-- WolfAdmin module for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory servers. -- Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Timo 'Timothy' Smit -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- at your option any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.debug" local constants = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.constants" local util = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.util" local events = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.events" local timers = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.timers" local settings = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.settings" local db = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.db.db" local admin = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.admin.admin" local balancer = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.admin.balancer" local rules = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.admin.rules" local warns = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.admin.warns" local commands = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.commands.commands" local game = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.game.game" local bots = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.game.bots" local sprees = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.game.sprees" local teams = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.game.teams" local voting = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.game.voting" local stats = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.players.stats" local greetings = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.players.greetings" local version = "1.1.1-dev" local release = "30 January 2017" local basepath = nil local homepath = nil -- game related data local currentLevelTime = nil -- need to do this somewhere else function wolfa_getLevelTime() return currentLevelTime end function wolfa_getVersion() return version end function wolfa_getRelease() return release end function wolfa_getBasePath() return basepath end function wolfa_getHomePath() return homepath end function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restartMap) et.RegisterModname("WolfAdmin "..wolfa_getVersion()) outputDebug("Module "..wolfa_getVersion().." ("..wolfa_getRelease()..") loaded successfully. Created by Timo 'Timothy' Smit.") et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "sets mod_wolfadmin "..wolfa_getVersion()..";") basepath = string.gsub(et.trap_Cvar_Get("fs_basepath"), "\\", "/").."/"..et.trap_Cvar_Get("fs_game").."/" homepath = string.gsub(et.trap_Cvar_Get("fs_homepath"), "\\", "/").."/"..et.trap_Cvar_Get("fs_game").."/" if not (et.trap_Cvar_Get("fs_game") == "noquarter" or et.trap_Cvar_Get("fs_game") == "nq") then outputDebug("Warning! Not running NoQuarter, this may cause bugs. Use at your own risk.") end currentLevelTime = levelTime events.trigger("onGameInit", levelTime, randomSeed, (restartMap == 1)) end function et_ShutdownGame(restartMap) events.trigger("onGameShutdown", (restartMap == 1)) end function et_ConsoleCommand(cmdText) return events.trigger("onServerCommand", cmdText) end function et_ClientConnect(clientId, firstTime, isBot) if firstTime == 1 then stats.set(clientId, "newConnection", true) end return events.trigger("onClientConnect", clientId, (firstTime == 1), (isBot == 1)) end function et_ClientBegin(clientId) events.trigger("onClientBegin", clientId, stats.get(clientId, "newConnection")) stats.set(clientId, "newConnection", false) end function et_ClientDisconnect(clientId) events.trigger("onClientDisconnect", clientId) end function et_ClientUserinfoChanged(clientId) events.trigger("onClientInfoChange", clientId) end function et_ClientCommand(clientId, cmdText) return events.trigger("onClientCommand", clientId, cmdText) end -- gameState -- 0 - game (also when paused) -- 1 - warmup -- 2 - unknown -- 3 - intermission function et_RunFrame(levelTime) local gameState = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("gamestate")) if game.getState() ~= gameState then events.trigger("onGameStateChange", gameState) end events.trigger("onGameFrame", levelTime) end -- no callbacks defined for these things, so had to invent some special regexes -- note for etlegacy team: please take a look at this, might come in handy :-) function et_Print(consoleText) local result, poll = string.match(consoleText, "^Vote (%w+): %[poll%] ([%w%s]+)\n$") if result then events.trigger("onPollFinish", (result == "Passed"), poll) end local clientMedic, clientVictim = string.match(consoleText, "^Medic_Revive:%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)\n$") clientMedic = tonumber(clientMedic) clientVictim = tonumber(clientVictim) if clientMedic and clientVictim then events.trigger("onPlayerRevive", clientMedic, clientVictim) end end function et_Obituary(victimId, killerId, mod) events.trigger("onPlayerDeath", victimId, killerId, mod) end function et_ClientSpawn(clientId, revived) if revived == 0 then events.trigger("onPlayerSpawn", clientId) end end