Fork 0
forked from fte/fteqw

1594 lines
38 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// r_light.c
#include "quakedef.h"
#if defined(GLQUAKE) || defined(D3DQUAKE)
#include "glquake.h"
#include "shader.h"
extern cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world, r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps;
int r_dlightframecount;
int d_lightstylevalue[256]; // 8.8 fraction of base light value
void R_UpdateLightStyle(unsigned int style, const char *stylestring, float r, float g, float b)
if (style >= MAX_LIGHTSTYLES)
if (!stylestring)
stylestring = "";
Q_strncpyz (cl_lightstyle[style].map, stylestring, sizeof(cl_lightstyle[style].map));
cl_lightstyle[style].length = Q_strlen(cl_lightstyle[style].map);
if (!cl_lightstyle[style].length)
d_lightstylevalue[style] = 256;
VectorSet(cl_lightstyle[style].colours, 1,1,1);
VectorSet(cl_lightstyle[style].colours, r,g,b);
cl_lightstyle[style].colourkey = (int)(cl_lightstyle[style].colours[0]*0x400) ^ (int)(cl_lightstyle[style].colours[1]*0x100000) ^ (int)(cl_lightstyle[style].colours[2]*0x40000000);
void R_AnimateLight (void)
int i,j;
float f;
// light animations
// 'm' is normal light, 'a' is no light, 'z' is double bright
f = (cl.time*r_lightstylespeed.value);
if (f < 0)
f = 0;
i = (int)f;
f -= i; //this can require updates at 1000 times a second.. Depends on your framerate of course
for (j=0 ; j<MAX_LIGHTSTYLES ; j++)
int v1, v2, vd;
if (!cl_lightstyle[j].length)
d_lightstylevalue[j] = 256;
if (cl_lightstyle[j].map[0] == '=')
d_lightstylevalue[j] = atof(cl_lightstyle[j].map+1)*256;
v1 = i % cl_lightstyle[j].length;
v1 = cl_lightstyle[j].map[v1] - 'a';
v2 = (i+1) % cl_lightstyle[j].length;
v2 = cl_lightstyle[j].map[v2] - 'a';
vd = v1 - v2;
if (!r_lightstylesmooth.ival || vd < -r_lightstylesmooth_limit.ival || vd > r_lightstylesmooth_limit.ival)
d_lightstylevalue[j] = v1*22;
d_lightstylevalue[j] = (v1*(1-f) + v2*(f))*22;
void AddLightBlend (float r, float g, float b, float a2)
float a;
r = bound(0, r, 1);
g = bound(0, g, 1);
b = bound(0, b, 1);
sw_blend[3] = a = sw_blend[3] + a2*(1-sw_blend[3]);
a2 = a2/a;
sw_blend[0] = sw_blend[0]*(1-a2) + r*a2;
sw_blend[1] = sw_blend[1]*(1-a2) + g*a2;
sw_blend[2] = sw_blend[2]*(1-a2) + b*a2;
//Con_Printf("AddLightBlend(): %4.2f %4.2f %4.2f %4.6f\n", v_blend[0], v_blend[1], v_blend[2], v_blend[3]);
static float bubble_sintable[FLASHBLEND_VERTS+1], bubble_costable[FLASHBLEND_VERTS+1];
static void R_InitBubble(void)
float a;
int i;
float *bub_sin, *bub_cos;
bub_sin = bubble_sintable;
bub_cos = bubble_costable;
for (i=FLASHBLEND_VERTS ; i>=0 ; i--)
a = i/(float)FLASHBLEND_VERTS * M_PI*2;
*bub_sin++ = sin(a);
*bub_cos++ = cos(a);
avec4_t flashblend_colours[FLASHBLEND_VERTS+1];
vecV_t flashblend_vcoords[FLASHBLEND_VERTS+1];
vec2_t flashblend_tccoords[FLASHBLEND_VERTS+1];
index_t flashblend_indexes[FLASHBLEND_VERTS*3];
index_t flashblend_fsindexes[6] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3};
mesh_t flashblend_mesh;
mesh_t flashblend_fsmesh;
shader_t *flashblend_shader;
shader_t *lpplight_shader;
void R_GenerateFlashblendTexture(void)
float dx, dy;
int x, y, a;
unsigned char pixels[32][32][4];
for (y = 0;y < 32;y++)
dy = (y - 15.5f) * (1.0f / 16.0f);
for (x = 0;x < 32;x++)
dx = (x - 15.5f) * (1.0f / 16.0f);
a = (int)(((1.0f / (dx * dx + dy * dy + 0.2f)) - (1.0f / (1.0f + 0.2))) * 32.0f / (1.0f / (1.0f + 0.2)));
a = bound(0, a, 255);
pixels[y][x][0] = a;
pixels[y][x][1] = a;
pixels[y][x][2] = a;
pixels[y][x][3] = 255;
R_LoadReplacementTexture("***flashblend***", NULL, 0, pixels, 32, 32, TF_RGBA32);
void R_InitFlashblends(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < FLASHBLEND_VERTS; i++)
flashblend_indexes[i*3+0] = 0;
flashblend_indexes[i*3+1] = 1;
flashblend_indexes[i*3+1] = i+2;
flashblend_indexes[i*3+2] = i+1;
flashblend_tccoords[i+1][0] = 0.5 + bubble_sintable[i]*0.5;
flashblend_tccoords[i+1][1] = 0.5 + bubble_costable[i]*0.5;
flashblend_tccoords[0][0] = 0.5;
flashblend_tccoords[0][1] = 0.5;
flashblend_mesh.numvertexes = FLASHBLEND_VERTS+1;
flashblend_mesh.xyz_array = flashblend_vcoords;
flashblend_mesh.st_array = flashblend_tccoords;
flashblend_mesh.colors4f_array[0] = flashblend_colours;
flashblend_mesh.indexes = flashblend_indexes;
flashblend_mesh.numindexes = FLASHBLEND_VERTS*3;
flashblend_mesh.istrifan = true;
flashblend_fsmesh.numvertexes = 4;
flashblend_fsmesh.xyz_array = flashblend_vcoords;
flashblend_fsmesh.st_array = flashblend_tccoords;
flashblend_fsmesh.colors4f_array[0] = flashblend_colours;
flashblend_fsmesh.indexes = flashblend_fsindexes;
flashblend_fsmesh.numindexes = 6;
flashblend_fsmesh.istrifan = true;
flashblend_shader = R_RegisterShader("flashblend", SUF_NONE,
"program defaultadditivesprite\n"
"map ***flashblend***\n"
"blendfunc gl_one gl_one\n"
"rgbgen vertex\n"
"alphagen vertex\n"
lpplight_shader = NULL;
static qboolean R_BuildDlightMesh(dlight_t *light, float colscale, float radscale, int dtype)
int i, j;
// float a;
vec3_t v;
float rad;
float *bub_sin, *bub_cos;
vec3_t colour;
extern cvar_t gl_mindist;
bub_sin = bubble_sintable;
bub_cos = bubble_costable;
rad = light->radius * radscale;
VectorCopy(light->color, colour);
if (light->fov)
float a = -DotProduct(light->axis[0], vpn);
colour[0] *= a;
colour[1] *= a;
colour[2] *= a;
rad *= a;
rad *= 0.33;
if (light->style)
colscale *= d_lightstylevalue[light->style-1]/255.0f;
VectorSubtract (light->origin, r_origin, v);
if (dtype != 1 && Length (v) < rad + gl_mindist.value*2)
{ // view is inside the dlight
return false;
flashblend_colours[0][0] = colour[0]*colscale;
flashblend_colours[0][1] = colour[1]*colscale;
flashblend_colours[0][2] = colour[2]*colscale;
flashblend_colours[0][3] = 1;
VectorCopy(light->origin, flashblend_vcoords[0]);
for (i=FLASHBLEND_VERTS ; i>0 ; i--)
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
flashblend_vcoords[i][j] = light->origin[j] + (vright[j]*(*bub_cos) +
+ vup[j]*(*bub_sin)) * rad;
if (dtype == 0)
//flashblend 3d-ish
VectorMA(flashblend_vcoords[0], -rad/1.5, vpn, flashblend_vcoords[0]);
else if (dtype != 1)
//prepass lights needs to be fully infront of the light. the glsl is a fullscreen-style effect, but we can benefit from early-z and scissoring
vec3_t diff;
VectorSubtract(r_origin, light->origin, diff);
for (i=0 ; i<=FLASHBLEND_VERTS ; i++)
VectorMA(flashblend_vcoords[i], rad, diff, flashblend_vcoords[i]);
return true;
void R_RenderDlights (void)
int i;
dlight_t *l;
vec3_t waste1, waste2;
unsigned int beflags = 0;
float intensity, cscale;
qboolean coronastyle;
qboolean flashstyle;
float dist;
if (!r_coronas.value && !r_flashblend.value)
// r_dlightframecount = r_framecount + 1; // because the count hasn't
// advanced yet for this frame
l = cl_dlights+rtlights_first;
for (i=rtlights_first; i<rtlights_max; i++, l++)
if (!l->radius)
if (l->corona <= 0)
//dlights emitting from the local player are not visible as flashblends
if (l->key == r_refdef.playerview->viewentity)
continue; //was a glow
if (l->key == -(r_refdef.playerview->viewentity))
continue; //was a muzzleflash
coronastyle = (l->flags & (LFLAG_NORMALMODE|LFLAG_REALTIMEMODE)) && r_coronas.value;
flashstyle = ((l->flags & LFLAG_FLASHBLEND) && r_flashblend.value);
if (!coronastyle && !flashstyle)
if (coronastyle && flashstyle)
flashstyle = false;
cscale = l->coronascale;
intensity = l->corona;// * 0.25;
if (coronastyle)
intensity *= r_coronas.value;
intensity *= r_flashblend.value;
if (intensity <= 0 || cscale <= 0)
//prevent the corona from intersecting with the near clip plane by just fading it away if its too close
VectorSubtract(l->origin, r_refdef.vieworg, waste1);
dist = VectorLength(waste1);
if (dist < 128+256)
if (dist <= 128)
intensity *= (dist-128) / 256;
/*coronas use depth testing to compute visibility*/
if (coronastyle)
if (TraceLineN(r_refdef.vieworg, l->origin, waste1, waste2))
if (!R_BuildDlightMesh (l, intensity, cscale, coronastyle) && !coronastyle)
AddLightBlend (l->color[0], l->color[1], l->color[2], l->radius * 0.0003);
BE_DrawMesh_Single(flashblend_shader, &flashblend_mesh, NULL, &flashblend_shader->defaulttextures, (coronastyle?BEF_FORCENODEPTH|BEF_FORCEADDITIVE:0)|beflags);
void R_GenDlightMesh(struct batch_s *batch)
static mesh_t *meshptr;
dlight_t *l = cl_dlights + batch->surf_first;
BE_SelectDLight(l, l->color, l->axis, 0);
if (!R_BuildDlightMesh (l, 2, 1, 2))
int i;
static vec2_t s[4] = {{1, -1}, {-1, -1}, {-1, 1}, {1, 1}};
batch->flags |= BEF_FORCENODEPTH;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
VectorMA(r_origin, 32, vpn, flashblend_vcoords[i]);
VectorMA(flashblend_vcoords[i], s[i][0]*320, vright, flashblend_vcoords[i]);
VectorMA(flashblend_vcoords[i], s[i][1]*320, vup, flashblend_vcoords[i]);
meshptr = &flashblend_fsmesh;
meshptr = &flashblend_mesh;
batch->mesh = &meshptr;
void R_GenDlightBatches(batch_t *batches[])
int i, j, sort;
dlight_t *l;
batch_t *b;
if (!r_lightprepass.ival)
if (!lpplight_shader)
lpplight_shader = R_RegisterShader("lpp_light", SUF_NONE,
"program lpp_light\n"
"map $sourcecolour\n"
"blendfunc gl_one gl_one\n"
"surfaceparm nodlight\n"
l = cl_dlights+rtlights_first;
for (i=rtlights_first; i<rtlights_max; i++, l++)
if (!l->radius)
if (R_CullSphere(l->origin, l->radius))
b = BE_GetTempBatch();
if (!b)
b->flags = 0;
sort = lpplight_shader->sort;
b->buildmeshes = R_GenDlightMesh;
b->ent = &r_worldentity;
b->mesh = NULL;
b->firstmesh = 0;
b->meshes = 1;
b->skin = &lpplight_shader->defaulttextures;
b->texture = NULL;
b->shader = lpplight_shader;
for (j = 0; j < MAXRLIGHTMAPS; j++)
b->lightmap[j] = -1;
b->surf_first = i;
b->flags |= BEF_NOSHADOWS;
b->vbo = NULL;
b->next = batches[sort];
batches[sort] = b;
void R_PushDlights (void)
int i;
dlight_t *l;
r_dlightframecount = r_framecount + 1; // because the count hasn't
// advanced yet for this frame
/*if we're doing full rtlighting only, then don't bother calculating old-style dlights as they won't be visible anyway*/
if (r_shadow_realtime_world.ival && r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps.value < 0.1)
if (!r_dynamic.ival || !cl.worldmodel)
if (!cl.worldmodel->nodes)
currentmodel = cl.worldmodel;
if (!currentmodel->funcs.MarkLights)
l = cl_dlights+rtlights_first;
for (i=rtlights_first ; i <= DL_LAST ; i++, l++)
if (!l->radius || !(l->flags & LFLAG_LIGHTMAP))
currentmodel->funcs.MarkLights( l, 1<<i, currentmodel->nodes );
//rtlight loading
void R_ImportRTLights(char *entlump)
/*I'm using the DP code so I know I'll get the DP results*/
int entnum, style, islight, skin, pflags, n;
lighttype_t type;
float origin[3], angles[3], radius, color[3], light[4], fadescale, lightscale, originhack[3], overridecolor[3], vec[4];
char key[256], value[8192];
int nest;
if (!strcmp(com_token, "Version"))
entlump = COM_Parse(entlump);
entlump = COM_Parse(entlump);
for (entnum = 0; ;entnum++)
entlump = COM_Parse(entlump);
if (com_token[0] != '{')
origin[0] = origin[1] = origin[2] = 0;
originhack[0] = originhack[1] = originhack[2] = 0;
angles[0] = angles[1] = angles[2] = 0;
color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 1;
light[0] = light[1] = light[2] = 1;light[3] = 300;
overridecolor[0] = overridecolor[1] = overridecolor[2] = 1;
fadescale = 1;
lightscale = 1;
style = 0;
skin = 0;
pflags = 0;
//effects = 0;
islight = false;
nest = 1;
while (1)
entlump = COM_Parse(entlump);
if (!entlump)
break; // error
if (com_token[0] == '{')
if (com_token[0] == '}')
if (!nest)
break; // end of entity
if (nest!=1)
if (com_token[0] == '_')
Q_strncpyz(key, com_token + 1, sizeof(key));
Q_strncpyz(key, com_token, sizeof(key));
while (key[strlen(key)-1] == ' ') // remove trailing spaces
key[strlen(key)-1] = 0;
entlump = COM_Parse(entlump);
if (!entlump)
break; // error
Q_strncpyz(value, com_token, sizeof(value));
// now that we have the key pair worked out...
if (!strcmp("light", key))
n = sscanf(value, "%f %f %f %f", &vec[0], &vec[1], &vec[2], &vec[3]);
if (n == 1)
// quake
light[0] = vec[0] * (1.0f / 256.0f);
light[1] = vec[0] * (1.0f / 256.0f);
light[2] = vec[0] * (1.0f / 256.0f);
light[3] = vec[0];
else if (n == 4)
// halflife
light[0] = vec[0] * (1.0f / 255.0f);
light[1] = vec[1] * (1.0f / 255.0f);
light[2] = vec[2] * (1.0f / 255.0f);
light[3] = vec[3];
else if (!strcmp("delay", key))
type = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp("origin", key))
sscanf(value, "%f %f %f", &origin[0], &origin[1], &origin[2]);
else if (!strcmp("angle", key))
angles[0] = 0, angles[1] = atof(value), angles[2] = 0;
else if (!strcmp("angles", key))
sscanf(value, "%f %f %f", &angles[0], &angles[1], &angles[2]);
else if (!strcmp("color", key))
sscanf(value, "%f %f %f", &color[0], &color[1], &color[2]);
else if (!strcmp("wait", key))
fadescale = atof(value);
else if (!strcmp("classname", key))
if (!strncmp(value, "light", 5))
islight = true;
if (!strcmp(value, "light_fluoro"))
originhack[0] = 0;
originhack[1] = 0;
originhack[2] = 0;
overridecolor[0] = 1;
overridecolor[1] = 1;
overridecolor[2] = 1;
if (!strcmp(value, "light_fluorospark"))
originhack[0] = 0;
originhack[1] = 0;
originhack[2] = 0;
overridecolor[0] = 1;
overridecolor[1] = 1;
overridecolor[2] = 1;
if (!strcmp(value, "light_globe"))
originhack[0] = 0;
originhack[1] = 0;
originhack[2] = 0;
overridecolor[0] = 1;
overridecolor[1] = 0.8;
overridecolor[2] = 0.4;
if (!strcmp(value, "light_flame_large_yellow"))
originhack[0] = 0;
originhack[1] = 0;
originhack[2] = 0;
overridecolor[0] = 1;
overridecolor[1] = 0.5;
overridecolor[2] = 0.1;
if (!strcmp(value, "light_flame_small_yellow"))
originhack[0] = 0;
originhack[1] = 0;
originhack[2] = 0;
overridecolor[0] = 1;
overridecolor[1] = 0.5;
overridecolor[2] = 0.1;
if (!strcmp(value, "light_torch_small_white"))
originhack[0] = 0;
originhack[1] = 0;
originhack[2] = 0;
overridecolor[0] = 1;
overridecolor[1] = 0.5;
overridecolor[2] = 0.1;
if (!strcmp(value, "light_torch_small_walltorch"))
originhack[0] = 0;
originhack[1] = 0;
originhack[2] = 0;
overridecolor[0] = 1;
overridecolor[1] = 0.5;
overridecolor[2] = 0.1;
else if (!strcmp("style", key))
style = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp("skin", key))
skin = (int)atof(value);
else if (!strcmp("pflags", key))
pflags = (int)atof(value);
//else if (!strcmp("effects", key))
//effects = (int)atof(value);
else if (!strcmp("scale", key))
lightscale = atof(value);
else if (!strcmp("fade", key))
fadescale = atof(value);
else if (!strcmp("light_radius", key))
light[0] = 1;
light[1] = 1;
light[2] = 1;
light[3] = atof(value);
else if (entnum == 0 && !strcmp("noautolight", key))
//tenebrae compat. don't generate rtlights automagically if the world entity specifies this.
if (atoi(value))
if (!islight)
if (lightscale <= 0)
lightscale = 1;
if (fadescale <= 0)
fadescale = 1;
if (color[0] == color[1] && color[0] == color[2])
color[0] *= overridecolor[0];
color[1] *= overridecolor[1];
color[2] *= overridecolor[2];
radius = light[3] * r_editlights_import_radius.value * lightscale / fadescale;
color[0] = color[0] * light[0];
color[1] = color[1] * light[1];
color[2] = color[2] * light[2];
switch (type)
radius *= 2;
VectorScale(color, (1.0f / 16.0f), color);
radius *= 2;
VectorScale(color, (1.0f / 16.0f), color);
VectorAdd(origin, originhack, origin);
if (radius >= 1)
dlight_t *dl = CL_AllocSlight();
if (!dl)
VectorCopy(origin, dl->origin);
AngleVectors(angles, dl->axis[0], dl->axis[1], dl->axis[2]);
dl->radius = radius;
VectorCopy(color, dl->color);
dl->flags = 0;
dl->flags |= (pflags & PFLAGS_CORONA)?LFLAG_FLASHBLEND:0;
dl->flags |= (pflags & PFLAGS_NOSHADOW)?LFLAG_NOSHADOWS:0;
dl->style = style+1;
dl->lightcolourscales[0] = r_editlights_import_ambient.value;
dl->lightcolourscales[1] = r_editlights_import_diffuse.value;
dl->lightcolourscales[2] = r_editlights_import_specular.value;
if (skin >= 16)
R_LoadNumberedLightTexture(dl, skin);
void R_LoadRTLights(void)
dlight_t *dl;
char fname[MAX_QPATH];
char cubename[MAX_QPATH];
char *file;
char *end;
int style;
vec3_t org;
float radius;
vec3_t rgb;
vec3_t avel;
float fov;
unsigned int flags;
float coronascale;
float corona;
float ambientscale, diffusescale, specularscale;
vec3_t angles;
//delete all old lights, even dynamic ones
rtlights_first = RTL_FIRST;
rtlights_max = RTL_FIRST;
COM_StripExtension(cl.worldmodel->name, fname, sizeof(fname));
strncat(fname, ".rtlights", MAX_QPATH-1);
file = COM_LoadTempFile(fname, NULL);
if (file)
end = strchr(file, '\n');
if (!end)
end = file + strlen(file);
if (end == file)
*end = '\0';
while(*file == ' ' || *file == '\t')
if (*file == '!')
flags = 0;
file = COM_Parse(file);
org[0] = atof(com_token);
file = COM_Parse(file);
org[1] = atof(com_token);
file = COM_Parse(file);
org[2] = atof(com_token);
file = COM_Parse(file);
radius = atof(com_token);
file = COM_Parse(file);
rgb[0] = file?atof(com_token):1;
file = COM_Parse(file);
rgb[1] = file?atof(com_token):1;
file = COM_Parse(file);
rgb[2] = file?atof(com_token):1;
file = COM_Parse(file);
style = file?atof(com_token):0;
file = COM_Parse(file);
Q_strncpyz(cubename, com_token, sizeof(cubename));
file = COM_Parse(file);
corona = file?atof(com_token):0;
file = COM_Parse(file);
angles[0] = file?atof(com_token):0;
file = COM_Parse(file);
angles[1] = file?atof(com_token):0;
file = COM_Parse(file);
angles[2] = file?atof(com_token):0;
file = COM_Parse(file);
//corona scale
coronascale = file?atof(com_token):0.25;
file = COM_Parse(file);
ambientscale = file?atof(com_token):0;
file = COM_Parse(file);
diffusescale = file?atof(com_token):1;
file = COM_Parse(file);
specularscale = file?atof(com_token):1;
file = COM_Parse(file);
flags |= file?atoi(com_token):LFLAG_REALTIMEMODE;
fov = avel[0] = avel[1] = avel[2] = 0;
file = COM_Parse(file);
if (!strncmp(com_token, "rotx=", 5))
avel[0] = file?atof(com_token+5):0;
else if (!strncmp(com_token, "roty=", 5))
avel[1] = file?atof(com_token+5):0;
else if (!strncmp(com_token, "rotz=", 5))
avel[2] = file?atof(com_token+5):0;
else if (!strncmp(com_token, "fov=", 4))
fov = file?atof(com_token+4):0;
if (radius)
dl = CL_AllocSlight();
if (!dl)
VectorCopy(org, dl->origin);
dl->radius = radius;
VectorCopy(rgb, dl->color);
dl->corona = corona;
dl->coronascale = coronascale;
dl->die = 0;
dl->flags = flags;
dl->fov = fov;
dl->lightcolourscales[0] = ambientscale;
dl->lightcolourscales[1] = diffusescale;
dl->lightcolourscales[2] = specularscale;
AngleVectorsFLU(angles, dl->axis[0], dl->axis[1], dl->axis[2]);
VectorCopy(avel, dl->rotation);
Q_strncpyz(dl->cubemapname, cubename, sizeof(dl->cubemapname));
if (*dl->cubemapname)
dl->cubetexture = R_LoadReplacementTexture(dl->cubemapname, "", IF_CUBEMAP, NULL, 0, 0, TF_INVALID);
dl->cubetexture = r_nulltex;
dl->style = style+1;
file = end+1;
void R_SaveRTLights_f(void)
dlight_t *light;
vfsfile_t *f;
unsigned int i;
char fname[MAX_QPATH];
char sysname[MAX_OSPATH];
vec3_t ang;
COM_StripExtension(cl.worldmodel->name, fname, sizeof(fname));
strncat(fname, ".rtlights", MAX_QPATH-1);
FS_CreatePath(fname, FS_GAMEONLY);
f = FS_OpenVFS(fname, "wb", FS_GAMEONLY);
if (!f)
Con_Printf("couldn't open %s\n", fname);
for (light = cl_dlights+rtlights_first, i=rtlights_first; i<rtlights_max; i++, light++)
if (light->die)
if (!light->radius)
VectorAngles(light->axis[0], light->axis[2], ang);
VFS_PUTS(f, va(
"%s%f %f %f "
"%f %f %f %f "
"%i "
"\"%s\" %f "
"%f %f %f "
"%f %f %f %f %i "
"rotx=%g roty=%g rotz=%g fov=%g "
(light->flags & LFLAG_NOSHADOWS)?"!":"", light->origin[0], light->origin[1], light->origin[2],
light->radius, light->color[0], light->color[1], light->color[2],
light->cubemapname, light->corona,
ang[0], ang[1], ang[2],
light->coronascale, light->lightcolourscales[0], light->lightcolourscales[1], light->lightcolourscales[2], light->flags&(LFLAG_NORMALMODE|LFLAG_REALTIMEMODE|LFLAG_CREPUSCULAR),
FS_NativePath(fname, FS_GAMEONLY, sysname, sizeof(sysname));
Con_Printf("rtlights saved to %s\n", sysname);
void R_StaticEntityToRTLight(int i)
entity_state_t *state = &cl_static_entities[i].state;
dlight_t *dl;
if (!(state->lightpflags&(PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC|PFLAGS_CORONA)))
dl = CL_AllocSlight();
if (!dl)
VectorCopy(state->origin, dl->origin);
AngleVectors(state->angles, dl->axis[0], dl->axis[1], dl->axis[2]);
dl->radius = state->light[3];
if (!dl->radius)
dl->radius = 350;
VectorScale(state->light, 1.0/1024, dl->color);
if (!state->light[0] && !state->light[1] && !state->light[2])
VectorSet(dl->color, 1, 1, 1);
dl->flags = 0;
dl->flags |= (state->lightpflags & PFLAGS_NOSHADOW)?LFLAG_NOSHADOWS:0;
if (state->lightpflags & PFLAGS_CORONA)
dl->corona = 1;
dl->style = state->lightstyle+1;
if (state->lightpflags & PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC)
dl->lightcolourscales[0] = r_editlights_import_ambient.value;
dl->lightcolourscales[1] = r_editlights_import_diffuse.value;
dl->lightcolourscales[2] = r_editlights_import_specular.value;
{ //corona-only light
dl->lightcolourscales[0] = 0;
dl->lightcolourscales[1] = 0;
dl->lightcolourscales[2] = 0;
if (state->skinnum >= 16)
R_LoadNumberedLightTexture(dl, state->skinnum);
void R_ReloadRTLights_f(void)
int i;
if (!cl.worldmodel)
Con_Printf("Cannot reload lights at this time\n");
rtlights_first = RTL_FIRST;
rtlights_max = RTL_FIRST;
if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "bsp"))
else if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "rtlights"))
else if (strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "none"))
if (rtlights_first == rtlights_max)
for (i = 0; i < cl.num_statics; i++)
mplane_t *lightplane;
vec3_t lightspot;
void GLQ3_LightGrid(model_t *mod, vec3_t point, vec3_t res_diffuse, vec3_t res_ambient, vec3_t res_dir)
q3lightgridinfo_t *lg = (q3lightgridinfo_t *)cl.worldmodel->lightgrid;
int index[8];
int vi[3];
int i, j;
float t[8], direction_uv[3];
vec3_t vf, vf2;
vec3_t ambient, diffuse;
if (res_dir)
res_dir[0] = 1;
res_dir[1] = 1;
res_dir[2] = 0.1;
if (!lg || !lg->lightgrid)
res_ambient[0] = 64;
res_ambient[1] = 64;
res_ambient[2] = 64;
if (res_diffuse)
res_diffuse[0] = 192;
res_diffuse[1] = 192;
res_diffuse[2] = 192;
//If in doubt, steal someone else's code...
//Thanks QFusion.
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
vf[i] = (point[i] - lg->gridMins[i]) / lg->gridSize[i];
vi[i] = (int)(vf[i]);
vf[i] = vf[i] - floor(vf[i]);
vf2[i] = 1.0f - vf[i];
index[0] = vi[2]*lg->gridBounds[3] + vi[1]*lg->gridBounds[0] + vi[0];
index[1] = index[0] + lg->gridBounds[0];
index[2] = index[0] + lg->gridBounds[3];
index[3] = index[2] + lg->gridBounds[0];
index[4] = index[0]+(index[0]<(lg->numlightgridelems-1));
index[5] = index[1]+(index[1]<(lg->numlightgridelems-1));
index[6] = index[2]+(index[2]<(lg->numlightgridelems-1));
index[7] = index[3]+(index[3]<(lg->numlightgridelems-1));
for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
if ( index[i] < 0 || index[i] >= (lg->numlightgridelems) )
res_ambient[0] = 255; //out of the map
res_ambient[1] = 255;
res_ambient[2] = 255;
if (res_diffuse)
res_diffuse[0] = 255;
res_diffuse[1] = 255;
res_diffuse[2] = 255;
t[0] = vf2[0] * vf2[1] * vf2[2];
t[1] = vf[0] * vf2[1] * vf2[2];
t[2] = vf2[0] * vf[1] * vf2[2];
t[3] = vf[0] * vf[1] * vf2[2];
t[4] = vf2[0] * vf2[1] * vf[2];
t[5] = vf[0] * vf2[1] * vf[2];
t[6] = vf2[0] * vf[1] * vf[2];
t[7] = vf[0] * vf[1] * vf[2];
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
ambient[j] = 0;
diffuse[j] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
ambient[j] += t[i*2] * lg->lightgrid[ index[i]].ambient[j];
ambient[j] += t[i*2+1] * lg->lightgrid[ index[i+4]].ambient[j];
diffuse[j] += t[i*2] * lg->lightgrid[ index[i]].diffuse[j];
diffuse[j] += t[i*2+1] * lg->lightgrid[ index[i+4]].diffuse[j];
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
direction_uv[j] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
direction_uv[j] += t[i*2] * lg->lightgrid[ index[i]].direction[j];
direction_uv[j] += t[i*2+1] * lg->lightgrid[ index[i+4]].direction[j];
direction_uv[j] = anglemod ( direction_uv[j] );
VectorScale(ambient, 4, ambient);
VectorScale(diffuse, 4, diffuse);
/*ambient is the min level*/
/*diffuse is the max level*/
VectorCopy(ambient, res_ambient);
if (res_diffuse)
VectorAdd(diffuse, ambient, res_diffuse);
if (res_dir)
vec3_t right, left;
direction_uv[2] = 0;
AngleVectors(direction_uv, res_dir, right, left);
int GLRecursiveLightPoint (mnode_t *node, vec3_t start, vec3_t end)
int r;
float front, back, frac;
int side;
mplane_t *plane;
vec3_t mid;
msurface_t *surf;
int s, t, ds, dt;
int i;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
qbyte *lightmap;
unsigned scale;
int maps;
if (cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake2)
if (node->contents != -1)
return -1; // solid
else if (node->contents < 0)
return -1; // didn't hit anything
// calculate mid point
// FIXME: optimize for axial
plane = node->plane;
front = DotProduct (start, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
back = DotProduct (end, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
side = front < 0;
if ( (back < 0) == side)
return GLRecursiveLightPoint (node->children[side], start, end);
frac = front / (front-back);
mid[0] = start[0] + (end[0] - start[0])*frac;
mid[1] = start[1] + (end[1] - start[1])*frac;
mid[2] = start[2] + (end[2] - start[2])*frac;
// go down front side
r = GLRecursiveLightPoint (node->children[side], start, mid);
if (r >= 0)
return r; // hit something
if ( (back < 0) == side )
return -1; // didn't hit anuthing
// check for impact on this node
VectorCopy (mid, lightspot);
lightplane = plane;
surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface;
for (i=0 ; i<node->numsurfaces ; i++, surf++)
if (surf->flags & SURF_DRAWTILED)
continue; // no lightmaps
tex = surf->texinfo;
s = DotProduct (mid, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3];
t = DotProduct (mid, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3];;
if (s < surf->texturemins[0] || t < surf->texturemins[1])
ds = s - surf->texturemins[0];
dt = t - surf->texturemins[1];
if ( ds > surf->extents[0] || dt > surf->extents[1] )
if (!surf->samples)
return 0;
ds >>= 4;
dt >>= 4;
lightmap = surf->samples;
r = 0;
if (lightmap)
if (cl.worldmodel->engineflags & MDLF_RGBLIGHTING)
lightmap += (dt * ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) + ds)*3;
for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXQ1LIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != 255 ;
scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]];
r += (lightmap[0]+lightmap[1]+lightmap[2]) * scale / 3;
lightmap += ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) *
lightmap += dt * ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) + ds;
for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXQ1LIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != 255 ;
scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]];
r += *lightmap * scale;
lightmap += ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) *
r >>= 8;
return r;
// go down back side
return GLRecursiveLightPoint (node->children[!side], mid, end);
int R_LightPoint (vec3_t p)
vec3_t end;
int r;
if (r_refdef.flags & 1)
return 255;
if (!cl.worldmodel || !cl.worldmodel->lightdata)
return 255;
if (cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake3)
GLQ3_LightGrid(cl.worldmodel, p, NULL, end, NULL);
return (end[0] + end[1] + end[2])/3;
end[0] = p[0];
end[1] = p[1];
end[2] = p[2] - 2048;
r = GLRecursiveLightPoint (cl.worldmodel->rootnode, p, end);
if (r == -1)
r = 0;
return r;
float *GLRecursiveLightPoint3C (mnode_t *node, vec3_t start, vec3_t end)
static float l[6];
float *r;
float front, back, frac;
int side;
mplane_t *plane;
vec3_t mid;
msurface_t *surf;
int s, t, ds, dt;
int i;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
qbyte *lightmap, *deluxmap;
float scale, overbright;
int maps;
if (cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake2)
if (node->contents != -1)
return NULL; // solid
else if (node->contents < 0)
return NULL; // didn't hit anything
// calculate mid point
// FIXME: optimize for axial
plane = node->plane;
front = DotProduct (start, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
back = DotProduct (end, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
side = front < 0;
if ( (back < 0) == side)
return GLRecursiveLightPoint3C (node->children[side], start, end);
frac = front / (front-back);
mid[0] = start[0] + (end[0] - start[0])*frac;
mid[1] = start[1] + (end[1] - start[1])*frac;
mid[2] = start[2] + (end[2] - start[2])*frac;
// go down front side
r = GLRecursiveLightPoint3C (node->children[side], start, mid);
if (r && r[0]+r[1]+r[2] >= 0)
return r; // hit something
if ( (back < 0) == side )
return NULL; // didn't hit anuthing
// check for impact on this node
VectorCopy (mid, lightspot);
lightplane = plane;
surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface;
for (i=0 ; i<node->numsurfaces ; i++, surf++)
if (surf->flags & SURF_DRAWTILED)
continue; // no lightmaps
tex = surf->texinfo;
s = DotProduct (mid, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3];
t = DotProduct (mid, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3];
if (s < surf->texturemins[0] ||
t < surf->texturemins[1])
ds = s - surf->texturemins[0];
dt = t - surf->texturemins[1];
if ( ds > surf->extents[0] || dt > surf->extents[1] )
if (!surf->samples)
return l;
ds >>= 4;
dt >>= 4;
lightmap = surf->samples;
if (lightmap)
overbright = 1/255.0f;
if (cl.worldmodel->deluxdata)
if (cl.worldmodel->engineflags & MDLF_RGBLIGHTING)
deluxmap = surf->samples - cl.worldmodel->lightdata + cl.worldmodel->deluxdata;
lightmap += (dt * ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) + ds)*3;
deluxmap += (dt * ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) + ds)*3;
for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXQ1LIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != 255 ;
scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]*overbright;
l[0] += lightmap[0] * scale * cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours[0];
l[1] += lightmap[1] * scale * cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours[1];
l[2] += lightmap[2] * scale * cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours[2];
l[3] += (deluxmap[0]-127)*scale;
l[4] += (deluxmap[1]-127)*scale;
l[5] += (deluxmap[2]-127)*scale;
lightmap += ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) *
((surf->extents[1]>>4)+1) * 3;
deluxmap += ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) *
((surf->extents[1]>>4)+1) * 3;
deluxmap = (surf->samples - cl.worldmodel->lightdata)*3 + cl.worldmodel->deluxdata;
lightmap += (dt * ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) + ds);
deluxmap += (dt * ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) + ds)*3;
for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXQ1LIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != 255 ;
scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]*overbright;
l[0] += *lightmap * scale * cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours[0];
l[1] += *lightmap * scale * cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours[1];
l[2] += *lightmap * scale * cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours[2];
l[3] += deluxmap[0]*scale;
l[4] += deluxmap[1]*scale;
l[5] += deluxmap[2]*scale;
lightmap += ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) *
deluxmap += ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) *
((surf->extents[1]>>4)+1) * 3;
if (cl.worldmodel->engineflags & MDLF_RGBLIGHTING)
lightmap += (dt * ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) + ds)*3;
for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXQ1LIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != 255 ;
scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]*overbright;
l[0] += lightmap[0] * scale * cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours[0];
l[1] += lightmap[1] * scale * cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours[1];
l[2] += lightmap[2] * scale * cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours[2];
lightmap += ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) *
((surf->extents[1]>>4)+1) * 3;
lightmap += (dt * ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) + ds);
for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXQ1LIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != 255 ;
scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]*overbright;
l[0] += *lightmap * scale * cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours[0];
l[1] += *lightmap * scale * cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours[1];
l[2] += *lightmap * scale * cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours[2];
lightmap += ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) *
return l;
// go down back side
return GLRecursiveLightPoint3C (node->children[!side], mid, end);
void GLQ1BSP_LightPointValues(model_t *model, vec3_t point, vec3_t res_diffuse, vec3_t res_ambient, vec3_t res_dir)
vec3_t end;
float *r;
extern cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world, r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps;
if (!cl.worldmodel->lightdata || r_fullbright.ival)
res_diffuse[0] = 0;
res_diffuse[1] = 0;
res_diffuse[2] = 0;
res_ambient[0] = 255;
res_ambient[1] = 255;
res_ambient[2] = 255;
res_dir[0] = 1;
res_dir[1] = 1;
res_dir[2] = 0.1;
end[0] = point[0];
end[1] = point[1];
end[2] = point[2] - 2048;
r = GLRecursiveLightPoint3C(model->rootnode, point, end);
if (r == NULL)
res_diffuse[0] = 0;
res_diffuse[1] = 0;
res_diffuse[2] = 0;
res_ambient[0] = 0;
res_ambient[1] = 0;
res_ambient[2] = 0;
res_dir[0] = 0;
res_dir[1] = 1;
res_dir[2] = 1;
res_diffuse[0] = r[0]*2;
res_diffuse[1] = r[1]*2;
res_diffuse[2] = r[2]*2;
/*bright on one side, dark on the other, but not too dark*/
res_ambient[0] = r[0]/2;
res_ambient[1] = r[1]/2;
res_ambient[2] = r[2]/2;
res_dir[0] = r[3];
res_dir[1] = r[4];
res_dir[2] = -r[5];
if (!res_dir[0] && !res_dir[1] && !res_dir[2])
res_dir[1] = res_dir[2] = 1;
if (r_shadow_realtime_world.ival)
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
float lm = r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps.value;
if (lm < 0) lm = 0;
if (lm > 1) lm = 1;
VectorScale(res_diffuse, lm, res_diffuse);
VectorScale(res_ambient, lm, res_ambient);