t - > bodystart , " data: " , 5 ) )
const char * mimestart = t - > bodystart + 5 ;
const char * mimeend ;
const char * encstart ;
const char * encend ;
const char * in ;
char * out , * r ;
for ( mimeend = mimestart ; * mimeend & & mimeend < t - > bodyend ; mimeend + + )
if ( * mimeend = = ' ; ' ) //start of encoding
break ;
if ( * mimeend = = ' , ' ) //start of data
break ;
if ( * mimeend = = ' ; ' )
for ( encend = encstart = mimeend + 1 ; * encend & & encend < t - > bodyend ; encend + + )
if ( * encend = = ' , ' ) //start of data
break ;
encstart = encend = mimeend ;
if ( * encend = = ' , ' & & encend < t - > bodyend )
in = encend + 1 ;
if ( encend - encstart = = 6 & & ! strncmp ( encstart , " base64 " , 6 ) )
r = out = malloc ( ( ( t - > bodyend - in ) * 3 ) / 4 + 1 ) ;
while ( in + 3 < t - > bodyend )
unsigned int c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 ;
c1 = FromBase64 ( * in + + ) ;
c2 = FromBase64 ( * in + + ) ;
if ( c1 > = 64 | | c2 > = 64 )
break ;
* out + + = ( c1 < < 2 ) | ( c2 > > 4 ) ;
c3 = FromBase64 ( * in + + ) ;
if ( c3 > = 64 )
break ;
* out + + = ( c2 < < 4 ) | ( c3 > > 2 ) ;
c4 = FromBase64 ( * in + + ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( c4 > = 64 )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
break ;
* out + + = ( c3 < < 6 ) | ( c4 > > 0 ) ;
* outlen = out - r ;
* out = 0 ;
return r ;
else if ( encend = = encstart )
{ //url encoding. yuck, sod off.
return NULL ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
//glTF 1.0 and 2.0 differ in that 1 uses names and 2 uses indexes. There's also some significant differences with materials.
//we only support 2.0
//buffers are raw blobs that can come from multiple different sources
struct gltf_buffer
qboolean loaded ;
qboolean malloced ;
void * data ;
size_t length ;
} ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
struct galiasbone_gltf_s
{ //stored in galiasinfo_t->ctx
double rmatrix [ 16 ] ; //gah
double quat [ 4 ] , scale [ 3 ] , trans [ 3 ] ; //annoying smeg
} ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
typedef struct gltf_s
struct model_s * mod ;
unsigned int numsurfaces ;
json_t * r ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
int ver ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
unsigned int variations ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
int * bonemap ; //[MAX_BONES]; //remap skinned bones. I hate that we have to do this.
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
struct gltfbone_s
2022-02-19 20:48:40 +00:00
char name [ 64 ] ;
char jointname [ 64 ] ; //gltf1 only
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
int parent ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
int camera ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
double amatrix [ 16 ] ;
double inverse [ 16 ] ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
struct galiasbone_gltf_s rel ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
struct {
struct gltf_accessor * input ;
struct gltf_accessor * output ;
} * rot , * scale , * translation ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
} * bones ; //[MAX_BONES];
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
unsigned int numbones ;
int warnlimit ; //don't spam warnings. this is a loader, not a spammer
struct gltf_buffer buffers [ 64 ] ;
} gltf_t ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static void GLTF_FlagExtras ( json_t * node )
JSON_FindChild ( node , " extensions " ) ; //warn about child extensions, but not the extensions table itself.
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( node , " extras " ) ; //don't warn about application-specific extras
static json_t * GLTF_FindJSONIDParent ( struct gltf_s * gltf , json_t * parent , json_t * id , quintptr_t * idx )
if ( gltf - > ver = = 1 )
{ //gltf1 uses string-based names
char name [ 64 ] ;
JSON_ReadBody ( id , name , sizeof ( name ) ) ;
id = parent ;
if ( idx )
* idx = 0 ;
if ( id )
for ( id = id - > child ; id ; id = id - > sibling )
if ( ! strcmp ( id - > name , name ) )
id - > used = true ;
return id ;
if ( idx )
* idx + = 1 ;
return NULL ;
{ //gltf2 uses array indexes.
quintptr_t num ;
num = id ? JSON_GetInteger ( id , NULL , - 1 ) : - 1 ;
if ( idx )
* idx = num ;
return JSON_FindIndexedChild ( parent , NULL , num ) ;
static json_t * GLTF_FindJSONID ( struct gltf_s * gltf , const char * restype , json_t * id , quintptr_t * idx )
{ //if there's no scene info, treat it as "-1"
return GLTF_FindJSONIDParent ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( gltf - > r , restype ) , id , idx ) ;
static json_t * GLTF_FindJSONID_First ( struct gltf_s * gltf , const char * restype , json_t * id , quintptr_t * idx )
{ //if there's no scene info, treat it as "0"
if ( ! id & & gltf - > ver > 1 )
return JSON_FindIndexedChild ( gltf - > r , restype , 0 ) ;
return GLTF_FindJSONIDParent ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( gltf - > r , restype ) , id , idx ) ;
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
static int dehex ( int i )
if ( i > = ' 0 ' & & i < = ' 9 ' )
return ( i - ' 0 ' ) ;
else if ( i > = ' A ' & & i < = ' F ' )
return ( i - ' A ' + 10 ) ;
else if ( i > = ' a ' & & i < = ' f ' )
return ( i - ' a ' + 10 ) ;
return - 1 ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
static void GLTF_RelativePath ( const char * base , const char * relative , char * out , size_t outsize )
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
char * out_start = out ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
size_t t ;
const char * sep ;
const char * end = base ;
if ( * relative = = ' / ' )
relative + + ;
for ( sep = end ; * sep ; sep + + )
if ( * sep = = ' / ' | | * sep = = ' \\ ' )
end = sep + 1 ;
while ( ! strncmp ( relative , " ../ " , 3 ) )
if ( end > base )
end - - ;
while ( end > base )
end - - ;
if ( * end = = ' / ' | | * end = = ' \\ ' )
relative + = 3 ;
end + + ;
break ;
break ;
outsize - - ; //for the null
t = end - base ;
if ( t > outsize )
t = outsize ;
memcpy ( out , base , t ) ;
out + = t ;
outsize - = t ;
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
for ( ; * relative & & outsize ; outsize - - )
if ( * relative = = ' % ' & & ( ( out - out_start > = 7 & & ! strncmp ( out_start , " http:// " , 7 ) ) | | ( out - out_start > = 8 & & ! strncmp ( out_start , " https:// " , 8 ) ) ) )
int high , low ;
char b = * relative + + ;
high = dehex ( relative [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( high > = 0 )
low = dehex ( relative [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( low > = 0 & & ( high | | low ) )
relative + = 2 ;
b = ( high < < 4 ) | low ;
* out + + = b ;
* out + + = * relative + + ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
* out = 0 ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static struct gltf_buffer * GLTF_GetBufferData ( gltf_t * gltf , json_t * bufferid )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
quintptr_t bufferidx ;
json_t * b = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " buffers " , bufferid , & bufferidx ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
json_t * uri = JSON_FindChild ( b , " uri " ) ;
2019-08-24 16:09:08 +00:00
size_t length = JSON_GetUInteger ( b , " byteLength " , 0 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
struct gltf_buffer * out ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( gltf - > ver < = 1 )
char body [ 64 ] ;
JSON_ReadBody ( bufferid , body , sizeof ( body ) ) ;
if ( ! strcmp ( body , " binary_glTF " ) & & ! gltf - > buffers [ 0 ] . malloced & & gltf - > buffers [ 0 ] . data )
return & gltf - > buffers [ 0 ] ;
bufferidx + + ;
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( b , " type " ) ; //default: "arraybuffer"... yeah, not relevant to anything.
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( b , " name " ) ;
GLTF_FlagExtras ( b ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( bufferidx > = countof ( gltf - > buffers ) )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
return NULL ;
out = & gltf - > buffers [ bufferidx ] ;
//we may have been through here before...
if ( out - > loaded )
return out - > data ? out : NULL ;
out - > loaded = true ;
if ( uri )
out - > malloced = true ;
out - > data = JSON_MallocDataURI ( uri , & out - > length ) ;
if ( ! out - > data )
//read a file from disk.
vfsfile_t * f ;
char uritext [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
char filename [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
JSON_ReadBody ( uri , uritext , sizeof ( uritext ) ) ;
GLTF_RelativePath ( gltf - > mod - > name , uritext , filename , sizeof ( filename ) ) ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
f = filefuncs - > OpenVFS ( filename , " rb " , FS_GAME ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( f )
out - > length = VFS_GETLEN ( f ) ;
out - > length = min ( out - > length , length ) ;
out - > data = malloc ( length ) ;
VFS_READ ( f , out - > data , length ) ;
VFS_CLOSE ( f ) ;
2019-03-01 22:39:30 +00:00
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: Unable to read buffer file %s \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , filename ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
return out - > data ? out : NULL ;
//buffer views are aka VBOs. each has its own VBO data type (vbo/ebo), and can be uploaded as-is.
struct gltf_bufferview
void * data ;
size_t length ;
int bytestride ;
} ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static qboolean GLTF_GetBufferViewData ( gltf_t * gltf , json_t * bufferviewid , struct gltf_bufferview * view )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
struct gltf_buffer * buf ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
json_t * bv = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " bufferViews " , bufferviewid , NULL ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
size_t offset ;
if ( ! bv )
return false ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
buf = GLTF_GetBufferData ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( bv , " buffer " ) ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( ! buf )
return false ;
2019-08-24 16:09:08 +00:00
offset = JSON_GetUInteger ( bv , " byteOffset " , 0 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
view - > data = ( char * ) buf - > data + offset ;
2019-08-24 16:09:08 +00:00
view - > length = JSON_GetUInteger ( bv , " byteLength " , 0 ) ; //required
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
view - > bytestride = ( gltf - > ver < = 1 ) ? 0 : JSON_GetInteger ( bv , " byteStride " , 0 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( offset + view - > length > buf - > length )
return false ;
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( bv , " target " ) ; //required, but not useful for us.
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( bv , " name " ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
GLTF_FlagExtras ( bv ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
return true ;
//accessors are basically VAs blocks that refer inside a bufferview/VBO.
struct gltf_accessor
void * data ;
size_t length ;
size_t bytestride ;
int componentType ; //5120 BYTE, 5121 UNSIGNED_BYTE, 5122 SHORT, 5123 UNSIGNED_SHORT, 5125 UNSIGNED_INT, 5126 FLOAT
qboolean normalized ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
size_t count ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
int type ; //1,2,3,4 says component count, 256|(4,9,16) for square matricies...
double mins [ 16 ] ;
double maxs [ 16 ] ;
} ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static qboolean GLTF_GetAccessor ( gltf_t * gltf , json_t * accessorid , struct gltf_accessor * out )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
struct gltf_bufferview bv ;
json_t * a , * mins , * maxs ;
size_t offset ;
int j ;
memset ( out , 0 , sizeof ( * out ) ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
a = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " accessors " , accessorid , NULL ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( ! a )
return false ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( a , " name " ) ;
if ( ! GLTF_GetBufferViewData ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( a , " bufferView " ) , & bv ) )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
return false ;
2019-08-24 16:09:08 +00:00
offset = JSON_GetUInteger ( a , " byteOffset " , 0 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( offset > bv . length )
return false ;
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
if ( JSON_FindChild ( a , " sparse " ) )
{ //0-initialised, with separate index+values tables for ones that need an actual value.
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: sparse accessors are not supported \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
return false ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
out - > length = bv . length - offset ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( gltf - > ver < = 1 )
out - > bytestride = JSON_GetInteger ( a , " byteStride " , 0 ) ;
out - > bytestride = bv . bytestride ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
out - > componentType = JSON_GetInteger ( a , " componentType " , 0 ) ;
out - > normalized = JSON_GetInteger ( a , " normalized " , false ) ;
out - > count = JSON_GetInteger ( a , " count " , 0 ) ;
if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " SCALAR " ) )
out - > type = ( 1 < < 8 ) | 1 ;
else if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " VEC2 " ) )
out - > type = ( 1 < < 8 ) | 2 ;
else if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " VEC3 " ) )
out - > type = ( 1 < < 8 ) | 3 ;
else if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " VEC4 " ) )
out - > type = ( 1 < < 8 ) | 4 ;
else if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " MAT2 " ) )
out - > type = ( 2 < < 8 ) | 2 ;
else if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " MAT3 " ) )
out - > type = ( 3 < < 8 ) | 3 ;
else if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " MAT4 " ) )
out - > type = ( 4 < < 8 ) | 4 ;
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: glTF2 unsupported type \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
out - > type = 1 ;
if ( ! out - > bytestride )
out - > bytestride = ( out - > type & 0xff ) * ( out - > type > > 8 ) ;
switch ( out - > componentType )
default :
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " GLTF_GetAccessor: %s: glTF2 unsupported componentType (%i) \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , out - > componentType ) ;
case 5120 : //BYTE
case 5121 : //UNSIGNED_BYTE
break ;
case 5122 : //SHORT
case 5123 : //UNSIGNED_SHORT
out - > bytestride * = 2 ;
break ;
case 5125 : //UNSIGNED_INT
case 5126 : //FLOAT
out - > bytestride * = 4 ;
break ;
mins = JSON_FindChild ( a , " min " ) ;
maxs = JSON_FindChild ( a , " max " ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < ( out - > type > > 8 ) * ( out - > type & 0xff ) ; j + + )
{ //'must' be set in various situations.
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
out - > mins [ j ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( mins , j , 0 ) ;
out - > maxs [ j ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( maxs , j , 0 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
// JSON_WarnIfChild(a, "name");
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
GLTF_FlagExtras ( a ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
out - > data = ( char * ) bv . data + offset ;
return true ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static void GLTF_AccessorToTangents ( gltf_t * gltf , const vec3_t * norm , size_t outverts , const struct gltf_accessor * a , vec3_t * sdir , vec3_t * tdir )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
{ //input MUST be a single float4
//output is two vec3s. wasteful perhaps.
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
vec3_t * os = sdir ;
vec3_t * ot = tdir ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
char * in = a - > data ;
size_t v , c ;
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
float side ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( ( a - > type & 0xff ) ! = 4 )
return ;
switch ( a - > componentType )
default :
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " GLTF_AccessorToTangents: %s: glTF2 unsupported componentType (%i) \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , a - > componentType ) ;
case 0 :
memset ( os , 0 , sizeof ( * os ) * outverts ) ;
memset ( ot , 0 , sizeof ( * ot ) * outverts ) ;
break ;
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
case 5120 : //BYTE KHR_mesh_quantization (always normalized)
for ( v = 0 ; v < outverts ; v + + )
for ( c = 0 ; c < 3 ; c + + )
os [ v ] [ c ] = max ( - 1.0 , ( ( signed char * ) in ) [ c ] / 127.0 ) ; //negative values are larger, but we want to allow 1.0
side = max ( - 1.0 , ( ( signed char * ) in ) [ 3 ] / 127.0 ) ;
//bitangent = cross(normal, tangent.xyz) * tangent.w
ot [ v ] [ 0 ] = ( norm [ v ] [ 1 ] * os [ v ] [ 2 ] - norm [ v ] [ 2 ] * os [ v ] [ 1 ] ) * side ;
ot [ v ] [ 1 ] = ( norm [ v ] [ 2 ] * os [ v ] [ 0 ] - norm [ v ] [ 0 ] * os [ v ] [ 2 ] ) * side ;
ot [ v ] [ 2 ] = ( norm [ v ] [ 0 ] * os [ v ] [ 1 ] - norm [ v ] [ 1 ] * os [ v ] [ 0 ] ) * side ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
break ;
// case 5121: //UNSIGNED_BYTE
case 5122 : //SHORT KHR_mesh_quantization (always normalized)
for ( v = 0 ; v < outverts ; v + + )
for ( c = 0 ; c < 3 ; c + + )
os [ v ] [ c ] = max ( - 1.0 , ( ( signed short * ) in ) [ c ] / 32767.0 ) ;
side = max ( - 1.0 , ( ( signed short * ) in ) [ 3 ] / 32767.0 ) ;
//bitangent = cross(normal, tangent.xyz) * tangent.w
ot [ v ] [ 0 ] = ( norm [ v ] [ 1 ] * os [ v ] [ 2 ] - norm [ v ] [ 2 ] * os [ v ] [ 1 ] ) * side ;
ot [ v ] [ 1 ] = ( norm [ v ] [ 2 ] * os [ v ] [ 0 ] - norm [ v ] [ 0 ] * os [ v ] [ 2 ] ) * side ;
ot [ v ] [ 2 ] = ( norm [ v ] [ 0 ] * os [ v ] [ 1 ] - norm [ v ] [ 1 ] * os [ v ] [ 0 ] ) * side ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
break ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
// case 5123: //UNSIGNED_SHORT
// case 5125: //UNSIGNED_INT
case 5126 : //FLOAT
for ( v = 0 ; v < outverts ; v + + )
for ( c = 0 ; c < 3 ; c + + )
os [ v ] [ c ] = ( ( float * ) in ) [ c ] ;
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
side = ( ( float * ) in ) [ 3 ] ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
//bitangent = cross(normal, tangent.xyz) * tangent.w
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
ot [ v ] [ 0 ] = ( norm [ v ] [ 1 ] * os [ v ] [ 2 ] - norm [ v ] [ 2 ] * os [ v ] [ 1 ] ) * side ;
ot [ v ] [ 1 ] = ( norm [ v ] [ 2 ] * os [ v ] [ 0 ] - norm [ v ] [ 0 ] * os [ v ] [ 2 ] ) * side ;
ot [ v ] [ 2 ] = ( norm [ v ] [ 0 ] * os [ v ] [ 1 ] - norm [ v ] [ 1 ] * os [ v ] [ 0 ] ) * side ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
in + = a - > bytestride ;
break ;
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static void * GLTF_AccessorToDataF ( gltf_t * gltf , size_t outverts , unsigned int outcomponents , const struct gltf_accessor * a , void * out )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
float * ret = out , * o ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
char * in = a - > data ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
size_t c , ic = a - > type & 0xff ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( ic > outcomponents )
ic = outcomponents ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( ! ret )
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
ret = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & gltf - > mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * ret ) * outcomponents * outverts ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
o = ret ;
switch ( a - > componentType )
default :
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " GLTF_AccessorToDataF: %s: glTF2 unsupported componentType (%i) \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , a - > componentType ) ;
case 0 :
memset ( ret , 0 , sizeof ( * ret ) * outcomponents * outverts ) ;
break ;
case 5120 : //BYTE
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
if ( ! a - > normalized )
{ //KHR_mesh_quantization
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = ( ( signed char * ) in ) [ c ] ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = max ( - 1.0 , ( ( signed char * ) in ) [ c ] / 127.0 ) ; //negative values are larger, but we want to allow 1.0
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
break ;
case 5121 : //UNSIGNED_BYTE
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
if ( ! a - > normalized )
{ //KHR_mesh_quantization
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = ( ( unsigned char * ) in ) [ c ] ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = ( ( unsigned char * ) in ) [ c ] / 255.0 ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
break ;
case 5122 : //SHORT
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
if ( ! a - > normalized )
{ //KHR_mesh_quantization
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = ( ( signed short * ) in ) [ c ] ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = max ( - 1.0 , ( ( signed short * ) in ) [ c ] / 32767.0 ) ; //negative values are larger, but we want to allow 1.0
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
break ;
case 5123 : //UNSIGNED_SHORT
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
if ( ! a - > normalized )
{ //KHR_mesh_quantization
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = ( ( unsigned short * ) in ) [ c ] ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = ( ( unsigned short * ) in ) [ c ] / 65535.0 ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
break ;
case 5125 : //UNSIGNED_INT
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
if ( ! a - > normalized )
{ //?!?!?!?!
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = ( ( unsigned int * ) in ) [ c ] ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = ( ( unsigned int * ) in ) [ c ] / ( double ) ~ 0u ; //stupid format to use. will be lossy.
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
break ;
case 5126 : //FLOAT
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = ( ( float * ) in ) [ c ] ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
break ;
return ret ;
static void * GLTF_AccessorToDataUB ( gltf_t * gltf , size_t outverts , unsigned int outcomponents , struct gltf_accessor * a )
{ //only used for colour, with fallback to float, so only UNSIGNED_BYTE needs to work.
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
unsigned char * ret = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & gltf - > mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * ret ) * outcomponents * outverts ) , * o ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
char * in = a - > data ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
size_t c , ic = a - > type & 0xff ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( ic > outcomponents )
ic = outcomponents ;
o = ret ;
switch ( a - > componentType )
default :
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " GLTF_AccessorToDataUB: %s: glTF2 unsupported componentType (%i) \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , a - > componentType ) ;
case 0 :
memset ( ret , 0 , sizeof ( * ret ) * outcomponents * outverts ) ;
break ;
// case 5120: //BYTE
case 5121 : //UNSIGNED_BYTE
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = ( ( unsigned char * ) in ) [ c ] ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
break ;
// case 5122: //SHORT
// case 5123: //UNSIGNED_SHORT
// case 5125: //UNSIGNED_INT
/* case 5126: //FLOAT
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
o [ c ] = ( ( float * ) in ) [ c ] ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = 0 ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
break ; */
return ret ;
static void * GLTF_AccessorToDataBone ( gltf_t * gltf , size_t outverts , struct gltf_accessor * a )
{ //input should only be ubytes||ushorts.
const unsigned int outcomponents = 4 ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
boneidx_t * ret = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & gltf - > mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * ret ) * outcomponents * outverts ) , * o ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
char * in = a - > data ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
size_t c , ic = a - > type & 0xff ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( ic > outcomponents )
ic = outcomponents ;
o = ret ;
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
if ( a - > normalized )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " GLTF_AccessorToDataBone: %s: normalised input \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
switch ( a - > componentType )
default :
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " GLTF_AccessorToDataBone: %s: glTF2 unsupported componentType (%i) \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , a - > componentType ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
case 0 :
memset ( ret , 0 , sizeof ( * ret ) * outcomponents * outverts ) ;
break ;
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
case 5120 : //BYTE - should not be negative, so ignore sign bit
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
case 5121 : //UNSIGNED_BYTE
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
unsigned char v ;
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
v = ( ( unsigned char * ) in ) [ c ] ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( ( unsigned int ) v > = MAX_BONES )
v = 0 ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
o [ c ] = gltf - > bonemap [ v ] ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = gltf - > bonemap [ 0 ] ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
break ;
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
case 5122 : //SHORT - should not be negative, so ignore sign bit
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
case 5123 : //UNSIGNED_SHORT
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
unsigned short v ;
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
v = ( ( unsigned short * ) in ) [ c ] ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( v > = MAX_BONES )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
v = 0 ;
o [ c ] = gltf - > bonemap [ v ] ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = gltf - > bonemap [ 0 ] ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
break ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
//the spec doesn't require these.
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
case 5125 : //UNSIGNED_INT
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
unsigned int v ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
v = ( ( unsigned short * ) in ) [ c ] ;
if ( v > = MAX_BONES )
v = 0 ;
o [ c ] = gltf - > bonemap [ v ] ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
o [ c ] = gltf - > bonemap [ 0 ] ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
break ;
case 5126 : //FLOAT. for bone indexes. wtf?
while ( outverts - - > 0 )
unsigned int v ;
for ( c = 0 ; c < ic ; c + + )
v = ( ( float * ) in ) [ c ] ;
if ( v > = MAX_BONES )
v = 0 ;
o [ c ] = gltf - > bonemap [ v ] ;
for ( ; c < outcomponents ; c + + )
o [ c ] = gltf - > bonemap [ 0 ] ;
o + = outcomponents ;
in + = a - > bytestride ;
break ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
return ret ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static void TransformPosArray ( vecV_t * data , size_t vcount , double matrix [ ] )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
while ( vcount - - > 0 )
vec3_t t ;
VectorCopy ( ( * data ) , t ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
( * data ) [ 0 ] = matrix [ 0 ] * t [ 0 ] + matrix [ 4 ] * t [ 1 ] + matrix [ 8 ] * t [ 2 ] + matrix [ 12 ] ;
( * data ) [ 1 ] = matrix [ 1 ] * t [ 0 ] + matrix [ 5 ] * t [ 1 ] + matrix [ 9 ] * t [ 2 ] + matrix [ 13 ] ;
( * data ) [ 2 ] = matrix [ 2 ] * t [ 0 ] + matrix [ 6 ] * t [ 1 ] + matrix [ 10 ] * t [ 2 ] + matrix [ 14 ] ;
//1 = matrix[3]*t[0] + matrix[7]*t[1] + matrix[11]*t[2] + matrix[14]; //hopefully...
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
data + + ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static void TransformDirArray ( vec3_t * data , size_t vcount , double matrix [ ] )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
vec3_t t ;
float mag ;
while ( vcount - - > 0 )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
t [ 0 ] = matrix [ 0 ] * ( * data ) [ 0 ] + matrix [ 4 ] * ( * data ) [ 1 ] + matrix [ 8 ] * ( * data ) [ 2 ] ;
t [ 1 ] = matrix [ 1 ] * ( * data ) [ 0 ] + matrix [ 5 ] * ( * data ) [ 1 ] + matrix [ 9 ] * ( * data ) [ 2 ] ;
t [ 2 ] = matrix [ 2 ] * ( * data ) [ 0 ] + matrix [ 6 ] * ( * data ) [ 1 ] + matrix [ 10 ] * ( * data ) [ 2 ] ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
//scaling is bad for axis.
mag = DotProduct ( t , t ) ;
if ( mag )
mag = 1 / sqrt ( mag ) ;
VectorScale ( t , mag , t ) ;
VectorCopy ( t , ( * data ) ) ;
data + + ;
2020-01-20 18:36:45 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static texid_t GLTF_LoadImage ( gltf_t * gltf , json_t * imageid , unsigned int flags )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
size_t size ;
texid_t ret = r_nulltex ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
json_t * image = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " images " , imageid , NULL ) ;
json_t * uri = JSON_FindChild ( image , " uri " ) ;
json_t * mimeType = JSON_FindChild ( image , " mimeType " ) ;
json_t * bufferViewid = JSON_FindChild ( image , " bufferView " ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
char uritext [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
char filename [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
void * mem ;
struct gltf_bufferview view ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( image , " name " ) ;
if ( gltf - > ver < = 1 )
json_t * binary_glTF = JSON_FindChild ( image , " extensions.KHR_binary_glTF " ) ;
if ( binary_glTF )
bufferViewid = JSON_FindChild ( binary_glTF , " bufferView " ) ;
mimeType = JSON_FindChild ( binary_glTF , " mimeType " ) ;
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( binary_glTF , " width " ) ;
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( binary_glTF , " height " ) ;
uri = NULL ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
//potentially valid mime types:
//image/vnd-ms.dds (MSFT_texture_dds)
( void ) mimeType ;
* uritext = 0 ;
if ( uri )
mem = JSON_MallocDataURI ( uri , & size ) ;
if ( mem )
JSON_GetPath ( image , false , uritext , sizeof ( uritext ) ) ;
ret = modfuncs - > GetTexture ( uritext , NULL , flags , mem , NULL , size , 0 , TF_INVALID ) ;
free ( mem ) ;
JSON_ReadBody ( uri , uritext , sizeof ( uritext ) ) ;
GLTF_RelativePath ( gltf - > mod - > name , uritext , filename , sizeof ( filename ) ) ;
ret = modfuncs - > GetTexture ( filename , NULL , flags , NULL , NULL , 0 , 0 , TF_INVALID ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
else if ( bufferViewid )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( GLTF_GetBufferViewData ( gltf , bufferViewid , & view ) )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
JSON_GetPath ( image , false , uritext , sizeof ( uritext ) ) ;
ret = modfuncs - > GetTexture ( uritext , NULL , flags , view . data , NULL , view . length , 0 , TF_INVALID ) ;
return ret ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static texid_t GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf_t * gltf , json_t * textureid , unsigned int flags )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
json_t * tex = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " textures " , textureid , NULL ) ;
json_t * sampler = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " samplers " , JSON_FindChild ( tex , " sampler " ) , NULL ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
int magFilter = JSON_GetInteger ( sampler , " magFilter " , 0 ) ;
int minFilter = JSON_GetInteger ( sampler , " minFilter " , 0 ) ;
int wrapS = JSON_GetInteger ( sampler , " wrapS " , 10497 ) ;
int wrapT = JSON_GetInteger ( sampler , " wrapT " , 10497 ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
json_t * sourceid ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( sampler , " name " ) ;
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( sampler , " extensions " ) ;
switch ( magFilter )
default :
break ;
case 9728 : //NEAREST
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
if ( minFilter ! = 9728 )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: mixed min/mag filters \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
break ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: mixed mag/mip filters \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
flags | = IF_NEAREST ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
if ( minFilter ! = 9728 )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: mixed min/mag filters \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
break ;
case 9729 : //LINEAR
if ( minFilter ! = 9729 )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: mixed min/mag filters \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
break ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: mixed mag/mip filters \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
flags | = IF_LINEAR ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
if ( minFilter ! = 9729 )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: mixed min/mag filters \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
break ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
if ( wrapS = = 10497 & & wrapT = = 10497 ) //REPEAT
else if ( wrapS = = 33071 & & wrapT = = 33071 ) //CLAMP_TO_EDGE
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
flags | = IF_CLAMP ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
else if ( wrapS = = 33648 & & wrapT = = 33648 ) //MIRRORED_REPEAT
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: MIRRORED_REPEAT wrap mode not supported \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: unsupported/mixed texture wrap modes %i,%i \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , wrapS , wrapT ) ;
if ( wrapS = = 33071 | | wrapT = = 33071 )
flags | = IF_CLAMP ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
flags | = IF_NOREPLACE ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
sourceid = JSON_FindChild ( tex , " extensions.MSFT_texture_dds.source " ) ; //load a dds instead, if one is available.
if ( ! sourceid )
sourceid = JSON_FindChild ( tex , " source " ) ; //fall back on the normal source
return GLTF_LoadImage ( gltf , sourceid , flags ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static char * GLTF1_LoadShader ( gltf_t * gltf , json_t * shaderid )
{ //reads a vertex or fragment shader blob
json_t * shader = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " shaders " , shaderid , NULL ) ;
json_t * uri = JSON_FindChild ( shader , " uri " ) ;
char * out = NULL ;
json_t * bufferviewid = JSON_FindChild ( shader , " extensions.KHR_binary_glTF.bufferView " ) ;
struct gltf_bufferview view ;
if ( bufferviewid & & GLTF_GetBufferViewData ( gltf , bufferviewid , & view ) & & view . data & & view . length )
out = malloc ( view . length + 1 ) ;
memcpy ( out , view . data , view . length ) ;
out [ view . length ] = 0 ;
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( shader , " type " ) ; //don't care
if ( uri )
size_t length ;
out = JSON_MallocDataURI ( uri , & length ) ; //try and decode data schemes...
if ( ! out )
//read a file from disk.
vfsfile_t * f ;
char uritext [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
char filename [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
JSON_ReadBody ( uri , uritext , sizeof ( uritext ) ) ;
GLTF_RelativePath ( gltf - > mod - > name , uritext , filename , sizeof ( filename ) ) ;
f = filefuncs - > OpenVFS ( filename , " rb " , FS_GAME ) ;
if ( f )
length = VFS_GETLEN ( f ) ;
length = min ( length , length ) ;
out = malloc ( length + 1 ) ;
out [ length ] = 0 ;
VFS_READ ( f , out , length ) ;
VFS_CLOSE ( f ) ;
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: Unable to read buffer file %s \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , filename ) ;
//if it starts with a precision modifier then just strip that out... gl doesn't like gles's precision modifiers and we tend to try to provide our own too, which doesn't help things.
if ( out & & ! strncmp ( out , " precision " , 10 ) )
char * le = strchr ( out , ' \n ' ) ;
if ( le + + )
memmove ( out , le , strlen ( le ) + 1 ) ;
return out ;
static qboolean GLTF1_LoadMaterial ( gltf_t * gltf , json_t * mat , texnums_t * texnums , char * shadertext , size_t shadertextsize )
json_t * technique = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " techniques " , JSON_FindChild ( mat , " technique " ) , NULL ) ;
json_t * parameters = JSON_FindChild ( technique , " parameters " ) ;
json_t * values = JSON_FindChild ( mat , " values " ) ;
json_t * common = JSON_FindChild ( mat , " extensions.KHR_materials_common " ) ;
json_t * v ;
json_t * p ;
char header [ 8192 ] ;
char samplers [ 8192 ] ;
char attributes [ 8192 ] ;
char uniforms [ 8192 ] ;
char * vertshader = NULL ;
char * fragshader = NULL ;
int type ;
char semantic [ 64 ] ;
int sampidx = 0 ;
texid_t tex ;
if ( common )
json_t * values = JSON_FindChild ( common , " values " ) ;
// char techniquebuf[64];
// const char *technique = JSON_GetString(common, "technique", techniquebuf, sizeof(techniquebuf), "");
qboolean doubleSided = JSON_GetInteger ( common , " doubleSided " , false ) ;
// qboolean transparent = JSON_GetInteger(common, "transparent", false);
// vec4_t ambient;
json_t * diffusename = JSON_FindChild ( values , " diffuse " ) ;
vec4_t diffusetint = { 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 } ;
json_t * emissionname = JSON_FindChild ( values , " emission " ) ;
vec4_t emissiontint = { 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 } ;
json_t * specularname = JSON_FindChild ( values , " emission " ) ;
vec4_t speculartint = { 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 } ;
float shininess = JSON_GetFloat ( values , " shininess " , 0 ) ;
if ( emissionname )
if ( ! emissionname - > child ) //a string, so a texture id
texnums - > fullbright = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , emissionname , IF_NOALPHA ) ;
{ //child nodes means its a vec4.
emissiontint [ 0 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( emissionname , 0 , 0 ) ;
emissiontint [ 1 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( emissionname , 1 , 0 ) ;
emissiontint [ 2 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( emissionname , 2 , 0 ) ;
emissiontint [ 3 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( emissionname , 3 , 1 ) ;
if ( emissiontint [ 0 ] | | emissiontint [ 1 ] | | emissiontint [ 2 ] )
texnums - > fullbright = modfuncs - > GetTexture ( " $whiteimage " , NULL , IF_NOMIPMAP | IF_NOPICMIP | IF_NEAREST | IF_NOGAMMA , NULL , NULL , 0 , 0 , TF_INVALID ) ;
if ( diffusename )
if ( ! diffusename - > child ) //a string, so a texture id
texnums - > base = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , diffusename , 0 ) ;
{ //child nodes means its a vec4.
texnums - > base = modfuncs - > GetTexture ( " $whiteimage " , NULL , IF_NOMIPMAP | IF_NOPICMIP | IF_NEAREST | IF_NOGAMMA , NULL , NULL , 0 , 0 , TF_INVALID ) ;
diffusetint [ 0 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( diffusename , 0 , 0 ) ;
diffusetint [ 1 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( diffusename , 1 , 0 ) ;
diffusetint [ 2 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( diffusename , 2 , 0 ) ;
diffusetint [ 3 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( diffusename , 3 , 1 ) ;
if ( specularname )
if ( ! specularname - > child ) //a string, so a texture id
texnums - > specular = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , specularname , IF_NOALPHA ) ;
{ //child nodes means its a vec4.
texnums - > specular = modfuncs - > GetTexture ( " $whiteimage " , NULL , IF_NOMIPMAP | IF_NOPICMIP | IF_NEAREST | IF_NOGAMMA , NULL , NULL , 0 , 0 , TF_INVALID ) ;
speculartint [ 0 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( specularname , 0 , 0 ) ;
speculartint [ 1 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( specularname , 1 , 0 ) ;
speculartint [ 2 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( specularname , 2 , 0 ) ;
speculartint [ 3 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( specularname , 3 , 1 ) ;
Q_snprintf ( shadertext , shadertextsize ,
" { \n "
" %s " //cull
" program defaultskin#VC%s#FTE_SPECULAR_EXPONENT=%f \n "
" { \n "
" map $diffuse \n "
" %s " //blend
" %s " //rgbgen
" } \n "
" fte_basefactor %f %f %f %f \n "
" fte_specularfactor %f %f %f %f \n "
" fte_fullbrightfactor %f %f %f %f \n "
" } \n " ,
doubleSided ? " cull disable \n " : " " ,
" " , //alphaCutoffmodifier,
shininess ,
" " , //(alphaMode==1)?"":(alphaMode==2)?"blendfunc blend\n":"",
" " , //vertexcolours?"rgbgen vertex\nalphagen vertex\n":"",
diffusetint [ 0 ] , diffusetint [ 1 ] , diffusetint [ 2 ] , diffusetint [ 3 ] ,
speculartint [ 0 ] , speculartint [ 1 ] , speculartint [ 2 ] , speculartint [ 3 ] ,
emissiontint [ 0 ] , emissiontint [ 1 ] , emissiontint [ 2 ] , emissiontint [ 3 ] ) ;
return true ;
//mat->values.diffuse tends to be quite common. make an executive descision...
texnums - > base = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( values , " diffuse " ) , 0 ) ;
if ( mod_gltf_ignoretechniques - > ival )
{ //mat->values.diffuse tends to be quite common
return false ;
if ( ! technique )
//missing technique is supposed to result in a greyscale model
Q_snprintf ( shadertext , shadertextsize ,
" { \n "
" program defaultskin \n "
" diffusemap $whiteimage \n "
" { \n "
" map $diffuse \n "
" rgbgen const 0.5 0.5 0.5 \n "
" alphagen const 1.0 \n "
" } \n "
" } \n "
) ;
return true ;
* header = 0 ;
* samplers = 0 ;
* attributes = 0 ;
* uniforms = 0 ;
//this is supposed to be glessl 100. lets try to do our best to get something compatible.
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!ver 100 120 \n " ) ;
//and reduce conflicts with fte's normal symbols.
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!explicit \n " ) ;
v = JSON_FindChild ( technique , " uniforms " ) ;
if ( v )
for ( v = v - > child ; v ; v = v - > sibling )
enum {
GLTF_BYTE = 5120 ,
GLTF_SHORT = 5122 ,
GLTF_INT = 5124 ,
GLTF_FLOAT = 5126 ,
GLTF_FLOAT_VEC2 = 35664 ,
GLTF_FLOAT_VEC3 = 35665 ,
GLTF_FLOAT_VEC4 = 35666 ,
GLTF_INT_VEC2 = 35667 ,
GLTF_INT_VEC3 = 35668 ,
GLTF_INT_VEC4 = 35669 ,
GLTF_BOOL = 35670 ,
GLTF_BOOL_VEC2 = 35671 ,
GLTF_BOOL_VEC3 = 35672 ,
GLTF_BOOL_VEC4 = 35673 ,
GLTF_FLOAT_MAT2 = 35674 ,
GLTF_FLOAT_MAT3 = 35675 ,
GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 = 35676 ,
GLTF_SAMPLER_2D = 35678 ,
} ;
v - > used = true ;
p = GLTF_FindJSONIDParent ( gltf , parameters , v , NULL ) ;
if ( 1 ! = JSON_GetInteger ( p , " count " , 1 ) )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: Unsupported parameter->count for uniform %s \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , v - > name ) ;
return false ;
if ( JSON_GetString ( p , " node " , semantic , sizeof ( semantic ) , NULL ) )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: Unsupported parameter->node for uniform %s \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , v - > name ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! JSON_GetString ( p , " semantic " , semantic , sizeof ( semantic ) , NULL ) )
* semantic = 0 ;
type = JSON_GetInteger ( p , " type " , 0 ) ;
if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " MODEL " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_model \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " VIEW " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_view \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " PROJECTION " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_projection \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " MODELVIEW " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_modelview \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " MODELVIEWPROJECTION " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_modelviewprojection \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " MODELINVERSE " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_invmodel \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " VIEWINVERSE " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_invviewprojection \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " PROJECTIONINVERSE " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_invprojection \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " MODELVIEWINVERSE " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_invmodelview \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " MODELVIEWPROJECTIONINVERSE " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_invmodelviewprojection \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " MODELINVERSETRANSPOSE " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT3 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_invmodeltranspose \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT3 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_invmodelviewtranspose \n " , v - > name ) ;
// else if (!strcasecmp(semantic, "VIEWPORT") && type == GLTF_FLOAT_VEC4)
// Q_snprintfcat(header, sizeof(header), "!!semantic %s UNSUPPORTED\n", v->name);
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " JOINTMATRIX " ) & & type = = GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!semantic %s m_bones_mat4 \n " , v - > name ) ;
// else if (!strcasecmp(semantic, "LOCAL") && type == GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4)
// Q_snprintfcat(header, sizeof(header), "!!semantic %s UNSUPPORTED\n", v->name);
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " " ) )
json_t * val = GLTF_FindJSONIDParent ( gltf , values , v , NULL ) ;
switch ( type )
Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!constt %s %i \n " , v - > name , sampidx + + ) ;
tex = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , val , 0 ) ;
Q_snprintfcat ( samplers , sizeof ( samplers ) , " { \n map %s \n } \n " , tex ? tex - > ident : " $whiteimage " ) ;
break ;
case GLTF_FLOAT : Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!const1f %s %f \n " , v - > name , JSON_GetFloat ( val , NULL , 0 ) ) ; break ;
case GLTF_FLOAT_VEC2 : Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!const2f %s %f %f \n " , v - > name , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 0 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 1 , 0 ) ) ; break ;
case GLTF_FLOAT_VEC3 : Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!const3f %s %f %f %f \n " , v - > name , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 0 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 1 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 2 , 0 ) ) ; break ;
case GLTF_FLOAT_VEC4 : Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!const4f %s %f %f %f %f \n " , v - > name , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 0 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 1 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 2 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 3 , 0 ) ) ; break ;
case GLTF_BOOL : //glsl's bool/bvecN types can be ininitialised as floats or ints. lets just use ints here.
case GLTF_BYTE : //FIXME: it is not specified whether these are meant to be normalized or not. are they always float/vecN or int/ivecN? the spec doesn't say.
case GLTF_INT : Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!const1i %s %i \n " , v - > name , JSON_GetInteger ( val , NULL , 0 ) ) ; break ;
case GLTF_INT_VEC2 : Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!const2i %s %i %i \n " , v - > name , JSON_GetIndexedInteger ( val , 0 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedInteger ( val , 1 , 0 ) ) ; break ;
case GLTF_INT_VEC3 : Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!const3i %s %i %i %i \n " , v - > name , JSON_GetIndexedInteger ( val , 0 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedInteger ( val , 1 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedInteger ( val , 2 , 0 ) ) ; break ;
case GLTF_INT_VEC4 : Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!const4i %s %i %i %i %i \n " , v - > name , JSON_GetIndexedInteger ( val , 0 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedInteger ( val , 1 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedInteger ( val , 2 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedInteger ( val , 3 , 0 ) ) ; break ;
case GLTF_UNSIGNED_BYTE : //FIXME: it is not specified whether these are meant to be normalized or not. are they always float/vecN or int/ivecN? the spec doesn't say.
case GLTF_UNSIGNED_INT : Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!const1u %s %f \n " , v - > name , JSON_GetFloat ( val , NULL , 0 ) ) ; break ;
//curiously no uvecs listed by the spec
case GLTF_FLOAT_MAT2 : Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!const2m %s %f %f %f %f \n " , v - > name , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 0 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 1 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 2 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 3 , 0 ) ) ; break ;
case GLTF_FLOAT_MAT3 : Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!const3m %s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f \n " , v - > name , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 0 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 1 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 2 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 3 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 4 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 5 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 6 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 7 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 8 , 0 ) ) ; break ;
case GLTF_FLOAT_MAT4 : Q_snprintfcat ( header , sizeof ( header ) , " !!const4m %s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f \n " , v - > name , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 0 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 1 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 2 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 3 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 4 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 5 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 6 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 7 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 8 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 9 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 10 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 11 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 12 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 13 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 14 , 0 ) , JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( val , 15 , 0 ) ) ; break ;
default :
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: Unsupported constant uniform type %i for uniform %s \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , type , v - > name ) ;
return false ;
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: Unknown/Unsupported semantic %s for uniform %s \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , semantic , v - > name ) ;
return false ;
v = JSON_FindChild ( technique , " attributes " ) ;
if ( v )
for ( v = v - > child ; v ; v = v - > sibling )
v - > used = true ;
p = GLTF_FindJSONIDParent ( gltf , parameters , v , NULL ) ;
if ( ! JSON_GetString ( p , " semantic " , semantic , sizeof ( semantic ) , NULL ) )
* semantic = 0 ;
type = JSON_GetInteger ( p , " type " , 0 ) ;
if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " POSITION " ) )
Q_snprintfcat ( attributes , sizeof ( attributes ) , " #define %s fte_v_position \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " NORMAL " ) )
Q_snprintfcat ( attributes , sizeof ( attributes ) , " #define %s fte_v_normal \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " TEXCOORD_0 " ) )
Q_snprintfcat ( attributes , sizeof ( attributes ) , " #define %s fte_v_texcoord \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " TEXCOORD_1 " ) )
Q_snprintfcat ( attributes , sizeof ( attributes ) , " #define %s fte_v_lmcoord \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " JOINT " ) )
Q_snprintfcat ( attributes , sizeof ( attributes ) , " #define %s fte_v_bone \n " , v - > name ) ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( semantic , " WEIGHT " ) )
Q_snprintfcat ( attributes , sizeof ( attributes ) , " #define %s fte_v_weight \n " , v - > name ) ;
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: Unknown semantic %s for attribute %s \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , semantic , v - > name ) ;
return false ;
p = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " programs " , JSON_FindChild ( technique , " program " ) , NULL ) ;
vertshader = GLTF1_LoadShader ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( p , " vertexShader " ) ) ;
fragshader = GLTF1_LoadShader ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( p , " fragmentShader " ) ) ;
Q_snprintf ( shadertext , shadertextsize ,
" { \n "
" surfaceparm nodlight \n " //o.O
" surfaceparm noshadows \n " //no surprises please.
" glslprogram \n "
" { \n "
" %s " //header
" %s " //uniformmaps
" #ifdef VERTEX_SHADER \n "
" %s " //attributemaps
" %s \n " //vertexshader
" #endif \n "
" #ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER \n "
" %s \n " //fragmentshader
" #endif \n "
" } \n "
" %s " //{map foo} {map}...
" } \n " ,
header ,
uniforms ,
attributes ,
vertshader ,
fragshader ,
) ;
free ( vertshader ) ;
free ( fragshader ) ;
return true ;
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
static void GLTF_LoadMaterial ( gltf_t * gltf , json_t * materialid , galiasskin_t * ret , qboolean vertexcolours )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
qboolean doubleSided ;
int alphaMode ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
double alphaCutoff ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
char shader [ 65536 ] ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
char alphaCutoffmodifier [ 128 ] ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
quintptr_t materialidx ;
json_t * mat = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " materials " , materialid , & materialidx ) ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
char tmp [ 64 ] ;
const char * t ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
json_t * nam , * unlit , * pbrsg , * pbrmr , * blinn ;
nam = JSON_FindChild ( mat , " name " ) ;
unlit = JSON_FindChild ( mat , " extensions.KHR_materials_unlit " ) ;
pbrsg = JSON_FindChild ( mat , " extensions.KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness " ) ;
pbrmr = JSON_FindChild ( mat , " pbrMetallicRoughness " ) ;
blinn = JSON_FindChild ( mat , " extensions.KHR_materials_cmnBlinnPhong " ) ;
doubleSided = JSON_GetInteger ( mat , " doubleSided " , false ) ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
alphaCutoff = JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " alphaCutoff " , 0.5 ) ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
t = JSON_GetString ( mat , " alphaMode " , tmp , sizeof ( tmp ) , " OPAQUE " ) ;
if ( ! strcmp ( t , " MASK " ) )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
alphaMode = 1 ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
else if ( ! strcmp ( t , " BLEND " ) )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
alphaMode = 2 ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
else if ( ! strcmp ( t , " OPAQUE " ) )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
alphaMode = 0 ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
alphaMode = 0 ;
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: unsupported alphaMode: %s \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , t ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
ret - > numframes = 1 ;
ret - > skinspeed = 0.1 ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
ret - > frame = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & gltf - > mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * ret - > frame ) ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
int skip ;
if ( nam )
JSON_ReadBody ( nam , shader , sizeof ( shader ) ) ;
else if ( mat & & * mat - > name )
Q_snprintf ( shader , sizeof ( shader ) , " %s " , mat - > name ) ;
else if ( ! mat ) //explicit invalid material
Q_snprintf ( shader , sizeof ( shader ) , " " ) ;
Q_snprintf ( shader , sizeof ( shader ) , " %i " , ( int ) materialidx ) ;
skip = sizeof ( ret - > frame - > shadername ) - 32 - strlen ( shader ) ;
if ( skip > 0 )
skip = 0 ;
if ( mod_gltf_privatematerials - > ival & & ! strchr ( shader , ' / ' ) )
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
Q_snprintf ( ret - > frame - > shadername , sizeof ( ret - > frame - > shadername ) , " %s/%u " , gltf - > mod - > name - skip , ( unsigned ) materialidx ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
Q_strncatz ( ret - > frame - > shadername , " / " , sizeof ( ret - > frame - > shadername ) ) ;
* ret - > frame - > shadername = 0 ;
Q_strncatz ( ret - > frame - > shadername , shader , sizeof ( ret - > frame - > shadername ) ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
if ( alphaMode = = 1 )
Q_snprintf ( alphaCutoffmodifier , sizeof ( alphaCutoffmodifier ) , " #ALPHATEST=>%f " , alphaCutoff ) ;
* alphaCutoffmodifier = 0 ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( gltf - > ver < = 1 )
{ //fixme: break
if ( ! GLTF1_LoadMaterial ( gltf , mat , & ret - > frame - > texnums , shader , sizeof ( shader ) ) )
{ //some lame placeholder/fallback.
Q_snprintf ( shader , sizeof ( shader ) ,
" { \n "
" program defaultskin \n "
" } \n "
) ;
else if ( unlit )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
{ //if this extension was present, then we don't get ANY lighting info.
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
json_t * albedo = JSON_FindChild ( pbrmr , " baseColorTexture.index " ) ; //.rgba
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
ret - > frame - > texnums . base = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , albedo , 0 ) ;
Q_snprintf ( shader , sizeof ( shader ) ,
" { \n "
" surfaceparm nodlight \n "
" %s " //cull
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
" program default2d%s \n " //fixme: there's no gpu skeletal stuff with this prog
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
" { \n "
" map $diffuse \n "
" %s " //blend
" %s " //rgbgen
" } \n "
" fte_basefactor %f %f %f %f \n "
" } \n " ,
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
doubleSided ? " cull disable \n " : " " ,
alphaCutoffmodifier ,
( alphaMode = = 1 ) ? " " : ( alphaMode = = 2 ) ? " blendfunc blend \n " : " " ,
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
vertexcolours ? " rgbgen vertex \n alphagen vertex \n " : " " ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrmr , " baseColorFactor.0 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrmr , " baseColorFactor.1 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrmr , " baseColorFactor.2 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrmr , " baseColorFactor.3 " , 1 )
) ;
else if ( blinn )
Con_DPrintf ( CON_WARNING " %s: KHR_materials_cmnBlinnPhong implemented according to draft spec \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
ret - > frame - > texnums . base = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( pbrsg , " diffuseTexture.index " ) , 0 ) ;
ret - > frame - > texnums . specular = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( pbrsg , " specularGlossinessTexture.index " ) , 0 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
//you wouldn't normally want this, but we have separate factors so lack of a texture is technically valid.
if ( ! ret - > frame - > texnums . base )
ret - > frame - > texnums . base = modfuncs - > GetTexture ( " $whiteimage " , NULL , IF_NOMIPMAP | IF_NOPICMIP | IF_NEAREST | IF_NOGAMMA , NULL , NULL , 0 , 0 , TF_INVALID ) ;
if ( ! ret - > frame - > texnums . specular )
ret - > frame - > texnums . specular = modfuncs - > GetTexture ( " $whiteimage " , NULL , IF_NOMIPMAP | IF_NOPICMIP | IF_NEAREST | IF_NOGAMMA , NULL , NULL , 0 , 0 , TF_INVALID ) ;
Q_snprintf ( shader , sizeof ( shader ) ,
" { \n "
" %s " //cull
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
" program defaultskin#VC%s \n "
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
" { \n "
" map $diffuse \n "
" %s " //blend
" %s " //rgbgen
" } \n "
" fte_basefactor %f %f %f %f \n "
" fte_specularfactor %f %f %f %f \n "
" fte_fullbrightfactor %f %f %f 1.0 \n "
" } \n " ,
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
doubleSided ? " cull disable \n " : " " ,
alphaCutoffmodifier ,
( alphaMode = = 1 ) ? " " : ( alphaMode = = 2 ) ? " blendfunc blend \n " : " " ,
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
vertexcolours ? " rgbgen vertex \n alphagen vertex \n " : " " ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " diffuseFactor.0 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " diffuseFactor.1 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " diffuseFactor.2 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " diffuseFactor.3 " , 1 ) ,
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " specularFactor.0 " , 1 ) , //FIXME: divide by gl_specular
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " specularFactor.1 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " specularFactor.2 " , 1 ) ,
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " shininessFactor " , 1 ) , //FIXME: divide by gl_specular_power
JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " emissiveFactor.0 " , 0 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " emissiveFactor.1 " , 0 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " emissiveFactor.2 " , 0 )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
) ;
else if ( pbrsg )
{ //if this extension was used, then we can use rgb gloss instead of metalness stuff.
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
json_t * occ = JSON_FindChild ( mat , " occlusionTexture.index " ) ; //.r
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
float ior = JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " extensions.KHR_materials_ior.ior " , 1.5 ) ; //supposedly still relevant here
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
ret - > frame - > texnums . base = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( pbrsg , " diffuseTexture.index " ) , 0 ) ;
ret - > frame - > texnums . specular = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( pbrsg , " specularGlossinessTexture.index " ) , 0 ) ;
if ( occ )
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
ret - > frame - > texnums . occlusion = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , occ , IF_NOSRGB ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
Q_snprintf ( shader , sizeof ( shader ) ,
" { \n "
" %s " //cull
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
" program defaultskin " " #SG " " #VC " " #IOR=%.02f " " %s " /*occlude*/ " %s " /*alphacutoff*/ " \n "
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
" { \n "
" map $diffuse \n "
" %s " //blend
" %s " //rgbgen
" } \n "
" fte_basefactor %f %f %f %f \n "
" fte_specularfactor %f %f %f %f \n "
" fte_fullbrightfactor %f %f %f 1.0 \n "
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
" bemode rtlight rtlight_sg \n "
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
" } \n " ,
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
doubleSided ? " cull disable \n " : " " ,
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
ior ,
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
( occ ) ? " #OCCLUDE " : " " ,
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
alphaCutoffmodifier ,
( alphaMode = = 1 ) ? " " : ( alphaMode = = 2 ) ? " blendfunc blend \n " : " " ,
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
vertexcolours ? " rgbgen vertex \n alphagen vertex \n " : " " ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " diffuseFactor.0 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " diffuseFactor.1 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " diffuseFactor.2 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " diffuseFactor.3 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " specularFactor.0 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " specularFactor.1 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " specularFactor.2 " , 1 ) ,
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrsg , " glossinessFactor " , 1 ) ,
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " emissiveFactor.0 " , 0 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " emissiveFactor.1 " , 0 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " emissiveFactor.2 " , 0 )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
) ;
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
else // if (pbrmr)
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
{ //this is the standard lighting model for gltf2
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
//'When not specified, all the default values of pbrMetallicRoughness apply'
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
json_t * albedo = JSON_FindChild ( pbrmr , " baseColorTexture.index " ) ; //.rgba
json_t * mrt = JSON_FindChild ( pbrmr , " metallicRoughnessTexture.index " ) ; //.r = unused, .g = roughness, .b = metalic, .a = unused
json_t * occ = JSON_FindChild ( mat , " occlusionTexture.index " ) ; //.r
json_t * n ;
char occname [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
char mrtname [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
float ior = JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " extensions.KHR_materials_ior.ior " , 1.5 ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( JSON_GetInteger ( pbrmr , " baseColorTexture.texCoord " , 0 ) ! = 0 )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( " %s: Unsupported baseColorTexture texCoord value \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
if ( JSON_GetInteger ( pbrmr , " metallicRoughnessTexture.texCoord " , 0 ) ! = 0 )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( " %s: Unsupported metallicRoughnessTexture texCoord value \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
if ( JSON_GetInteger ( mat , " occlusionTexture.texCoord " , 0 ) ! = 0 )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( " %s: Unsupported occlusionTexture texCoord value \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
//now work around potential lame exporters (yay dds?).
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
n = JSON_FindChild ( mat , " extensions.MSFT_packing_occlusionRoughnessMetallic.occlusionRoughnessMetallicTexture.index " ) ;
if ( n )
occ = n ;
n = JSON_FindChild ( mat , " extensions.MSFT_packing_occlusionRoughnessMetallic.occlusionRoughnessMetallicTexture.index " ) ;
if ( n )
mrt = n ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
//ideally we use the ORM.r for the occlusion map, but some people just love being annoying.
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
JSON_ReadBody ( occ , occname , sizeof ( occname ) ) ;
JSON_ReadBody ( mrt , mrtname , sizeof ( mrtname ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( occname , mrtname ) & & occ )
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
ret - > frame - > texnums . occlusion = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , occ , IF_NOSRGB ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
//note: extensions.MSFT_packing_normalRoughnessMetallic.normalRoughnessMetallicTexture.index gives rg=normalxy, b=roughness, .a=metalic
//(would still need an ao map, and probably wouldn't work well as bc3 either)
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( albedo )
ret - > frame - > texnums . base = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , albedo , 0 ) ;
if ( mrt )
ret - > frame - > texnums . specular = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , mrt , IF_NOSRGB ) ;
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
else //else depend upon specularfactor
ret - > frame - > texnums . specular = modfuncs - > GetTexture ( " $whiteimage " , NULL , IF_NOMIPMAP | IF_NOPICMIP | IF_NEAREST | IF_NOGAMMA , NULL , NULL , 0 , 0 , TF_INVALID ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
Q_snprintf ( shader , sizeof ( shader ) ,
" { \n "
" %s " //cull
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
" program defaultskin " " #ORM " " #VC " " #IOR=%.02f " " %s " /*occlude*/ " %s " /*alphatest*/ " \n "
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
" { \n "
" map $diffuse \n "
" %s " //blend
" %s " //rgbgen
" } \n "
" fte_basefactor %f %f %f %f \n "
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
" fte_specularfactor %f %f %f 1.0 \n "
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
" fte_fullbrightfactor %f %f %f 1.0 \n "
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
" bemode rtlight rtlight_orm \n "
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
" } \n " ,
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
doubleSided ? " cull disable \n " : " " ,
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
ior ,
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
( ! occ ) ? " #NOOCCLUDE " : ( strcmp ( occname , mrtname ) ? " #OCCLUDE " : " " ) ,
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
alphaCutoffmodifier ,
( alphaMode = = 1 ) ? " " : ( alphaMode = = 2 ) ? " blendfunc blend \n " : " " ,
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
vertexcolours ? " rgbgen vertex \n alphagen vertex \n " : " " ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrmr , " baseColorFactor.0 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrmr , " baseColorFactor.1 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrmr , " baseColorFactor.2 " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrmr , " baseColorFactor.3 " , 1 ) ,
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " occlusionTexture.strength " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrmr , " metallicFactor " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( pbrmr , " roughnessFactor " , 1 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " emissiveFactor.0 " , 0 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " emissiveFactor.1 " , 0 ) ,
JSON_GetFloat ( mat , " emissiveFactor.2 " , 0 )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( ! ret - > frame - > texnums . bump )
ret - > frame - > texnums . bump = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( mat , " normalTexture.index " ) , IF_NOSRGB | IF_TRYBUMP ) ;
if ( ! ret - > frame - > texnums . fullbright )
ret - > frame - > texnums . fullbright = GLTF_LoadTexture ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( mat , " emissiveTexture.index " ) , 0 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( ! ret - > frame - > texnums . base )
ret - > frame - > texnums . base = modfuncs - > GetTexture ( " $whiteimage " , NULL , IF_NOMIPMAP | IF_NOPICMIP | IF_NEAREST | IF_NOGAMMA , NULL , NULL , 0 , 0 , TF_INVALID ) ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
ret - > frame - > defaultshader = memcpy ( plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & gltf - > mod - > memgroup , strlen ( shader ) + 1 ) , shader , strlen ( shader ) + 1 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
Q_strlcpy ( ret - > name , ret - > frame - > shadername , sizeof ( ret - > name ) ) ;
2020-01-20 18:36:45 +00:00
# endif
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
# ifdef HAVE_DRACO
# include "draco.cpp"
# endif
typedef struct {
gltf_t * gltf ;
json_t * prim ;
json_t * primattrs ;
# ifdef HAVE_DRACO
json_t * dracoattrs ;
struct ftedracofuncs_s * draco ;
# endif
} gltf_prim_t ;
static qboolean GLTF_GetAttributeAccessor ( gltf_prim_t * state , char * attributename , struct gltf_accessor * out )
json_t * primaccessor = JSON_FindChild ( state - > primattrs , attributename ) ;
# ifdef HAVE_DRACO
if ( state - > draco & & primaccessor )
json_t * da = JSON_FindChild ( state - > dracoattrs , attributename ) ;
if ( da )
{ //comes from compressed data instead.
//we're still meant to require some attributes match the original accessors.
struct ftedracoattr_s * dattr ;
json_t * a , * mins , * maxs ;
unsigned int j , attridx ;
memset ( out , 0 , sizeof ( * out ) ) ;
if ( ! strcmp ( attributename , " NORMAL " ) | | ! strcmp ( attributename , " TANGENT " ) )
return false ; //these come out shite. don't use.
a = GLTF_FindJSONID ( state - > gltf , " accessors " , primaccessor , NULL ) ;
if ( ! a )
return false ;
j = JSON_GetInteger ( da , NULL , - 1 ) ;
for ( attridx = 0 ; attridx < state - > draco - > num_attribs ; attridx + + )
if ( state - > draco - > attrib [ attridx ] . uniqueid = = j )
break ;
if ( attridx > = state - > draco - > num_attribs )
if ( state - > gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: draco lacks specified uniqueid %i \n " , state - > gltf - > mod - > name , j ) ;
return false ;
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( a , " name " ) ;
out - > bytestride = 0 ; //
out - > componentType = JSON_GetInteger ( a , " componentType " , 0 ) ;
out - > normalized = JSON_GetInteger ( a , " normalized " , false ) ;
out - > count = JSON_GetInteger ( a , " count " , 0 ) ;
if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " SCALAR " ) )
out - > type = ( 1 < < 8 ) | 1 ;
else if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " VEC2 " ) )
out - > type = ( 1 < < 8 ) | 2 ;
else if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " VEC3 " ) )
out - > type = ( 1 < < 8 ) | 3 ;
else if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " VEC4 " ) )
out - > type = ( 1 < < 8 ) | 4 ;
else if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " MAT2 " ) )
out - > type = ( 2 < < 8 ) | 2 ;
else if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " MAT3 " ) )
out - > type = ( 3 < < 8 ) | 3 ;
else if ( JSON_Equals ( a , " type " , " MAT4 " ) )
out - > type = ( 4 < < 8 ) | 4 ;
if ( state - > gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: glTF2 unsupported type \n " , state - > gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
out - > type = 1 ;
if ( ! out - > bytestride )
out - > bytestride = ( out - > type & 0xff ) * ( out - > type > > 8 ) ;
switch ( out - > componentType )
default :
if ( state - > gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " GLTF_GetAccessor: %s: glTF2 unsupported componentType (%i) \n " , state - > gltf - > mod - > name , out - > componentType ) ;
case 5120 : //BYTE
case 5121 : //UNSIGNED_BYTE
break ;
case 5122 : //SHORT
case 5123 : //UNSIGNED_SHORT
out - > bytestride * = 2 ;
break ;
case 5125 : //UNSIGNED_INT
case 5126 : //FLOAT
out - > bytestride * = 4 ;
break ;
mins = JSON_FindChild ( a , " min " ) ;
maxs = JSON_FindChild ( a , " max " ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < ( out - > type > > 8 ) * ( out - > type & 0xff ) ; j + + )
{ //'must' be set in various situations.
out - > mins [ j ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( mins , j , 0 ) ;
out - > maxs [ j ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( maxs , j , 0 ) ;
GLTF_FlagExtras ( a ) ;
dattr = & state - > draco - > attrib [ attridx ] ;
if ( out - > count < state - > draco - > num_vertexes )
out - > count = state - > draco - > num_vertexes ; //hack. seems to be needed for one of our test models.
if ( out - > count ! = state - > draco - > num_vertexes | |
! out - > normalized ! = ! dattr - > isnormalised | |
out - > componentType ! = dattr - > type | |
out - > type ! = ( ( 1 < < 8 ) | dattr - > components ) | |
out - > bytestride ! = dattr - > bytestride )
if ( state - > gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: %s (%i) draco/accessor mismatch \n " , state - > gltf - > mod - > name , attributename , dattr - > usage ) ;
memset ( out , 0 , sizeof ( * out ) ) ; //abort! abort!
return false ;
out - > data = dattr - > ptr ;
out - > length = out - > bytestride * out - > count ;
return true ;
# endif
return GLTF_GetAccessor ( state - > gltf , primaccessor , out ) ;
static void GLTF_GetIndiciesAccessor ( gltf_prim_t * state , struct gltf_accessor * out )
# ifdef HAVE_DRACO
if ( state - > draco )
memset ( out - > mins , 0 , sizeof ( out - > mins ) ) ;
memset ( out - > maxs , 0 , sizeof ( out - > maxs ) ) ;
out - > componentType = 5125 ; //unsigned int
out - > normalized = false ;
out - > type = ( 1 < < 8 ) | 1 ; //'scaler'
out - > bytestride = sizeof ( * state - > draco - > ptr_indexes ) ;
out - > count = state - > draco - > num_indexes ;
out - > data = state - > draco - > ptr_indexes ;
out - > length = out - > bytestride * out - > count ;
return ;
# endif
GLTF_GetAccessor ( state - > gltf , JSON_FindChild ( state - > prim , " indices " ) , out ) ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
static const float * QDECL GLTF_AnimateMorphs ( const galiasinfo_t * surf , const framestate_t * framestate , float * morphs ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static qboolean GLTF_ProcessMesh ( gltf_t * gltf , json_t * meshid , int basebone , double skinmatrix [ ] )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
model_t * mod = gltf - > mod ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
quintptr_t meshidx ;
json_t * mesh = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " meshes " , meshid , & meshidx ) ;
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
json_t * primnode ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
json_t * meshname = JSON_FindChild ( mesh , " name " ) ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
json_t * weights = NULL ;
size_t morphtargets = 0 ;
weights = JSON_FindChild ( mesh , " weights " ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
GLTF_FlagExtras ( mesh ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
for ( primnode = JSON_FindIndexedChild ( mesh , " primitives " , 0 ) ; primnode ; primnode = primnode - > sibling )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
int mode = JSON_GetInteger ( primnode , " mode " , 4 ) ;
json_t * attr = JSON_FindChild ( primnode , " attributes " ) ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
json_t * targets = JSON_FindChild ( primnode , " targets " ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
struct gltf_accessor tc_0 , tc_1 , norm , tang , vpos , col0 , idx , sidx , swgt ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
struct gltf_accessor vpos , norm , tang ;
} * morph = NULL ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
galiasinfo_t * surf ;
size_t i , j ;
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
index_t maxvert ;
gltf_prim_t prim = { gltf , primnode , attr } ;
# ifdef HAVE_DRACO
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
# define PRIMCLEANUP() do{if (prim.draco) prim.draco->Release(prim.draco); free(morph);}while(0) //frees memory allocations from inside this loop
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
json_t * draconode = JSON_FindChild ( primnode , " extensions.KHR_draco_mesh_compression " ) ;
if ( draconode )
{ //decompress the ext.bufferview and replace matching primative.attributes[n] with any listed ext.attributes[n] entries, and the indicies
//accessor's componentType, type, count should match that from draco.
struct gltf_bufferview bv ;
if ( ! GLTF_GetBufferViewData ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( draconode , " bufferView " ) , & bv ) )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: KHR_draco_mesh_compression without bufferview \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ;
continue ;
prim . draco = Draco_Decode ( bv . data , bv . length ) ;
if ( ! prim . draco )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: KHR_draco_mesh_compression decompression failure \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ; //in case a model tries supplying more. we ought to renormalise the weights in this case.
continue ;
prim . dracoattrs = JSON_FindChild ( draconode , " attributes " ) ;
# else
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
# define PRIMCLEANUP() do{free(morph);}while(0)
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
# endif
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
primnode - > used = true ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
switch ( mode )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
case 4 :
break ;
case 0 : //points
case 1 : //lines
case 2 : //line loop
case 3 : //line strip
case 5 : //triangle strip -- FIXME: probably relevant (with degenerates)
case 6 : //triangle fan
default :
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( " Primitive mode %i not supported \n " , mode ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
continue ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
i = JSON_GetCount ( targets ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( i ! = morphtargets )
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
if ( morphtargets = = 0 )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
morphtargets = i ;
else if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " morphtargets count changed between primitives \n " ) ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
if ( morphtargets )
morph = malloc ( sizeof ( * morph ) * morphtargets ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < morphtargets ; i + + )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
json_t * target = JSON_GetIndexed ( targets , i ) ;
GLTF_GetAccessor ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( target , " POSITION " ) , & morph [ i ] . vpos ) ;
GLTF_GetAccessor ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( target , " NORMAL " ) , & morph [ i ] . norm ) ;
GLTF_GetAccessor ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( target , " TANGENT " ) , & morph [ i ] . tang ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
GLTF_FlagExtras ( primnode ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
GLTF_GetAttributeAccessor ( & prim , " POSITION " , & vpos ) ; //float
if ( ! vpos . count )
continue ;
GLTF_GetAttributeAccessor ( & prim , " TEXCOORD_0 " , & tc_0 ) ; //float, ubyte, ushort
GLTF_GetAttributeAccessor ( & prim , " TEXCOORD_1 " , & tc_1 ) ; //float, ubyte, ushort
GLTF_GetAttributeAccessor ( & prim , " NORMAL " , & norm ) ; //float
GLTF_GetAttributeAccessor ( & prim , " TANGENT " , & tang ) ; //float
GLTF_GetAttributeAccessor ( & prim , " COLOR_0 " , & col0 ) ; //float, ubyte, ushort
GLTF_GetIndiciesAccessor ( & prim , & idx ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( gltf - > ver < = 1 )
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
GLTF_GetAttributeAccessor ( & prim , " JOINT " , & sidx ) ; //ubyte, ushort
GLTF_GetAttributeAccessor ( & prim , " WEIGHT " , & swgt ) ; //float, ubyte, ushort
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
{ //potentially multiple, each a vec4.
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
GLTF_GetAttributeAccessor ( & prim , " JOINTS_0 " , & sidx ) ; //ubyte, ushort
GLTF_GetAttributeAccessor ( & prim , " WEIGHTS_0 " , & swgt ) ; //float, ubyte, ushort
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( JSON_GetInteger ( attr , " JOINTS_1 " , - 1 ) ! = - 1 | | JSON_GetInteger ( attr , " WEIGHTS_1 " , - 1 ) ! = - 1 )
if ( gltf - > warnlimit - - > 0 )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: only 4 bones supported per vert \n " , gltf - > mod - > name ) ; //in case a model tries supplying more. we ought to renormalise the weights in this case.
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
surf = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * surf ) + ( morphtargets * sizeof ( float ) ) ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
surf - > surfaceid = JSON_GetInteger ( primnode , " extras.fte.surfaceid " , meshidx ) ;
surf - > contents = JSON_GetInteger ( primnode , " extras.fte.contents " , FTECONTENTS_BODY ) ;
surf - > csurface . flags = JSON_GetInteger ( primnode , " extras.fte.surfaceflags " , 0 ) ;
surf - > geomset = JSON_GetInteger ( primnode , " extras.fte.geomset " , ~ 0u ) ;
surf - > geomid = JSON_GetInteger ( primnode , " extras.fte.geomid " , 0 ) ;
surf - > mindist = JSON_GetInteger ( primnode , " extras.fte.mindist " , 0 ) ;
surf - > maxdist = JSON_GetInteger ( primnode , " extras.fte.maxdist " , 0 ) ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
surf - > shares_bones = gltf - > numsurfaces ;
surf - > shares_verts = gltf - > numsurfaces ;
JSON_ReadBody ( meshname , surf - > surfacename , sizeof ( surf - > surfacename ) ) ;
surf - > numverts = vpos . count ;
if ( idx . data )
surf - > numindexes = idx . count ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
surf - > ofs_indexes = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * surf - > ofs_indexes ) * idx . count ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( idx . componentType = = 5123 )
{ //unsigned shorts
for ( i = 0 ; i < idx . count ; i + + )
surf - > ofs_indexes [ i ] = * ( unsigned short * ) ( ( char * ) idx . data + i * idx . bytestride ) ;
else if ( idx . componentType = = 5121 )
{ //unsigned bytes
for ( i = 0 ; i < idx . count ; i + + )
surf - > ofs_indexes [ i ] = * ( unsigned char * ) ( ( char * ) idx . data + i * idx . bytestride ) ;
else if ( idx . componentType = = 5125 )
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
{ //unsigned ints. -- FIXME: catch overflows.
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < idx . count ; i + + )
surf - > ofs_indexes [ i ] = * ( unsigned int * ) ( ( char * ) idx . data + i * idx . bytestride ) ; //FIXME: bounds check.
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
continue ;
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
surf - > numindexes = surf - > numverts ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
surf - > ofs_indexes = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * surf - > ofs_indexes ) * surf - > numverts ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < surf - > numverts ; i + + )
surf - > ofs_indexes [ i ] = i ;
//swap winding order. we cull wrongly.
for ( i = 0 ; i < idx . count ; i + = 3 )
index_t t = surf - > ofs_indexes [ i + 0 ] ;
surf - > ofs_indexes [ i + 0 ] = surf - > ofs_indexes [ i + 2 ] ;
surf - > ofs_indexes [ i + 2 ] = t ;
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
for ( maxvert = 0 , i = 0 ; i < idx . count ; i + + )
if ( maxvert < surf - > ofs_indexes [ i ] )
maxvert = surf - > ofs_indexes [ i ] ;
if ( maxvert > = surf - > numverts )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: %s Index list exceeds vertex count range \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , surf - > surfacename ) ; //in case a model tries supplying more. we ought to renormalise the weights in this case.
continue ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
surf - > AnimateMorphs = GLTF_AnimateMorphs ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < morphtargets ; i + + )
( ( float * ) ( surf + 1 ) ) [ i ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( weights , i , 0 ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
surf - > nummorphs = morphtargets ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
surf - > ofs_skel_xyz = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & mod - > memgroup , ( sizeof ( * surf - > ofs_skel_xyz ) + sizeof ( * surf - > ofs_skel_norm ) + sizeof ( * surf - > ofs_skel_svect ) + sizeof ( * surf - > ofs_skel_tvect ) ) * surf - > numverts * ( 1 + morphtargets ) ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
surf - > ofs_skel_norm = ( vec3_t * ) ( surf - > ofs_skel_xyz + surf - > numverts * ( 1 + morphtargets ) ) ;
surf - > ofs_skel_svect = ( vec3_t * ) ( surf - > ofs_skel_norm + surf - > numverts * ( 1 + morphtargets ) ) ;
surf - > ofs_skel_tvect = ( vec3_t * ) ( surf - > ofs_skel_svect + surf - > numverts * ( 1 + morphtargets ) ) ;
surf - > ofs_skel_xyz = GLTF_AccessorToDataF ( gltf , surf - > numverts , countof ( surf - > ofs_skel_xyz [ 0 ] ) , & vpos , surf - > ofs_skel_xyz ) ;
surf - > ofs_skel_norm = GLTF_AccessorToDataF ( gltf , surf - > numverts , countof ( surf - > ofs_skel_norm [ 0 ] ) , & norm , surf - > ofs_skel_norm ) ; //if no normals, normals should be flat (fragment shader or unwelding the verts...)
GLTF_AccessorToTangents ( gltf , surf - > ofs_skel_norm , surf - > numverts , & tang , surf - > ofs_skel_svect , surf - > ofs_skel_tvect ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < morphtargets ; i + + )
size_t offset = ( i + 1 ) * surf - > numverts ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
/*json_t *tname = JSON_FindIndexedChild(mesh, "extras.targetNames", i);
if ( tname )
size_t nsize = JSON_ReadBody ( tname , NULL , 0 ) + 1 ;
surf - > morphname [ i ] = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & mod - > memgroup , nsize ) ;
JSON_ReadBody ( tname , surf - > morphname [ i ] , nsize ) ;
} */
GLTF_AccessorToDataF ( gltf , surf - > numverts , countof ( surf - > ofs_skel_xyz [ 0 ] ) , & morph [ i ] . vpos , surf - > ofs_skel_xyz + offset ) ;
GLTF_AccessorToDataF ( gltf , surf - > numverts , countof ( surf - > ofs_skel_norm [ 0 ] ) , & morph [ i ] . norm , surf - > ofs_skel_norm + offset ) ; //if no normals, normals should be flat (fragment shader or unwelding the verts...)
GLTF_AccessorToTangents ( gltf , surf - > ofs_skel_norm + offset , surf - > numverts , & morph [ i ] . tang , surf - > ofs_skel_svect + offset , surf - > ofs_skel_tvect + offset ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
2020-07-01 05:32:21 +00:00
surf - > meshrootbone = basebone ; //needed for morph anims
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
surf - > ofs_st_array = GLTF_AccessorToDataF ( gltf , surf - > numverts , countof ( surf - > ofs_st_array [ 0 ] ) , & tc_0 , NULL ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( tc_1 . data )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
surf - > ofs_lmst_array = GLTF_AccessorToDataF ( gltf , surf - > numverts , countof ( surf - > ofs_lmst_array [ 0 ] ) , & tc_1 , NULL ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( col0 . data & & col0 . componentType = = 5121 ) //UNSIGNED_BYTE
surf - > ofs_rgbaub = GLTF_AccessorToDataUB ( gltf , surf - > numverts , countof ( surf - > ofs_rgbaub [ 0 ] ) , & col0 ) ;
else if ( col0 . data )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
surf - > ofs_rgbaf = GLTF_AccessorToDataF ( gltf , surf - > numverts , countof ( surf - > ofs_rgbaf [ 0 ] ) , & col0 , NULL ) ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
surf - > ofs_rgbaub = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & gltf - > mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * surf - > ofs_rgbaub ) * surf - > numverts ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
memset ( surf - > ofs_rgbaub , 0xff , sizeof ( * surf - > ofs_rgbaub ) * surf - > numverts ) ;
} */
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( sidx . data & & swgt . data )
surf - > ofs_skel_idx = GLTF_AccessorToDataBone ( gltf , surf - > numverts , & sidx ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
surf - > ofs_skel_weight = GLTF_AccessorToDataF ( gltf , surf - > numverts , countof ( surf - > ofs_skel_weight [ 0 ] ) , & swgt , NULL ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < surf - > numverts ; i + + )
float len = surf - > ofs_skel_weight [ i ] [ 0 ] + surf - > ofs_skel_weight [ i ] [ 1 ] + surf - > ofs_skel_weight [ i ] [ 2 ] + surf - > ofs_skel_weight [ i ] [ 3 ] ;
if ( len )
Vector4Scale ( surf - > ofs_skel_weight [ i ] , 1 / len , surf - > ofs_skel_weight [ i ] ) ;
Vector4Set ( surf - > ofs_skel_weight [ i ] , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 ) ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
surf - > ofs_skel_idx = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & gltf - > mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( surf - > ofs_skel_idx [ 0 ] ) * surf - > numverts ) ;
surf - > ofs_skel_weight = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & gltf - > mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( surf - > ofs_skel_weight [ 0 ] ) * surf - > numverts ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < surf - > numverts ; i + + )
Vector4Set ( surf - > ofs_skel_idx [ i ] , basebone , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
Vector4Set ( surf - > ofs_skel_weight [ i ] , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( skinmatrix )
TransformPosArray ( surf - > ofs_skel_xyz , surf - > numverts , skinmatrix ) ;
if ( norm . data )
TransformDirArray ( surf - > ofs_skel_norm , surf - > numverts , skinmatrix ) ;
if ( tang . data )
TransformDirArray ( surf - > ofs_skel_svect , surf - > numverts , skinmatrix ) ;
TransformDirArray ( surf - > ofs_skel_tvect , surf - > numverts , skinmatrix ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < surf - > numverts ; i + + )
// VectorScale(surf->ofs_skel_xyz[i], 32, surf->ofs_skel_xyz[i]);
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j + + )
if ( mod - > maxs [ j ] < surf - > ofs_skel_xyz [ i ] [ j ] )
mod - > maxs [ j ] = surf - > ofs_skel_xyz [ i ] [ j ] ;
if ( mod - > mins [ j ] > surf - > ofs_skel_xyz [ i ] [ j ] )
mod - > mins [ j ] = surf - > ofs_skel_xyz [ i ] [ j ] ;
2020-01-20 18:36:45 +00:00
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
json_t * mapping , * var ;
surf - > numskins = 1 + gltf - > variations ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
surf - > ofsskins = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & gltf - > mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * surf - > ofsskins ) * surf - > numskins ) ;
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
GLTF_LoadMaterial ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( primnode , " material " ) , surf - > ofsskins , surf - > ofs_rgbaub | | surf - > ofs_rgbaf ) ;
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < gltf - > variations ; i + + )
surf - > ofsskins [ 1 + i ] = surf - > ofsskins [ 0 ] ; //unspecified matches defaults...
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
for ( mapping = JSON_FindIndexedChild ( primnode , " extensions.KHR_materials_variants.mappings " , 0 ) ; mapping ; mapping = mapping - > sibling )
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
i = 0 ;
for ( var = JSON_FindIndexedChild ( mapping , " variants " , 0 ) ; var ; var = var - > sibling )
j = 1 + JSON_GetUInteger ( var , NULL , ~ 0u ) ;
if ( j < 1 | | j > = surf - > numskins )
continue ; //not valid.
if ( ! i )
GLTF_LoadMaterial ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( mapping , " material " ) , & surf - > ofsskins [ j ] , surf - > ofs_rgbaub | | surf - > ofs_rgbaf ) ;
surf - > ofsskins [ j ] = surf - > ofsskins [ i ] ;
i = j ;
2020-01-20 18:36:45 +00:00
# endif
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
if ( ! tang . data )
modfuncs - > AccumulateTextureVectors ( surf - > ofs_skel_xyz , surf - > ofs_st_array , surf - > ofs_skel_norm , surf - > ofs_skel_svect , surf - > ofs_skel_tvect , surf - > ofs_indexes , surf - > numindexes , ! norm . data ) ;
modfuncs - > NormaliseTextureVectors ( surf - > ofs_skel_norm , surf - > ofs_skel_svect , surf - > ofs_skel_tvect , surf - > numverts , ! norm . data ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
gltf - > numsurfaces + + ;
surf - > nextsurf = mod - > meshinfo ;
mod - > meshinfo = surf ;
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
return true ;
static void Matrix4D_Multiply ( const double * a , const double * b , double * out )
out [ 0 ] = a [ 0 ] * b [ 0 ] + a [ 4 ] * b [ 1 ] + a [ 8 ] * b [ 2 ] + a [ 12 ] * b [ 3 ] ;
out [ 1 ] = a [ 1 ] * b [ 0 ] + a [ 5 ] * b [ 1 ] + a [ 9 ] * b [ 2 ] + a [ 13 ] * b [ 3 ] ;
out [ 2 ] = a [ 2 ] * b [ 0 ] + a [ 6 ] * b [ 1 ] + a [ 10 ] * b [ 2 ] + a [ 14 ] * b [ 3 ] ;
out [ 3 ] = a [ 3 ] * b [ 0 ] + a [ 7 ] * b [ 1 ] + a [ 11 ] * b [ 2 ] + a [ 15 ] * b [ 3 ] ;
out [ 4 ] = a [ 0 ] * b [ 4 ] + a [ 4 ] * b [ 5 ] + a [ 8 ] * b [ 6 ] + a [ 12 ] * b [ 7 ] ;
out [ 5 ] = a [ 1 ] * b [ 4 ] + a [ 5 ] * b [ 5 ] + a [ 9 ] * b [ 6 ] + a [ 13 ] * b [ 7 ] ;
out [ 6 ] = a [ 2 ] * b [ 4 ] + a [ 6 ] * b [ 5 ] + a [ 10 ] * b [ 6 ] + a [ 14 ] * b [ 7 ] ;
out [ 7 ] = a [ 3 ] * b [ 4 ] + a [ 7 ] * b [ 5 ] + a [ 11 ] * b [ 6 ] + a [ 15 ] * b [ 7 ] ;
out [ 8 ] = a [ 0 ] * b [ 8 ] + a [ 4 ] * b [ 9 ] + a [ 8 ] * b [ 10 ] + a [ 12 ] * b [ 11 ] ;
out [ 9 ] = a [ 1 ] * b [ 8 ] + a [ 5 ] * b [ 9 ] + a [ 9 ] * b [ 10 ] + a [ 13 ] * b [ 11 ] ;
out [ 10 ] = a [ 2 ] * b [ 8 ] + a [ 6 ] * b [ 9 ] + a [ 10 ] * b [ 10 ] + a [ 14 ] * b [ 11 ] ;
out [ 11 ] = a [ 3 ] * b [ 8 ] + a [ 7 ] * b [ 9 ] + a [ 11 ] * b [ 10 ] + a [ 15 ] * b [ 11 ] ;
out [ 12 ] = a [ 0 ] * b [ 12 ] + a [ 4 ] * b [ 13 ] + a [ 8 ] * b [ 14 ] + a [ 12 ] * b [ 15 ] ;
out [ 13 ] = a [ 1 ] * b [ 12 ] + a [ 5 ] * b [ 13 ] + a [ 9 ] * b [ 14 ] + a [ 13 ] * b [ 15 ] ;
out [ 14 ] = a [ 2 ] * b [ 12 ] + a [ 6 ] * b [ 13 ] + a [ 10 ] * b [ 14 ] + a [ 14 ] * b [ 15 ] ;
out [ 15 ] = a [ 3 ] * b [ 12 ] + a [ 7 ] * b [ 13 ] + a [ 11 ] * b [ 14 ] + a [ 15 ] * b [ 15 ] ;
static void GenMatrixPosQuat4ScaleDouble ( const double pos [ 3 ] , const double quat [ 4 ] , const double scale [ 3 ] , double result [ 16 ] )
float xx , xy , xz , xw , yy , yz , yw , zz , zw ;
float x2 , y2 , z2 ;
float s ;
x2 = quat [ 0 ] + quat [ 0 ] ;
y2 = quat [ 1 ] + quat [ 1 ] ;
z2 = quat [ 2 ] + quat [ 2 ] ;
xx = quat [ 0 ] * x2 ; xy = quat [ 0 ] * y2 ; xz = quat [ 0 ] * z2 ;
yy = quat [ 1 ] * y2 ; yz = quat [ 1 ] * z2 ; zz = quat [ 2 ] * z2 ;
xw = quat [ 3 ] * x2 ; yw = quat [ 3 ] * y2 ; zw = quat [ 3 ] * z2 ;
s = scale [ 0 ] ;
result [ 0 * 4 + 0 ] = s * ( 1.0f - ( yy + zz ) ) ;
result [ 1 * 4 + 0 ] = s * ( xy + zw ) ;
result [ 2 * 4 + 0 ] = s * ( xz - yw ) ;
result [ 3 * 4 + 0 ] = 0 ;
s = scale [ 1 ] ;
result [ 0 * 4 + 1 ] = s * ( xy - zw ) ;
result [ 1 * 4 + 1 ] = s * ( 1.0f - ( xx + zz ) ) ;
result [ 2 * 4 + 1 ] = s * ( yz + xw ) ;
result [ 3 * 4 + 1 ] = 0 ;
s = scale [ 2 ] ;
result [ 0 * 4 + 2 ] = s * ( xz + yw ) ;
result [ 1 * 4 + 2 ] = s * ( yz - xw ) ;
result [ 2 * 4 + 2 ] = s * ( 1.0f - ( xx + yy ) ) ;
result [ 3 * 4 + 2 ] = 0 ;
result [ 0 * 4 + 3 ] = pos [ 0 ] ;
result [ 1 * 4 + 3 ] = pos [ 1 ] ;
result [ 2 * 4 + 3 ] = pos [ 2 ] ;
result [ 3 * 4 + 3 ] = 1 ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static qboolean GLTF_ProcessNode ( gltf_t * gltf , json_t * nodeid , double pmatrix [ 16 ] , int parentidx , qboolean isjoint )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
double skinmatrix [ 16 ] , * skinmatrixptr = NULL ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
json_t * c ;
json_t * node ;
json_t * t ;
json_t * skin ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
json_t * meshid ;
quintptr_t nodeidx ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
struct gltfbone_s * b ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
node = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " nodes " , nodeid , & nodeidx ) ;
if ( nodeidx > = gltf - > numbones )
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( nodeidx < MAX_BONES ) //don't spam if its detected elsewhere.
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: Invalid node index %i \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , ( int ) nodeidx ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
return false ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( ! node )
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: Invalid node index %i \n " , gltf - > mod - > name , ( int ) nodeidx ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
return false ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
b = & gltf - > bones [ nodeidx ] ;
b - > parent = parentidx ;
t = JSON_FindChild ( node , " matrix " ) ;
if ( t )
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 0 * 4 + 0 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 0 , 1.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 1 * 4 + 0 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 1 , 0.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 2 * 4 + 0 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 2 , 0.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 3 * 4 + 0 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 3 , 0.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 0 * 4 + 1 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 4 , 0.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 1 * 4 + 1 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 5 , 1.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 2 * 4 + 1 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 6 , 0.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 3 * 4 + 1 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 7 , 0.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 0 * 4 + 2 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 8 , 0.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 1 * 4 + 2 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 9 , 0.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 2 * 4 + 2 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 10 , 1.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 3 * 4 + 2 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 11 , 0.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 0 * 4 + 3 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 12 , 0.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 1 * 4 + 3 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 13 , 0.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 2 * 4 + 3 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 14 , 0.0 ) ;
b - > rel . rmatrix [ 3 * 4 + 3 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 15 , 1.0 ) ;
Vector4Set ( b - > rel . quat , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ;
VectorSet ( b - > rel . scale , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ;
VectorSet ( b - > rel . trans , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
double rot [ 4 ] ;
double scale [ 3 ] ;
double trans [ 3 ] ;
t = JSON_FindChild ( node , " rotation " ) ;
rot [ 0 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 0 , 0.0 ) ;
rot [ 1 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 1 , 0.0 ) ;
rot [ 2 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 2 , 0.0 ) ;
rot [ 3 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 3 , 1.0 ) ;
t = JSON_FindChild ( node , " scale " ) ;
scale [ 0 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 0 , 1.0 ) ;
scale [ 1 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 1 , 1.0 ) ;
scale [ 2 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 2 , 1.0 ) ;
t = JSON_FindChild ( node , " translation " ) ;
trans [ 0 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 0 , 0.0 ) ;
trans [ 1 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 1 , 0.0 ) ;
trans [ 2 ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( t , 2 , 0.0 ) ;
Vector4Copy ( rot , b - > rel . quat ) ;
VectorCopy ( scale , b - > rel . scale ) ;
VectorCopy ( trans , b - > rel . trans ) ;
//T * R * S
GenMatrixPosQuat4ScaleDouble ( trans , rot , scale , b - > rel . rmatrix ) ;
Matrix4D_Multiply ( b - > rel . rmatrix , pmatrix , b - > amatrix ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
skin = GLTF_FindJSONID ( gltf , " skins " , JSON_FindChild ( node , " skin " ) , NULL ) ;
if ( skin )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
quintptr_t j ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
json_t * joints ;
struct gltf_accessor inverse ;
float * inversef ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( gltf - > ver < = 1 )
joints = JSON_FindChild ( skin , " jointNames " ) ;
joints = JSON_FindChild ( skin , " joints " ) ;
if ( joints )
joints = joints - > child ;
GLTF_GetAccessor ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( skin , " inverseBindMatrices " ) , & inverse ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
inversef = inverse . data ;
if ( inverse . componentType ! = 5126 /*FLOAT*/ | | inverse . type ! = ( ( 4 < < 8 ) | 4 ) /*mat4x4*/ )
inverse . count = 0 ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
memset ( gltf - > bonemap , 0 , sizeof ( * gltf - > bonemap ) * MAX_BONES ) ; //avoid unexpected surprises...
for ( j = 0 ; j < MAX_BONES & & joints ; j + + , inversef + = inverse . bytestride / sizeof ( float ) , joints = joints - > sibling )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
quintptr_t b ;
joints - > used = true ;
if ( gltf - > ver < = 1 )
{ //urgh
2022-02-19 20:48:40 +00:00
char jointname [ sizeof ( gltf - > bones [ b ] . jointname ) ] ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
JSON_ReadBody ( joints , jointname , sizeof ( jointname ) ) ; //this is matched to nodes[b].jointName rather than (textual) b, so we can't use our helpers.
for ( b = 0 ; b < gltf - > numbones ; b + + )
if ( ! strcmp ( gltf - > bones [ b ] . jointname , jointname ) )
break ;
if ( b = = gltf - > numbones )
break ;
b = JSON_GetUInteger ( joints , NULL , ~ 0 ) ;
if ( b > = gltf - > numbones )
break ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
gltf - > bonemap [ j ] = b ;
if ( j < inverse . count )
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 0 ] = inversef [ 0 * 4 + 0 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 1 ] = inversef [ 1 * 4 + 0 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 2 ] = inversef [ 2 * 4 + 0 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 3 ] = inversef [ 3 * 4 + 0 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 4 ] = inversef [ 0 * 4 + 1 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 5 ] = inversef [ 1 * 4 + 1 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 6 ] = inversef [ 2 * 4 + 1 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 7 ] = inversef [ 3 * 4 + 1 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 8 ] = inversef [ 0 * 4 + 2 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 9 ] = inversef [ 1 * 4 + 2 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 10 ] = inversef [ 2 * 4 + 2 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 11 ] = inversef [ 3 * 4 + 2 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 12 ] = inversef [ 0 * 4 + 3 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 13 ] = inversef [ 1 * 4 + 3 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 14 ] = inversef [ 2 * 4 + 3 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 15 ] = inversef [ 3 * 4 + 3 ] ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 0 ] = 1 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 1 ] = 0 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 2 ] = 0 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 3 ] = 0 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 4 ] = 0 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 5 ] = 1 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 6 ] = 0 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 7 ] = 0 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 8 ] = 0 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 9 ] = 0 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 10 ] = 1 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 11 ] = 0 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 12 ] = 0 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 13 ] = 0 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 14 ] = 0 ;
gltf - > bones [ b ] . inverse [ 15 ] = 1 ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
// GLTF_ProcessNode(gltf, JSON_FindChild(skin, "skeleton"), identity, nodeidx, true);
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( gltf - > ver < = 1 )
int i ;
json_t * bdsm = JSON_FindChild ( skin , " bindShapeMatrix " ) ;
if ( bdsm )
skinmatrixptr = skinmatrix ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i + + )
skinmatrix [ i ] = JSON_GetIndexedFloat ( bdsm , i , ( ( i % 5 ) = = 0 ) ? 1.0 : 0.0 ) ;
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( skin , " name " ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( gltf - > ver < = 1 )
{ //multiple in gltf1
meshid = JSON_FindChild ( node , " meshes " ) ;
if ( meshid )
for ( meshid = meshid - > child ; meshid ; meshid = meshid - > sibling )
GLTF_ProcessMesh ( gltf , meshid , nodeidx , skinmatrixptr ) ;
{ //gltf2 moved to only one.
meshid = JSON_FindChild ( node , " mesh " ) ;
if ( meshid )
GLTF_ProcessMesh ( gltf , meshid , nodeidx , skinmatrixptr ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( c = JSON_FindIndexedChild ( node , " children " , 0 ) ; c ; c = c - > sibling )
c - > used = true ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
GLTF_ProcessNode ( gltf , c , b - > amatrix , nodeidx , isjoint ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
b - > camera = JSON_GetInteger ( node , " camera " , - 1 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
JSON_WarnIfChild ( node , " weights " , & gltf - > warnlimit ) ; //default value for morph weight animations
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
GLTF_FlagExtras ( node ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
return true ;
struct gltf_animsampler
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
enum {
AINTERP_LINEAR , //(s)lerp
AINTERP_STEP , //round down
AINTERP_CUBICSPLINE , //3 outputs per input, requires at least two inputs. messy.
} interptype ;
struct gltf_accessor input ; //timestamps
struct gltf_accessor output ; //values
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
int outputs ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
} ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
static void GLTF_Animation_Persist ( gltf_t * gltf , struct gltf_accessor * accessor )
model_t * mod = gltf - > mod ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
qbyte * newdata = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & mod - > memgroup , accessor - > length ) ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
memcpy ( newdata , accessor - > data , accessor - > length ) ;
accessor - > data = newdata ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static struct gltf_animsampler GLTF_AnimationSampler ( gltf_t * gltf , json_t * samplers , json_t * params , json_t * samplerid , int elems )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
int outsperinput = 1 ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
struct gltf_animsampler r ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
json_t * sampler = GLTF_FindJSONIDParent ( gltf , samplers , samplerid , NULL ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
char t [ 32 ] ;
const char * lerptype = JSON_GetString ( sampler , " interpolation " , t , sizeof ( t ) , " LINEAR " ) ;
if ( ! strcmp ( lerptype , " LINEAR " ) )
r . interptype = AINTERP_LINEAR ;
else if ( ! strcmp ( lerptype , " STEP " ) )
r . interptype = AINTERP_STEP ;
else if ( ! strcmp ( lerptype , " CUBICSPLINE " ) )
outsperinput = 3 ;
r . interptype = AINTERP_CUBICSPLINE ;
Con_Printf ( " Unknown interpolation type %s \n " , lerptype ) ;
r . interptype = AINTERP_LINEAR ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( gltf - > ver < = 1 )
GLTF_GetAccessor ( gltf , GLTF_FindJSONIDParent ( gltf , params , JSON_FindChild ( sampler , " input " ) , NULL ) , & r . input ) ;
GLTF_GetAccessor ( gltf , GLTF_FindJSONIDParent ( gltf , params , JSON_FindChild ( sampler , " output " ) , NULL ) , & r . output ) ;
GLTF_GetAccessor ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( sampler , " input " ) , & r . input ) ;
GLTF_GetAccessor ( gltf , JSON_FindChild ( sampler , " output " ) , & r . output ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( ! r . input . count )
r . input . count = 1 ;
r . outputs = r . output . count / ( r . input . count * outsperinput ) ;
if ( ! r . input . data | | ! r . output . data | | r . input . count * outsperinput * r . outputs ! = r . output . count )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
memset ( & r , 0 , sizeof ( r ) ) ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
GLTF_Animation_Persist ( gltf , & r . input ) ;
GLTF_Animation_Persist ( gltf , & r . output ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
return r ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
static float Anim_GetTime ( const struct gltf_accessor * in , int index )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
//read the input sampler (to get timestamps)
switch ( in - > componentType )
case 5120 : //BYTE
return max ( - 1 , ( * ( signed char * ) ( ( qbyte * ) in - > data + in - > bytestride * index ) ) / 127.0 ) ;
case 5121 : //UNSIGNED_BYTE
return ( * ( unsigned char * ) ( ( qbyte * ) in - > data + in - > bytestride * index ) ) / 255.0 ;
case 5122 : //SHORT
return max ( - 1 , ( * ( signed short * ) ( ( qbyte * ) in - > data + in - > bytestride * index ) ) / 32767.0 ) ;
case 5123 : //UNSIGNED_SHORT
return ( * ( unsigned short * ) ( ( qbyte * ) in - > data + in - > bytestride * index ) ) / 65535.0 ;
case 5125 : //UNSIGNED_INT
return ( * ( unsigned int * ) ( ( qbyte * ) in - > data + in - > bytestride * index ) ) / ( double ) ~ 0u ;
case 5126 : //FLOAT
return * ( float * ) ( ( qbyte * ) in - > data + in - > bytestride * index ) ;
default :
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
Con_Printf ( " Unsupported input component type %i \n " , in - > componentType ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
return 0 ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
static void Anim_GetVal ( const struct gltf_accessor * in , int index , float * result , int elems )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
//read the input sampler (to get timestamps)
switch ( in - > componentType )
case 5120 : //BYTE
while ( elems - - > 0 )
result [ elems ] = max ( - 1 , ( ( signed char * ) ( ( qbyte * ) in - > data + in - > bytestride * index ) ) [ elems ] / 127.0 ) ;
break ;
case 5121 : //UNSIGNED_BYTE
while ( elems - - > 0 )
result [ elems ] = ( ( unsigned char * ) ( ( qbyte * ) in - > data + in - > bytestride * index ) ) [ elems ] / 255.0 ;
break ;
case 5122 : //SHORT
while ( elems - - > 0 )
result [ elems ] = max ( - 1 , ( ( signed short * ) ( ( qbyte * ) in - > data + in - > bytestride * index ) ) [ elems ] / 32767.0 ) ;
break ;
case 5123 : //UNSIGNED_SHORT
while ( elems - - > 0 )
result [ elems ] = ( ( unsigned short * ) ( ( qbyte * ) in - > data + in - > bytestride * index ) ) [ elems ] / 65535.0 ;
break ;
case 5125 : //UNSIGNED_INT
while ( elems - - > 0 )
result [ elems ] = ( ( unsigned int * ) ( ( qbyte * ) in - > data + in - > bytestride * index ) ) [ elems ] / ( double ) ~ 0u ;
break ;
case 5126 : //FLOAT
while ( elems - - > 0 )
result [ elems ] = ( ( float * ) ( ( qbyte * ) in - > data + in - > bytestride * index ) ) [ elems ] ;
break ;
default :
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
Con_Printf ( " Unsupported output component type %i \n " , in - > componentType ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
break ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
static void QuaternionSlerp_ ( const vec4_t p , const vec4_t q , float t , vec4_t qt )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
int i ;
float omega , cosom , sinom , sclp , sclq ;
vec4_t flipped ;
// decide if one of the quaternions is backwards
float a = 0 ;
float b = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
a + = ( p [ i ] - q [ i ] ) * ( p [ i ] - q [ i ] ) ;
b + = ( p [ i ] + q [ i ] ) * ( p [ i ] + q [ i ] ) ;
if ( a > b ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
flipped [ i ] = - q [ i ] ;
q = flipped ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
cosom = p [ 0 ] * q [ 0 ] + p [ 1 ] * q [ 1 ] + p [ 2 ] * q [ 2 ] + p [ 3 ] * q [ 3 ] ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
if ( ( 1.0 + cosom ) > 0.00000001 ) {
if ( ( 1.0 - cosom ) > 0.00000001 ) {
omega = acos ( cosom ) ;
sinom = sin ( omega ) ;
sclp = sin ( ( 1.0 - t ) * omega ) / sinom ;
sclq = sin ( t * omega ) / sinom ;
else {
sclp = 1.0 - t ;
sclq = t ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
qt [ i ] = sclp * p [ i ] + sclq * q [ i ] ;
else {
qt [ 0 ] = - p [ 1 ] ;
qt [ 1 ] = p [ 0 ] ;
qt [ 2 ] = - p [ 3 ] ;
qt [ 3 ] = p [ 2 ] ;
sclp = sin ( ( 1.0 - t ) * 0.5 * M_PI ) ;
sclq = sin ( t * 0.5 * M_PI ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
qt [ i ] = sclp * p [ i ] + sclq * qt [ i ] ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static void LerpAnimData ( const struct gltf_animsampler * samp , float time , float * result , int elems , qboolean slerp )
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
float t0 , t1 ;
float w0 , w1 ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
// float v0[elems], v1[elems];
float * v0 = alloca ( sizeof ( * v0 ) * elems ) ;
float * v1 = alloca ( sizeof ( * v1 ) * elems ) ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
int f0 , f1 , c ;
const struct gltf_accessor * in = & samp - > input ;
const struct gltf_accessor * out = & samp - > output ;
t0 = t1 = Anim_GetTime ( in , f1 = f0 = 0 ) ;
while ( time > t1 & & f1 < in - > count - 1 )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
t0 = t1 ;
f0 = f1 ;
f1 + + ;
t1 = Anim_GetTime ( in , f1 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
f0 * = samp - > outputs ;
f1 * = samp - > outputs ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
if ( samp - > interptype = = AINTERP_CUBICSPLINE )
float step = t1 - t0 ;
float t = bound ( 0 , ( time - t0 ) / step , 1 ) ;
float tt = t * t , ttt = tt * t ;
//Hermite spline factors
float m0 = ( 2 * ttt - 3 * tt + 1 ) ;
float mb = ( ttt - 2 * tt + t ) * step ;
float m1 = ( - 2 * ttt + 3 * tt ) ;
float ma = ( ttt - tt ) * step ;
float a [ 4 ] , b [ 4 ] ;
//get the relevant tangents+sample values
//<quote>When used with CUBICSPLINE interpolation, tangents (ak, bk) and values (vk) are grouped within keyframes:
//so ignore that and use avb,avb,avb groups...
Anim_GetVal ( out , f1 * 3 + 0 , a , elems ) ;
Anim_GetVal ( out , f0 * 3 + 1 , v0 , elems ) ;
Anim_GetVal ( out , f1 * 3 + 1 , v1 , elems ) ;
Anim_GetVal ( out , f0 * 3 + 2 , b , elems ) ;
//and compute the spline.
for ( c = 0 ; c < elems ; c + + )
result [ c ] = m0 * v0 [ c ] + mb * b [ c ] + m1 * v1 [ c ] + ma * a [ c ] ;
//quats must be normalized.
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( slerp )
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
float len = sqrt ( DotProduct4 ( result , result ) ) ;
Vector4Scale ( result , 1 / len , result ) ;
return ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
else if ( time < = t0 ) //if before the first time, clamp it.
w1 = 0 ;
else if ( time > = t1 ) //if after tha last frame we could find, clamp it to the last.
w1 = 1 ;
else if ( samp - > interptype = = AINTERP_LINEAR )
w1 = ( time - t0 ) / ( t1 - t0 ) ;
else //if (samp->interptype == AINTERP_STEP)
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
w1 = 0 ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
if ( w1 < = 0 )
Anim_GetVal ( out , f0 , result , elems ) ;
else if ( w1 > = 1 )
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
Anim_GetVal ( out , f1 , result , elems ) ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
Anim_GetVal ( out , f0 , v0 , elems ) ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
Anim_GetVal ( out , f1 , v1 , elems ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( slerp )
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
QuaternionSlerp_ ( v0 , v1 , w1 , result ) ;
w0 = 1 - w1 ;
for ( c = 0 ; c < elems ; c + + )
result [ c ] = v0 [ c ] * w0 + w1 * v1 [ c ] ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static void GLTF_RemapBone ( gltf_t * gltf , size_t * nextidx , size_t b )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
{ //potentially needs to walk to the root before the child. recursion sucks.
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( b = = - 1 | | gltf - > bonemap [ b ] > = 0 )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
return ; //already got remapped
GLTF_RemapBone ( gltf , nextidx , gltf - > bones [ b ] . parent ) ;
gltf - > bonemap [ b ] = ( * nextidx ) + + ;
static void GLTF_RewriteBoneTree ( gltf_t * gltf )
galiasinfo_t * surf ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
size_t j , n ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
struct gltfbone_s * tmpbones ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < gltf - > numbones ; j + + )
if ( gltf - > bones [ j ] . parent > = j )
break ;
if ( j = = gltf - > numbones )
for ( j = 0 ; j < gltf - > numbones ; j + + )
gltf - > bonemap [ j ] = j ;
return ; //all are ordered okay
for ( j = 0 ; j < gltf - > numbones ; j + + )
gltf - > bonemap [ j ] = - 1 ;
for ( ; j < MAX_BONES ; j + + )
gltf - > bonemap [ j ] = 0 ;
n = 0 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < gltf - > numbones ; j + + )
GLTF_RemapBone ( gltf , & n , j ) ;
tmpbones = malloc ( sizeof ( * tmpbones ) * gltf - > numbones ) ;
memcpy ( tmpbones , gltf - > bones , sizeof ( * tmpbones ) * gltf - > numbones ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < gltf - > numbones ; j + + )
gltf - > bones [ gltf - > bonemap [ j ] ] = tmpbones [ j ] ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < gltf - > numbones ; j + + )
if ( gltf - > bones [ j ] . parent > = 0 )
gltf - > bones [ j ] . parent = gltf - > bonemap [ gltf - > bones [ j ] . parent ] ;
for ( surf = gltf - > mod - > meshinfo ; surf ; surf = surf - > nextsurf )
for ( j = 0 ; j < surf - > numverts ; j + + )
for ( n = 0 ; n < countof ( surf - > ofs_skel_idx [ j ] ) ; n + + )
surf - > ofs_skel_idx [ j ] [ n ] = gltf - > bonemap [ surf - > ofs_skel_idx [ j ] [ n ] ] ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
struct galiasanimation_gltf_s
{ //stored in galiasanimation_t->boneofs
float duration ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
struct gltf_animsampler rot , scale , trans , morph ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
} bone [ 1 ] ;
} ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
static const float * QDECL GLTF_AnimateMorphs ( const galiasinfo_t * surf , const framestate_t * framestate , float * morphs )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
float * imorphs = alloca ( sizeof ( * imorphs ) * surf - > nummorphs ) , * src ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
size_t influence , m ;
2020-07-01 05:32:21 +00:00
int bone = surf - > meshrootbone ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
const struct galiasanimation_gltf_s * a ;
const struct framestateregion_s * fg = & framestate - > g [ FS_REG ] ;
memset ( morphs , 0 , sizeof ( morphs [ 0 ] ) * surf - > nummorphs ) ;
for ( influence = 0 ; influence < countof ( framestate - > g [ FS_REG ] . frame ) ; influence + + )
m = 0 ;
if ( ! fg - > lerpweight [ influence ] )
continue ; //mneh, don't care.
if ( surf - > ofsanimations & & ( unsigned int ) fg - > frame [ influence ] < ( unsigned int ) surf - > numanimations )
a = surf - > ofsanimations [ fg - > frame [ influence ] ] . boneofs ;
if ( a & & a - > bone [ bone ] . morph . input . count )
int asz = min ( a - > bone [ bone ] . morph . outputs , surf - > nummorphs ) ;
double time = fg - > frametime [ influence ] ;
if ( surf - > ofsanimations [ fg - > frame [ influence ] ] . loop & & time > = a - > duration )
time = time - a - > duration * floor ( time / a - > duration ) ;
LerpAnimData ( & a - > bone [ bone ] . morph , time , imorphs , asz , false ) ;
for ( ; m < surf - > nummorphs & & m < asz ; m + + )
morphs [ m ] + = fg - > lerpweight [ influence ] * imorphs [ m ] ;
src = ( float * ) ( surf + 1 ) ; //our static morphs are stuck on the end of our surf struct.;
for ( ; m < surf - > nummorphs ; m + + )
morphs [ m ] + = fg - > lerpweight [ influence ] * src [ m ] ;
return morphs ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
static float * QDECL GLTF_AnimateBones ( const galiasinfo_t * surf , const galiasanimation_t * anim , float time , float * bonematrix , const struct galiasbone_s * boneinf , int numbones )
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
const struct galiasbone_gltf_s * defbone = surf - > ctx ;
int j = 0 , l ;
const struct galiasanimation_gltf_s * a = anim - > boneofs ;
2024-11-07 20:01:50 +00:00
numbones = min ( numbones , surf - > numbones ) ; //if you're asking for more bones, then expect bugs.
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
if ( anim - > loop & & time > = a - > duration )
time = time - a - > duration * floor ( time / a - > duration ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < numbones ; j + + , bonematrix + = 12 )
float scale [ 3 ] ;
float rot [ 4 ] ;
float trans [ 3 ] ;
//eww, weird inheritance crap.
if ( a - > bone [ j ] . rot . input . data | | a - > bone [ j ] . scale . input . data | | a - > bone [ j ] . trans . input . data )
VectorCopy ( defbone [ j ] . scale , scale ) ;
Vector4Copy ( defbone [ j ] . quat , rot ) ;
VectorCopy ( defbone [ j ] . trans , trans ) ;
if ( a - > bone [ j ] . rot . input . data )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
LerpAnimData ( & a - > bone [ j ] . rot , time , rot , 4 , true ) ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
if ( a - > bone [ j ] . scale . input . data )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
LerpAnimData ( & a - > bone [ j ] . scale , time , scale , 3 , false ) ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
if ( a - > bone [ j ] . trans . input . data )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
LerpAnimData ( & a - > bone [ j ] . trans , time , trans , 3 , false ) ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
//figure out the bone matrix...
modfuncs - > GenMatrixPosQuat4Scale ( trans , rot , scale , bonematrix ) ;
{ //nothing animated, use what we calculated earlier.
for ( l = 0 ; l < 12 ; l + + )
bonematrix [ l ] = defbone [ j ] . rmatrix [ l ] ;
if ( surf - > ofsbones [ j ] . parent < 0 )
{ //rotate any root bones from gltf to quake's orientation.
float fnar [ 12 ] ;
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
float toquake [ 12 ] = { 0 } ;
if ( mod_gltf_standardorientation - > ival )
toquake [ 2 ] = toquake [ 4 ] = toquake [ 9 ] = mod_gltf_scale - > value ;
toquake [ 0 ] = toquake [ 5 ] = toquake [ 10 ] = mod_gltf_scale - > value ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
memcpy ( fnar , bonematrix , sizeof ( fnar ) ) ;
modfuncs - > ConcatTransforms ( ( void * ) toquake , ( void * ) fnar , ( void * ) bonematrix ) ;
return bonematrix - j * 12 ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
//okay, so gltf is some weird scene thing.
//mostly there should be some default scene, so we'll just use that.
//we do NOT supported nested nodes right now...
static qboolean GLTF_LoadModel ( struct model_s * mod , char * json , size_t jsonsize , void * buffer , size_t buffersize )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
static struct knowngltfextensions_s
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
const char * name ;
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
qboolean supported ; //unsupported extensions don't really need to be listed, but they do prevent warnings from unknown-but-used extensions
qboolean draft ; //true when our implementation is probably buggy on account of the spec maybe changing.
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
} extensions_v1 [ ] =
{ " KHR_binary_glTF " , true , false } ,
{ " KHR_materials_common " , true , false } ,
{ NULL }
} , extensions_v2 [ ] =
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
{ " KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness " , true , false } ,
// {"KHR_materials_cmnBlinnPhong", true, true},
{ " KHR_materials_unlit " , true , false } ,
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
{ " KHR_mesh_quantization " , true , false } ,
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
{ " MSFT_texture_dds " , true , false } ,
{ " MSFT_packing_occlusionRoughnessMetallic " , true , false } ,
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
{ " KHR_materials_variants " , true , false } ,
{ " KHR_materials_ior " , true , false } ,
2023-07-02 02:58:51 +00:00
# ifdef HAVE_DRACO
{ " KHR_draco_mesh_compression " , true , false } , //probably fatal
# else
{ " KHR_draco_mesh_compression " , false , false } , //probably fatal
# endif
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
{ " KHR_texture_transform " , false , false } , //requires glsl tweaks, per texmap. can't use tcmod if its only on the bumpmap etc.
{ " KHR_materials_sheen " , false , false } , //requires glsl tweaks, extra brdf layer in the middle for velvet.
{ " KHR_materials_clearcoat " , false , false } , //requires glsl tweaks, extra brdf layer over the top for varnish etc.
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
{ NULL }
} , * extensions ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
gltf_t gltf ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
quintptr_t j , k ;
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
json_t * scene , * n , * anim , * var ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
double rootmatrix [ 16 ] ;
double gltfver ;
galiasinfo_t * surf ;
galiasbone_t * bone ;
galiasanimation_t * framegroups = NULL ;
unsigned int numframegroups = 0 ;
float * baseframe ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
struct galiasbone_gltf_s * gltfbone ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
struct jsonparsectx_s jsparsectx = { json , jsonsize , 0 } ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
memset ( & gltf , 0 , sizeof ( gltf ) ) ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
gltf . bonemap = malloc ( sizeof ( * gltf . bonemap ) * MAX_BONES ) ;
gltf . bones = malloc ( sizeof ( * gltf . bones ) * MAX_BONES ) ;
memset ( gltf . bones , 0 , sizeof ( * gltf . bones ) * MAX_BONES ) ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
gltf . r = JSON_ParseNode ( NULL , mod - > name , NULL , & jsparsectx ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
gltf . mod = mod ;
gltf . buffers [ 0 ] . data = buffer ;
gltf . buffers [ 0 ] . length = buffersize ;
gltf . warnlimit = 5 ;
2019-03-01 22:39:30 +00:00
//asset.version must exist, supposedly. so default to something b0rked
gltfver = JSON_GetFloat ( gltf . r , " asset.minVersion " , 0.0 ) ;
if ( gltfver ! = 2.0 )
gltfver = JSON_GetFloat ( gltf . r , " asset.version " , 0.0 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( gltfver = = 2.0 )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
gltf . ver = 2 ;
if ( gltfver = = 1.0 ) //we load gltf1 models. we don't get the materials right but gltf1 sucks for that anyway.
gltf . ver = 1 ;
if ( gltf . ver )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( gltf . ver < = 1 )
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( gltf . r , " asset.profile " ) ;
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( gltf . r , " asset.premultipliedAlpha " ) ;
extensions = extensions_v1 ;
extensions = extensions_v2 ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( gltf . r , " asset.copyright " ) ;
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( gltf . r , " asset.generator " ) ;
JSON_WarnIfChild ( gltf . r , " asset.minVersion " , & gltf . warnlimit ) ;
JSON_WarnIfChild ( gltf . r , " asset.extensions " , & gltf . warnlimit ) ;
for ( n = JSON_FindIndexedChild ( gltf . r , " extensionsRequired " , 0 ) ; n ; n = n - > sibling )
char extname [ 256 ] ;
JSON_ReadBody ( n , extname , sizeof ( extname ) ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
for ( j = 0 ; extensions [ j ] . name ; j + + )
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
if ( ! strcmp ( extname , extensions [ j ] . name ) )
break ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( ! extensions [ j ] . supported )
2019-07-29 05:28:20 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
Con_Printf ( CON_ERROR " %s: Required gltf%i extension \" %s \" not supported \n " , mod - > name , gltf . ver , extname ) ;
2019-07-29 05:28:20 +00:00
goto abort ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
mod - > flags = JSON_GetInteger ( gltf . r , " asset.extras.fte.modelflags " , 0.0 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( n = JSON_FindIndexedChild ( gltf . r , " extensionsUsed " , 0 ) ; n ; n = n - > sibling )
{ //must be a superset of the above.
char extname [ 256 ] ;
JSON_ReadBody ( n , extname , sizeof ( extname ) ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
for ( j = 0 ; extensions [ j ] . name ; j + + )
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
if ( ! strcmp ( extname , extensions [ j ] . name ) )
break ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( ! extensions [ j ] . supported )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: gltf%i extension \" %s \" not known \n " , mod - > name , gltf . ver , extname ) ;
2020-01-10 12:23:25 +00:00
else if ( extensions [ j ] . draft )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: gltf%i extension \" %s \" follows draft implementation, and may be non-standard/buggy \n " , mod - > name , gltf . ver , extname ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
VectorClear ( mod - > maxs ) ;
VectorClear ( mod - > mins ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
//we don't really care about cameras.
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( gltf . r , " cameras " ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
scene = GLTF_FindJSONID_First ( & gltf , " scenes " , JSON_FindChild ( gltf . r , " scene " ) , NULL ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
memset ( & rootmatrix , 0 , sizeof ( rootmatrix ) ) ;
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
if ( mod_gltf_standardorientation - > ival ) //transform from gltf to quake. mostly only needed for the base pose.
rootmatrix [ 2 ] = rootmatrix [ 4 ] = rootmatrix [ 9 ] = mod_gltf_scale - > value ;
rootmatrix [ 15 ] = 1 ;
else //identity orientation that violates gltf standards.
rootmatrix [ 0 ] = rootmatrix [ 5 ] = rootmatrix [ 10 ] = mod_gltf_scale - > value ;
rootmatrix [ 15 ] = 1 ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
n = JSON_FindChild ( gltf . r , " nodes " ) ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
for ( j = 0 ; ; j + + )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( gltf . ver < = 1 )
n = j ? n - > sibling : n - > child ;
n = JSON_FindIndexedChild ( gltf . r , " nodes " , j ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( ! n )
break ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
if ( j = = MAX_BONES )
Con_Printf ( CON_WARNING " %s: too many nodes (max %i) \n " , mod - > name , MAX_BONES ) ;
break ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
JSON_ReadBody ( JSON_FindChild ( n , " jointName " ) , gltf . bones [ j ] . jointname , sizeof ( gltf . bones [ j ] . jointname ) ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( ! JSON_ReadBody ( JSON_FindChild ( n , " name " ) , gltf . bones [ j ] . name , sizeof ( gltf . bones [ j ] . name ) ) )
if ( n )
JSON_GetPath ( n , true , gltf . bones [ j ] . name , sizeof ( gltf . bones [ j ] . name ) ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
Q_snprintf ( gltf . bones [ j ] . name , sizeof ( gltf . bones [ j ] . name ) , " bone%u " , ( unsigned ) j ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
gltf . bones [ j ] . camera = - 1 ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
gltf . bones [ j ] . parent = - 1 ;
gltf . bones [ j ] . amatrix [ 0 ] = gltf . bones [ j ] . amatrix [ 5 ] = gltf . bones [ j ] . amatrix [ 10 ] = gltf . bones [ j ] . amatrix [ 15 ] = 1 ;
gltf . bones [ j ] . inverse [ 0 ] = gltf . bones [ j ] . inverse [ 5 ] = gltf . bones [ j ] . inverse [ 10 ] = gltf . bones [ j ] . inverse [ 15 ] = 1 ;
gltf . bones [ j ] . rel . rmatrix [ 0 ] = gltf . bones [ j ] . rel . rmatrix [ 5 ] = gltf . bones [ j ] . rel . rmatrix [ 10 ] = gltf . bones [ j ] . rel . rmatrix [ 15 ] = 1 ;
gltf . numbones = j ;
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
gltf . variations = 0 ;
for ( var = JSON_FindIndexedChild ( gltf . r , " extensions.KHR_materials_variants.variants " , 0 ) ; var ; var = var - > sibling )
gltf . variations + + ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
JSON_FlagAsUsed ( scene , " name " ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
GLTF_FlagExtras ( scene ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( j = 0 ; ; j + + )
n = JSON_FindIndexedChild ( scene , " nodes " , j ) ;
if ( ! n )
break ;
n - > used = true ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
// if (!
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
GLTF_ProcessNode ( & gltf , n , rootmatrix , - 1 , false ) ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
// break;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
GLTF_RewriteBoneTree ( & gltf ) ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
gltfbone = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * gltfbone ) * gltf . numbones ) ;
bone = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * bone ) * gltf . numbones ) ;
baseframe = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( float ) * 12 * gltf . numbones ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( j = 0 ; j < gltf . numbones ; j + + )
Q_strlcpy ( bone [ j ] . name , gltf . bones [ j ] . name , sizeof ( bone [ j ] . name ) ) ;
bone [ j ] . parent = gltf . bones [ j ] . parent ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
if ( gltf . bones [ j ] . camera > = 0 & & ! mod - > camerabone )
mod - > camerabone = j + 1 ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( k = 0 ; k < 12 ; k + + )
baseframe [ j * 12 + k ] = gltf . bones [ j ] . amatrix [ k ] ;
bone [ j ] . inverse [ k ] = gltf . bones [ j ] . inverse [ k ] ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
gltfbone [ j ] = gltf . bones [ j ] . rel ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
anim = JSON_FindChild ( gltf . r , " animations " ) ;
if ( anim )
for ( anim = anim - > child ; anim ; anim = anim - > sibling )
numframegroups + + ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( numframegroups )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
struct galiasanimation_gltf_s * * mergeanims = NULL ;
if ( mod_gltf_fixbuggyanims - > ival )
mergeanims = alloca ( sizeof ( * mergeanims ) * gltf . numbones ) ;
memset ( mergeanims , 0 , sizeof ( mergeanims ) * gltf . numbones ) ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
framegroups = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * framegroups ) * numframegroups ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
anim = JSON_FindChild ( gltf . r , " animations " ) - > child ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < numframegroups ; k + + , anim = anim - > sibling )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
galiasanimation_t * fg = & framegroups [ k ] ;
json_t * chan ;
json_t * samps = JSON_FindChild ( anim , " samplers " ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
json_t * params = gltf . ver < = 1 ? JSON_FindChild ( anim , " parameters " ) : 0 ; //gltf1
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
float maxtime = 0 ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
unsigned maxposes = 0 ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
struct galiasanimation_gltf_s * a = plugfuncs - > GMalloc ( & mod - > memgroup , sizeof ( * a ) + sizeof ( a - > bone [ 0 ] ) * ( gltf . numbones - 1 ) ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
anim - > used = true ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( ! JSON_ReadBody ( JSON_FindChild ( anim , " name " ) , fg - > name , sizeof ( fg - > name ) ) )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( gltf . ver < = 1 )
Q_snprintf ( fg - > name , sizeof ( fg - > name ) , " %s " , anim - > name ) ;
else if ( anim )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
JSON_GetPath ( anim , true , fg - > name , sizeof ( fg - > name ) ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
Q_snprintf ( fg - > name , sizeof ( fg - > name ) , " anim%u " , ( unsigned int ) k ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
fg - > loop = ! ! mod_gltf_loop - > ival ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
fg - > skeltype = SKEL_RELATIVE ;
2022-01-07 03:18:00 +00:00
fg - > action = - 1 ;
fg - > actionweight = 0 ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( chan = JSON_FindIndexedChild ( anim , " channels " , 0 ) ; chan ; chan = chan - > sibling )
struct gltf_animsampler s ;
json_t * targ = JSON_FindChild ( chan , " target " ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
json_t * samplerid = JSON_FindChild ( chan , " sampler " ) ;
qintptr_t bone ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
json_t * path = JSON_FindChild ( targ , " path " ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
chan - > used = true ;
if ( gltf . ver < = 1 )
GLTF_FindJSONID ( & gltf , " nodes " , JSON_FindChild ( targ , " id " ) , ( quintptr_t * ) & bone ) ;
bone = JSON_GetInteger ( targ , " node " , - 2 ) ;
if ( bone = = - 2 )
continue ; //'When node isn't defined, channel should be ignored'
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
if ( bone < 0 | | bone > = gltf . numbones )
if ( gltf . warnlimit - - > 0 )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
Con_Printf ( " %s: invalid node index %i \n " , mod - > name , ( int ) bone ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
continue ; //error...
bone = gltf . bonemap [ bone ] ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( mergeanims )
if ( mergeanims [ bone ] & & mergeanims [ bone ] ! = a )
mergeanims = NULL ; //was some other animation... which means two animations are fighting over the same joint. which means we don't need to use this hack! yay!
mergeanims [ bone ] = a ;
s = GLTF_AnimationSampler ( & gltf , samps , params , samplerid , 4 ) ;
if ( ! s . input . maxs [ 0 ] & & s . input . count )
s . input . maxs [ 0 ] = Anim_GetTime ( & s . input , s . input . count - 1 ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
maxtime = max ( maxtime , s . input . maxs [ 0 ] ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
maxposes = max ( maxposes , s . input . count ) ;
if ( JSON_Equals ( path , NULL , " rotation " ) & & s . outputs = = 1 )
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
a - > bone [ bone ] . rot = s ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
else if ( JSON_Equals ( path , NULL , " scale " ) & & s . outputs = = 1 )
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
a - > bone [ bone ] . scale = s ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
else if ( JSON_Equals ( path , NULL , " translation " ) & & s . outputs = = 1 )
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
a - > bone [ bone ] . trans = s ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
else if ( JSON_Equals ( path , NULL , " weights " ) & & s . outputs > = 1 )
a - > bone [ bone ] . morph = s ;
if ( gltf . warnlimit - - > 0 )
char buf [ 64 ] ;
JSON_ReadBody ( path , buf , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
Con_Printf ( " %s: unknown animation data - %s \n " , mod - > name , buf ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( ! maxtime )
maxtime = 1.0 / 30 ; //some stuff doesn't like 0-length animations. divisions by 0 are not nice.
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
a - > duration = maxtime ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
//calc average framerate
fg - > numposes = maxposes ;
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
if ( maxtime & & fg - > numposes > 1 )
fg - > rate = ( fg - > numposes - 1 ) / maxtime ; //fix up the rate so we hit the exact end of the animation (so it doesn't have to be quite so exact).
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
fg - > rate = 60 ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
fg - > skeltype = SKEL_RELATIVE ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
fg - > GetRawBones = GLTF_AnimateBones ;
fg - > boneofs = a ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( mergeanims )
{ //if we got this far then no two animations referenced the same bone.
//this is a common issue with various sample models, I'm going to call it an exporter bug, and work around it by merging them into a single animation.
for ( k = 1 ; k < numframegroups & & framegroups [ k ] . rate = = framegroups [ 0 ] . rate & & framegroups [ k ] . numposes = = framegroups [ 0 ] . numposes ; k + + )
if ( k = = numframegroups )
{ //yup, all have the same duration+posecount. lets call it a valid fix.
struct galiasanimation_gltf_s * merged = framegroups [ 0 ] . boneofs ;
Q_snprintf ( framegroups - > name , sizeof ( framegroups - > name ) , " allbones " ) ;
numframegroups = 1 ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < gltf . numbones ; k + + )
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( mergeanims [ k ] )
merged - > bone [ k ] = mergeanims [ k ] - > bone [ k ] ; //copy over that bone.
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
for ( surf = mod - > meshinfo ; surf ; surf = surf - > nextsurf )
surf - > shares_bones = 0 ;
surf - > numbones = gltf . numbones ;
surf - > ofsbones = bone ;
2019-09-04 07:59:40 +00:00
surf - > ctx = gltfbone ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
surf - > baseframeofs = baseframe ;
surf - > ofsanimations = framegroups ;
surf - > numanimations = numframegroups ;
surf - > contents = FTECONTENTS_BODY ;
surf - > csurface . flags = 0 ;
surf - > geomset = ~ 0 ; //invalid set = always visible. FIXME: set this according to scene numbers?
surf - > geomid = 0 ;
2021-07-01 01:16:23 +00:00
if ( surf - > numskins > 1 )
int i ;
Q_snprintf ( surf - > ofsskins [ 0 ] . name , sizeof ( surf - > ofsskins [ 0 ] . name ) , " Default " ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < surf - > numskins ; i + + )
JSON_GetString ( JSON_FindIndexedChild ( gltf . r , " extensions.KHR_materials_variants.variants " , i - 1 ) , " name " , surf - > ofsskins [ i ] . name , sizeof ( surf - > ofsskins [ i ] . name ) , surf - > ofsskins [ i ] . name ) ;
# endif
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
VectorScale ( mod - > mins , mod_gltf_scale - > value , mod - > mins ) ;
VectorScale ( mod - > maxs , mod_gltf_scale - > value , mod - > maxs ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
if ( ! mod - > meshinfo & & numframegroups > 0 )
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
Con_Printf ( " %s: Doesn't contain any meshes... \n " , mod - > name ) ;
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
else if ( ! mod_gltf_loop - > ival )
{ //gltf doesn't specify if things loop or not.
//our lerping is between previous+next frames, we don't actually handle wrapping here, and our 'numframes' is entirely arbitrary.
//if the last frame and first frame are identical then its safe to say that it MAY loop, otherwise there'll be a judder when trying to do so.
//and if it does seem to loop okay, don't hold that last frame for an extra 1/fps when the repeats starts, just go snap straight to the first frame.
float * first = malloc ( sizeof ( * first ) * 12 * gltf . numbones * 2 ) ;
float * last = first + 12 * gltf . numbones ;
galiasanimation_t * fg ;
struct galiasanimation_gltf_s * a ;
surf = mod - > meshinfo ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < numframegroups ; k + + )
fg = & framegroups [ k ] ;
a = fg - > boneofs ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
fg - > GetRawBones ( surf , fg , 0 , first , NULL , gltf . numbones ) ;
fg - > GetRawBones ( surf , fg , a - > duration , last , NULL , gltf . numbones ) ; //should fall on an exact frame.
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
for ( j = 0 ; j < 12 * gltf . numbones ; j + + )
if ( first [ j ] ! = last [ j ] )
break ;
if ( j = = 12 * gltf . numbones )
fg - > loop = true ;
fg - > numposes - - ;
free ( first ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
JSON_WarnUnused ( gltf . r , & gltf . warnlimit ) ;
Con_Printf ( " %s: unsupported gltf version (%.2f) \n " , mod - > name , gltfver ) ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
abort :
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
JSON_Destroy ( gltf . r ) ;
2019-03-12 05:04:27 +00:00
free ( gltf . bones ) ;
free ( gltf . bonemap ) ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
mod - > type = mod_alias ;
return ! ! mod - > meshinfo ;
qboolean QDECL Mod_LoadGLTFModel ( struct model_s * mod , void * buffer , size_t fsize )
//just straight json.
return GLTF_LoadModel ( mod , buffer , fsize , NULL , 0 ) ;
//glb files are some binary header, a lump with json data, and optionally a lump with binary data
qboolean QDECL Mod_LoadGLBModel ( struct model_s * mod , void * buffer , size_t fsize )
unsigned char * header = buffer ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
unsigned int magic = header [ 0 ] | ( header [ 1 ] < < 8 ) | ( header [ 2 ] < < 16 ) | ( header [ 3 ] < < 24 ) ; //gltf
unsigned int version = header [ 4 ] | ( header [ 5 ] < < 8 ) | ( header [ 6 ] < < 16 ) | ( header [ 7 ] < < 24 ) ; //2
unsigned int length = header [ 8 ] | ( header [ 9 ] < < 8 ) | ( header [ 10 ] < < 16 ) | ( header [ 11 ] < < 24 ) ; //fsize
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
unsigned int jsonlen = header [ 12 ] | ( header [ 13 ] < < 8 ) | ( header [ 14 ] < < 16 ) | ( header [ 15 ] < < 24 ) ;
unsigned int jsontype = header [ 16 ] | ( header [ 17 ] < < 8 ) | ( header [ 18 ] < < 16 ) | ( header [ 19 ] < < 24 ) ;
char * json = ( char * ) ( header + 20 ) ;
if ( fsize < 28 )
return false ;
if ( magic ! = ( ( ' F ' < < 24 ) + ( ' T ' < < 16 ) + ( ' l ' < < 8 ) + ' g ' ) )
return false ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
if ( fsize < length )
return false ; //allow padding on the end, but not truncation
if ( version = = 1 )
unsigned int binlen = ( length - 20 ) - jsonlen ;
unsigned char * bin = header + 20 + jsonlen ;
if ( jsonlen & 3 )
return false ; //exporter is expected to pad with spaces.
if ( jsontype ! = 0 ) //'JSON'
return false ;
if ( length ! = 20 + jsonlen + binlen )
return false ;
return GLTF_LoadModel ( mod , json , jsonlen , bin , binlen ) ;
else if ( version = = 2 )
unsigned int binlen = header [ 20 + jsonlen ] | ( header [ 21 + jsonlen ] < < 8 ) | ( header [ 22 + jsonlen ] < < 16 ) | ( header [ 23 + jsonlen ] < < 24 ) ;
unsigned int bintype = header [ 24 + jsonlen ] | ( header [ 25 + jsonlen ] < < 8 ) | ( header [ 26 + jsonlen ] < < 16 ) | ( header [ 27 + jsonlen ] < < 24 ) ;
unsigned char * bin = header + 28 + jsonlen ;
if ( jsontype ! = 0x4E4F534A ) //'JSON'
return false ;
if ( length ! = 28 + jsonlen + binlen )
return false ;
if ( bintype ! = 0x004E4942 ) //'BIN\0'
return false ;
return GLTF_LoadModel ( mod , json , jsonlen , bin , binlen ) ;
return false ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
2020-01-20 18:36:45 +00:00
qboolean Plug_GLTF_Init ( void )
filefuncs = plugfuncs - > GetEngineInterface ( plugfsfuncs_name , sizeof ( * filefuncs ) ) ;
modfuncs = plugfuncs - > GetEngineInterface ( plugmodfuncs_name , sizeof ( * modfuncs ) ) ;
Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-04-09 17:13:59 +00:00
if ( modfuncs & & modfuncs - > version ! = MODPLUGFUNCS_VERSION )
2020-01-20 18:36:45 +00:00
modfuncs = NULL ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
mod_gltf_scale = cvarfuncs - > GetNVFDG ( " mod_gltf_scale " , " 30 " , CVAR_RENDERERLATCH , " This defines the number of units per metre, in order to correctly load standard-scale gltf models. " , " GLTF Models " ) ;
mod_gltf_fixbuggyanims = cvarfuncs - > GetNVFDG ( " mod_gltf_fixbuggyanims " , " 1 " , CVAR_RENDERERLATCH , " Work around buggy exporters by merging animations that affect only a single bone. " , " GLTF Models " ) ;
# ifdef IQMTOOL
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
mod_gltf_loop = cvarfuncs - > GetNVFDG ( " mod_gltf_loop " , " 0 " , CVAR_RENDERERLATCH , " This forces all gltf models to loop, instead of only when the last frame matches the first. " , " GLTF Models " ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
mod_gltf_privatematerials = cvarfuncs - > GetNVFDG ( " mod_gltf_privatematerials " , " 0 " , CVAR_RENDERERLATCH , " Add the model path to material names, to isolate them between different models. " , " GLTF Models " ) ;
# else
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
mod_gltf_loop = cvarfuncs - > GetNVFDG ( " mod_gltf_loop " , " 1 " , CVAR_RENDERERLATCH , " This forces all gltf models to loop, instead of only when the last frame matches the first. " , " GLTF Models " ) ;
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
mod_gltf_privatematerials = cvarfuncs - > GetNVFDG ( " mod_gltf_privatematerials " , " 1 " , CVAR_RENDERERLATCH , " Add the model path to material names, to isolate them between different models. " , " GLTF Models " ) ;
# endif
2021-06-21 13:46:31 +00:00
mod_gltf_ignoretechniques = cvarfuncs - > GetNVFDG ( " mod_gltf_ignoretechniques " , " 1 " , CVAR_RENDERERLATCH , " Ignore the GLTF-1 model-specific glsl. This is enabled by default because it just doesn't work very well. " , " GLTF Models " ) ;
mod_gltf_standardorientation = cvarfuncs - > GetNVFDG ( " mod_gltf_standardorientation " , " 1 " , CVAR_RENDERERLATCH , " Transform GLTF files from standard y-up to Quake's z-up orientation. Set to 0 to violate the GLTF specification. " , " GLTF Models " ) ;
2020-01-20 18:36:45 +00:00
if ( modfuncs & & filefuncs )
2020-06-13 00:05:47 +00:00
modfuncs - > RegisterModelFormatText ( " glTF models (glTF) " , " .gltf " , Mod_LoadGLTFModel ) ;
2021-11-03 20:31:32 +00:00
modfuncs - > RegisterModelFormatMagic ( " glTF models (glb) " , " glTF " , 4 , Mod_LoadGLBModel ) ;
2020-01-20 18:36:45 +00:00
return true ;
return false ;
2019-02-16 19:09:07 +00:00
# endif