Fork 0
forked from fte/fteqw

1964 lines
50 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "quakedef.h"
#ifdef TERRAIN
#include "glquake.h"
#include "shader.h"
#include "pr_common.h"
//heightmaps work thusly:
//there is one raw heightmap file
//the file is split to 4*4 sections.
//each section is textured independantly (remember banshees are capped at 256*256 pixels)
//it's built into 16 seperate display lists, these display lists are individually culled, but the drivers are expected to optimise them too.
//Tei claims 14x speedup with a single display list. hopefully we can achieve the same speed by culling per-section.
//we get 20->130
//perhaps we should build it with multitexture? (no - slower on ati)
int Surf_NewLightmaps(int count, int width, int height);
#define MAXSECTIONS 64 //this many sections max in each direction
#define SECTTEXSIZE 64 //this many texture samples per section
#define SECTHEIGHTSIZE 16 //this many height samples per section
//each section is this many sections higher in world space, to keep the middle centered at '0 0'
#define LMCHUNKS 2
#define SECTION_MAGIC (*(int*)"HMMS")
#define SECTION_VER 0
typedef struct
int magic;
int ver;
unsigned int flags;
char texname[4][32];
unsigned int texmap[SECTTEXSIZE][SECTTEXSIZE];
unsigned short holes;
float waterheight;
float minh;
float maxh;
} dsection_t;
typedef struct
unsigned short holes;
unsigned int flags;
float waterheight;
float minh, maxh;
struct heightmap_s *hmmod;
char texname[4][32];
int lightmap;
int lmx, lmy;
texnums_t textures;
vbo_t vbo;
mesh_t mesh;
mesh_t *amesh;
qboolean modified:1;
} hmsection_t;
typedef struct
hmsection_t *section[MAXSECTIONS*MAXSECTIONS];
} hmcluster_t;
typedef struct heightmap_s {
char path[MAX_QPATH];
int firstsegx, firstsegy;
int maxsegx, maxsegy; //tex/cull sections
float sectionsize; //each section is this big, in world coords
hmcluster_t *cluster[MAXSECTIONS*MAXSECTIONS];
shader_t *skyshader;
shader_t *shader;
mesh_t skymesh;
mesh_t *askymesh;
unsigned int exteriorcontents;
struct lmsect_s
struct lmsect_s *next;
int lm, x, y;
} *unusedlmsects;
} heightmap_t;
static void Terr_LoadSectionTextures(hmsection_t *s)
extern texid_t missing_texture;
//CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(s->texname[0], NULL, 0);
//CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(s->texname[1], NULL, 0);
//CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(s->texname[2], NULL, 0);
//CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(s->texname[3], NULL, 0);
s->textures.base = *s->texname[0]?R_LoadHiResTexture(s->texname[0], NULL, 0):missing_texture;
s->textures.upperoverlay = *s->texname[1]?R_LoadHiResTexture(s->texname[1], NULL, 0):missing_texture;
s->textures.loweroverlay = *s->texname[2]?R_LoadHiResTexture(s->texname[2], NULL, 0):missing_texture;
s->textures.fullbright = *s->texname[3]?R_LoadHiResTexture(s->texname[3], NULL, 0):missing_texture;
s->textures.bump = *s->texname[0]?R_LoadHiResTexture(va("%s_norm", s->texname[0]), NULL, 0):r_nulltex;
s->textures.specular = *s->texname[0]?R_LoadHiResTexture(va("%s_spec", s->texname[0]), NULL, 0):r_nulltex;
static void Terr_InitLightmap(hmsection_t *s)
heightmap_t *hm = s->hmmod;
struct lmsect_s *lms;
if (!hm->unusedlmsects)
int lm;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < LMCHUNKS*LMCHUNKS; i++)
lms = malloc(sizeof(*lms));
lms->lm = lm;
lms->x = (i & (LMCHUNKS-1))*SECTTEXSIZE;
lms->next = hm->unusedlmsects;
hm->unusedlmsects = lms;
lms = hm->unusedlmsects;
hm->unusedlmsects = lms->next;
s->lightmap = lms->lm;
s->lmx = lms->x;
s->lmy = lms->y;
static char *Terr_DiskSectionName(heightmap_t *hm, int sx, int sy)
//wrap cleanly
return va("maps/%s/sect_%03x_%03x.hms", hm->path, sx, sy);
static hmsection_t *Terr_LoadSection(heightmap_t *hm, hmsection_t *s, int sx, int sy)
dsection_t *ds = NULL;
int i;
unsigned char *lm;
/*queue the file for download if we don't have it yet*/
if (FS_LoadFile(Terr_DiskSectionName(hm, sx, sy), (void**)&ds) < 0
&& !sv.state
CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(Terr_DiskSectionName(hm, sx, sy), NULL, 0);
return NULL;
if (ds)
if (ds->magic != SECTION_MAGIC)
return NULL;
if (ds->ver != SECTION_VER)
return NULL;
if (!s)
s = malloc(sizeof(*s));
if (!s)
return NULL;
memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
s->lightmap = -1;
s->hmmod = hm;
s->modified = true;
if (s->lightmap < 0 && qrenderer != QR_NONE)
if (ds)
s->flags = ds->flags;
Q_strncpyz(s->texname[0], ds->texname[0], sizeof(s->texname[0]));
Q_strncpyz(s->texname[1], ds->texname[1], sizeof(s->texname[1]));
Q_strncpyz(s->texname[2], ds->texname[2], sizeof(s->texname[2]));
Q_strncpyz(s->texname[3], ds->texname[3], sizeof(s->texname[3]));
CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(s->texname[0], NULL, 0);
CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(s->texname[1], NULL, 0);
CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(s->texname[2], NULL, 0);
CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(s->texname[3], NULL, 0);
if (s->lightmap >= 0)
lm = lightmap[s->lightmap]->lightmaps;
lm += (s->lmx * HMLMSTRIDE + s->lmy) * lightmap_bytes;
for (i = 0; i < SECTTEXSIZE; i++)
memcpy(lm, ds->texmap + i, sizeof(ds->texmap[0]));
lm += (HMLMSTRIDE)*lightmap_bytes;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->modified = true;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.l = 0;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.t = 0;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.w = HMLMSTRIDE;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.h = HMLMSTRIDE;
/*load the heights too*/
s->heights[i] = LittleFloat(ds->heights[i]);
s->minh = ds->minh;
s->maxh = ds->maxh;
s->waterheight = ds->waterheight;
#if 0//def DEBUG
void *f;
if (lightmap_bytes == 4 && lightmap_bgra && FS_LoadFile(va("maps/%s/splatt.png", hm->path), &f) >= 0)
int vx, vy;
int x, y;
extern qbyte *Read32BitImageFile(qbyte *buf, int len, int *width, int *height, qboolean *hasalpha, char *fname);
int sw, sh;
qboolean hasalpha;
unsigned char *splatter = Read32BitImageFile(f, com_filesize, &sw, &sh, &hasalpha, "splattermap");
if (splatter)
lm = lightmap[s->lightmap]->lightmaps;
lm += (s->lmx * HMLMSTRIDE + s->lmy) * lightmap_bytes;
for (vx = 0; vx < SECTTEXSIZE; vx++)
x = sw * (((float)sy) + ((float)vx / (SECTTEXSIZE-1))) / hm->numsegsx;
if (x > sw-1)
x = sw-1;
for (vy = 0; vy < SECTTEXSIZE; vy++)
y = sh * (((float)sx) + ((float)vy / (SECTTEXSIZE-1))) / hm->numsegsy;
if (y > sh-1)
y = sh-1;
lm[2] = splatter[(y + x*sh)*4+0];
lm[1] = splatter[(y + x*sh)*4+1];
lm[0] = splatter[(y + x*sh)*4+2];
lm[3] = splatter[(y + x*sh)*4+3];
lm += 4;
lm += (HMLMSTRIDE - SECTTEXSIZE)*lightmap_bytes;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->modified = true;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.l = 0;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.t = 0;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.w = HMLMSTRIDE;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.h = HMLMSTRIDE;
if (lightmap_bytes == 4 && lightmap_bgra && FS_LoadFile(va("maps/%s/heightmap.png", hm->path), &f) >= 0)
int vx, vy;
int x, y;
extern qbyte *Read32BitImageFile(qbyte *buf, int len, int *width, int *height, qboolean *hasalpha, char *fname);
int sw, sh;
float *h;
qboolean hasalpha;
unsigned char *hmimage = Read32BitImageFile(f, com_filesize, &sw, &sh, &hasalpha, "heightmap");
if (hmimage)
h = s->heights;
for (vx = 0; vx < SECTHEIGHTSIZE; vx++)
x = sw * (((float)sy) + ((float)vx / (SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1))) / hm->numsegsx;
if (x > sw-1)
x = sw-1;
for (vy = 0; vy < SECTHEIGHTSIZE; vy++)
y = sh * (((float)sx) + ((float)vy / (SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1))) / hm->numsegsy;
if (y > sh-1)
y = sh-1;
*h = 0;
*h += hmimage[(y + x*sh)*4+0];
*h += hmimage[(y + x*sh)*4+1]<<8;
*h += hmimage[(y + x*sh)*4+2]<<16;
*h *= 4.0f/(1<<16);
return s;
static void Terr_SaveSection(heightmap_t *hm, hmsection_t *s, int sx, int sy)
dsection_t ds;
unsigned char *lm;
int i;
//if its invalid or doesn't contain all the data...
if (!s || s->lightmap < 0)
ds.magic = SECTION_MAGIC;
ds.ver = SECTION_VER;
ds.flags = 0;
Q_strncpyz(ds.texname[0], s->texname[0], sizeof(ds.texname[0]));
Q_strncpyz(ds.texname[1], s->texname[1], sizeof(ds.texname[1]));
Q_strncpyz(ds.texname[2], s->texname[2], sizeof(ds.texname[2]));
Q_strncpyz(ds.texname[3], s->texname[3], sizeof(ds.texname[3]));
lm = lightmap[s->lightmap]->lightmaps;
lm += (s->lmx * HMLMSTRIDE + s->lmy) * lightmap_bytes;
for (i = 0; i < SECTTEXSIZE; i++)
memcpy(ds.texmap + i, lm, sizeof(ds.texmap[0]));
lm += (HMLMSTRIDE)*lightmap_bytes;
ds.heights[i] = LittleFloat(s->heights[i]);
ds.holes = s->holes;
ds.minh = s->minh;
ds.maxh = s->maxh;
FS_WriteFile(Terr_DiskSectionName(hm, sx, sy), &ds, sizeof(ds), FS_GAMEONLY);
/*convienience function*/
static hmsection_t *Terr_GetSection(heightmap_t *hm, int x, int y, qboolean doload)
hmcluster_t *cluster;
hmsection_t *section;
int cx = x / MAXSECTIONS;
int cy = y / MAXSECTIONS;
int sx = x & (MAXSECTIONS-1);
int sy = y & (MAXSECTIONS-1);
cluster = hm->cluster[cx + cy*MAXSECTIONS];
if (!cluster)
if (doload)
cluster = malloc(sizeof(*cluster));
memset(cluster, 0, sizeof(*cluster));
hm->cluster[cx + cy*MAXSECTIONS] = cluster;
return NULL;
section = cluster->section[sx + sy*MAXSECTIONS];
if (!section)
if (doload)
section = cluster->section[sx + sy*MAXSECTIONS] = Terr_LoadSection(hm, section, x, y);
return section;
/*save all currently loaded sections*/
void HeightMap_Save(heightmap_t *hm)
hmsection_t *s;
int x, y;
for (x = hm->firstsegx; x < hm->maxsegx; x++)
for (y = hm->firstsegy; y < hm->maxsegy; y++)
s = Terr_GetSection(hm, x, y, false);
if (!s)
Terr_SaveSection(hm, s, x, y);
void Terr_DestroySection(heightmap_t *hm, hmsection_t *s)
if (hm && s->lightmap >= 0)
struct lmsect_s *lms;
lms = malloc(sizeof(*lms));
lms->lm = s->lightmap;
lms->x = s->lmx;
lms->y = s->lmy;
lms->next = hm->unusedlmsects;
hm->unusedlmsects = lms;
#ifdef GLQUAKE
if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL)
qglDeleteBuffersARB(1, &s->vbo.coord.gl.vbo);
qglDeleteBuffersARB(1, &s->vbo.indicies.gl.vbo);
/*purge all sections
lightmaps only are purged whenever the client rudely kills lightmaps
we'll reload those when its next seen.
(lightmaps will already have been destroyed, so no poking them)
void Terr_PurgeTerrainModel(model_t *mod, qboolean lightmapsonly)
heightmap_t *hm = mod->terrain;
hmcluster_t *c;
hmsection_t *s;
int cx, cy;
int sx, sy;
for (cy = 0; cy < MAXSECTIONS; cy++)
for (cx = 0; cx < MAXSECTIONS; cx++)
c = hm->cluster[cx + cy*MAXSECTIONS];
if (!c)
for (sy = 0; sy < MAXSECTIONS; sy++)
for (sx = 0; sx < MAXSECTIONS; sx++)
s = c->section[sx + sy*MAXSECTIONS];
if (!s)
else if (lightmapsonly)
s->lightmap = -1;
c->section[sx+sy*MAXSECTIONS] = NULL;
Terr_DestroySection(NULL, s);
if (!lightmapsonly)
hm->cluster[cx + cy*MAXSECTIONS] = NULL;
while (hm->unusedlmsects)
struct lmsect_s *lms;
lms = hm->unusedlmsects;
hm->unusedlmsects = lms->next;
void Terr_DrawTerrainModel (batch_t **batches, entity_t *e)
//a 512*512 heightmap
//will draw 2 tris per square, drawn twice for detail
//so a million triangles per frame if the whole thing is visible.
//with 130 to 180fps, display lists rule!
int x, y, vx, vy, v;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
model_t *m = e->model;
heightmap_t *hm = m->terrain;
mesh_t *mesh;
batch_t *b;
hmsection_t *s;
int bounds[4];
if (e->model == cl.worldmodel)
b = BE_GetTempBatch();
if (b)
b->lightmap[0] = -1;
b->lightmap[1] = -1;
b->lightmap[2] = -1;
b->lightmap[3] = -1;
b->ent = e;
b->shader = hm->skyshader;
b->flags = 0;
b->mesh = &hm->askymesh;
b->mesh[0] = &hm->skymesh;
b->meshes = 1;
b->buildmeshes = NULL;
b->skin = &b->shader->defaulttextures;
b->texture = NULL;
// vbo = b->vbo = hm->vbo[x+y*MAXSECTIONS];
b->vbo = NULL;
b->next = batches[b->shader->sort];
batches[b->shader->sort] = b;
if (r_refdef.gfog_rgbd[3] || gl_maxdist.value>0)
float culldist;
extern cvar_t r_fog_exp2;
if (r_refdef.gfog_rgbd[3])
//figure out the eyespace distance required to reach that fog value
culldist = log(0.5/255.0f);
if (r_fog_exp2.ival)
culldist = sqrt(culldist / (-r_refdef.gfog_rgbd[3] * r_refdef.gfog_rgbd[3]));
culldist = culldist / (-r_refdef.gfog_rgbd[3]);
//anything drawn beyond this point is fully obscured by fog
culldist += 4096;
culldist = 999999999999999.f;
if (culldist > gl_maxdist.value && gl_maxdist.value>0)
culldist = gl_maxdist.value;
bounds[0] = bound(hm->firstsegx, (r_refdef.vieworg[0] + (CHUNKBIAS + 0)*hm->sectionsize - culldist) / hm->sectionsize, hm->maxsegx);
bounds[1] = bound(hm->firstsegx, (r_refdef.vieworg[0] + (CHUNKBIAS + 1)*hm->sectionsize + culldist) / hm->sectionsize, hm->maxsegx);
bounds[2] = bound(hm->firstsegy, (r_refdef.vieworg[1] + (CHUNKBIAS + 0)*hm->sectionsize - culldist) / hm->sectionsize, hm->maxsegy);
bounds[3] = bound(hm->firstsegy, (r_refdef.vieworg[1] + (CHUNKBIAS + 1)*hm->sectionsize + culldist) / hm->sectionsize, hm->maxsegy);
bounds[0] = hm->firstsegx;
bounds[1] = hm->maxsegx;
bounds[2] = hm->firstsegy;
bounds[3] = hm->maxsegy;
for (x = bounds[0]; x < bounds[1]; x++)
mins[0] = (x+0 - CHUNKBIAS)*hm->sectionsize;
maxs[0] = (x+1 - CHUNKBIAS)*hm->sectionsize;
for (y = bounds[2]; y < bounds[3]; y++)
mins[1] = (y+0 - CHUNKBIAS)*hm->sectionsize;
maxs[1] = (y+1 - CHUNKBIAS)*hm->sectionsize;
s = Terr_GetSection(hm, x, y, true);
if (!s)
if (s->lightmap < 0)
Terr_LoadSection(hm, s, x, y);
mesh = &s->mesh;
if (s->modified)
s->modified = false;
if (s->lightmap < 0)
s->minh = 9999999999999999.f;
s->maxh = -9999999999999999.f;
if (!mesh->xyz_array)
mesh->xyz_array = BZ_Malloc((sizeof(vecV_t)+sizeof(vec2_t)+sizeof(vec2_t)) * (SECTHEIGHTSIZE)*(SECTHEIGHTSIZE));
mesh->st_array = (void*) (mesh->xyz_array + (SECTHEIGHTSIZE)*(SECTHEIGHTSIZE));
mesh->lmst_array[0] = (void*) (mesh->st_array + (SECTHEIGHTSIZE)*(SECTHEIGHTSIZE));
mesh->numvertexes = 0;
/*64 quads across requires 65 verticies*/
for (vx = 0; vx < SECTHEIGHTSIZE; vx++)
for (vy = 0; vy < SECTHEIGHTSIZE; vy++)
v = mesh->numvertexes++;
mesh->xyz_array[v][0] = (x-CHUNKBIAS + vx/(SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1.0f)) * hm->sectionsize;
mesh->xyz_array[v][1] = (y-CHUNKBIAS + vy/(SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1.0f)) * hm->sectionsize;
mesh->xyz_array[v][2] = s->heights[vx + vy*SECTHEIGHTSIZE];
if (s->maxh < mesh->xyz_array[v][2])
s->maxh = mesh->xyz_array[v][2];
if (s->minh > mesh->xyz_array[v][2])
s->minh = mesh->xyz_array[v][2];
mesh->st_array[v][0] = mesh->xyz_array[v][0] / 128;
mesh->st_array[v][1] = mesh->xyz_array[v][1] / 128;
//calc the position in the range -0.5 to 0.5
mesh->lmst_array[0][v][0] = (((float)vx / (SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1))-0.5);
mesh->lmst_array[0][v][1] = (((float)vy / (SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1))-0.5);
//scale down to a half-texel
mesh->lmst_array[0][v][0] *= (SECTTEXSIZE-1.0f)/HMLMSTRIDE;
mesh->lmst_array[0][v][1] *= (SECTTEXSIZE-1.0f)/HMLMSTRIDE;
//bias it
mesh->lmst_array[0][v][0] += ((float)SECTTEXSIZE/(HMLMSTRIDE*2)) + ((float)(s->lmy) / HMLMSTRIDE);
mesh->lmst_array[0][v][1] += ((float)SECTTEXSIZE/(HMLMSTRIDE*2)) + ((float)(s->lmx) / HMLMSTRIDE);
//TODO: include colour tints
if (!mesh->indexes)
mesh->indexes = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(index_t) * SECTHEIGHTSIZE*SECTHEIGHTSIZE*6);
mesh->numindexes = 0;
for (vx = 0; vx < SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1; vx++)
for (vy = 0; vy < SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1; vy++)
float d1,d2;
int holebit;
//skip generation of the mesh above holes
holebit = (vy / (SECTHEIGHTSIZE/4))+(vx / (SECTHEIGHTSIZE/4))*4;
holebit = 1u<<holebit;
if (s->holes & holebit)
v = vx + vy*(SECTHEIGHTSIZE);
d1 = fabs(mesh->xyz_array[v][2] - mesh->xyz_array[v+1+SECTHEIGHTSIZE][2]);
d2 = fabs(mesh->xyz_array[v+1][2] - mesh->xyz_array[v+SECTHEIGHTSIZE][2]);
if (d1 > d2)
mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+0;
mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+1;
mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+SECTHEIGHTSIZE;
mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+1;
mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+1+SECTHEIGHTSIZE;
mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+SECTHEIGHTSIZE;
mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+0;
mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+1;
mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+1+SECTHEIGHTSIZE;
mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+0;
mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+1+SECTHEIGHTSIZE;
mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+SECTHEIGHTSIZE;
#ifdef GLQUAKE
if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL)
if (!s->vbo.coord.gl.vbo)
qglGenBuffersARB(1, &s->vbo.coord.gl.vbo);
s->vbo.coord.gl.addr = 0;
qglBufferDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, (sizeof(vecV_t)+sizeof(vec2_t)+sizeof(vec2_t)) * (mesh->numvertexes), mesh->xyz_array, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB);
s->vbo.texcoord.gl.addr = (void*)((char*)mesh->st_array - (char*)mesh->xyz_array);
s->vbo.texcoord.gl.vbo = s->vbo.coord.gl.vbo;
s->vbo.lmcoord[0].gl.addr = (void*)((char*)mesh->lmst_array[0] - (char*)mesh->xyz_array);
s->vbo.lmcoord[0].gl.vbo = s->vbo.coord.gl.vbo;
// Z_Free(mesh->xyz_array);
// mesh->xyz_array = NULL;
// mesh->st_array = NULL;
// mesh->lmst_array = NULL;
if (!s->vbo.indicies.gl.vbo)
qglGenBuffersARB(1, &s->vbo.indicies.gl.vbo);
s->vbo.indicies.gl.addr = 0;
qglBufferDataARB(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, sizeof(index_t) * mesh->numindexes, mesh->indexes, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB);
// Z_Free(mesh->indexes);
// mesh->indexes = NULL;
mins[2] = s->minh;
maxs[2] = s->maxh;
// if (!BoundsIntersect(mins, maxs, r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.vieworg))
if (R_CullBox(mins, maxs))
b = BE_GetTempBatch();
if (!b)
b->ent = e;
b->shader = hm->shader;
b->flags = 0;
b->mesh = &s->amesh;
b->mesh[0] = mesh;
b->meshes = 1;
b->buildmeshes = NULL;
b->skin = &s->textures;
b->texture = NULL;
b->vbo = &s->vbo;
b->lightmap[0] = s->lightmap;
b->lightmap[1] = -1;
b->lightmap[2] = -1;
b->lightmap[3] = -1;
b->next = batches[b->shader->sort];
batches[b->shader->sort] = b;
unsigned int Heightmap_PointContentsHM(heightmap_t *hm, float clipmipsz, vec3_t org)
float x, y;
float z, tz;
int sx, sy;
unsigned int holebit;
hmsection_t *s;
const float wbias = CHUNKBIAS * hm->sectionsize;
sx = (org[0]+wbias)/hm->sectionsize;
sy = (org[1]+wbias)/hm->sectionsize;
if (sx < hm->firstsegx || sy < hm->firstsegy)
return hm->exteriorcontents;
if (sx >= hm->maxsegx || sy >= hm->maxsegy)
return hm->exteriorcontents;
s = Terr_GetSection(hm, sx, sy, true);
if (!s)
x = (org[0]+wbias - (sx*hm->sectionsize))*(SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1)/hm->sectionsize;
y = (org[1]+wbias - (sy*hm->sectionsize))*(SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1)/hm->sectionsize;
z = (org[2]+clipmipsz);
if (z < s->minh-16)
return hm->exteriorcontents;
sx = x; x-=sx;
sy = y; y-=sy;
holebit = sx*4/SECTHEIGHTSIZE + (sy*4/SECTHEIGHTSIZE)*4;
if (s->holes & (1u<<holebit))
//made of two triangles:
if (x+y>1) //the 1, 1 triangle
float v1, v2, v3;
v3 = 1-y;
v2 = x+y-1;
v1 = 1-x;
//0, 1
//1, 1
//1, 0
tz = (s->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+1)*SECTHEIGHTSIZE]*v1 +
s->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+1)*SECTHEIGHTSIZE]*v2 +
float v1, v2, v3;
v1 = y;
v2 = x;
v3 = 1-y-x;
//0, 1
//1, 0
//0, 0
tz = (s->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+1)*SECTHEIGHTSIZE]*v1 +
s->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+0)*SECTHEIGHTSIZE]*v2 +
if (z <= tz)
return FTECONTENTS_SOLID; //contained within
if (s->flags & SECTION_HASWATER)
if (z < s->waterheight)
unsigned int Heightmap_PointContents(model_t *model, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t org)
heightmap_t *hm = model->terrain;
return Heightmap_PointContentsHM(hm, 0, org);
unsigned int Heightmap_NativeBoxContents(model_t *model, int hulloverride, int frame, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t org, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs)
heightmap_t *hm = model->terrain;
return Heightmap_PointContentsHM(hm, mins[2], org);
void Heightmap_Normal(heightmap_t *hm, vec3_t org, vec3_t norm)
norm[0] = 0;
norm[1] = 0;
norm[2] = 1;
float x, y;
float z;
int sx, sy;
vec3_t d1, d2;
x = org[0]/(SECTHEIGHTSIZE * hm->sectionsize);
y = org[1]/(SECTHEIGHTSIZE * hm->sectionsize);
z = org[2];
if (x < 0)
x = 0;
if (y < 0)
y = 0;
if (x > hm->tilesx-1)
x = hm->tilesx-1;
if (y > hm->tilesy-1)
y = hm->tilesy-1;
sx = x; x-=sx;
sy = y; y-=sy;
if (x+y>1) //the 1, 1 triangle
//0, 1
//1, 1
//1, 0
d1[0] = (SECTHEIGHTSIZE * hm->sectionsize);
d1[1] = 0;
d1[2] = (hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+1)*hm->tilesx] - hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+1)*hm->tilesx]);
d2[0] = 0;
d2[1] = (SECTHEIGHTSIZE * hm->sectionsize);
d2[2] = (hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+1)*hm->tilesx] - hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+0)*hm->tilesx]);
{ //the 0,0 triangle
//0, 1
//1, 0
//0, 0
d1[0] = (SECTHEIGHTSIZE * hm->sectionsize);
d1[1] = 0;
d1[2] = (hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+1)*hm->tilesx] - hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+0)*hm->tilesx]);
d2[0] = 0;
d2[1] = (SECTHEIGHTSIZE * hm->sectionsize);
d2[2] = (hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+0)*hm->tilesx] - hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+0)*hm->tilesx]);
CrossProduct(d1, d2, norm);
#if 0
typedef struct {
vec3_t start;
vec3_t end;
vec3_t impact;
vec4_t plane;
float frac;
heightmap_t *hm;
int contents;
} hmtrace_t;
#define Closestf(res,n,min,max) res = ((n>0)?min:max)
#define Closest(res,n,min,max) Closestf(res[0],n[0],min[0],max[0]);Closestf(res[1],n[1],min[1],max[1]);Closestf(res[2],n[2],min[2],max[2])
void Heightmap_Trace_Square(hmtrace_t *tr, int sx, int sy)
vec3_t d[2];
vec3_t p[3];
vec4_t n[5];
int t, i;
qboolean startout, endout;
float *enterplane;
float enterfrac, exitfrac;
float enterdist=0;
float dist, d1, d2, f;
if (sx < 0 || sx > tr->hm->tilesx)
if (sy < 0 || sy > tr->hm->tilesy)
for (t = 0; t < 2; t++)
/*generate the brush*/
if (t == 0)
VectorSet(p[0], tr->hm->terrainscale*(sx+0), tr->hm->terrainscale*(sy+0), tr->hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+0)*tr->hm->tilesx]);
VectorSet(p[1], tr->hm->terrainscale*(sx+1), tr->hm->terrainscale*(sy+0), tr->hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+0)*tr->hm->tilesx]);
VectorSet(p[2], tr->hm->terrainscale*(sx+0), tr->hm->terrainscale*(sy+1), tr->hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+1)*tr->hm->tilesx]);
VectorSubtract(p[1], p[0], d[0]);
VectorSubtract(p[2], p[0], d[1]);
Vector4Set(n[0], -1, 0, 0, tr->hm->terrainscale*(sx+0));
Vector4Set(n[1], 0, -1, 0, tr->hm->terrainscale*(sy+0));
VectorSet(n[2], 0.70710678118654752440084436210485, 0.70710678118654752440084436210485, 0);
n[2][3] = -DotProduct(n[2], p[1]);
CrossProduct(d[0], d[1], n[3]);
n[3][3] = -DotProduct(n[3], p[1]);
Vector4Set(n[4], 0, 0, 1, 0);
VectorSet(p[0], tr->hm->terrainscale*(sx+1), tr->hm->terrainscale*(sy+1), tr->hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+1)*tr->hm->tilesx]);
VectorSet(p[1], tr->hm->terrainscale*(sx+1), tr->hm->terrainscale*(sy+0), tr->hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+0)*tr->hm->tilesx]);
VectorSet(p[2], tr->hm->terrainscale*(sx+0), tr->hm->terrainscale*(sy+1), tr->hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+1)*tr->hm->tilesx]);
VectorSubtract(p[1], p[0], d[0]);
VectorSubtract(p[2], p[0], d[1]);
Vector4Set(n[0], 1, 0, 0, tr->hm->terrainscale*(sx+1));
Vector4Set(n[1], 0, 1, 0, tr->hm->terrainscale*(sy+1));
VectorSet(n[2], -0.70710678118654752440084436210485, -0.70710678118654752440084436210485, 0);
n[2][3] = -DotProduct(n[2], p[1]);
CrossProduct(d[0], d[1], n[3]);
n[3][3] = -DotProduct(n[3], p[1]);
Vector4Set(n[4], 0, 0, 1, 0);
startout = false;
endout = false;
enterplane= NULL;
enterfrac = -1;
exitfrac = 10;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
/*calculate the distance based upon the shape of the object we're tracing for*/
dist = n[i][3];
d1 = DotProduct (tr->start, n[i]) - dist;
d2 = DotProduct (tr->end, n[i]) - dist;
if (d1 >= 0)
startout = true;
if (d2 > 0)
endout = true;
//if we're fully outside any plane, then we cannot possibly enter the brush, skip to the next one
if (d1 > 0 && d2 >= 0)
goto nextbrush;
//if we're fully inside the plane, then whatever is happening is not relevent for this plane
if (d1 < 0 && d2 <= 0)
f = d1 / (d1-d2);
if (d1 > d2)
//entered the brush. favour the furthest fraction to avoid extended edges (yay for convex shapes)
if (enterfrac < f)
enterfrac = f;
enterplane = n[i];
enterdist = dist;
//left the brush, favour the nearest plane (smallest frac)
if (exitfrac > f)
exitfrac = f;
if (!startout)
tr->frac = -1;
if (enterfrac != -1 && enterfrac < exitfrac)
if (enterfrac < tr->frac)
tr->frac = enterfrac;
tr->plane[3] = enterdist;
VectorCopy(enterplane, tr->plane);
#if 0
float normf = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485;
float pd, sd, ed, bd;
int tris, x, y;
vec3_t closest;
vec3_t point;
pd = normf*(x+y);
sd = normf*tr->start[0]+normf*tr->start[1];
ed = normf*tr->end[0]+normf*tr->end[1];
bd = normf*tr->maxs[0]+normf*tr->maxs[1]; //assume mins is this but negative
//see which of the two triangles in the square it travels over.
tris = 0;
if (sd<=pd || ed<=pd)
tris |= 1;
if (sd>=pd || ed>=pd)
tris |= 2;
point[0] = sx+1;
point[1] = sy;
point[2] = tr->hm->heights[sx+1+sy*tr->hm->terrainsize];
if (tris & 1)
{ //triangle with 0, 0
vec3_t norm;
float d1, d2, dc;
x = tr->hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+0)*tr->hm->terrainsize] - tr->hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+0)*tr->hm->terrainsize];
y = tr->hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+1)*tr->hm->terrainsize] - tr->hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+0)*tr->hm->terrainsize];
norm[0] = (-x)/tr->hm->terrainscale;
norm[1] = (-y)/tr->hm->terrainscale;
norm[2] = 1.0f/(float)sqrt(norm[0]*norm[0] + norm[1]*norm[1] + 1);
Closest(closest, norm, tr->mins, tr->maxs);
dc = DotProduct(norm, closest) - DotProduct(norm, point);
d1 = DotProduct(norm, tr->start) + dc;
d2 = DotProduct(norm, tr->end) + dc;
if (d1>=0 && d2<=0)
{ //intersects
tr->contents = FTECONTENTS_SOLID;
d1 = (d1-d2)/(d1+d2);
d2 = 1-d1;
tr->impact[0] = tr->end[0]*d1+tr->start[0]*d2;
tr->impact[1] = tr->end[1]*d1+tr->start[1]*d2;
tr->impact[2] = tr->end[2]*d1+tr->start[2]*d2;
if (tris & 2)
{ //triangle with 1, 1
vec3_t norm;
float d1, d2, dc;
norm[0] = (-x)/tr->hm->terrainscale;
norm[1] = (-y)/tr->hm->terrainscale;
norm[2] = 1.0f/(float)sqrt(norm[0]*norm[0] + norm[1]*norm[1] + 1);
Closest(closest, norm, tr->mins, tr->maxs);
dc = DotProduct(norm, closest) - DotProduct(norm, point);
d1 = DotProduct(norm, tr->start) + dc;
d2 = DotProduct(norm, tr->end) + dc;
if (d1>=0 && d2<=0)
{ //intersects
tr->contents = FTECONTENTS_SOLID;
d1 = (d1-d2)/(d1+d2);
d2 = 1-d1;
tr->impact[0] = tr->end[0]*d1+tr->start[0]*d2;
tr->impact[1] = tr->end[1]*d1+tr->start[1]*d2;
tr->impact[2] = tr->end[2]*d1+tr->start[2]*d2;
#define DIST_EPSILON 0
void Heightmap_RecurseTrace(hmtrace_t *tr, float p1[2], float p2[2])
float newv[2];
float frac;
int mid;
int axis;
//FIXME: expand the trace somehow
if ((int)p1[0] == (int)p2[0] && (int)p1[1] == (int)p2[1])
{ //end
Heightmap_Trace_Square(tr, p1[0], p2[1]);
/*decide the plane axis*/
axis = abs(p2[1] - p1[1]) > abs(p2[0] - p1[0]);
/*figure out the index to split the trace at*/
mid = (p1[axis] + p2[axis])*0.5;
if (!mid)/*make sure we make progress*/
mid = (p2[axis] > p1[axis])?1:-1;
//it crosses somewhere, it must do.
if (p2[axis] > p1[axis])
frac = ((p1[axis] - mid) - DIST_EPSILON)/(p1[axis]-p2[axis]);
frac = ((p1[axis] - mid) + DIST_EPSILON)/(p1[axis]-p2[axis]);
newv[axis] = mid;
newv[!axis] = (p2[!axis] * frac) + (p1[!axis] * (1-frac));
if ((int)p1[axis] != (int)newv[axis])
Heightmap_RecurseTrace(tr, p1, newv);
if (!tr->contents)
Heightmap_RecurseTrace(tr, newv, p2);
Traces an arbitary box through a heightmap. (interface with outside)
Why is recursion good?
1: it is consistant with bsp models. :)
2: it allows us to use any size model we want
3: we don't have to work out the height of the terrain every X units, but can be more precise.
Obviously, we don't care all that much about 1
qboolean Heightmap_Trace(struct model_s *model, int hulloverride, int frame, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, unsigned int against, struct trace_s *trace)
float p1[2], p2[2];
hmtrace_t hmtrace;
hmtrace.hm = model->terrain;
hmtrace.start[0] = start[0]/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale;
hmtrace.start[1] = start[1]/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale;
hmtrace.start[2] = (start[2] + mins[2]);
hmtrace.end[0] = end[0]/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale;
hmtrace.end[1] = end[1]/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale;
hmtrace.end[2] = (end[2] + mins[2]);
p1[0] = (start[0])/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale;
p1[1] = (start[1])/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale;
p2[0] = (end[0])/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale;
p2[1] = (end[1])/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale;
Heightmap_RecurseTrace(&hmtrace, p1, p2);
trace->plane.dist = hmtrace.plane[3];
trace->plane.normal[0] = hmtrace.plane[0];
trace->plane.normal[1] = hmtrace.plane[1];
trace->plane.normal[2] = hmtrace.plane[2];
if (hmtrace.frac == -1)
trace->fraction = 0;
trace->startsolid = true;
trace->allsolid = true;
trace->fraction = hmtrace.frac;
VectorInterpolate(start, hmtrace.frac, end, trace->endpos);
return trace->fraction < 1;
Traces a line through a heightmap, sampling the terrain at various different positions.
This is inprecise, only supports points (or vertical lines), and can often travel though sticky out bits of terrain.
qboolean Heightmap_Trace(model_t *model, int forcehullnum, int frame, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, unsigned int contentmask, trace_t *trace)
vec3_t org;
vec3_t dir;
float distleft;
float dist;
heightmap_t *hm = model->terrain;
memset(trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t));
if (Heightmap_PointContentsHM(hm, mins[2], start) == FTECONTENTS_SOLID)
trace->fraction = 0;
trace->startsolid = true;
trace->allsolid = true;
VectorCopy(start, trace->endpos);
return true;
VectorCopy(start, org);
VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
dist = VectorNormalize(dir);
if (dist < 10 && dist)
{ //if less than 10 units, do at least 10 steps
VectorScale(dir, 1/10.0f, dir);
dist = 10;
distleft = dist;
VectorAdd(org, dir, org);
if (Heightmap_PointContentsHM(hm, mins[2], org) == FTECONTENTS_SOLID)
{ //go back to the previous safe spot
VectorSubtract(org, dir, org);
trace->contents = Heightmap_PointContentsHM(hm, mins[2], end);
if (distleft <= 0 && trace->contents != FTECONTENTS_SOLID)
{ //all the way
trace->fraction = 1;
VectorCopy(end, trace->endpos);
{ //we didn't get all the way there. :(
VectorSubtract(org, start, dir);
trace->fraction = Length(dir)/dist;
if (trace->fraction > 1)
trace->fraction = 1;
VectorCopy(org, trace->endpos);
trace->plane.normal[0] = 0;
trace->plane.normal[1] = 0;
trace->plane.normal[2] = 1;
Heightmap_Normal(model->terrain, trace->endpos, trace->plane.normal);
return trace->fraction != 1;
unsigned int Heightmap_FatPVS (model_t *mod, vec3_t org, qbyte *pvsbuffer, unsigned int pvssize, qboolean add)
return 0;
qboolean Heightmap_EdictInFatPVS (model_t *mod, struct pvscache_s *edict, qbyte *pvsdata)
return true;
void Heightmap_FindTouchedLeafs (model_t *mod, pvscache_t *ent, float *mins, float *maxs)
void Heightmap_LightPointValues (model_t *mod, vec3_t point, vec3_t res_diffuse, vec3_t res_ambient, vec3_t res_dir)
float time = realtime;
res_diffuse[0] = 128;
res_diffuse[1] = 128;
res_diffuse[2] = 128;
res_ambient[0] = 64;
res_ambient[1] = 64;
res_ambient[2] = 64;
res_dir[0] = sin(time);
res_dir[1] = cos(time);
res_dir[2] = sin(time);
void Heightmap_StainNode (mnode_t *node, float *parms)
void Heightmap_MarkLights (dlight_t *light, int bit, mnode_t *node)
qbyte *Heightmap_LeafnumPVS (model_t *model, int num, qbyte *buffer, unsigned int buffersize)
static qbyte heightmappvs = 255;
return &heightmappvs;
int Heightmap_LeafForPoint (model_t *model, vec3_t point)
return 0;
static unsigned char *ted_getlightmap(hmsection_t *s, int idx)
unsigned char *lm;
int x = idx % SECTTEXSIZE, y = idx / SECTTEXSIZE;
if (s->lightmap < 0)
lightmap[s->lightmap]->modified = true;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.l = 0;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.t = 0;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.w = HMLMSTRIDE;
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.h = HMLMSTRIDE;
lm = lightmap[s->lightmap]->lightmaps;
lm += ((s->lmx+y) * HMLMSTRIDE + (s->lmy+x)) * lightmap_bytes;
return lm;
static void ted_sethole(void *ctx, hmsection_t *s, int idx, float wx, float wy, float w)
unsigned int bit;
unsigned int mask;
mask = 1u<<idx;
if (*(float*)ctx)
bit = mask;
bit = 0;
s->modified = true;
s->holes = (s->holes & ~mask) | bit;
static void ted_heighttally(void *ctx, hmsection_t *s, int idx, float wx, float wy, float w)
/*raise the terrain*/
((float*)ctx)[0] += s->heights[idx]*w;
((float*)ctx)[1] += w;
static void ted_heightsmooth(void *ctx, hmsection_t *s, int idx, float wx, float wy, float w)
s->modified = true;
/*interpolate the terrain towards a certain value*/
if (IS_NAN(s->heights[idx]))
s->heights[idx] = *(float*)ctx;
s->heights[idx] = s->heights[idx]*(1-w) + w**(float*)ctx;
static void ted_heightraise(void *ctx, hmsection_t *s, int idx, float wx, float wy, float strength)
s->modified = true;
/*raise the terrain*/
s->heights[idx] += strength;
static void ted_heightset(void *ctx, hmsection_t *s, int idx, float wx, float wy, float strength)
s->modified = true;
/*set the terrain to a specific value*/
s->heights[idx] = *(float*)ctx;
static void ted_mixconcentrate(void *ctx, hmsection_t *s, int idx, float wx, float wy, float w)
unsigned char *lm = ted_getlightmap(s, idx);
/*concentrate the lightmap values to a single channel*/
if (lm[0] > lm[1] && lm[0] > lm[2] && lm[0] > (255-(lm[0]+lm[1]+lm[2])))
lm[0] = lm[0]*(1-w) + 255*(w);
lm[1] = lm[1]*(1-w) + 0*(w);
lm[2] = lm[2]*(1-w) + 0*(w);
else if (lm[1] > lm[2] && lm[1] > (255-(lm[0]+lm[1]+lm[2])))
lm[0] = lm[0]*(1-w) + 0*(w);
lm[1] = lm[1]*(1-w) + 255*(w);
lm[2] = lm[2]*(1-w) + 0*(w);
else if (lm[2] > (255-(lm[0]+lm[1]+lm[2])))
lm[0] = lm[0]*(1-w) + 0*(w);
lm[1] = lm[1]*(1-w) + 0*(w);
lm[2] = lm[2]*(1-w) + 255*(w);
lm[0] = lm[0]*(1-w) + 0*(w);
lm[1] = lm[1]*(1-w) + 0*(w);
lm[2] = lm[2]*(1-w) + 0*(w);
static void ted_mixnoise(void *ctx, hmsection_t *s, int idx, float wx, float wy, float w)
unsigned char *lm = ted_getlightmap(s, idx);
vec4_t v;
float sc;
/*randomize the lightmap somewhat (you'll probably want to concentrate it a bit after)*/
v[0] = (rand()&255);
v[1] = (rand()&255);
v[2] = (rand()&255);
v[3] = (rand()&255);
sc = v[0] + v[1] + v[2] + v[3];
Vector4Scale(v, 255/sc, v);
lm[0] = lm[0]*(1-w) + (v[0]*(w));
lm[1] = lm[1]*(1-w) + (v[1]*(w));
lm[2] = lm[2]*(1-w) + (v[2]*(w));
static void ted_mixpaint(void *ctx, hmsection_t *s, int idx, float wx, float wy, float w)
unsigned char *lm = ted_getlightmap(s, idx);
char *texname = ctx;
int t;
vec3_t newval;
if (w > 1)
w = 1;
for (t = 0; t < 4; t++)
if (!strncmp(s->texname[t], texname, sizeof(s->texname[t])-1))
newval[0] = (t == 0);
newval[1] = (t == 1);
newval[2] = (t == 2);
lm[2] = lm[2]*(1-w) + (255*newval[0]*(w));
lm[1] = lm[1]*(1-w) + (255*newval[1]*(w));
lm[0] = lm[0]*(1-w) + (255*newval[2]*(w));
for (t = 0; t < 4; t++)
if (!*s->texname[t])
Q_strncpyz(s->texname[t], texname, sizeof(s->texname[t]));
newval[0] = (t == 0);
newval[1] = (t == 1);
newval[2] = (t == 2);
lm[2] = lm[2]*(1-w) + (255*newval[0]*(w));
lm[1] = lm[1]*(1-w) + (255*newval[1]*(w));
lm[0] = lm[0]*(1-w) + (255*newval[2]*(w));
static void ted_mixset(void *ctx, hmsection_t *s, int idx, float wx, float wy, float w)
unsigned char *lm = ted_getlightmap(s, idx);
if (w > 1)
w = 1;
lm[2] = lm[2]*(1-w) + (255*((float*)ctx)[0]*(w));
lm[1] = lm[1]*(1-w) + (255*((float*)ctx)[1]*(w));
lm[0] = lm[0]*(1-w) + (255*((float*)ctx)[2]*(w));
static void ted_mixtally(void *ctx, hmsection_t *s, int idx, float wx, float wy, float w)
unsigned char *lm = ted_getlightmap(s, idx);
((float*)ctx)[0] += lm[0]*w;
((float*)ctx)[1] += lm[1]*w;
((float*)ctx)[2] += lm[2]*w;
((float*)ctx)[3] += w;
//calls 'func' for each tile upon the terrain. the 'tile' can be either height or texel
static void ted_itterate(heightmap_t *hm, float *pos, float radius, float strength, int steps, void(*func)(void *ctx, hmsection_t *s, int idx, float wx, float wy, float strength), void *ctx)
int tx, ty;
float wx, wy;
float sc[2];
int min[2], max[2];
int sx,sy;
hmsection_t *s;
float w, xd, yd;
min[0] = floor((pos[0] - radius)/(hm->sectionsize) - 1);
min[1] = floor((pos[1] - radius)/(hm->sectionsize) - 1);
max[0] = ceil((pos[0] + radius)/(hm->sectionsize) + 1);
max[1] = ceil((pos[1] + radius)/(hm->sectionsize) + 1);
min[0] = bound(hm->firstsegx, min[0], hm->maxsegx);
min[1] = bound(hm->firstsegx, min[1], hm->maxsegy);
max[0] = bound(hm->firstsegx, max[0], hm->maxsegx);
max[1] = bound(hm->firstsegx, max[1], hm->maxsegy);
sc[0] = hm->sectionsize/(steps-1);
sc[1] = hm->sectionsize/(steps-1);
for (sx = min[0]; sx < max[0]; sx++)
for (sy = min[1]; sy < max[1]; sy++)
s = Terr_GetSection(hm, sx, sy, true);
if (!s)
for (tx = 0; tx < steps; tx++)
for (ty = 0; ty < steps; ty++)
/*both heights and textures have an overlapping/matching sample at the edge, there's no need for any half-pixels or anything here*/
wx = (sx*(steps-1.0) + tx)*sc[0];
wy = (sy*(steps-1.0) + ty)*sc[1];
xd = wx - pos[0];
yd = wy - pos[1];
w = sqrt(radius*radius - (xd*xd+yd*yd));
if (w > 0)
func(ctx, s, tx+ty*steps, wx, wy, w*strength/(radius));
void QCBUILTIN PF_terrain_edit(progfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals)
world_t *vmw = prinst->parms->user;
int action = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0);
float *pos = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1);
float radius = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2);
float quant = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3);
// G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Heightmap_Edit(w->worldmodel, action, pos, radius, quant);
model_t *mod = vmw->worldmodel;
heightmap_t *hm;
vec4_t tally;
if (!mod || !mod->terrain)
hm = mod->terrain;
pos[0] += hm->sectionsize * CHUNKBIAS;
pos[1] += hm->sectionsize * CHUNKBIAS;
case ter_reload:
Terr_PurgeTerrainModel(mod, false);
case ter_save:
case ter_sethole:
int x, y;
hmsection_t *s;
x = pos[0]*4 / hm->sectionsize;
y = pos[1]*4 / hm->sectionsize;
x = bound(hm->firstsegx*4, x, hm->maxsegy*4-1);
y = bound(hm->firstsegy*4, y, hm->maxsegy*4-1);
s = Terr_GetSection(hm, x/4, y/4, true);
if (!s)
ted_sethole(&quant, s, (x&3) + (y&3)*4, x/4, y/4, 0);
case ter_height_set:
ted_itterate(hm, pos, radius, 1, SECTHEIGHTSIZE, ted_heightset, &quant);
case ter_height_smooth:
tally[0] = 0;
tally[1] = 0;
ted_itterate(hm, pos, radius, 1, SECTHEIGHTSIZE, ted_heighttally, &tally);
tally[0] /= tally[1];
if (IS_NAN(tally[0]))
tally[0] = 0;
ted_itterate(hm, pos, radius, 1, SECTHEIGHTSIZE, ted_heightsmooth, &tally);
case ter_height_spread:
tally[0] = 0;
tally[1] = 0;
ted_itterate(hm, pos, radius/2, 1, SECTHEIGHTSIZE, ted_heighttally, &tally);
tally[0] /= tally[1];
if (IS_NAN(tally[0]))
tally[0] = 0;
ted_itterate(hm, pos, radius, 1, SECTHEIGHTSIZE, ted_heightsmooth, &tally);
case ter_lower:
quant *= -1;
case ter_raise:
ted_itterate(hm, pos, radius, quant, SECTHEIGHTSIZE, ted_heightraise, &quant);
// case ter_mixset:
// ted_itterate(hm, pos, radius, 1, SECTTEXSIZE, ted_mixset, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM4));
// break;
case ter_mixpaint:
ted_itterate(hm, pos, radius, quant/10, SECTTEXSIZE, ted_mixpaint, PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM4));
case ter_mixconcentrate:
ted_itterate(hm, pos, radius, 1, SECTTEXSIZE, ted_mixconcentrate, NULL);
case ter_mixnoise:
ted_itterate(hm, pos, radius, 1, SECTTEXSIZE, ted_mixnoise, NULL);
case ter_mixblur:
Vector4Set(tally, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ted_itterate(hm, pos, radius, 1, SECTTEXSIZE, ted_mixtally, &tally);
VectorScale(tally, 1/(tally[3]*255), tally);
ted_itterate(hm, pos, radius, quant, SECTTEXSIZE, ted_mixset, &tally);
case ter_tex_get:
int x, y;
hmsection_t *s;
x = pos[0] / hm->sectionsize;
y = pos[1] / hm->sectionsize;
x = bound(hm->firstsegx, x, hm->maxsegy-1);
y = bound(hm->firstsegy, y, hm->maxsegy-1);
s = Terr_GetSection(hm, x, y, true);
if (!s)
x = bound(0, quant, 3);
G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_TempString(prinst, s->texname[x]);
case ter_tex_kill:
char *killtex = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM4);
int x, y, t, to;
hmsection_t *s;
x = pos[0] / hm->sectionsize;
y = pos[1] / hm->sectionsize;
x = bound(hm->firstsegx, x, hm->maxsegy-1);
y = bound(hm->firstsegy, y, hm->maxsegy-1);
s = Terr_GetSection(hm, x, y, true);
if (!s)
for (t = 0; t < 4; t++)
if (!strcmp(s->texname[t], killtex))
unsigned char *lm = ted_getlightmap(s, 0);
s->texname[t][0] = 0;
for (to = 0; to < 4; to++)
if (*s->texname[to])
if (to == 4)
to = 0;
if (to == 0 || to == 2)
to = 2 - to;
if (t == 0 || t == 2)
t = 2 - t;
for (y = 0; y < SECTTEXSIZE; y++)
for (x = 0; x < SECTTEXSIZE; x++, lm+=4)
if (t == 3)
//to won't be 3
lm[to] = lm[to] + (255 - (lm[0] + lm[1] + lm[2]));
if (to != 3)
lm[to] += lm[t];
lm[t] = 0;
if (t == 0 || t == 2)
t = 2 - t;
void QCBUILTIN PF_terrain_edit(progfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals)
void Terr_ParseEntityLump(char *data, float *scale, int *minx, int *maxx, int *miny, int *maxy)
char key[128];
if (data)
if ((data=COM_Parse(data))) //read the map info.
if (com_token[0] == '{')
while (1)
if (!(data=COM_Parse(data)))
break; // error
if (com_token[0] == '}')
break; // end of worldspawn
if (com_token[0] == '_')
strcpy(key, com_token + 1); //_ vars are for comments/utility stuff that arn't visible to progs. Ignore them.
strcpy(key, com_token);
if (!((data=COM_Parse(data))))
break; // error
if (!strcmp("segmentsize", key)) // for HalfLife maps
*scale = atof(com_token);
else if (!strcmp("minxsegment", key))
*minx = atoi(com_token) + CHUNKBIAS;
else if (!strcmp("minysegment", key))
*miny = atoi(com_token) + CHUNKBIAS;
else if (!strcmp("maxxsegment", key))
*maxx = atoi(com_token) + CHUNKBIAS;
else if (!strcmp("maxysegment", key))
*maxy = atoi(com_token) + CHUNKBIAS;
qboolean Terr_LoadTerrainModel (model_t *mod, void *buffer)
heightmap_t *hm;
float skyrotate;
vec3_t skyaxis;
char shadername[MAX_QPATH];
char skyname[MAX_QPATH];
int numsegsx = 0, numsegsy = 0;
int sectsize = 0;
COM_FileBase(mod->name, shadername, sizeof(shadername));
strcpy(shadername, "terrainshader");
strcpy(skyname, "night");
skyrotate = 0;
skyaxis[0] = 0;
skyaxis[1] = 0;
skyaxis[2] = 0;
buffer = COM_Parse(buffer);
if (strcmp(com_token, "terrain"))
Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "%s wasn't terrain map\n", mod->name); //shouldn't happen
return false;
mod->type = mod_heightmap;
hm = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(*hm));
memset(hm, 0, sizeof(*hm));
COM_FileBase(mod->name, hm->path, sizeof(hm->path));
mod->entities = Hunk_AllocName(strlen(buffer)+1, mod->name);
strcpy(mod->entities, buffer);
hm->sectionsize = sectsize;
hm->firstsegx = CHUNKBIAS - 1;
hm->firstsegy = CHUNKBIAS - 1;
hm->maxsegx = CHUNKBIAS + 1;
hm->maxsegy = CHUNKBIAS + 1;
hm->exteriorcontents = FTECONTENTS_SKY|FTECONTENTS_SOLID; //sky outside the map
// Terr_ParseEntityLump(hm, mod->entities);
if (hm->firstsegx < 0)
hm->firstsegx = 0;
if (hm->firstsegy < 0)
hm->firstsegy = 0;
if (hm->maxsegx > CHUNKLIMIT)
hm->maxsegx = CHUNKLIMIT;
if (hm->maxsegy > CHUNKLIMIT)
hm->maxsegy = CHUNKLIMIT;
if (qrenderer != QR_NONE)
hm->shader = R_RegisterShader(shadername,
"map $diffuse\n"
"map $upperoverlay\n"
"map $loweroverlay\n"
"map $fullbright\n"
"map $lightmap\n"
"program terrain\n"
"if r_terraindebug\n"
"program terraindebug\n"
hm->skyshader = R_RegisterCustom(va("skybox_%s", skyname), Shader_DefaultSkybox, NULL);
mod->funcs.NativeTrace = Heightmap_Trace;
mod->funcs.PointContents = Heightmap_PointContents;
mod->funcs.NativeContents = Heightmap_NativeBoxContents;
mod->funcs.LightPointValues = Heightmap_LightPointValues;
mod->funcs.StainNode = Heightmap_StainNode;
mod->funcs.MarkLights = Heightmap_MarkLights;
mod->funcs.LeafnumForPoint = Heightmap_LeafForPoint;
mod->funcs.LeafPVS = Heightmap_LeafnumPVS;
mod->funcs.FindTouchedLeafs = Heightmap_FindTouchedLeafs;
mod->funcs.EdictInFatPVS = Heightmap_EdictInFatPVS;
mod->funcs.FatPVS = Heightmap_FatPVS;
/* mod->hulls[0].funcs.HullPointContents = Heightmap_PointContents;
mod->hulls[1].funcs.HullPointContents = Heightmap_PointContents;
mod->hulls[2].funcs.HullPointContents = Heightmap_PointContents;
mod->hulls[3].funcs.HullPointContents = Heightmap_PointContents;
mod->terrain = hm;
return true;
void *Mod_LoadTerrainInfo(model_t *mod, char *loadname)
heightmap_t *hm;
float scale = 0;
int bounds[4] = {0};
if (!mod->entities)
return NULL;
Terr_ParseEntityLump(mod->entities, &scale, &bounds[0], &bounds[1], &bounds[2], &bounds[3]);
bounds[0] += CHUNKBIAS;
bounds[1] += CHUNKBIAS;
bounds[2] += CHUNKBIAS;
bounds[3] += CHUNKBIAS;
if (bounds[0] < 0)
bounds[0] = 0;
if (bounds[2] < 0)
bounds[2] = 0;
if (bounds[1] > CHUNKLIMIT)
bounds[1] = CHUNKLIMIT;
if (bounds[3] > CHUNKLIMIT)
bounds[3] = CHUNKLIMIT;
if (!scale && (bounds[0] == bounds[1] || bounds[2] == bounds[3]))
return NULL;
if (scale < 1)
scale = 1024;
hm = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*hm));
Q_strncpyz(hm->path, loadname, sizeof(hm->path));
hm->sectionsize = scale;
hm->firstsegx = bounds[0];
hm->maxsegx = bounds[1];
hm->firstsegy = bounds[2];
hm->maxsegy = bounds[3];
hm->exteriorcontents = FTECONTENTS_EMPTY; //bsp geometry outside the heightmap
if (qrenderer != QR_NONE)
hm->skyshader = R_RegisterCustom(va("skybox_%s", loadname), Shader_DefaultSkybox, NULL);
hm->shader = R_RegisterShader("terrainshader",
"map $diffuse\n"
"map $upperoverlay\n"
"map $loweroverlay\n"
"map $fullbright\n"
"map $lightmap\n"
"program terrain\n"
"if r_terraindebug\n"
"program terraindebug\n"
return hm;