Fork 0
forked from fte/fteqw

423 lines
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#ifndef __PLUGIN_H__
#define __PLUGIN_H__
//included from fte itself, to borrow typedefs
#elif defined(FTEPLUGIN)
//plugin that needs fte internals
#include "quakedef.h"
//moderately generic plugin
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef enum {qfalse, qtrue} qboolean;
typedef enum {qfalse, qtrue} qboolean;
#define false qfalse
#define true qtrue
typedef float vec3_t[3];
typedef unsigned char qbyte;
#include <stdint.h>
#define quint64_t uint64_t
typedef quint64_t qofs_t;
typedef struct cvar_s cvar_t;
typedef struct usercmd_s usercmd_t;
typedef struct vfsfile_s vfsfile_t;
typedef struct netadr_s netadr_t;
enum fs_relative;
struct searchpathfuncs_s;
#ifdef _WIN32
# ifndef strcasecmp
# define strcasecmp stricmp
# define strncasecmp strnicmp
# endif
# if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1900
# define Q_vsnprintf vsnprintf
# define Q_snprintf snprintf
# endif
# define stricmp strcasecmp
# define strnicmp strncasecmp
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifndef _VM_H
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L || defined(__GNUC__)
//C99 has a stdint header which hopefully contains an intptr_t
//its optional... but if its not in there then its unlikely you'll actually be able to get the engine to a stage where it *can* load anything
#include <stdint.h>
#define qintptr_t intptr_t
#define quintptr_t uintptr_t
#ifdef _WIN64
typedef long long qintptr_t;
typedef unsigned long long quintptr_t;
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER < 1300
#define __w64
typedef long __w64 qintptr_t;
typedef unsigned long __w64 quintptr_t;
#ifdef _WIN32
#define NATIVEEXPORTPROTO __declspec(dllexport)
#define NATIVEEXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
//DLLs need a wrapper to add the extra parameter and call a boring function.
#ifndef QDECL
#ifdef _WIN32
#define QDECL __cdecl
#define QDECL
#if (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1))
#define LIKEPRINTF(x) __attribute__((format(printf,x,x+1)))
#define LIKEPRINTF(x)
typedef int qhandle_t;
typedef void* funcptr_t;
typedef struct {
int topcolour;
int bottomcolour;
int frags;
int ping;
int pl;
int activetime;
int userid;
int spectator;
char userinfo[2048];
char team[64];
} plugclientinfo_t;
typedef struct
unsigned int client;
unsigned int items;
float armor;
float health;
vec3_t org;
char nick[16];
} teamplayerinfo_t;
typedef struct {
size_t structsize;
int seats;
float s_avg;
float s_mn;
float s_mx;
float ms_stddev; //calculated in milliseconds for more sane numbers
float fr_avg;
int fr_mn;
int fr_mx;
} ping;
{ //decimals
float dropped;
float choked;
float invalid;
} loss;
float mlatency;
float mrate;
float vlatency;
float vrate;
vec3_t speed; //player speed
float in_pps;
float in_bps;
float out_pps;
float out_bps;
} clrate;
float in_pps;
float in_bps;
float out_pps;
float out_bps;
} svrate;
int capturing; //avi capturing
} plugnetinfo_t;
struct wstats_s;
#define F(t, n, args) t (QDECL *n) args
#define dllhandle_t void
struct dllfunction_s;
typedef struct //core stuff
//Basic builtins:
F(void*, GetEngineInterface, (const char *interfacename, size_t structsize)); //retrieve a named interface struct from the engine
F(qboolean, ExportFunction, (const char *funcname, funcptr_t funcptr)); //export a named function to the engine
F(qboolean, ExportInterface, (const char *interfacename, void *interfaceptr, size_t structsize)); //export a named interface struct to the engine
F(qboolean, GetPluginName, (int plugnum, char *buffer, size_t bufsize)); //query loaded plugin names. -1 == active plugin
F(void, Print, (const char *message)); //print on (main) console.
F(void, Error, (const char *message)); //abort the entire engine.
F(quintptr_t,GetMilliseconds, (void));
F(dllhandle_t*,LoadDLL, (const char *modulename, struct dllfunction_s *funcs));
F(void*, GetDLLSymbol, (dllhandle_t *handle, const char *symbolname));
F(void, CloseDLL, (dllhandle_t *handle)); //not guarenteed to actually do anything, of course.
#define plugcorefuncs_name "Core"
} plugcorefuncs_t;
typedef struct //subconsole handling
F(qhandle_t,POpen, (const char *conname));
F(qboolean, SubPrint, (const char *subname, const char *text)); //on to sub console.
F(qboolean, RenameSub, (const char *oldname, const char *newname)); //rename a console.
F(qboolean, IsActive, (const char *conname));
F(qboolean, SetActive, (const char *conname));
F(qboolean, Destroy, (const char *conname));
F(qboolean, NameForNum, (qintptr_t connum, char *conname, size_t connamelen));
F(float, GetConsoleFloat, (const char *conname, const char *attribname));
F(qboolean, SetConsoleFloat, (const char *conname, const char *attribname, float newvalue));
F(qboolean, GetConsoleString, (const char *conname, const char *attribname, char *outvalue, size_t valuesize));
F(qboolean, SetConsoleString, (const char *conname, const char *attribname, const char *newvalue));
#define plugsubconsolefuncs_name "SubConsole"
} plugsubconsolefuncs_t;
enum com_tokentype_e;
typedef struct //console command/tokenizing/cbuf functions
F(const char *,QuotedString, (const char *string, char *buf, int buflen, qboolean omitquotes)); //generates a string with c-style markup and relevant quote types.
F(char *, ParseToken, (const char *data, char *token, size_t tokenlen, enum com_tokentype_e *tokentype)); //standard quake-style token parsing.
F(char *, ParsePunctuation, (const char *data, const char *punctuation, char *token, size_t tokenlen, enum com_tokentype_e *tokentype)); //use explicit punctuation.
F(void, TokenizeString, (const char *msg)); //tokenize a string.
F(void, Args, (char *buffer, int bufsize)); //Gets the extra args
F(void, Argv, (int argnum, char *buffer, size_t bufsize)); //Gets a 0-based token
F(int, Argc, (void)); //gets the number of tokens available.
F(qboolean, AddCommand, (const char *cmdname)); //Registers a console command.
F(void, AddText, (const char *text, qboolean insert));
#define plugcmdfuncs_name "Cmd"
} plugcmdfuncs_t;
typedef struct //console command and cbuf functions
F(void, SetString, (const char *name, const char *value));
F(void, SetFloat, (const char *name, float value));
F(qboolean, GetString, (const char *name, char *retstring, quintptr_t sizeofretstring));
F(float, GetFloat, (const char *name));
F(qhandle_t,Register, (const char *name, const char *defaultval, int flags, const char *grouphint));
F(qboolean, Update, (qhandle_t handle, int *modificationcount, char *outstringv, size_t stringsize, float *outfloatv)); //stringv is 256 chars long, don't expect this function to do anything if modification count is unchanged.
F(cvar_t*, GetNVFDG, (const char *name, const char *defaultval, unsigned int flags, const char *description, const char *groupname));
#define plugcvarfuncs_name "Cvar"
} plugcvarfuncs_t;
typedef struct
F(void, LocalSound, (const char *soundname, int channel, float volume));
F(void, RawAudio, (int sourceid, void *data, int speed, int samples, int channels, int width, float volume));
#define plugaudiofuncs_name "Audio"
} plugaudiofuncs_t;
typedef struct //q1 client/network info
F(int, GetStats, (int seat, unsigned int *stats, int maxstats));
F(void, GetPlayerInfo, (int seat, plugclientinfo_t *info));
F(size_t, GetNetworkInfo, (plugnetinfo_t *ni, size_t sizeofni));
F(size_t, GetLocalPlayerNumbers,(size_t firstseat, size_t numseats, int *playernums, int *spectracks));
F(void, GetLocationName, (const float *pos, char *outbuffer, size_t bufferlen));
F(qboolean, GetLastInputFrame, (int seat, usercmd_t *outcmd));
F(void, GetServerInfo, (char *info, size_t infolen));
F(void, SetUserInfo, (int seat, const char *key, const char *value));
//EBUILTIN(void, SCR_CenterPrint, (const char *s));
//FIXME: does this belong here?
F(qboolean, MapLog_Query, (const char *packagename, const char *mapname, float *stats));
F(size_t, GetTeamInfo, (teamplayerinfo_t *clients, size_t maxclients, qboolean showenemies, int seat));
F(int, GetWeaponStats, (int player, struct wstats_s *result, size_t maxresults));
F(float, GetTrackerOwnFrags, (int seat, char *text, size_t textsize));
fixed eztv md4 incompatibility. reimplemented qtvreverse command. fixed some stuffcmds being handled by the wrong splitscreen seats (was noticable in TF). rework smartjump to try to be more predictable... rework relighting to try to be more robust (and more self-contained). allow the csqc to actually use VF_PROJECTIONOFFSET. jump now moves upwards instead of trying to lock on to a nearby player when spectating. assume 32 fullbright pixels when running with a palette.lmp yet no colormap.lmp (happens with some total conversions). tweaked scoreboard for fainter backgrounds. rearranged autoid, to be smaller etc. hacked around dodgy conchars.lmp - don't treat 128*128 qpics as qpics to work around workarounds for buggy wad tools (with a warning). fixed missing fullbrights on h2holey models. avoided warning about mod_h2holey_bugged on dedicated servers. added net_ice_exchangeprivateips, for people worried about exposing lan IPs when using ICE. sv_public 2: implemented client support for our webrtc broker in order to use our own ICE implementation without needing to faff around with irc accounts or plugins etc. TODO: ensure at least one ephemerial udp port when using ice or come up with some better sv_port handling fixed multiple tls bugs (one could cause server problems). change net_enable_tls to disabled by default anyway (reenable for the server to be able to respond to https/wss/tls schemes again). don't colourmap when there appears to be a highres diffusemap on q1 models. imgtool now understands exporting from qpics in wads, as well as just mips. implemented speed-o-meter in ezhud. added removeinstant builtin to avoid the half-second rule. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5614 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2020-02-11 18:06:10 +00:00
F(void, GetPredInfo, (int seat, vec3_t outvel));
#define plugclientfuncs_name "Client"
} plugclientfuncs_t;
typedef struct //for menu-like stuff
//for menus
F(qboolean, SetMenuFocus, (qboolean wantkeyfocus, const char *cursorname, float hot_x, float hot_y, float scale)); //null cursorname=relmouse, set/empty cursorname=absmouse
F(qboolean, HasMenuFocus, (void));
//for menu input
F(int, GetKeyCode, (const char *keyname, int *out_modifier));
F(const char*,GetKeyName, (int keycode, int modifier));
F(int, FindKeysForCommand,(int bindmap, const char *command, int *out_keycodes, int *out_modifiers, int maxkeys));
F(const char*,GetKeyBind, (int bindmap, int keynum, int modifier));
F(void, SetKeyBind, (int bindmap, int keycode, int modifier, const char *newbinding));
openxr plugin: tweaked - inputs should be working properly now, and are visible to csqc. subject to further breaking changes, however. _pext_vrinputs: added cvar to enable vr inputs protocol extension allowing vr inputs to be networked to ssqc too. defaults to 0 for now, will be renamed when deemed final. updates menu: the prompt to enable sources is now more explicit instead of expecting the user to have a clue. updates menu: added a v3 sources format, which should be more maintainable. not final. updates menu: try to give reasons why sources might be failing (to help blame ISPs if they try fucking over TTH dns again). presets menu: no longer closes the instant a preset is chosen. some presets have a couple of modifiers listed. force the demo loop in the background to serve as a preview. prompts menus: now does word wrapping. ftemaster: support importing server lists from other master servers (requested by Eukara). server: try to detect when non-reply inbound packets are blocked by firewalls/nats/etc (using ftemaster to do so). qcvm: added pointcontentsmask builtin, allowing it to probe more than just world, with fte's full contentbit range instead of just q1 legacy. qcvm: memfill8 builtin now works on createbuffer() pointers. qcvm: add missing unsigned ops. Fixed double comparison ops. fixed bug with op_store_i64. added missing OP_LOADP_I64 qcc: added '#pragma framerate RATE' for overriding implicit nextthink durations. qcc: fixed '#pragma DONT_COMPILE_THIS_FILE' to not screw up comments. qcc: added __GITURL__ __GITHASH__ __GITDATE__ __GITDATETIME__ __GITDESC__ for any mods that might want to make use of that. qcc: fix up -Fhashonly a little setrenderer: support for vulkan gpu enumeration. rulesets: reworked to support custom rulesets (using hashes to catch haxxors, though still nothing prevents just changing the client to ignore rulesets) bspx: use our BIH code for the bspx BRUSHLIST lump instead of the older less efficient code. (static)iqm+obj: these model formats can now be used for the worldmodel (with a suitable .ent file). Also using BIH for much better collision performance. pmove: tried to optimise PM_NudgePosition, should boost fps in stress tests. wayland: fix a crash on startup. mousegrabs now works better. imagetool: uses sdl for previews. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5813 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2021-04-14 05:21:04 +00:00
F(qboolean, SetHandPosition, (const char *devname, vec3_t org, vec3_t ang, vec3_t vel, vec3_t avel)); //for VR.
#define pluginputfuncs_name "Input"
} pluginputfuncs_t;
typedef struct //for huds and menus alike
//note: these use handles instead of shaders, to make them persistent over renderer restarts.
F(qhandle_t,LoadImageData, (const char *name, const char *mime, void *data, size_t datasize)); //load/replace a named texture
F(qhandle_t,LoadImageShader,(const char *name, const char *defaultshader)); //loads a shader.
F(qhandle_t,LoadImage, (const char *name, qboolean iswadimage)); //wad image is ONLY for loading out of q1 gfx.wad. loads a shader.
F(void, UnloadImage, (qhandle_t image));
F(int, Image, (float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t image));
F(int, ImageSize, (qhandle_t image, float *x, float *y));
F(void, Fill, (float x, float y, float w, float h));
F(void, Line, (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2));
F(void, Character, (float x, float y, unsigned int character));
F(void, String, (float x, float y, const char *string));
F(void, CharacterH, (float x, float y, float h, unsigned int flags, unsigned int character));
F(void, StringH, (float x, float y, float h, unsigned int flags, const char *string)); //returns the vpixel width of the (coloured) string, in the current (variable-width) font.
F(float, StringWidth, (float h, unsigned int flags, const char *string));
F(void, Colourpa, (int palcol, float a)); //for legacy code
F(void, Colour4f, (float r, float g, float b, float a));
F(void, LocalSound, (const char *soundname, int channel, float volume));
#define plug2dfuncs_name "2D"
} plug2dfuncs_t;
typedef struct //for plugins that need to read/write files...
F(int, Open, (const char *name, qhandle_t *handle, int mode));
F(void, Close, (qhandle_t handle));
F(int, Write, (qhandle_t handle, void *data, int len));
F(int, Read, (qhandle_t handle, void *data, int len));
F(int, Seek, (qhandle_t handle, qofs_t offset));
F(qboolean, GetLen, (qhandle_t handle, qofs_t *outsize));
F(vfsfile_t*,OpenVFS, (const char *filename, const char *mode, enum fs_relative relativeto)); //opens a direct vfs file, without any access checks, and so can be used in threaded plugins
F(qboolean, NativePath, (const char *name, enum fs_relative relativeto, char *out, int outlen));
F(void, EnumerateFiles, (const char *match, int (QDECL *callback)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *ctx, struct searchpathfuncs_s *package), void *ctx));
#define plugfsfuncs_name "Filesystem"
} plugfsfuncs_t;
typedef struct //for when you need basic socket access, hopefully rare...
F(qhandle_t,TCPConnect, (const char *ip, int port));
F(qhandle_t,TCPListen, (const char *localip, int port, int maxcount));
F(qhandle_t,Accept, (qhandle_t socket, char *address, int addresssize));
F(int, Recv, (qhandle_t socket, void *buffer, int len));
F(int, Send, (qhandle_t socket, void *buffer, int len));
F(int, SendTo, (qhandle_t handle, void *data, int datasize, netadr_t *dest));
F(void, Close, (qhandle_t socket));
F(int, SetTLSClient, (qhandle_t sock, const char *certhostname)); //adds a tls layer to the socket (and specifies the peer's required hostname)
F(int, GetTLSBinding, (qhandle_t sock, char *outdata, int *datalen)); //to avoid MITM attacks with compromised cert authorities
#define N_WOULDBLOCK -1
#define N_FATALERROR -2
#define plugnetfuncs_name "Net"
} plugnetfuncs_t;
#undef F
extern plugcorefuncs_t *plugfuncs;
extern plugcmdfuncs_t *cmdfuncs;
extern plugcvarfuncs_t *cvarfuncs;
void Q_strlncpy(char *d, const char *s, int sizeofd, int lenofs);
void Q_strlcpy(char *d, const char *s, int n);
void Q_strlcat(char *d, const char *s, int n);
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 2015
int Q_snprintf(char *buffer, size_t maxlen, const char *format, ...) LIKEPRINTF(3);
int Q_vsnprintf(char *buffer, size_t maxlen, const char *format, va_list vargs);
#define Q_snprintf snprintf
#define Q_vsnprintf vsnprintf
char *va(const char *format, ...);
qboolean Plug_Init(void);
void Con_Printf(const char *format, ...);
void Con_DPrintf(const char *format, ...); //not a particuarly efficient implementation, so beware.
void Sys_Errorf(const char *format, ...);
void QDECL Q_strncpyz(char *d, const char *s, int n);
#define PLUG_SHARED_BEGIN(t,p,b) \
{ \
t *p; \
char inputbuffer[8192]; \
*(b) = ReadInputBuffer(inputbuffer, sizeof(inputbuffer)); \
if (*(b)) \
p = (t*)inputbuffer; \
else \
p = NULL;
#define PLUG_SHARED_END(p,b) UpdateInputBuffer(inputbuffer, b);}
typedef struct {
char *name;
char string[256];
char *group;
int flags;
float value;
qhandle_t handle;
int modificationcount;
} vmcvar_t;
#define VMCvar_Register(cv) (cv->handle=cvarfuncs->Register(cv->name, cv->string, cv->flags, cv->group))
#define VMCvar_Update(cv) cvarfuncs->Update(handle, &cv->modcount, cv->string, sizeof(cv->string), &cv->value)
#define VMCvar_SetString(c,v) \
do{ \
strcpy(c->string, v); \
c->value = (float)atof(v); \
Cvar_SetString(c->name, c->string); \
} while (0)
#define VMCvar_SetFloat(c,v) \
do { \
snprintf(c->string, sizeof(c->string), "%f", v);\
c->value = (float)(v); \
Cvar_SetFloat(c->name, c->value); \
} while(0) \
char *Plug_Info_ValueForKey (const char *s, const char *key, char *out, size_t outsize);
#ifdef __cplusplus