Fork 0
forked from fte/fteqw

4786 lines
121 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "quakedef.h"
#include "shader.h"
texid_t GL_FindTextureFallback (const char *identifier, unsigned int flags, void *fallback, int fallbackwidth, int fallbackheight, uploadfmt_t fallbackfmt);
#ifdef NPFTE
//#define Con_Printf(f, ...)
//hope you're on a littleendian machine
#define LittleShort(s) s
#define LittleLong(s) s
cvar_t r_dodgytgafiles = CVARD("r_dodgytgafiles", "0", "Many old glquake engines had a buggy tga loader that ignored bottom-up flags. Naturally people worked around this and the world was plagued with buggy images. Most engines have now fixed the bug, but you can reenable it if you have bugged tga files.");
cvar_t r_dodgypcxfiles = CVARD("r_dodgypcxfiles", "0", "When enabled, this will ignore the palette stored within pcx files, for compatibility with quake2.");
char *r_defaultimageextensions =
"dds " //compressed or something
"tga" //fairly fast to load
#if defined(AVAIL_PNGLIB) || defined(FTE_TARGET_WEB)
" png" //pngs, fairly common, but slow
//" bmp" //wtf? at least not lossy
#if defined(AVAIL_JPEGLIB) || defined(FTE_TARGET_WEB)
" jpg" //q3 uses some jpegs, for some reason
" pcx" //pcxes are the original gamedata of q2. So we don't want them to override pngs.
static void QDECL R_ImageExtensions_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue);
cvar_t r_imageexensions = CVARCD("r_imageexensions", NULL, R_ImageExtensions_Callback, "The list of image file extensions which fte should attempt to load.");
extern cvar_t gl_lerpimages;
extern cvar_t gl_picmip2d;
extern cvar_t gl_picmip;
extern cvar_t r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture;
extern cvar_t r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap;
extern cvar_t r_shadow_heightscale_basetexture;
extern cvar_t r_shadow_heightscale_bumpmap;
static bucket_t *imagetablebuckets[256];
static hashtable_t imagetable;
static image_t *imagelist;
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <unistd.h>
typedef struct { //cm = colourmap
char id_len; //0
char cm_type; //1
char version; //2
short cm_idx; //3
short cm_len; //5
char cm_size; //7
short originx; //8 (ignored)
short originy; //10 (ignored)
short width; //12-13
short height; //14-15
qbyte bpp; //16
qbyte attribs; //17
} tgaheader_t;
char *ReadGreyTargaFile (qbyte *data, int flen, tgaheader_t *tgahead, int asgrey) //preswapped header
int columns, rows;
int row, column;
qbyte *pixbuf, *pal;
qboolean flipped;
qbyte *pixels = BZ_Malloc(tgahead->width * tgahead->height * (asgrey?1:4));
if (tgahead->version!=1
&& tgahead->version!=3)
Con_Printf("LoadGrayTGA: Only type 1 and 3 greyscale targa images are understood.\n");
return NULL;
if (tgahead->version==1 && tgahead->bpp != 8 &&
tgahead->cm_size != 24 && tgahead->cm_len != 256)
Con_Printf("LoadGrayTGA: Strange palette type\n");
return NULL;
columns = tgahead->width;
rows = tgahead->height;
flipped = !((tgahead->attribs & 0x20) >> 5);
#ifndef NPFTE
if (r_dodgytgafiles.value)
flipped = true;
if (tgahead->version == 1)
pal = data;
data += tgahead->cm_len*3;
if (asgrey)
for(row=rows-1; row>=0; row--)
if (flipped)
pixbuf = pixels + row*columns;
pixbuf = pixels + ((rows-1)-row)*columns;
for(column=0; column<columns; column++)
*pixbuf++= *data++;
for(row=rows-1; row>=0; row--)
if (flipped)
pixbuf = pixels + row*columns*4;
pixbuf = pixels + ((rows-1)-row)*columns*4;
for(column=0; column<columns; column++)
*pixbuf++= pal[*data*3+2];
*pixbuf++= pal[*data*3+1];
*pixbuf++= pal[*data*3+0];
*pixbuf++= 255;
return pixels;
//version 3 now
if (asgrey)
for(row=rows-1; row>=0; row--)
if (flipped)
pixbuf = pixels + row*columns;
pixbuf = pixels + ((rows-1)-row)*columns;
pixbuf = pixels + row*columns;
for(column=0; column<columns; column++)
*pixbuf++= *data++;
for(row=rows-1; row>=0; row--)
if (flipped)
pixbuf = pixels + row*columns*4;
pixbuf = pixels + ((rows-1)-row)*columns*4;
for(column=0; column<columns; column++)
*pixbuf++= *data;
*pixbuf++= *data;
*pixbuf++= *data;
*pixbuf++= 255;
return pixels;
//remember to free it
qbyte *ReadTargaFile(qbyte *buf, int length, int *width, int *height, qboolean *hasalpha, int asgrey)
//tga files sadly lack a true magic header thing.
unsigned char *data;
qboolean flipped;
tgaheader_t tgaheader; //things are misaligned, so no pointer.
if (length < 18 || buf[1] > 1 || (buf[16] != 8 && buf[16] != 16 && buf[16] != 24 && buf[16] != 32))
return NULL; //BUMMER!
tgaheader.id_len = buf[0];
tgaheader.cm_type = buf[1];
tgaheader.version = buf[2];
tgaheader.cm_idx = LittleShort(*(short *)&buf[3]);
tgaheader.cm_len = LittleShort(*(short *)&buf[5]);
tgaheader.cm_size = buf[7];
tgaheader.originx = LittleShort(*(short *)&buf[8]);
tgaheader.originy = LittleShort(*(short *)&buf[10]);
tgaheader.width = LittleShort(*(short *)&buf[12]);
tgaheader.height = LittleShort(*(short *)&buf[14]);
tgaheader.bpp = buf[16];
tgaheader.attribs = buf[17];
case 0: //No image data included.
return NULL; //not really valid for us. reject it after all
case 1: //Uncompressed, color-mapped images.
case 2: //Uncompressed, RGB images.
case 3: //Uncompressed, black and white images.
case 9: //Runlength encoded color-mapped images.
case 10: //Runlength encoded RGB images.
case 11: //Compressed, black and white images.
case 32: //Compressed color-mapped data, using Huffman, Delta, and runlength encoding.
case 33: //Compressed color-mapped data, using Huffman, Delta, and runlength encoding. 4-pass quadtree-type process.
return NULL;
//validate the size to some sanity limit.
if ((unsigned short)tgaheader.width > 8192 || (unsigned short)tgaheader.height > 8192)
return NULL;
flipped = !((tgaheader.attribs & 0x20) >> 5);
#ifndef NPFTE
if (r_dodgytgafiles.value)
flipped = true;
data += tgaheader.id_len;
*width = tgaheader.width;
*height = tgaheader.height;
if (asgrey == 2) //grey only, load as 8 bit..
if (!(tgaheader.version == 1) && !(tgaheader.version == 3))
return NULL;
if (tgaheader.version == 1 || tgaheader.version == 3)
return ReadGreyTargaFile(data, length, &tgaheader, asgrey);
else if (tgaheader.version == 10 || tgaheader.version == 9 || tgaheader.version == 11)
#undef getc
#define getc(x) *data++
unsigned int row, rows=tgaheader.height, column, columns=tgaheader.width, packetHeader, packetSize, j;
qbyte *pixbuf, *targa_rgba=BZ_Malloc(rows*columns*(asgrey?1:4)), *inrow;
qbyte blue, red, green, alphabyte;
byte_vec4_t palette[256];
if (tgaheader.version == 9)
for (row = 0; row < 256; row++)
palette[row][0] = row;
palette[row][1] = row;
palette[row][2] = row;
palette[row][3] = 255;
if (tgaheader.bpp != 8)
return NULL;
if (tgaheader.version == 10)
if (tgaheader.bpp == 8)
return NULL;
*hasalpha = (tgaheader.bpp==32);
if (tgaheader.version == 11)
for (row = 0; row < 256; row++)
palette[row][0] = row;
palette[row][1] = row;
palette[row][2] = row;
palette[row][3] = 255;
if (tgaheader.bpp != 8)
return NULL;
if (tgaheader.cm_type)
case 24:
for (row = 0; row < tgaheader.cm_len; row++)
palette[row][0] = *data++;
palette[row][1] = *data++;
palette[row][2] = *data++;
palette[row][3] = 255;
case 32:
for (row = 0; row < tgaheader.cm_len; row++)
palette[row][0] = *data++;
palette[row][1] = *data++;
palette[row][2] = *data++;
palette[row][3] = *data++;
*hasalpha = true;
for(row=rows; row-->0; )
if (flipped)
pixbuf = targa_rgba + row*columns*(asgrey?1:4);
pixbuf = targa_rgba + ((rows-1)-row)*columns*(asgrey?1:4);
for(column=0; column<columns; )
packetSize = 1 + (packetHeader & 0x7f);
if (packetHeader & 0x80)
{ // run-length packet
switch (tgaheader.bpp)
case 8: //we made sure this was version 11
blue = palette[*data][0];
green = palette[*data][1];
red = palette[*data][2];
alphabyte = palette[*data][3];
case 16:
inrow = data;
red = ((inrow[1] & 0x7c)>>2) *8; //red
green = (((inrow[1] & 0x03)<<3) + ((inrow[0] & 0xe0)>>5))*8; //green
blue = (inrow[0] & 0x1f)*8; //blue
alphabyte = (int)(inrow[1]&0x80)*2-1; //alpha?
case 24:
blue = *data++;
green = *data++;
red = *data++;
alphabyte = 255;
case 32:
blue = *data++;
green = *data++;
red = *data++;
alphabyte = *data++;
blue = 127;
green = 127;
red = 127;
alphabyte = 127;
if (!asgrey) //keep colours
if (column==columns)
{ // run spans across rows
if (row>0)
goto breakOut;
if (flipped)
pixbuf = targa_rgba + row*columns*4;
pixbuf = targa_rgba + ((rows-1)-row)*columns*4;
else //convert to greyscale
*pixbuf++ = red*NTSC_RED + green*NTSC_GREEN + blue*NTSC_BLUE;
if (column==columns)
{ // run spans across rows
if (row>0)
goto breakOut;
if (flipped)
pixbuf = targa_rgba + row*columns*1;
pixbuf = targa_rgba + ((rows-1)-row)*columns*1;
{ // non run-length packet
if (!asgrey) //keep colours
switch (tgaheader.bpp)
case 8:
blue = palette[*data][0];
green = palette[*data][1];
red = palette[*data][2];
*pixbuf++ = red;
*pixbuf++ = green;
*pixbuf++ = blue;
*pixbuf++ = palette[*data][3];
case 16:
inrow = data;
red = ((inrow[1] & 0x7c)>>2) *8; //red
green = (((inrow[1] & 0x03)<<3) + ((inrow[0] & 0xe0)>>5))*8; //green
blue = (inrow[0] & 0x1f)*8; //blue
alphabyte = (int)(inrow[1]&0x80)*2-1; //alpha?
*pixbuf++ = red;
*pixbuf++ = green;
*pixbuf++ = blue;
*pixbuf++ = alphabyte;
case 24:
blue = *data++;
green = *data++;
red = *data++;
*pixbuf++ = red;
*pixbuf++ = green;
*pixbuf++ = blue;
*pixbuf++ = 255;
case 32:
blue = *data++;
green = *data++;
red = *data++;
alphabyte = *data++;
*pixbuf++ = red;
*pixbuf++ = green;
*pixbuf++ = blue;
*pixbuf++ = alphabyte;
blue = 127;
green = 127;
red = 127;
alphabyte = 127;
if (column==columns)
{ // pixel packet run spans across rows
if (row>0)
goto breakOut;
if (flipped)
pixbuf = targa_rgba + row*columns*4;
pixbuf = targa_rgba + ((rows-1)-row)*columns*4;
else //convert to grey
switch (tgaheader.bpp)
case 8:
blue = palette[*data][0];
green = palette[*data][1];
red = palette[*data][2];
*pixbuf++ = (blue + green + red)/3;
case 16:
inrow = data;
red = ((inrow[1] & 0x7c)>>2) *8; //red
green = (((inrow[1] & 0x03)<<3) + ((inrow[0] & 0xe0)>>5))*8; //green
blue = (inrow[0] & 0x1f)*8; //blue
alphabyte = (int)(inrow[1]&0x80)*2-1; //alpha?
*pixbuf++ = red*NTSC_RED + green*NTSC_GREEN + blue*NTSC_BLUE;
case 24:
blue = *data++;
green = *data++;
red = *data++;
*pixbuf++ = red*NTSC_RED + green*NTSC_GREEN + blue*NTSC_BLUE;
case 32:
blue = *data++;
green = *data++;
red = *data++;
alphabyte = *data++;
*pixbuf++ = red*NTSC_RED + green*NTSC_GREEN + blue*NTSC_BLUE;
blue = 127;
green = 127;
red = 127;
alphabyte = 127;
if (column==columns)
{ // pixel packet run spans across rows
if (row>0)
goto breakOut;
if (flipped)
pixbuf = targa_rgba + row*columns*1;
pixbuf = targa_rgba + ((rows-1)-row)*columns*1;
return targa_rgba;
else if (tgaheader.version == 2)
qbyte *initbuf=BZ_Malloc(tgaheader.height*tgaheader.width* (asgrey?1:4));
qbyte *inrow, *outrow;
int x, y, mul;
qbyte blue, red, green;
if (tgaheader.bpp == 8)
return NULL;
mul = tgaheader.bpp/8;
*hasalpha = mul==4;
//flip +convert to 32 bit
if (asgrey)
outrow = &initbuf[(int)(0)*tgaheader.width];
outrow = &initbuf[(int)(0)*tgaheader.width*mul];
for (y = 0; y < tgaheader.height; y+=1)
if (flipped)
inrow = &data[(int)(tgaheader.height-y-1)*tgaheader.width*mul];
inrow = &data[(int)(y)*tgaheader.width*mul];
if (!asgrey)
case 2:
for (x = 0; x < tgaheader.width; x+=1)
*outrow++ = ((inrow[1] & 0x7c)>>2) *8; //red
*outrow++ = (((inrow[1] & 0x03)<<3) + ((inrow[0] & 0xe0)>>5))*8; //green
*outrow++ = (inrow[0] & 0x1f)*8; //blue
*outrow++ = (int)(inrow[1]&0x80)*2-1; //alpha?
case 3:
for (x = 0; x < tgaheader.width; x+=1)
*outrow++ = inrow[2];
*outrow++ = inrow[1];
*outrow++ = inrow[0];
*outrow++ = 255;
case 4:
for (x = 0; x < tgaheader.width; x+=1)
*outrow++ = inrow[2];
*outrow++ = inrow[1];
*outrow++ = inrow[0];
*outrow++ = inrow[3];
case 2:
for (x = 0; x < tgaheader.width; x+=1)
red = ((inrow[1] & 0x7c)>>2) *8; //red
green = (((inrow[1] & 0x03)<<3) + ((inrow[0] & 0xe0)>>5))*8; //green
blue = (inrow[0] & 0x1f)*8; //blue
// alphabyte = (int)(inrow[1]&0x80)*2-1; //alpha?
*outrow++ = red*NTSC_RED + green*NTSC_GREEN + blue*NTSC_BLUE;
case 3:
for (x = 0; x < tgaheader.width; x+=1)
red = inrow[2];
green = inrow[1];
blue = inrow[0];
*outrow++ = red*NTSC_RED + green*NTSC_GREEN + blue*NTSC_BLUE;
case 4:
for (x = 0; x < tgaheader.width; x+=1)
red = inrow[2];
green = inrow[1];
blue = inrow[0];
*outrow++ = red*NTSC_RED + green*NTSC_GREEN + blue*NTSC_BLUE;
return initbuf;
Con_Printf("TGA: Unsupported version\n");
return NULL;
#ifndef AVAIL_ZLIB
#error PNGLIB requires ZLIB
#undef channels
#if defined(MINGW)
#include "./mingw-libs/png.h"
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#include "png.h"
#include <png.h>
#define PSTATIC(n)
static dllhandle_t *libpng_handle;
#define LIBPNG_LOADED() (libpng_handle != NULL)
#define LIBPNG_LOADED() 1
#define PSTATIC(n) = &n
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma comment(lib, MSVCLIBSPATH "libpng64.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, MSVCLIBSPATH "libpng.lib")
#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER < 10500
#define png_const_infop png_infop
#define png_const_structp png_structp
#define png_const_bytep png_bytep
#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER < 10600
#define png_const_inforp png_const_infop
void (PNGAPI *qpng_error) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp error_message)) PSTATIC(png_error);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_read_end) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_read_end);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_read_image) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytepp image)) PSTATIC(png_read_image);
png_byte (PNGAPI *qpng_get_bit_depth) PNGARG((png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_inforp info_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_get_bit_depth);
png_byte (PNGAPI *qpng_get_channels) PNGARG((png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_inforp info_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_get_channels);
png_size_t (PNGAPI *qpng_get_rowbytes) PNGARG((png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_inforp info_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_get_rowbytes);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_read_update_info) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_read_update_info);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_set_strip_16) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_set_strip_16);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_set_expand) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_set_expand);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_set_gray_to_rgb) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_set_gray_to_rgb);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_set_tRNS_to_alpha) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_set_tRNS_to_alpha);
png_uint_32 (PNGAPI *qpng_get_valid) PNGARG((png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 flag)) PSTATIC(png_get_valid);
#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10400
void (PNGAPI *qpng_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_set_filler) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_uint_32 filler, int flags)) PSTATIC(png_set_filler);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_set_palette_to_rgb) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_set_palette_to_rgb);
png_uint_32 (PNGAPI *qpng_get_IHDR) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 *width, png_uint_32 *height,
int *bit_depth, int *color_type, int *interlace_method, int *compression_method, int *filter_method)) PSTATIC(png_get_IHDR);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_read_info) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_read_info);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_set_sig_bytes) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, int num_bytes)) PSTATIC(png_set_sig_bytes);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_set_read_fn) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp io_ptr, png_rw_ptr read_data_fn)) PSTATIC(png_set_read_fn);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_destroy_read_struct) PNGARG((png_structpp png_ptr_ptr, png_infopp info_ptr_ptr, png_infopp end_info_ptr_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_destroy_read_struct);
png_infop (PNGAPI *qpng_create_info_struct) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_create_info_struct);
png_structp (PNGAPI *qpng_create_read_struct) PNGARG((png_const_charp user_png_ver, png_voidp error_ptr, png_error_ptr error_fn, png_error_ptr warn_fn)) PSTATIC(png_create_read_struct);
int (PNGAPI *qpng_sig_cmp) PNGARG((png_const_bytep sig, png_size_t start, png_size_t num_to_check)) PSTATIC(png_sig_cmp);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_write_end) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_write_end);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_write_image) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytepp image)) PSTATIC(png_write_image);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_write_info) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_write_info);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_set_IHDR) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 width, png_uint_32 height,
int bit_depth, int color_type, int interlace_method, int compression_method, int filter_method)) PSTATIC(png_set_IHDR);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_set_compression_level) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, int level)) PSTATIC(png_set_compression_level);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_init_io) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_FILE_p fp)) PSTATIC(png_init_io);
png_voidp (PNGAPI *qpng_get_io_ptr) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_get_io_ptr);
void (PNGAPI *qpng_destroy_write_struct) PNGARG((png_structpp png_ptr_ptr, png_infopp info_ptr_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_destroy_write_struct);
png_structp (PNGAPI *qpng_create_write_struct) PNGARG((png_const_charp user_png_ver, png_voidp error_ptr, png_error_ptr error_fn, png_error_ptr warn_fn)) PSTATIC(png_create_write_struct);
png_voidp (PNGAPI *qpng_get_error_ptr) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr)) PSTATIC(png_get_error_ptr);
qboolean LibPNG_Init(void)
static dllfunction_t pngfuncs[] =
{(void **) &qpng_error, "png_error"},
{(void **) &qpng_read_end, "png_read_end"},
{(void **) &qpng_read_image, "png_read_image"},
{(void **) &qpng_get_bit_depth, "png_get_bit_depth"},
{(void **) &qpng_get_channels, "png_get_channels"},
{(void **) &qpng_get_rowbytes, "png_get_rowbytes"},
{(void **) &qpng_read_update_info, "png_read_update_info"},
{(void **) &qpng_set_strip_16, "png_set_strip_16"},
{(void **) &qpng_set_expand, "png_set_expand"},
{(void **) &qpng_set_gray_to_rgb, "png_set_gray_to_rgb"},
{(void **) &qpng_set_tRNS_to_alpha, "png_set_tRNS_to_alpha"},
{(void **) &qpng_get_valid, "png_get_valid"},
#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10400
{(void **) &qpng_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8, "png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8"},
{(void **) &qpng_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8, "png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8"},
{(void **) &qpng_set_filler, "png_set_filler"},
{(void **) &qpng_set_palette_to_rgb, "png_set_palette_to_rgb"},
{(void **) &qpng_get_IHDR, "png_get_IHDR"},
{(void **) &qpng_read_info, "png_read_info"},
{(void **) &qpng_set_sig_bytes, "png_set_sig_bytes"},
{(void **) &qpng_set_read_fn, "png_set_read_fn"},
{(void **) &qpng_destroy_read_struct, "png_destroy_read_struct"},
{(void **) &qpng_create_info_struct, "png_create_info_struct"},
{(void **) &qpng_create_read_struct, "png_create_read_struct"},
{(void **) &qpng_sig_cmp, "png_sig_cmp"},
{(void **) &qpng_write_end, "png_write_end"},
{(void **) &qpng_write_image, "png_write_image"},
{(void **) &qpng_write_info, "png_write_info"},
{(void **) &qpng_set_IHDR, "png_set_IHDR"},
{(void **) &qpng_set_compression_level, "png_set_compression_level"},
{(void **) &qpng_init_io, "png_init_io"},
{(void **) &qpng_get_io_ptr, "png_get_io_ptr"},
{(void **) &qpng_destroy_write_struct, "png_destroy_write_struct"},
{(void **) &qpng_create_write_struct, "png_create_write_struct"},
{(void **) &qpng_get_error_ptr, "png_get_error_ptr"},
static qboolean tried;
if (!tried)
tried = true;
char *libname;
#ifdef _WIN32
libname = va("libpng%i", PNG_LIBPNG_VER_DLLNUM);
libname = "libpng.so";
libname = va("libpng.so.%i", PNG_LIBPNG_VER_SONUM);
libpng_handle = Sys_LoadLibrary(libname, pngfuncs);
if (!libpng_handle)
Con_Printf("Unable to load %s\n", libname);
// if (!LIBPNG_LOADED())
// libpng_handle = Sys_LoadLibrary("libpng", pngfuncs);
typedef struct {
char *data;
int readposition;
int filelen;
} pngreadinfo_t;
static void VARGS readpngdata(png_structp png_ptr,png_bytep data,png_size_t len)
pngreadinfo_t *ri = (pngreadinfo_t*)qpng_get_io_ptr(png_ptr);
if (ri->readposition+len > ri->filelen)
qpng_error(png_ptr, "unexpected eof");
memcpy(data, &ri->data[ri->readposition], len);
struct pngerr
const char *fname;
jmp_buf jbuf;
static void VARGS png_onerror(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp error_msg)
struct pngerr *err = qpng_get_error_ptr(png_ptr);
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
Con_Printf("libpng %s: %s\n", err->fname, error_msg);
longjmp(err->jbuf, 1);
static void VARGS png_onwarning(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp warning_msg)
struct pngerr *err = qpng_get_error_ptr(png_ptr);
#ifndef NPFTE
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
Con_DPrintf("libpng %s: %s\n", err->fname, warning_msg);
qbyte *ReadPNGFile(qbyte *buf, int length, int *width, int *height, const char *fname)
qbyte header[8], **rowpointers = NULL, *data = NULL;
png_structp png;
png_infop pnginfo;
int y, bitdepth, colortype, interlace, compression, filter, bytesperpixel;
unsigned long rowbytes;
pngreadinfo_t ri;
png_uint_32 pngwidth, pngheight;
struct pngerr errctx;
if (!LibPNG_Init())
return NULL;
memcpy(header, buf, 8);
errctx.fname = fname;
if (setjmp(errctx.jbuf))
if (data)
if (rowpointers)
qpng_destroy_read_struct(&png, &pnginfo, NULL);
return NULL;
if (qpng_sig_cmp(header, 0, 8))
return NULL;
if (!(png = qpng_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, &errctx, png_onerror, png_onwarning)))
return NULL;
if (!(pnginfo = qpng_create_info_struct(png)))
qpng_destroy_read_struct(&png, &pnginfo, NULL);
return NULL;
qpng_set_read_fn(png, &ri, readpngdata);
qpng_set_sig_bytes(png, 8);
qpng_read_info(png, pnginfo);
qpng_get_IHDR(png, pnginfo, &pngwidth, &pngheight, &bitdepth, &colortype, &interlace, &compression, &filter);
*width = pngwidth;
*height = pngheight;
if (colortype == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)
qpng_set_filler(png, 255, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
if (colortype == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bitdepth < 8)
#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10400
if (qpng_get_valid( png, pnginfo, PNG_INFO_tRNS))
if (bitdepth >= 8 && colortype == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB)
qpng_set_filler(png, 255, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
if (colortype == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || colortype == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA)
qpng_set_gray_to_rgb( png );
qpng_set_filler(png, 255, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
if (bitdepth < 8)
qpng_set_expand (png);
else if (bitdepth == 16)
qpng_read_update_info(png, pnginfo);
rowbytes = qpng_get_rowbytes(png, pnginfo);
bytesperpixel = qpng_get_channels(png, pnginfo);
bitdepth = qpng_get_bit_depth(png, pnginfo);
if (bitdepth != 8 || bytesperpixel != 4)
Con_Printf ("Bad PNG color depth and/or bpp (%s)\n", fname);
qpng_destroy_read_struct(&png, &pnginfo, NULL);
return NULL;
data = BZF_Malloc(*height * rowbytes);
rowpointers = BZF_Malloc(*height * sizeof(*rowpointers));
if (!data || !rowpointers)
goto error;
for (y = 0; y < *height; y++)
rowpointers[y] = data + y * rowbytes;
qpng_read_image(png, rowpointers);
qpng_read_end(png, NULL);
qpng_destroy_read_struct(&png, &pnginfo, NULL);
return data;
#ifndef NPFTE
int Image_WritePNG (char *filename, int compression, qbyte *pixels, int width, int height)
char name[MAX_OSPATH];
int i;
FILE *fp;
png_structp png_ptr;
png_infop info_ptr;
png_byte **row_pointers;
struct pngerr errctx;
if (!FS_NativePath(filename, FS_GAMEONLY, name, sizeof(name)))
return false;
if (!LibPNG_Init())
return false;
if (!(fp = fopen (name, "wb")))
FS_CreatePath (filename, FS_GAMEONLY);
if (!(fp = fopen (name, "wb")))
return false;
errctx.fname = filename;
if (setjmp(errctx.jbuf))
qpng_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
return false;
if (!(png_ptr = qpng_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, &errctx, png_onerror, png_onwarning)))
return false;
if (!(info_ptr = qpng_create_info_struct(png_ptr)))
qpng_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp) NULL);
return false;
qpng_init_io(png_ptr, fp);
compression = bound(0, compression, 100);
// had to add these when I migrated from libpng 1.4.x to 1.5.x
qpng_set_compression_level(png_ptr, Z_NO_COMPRESSION + (compression*(Z_BEST_COMPRESSION-Z_NO_COMPRESSION))/100);
qpng_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
row_pointers = BZ_Malloc (sizeof(png_byte *) * height);
if (!row_pointers)
goto err;
for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
row_pointers[height - i - 1] = pixels + i * width * 3;
qpng_write_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);
qpng_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
qpng_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
return true;
#define XMD_H //fix for mingw
#if defined(MINGW)
#include "./mingw-libs/jpeglib.h"
#include "./mingw-libs/jerror.h"
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#include "jpeglib.h"
#include "jerror.h"
// #include <jinclude.h>
#include <jpeglib.h>
#include <jerror.h>
#define JSTATIC(n)
static dllhandle_t *libjpeg_handle;
#define LIBJPEG_LOADED() (libjpeg_handle != NULL)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma comment(lib, MSVCLIBSPATH "libjpeg64.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, MSVCLIBSPATH "jpeg.lib")
#define JSTATIC(n) = &n
#define LIBJPEG_LOADED() (1)
#ifndef JPEG_FALSE
#define JPEG_boolean boolean
#define qjpeg_create_compress(cinfo) \
qjpeg_CreateCompress((cinfo), JPEG_LIB_VERSION, \
(size_t) sizeof(struct jpeg_compress_struct))
#define qjpeg_create_decompress(cinfo) \
qjpeg_CreateDecompress((cinfo), JPEG_LIB_VERSION, \
(size_t) sizeof(struct jpeg_decompress_struct))
boolean (VARGS *qjpeg_resync_to_restart) JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int desired)) JSTATIC(jpeg_resync_to_restart);
boolean (VARGS *qjpeg_finish_decompress) JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo)) JSTATIC(jpeg_finish_decompress);
JDIMENSION (VARGS *qjpeg_read_scanlines) JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPARRAY scanlines, JDIMENSION max_lines)) JSTATIC(jpeg_read_scanlines);
boolean (VARGS *qjpeg_start_decompress) JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo)) JSTATIC(jpeg_start_decompress);
int (VARGS *qjpeg_read_header) JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, boolean require_image)) JSTATIC(jpeg_read_header);
void (VARGS *qjpeg_CreateDecompress) JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize)) JSTATIC(jpeg_CreateDecompress);
void (VARGS *qjpeg_destroy_decompress) JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo)) JSTATIC(jpeg_destroy_decompress);
struct jpeg_error_mgr * (VARGS *qjpeg_std_error) JPP((struct jpeg_error_mgr * err)) JSTATIC(jpeg_std_error);
void (VARGS *qjpeg_finish_compress) JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo)) JSTATIC(jpeg_finish_compress);
JDIMENSION (VARGS *qjpeg_write_scanlines) JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPARRAY scanlines, JDIMENSION num_lines)) JSTATIC(jpeg_write_scanlines);
void (VARGS *qjpeg_start_compress) JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, boolean write_all_tables)) JSTATIC(jpeg_start_compress);
void (VARGS *qjpeg_set_quality) JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int quality, boolean force_baseline)) JSTATIC(jpeg_set_quality);
void (VARGS *qjpeg_set_defaults) JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo)) JSTATIC(jpeg_set_defaults);
void (VARGS *qjpeg_CreateCompress) JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize)) JSTATIC(jpeg_CreateCompress);
void (VARGS *qjpeg_destroy_compress) JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo)) JSTATIC(jpeg_destroy_compress);
qboolean LibJPEG_Init(void)
static dllfunction_t jpegfuncs[] =
{(void **) &qjpeg_resync_to_restart, "jpeg_resync_to_restart"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_finish_decompress, "jpeg_finish_decompress"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_read_scanlines, "jpeg_read_scanlines"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_start_decompress, "jpeg_start_decompress"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_read_header, "jpeg_read_header"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_CreateDecompress, "jpeg_CreateDecompress"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_destroy_decompress, "jpeg_destroy_decompress"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_std_error, "jpeg_std_error"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_finish_compress, "jpeg_finish_compress"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_write_scanlines, "jpeg_write_scanlines"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_start_compress, "jpeg_start_compress"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_set_quality, "jpeg_set_quality"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_set_defaults, "jpeg_set_defaults"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_CreateCompress, "jpeg_CreateCompress"},
{(void **) &qjpeg_destroy_compress, "jpeg_destroy_compress"},
libjpeg_handle = Sys_LoadLibrary("libjpeg", jpegfuncs);
#ifndef _WIN32
libjpeg_handle = Sys_LoadLibrary("libjpeg"ARCH_DL_POSTFIX".8", jpegfuncs);
libjpeg_handle = Sys_LoadLibrary("libjpeg"ARCH_DL_POSTFIX".62", jpegfuncs);
/*begin jpeg read*/
struct my_error_mgr {
struct jpeg_error_mgr pub; /* "public" fields */
jmp_buf setjmp_buffer; /* for return to caller */
typedef struct my_error_mgr * my_error_ptr;
* Here's the routine that will replace the standard error_exit method:
my_error_exit (j_common_ptr cinfo)
/* cinfo->err really points to a my_error_mgr struct, so coerce pointer */
my_error_ptr myerr = (my_error_ptr) cinfo->err;
/* Always display the message. */
/* We could postpone this until after returning, if we chose. */
(*cinfo->err->output_message) (cinfo);
/* Return control to the setjmp point */
longjmp(myerr->setjmp_buffer, 1);
* Sample routine for JPEG decompression. We assume that the source file name
* is passed in. We want to return 1 on success, 0 on error.
/* Expanded data source object for stdio input */
typedef struct {
struct jpeg_source_mgr pub; /* public fields */
qbyte * infile; /* source stream */
int currentpos;
int maxlen;
JOCTET * buffer; /* start of buffer */
JPEG_boolean start_of_file; /* have we gotten any data yet? */
} my_source_mgr;
typedef my_source_mgr * my_src_ptr;
#define INPUT_BUF_SIZE 4096 /* choose an efficiently fread'able size */
init_source (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
my_src_ptr src = (my_src_ptr) cinfo->src;
src->start_of_file = true;
fill_input_buffer (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
my_source_mgr *src = (my_source_mgr*) cinfo->src;
size_t nbytes;
nbytes = src->maxlen - src->currentpos;
if (nbytes > INPUT_BUF_SIZE)
nbytes = INPUT_BUF_SIZE;
memcpy(src->buffer, &src->infile[src->currentpos], nbytes);
if (nbytes <= 0)
if (src->start_of_file) /* Treat empty input file as fatal error */
/* Insert a fake EOI marker */
src->buffer[0] = (JOCTET) 0xFF;
src->buffer[1] = (JOCTET) JPEG_EOI;
nbytes = 2;
src->pub.next_input_byte = src->buffer;
src->pub.bytes_in_buffer = nbytes;
src->start_of_file = false;
return true;
skip_input_data (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes)
my_source_mgr *src = (my_source_mgr*) cinfo->src;
if (num_bytes > 0) {
while (num_bytes > (long) src->pub.bytes_in_buffer) {
num_bytes -= (long) src->pub.bytes_in_buffer;
(void) fill_input_buffer(cinfo);
src->pub.next_input_byte += (size_t) num_bytes;
src->pub.bytes_in_buffer -= (size_t) num_bytes;
term_source (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
#undef GLOBAL
#define GLOBAL(x) x
ftejpeg_mem_src (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, qbyte * infile, int maxlen)
my_source_mgr *src;
if (cinfo->src == NULL) { /* first time for this JPEG object? */
cinfo->src = (struct jpeg_source_mgr *)
(*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT,
src = (my_source_mgr*) cinfo->src;
src->buffer = (JOCTET *)
(*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT,
src = (my_source_mgr*) cinfo->src;
src->pub.init_source = init_source;
src->pub.fill_input_buffer = fill_input_buffer;
src->pub.skip_input_data = skip_input_data;
src->pub.resync_to_restart = qjpeg_resync_to_restart; /* use default method */
src->pub.resync_to_restart = jpeg_resync_to_restart; /* use default method */
src->pub.term_source = term_source;
src->infile = infile;
src->pub.bytes_in_buffer = 0; /* forces fill_input_buffer on first read */
src->pub.next_input_byte = NULL; /* until buffer loaded */
src->currentpos = 0;
src->maxlen = maxlen;
qbyte *ReadJPEGFile(qbyte *infile, int length, int *width, int *height)
qbyte *mem=NULL, *in, *out;
int i;
/* This struct contains the JPEG decompression parameters and pointers to
* working space (which is allocated as needed by the JPEG library).
struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
/* We use our private extension JPEG error handler.
* Note that this struct must live as long as the main JPEG parameter
* struct, to avoid dangling-pointer problems.
struct my_error_mgr jerr;
/* More stuff */
JSAMPARRAY buffer; /* Output row buffer */
int size_stride; /* physical row width in output buffer */
memset(&cinfo, 0, sizeof(cinfo));
return NULL;
/* Step 1: allocate and initialize JPEG decompression object */
/* We set up the normal JPEG error routines, then override error_exit. */
cinfo.err = qjpeg_std_error(&jerr.pub);
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr.pub);
jerr.pub.error_exit = my_error_exit;
/* Establish the setjmp return context for my_error_exit to use. */
if (setjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer))
// If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error.
if (mem)
return 0;
ftejpeg_mem_src(&cinfo, infile, length);
(void) qjpeg_read_header(&cinfo, true);
(void) jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, true);
(void) qjpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo);
(void) jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo);
if (cinfo.output_components == 0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
Con_Printf("No JPEG Components, not a JPEG.\n");
goto badjpeg;
if (cinfo.output_components!=3 && cinfo.output_components != 1)
#ifdef _DEBUG
Con_Printf("Bad number of components in JPEG: '%d', should be '3'.\n",cinfo.output_components);
goto badjpeg;
size_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components;
/* Make a one-row-high sample array that will go away when done with image */
buffer = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray) ((j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, size_stride, 1);
memset(out, 0, cinfo.output_height*cinfo.output_width*4);
if (cinfo.output_components == 1)
while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height)
(void) qjpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, buffer, 1);
(void) jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, buffer, 1);
in = buffer[0];
for (i = 0; i < cinfo.output_width; i++)
{//rgb to rgba
*out++ = *in;
*out++ = *in;
*out++ = *in;
*out++ = 255;
while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height)
(void) qjpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, buffer, 1);
(void) jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, buffer, 1);
in = buffer[0];
for (i = 0; i < cinfo.output_width; i++)
{//rgb to rgba
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = 255;
(void) qjpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo);
(void) jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo);
*width = cinfo.output_width;
*height = cinfo.output_height;
return mem;
/*end read*/
#ifndef NPFTE
/*begin write*/
#define OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE 4096
typedef struct {
struct jpeg_error_mgr pub;
jmp_buf setjmp_buffer;
} jpeg_error_mgr_wrapper;
typedef struct {
struct jpeg_destination_mgr pub;
vfsfile_t *vfs;
JOCTET buffer[OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE]; /* start of buffer */
} my_destination_mgr;
METHODDEF(void) init_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
my_destination_mgr *dest = (my_destination_mgr*) cinfo->dest;
dest->pub.next_output_byte = dest->buffer;
dest->pub.free_in_buffer = OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE;
METHODDEF(JPEG_boolean) empty_output_buffer (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
my_destination_mgr *dest = (my_destination_mgr*) cinfo->dest;
VFS_WRITE(dest->vfs, dest->buffer, OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE);
dest->pub.next_output_byte = dest->buffer;
dest->pub.free_in_buffer = OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE;
return true;
METHODDEF(void) term_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
my_destination_mgr *dest = (my_destination_mgr*) cinfo->dest;
VFS_WRITE(dest->vfs, dest->buffer, OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE - dest->pub.free_in_buffer);
dest->pub.next_output_byte = dest->buffer;
dest->pub.free_in_buffer = OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE;
void ftejpeg_mem_dest (j_compress_ptr cinfo, vfsfile_t *vfs)
my_destination_mgr *dest;
if (cinfo->dest == NULL)
{ /* first time for this JPEG object? */
cinfo->dest = (struct jpeg_destination_mgr *)
(*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT,
dest = (my_destination_mgr*) cinfo->dest;
// dest->buffer = (JOCTET *)
// (*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT,
dest = (my_destination_mgr*) cinfo->dest;
dest->pub.init_destination = init_destination;
dest->pub.empty_output_buffer = empty_output_buffer;
dest->pub.term_destination = term_destination;
dest->pub.free_in_buffer = 0; /* forces fill_input_buffer on first read */
dest->pub.next_output_byte = NULL; /* until buffer loaded */
dest->vfs = vfs;
METHODDEF(void) jpeg_error_exit (j_common_ptr cinfo)
longjmp(((jpeg_error_mgr_wrapper *) cinfo->err)->setjmp_buffer, 1);
qboolean screenshotJPEG(char *filename, int compression, qbyte *screendata, int screenwidth, int screenheight) //input is rgb NOT rgba
qbyte *buffer;
vfsfile_t *outfile;
jpeg_error_mgr_wrapper jerr;
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
return false;
if (!(outfile = FS_OpenVFS(filename, "wb", FS_GAMEONLY)))
FS_CreatePath (filename, FS_GAMEONLY);
if (!(outfile = FS_OpenVFS(filename, "wb", FS_GAMEONLY)))
Con_Printf("Error opening %s\n", filename);
return false;
cinfo.err = qjpeg_std_error(&jerr.pub);
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr.pub);
jerr.pub.error_exit = jpeg_error_exit;
if (setjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer))
FS_Remove(filename, FS_GAME);
Con_Printf("Failed to create jpeg\n");
return false;
buffer = screendata;
ftejpeg_mem_dest(&cinfo, outfile);
cinfo.image_width = screenwidth;
cinfo.image_height = screenheight;
cinfo.input_components = 3;
cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
qjpeg_set_quality (&cinfo, bound(0, compression, 100), true);
jpeg_set_quality (&cinfo, bound(0, compression, 100), true);
qjpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, true);
jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, true);
while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height)
*row_pointer = &buffer[(cinfo.image_height - cinfo.next_scanline - 1) * cinfo.image_width * 3];
qjpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);
jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);
return true;
#ifndef NPFTE
void WritePCXfile (const char *filename, qbyte *data, int width, int height,
int rowbytes, qbyte *palette, qboolean upload) //data is 8bit.
int i, j, length;
pcx_t *pcx;
qbyte *pack;
pcx = Hunk_TempAlloc (width*height*2+1000);
if (pcx == NULL)
Con_Printf("SCR_ScreenShot_f: not enough memory\n");
pcx->manufacturer = 0x0a; // PCX id
pcx->version = 5; // 256 color
pcx->encoding = 1; // uncompressed
pcx->bits_per_pixel = 8; // 256 color
pcx->xmin = 0;
pcx->ymin = 0;
pcx->xmax = LittleShort((short)(width-1));
pcx->ymax = LittleShort((short)(height-1));
pcx->hres = LittleShort((short)width);
pcx->vres = LittleShort((short)height);
Q_memset (pcx->palette,0,sizeof(pcx->palette));
pcx->color_planes = 1; // chunky image
pcx->bytes_per_line = LittleShort((short)width);
pcx->palette_type = LittleShort(2); // not a grey scale
Q_memset (pcx->filler,0,sizeof(pcx->filler));
// pack the image
pack = (qbyte *)(pcx+1);
data += rowbytes * (height - 1);
for (i=0 ; i<height ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<width ; j++)
if ( (*data & 0xc0) != 0xc0)
*pack++ = *data++;
*pack++ = 0xc1;
*pack++ = *data++;
data += rowbytes - width;
data -= rowbytes * 2;
// write the palette
*pack++ = 0x0c; // palette ID qbyte
for (i=0 ; i<768 ; i++)
*pack++ = *palette++;
// write output file
length = pack - (qbyte *)pcx;
if (upload)
CL_StartUpload((void *)pcx, length);
COM_WriteFile (filename, pcx, length);
qbyte *ReadPCXFile(qbyte *buf, int length, int *width, int *height)
pcx_t *pcx;
// pcx_t pcxbuf;
qbyte *palette;
qbyte *pix;
int x, y;
int dataByte, runLength;
int count;
qbyte *data;
qbyte *pcx_rgb;
unsigned short xmin, ymin, swidth, sheight;
// parse the PCX file
if (length < sizeof(*pcx))
return NULL;
pcx = (pcx_t *)buf;
xmin = LittleShort(pcx->xmin);
ymin = LittleShort(pcx->ymin);
swidth = LittleShort(pcx->xmax)-xmin+1;
sheight = LittleShort(pcx->ymax)-ymin+1;
if (pcx->manufacturer != 0x0a
|| pcx->version != 5
|| pcx->encoding != 1
|| pcx->bits_per_pixel != 8
|| swidth >= 1024
|| sheight >= 1024)
return NULL;
*width = swidth;
*height = sheight;
#ifndef NPFTE
if (r_dodgypcxfiles.value)
palette = host_basepal;
palette = buf + length-768;
data = (char *)(pcx+1);
count = (swidth) * (sheight);
pcx_rgb = BZ_Malloc( count * 4);
for (y=0 ; y<sheight ; y++)
pix = pcx_rgb + 4*y*(swidth);
for (x=0 ; x<swidth ; )
dataByte = *data;
if((dataByte & 0xC0) == 0xC0)
runLength = dataByte & 0x3F;
if (x+runLength>swidth)
Con_Printf("corrupt pcx\n");
return NULL;
dataByte = *data;
runLength = 1;
while(runLength-- > 0)
pix[0] = palette[dataByte*3];
pix[1] = palette[dataByte*3+1];
pix[2] = palette[dataByte*3+2];
pix[3] = 255;
if (dataByte == 255)
pix[0] = 0; //linear filtering can mean transparent pixel colours are visible. black is a more neutral colour.
pix[1] = 0;
pix[2] = 0;
pix[3] = 0;
pix += 4;
return pcx_rgb;
qbyte *ReadPCXData(qbyte *buf, int length, int width, int height, qbyte *result)
pcx_t *pcx;
// pcx_t pcxbuf;
// qbyte *palette;
qbyte *pix;
int x, y;
int dataByte, runLength;
// int count;
qbyte *data;
unsigned short xmin, ymin, swidth, sheight;
// parse the PCX file
pcx = (pcx_t *)buf;
xmin = LittleShort(pcx->xmin);
ymin = LittleShort(pcx->ymin);
swidth = LittleShort(pcx->xmax)-xmin+1;
sheight = LittleShort(pcx->ymax)-ymin+1;
if (pcx->manufacturer != 0x0a
|| pcx->version != 5
|| pcx->encoding != 1
|| pcx->bits_per_pixel != 8)
return NULL;
if (width != swidth ||
height > sheight)
Con_Printf("unsupported pcx size\n");
return NULL; //we can't feed the requester with enough info
data = (char *)(pcx+1);
for (y=0 ; y<height ; y++)
pix = result + y*swidth;
for (x=0 ; x<swidth ; )
dataByte = *data;
if((dataByte & 0xC0) == 0xC0)
runLength = dataByte & 0x3F;
if (x+runLength>swidth)
Con_Printf("corrupt pcx\n");
return NULL;
dataByte = *data;
runLength = 1;
while(runLength-- > 0)
*pix++ = dataByte;
return result;
qbyte *ReadPCXPalette(qbyte *buf, int len, qbyte *out)
pcx_t *pcx;
// parse the PCX file
pcx = (pcx_t *)buf;
if (pcx->manufacturer != 0x0a
|| pcx->version != 5
|| pcx->encoding != 1
|| pcx->bits_per_pixel != 8
|| LittleShort(pcx->xmax) >= 1024
|| LittleShort(pcx->ymax) >= 1024)
return NULL;
memcpy(out, (qbyte *)pcx + len - 768, 768);
return out;
typedef struct bmpheader_s
/* unsigned short Type;*/
unsigned long Size;
unsigned short Reserved1;
unsigned short Reserved2;
unsigned long OffsetofBMPBits;
unsigned long SizeofBITMAPINFOHEADER;
signed long Width;
signed long Height;
unsigned short Planes;
unsigned short BitCount;
unsigned long Compression;
unsigned long ImageSize;
signed long TargetDeviceXRes;
signed long TargetDeviceYRes;
unsigned long NumofColorIndices;
unsigned long NumofImportantColorIndices;
} bmpheader_t;
qbyte *ReadBMPFile(qbyte *buf, int length, int *width, int *height)
unsigned int i;
bmpheader_t h;
qbyte *data;
if (buf[0] != 'B' || buf[1] != 'M')
return NULL;
memcpy(&h, (bmpheader_t *)(buf+2), sizeof(h));
h.Size = LittleLong(h.Size);
h.Reserved1 = LittleShort(h.Reserved1);
h.Reserved2 = LittleShort(h.Reserved2);
h.OffsetofBMPBits = LittleLong(h.OffsetofBMPBits);
h.Width = LittleLong(h.Width);
h.Height = LittleLong(h.Height);
h.Planes = LittleShort(h.Planes);
h.BitCount = LittleShort(h.BitCount);
h.Compression = LittleLong(h.Compression);
h.ImageSize = LittleLong(h.ImageSize);
h.TargetDeviceXRes = LittleLong(h.TargetDeviceXRes);
h.TargetDeviceYRes = LittleLong(h.TargetDeviceYRes);
h.NumofColorIndices = LittleLong(h.NumofColorIndices);
h.NumofImportantColorIndices = LittleLong(h.NumofImportantColorIndices);
if (h.Compression) //probably RLE?
return NULL;
*width = h.Width;
*height = h.Height;
if (h.NumofColorIndices != 0 || h.BitCount == 8) //8 bit
int x, y;
unsigned int *data32;
unsigned int pal[256];
if (!h.NumofColorIndices)
h.NumofColorIndices = (int)pow(2, h.BitCount);
if (h.NumofColorIndices>256)
return NULL;
data = buf+2;
data += sizeof(h);
for (i = 0; i < h.NumofColorIndices; i++)
pal[i] = data[i*4+0] + (data[i*4+1]<<8) + (data[i*4+2]<<16) + (255/*data[i*4+3]*/<<16);
buf += h.OffsetofBMPBits;
data32 = BZ_Malloc(h.Width * h.Height*4);
for (y = 0; y < h.Height; y++)
i = (h.Height-1-y) * (h.Width);
for (x = 0; x < h.Width; x++)
data32[i] = pal[buf[x]];
buf += h.Width;
return (qbyte *)data32;
else if (h.BitCount == 4) //4 bit
int x, y;
unsigned int *data32;
unsigned int pal[16];
if (!h.NumofColorIndices)
h.NumofColorIndices = (int)pow(2, h.BitCount);
if (h.NumofColorIndices>16)
return NULL;
if (h.Width&1)
return NULL;
data = buf+2;
data += sizeof(h);
for (i = 0; i < h.NumofColorIndices; i++)
pal[i] = data[i*4+0] + (data[i*4+1]<<8) + (data[i*4+2]<<16) + (255/*data[i*4+3]*/<<16);
buf += h.OffsetofBMPBits;
data32 = BZ_Malloc(h.Width * h.Height*4);
for (y = 0; y < h.Height; y++)
i = (h.Height-1-y) * (h.Width);
for (x = 0; x < h.Width/2; x++)
data32[i++] = pal[buf[x]>>4];
data32[i++] = pal[buf[x]&15];
buf += h.Width>>1;
return (qbyte *)data32;
else if (h.BitCount == 24) //24 bit... no 16?
int x, y;
buf += h.OffsetofBMPBits;
data = BZ_Malloc(h.Width * h.Height*4);
for (y = 0; y < h.Height; y++)
i = (h.Height-1-y) * (h.Width);
for (x = 0; x < h.Width; x++)
data[i*4+0] = buf[x*3+2];
data[i*4+1] = buf[x*3+1];
data[i*4+2] = buf[x*3+0];
data[i*4+3] = 255;
buf += h.Width*3;
return data;
return NULL;
return NULL;
/*void WriteBMPFile(char *filename, qbyte *in, int width, int height)
unsigned int i;
bmpheader_t *h;
qbyte *data;
qbyte *out;
out = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(bmpheader_t)+width*3*height);
*(short*)((qbyte *)h-2) = *(short*)"BM";
h->Size = LittleLong(in->Size);
h->Reserved1 = LittleShort(in->Reserved1);
h->Reserved2 = LittleShort(in->Reserved2);
h->OffsetofBMPBits = LittleLong(in->OffsetofBMPBits);
h->Width = LittleLong(in->Width);
h->Height = LittleLong(in->Height);
h->Planes = LittleShort(in->Planes);
h->BitCount = LittleShort(in->BitCount);
h->Compression = LittleLong(in->Compression);
h->ImageSize = LittleLong(in->ImageSize);
h->TargetDeviceXRes = LittleLong(in->TargetDeviceXRes);
h->TargetDeviceYRes = LittleLong(in->TargetDeviceYRes);
h->NumofColorIndices = LittleLong(in->NumofColorIndices);
h->NumofImportantColorIndices = LittleLong(in->NumofImportantColorIndices);
if (h.Compression) //probably RLE?
return NULL;
*width = h.Width;
*height = h.Height;
if (h.NumofColorIndices != 0 || h.BitCount == 8) //8 bit
int x, y;
unsigned int *data32;
unsigned int pal[256];
if (!h.NumofColorIndices)
h.NumofColorIndices = (int)pow(2, h.BitCount);
if (h.NumofColorIndices>256)
return NULL;
data = buf+2;
data += sizeof(h);
for (i = 0; i < h.NumofColorIndices; i++)
pal[i] = data[i*4+0] + (data[i*4+1]<<8) + (data[i*4+2]<<16) + (255/<<16);
buf += h.OffsetofBMPBits;
data32 = BZ_Malloc(h.Width * h.Height*4);
for (y = 0; y < h.Height; y++)
i = (h.Height-1-y) * (h.Width);
for (x = 0; x < h.Width; x++)
data32[i] = pal[buf[x]];
buf += h.Width;
return (qbyte *)data32;
else if (h.BitCount == 4) //4 bit
int x, y;
unsigned int *data32;
unsigned int pal[16];
if (!h.NumofColorIndices)
h.NumofColorIndices = (int)pow(2, h.BitCount);
if (h.NumofColorIndices>16)
return NULL;
if (h.Width&1)
return NULL;
data = buf+2;
data += sizeof(h);
for (i = 0; i < h.NumofColorIndices; i++)
pal[i] = data[i*4+0] + (data[i*4+1]<<8) + (data[i*4+2]<<16) + (255<<16);
buf += h.OffsetofBMPBits;
data32 = BZ_Malloc(h.Width * h.Height*4);
for (y = 0; y < h.Height; y++)
i = (h.Height-1-y) * (h.Width);
for (x = 0; x < h.Width/2; x++)
data32[i++] = pal[buf[x]>>4];
data32[i++] = pal[buf[x]&15];
buf += h.Width>>1;
return (qbyte *)data32;
else if (h.BitCount == 24) //24 bit... no 16?
int x, y;
buf += h.OffsetofBMPBits;
data = BZ_Malloc(h.Width * h.Height*4);
for (y = 0; y < h.Height; y++)
i = (h.Height-1-y) * (h.Width);
for (x = 0; x < h.Width; x++)
data[i*4+0] = buf[x*3+2];
data[i*4+1] = buf[x*3+1];
data[i*4+2] = buf[x*3+0];
data[i*4+3] = 255;
buf += h.Width*3;
return data;
return NULL;
return NULL;
#ifndef NPFTE
// saturate function, stolen from jitspoe
void SaturateR8G8B8(qbyte *data, int size, float sat)
int i;
float r, g, b, v;
if (sat > 1)
for(i=0; i < size; i+=3)
r = data[i];
g = data[i+1];
b = data[i+2];
v = r * NTSC_RED + g * NTSC_GREEN + b * NTSC_BLUE;
r = v + (r - v) * sat;
g = v + (g - v) * sat;
b = v + (b - v) * sat;
// bounds check
if (r < 0)
r = 0;
else if (r > 255)
r = 255;
if (g < 0)
g = 0;
else if (g > 255)
g = 255;
if (b < 0)
b = 0;
else if (b > 255)
b = 255;
// scale down to avoid overbright lightmaps
v = v / (r * NTSC_RED + g * NTSC_GREEN + b * NTSC_BLUE);
if (v > NTSC_SUM)
v *= v;
data[i] = r*v;
data[i+1] = g*v;
data[i+2] = b*v;
else // avoid bounds check for desaturation
if (sat < 0)
sat = 0;
for(i=0; i < size; i+=3)
r = data[i];
g = data[i+1];
b = data[i+2];
v = r * NTSC_RED + g * NTSC_GREEN + b * NTSC_BLUE;
data[i] = v + (r - v) * sat;
data[i+1] = v + (g - v) * sat;
data[i+2] = v + (b - v) * sat;
void BoostGamma(qbyte *rgba, int width, int height)
#if defined(GLQUAKE)
int i;
extern qbyte gammatable[256];
if (qrenderer != QR_OPENGL)
return;//don't brighten in SW.
for (i=0 ; i<width*height*4 ; i+=4)
rgba[i+0] = gammatable[rgba[i+0]];
rgba[i+1] = gammatable[rgba[i+1]];
rgba[i+2] = gammatable[rgba[i+2]];
//and not alpha
static void Image_LoadTexture_Failed(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b)
texid_t tex = ctx;
tex->status = TEX_FAILED;
static void Image_LoadTextureMips(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b)
texid_t tex = ctx;
struct pendingtextureinfo *mips = data;
tex->width = mips->mip[0].width;
tex->height = mips->mip[0].height;
if (rf->IMG_LoadTextureMips(tex, mips))
tex->status = TEX_LOADED;
tex->status = TEX_FAILED;
typedef struct {
unsigned int dwSize;
unsigned int dwFlags;
unsigned int dwFourCC;
unsigned int unk[5];
} ddspixelformat;
typedef struct {
unsigned int dwSize;
unsigned int dwFlags;
unsigned int dwHeight;
unsigned int dwWidth;
unsigned int dwPitchOrLinearSize;
unsigned int dwDepth;
unsigned int dwMipMapCount;
unsigned int dwReserved1[11];
ddspixelformat ddpfPixelFormat;
unsigned int ddsCaps[4];
unsigned int dwReserved2;
} ddsheader;
static qboolean Image_ReadDDSFile(texid_t tex, unsigned int flags, char *fname, qbyte *filedata, size_t filesize)
int nummips;
int mipnum;
int datasize;
int pad;
unsigned int w, h;
int divsize, blocksize;
struct pendingtextureinfo *mips;
int encoding;
ddsheader fmtheader;
if (*(int*)filedata != *(int*)"DDS ")
return false;
memcpy(&fmtheader, filedata+4, sizeof(fmtheader));
if (fmtheader.dwSize != sizeof(fmtheader))
return false; //corrupt/different version
nummips = fmtheader.dwMipMapCount;
if (nummips < 1)
nummips = 1;
if (*(int*)&fmtheader.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC == *(int*)"DXT1")
encoding = PTI_S3RGBA1; //alpha or not? Assume yes, and let the drivers decide.
pad = 8;
divsize = 4;
blocksize = 8;
else if (*(int*)&fmtheader.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC == *(int*)"DXT2" || *(int*)&fmtheader.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC == *(int*)"DXT3")
encoding = PTI_S3RGBA3;
pad = 8;
divsize = 4;
blocksize = 16;
else if (*(int*)&fmtheader.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC == *(int*)"DXT4" || *(int*)&fmtheader.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC == *(int*)"DXT5")
encoding = PTI_S3RGBA5;
pad = 8;
divsize = 4;
blocksize = 16;
Con_Printf("Unsupported dds fourcc in %s\n", fname);
return false;
mips = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*mips));
mips->mipcount = 0;
mips->type = PTI_2D;
mips->extrafree = filedata;
mips->encoding = encoding;
filedata += 4+fmtheader.dwSize;
datasize = fmtheader.dwPitchOrLinearSize;
w = fmtheader.dwWidth;
h = fmtheader.dwHeight;
for (mipnum = 0; mipnum < nummips; mipnum++)
if (datasize < pad)
datasize = pad;
datasize = max(divsize, w)/divsize * max(divsize, h)/divsize * blocksize;
mips->mip[mipnum].data = filedata;
mips->mip[mipnum].datasize = datasize;
mips->mip[mipnum].width = w;
mips->mip[mipnum].height = h;
filedata += datasize;
w = (w+1)>>1;
h = (h+1)>>1;
mips->mipcount = mipnum;
COM_AddWork(0, Image_LoadTextureMips, tex, mips, 0, 0);
return true;
static qboolean Image_ReadBLPFile(texid_t tex, unsigned int flags, char *fname, qbyte *filedata, size_t filesize)
//FIXME: cba with endian.
int miplevel;
int w, h, i;
struct blp_s
char blp2[4];
int type;
qbyte encoding;
qbyte alphadepth;
qbyte alphaencoding;
qbyte hasmips;
unsigned int xres;
unsigned int yres;
unsigned int mipoffset[16];
unsigned int mipsize[16];
unsigned int palette[256];
} *blp;
unsigned int *tmpmem = NULL;
unsigned char *in;
unsigned int inlen;
struct pendingtextureinfo *mips;
blp = (void*)filedata;
if (memcmp(blp->blp2, "BLP2", 4) || blp->type != 1)
return false;
mips = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*mips));
mips->mipcount = 0;
mips->type = PTI_2D;
w = LittleLong(blp->xres);
h = LittleLong(blp->yres);
if (blp->encoding == 2)
int blocksize;
case 0: //dxt1
if (blp->alphadepth)
mips->encoding = PTI_S3RGBA1;
mips->encoding = PTI_S3RGB1;
blocksize = 8;
case 1: //dxt2/3
mips->encoding = PTI_S3RGBA3;
blocksize = 16;
case 7: //dxt4/5
mips->encoding = PTI_S3RGBA5;
blocksize = 16;
for (miplevel = 0; miplevel < 16; )
if (!w && !h) //shrunk to no size
if (!w)
w = 1;
if (!h)
h = 1;
if (!blp->mipoffset[miplevel] || !blp->mipsize[miplevel] || blp->mipoffset[miplevel]+blp->mipsize[miplevel] > filesize) //no data
mips->mip[miplevel].width = w;
mips->mip[miplevel].height = h;
mips->mip[miplevel].data = filedata + LittleLong(blp->mipoffset[miplevel]);
mips->mip[miplevel].datasize = LittleLong(blp->mipsize[miplevel]);
if (!blp->hasmips || (flags & IF_NOMIPMAP))
w >>= 1;
h >>= 1;
mips->mipcount = miplevel;
mips->extrafree = filedata;
mips->encoding = PTI_BGRA8;
for (miplevel = 0; miplevel < 16; )
if (!w && !h)
if (!w)
w = 1;
if (!h)
h = 1;
//if we ran out of mips to load, give up.
if (!blp->mipoffset[miplevel] || !blp->mipsize[miplevel] || blp->mipoffset[miplevel]+blp->mipsize[miplevel] > filesize)
//if we got at least one mip, cap the mips. might help save some ram? naaah...
//if this is the first mip, well, its completely fucked.
in = filedata + LittleLong(blp->mipoffset[miplevel]);
inlen = LittleLong(blp->mipsize[miplevel]);
if (inlen != w*h+((w*h*blp->alphadepth+7)>>3))
Con_Printf("%s: mip level %i does not contain the correct amount of data\n", fname, miplevel);
mips->mip[miplevel].width = w;
mips->mip[miplevel].height = h;
mips->mip[miplevel].datasize = 4*w*h;
mips->mip[miplevel].data = tmpmem = BZ_Malloc(4*w*h);
mips->mip[miplevel].needfree = true;
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
//load the rgb data first (8-bit paletted)
for (i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
tmpmem[i] = blp->palette[*in++] | 0xff000000;
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
//and then change the alpha bits accordingly.
case 0:
//BGRX palette, 8bit
case 1:
//BGRX palette, 8bit
//1bit trailing alpha
for (i = 0; i < w*h; i+=8, in++)
tmpmem[i+0] = (tmpmem[i+0] & 0xffffff) | ((*in&0x01)?0xff000000:0);
tmpmem[i+1] = (tmpmem[i+1] & 0xffffff) | ((*in&0x02)?0xff000000:0);
tmpmem[i+2] = (tmpmem[i+2] & 0xffffff) | ((*in&0x04)?0xff000000:0);
tmpmem[i+3] = (tmpmem[i+3] & 0xffffff) | ((*in&0x08)?0xff000000:0);
tmpmem[i+4] = (tmpmem[i+4] & 0xffffff) | ((*in&0x10)?0xff000000:0);
tmpmem[i+5] = (tmpmem[i+5] & 0xffffff) | ((*in&0x20)?0xff000000:0);
tmpmem[i+6] = (tmpmem[i+6] & 0xffffff) | ((*in&0x40)?0xff000000:0);
tmpmem[i+7] = (tmpmem[i+7] & 0xffffff) | ((*in&0x80)?0xff000000:0);
case 4:
//BGRX palette, 8bit
//4bit trailing alpha
for (i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
tmpmem[i] = (tmpmem[i] & 0xffffff) | (*in++*0x11000000);
case 8:
//BGRX palette, 8bit
//8bit trailing alpha
for (i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
tmpmem[i] = (tmpmem[i] & 0xffffff) | (*in++<<24);
if (!blp->hasmips || (flags & IF_NOMIPMAP))
w = w>>1;
h = h>>1;
mips->mipcount = miplevel;
COM_AddWork(0, Image_LoadTextureMips, tex, mips, 0, 0);
return true;
//returns r8g8b8a8
qbyte *Read32BitImageFile(qbyte *buf, int len, int *width, int *height, qboolean *hasalpha, char *fname)
qbyte *data;
if ((data = ReadTargaFile(buf, len, width, height, hasalpha, false)))
TRACE(("dbg: Read32BitImageFile: tga\n"));
return data;
if (len > 4 && (buf[0] == 137 && buf[1] == 'P' && buf[2] == 'N' && buf[3] == 'G') && (data = ReadPNGFile(buf, len, width, height, fname)))
TRACE(("dbg: Read32BitImageFile: png\n"));
return data;
//jpeg jfif only.
if (len > 4 && (buf[0] == 0xff && buf[1] == 0xd8 && buf[2] == 0xff && buf[3] == 0xe0) && (data = ReadJPEGFile(buf, len, width, height)))
TRACE(("dbg: Read32BitImageFile: jpeg\n"));
return data;
if ((data = ReadPCXFile(buf, len, width, height)))
TRACE(("dbg: Read32BitImageFile: pcx\n"));
return data;
if (len > 2 && (buf[0] == 'B' && buf[1] == 'M') && (data = ReadBMPFile(buf, len, width, height)))
TRACE(("dbg: Read32BitImageFile: bitmap\n"));
return data;
if (len >= 8) //.lmp has no magic id. guess at it.
int w = LittleLong(((int*)buf)[0]);
int h = LittleLong(((int*)buf)[1]);
int i;
if (w >= 3 && h >= 4 && w*h+sizeof(int)*2 == len)
qboolean foundalpha = false;
qbyte *in = (qbyte*)((int*)buf+2);
data = BZ_Malloc(w * h * sizeof(int));
for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++)
if (in[i] == 255)
foundalpha = true;
((unsigned int*)data)[i] = d_8to24rgbtable[in[i]];
*width = w;
*height = h;
*hasalpha = foundalpha;
return data;
TRACE(("dbg: Read32BitImageFile: life sucks\n"));
return NULL;
static void *R_FlipImage32(void *in, int *inoutwidth, int *inoutheight, qboolean flipx, qboolean flipy, qboolean flipd)
int x, y;
unsigned int *in32, *inr, *out32;
void *out;
int inwidth = *inoutwidth;
int inheight = *inoutheight;
int rowstride = inwidth;
int colstride = 1;
//simply return if no operation
if (!flipx && !flipy && !flipd)
return in;
inr = in;
out32 = out = BZ_Malloc(inwidth*inheight*4);
if (flipy)
inr += inwidth*inheight-inwidth;//start on the bottom row
rowstride *= -1; //and we need to move up instead
if (flipx)
colstride *= -1; //move backwards
inr += inwidth-1; //start at the end of the row
if (flipd)
//switch the dimensions
int tmp = inwidth;
inwidth = inheight;
inheight = tmp;
//make sure the caller gets the new dimensions
*inoutwidth = inwidth;
*inoutheight = inheight;
//switch the strides
tmp = colstride;
colstride = rowstride;
rowstride = tmp;
//rows->rows, columns->columns
for (y = 0; y < inheight; y++)
in32 = inr; //reset the input after each row, so we have truely independant row+column strides
inr += rowstride;
for (x = 0; x < inheight; x++)
*out32++ = *in32;
in32 += colstride;
return out;
int tex_extensions_count;
#define tex_extensions_max 15
static struct
char name[6];
} tex_extensions[tex_extensions_max];
static void QDECL R_ImageExtensions_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
char *v = var->string;
tex_extensions_count = 0;
while (tex_extensions_count < tex_extensions_max)
v = COM_Parse(v);
if (!v)
Q_snprintfz(tex_extensions[tex_extensions_count].name, sizeof(tex_extensions[tex_extensions_count].name), ".%s", com_token);
if (tex_extensions_count < tex_extensions_max)
Q_snprintfz(tex_extensions[tex_extensions_count].name, sizeof(tex_extensions[tex_extensions_count].name), "");
static struct
int args;
char *path;
int enabled;
} tex_path[] =
/*if three args, first is the subpath*/
/*the last two args are texturename then extension*/
{2, "%s%s", 1}, /*directly named texture*/
{3, "textures/%s/%s%s", 1}, /*fuhquake compatibility*/
{3, "%s/%s%s", 1}, /*fuhquake compatibility*/
{2, "textures/%s%s", 1}, /*directly named texture with textures/ prefix*/
{2, "override/%s%s", 1} /*tenebrae compatibility*/
static void Image_MipMap8888 (qbyte *in, int inwidth, int inheight, qbyte *out, int outwidth, int outheight)
int i, j;
qbyte *inrow;
int rowwidth = inwidth*4; //rowwidth is the byte width of the input
inrow = in;
//mips round down, except for when the input is 1. which bugs out.
if (inwidth <= 1 && inheight <= 1)
out[0] = in[0];
out[1] = in[1];
out[2] = in[2];
out[3] = in[3];
else if (inheight <= 1)
//single row, don't peek at the next
for (in = inrow, j=0 ; j<outwidth ; j++, out+=4, in+=8)
out[0] = (in[0] + in[4])>>1;
out[1] = (in[1] + in[5])>>1;
out[2] = (in[2] + in[6])>>1;
out[3] = (in[3] + in[7])>>1;
else if (inwidth <= 1)
//single colum, peek only at this pixel
for (i=0 ; i<outheight ; i++, inrow+=rowwidth*2)
for (in = inrow, j=0 ; j<outwidth ; j++, out+=4, in+=8)
out[0] = (in[0] + in[rowwidth+0])>>1;
out[1] = (in[1] + in[rowwidth+1])>>1;
out[2] = (in[2] + in[rowwidth+2])>>1;
out[3] = (in[3] + in[rowwidth+3])>>1;
for (i=0 ; i<outheight ; i++, inrow+=rowwidth*2)
for (in = inrow, j=0 ; j<outwidth ; j++, out+=4, in+=8)
out[0] = (in[0] + in[4] + in[rowwidth+0] + in[rowwidth+4])>>2;
out[1] = (in[1] + in[5] + in[rowwidth+1] + in[rowwidth+5])>>2;
out[2] = (in[2] + in[6] + in[rowwidth+2] + in[rowwidth+6])>>2;
out[3] = (in[3] + in[7] + in[rowwidth+3] + in[rowwidth+7])>>2;
static void Image_GenerateMips(struct pendingtextureinfo *mips, unsigned int flags)
int mip;
if (mips->type != PTI_2D)
return; //blurgh
if (flags & IF_NOMIPMAP)
case PTI_R8:
case PTI_RGBA8:
case PTI_RGBX8:
case PTI_BGRA8:
case PTI_BGRX8:
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
for (mip = mips->mipcount; mip < 32; mip++)
mips->mip[mip].width = mips->mip[mip-1].width >> 1;
mips->mip[mip].height = mips->mip[mip-1].height >> 1;
if (mips->mip[mip].width < 1 && mips->mip[mip].height < 1)
if (mips->mip[mip].width < 1)
mips->mip[mip].width = 1;
if (mips->mip[mip].height < 1)
mips->mip[mip].height = 1;
mips->mip[mip].datasize = ((mips->mip[mip].width+3)&~3) * mips->mip[mip].height*4;
mips->mip[mip].data = BZ_Malloc(mips->mip[mip].datasize);
mips->mip[mip].needfree = true;
Image_MipMap8888(mips->mip[mip-1].data, mips->mip[mip-1].width, mips->mip[mip-1].height, mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].width, mips->mip[mip].height);
mips->mipcount = mip+1;
case PTI_RGBA4444:
case PTI_RGB565:
case PTI_RGBA5551:
return; //convert to 16bit afterwards. always mipmap at 8 bit, to try to preserve what little precision there is.
return; //not supported.
//stolen from DP
static void Image_Resample32LerpLine (const qbyte *in, qbyte *out, int inwidth, int outwidth)
int j, xi, oldx = 0, f, fstep, endx, lerp;
fstep = (int) (inwidth*65536.0f/outwidth);
endx = (inwidth-1);
for (j = 0,f = 0;j < outwidth;j++, f += fstep)
xi = f >> 16;
if (xi != oldx)
in += (xi - oldx) * 4;
oldx = xi;
if (xi < endx)
lerp = f & 0xFFFF;
*out++ = (qbyte) ((((in[4] - in[0]) * lerp) >> 16) + in[0]);
*out++ = (qbyte) ((((in[5] - in[1]) * lerp) >> 16) + in[1]);
*out++ = (qbyte) ((((in[6] - in[2]) * lerp) >> 16) + in[2]);
*out++ = (qbyte) ((((in[7] - in[3]) * lerp) >> 16) + in[3]);
else // last pixel of the line has no pixel to lerp to
*out++ = in[0];
*out++ = in[1];
*out++ = in[2];
*out++ = in[3];
//yes, this is lordhavok's code too.
//superblur away!
#define LERPBYTE(i) r = row1[i];out[i] = (qbyte) ((((row2[i] - r) * lerp) >> 16) + r)
static void Image_Resample32Lerp(const void *indata, int inwidth, int inheight, void *outdata, int outwidth, int outheight)
int i, j, r, yi, oldy, f, fstep, lerp, endy = (inheight-1), inwidth4 = inwidth*4, outwidth4 = outwidth*4;
qbyte *out;
const qbyte *inrow;
qbyte *tmem, *row1, *row2;
tmem = row1 = BZ_Malloc(2*(outwidth*4));
row2 = row1 + (outwidth * 4);
out = outdata;
fstep = (int) (inheight*65536.0f/outheight);
inrow = indata;
oldy = 0;
Image_Resample32LerpLine (inrow, row1, inwidth, outwidth);
Image_Resample32LerpLine (inrow + inwidth4, row2, inwidth, outwidth);
for (i = 0, f = 0;i < outheight;i++,f += fstep)
yi = f >> 16;
if (yi < endy)
lerp = f & 0xFFFF;
if (yi != oldy)
inrow = (qbyte *)indata + inwidth4*yi;
if (yi == oldy+1)
memcpy(row1, row2, outwidth4);
Image_Resample32LerpLine (inrow, row1, inwidth, outwidth);
Image_Resample32LerpLine (inrow + inwidth4, row2, inwidth, outwidth);
oldy = yi;
j = outwidth - 4;
while(j >= 0)
out += 16;
row1 += 16;
row2 += 16;
j -= 4;
if (j & 2)
out += 8;
row1 += 8;
row2 += 8;
if (j & 1)
out += 4;
row1 += 4;
row2 += 4;
row1 -= outwidth4;
row2 -= outwidth4;
if (yi != oldy)
inrow = (qbyte *)indata + inwidth4*yi;
if (yi == oldy+1)
memcpy(row1, row2, outwidth4);
Image_Resample32LerpLine (inrow, row1, inwidth, outwidth);
oldy = yi;
memcpy(out, row1, outwidth4);
void Image_ResampleTexture (unsigned *in, int inwidth, int inheight, unsigned *out, int outwidth, int outheight)
int i, j;
unsigned *inrow;
unsigned frac, fracstep;
if (gl_lerpimages.ival)
Image_Resample32Lerp(in, inwidth, inheight, out, outwidth, outheight);
fracstep = inwidth*0x10000/outwidth;
for (i=0 ; i<outheight ; i++, out += outwidth)
inrow = in + inwidth*(i*inheight/outheight);
frac = outwidth*fracstep;
while ((j)&3)
frac -= fracstep;
out[j] = inrow[frac>>16];
for ( ; j>=4 ;)
frac -= fracstep;
out[j+3] = inrow[frac>>16];
frac -= fracstep;
out[j+2] = inrow[frac>>16];
frac -= fracstep;
out[j+1] = inrow[frac>>16];
frac -= fracstep;
out[j+0] = inrow[frac>>16];
//ripped from tenebrae
static unsigned int * Image_GenerateNormalMap(qbyte *pixels, unsigned int *nmap, int w, int h, float scale, float offsetscale)
int i, j, wr, hr;
unsigned char r, g, b, height;
float sqlen, reciplen, nx, ny, nz;
const float oneOver255 = 1.0f/255.0f;
float c, cx, cy, dcx, dcy;
wr = w;
hr = h;
for (i=0; i<h; i++)
for (j=0; j<w; j++)
/* Expand [0,255] texel values to the [0,1] range. */
c = pixels[i*wr + j] * oneOver255;
/* Expand the texel to its right. */
cx = pixels[i*wr + (j+1)%wr] * oneOver255;
/* Expand the texel one up. */
cy = pixels[((i+1)%hr)*wr + j] * oneOver255;
dcx = scale * (c - cx);
dcy = scale * (c - cy);
/* Normalize the vector. */
sqlen = dcx*dcx + dcy*dcy + 1;
reciplen = 1.0f/(float)sqrt(sqlen);
nx = dcx*reciplen;
ny = -dcy*reciplen;
nz = reciplen;
/* Repack the normalized vector into an RGB unsigned qbyte
vector in the normal map image. */
r = (qbyte) (128 + 127*nx);
g = (qbyte) (128 + 127*ny);
b = (qbyte) (128 + 127*nz);
/* The highest resolution mipmap level always has a
unit length magnitude. */
height = bound(0, (pixels[i*wr + j]*offsetscale)+(255*(1-offsetscale)), 255);
nmap[i*w+j] = LittleLong((height << 24)|(b << 16)|(g << 8)|(r)); // <AWE> Added support for big endian.
return &nmap[0];
static void Image_RoundDimensions(int *scaled_width, int *scaled_height, unsigned int flags)
if (sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two) //NPOT is a simple extension that relaxes errors.
//lax form
TRACE(("dbg: GL_RoundDimensions: GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two\n"));
else if ((flags & IF_CLAMP) && (flags & IF_NOMIPMAP) && sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two_pic)
//more strict form
TRACE(("dbg: GL_RoundDimensions: GL_OES_texture_npot\n"));
int width = *scaled_width;
int height = *scaled_height;
for (*scaled_width = 1 ; *scaled_width < width ; *scaled_width<<=1)
for (*scaled_height = 1 ; *scaled_height < height ; *scaled_height<<=1)
/*round npot textures down if we're running on an embedded system*/
if (sh_config.npot_rounddown)
if (*scaled_width != width)
*scaled_width >>= 1;
if (*scaled_height != height)
*scaled_height >>= 1;
if (flags & IF_NOMIPMAP)
*scaled_width >>= gl_picmip2d.ival;
*scaled_height >>= gl_picmip2d.ival;
TRACE(("dbg: GL_RoundDimensions: %f\n", gl_picmip.value));
*scaled_width >>= gl_picmip.ival;
*scaled_height >>= gl_picmip.ival;
TRACE(("dbg: GL_RoundDimensions: %f\n", gl_max_size.value));
if (sh_config.texture_maxsize)
if (*scaled_width > sh_config.texture_maxsize)
*scaled_width = sh_config.texture_maxsize;
if (*scaled_height > sh_config.texture_maxsize)
*scaled_height = sh_config.texture_maxsize;
if (!(flags & (IF_UIPIC|IF_RENDERTARGET)))
if (gl_max_size.value)
if (*scaled_width > gl_max_size.value)
*scaled_width = gl_max_size.value;
if (*scaled_height > gl_max_size.value)
*scaled_height = gl_max_size.value;
if (*scaled_width < 1)
*scaled_width = 1;
if (*scaled_height < 1)
*scaled_height = 1;
//may operate in place
static void Image_8888to565(qbyte *in, unsigned short *out, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, qboolean bgra)
unsigned int p = w*h;
unsigned short tmp;
if (bgra)
tmp = ((*in++>>3) << 0);//b
tmp |= ((*in++>>2) << 5);//g
tmp |= ((*in++>>3) << 11);//r
*out++ = tmp;
tmp = ((*in++>>3) << 11);//r
tmp |= ((*in++>>2) << 5);//g
tmp |= ((*in++>>3) << 0);//b
*out++ = tmp;
//may operate in place
static void Image_8888to1555(qbyte *in, unsigned short *out, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, qboolean bgra)
unsigned int p = w*h;
unsigned short tmp;
if (bgra)
tmp = ((*in++>>3) << 0);//b
tmp |= ((*in++>>3) << 5);//g
tmp |= ((*in++>>3) << 10);//r
tmp |= ((*in++>>7) << 15);//a
*out++ = tmp;
tmp = ((*in++>>3) << 10);//r
tmp |= ((*in++>>3) << 5);//g
tmp |= ((*in++>>3) << 0);//b
tmp |= ((*in++>>7) << 15);//a
*out++ = tmp;
//may operate in place
static void Image_8888to5551(qbyte *in, unsigned short *out, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, qboolean bgra)
unsigned int p = w*h;
unsigned short tmp;
if (bgra)
tmp = ((*in++>>3) << 1);//b
tmp |= ((*in++>>3) << 6);//g
tmp |= ((*in++>>3) << 11);//r
tmp |= ((*in++>>7) << 0);//a
*out++ = tmp;
tmp = ((*in++>>3) << 11);//r
tmp |= ((*in++>>3) << 6);//g
tmp |= ((*in++>>3) << 1);//b
tmp |= ((*in++>>7) << 0);//a
*out++ = tmp;
//may operate in place
static void Image_8888to4444(qbyte *in, unsigned short *out, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, qboolean bgra)
unsigned int p = w*h;
unsigned short tmp;
if (bgra)
tmp = ((*in++>>4) << 4);//b
tmp |= ((*in++>>4) << 8);//g
tmp |= ((*in++>>4) << 12);//r
tmp |= ((*in++>>4) << 0);//a
*out++ = tmp;
tmp = ((*in++>>4) << 12);//r
tmp |= ((*in++>>4) << 8);//g
tmp |= ((*in++>>4) << 4);//b
tmp |= ((*in++>>4) << 0);//a
*out++ = tmp;
//may operate in place
static void Image_8888toARGB4444(qbyte *in, unsigned short *out, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, qboolean bgra)
unsigned int p = w*h;
unsigned short tmp;
if (bgra)
tmp = ((*in++>>4) << 0);//b
tmp |= ((*in++>>4) << 4);//g
tmp |= ((*in++>>4) << 8);//r
tmp |= ((*in++>>4) << 12);//a
*out++ = tmp;
tmp = ((*in++>>4) << 8);//r
tmp |= ((*in++>>4) << 4);//g
tmp |= ((*in++>>4) << 0);//b
tmp |= ((*in++>>4) << 12);//a
*out++ = tmp;
static void Image_ChangeFormat(struct pendingtextureinfo *mips, uploadfmt_t origfmt)
int mip;
if (mips->type != PTI_2D)
return; //blurgh
//if that format isn't supported/desired, try converting it.
if (sh_config.texfmt[mips->encoding])
if (mips->encoding == PTI_R8)
if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_BGRX8]) //bgra8 is typically faster when supported.
mips->encoding = PTI_BGRX8;
else if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_BGRX8])
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBX8;
else if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_BGRA8])
mips->encoding = PTI_BGRA8;
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA8;
for (mip = 0; mip < mips->mipcount; mip++)
unsigned int i;
unsigned int *out;
unsigned char *in;
in = mips->mip[mip].data;
out = BZ_Malloc(mips->mip[mip].width*mips->mip[mip].height*sizeof(*out));
for (i = 0; i < mips->mip[mip].width*mips->mip[mip].height; i++)
out[i] = in[i] * 0x01010101;
if (mips->mip[mip].needfree)
mips->mip[mip].data = out;
mips->mip[mip].needfree = true;
mips->mip[mip].datasize = mips->mip[mip].width*mips->mip[mip].height*sizeof(*out);
if (sh_config.texfmt[mips->encoding])
//should we just use 5551 always?
if (mips->encoding == PTI_RGBX8 || mips->encoding == PTI_BGRX8)
/*if (0)
{ //prevent discolouration.
if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_RGBA5551])
for (mip = 0; mip < mips->mipcount; mip++)
Image_8888to5551(mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].width, mips->mip[mip].height, mips->encoding == PTI_BGRX8);
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA5551;
for (mip = 0; mip < mips->mipcount; mip++)
Image_8888to1555(mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].width, mips->mip[mip].height, mips->encoding == PTI_BGRX8);
mips->encoding = PTI_ARGB1555;
if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_RGB565])
for (mip = 0; mip < mips->mipcount; mip++)
Image_8888to565(mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].width, mips->mip[mip].height, mips->encoding == PTI_BGRX8);
mips->encoding = PTI_RGB565;
else if (mips->encoding == PTI_RGBA8 || mips->encoding == PTI_BGRA8)
if (origfmt == TF_TRANS8 || origfmt == TF_TRANS8_FULLBRIGHT || origfmt == TF_H2_TRANS8_0 || !(sh_config.texfmt[PTI_RGBA4444] || sh_config.texfmt[PTI_ARGB4444]))
{ //1-bit alpha is okay for these textures.
if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_RGBA5551])
for (mip = 0; mip < mips->mipcount; mip++)
Image_8888to5551(mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].width, mips->mip[mip].height, mips->encoding == PTI_BGRA8);
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA5551;
for (mip = 0; mip < mips->mipcount; mip++)
Image_8888to1555(mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].width, mips->mip[mip].height, mips->encoding == PTI_BGRA8);
mips->encoding = PTI_ARGB1555;
if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_RGBA4444])
for (mip = 0; mip < mips->mipcount; mip++)
Image_8888to4444(mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].width, mips->mip[mip].height, mips->encoding == PTI_BGRA8);
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA4444;
for (mip = 0; mip < mips->mipcount; mip++)
Image_8888toARGB4444(mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].data, mips->mip[mip].width, mips->mip[mip].height, mips->encoding == PTI_BGRA8);
mips->encoding = PTI_ARGB4444;
//resamples and depalettes as required
static qboolean Image_GenMip0(struct pendingtextureinfo *mips, unsigned int flags, void *rawdata, void *palettedata, int imgwidth, int imgheight, uploadfmt_t fmt, qboolean freedata)
unsigned int *rgbadata = rawdata;
int i;
mips->mip[0].width = imgwidth;
mips->mip[0].height = imgheight;
mips->mipcount = 1;
case TF_DEPTH16:
mips->encoding = PTI_DEPTH16;
case TF_DEPTH24:
mips->encoding = PTI_DEPTH24;
case TF_DEPTH32:
mips->encoding = PTI_DEPTH32;
case TF_RGBA16F:
case TF_RGBA32F:
if (rawdata)
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
Con_Printf("R_LoadRawTexture: bad format\n");
if (freedata)
return false;
mips->encoding = (fmt==TF_RGBA16F)?PTI_RGBA16F:TF_RGBA32F;
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
Con_Printf("R_LoadRawTexture: bad format\n");
if (freedata)
return false;
case TF_RGBX32:
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBX8;
case TF_RGBA32:
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA8;
case TF_BGRX32:
mips->encoding = PTI_BGRX8;
case TF_BGRA32:
mips->encoding = PTI_BGRA8;
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
case TF_MIP4_LUM8:
//8bit opaque data
Image_RoundDimensions(&mips->mip[0].width, &mips->mip[0].height, flags);
if (mips->mip[0].width == imgwidth && mips->mip[0].height == imgheight)
unsigned int pixels =
(imgwidth>>0) * (imgheight>>0) +
(imgwidth>>1) * (imgheight>>1) +
(imgwidth>>2) * (imgheight>>2) +
(imgwidth>>3) * (imgheight>>3);
mips->encoding = PTI_R8;
rgbadata = BZ_Malloc(pixels);
memcpy(rgbadata, rawdata, pixels);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
mips->mip[i].width = imgwidth>>i;
mips->mip[i].height = imgheight>>i;
mips->mip[i].datasize = mips->mip[i].width * mips->mip[i].height;
mips->mip[i].needfree = false;
mips->mipcount = i;
mips->mip[0].data = rgbadata;
mips->mip[1].data = (qbyte*)mips->mip[0].data + mips->mip[0].datasize;
mips->mip[2].data = (qbyte*)mips->mip[1].data + mips->mip[1].datasize;
mips->mip[3].data = (qbyte*)mips->mip[2].data + mips->mip[2].datasize;
mips->extrafree = rgbadata;
if (freedata)
return true;
//fall through
case TF_LUM8:
mips->encoding = PTI_R8;
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
case TF_MIP4_SOLID8:
//8bit opaque data
Image_RoundDimensions(&mips->mip[0].width, &mips->mip[0].height, flags);
if (mips->mip[0].width == imgwidth && mips->mip[0].height == imgheight && sh_config.texfmt[PTI_RGBX8])
unsigned int pixels =
(imgwidth>>0) * (imgheight>>0) +
(imgwidth>>1) * (imgheight>>1) +
(imgwidth>>2) * (imgheight>>2) +
(imgwidth>>3) * (imgheight>>3);
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBX8;
rgbadata = BZ_Malloc(pixels*4);
for (i = 0; i < pixels; i++)
rgbadata[i] = d_8to24rgbtable[((qbyte*)rawdata)[i]];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
mips->mip[i].width = imgwidth>>i;
mips->mip[i].height = imgheight>>i;
mips->mip[i].datasize = mips->mip[i].width * mips->mip[i].height * 4;
mips->mip[i].needfree = false;
mips->mipcount = i;
mips->mip[0].data = rgbadata;
mips->mip[1].data = (qbyte*)mips->mip[0].data + mips->mip[0].datasize;
mips->mip[2].data = (qbyte*)mips->mip[1].data + mips->mip[1].datasize;
mips->mip[3].data = (qbyte*)mips->mip[2].data + mips->mip[2].datasize;
mips->extrafree = rgbadata;
if (freedata)
return true;
//fall through
case TF_SOLID8:
rgbadata = BZ_Malloc(imgwidth * imgheight*4);
if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_BGRX8])
{ //bgra8 is typically faster when supported.
mips->encoding = PTI_BGRX8;
for (i = 0; i < imgwidth * imgheight; i++)
rgbadata[i] = d_8to24bgrtable[((qbyte*)rawdata)[i]];
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBX8;
for (i = 0; i < imgwidth * imgheight; i++)
rgbadata[i] = d_8to24rgbtable[((qbyte*)rawdata)[i]];
if (freedata)
freedata = true;
case TF_TRANS8:
case TF_H2_TRANS8_0:
qbyte ref = (fmt==TF_H2_TRANS8_0)?0:0xff;
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBX8;
rgbadata = BZ_Malloc(imgwidth * imgheight*4);
for (i = 0; i < imgwidth * imgheight; i++)
if (((qbyte*)rawdata)[i] == ref)
{//fixme: blend non-0xff neighbours. no, just use premultiplied alpha instead, where it matters.
rgbadata[i] = 0;
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA8;
rgbadata[i] = d_8to24rgbtable[((qbyte*)rawdata)[i]];
if (freedata)
freedata = true;
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA8;
rgbadata = BZ_Malloc(imgwidth * imgheight*4);
for (i = 0; i < imgwidth * imgheight; i++)
if (((qbyte*)rawdata)[i] < 255-vid.fullbright)
rgbadata[i] = 0;
rgbadata[i] = d_8to24rgbtable[((qbyte*)rawdata)[i]];
if (freedata)
freedata = true;
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA8;
rgbadata = BZ_Malloc(imgwidth * imgheight*5);
qbyte *heights = (qbyte*)(rgbadata + (imgwidth*imgheight));
for (i = 0; i < imgwidth * imgheight; i++)
unsigned int rgb = d_8to24rgbtable[((qbyte*)rawdata)[i]];
heights[i] = (((rgb>>16)&0xff) + ((rgb>>8)&0xff) + ((rgb>>0)&0xff))/3;
Image_GenerateNormalMap(heights, rgbadata, imgwidth, imgheight, r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture.value?r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture.value:4, r_shadow_heightscale_basetexture.value);
if (freedata)
freedata = true;
case TF_HEIGHT8:
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA8;
rgbadata = BZ_Malloc(imgwidth * imgheight*4);
Image_GenerateNormalMap(rawdata, rgbadata, imgwidth, imgheight, r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap.value, r_shadow_heightscale_bumpmap.value);
if (freedata)
freedata = true;
case TF_8PAL24:
if (!palettedata)
Con_Printf("TF_8PAL24: no palette");
if (freedata)
return false;
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBX8;
rgbadata = BZ_Malloc(imgwidth * imgheight*4);
for (i = 0; i < imgwidth * imgheight; i++)
qbyte *p = ((qbyte*)palettedata) + ((qbyte*)rawdata)[i]*3;
//FIXME: endian
rgbadata[i] = 0xff000000 | (p[0]<<0) | (p[1]<<8) | (p[2]<<16);
if (freedata)
freedata = true;
case TF_8PAL32:
if (!palettedata)
Con_Printf("TF_8PAL32: no palette");
if (freedata)
return false;
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA8;
rgbadata = BZ_Malloc(imgwidth * imgheight*4);
for (i = 0; i < imgwidth * imgheight; i++)
rgbadata[i] = ((unsigned int*)palettedata)[((qbyte*)rawdata)[i]];
if (freedata)
freedata = true;
#ifdef HEXEN2
case TF_H2_T7G1: /*8bit data, odd indexes give greyscale transparence*/
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA8;
rgbadata = BZ_Malloc(imgwidth * imgheight*4);
for (i = 0; i < imgwidth * imgheight; i++)
qbyte p = ((qbyte*)rawdata)[i];
rgbadata[i] = d_8to24rgbtable[p] & 0x00ffffff;
if (p == 0)
else if (p&1)
rgbadata[i] |= 0x80000000;
rgbadata[i] |= 0xff000000;
if (freedata)
freedata = true;
case TF_H2_T4A4: /*8bit data, weird packing*/
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA8;
rgbadata = BZ_Malloc(imgwidth * imgheight*4);
for (i = 0; i < imgwidth * imgheight; i++)
static const int ColorIndex[16] = {0, 31, 47, 63, 79, 95, 111, 127, 143, 159, 175, 191, 199, 207, 223, 231};
static const unsigned ColorPercent[16] = {25, 51, 76, 102, 114, 127, 140, 153, 165, 178, 191, 204, 216, 229, 237, 247};
qbyte p = ((qbyte*)rawdata)[i];
rgbadata[i] = d_8to24rgbtable[ColorIndex[p>>4]] & 0x00ffffff;
rgbadata[i] |= ( int )ColorPercent[p&15] << 24;
if (freedata)
freedata = true;
if (flags & IF_NOALPHA)
case PTI_RGBA8:
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBX8;
case PTI_BGRA8:
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBX8;
case PTI_RGBA16F:
case PTI_RGBA32F:
case PTI_ARGB4444:
case PTI_ARGB1555:
case PTI_RGBA4444:
case PTI_RGBA5551:
break; //erk
case PTI_S3RGBA1: //mostly compatible, but I don't want to push it.
case PTI_S3RGBA3:
case PTI_S3RGBA5:
//erk. meh.
case PTI_RGB565:
case PTI_RGBX8:
case PTI_BGRX8:
case PTI_S3RGB1:
case PTI_DEPTH16:
case PTI_DEPTH24:
case PTI_DEPTH32:
case PTI_DEPTH24_8:
//FIXME: fill alpha channel with 255?
Image_RoundDimensions(&mips->mip[0].width, &mips->mip[0].height, flags);
if (rgbadata)
if (mips->mip[0].width == imgwidth && mips->mip[0].height == imgheight)
mips->mip[0].data = rgbadata;
mips->mip[0].data = BZ_Malloc(((mips->mip[0].width+3)&~3)*mips->mip[0].height*4);
// memset(mips->mip[0].data, 0, mips->mip[0].width*mips->mip[0].height*4);
Image_ResampleTexture(rgbadata, imgwidth, imgheight, mips->mip[0].data, mips->mip[0].width, mips->mip[0].height);
if (freedata)
freedata = true;
mips->mip[0].data = NULL;
mips->mip[0].datasize = mips->mip[0].width*mips->mip[0].height*4;
if (mips->type == PTI_3D)
qbyte *data2d = mips->mip[0].data, *data3d;
mips->mip[0].data = NULL;
/*our 2d input image is interlaced as y0z0,y0z1,y1z0,y1z1
however, hardware uses the more logical y0z0,y1z0,y0z1,y1z1 ordering (xis ordered properly already)*/
if (mips->mip[0].height*mips->mip[0].height == mips->mip[0].width && (mips->encoding == PTI_RGBA8 || mips->encoding == PTI_RGBX8 || mips->encoding == PTI_BGRA8 || mips->encoding == PTI_BGRX8))
int d, r;
int size = mips->mip[0].height;
mips->mip[0].data = data3d = BZ_Malloc(size*size*size);
for (d = 0; d < size; d++)
for (r = 0; r < size; r++)
memcpy(data3d + (r + d*size) * size, data2d + (r*size + d) * size, size*4);
mips->mip[0].datasize = size*size*size*4;
if (freedata)
if (!mips->mip[0].data)
return false;
//works for rgba or bgra
int i;
unsigned char *fte_restrict premul = (unsigned char*)mips->mip[0].data;
for (i = 0; i < mips->mip[0].width*mips->mip[0].height; i++, premul+=4)
premul[0] = (premul[0] * premul[3])>>8;
premul[1] = (premul[1] * premul[3])>>8;
premul[2] = (premul[2] * premul[3])>>8;
mips->mip[0].needfree = freedata;
return true;
//loads from a single mip. takes ownership of the data.
static qboolean Image_LoadRawTexture(texid_t tex, unsigned int flags, void *rawdata, void *palettedata, int imgwidth, int imgheight, uploadfmt_t fmt)
struct pendingtextureinfo *mips;
mips = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*mips));
mips->type = (flags & IF_3DMAP)?PTI_3D:PTI_2D;
if (!Image_GenMip0(mips, flags, rawdata, palettedata, imgwidth, imgheight, fmt, true))
return false;
Image_GenerateMips(mips, flags);
Image_ChangeFormat(mips, fmt);
tex->width = imgwidth;
tex->height = imgheight;
if (flags & IF_NOWORKER)
Image_LoadTextureMips(tex, mips, 0, 0);
COM_AddWork(0, Image_LoadTextureMips, tex, mips, 0, 0);
return true;
//always frees filedata, even on failure.
//also frees the textures fallback data, but only on success
qboolean Image_LoadTextureFromMemory(texid_t tex, int flags, const char *iname, char *fname, qbyte *filedata, int filesize)
qboolean hasalpha;
qbyte *rgbadata;
int imgwidth, imgheight;
//these formats have special handling, because they cannot be implemented via Read32BitImageFile - they don't result in rgba images.
if (Image_ReadDDSFile(tex, flags, fname, filedata, filesize))
return true;
if (filedata[0] == 'B' && filedata[1] == 'L' && filedata[2] == 'P' && filedata[3] == '2')
if (Image_ReadBLPFile(tex, flags, fname, filedata, filesize))
return true;
hasalpha = false;
if ((rgbadata = Read32BitImageFile(filedata, filesize, &imgwidth, &imgheight, &hasalpha, fname)))
extern cvar_t vid_hardwaregamma;
if (!(flags&IF_NOGAMMA) && !vid_hardwaregamma.value)
BoostGamma(rgbadata, imgwidth, imgheight);
if (hasalpha)
flags &= ~IF_NOALPHA;
else if (!(flags & IF_NOALPHA))
unsigned int alpha_width, alpha_height, p;
char aname[MAX_QPATH];
unsigned char *alphadata;
char *alph;
size_t alphsize;
char ext[8];
COM_StripExtension(fname, aname, sizeof(aname));
COM_FileExtension(fname, ext, sizeof(ext));
Q_strncatz(aname, "_alpha.", sizeof(aname));
Q_strncatz(aname, ext, sizeof(aname));
if (!strchr(aname, ':') && (alph = COM_LoadFile (aname, 5, &alphsize)))
if ((alphadata = Read32BitImageFile(alph, alphsize, &alpha_width, &alpha_height, &hasalpha, aname)))
if (alpha_width == imgwidth && alpha_height == imgheight)
for (p = 0; p < alpha_width*alpha_height; p++)
rgbadata[(p<<2) + 3] = (alphadata[(p<<2) + 0] + alphadata[(p<<2) + 1] + alphadata[(p<<2) + 2])/3;
if (Image_LoadRawTexture(tex, flags, rgbadata, NULL, imgwidth, imgheight, TF_RGBA32))
//and kill the fallback now that its loaded, as it won't be needed any more.
tex->fallbackdata = NULL;
return true;
else if (1)
struct pendingtextureinfo *mips;
mips = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*mips));
mips->type = (flags & IF_3DMAP)?PTI_3D:PTI_2D;
mips->mipcount = 1;
mips->encoding = PTI_WHOLEFILE;
mips->extrafree = NULL;
mips->mip[0].width = 1;
mips->mip[0].height = 1;
mips->mip[0].data = filedata;
mips->mip[0].datasize = filesize;
mips->mip[0].needfree = true;
//width+height are not yet known. bah.
if (flags & IF_NOWORKER)
Image_LoadTextureMips(tex, mips, 0, 0);
COM_AddWork(0, Image_LoadTextureMips, tex, mips, 0, 0);
return true;
Sys_Printf("Unable to read file %s (format unsupported)\n", fname);
return false;
//loads from a single mip. takes ownership of the data.
static qboolean Image_LoadCubemapTexture(texid_t tex, char *nicename)
static struct
char *suffix;
qboolean flipx, flipy, flipd;
} cmscheme[] =
{"rt", true, false, true},
{"lf", false, true, true},
{"ft", true, true, false},
{"bk", false, false, false},
{"up", true, false, true},
{"dn", true, false, true},
{"px", false, false, false},
{"nx", false, false, false},
{"py", false, false, false},
{"ny", false, false, false},
{"pz", false, false, false},
{"nz", false, false, false},
{"posx", false, false, false},
{"negx", false, false, false},
{"posy", false, false, false},
{"negy", false, false, false},
{"posz", false, false, false},
{"negz", false, false, false}
int i, j, e;
struct pendingtextureinfo *mips;
char fname[MAX_QPATH];
size_t filesize;
int width, height;
qboolean hasalpha;
mips = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*mips));
mips->type = PTI_CUBEMAP;
mips->mipcount = 6;
mips->encoding = PTI_RGBA8;
mips->extrafree = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
for (e = (tex->flags & IF_EXACTEXTENSION)?tex_extensions_count-1:0; e < tex_extensions_count; e++)
//try and open one
qbyte *buf = NULL, *data;
filesize = 0;
for (j = 0; j < sizeof(cmscheme)/sizeof(cmscheme[0])/6; j++)
Q_snprintfz(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s%s%s", nicename, cmscheme[i + 6*j].suffix, tex_extensions[e].name);
buf = COM_LoadFile(fname, 5, &filesize);
if (buf)
//now read it
if (buf)
if ((data = Read32BitImageFile(buf, filesize, &width, &height, &hasalpha, fname)))
extern cvar_t vid_hardwaregamma;
if (!(tex->flags&IF_NOGAMMA) && !vid_hardwaregamma.value)
BoostGamma(data, width, height);
mips->mip[i].data = R_FlipImage32(data, &width, &height, cmscheme[i + 6*j].flipx, cmscheme[i + 6*j].flipy, cmscheme[i + 6*j].flipd);
mips->mip[i].datasize = width*height*4;
mips->mip[i].width = width;
mips->mip[i].height = height;
mips->mip[i].needfree = true;
if (i == 0)
tex->width = width;
tex->height = height;
if (tex->flags & IF_NOWORKER)
Image_LoadTextureMips(tex, mips, 0, 0);
COM_AddWork(0, Image_LoadTextureMips, tex, mips, 0, 0);
return true;
void Image_LoadHiResTextureWorker(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b)
image_t *tex = ctx;
char fname[MAX_QPATH], iname[MAX_QPATH], nicename[MAX_QPATH];
int i, e;
char *buf;
size_t fsize;
int firstex = (tex->flags & IF_EXACTEXTENSION)?tex_extensions_count-1:0;
// Sys_Sleep(0.3);
//see if we recognise the extension, and only strip it if we do.
COM_FileExtension(tex->ident, nicename, sizeof(nicename));
e = 0;
if (strcmp(nicename, "lmp") && strcmp(nicename, "wal"))
for (; e < tex_extensions_count; e++)
if (!strcmp(nicename, (*tex_extensions[e].name=='.')?tex_extensions[e].name+1:tex_extensions[e].name))
//strip it and try replacements if we do, otherwise assume that we're meant to be loading progs/foo.mdl_0.tga or whatever
if (e == tex_extensions_count || (tex->flags & IF_EXACTEXTENSION))
Q_strncpyz(nicename, tex->ident, sizeof(nicename));
COM_StripExtension(tex->ident, nicename, sizeof(nicename));
if ((tex->flags & IF_TEXTYPE) == IF_CUBEMAP)
{ //cubemaps require special handling because they are (normally) 6 files instead of 1.
//the exception is single-file dds cubemaps, but we don't support those.
if (!Image_LoadCubemapTexture(tex, nicename))
if (tex->flags & IF_NOWORKER)
Image_LoadTexture_Failed(tex, NULL, 0, 0);
COM_AddWork(0, Image_LoadTexture_Failed, tex, NULL, 0, 0);
if (!tex->fallbackdata || (gl_load24bit.ival && !(tex->flags & IF_NOREPLACE)))
Q_snprintfz(fname, sizeof(fname), "dds/%s.dds", nicename);
if ((buf = COM_LoadFile (fname, 5, &fsize)))
Q_snprintfz(iname, sizeof(iname), "dds/%s", nicename); /*should be safe if its null*/
if (Image_LoadTextureFromMemory(tex, tex->flags, iname, fname, buf, fsize))
if (strchr(nicename, '/') || strchr(nicename, '\\')) //never look in a root dir for the pic
i = 0;
i = 1;
for (; i < sizeof(tex_path)/sizeof(tex_path[0]); i++)
if (!tex_path[i].enabled)
if (tex_path[i].args >= 3)
{ //this is a path that needs subpaths
char subpath[MAX_QPATH];
char basename[MAX_QPATH];
char *s, *n;
if (!tex->subpath || !*nicename)
s = COM_SkipPath(nicename);
n = basename;
while (*s && *s != '.' && n < basename+sizeof(basename)-5)
*n++ = *s++;
s = strchr(s, '_');
if (s)
while (*s && n < basename+sizeof(basename)-5)
*n++ = *s++;
*n = 0;
for(s = tex->subpath; s; s = n)
//subpath a:b:c tries multiple possible sub paths, for compatibility
n = strchr(s, ':');
if (n)
if (n-s >= sizeof(subpath))
*subpath = 0;
memcpy(subpath, s, n-s);
subpath[n-s] = 0;
Q_strncpyz(subpath, s, sizeof(subpath));
for (e = firstex; e < tex_extensions_count; e++)
if (tex->flags & IF_NOPCX)
if (!strcmp(tex_extensions[e].name, ".pcx"))
Q_snprintfz(fname, sizeof(fname), tex_path[i].path, subpath, basename, tex_extensions[e].name);
if ((buf = COM_LoadFile (fname, 5, &fsize)))
Q_snprintfz(iname, sizeof(iname), "%s/%s", subpath, nicename); /*should be safe if its null*/
if (Image_LoadTextureFromMemory(tex, tex->flags, iname, fname, buf, fsize))
for (e = firstex; e < tex_extensions_count; e++)
if (tex->flags & IF_NOPCX)
if (!strcmp(tex_extensions[e].name, ".pcx"))
Q_snprintfz(fname, sizeof(fname), tex_path[i].path, nicename, tex_extensions[e].name);
if ((buf = COM_LoadFile (fname, 5, &fsize)))
if (Image_LoadTextureFromMemory(tex, tex->flags, nicename, fname, buf, fsize))
//support expansion of _bump textures to _norm textures.
if (tex->flags & IF_TRYBUMP)
if (tex_path[i].args >= 3)
/*no legacy compat needed, hopefully*/
char bumpname[MAX_QPATH], *n, *b;
b = bumpname;
n = nicename;
if (*n == '_' && !strcmp(n, "_norm"))
strcpy(b, "_bump");
b += 5;
n += 5;
*b++ = *n++;
if (*n) //no _norm, give up with that
*b = 0;
for (e = firstex; e < tex_extensions_count; e++)
if (!strcmp(tex_extensions[e].name, ".tga"))
Q_snprintfz(fname, sizeof(fname), tex_path[i].path, bumpname, tex_extensions[e].name);
if ((buf = COM_LoadFile (fname, 5, &fsize)))
int w, h;
qboolean a;
qbyte *d;
if ((d = ReadTargaFile(buf, fsize, &w, &h, &a, 2))) //Only load a greyscale image.
if (Image_LoadRawTexture(tex, tex->flags, d, NULL, w, h, TF_HEIGHT8))
tex->fallbackdata = NULL;
/*still failed? attempt to load quake lmp files, which have no real format id (hence why they're not above)*/
Q_strncpyz(fname, nicename, sizeof(fname));
COM_DefaultExtension(fname, ".lmp", sizeof(fname));
if (!(tex->flags & IF_NOPCX) && (buf = COM_LoadFile (fname, 5, &fsize)))
if (Image_LoadTextureFromMemory(tex, tex->flags, nicename, fname, buf, fsize))
int imgwidth;
int imgheight;
qboolean alphaed;
//now look in wad files. (halflife compatability)
buf = W_GetTexture(nicename, &imgwidth, &imgheight, &alphaed);
if (buf)
if (Image_LoadRawTexture(tex, tex->flags, buf, NULL, imgwidth, imgheight, TF_RGBA32))
tex->fallbackdata = NULL;
if (tex->fallbackdata)
if (Image_LoadRawTexture(tex, tex->flags, tex->fallbackdata, (char*)tex->fallbackdata+(tex->fallbackwidth*tex->fallbackheight), tex->fallbackwidth, tex->fallbackheight, tex->fallbackfmt))
tex->fallbackdata = NULL;
tex->fallbackdata = NULL;
// Sys_Printf("Texture %s failed\n", nicename);
//signal the main thread to set the final status instead of just setting it to avoid deadlock (it might already be waiting for it).
if (tex->flags & IF_NOWORKER)
Image_LoadTexture_Failed(tex, NULL, 0, 0);
COM_AddWork(0, Image_LoadTexture_Failed, tex, NULL, 0, 0);
//find an existing texture
image_t *Image_FindTexture(const char *identifier, const char *subdir, unsigned int flags)
image_t *tex;
tex = Hash_Get(&imagetable, identifier);
if ((tex->flags ^ flags) & IF_CLAMP)
tex = Hash_GetNext(&imagetable, identifier, tex);
return tex;
return NULL;
//create a texture, with dupes. you'll need to load something into it too.
static image_t *Image_CreateTexture_Internal (const char *identifier, const char *subdir, unsigned int flags)
image_t *tex;
bucket_t *buck;
tex = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*tex) + sizeof(bucket_t) + strlen(identifier)+1 + (subdir?strlen(subdir)+1:0));
buck = (bucket_t*)(tex+1);
tex->ident = (char*)(buck+1);
strcpy(tex->ident, identifier);
if (subdir && *subdir)
tex->subpath = tex->ident + strlen(identifier)+1;
strcpy(tex->subpath, subdir);
tex->next = imagelist;
imagelist = tex;
tex->flags = flags;
tex->width = 0;
tex->height = 0;
tex->regsequence = r_regsequence;
tex->status = TEX_NOTLOADED;
tex->fallbackdata = NULL;
tex->fallbackwidth = 0;
tex->fallbackheight = 0;
tex->fallbackfmt = TF_INVALID;
if (*tex->ident)
Hash_Add(&imagetable, tex->ident, tex, buck);
return tex;
image_t *Image_CreateTexture (const char *identifier, const char *subdir, unsigned int flags)
image_t *image;
image = Image_CreateTexture_Internal(identifier, subdir, flags);
return image;
//called on main thread. oh well.
void Image_Downloaded(struct dl_download *dl)
qboolean success = false;
image_t *tex = dl->user_ctx;
image_t *p;
//make sure the renderer wasn't restarted mid-download
for (p = imagelist; p; p = p->next)
if (p == tex)
if (p)
if (dl->status == DL_FINISHED)
size_t fsize = VFS_GETLEN(dl->file);
char *buf = BZ_Malloc(fsize);
if (VFS_READ(dl->file, buf, fsize) == fsize)
if (Image_LoadTextureFromMemory(tex, tex->flags, tex->ident, dl->url, buf, fsize))
success = true;
if (!success)
Image_LoadTexture_Failed(tex, NULL, 0, 0);
//find a texture. will try to load it from disk, using the fallback if it would fail.
image_t *Image_GetTexture(const char *identifier, const char *subpath, unsigned int flags, void *fallbackdata, void *fallbackpalette, int fallbackwidth, int fallbackheight, uploadfmt_t fallbackfmt)
image_t *tex;
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
static int seq;
qboolean dontposttoworker = (flags & (IF_NOWORKER | IF_LOADNOW));
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
qboolean lowpri = (flags & IF_LOWPRIORITY);
qboolean highpri = (flags & IF_HIGHPRIORITY);
tex = Image_FindTexture(identifier, subpath, flags);
if (tex)
qc: qc temp-strings are now garbage collected. this makes strzone redundant. net: revert the player angles inversion thing from last build. hack some angles. gonna need to tweak the protocol. net: cl_lerp_players is smoother, and defaulted. lets see how many people complain. cl: fix juddering with chase_active+prediction. cl: download progress where the total size is not known now displays something more sane. cl: fixed some issues with rawinput keyboards. cl: added autoupdate option to the menu. cl: autoupdate defaults to a new 'tested' set of builds, instead of the completely untested svn builds. cl: added 'borderless windowed' option to the menus. works on windows. cl: saved games save a preview screenshot. cl: fix some memory leaks on shutdown. cl: added 'setrenderer random' option, might be useful for modders in that it helps highlight bugs/differences between renderers... qc: r_showbboxes now displays the fields of the various entities. tweaked entity lighting to overbright more gracefully. gl: fixed crepuscular lighting. qcc: added % operator. qcc: added inline keyword. qcc: some fixes for accessors. qccgui: now prompts for exe+basedir. sv: added sv_specprint, ala mvdsv. sv: stats now sent over the unreliable channel instead of the reliable one. this allows them to change more frequently. sv: rewrote speedcheat detection. clients will be throttled instead of kicked. unresponsive clients will be simulated instead of freezing in mid-air. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4829 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-01-21 18:18:37 +00:00
//FIXME: race condition is possible here
//if a non-replaced texture is given a fallback while a non-fallback version is still loading, it can still fail.
if (tex->status == TEX_FAILED && fallbackdata)
tex->status = TEX_LOADING;
else if (tex->status != TEX_NOTLOADED)
return tex; //already exists
tex->flags = flags;
tex = Image_CreateTexture_Internal(identifier, subpath, flags);
tex->status = TEX_LOADING;
if (fallbackdata)
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
int b = fallbackwidth*fallbackheight, pb = 0;
case TF_8PAL24:
pb = 3*256;
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
b *= 1;
case TF_8PAL32:
pb = 4*256;
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
b *= 1;
case TF_LUM8:
case TF_SOLID8:
case TF_TRANS8:
case TF_H2_T7G1:
case TF_H2_TRANS8_0:
case TF_H2_T4A4:
case TF_HEIGHT8:
case TF_HEIGHT8PAL: //we don't care about the actual palette.
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
b *= 1;
case TF_RGBX32:
case TF_RGBA32:
case TF_BGRX32:
case TF_BGRA32:
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
b *= 4;
case TF_MIP4_LUM8:
case TF_MIP4_SOLID8:
b = (fallbackwidth>>0)*(fallbackheight>>0) +
(fallbackwidth>>1)*(fallbackheight>>1) +
(fallbackwidth>>2)*(fallbackheight>>2) +
qc: qc temp-strings are now garbage collected. this makes strzone redundant. net: revert the player angles inversion thing from last build. hack some angles. gonna need to tweak the protocol. net: cl_lerp_players is smoother, and defaulted. lets see how many people complain. cl: fix juddering with chase_active+prediction. cl: download progress where the total size is not known now displays something more sane. cl: fixed some issues with rawinput keyboards. cl: added autoupdate option to the menu. cl: autoupdate defaults to a new 'tested' set of builds, instead of the completely untested svn builds. cl: added 'borderless windowed' option to the menus. works on windows. cl: saved games save a preview screenshot. cl: fix some memory leaks on shutdown. cl: added 'setrenderer random' option, might be useful for modders in that it helps highlight bugs/differences between renderers... qc: r_showbboxes now displays the fields of the various entities. tweaked entity lighting to overbright more gracefully. gl: fixed crepuscular lighting. qcc: added % operator. qcc: added inline keyword. qcc: some fixes for accessors. qccgui: now prompts for exe+basedir. sv: added sv_specprint, ala mvdsv. sv: stats now sent over the unreliable channel instead of the reliable one. this allows them to change more frequently. sv: rewrote speedcheat detection. clients will be throttled instead of kicked. unresponsive clients will be simulated instead of freezing in mid-air. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4829 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-01-21 18:18:37 +00:00
Sys_Error("Image_GetTexture: bad format");
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
tex->fallbackdata = BZ_Malloc(b + pb);
memcpy(tex->fallbackdata, fallbackdata, b);
if (pb)
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
memcpy((qbyte*)tex->fallbackdata + b, fallbackpalette, pb);
tex->fallbackwidth = fallbackwidth;
tex->fallbackheight = fallbackheight;
tex->fallbackfmt = fallbackfmt;
tex->fallbackdata = NULL;
tex->fallbackwidth = 0;
tex->fallbackheight = 0;
tex->fallbackfmt = TF_INVALID;
//FIXME: pass fallback through this way instead?
if (dontposttoworker)
Image_LoadHiResTextureWorker(tex, NULL, 0, 0);
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
if (!strncmp(tex->ident, "http://", 7) || !strncmp(tex->ident, "https://", 8))
struct dl_download *dl = HTTP_CL_Get(tex->ident, NULL, Image_Downloaded);
dl->user_ctx = tex;
dl->file = VFSPIPE_Open();
dl->isquery = true;
DL_CreateThread(dl, NULL, NULL);
tex->status = TEX_FAILED; //HACK: so nothing waits for it.
if (lowpri)
fix colormod added frag message filter, and dedicated frag tracker. added 'windowed consoles' for social-type stuff without depending upon csqc mods for it. added in_deviceids command which allows listing/renumbering device ids. slider widgets now support inverted ranges, so gamma selection isn't so weird. fix top/bottom colour selection bug. software banding feature is now part of the 'software' preset (now that it supports mipmaps). support for loading .maps, and editing their brushes etc (with appropriate qc mod). 'map mymap.map' to use. expect problems with missing wads and replacement textures overriding them and messing up texture scales. snd_inactive is now default. fix threading issue with wavs, no more error from 0-sample-but-otherwise-valid wavs. added -makeinstaller option to embed a manifest inside the exe (and icon). the resulting program will insist on installing the game if its run from outside a valid basedir. framegroup support for q1mdl. textures are now loaded on multiple worker threads, for reduced load times. moo har har. netgraph shows packet+byte rates too. added r_lightstylescale, pretty similar to contrast, but doesn't impose any framerate cost, but may have overbrighting issues. r_softwarebanding now works on q2bsp too. fixed crepuscular lights. gzip transfer encoding is performed while downloading, instead of inducing stalls. FINALLY fix ezquake download compat issue (dimman found the issue). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4851 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-04-14 23:12:17 +00:00
COM_AddWork(5, Image_LoadHiResTextureWorker, tex, NULL, 0, 0);
COM_AddWork(2+(seq++%3), Image_LoadHiResTextureWorker, tex, NULL, 0, 0);
return tex;
void Image_Upload (texid_t tex, uploadfmt_t fmt, void *data, void *palette, int width, int height, unsigned int flags)
struct pendingtextureinfo mips;
mips.extrafree = NULL;
mips.type = (flags & IF_3DMAP)?PTI_3D:PTI_2D;
if (!Image_GenMip0(&mips, flags, data, palette, width, height, fmt, false))
Image_GenerateMips(&mips, flags);
Image_ChangeFormat(&mips, fmt);
rf->IMG_LoadTextureMips(tex, &mips);
tex->status = TEX_LOADED;
typedef struct
char *name;
char *legacyname;
int maximize, minmip, minimize;
} texmode_t;
static texmode_t texmodes[] = {
{"n", "GL_NEAREST", 0, -1, 0},
{"l", "GL_LINEAR", 1, -1, 1},
{"nn", "GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST", 0, 0, 0},
{"ln", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST", 1, 0, 1},
{"nl", "GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR", 0, 1, 0},
{"ll", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR", 1, 1, 1},
//more explicit names
{"n.n", NULL, 0, -1, 0},
{"l.l", NULL, 1, -1, 1},
{"nnn", NULL, 0, 0, 0},
{"lnl", NULL, 1, 0, 1},
{"nln", NULL, 0, 1, 0},
{"lll", NULL, 1, 1, 1},
//inverted mag filters
{"n.l", NULL, 0, -1, 1},
{"l.n", NULL, 1, -1, 0},
{"nnl", NULL, 0, 0, 1},
{"lnn", NULL, 1, 0, 0},
{"nll", NULL, 0, 1, 1},
{"lln", NULL, 1, 1, 0}
static void Image_ParseTextureMode(char *cvarname, char *modename, int modes[3])
int i;
modes[0] = 1;
modes[1] = 0;
modes[2] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(texmodes) / sizeof(texmodes[0]); i++)
if (!Q_strcasecmp(modename, texmodes[i].name) || (texmodes[i].legacyname && !Q_strcasecmp(modename, texmodes[i].legacyname)))
modes[0] = texmodes[i].minimize;
modes[1] = texmodes[i].minmip;
modes[2] = texmodes[i].maximize;
Con_Printf("%s: mode %s was not recognised\n", cvarname, modename);
void QDECL Image_TextureMode_Callback (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
int mip[3]={1,0,1}, pic[3]={1,-1,1}, mipcap[2] = {0, 1000};
float anis = 1;
char *s;
extern cvar_t gl_texturemode, gl_texturemode2d, gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering, gl_mipcap;
Image_ParseTextureMode(gl_texturemode.name, gl_texturemode.string, mip);
Image_ParseTextureMode(gl_texturemode2d.name, gl_texturemode2d.string, pic);
anis = gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering.value;
//parse d_mipcap (two values, nearest furthest)
s = COM_Parse(gl_mipcap.string);
mipcap[0] = *com_token?atoi(com_token):0;
// if (mipcap[0] > 3) /*cap it to 3, so no 16*16 textures get bugged*/
// mipcap[0] = 3;
s = COM_Parse(s);
mipcap[1] = *com_token?atoi(com_token):1000;
if (mipcap[1] < mipcap[0])
mipcap[1] = mipcap[0];
if (rf && rf->IMG_UpdateFiltering)
rf->IMG_UpdateFiltering(imagelist, mip, pic, mipcap, anis);
qc: qc temp-strings are now garbage collected. this makes strzone redundant. net: revert the player angles inversion thing from last build. hack some angles. gonna need to tweak the protocol. net: cl_lerp_players is smoother, and defaulted. lets see how many people complain. cl: fix juddering with chase_active+prediction. cl: download progress where the total size is not known now displays something more sane. cl: fixed some issues with rawinput keyboards. cl: added autoupdate option to the menu. cl: autoupdate defaults to a new 'tested' set of builds, instead of the completely untested svn builds. cl: added 'borderless windowed' option to the menus. works on windows. cl: saved games save a preview screenshot. cl: fix some memory leaks on shutdown. cl: added 'setrenderer random' option, might be useful for modders in that it helps highlight bugs/differences between renderers... qc: r_showbboxes now displays the fields of the various entities. tweaked entity lighting to overbright more gracefully. gl: fixed crepuscular lighting. qcc: added % operator. qcc: added inline keyword. qcc: some fixes for accessors. qccgui: now prompts for exe+basedir. sv: added sv_specprint, ala mvdsv. sv: stats now sent over the unreliable channel instead of the reliable one. this allows them to change more frequently. sv: rewrote speedcheat detection. clients will be throttled instead of kicked. unresponsive clients will be simulated instead of freezing in mid-air. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4829 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-01-21 18:18:37 +00:00
qboolean Image_UnloadTexture(image_t *tex)
if (tex->status == TEX_LOADED)
tex->status = TEX_NOTLOADED;
return true;
return false;
//nukes an existing texture, destroying all traces. any lingering references will cause problems, so be careful about how you access these.
void Image_DestroyTexture(image_t *tex)
image_t **link;
if (!tex)
TEXDOWAIT(tex); //just in case.
for (link = &imagelist; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
if (*link == tex)
*link = tex->next;
if (*tex->ident)
Hash_RemoveData(&imagetable, tex->ident, tex);
void Image_List_f(void)
image_t *tex;
char *status;
for (tex = imagelist; tex; tex = tex->next)
if (tex->status == TEX_LOADED)
status = "^2loaded";
else if (tex->status == TEX_FAILED)
status = "^1failed";
else if (tex->status == TEX_NOTLOADED)
status = "^5not loaded";
status = "^bloading";
if (tex->subpath)
Con_Printf("%s^h(%s)^h: %s\n", tex->ident, tex->subpath, status);
Con_Printf("%s: %s\n", tex->ident, status);
//may not create any images yet.
void Image_Init(void)
memset(imagetablebuckets, 0, sizeof(imagetablebuckets));
Hash_InitTable(&imagetable, sizeof(imagetablebuckets)/sizeof(imagetablebuckets[0]), imagetablebuckets);
Cmd_AddCommandD("image_list", Image_List_f, "Prints out a list of the currently-known textures.");
//destroys all textures
void Image_Shutdown(void)
image_t *tex;
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (imagelist)
tex = imagelist;
if (*tex->ident)
Hash_RemoveData(&imagetable, tex->ident, tex);
imagelist = tex->next;
if (tex->status == TEX_LOADED)
if (i)
Con_Printf("Destroyed %i/%i images\n", j, i);
//load the named file, without failing.
texid_t R_LoadHiResTexture(const char *name, const char *subpath, unsigned int flags)
char nicename[MAX_QPATH], *data;
if (!*name)
return r_nulltex;
Q_strncpyz(nicename, name, sizeof(nicename));
while((data = strchr(nicename, '*')))
*data = '#';
return Image_GetTexture(nicename, subpath, flags, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, TF_INVALID); //queues the texture creation.
//attempt to load the named texture
//will not load external textures if gl_load24bit is set (failing instantly if its just going to fail later on anyway)
//the specified data will be used if the high-res image is blocked/not found.
texid_t R_LoadReplacementTexture(const char *name, const char *subpath, unsigned int flags, void *lowres, int lowreswidth, int lowresheight, uploadfmt_t format)
char nicename[MAX_QPATH], *data;
if (!*name)
return r_nulltex;
if (!gl_load24bit.ival && !lowres)
return r_nulltex;
Q_strncpyz(nicename, name, sizeof(nicename));
while((data = strchr(nicename, '*')))
*data = '#';
return Image_GetTexture(nicename, subpath, flags, lowres, NULL, lowreswidth, lowresheight, format); //queues the texture creation.
void R_LoadNumberedLightTexture(dlight_t *dl, int cubetexnum)
Q_snprintfz(dl->cubemapname, sizeof(dl->cubemapname), "cubemaps/%i", cubetexnum);
if (!gl_load24bit.ival)
dl->cubetexture = r_nulltex;
dl->cubetexture = Image_GetTexture(dl->cubemapname, NULL, IF_CUBEMAP, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, TF_INVALID);
#if 0
extern cvar_t r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap;
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
texid_t R_LoadBumpmapTexture(const char *name, const char *subpath)
char *buf, *data;
texid_t tex;
// int h;
char fname[MAX_QPATH], nicename[MAX_QPATH];
qboolean hasalpha;
static char *extensions[] =
{//reverse order of preference - (match commas with optional file types)
int i, e;
TRACE(("dbg: Mod_LoadBumpmapTexture: texture %s\n", name));
COM_StripExtension(name, nicename, sizeof(nicename));
tex = R_FindTexture(name, 0);
if (TEXVALID(tex)) //don't bother if it already exists.
image_width = tex->width;
image_height = tex->height;
return tex;
tex = R_LoadCompressed(name);
if (TEXVALID(tex))
return tex;
if (strchr(name, '/')) //never look in a root dir for the pic
i = 0;
i = 1;
//should write this nicer.
for (; i < sizeof(tex_path)/sizeof(tex_path[0]); i++)
if (!tex_path[i].enabled)
for (e = sizeof(extensions)/sizeof(char *)-1; e >=0 ; e--)
size_t fsize;
if (tex_path[i].args >= 3)
if (!subpath)
snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname)-1, tex_path[i].path, subpath, nicename, extensions[e]);
snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname)-1, tex_path[i].path, nicename, extensions[e]);
TRACE(("dbg: Mod_LoadBumpmapTexture: opening %s\n", fname));
if ((buf = COM_LoadFile (fname, 5, &fsize)))
if ((data = ReadTargaFile(buf, fsize, &image_width, &image_height, &hasalpha, 2))) //Only load a greyscale image.
TRACE(("dbg: Mod_LoadBumpmapTexture: tga %s loaded\n", name));
TEXASSIGNF(tex, R_LoadTexture8Bump(name, image_width, image_height, data, IF_NOALPHA|IF_NOGAMMA));
return tex;
return r_nulltex;
// ocrana led functions
static int ledcolors[8][3] =
// green
{ 0, 255, 0 },
{ 0, 127, 0 },
// red
{ 255, 0, 0 },
{ 127, 0, 0 },
// yellow
{ 255, 255, 0 },
{ 127, 127, 0 },
// blue
{ 0, 0, 255 },
{ 0, 0, 127 }
void AddOcranaLEDsIndexed (qbyte *image, int h, int w)
int tridx[8]; // transition indexes
qbyte *point;
int i, idx, x, y, rs;
int r, g, b, rd, gd, bd;
// calc row size, character size
rs = w;
h /= 16;
w /= 16;
// generate palettes
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// get palette
r = ledcolors[i*2][0];
g = ledcolors[i*2][1];
b = ledcolors[i*2][2];
rd = (r - ledcolors[i*2+1][0]) / 8;
gd = (g - ledcolors[i*2+1][1]) / 8;
bd = (b - ledcolors[i*2+1][2]) / 8;
for (idx = 0; idx < 8; idx++)
tridx[idx] = GetPaletteIndex(r, g, b);
r -= rd;
g -= gd;
b -= bd;
// generate LED into image
b = (w * w + h * h) / 16;
if (b < 1)
b = 1;
rd = w + 1;
gd = h + 1;
point = image + (8 * rs * h) + ((6 + i) * w);
for (y = 1; y <= h; y++)
for (x = 1; x <= w; x++)
r = rd - (x*2); r *= r;
g = gd - (y*2); g *= g;
idx = (r + g) / b;
if (idx > 7)
*point++ = 0;
*point++ = tridx[idx];
point += rs - w;