-- WolfAdmin module for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory servers. -- Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Timo 'Timothy' Smit -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- at your option any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . local events = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.events" local files = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.files" local settings = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.settings" local auth = {} local srv auth.PERM_ADMINTEST = "admintest" auth.PERM_HELP = "help" auth.PERM_TIME = "time" auth.PERM_GREETING = "greeting" auth.PERM_LISTPLAYERS = "listplayers" auth.PERM_LISTTEAMS = "listteams" auth.PERM_LISTMAPS = "listmaps" auth.PERM_LISTSPREES = "listsprees" auth.PERM_LISTRULES = "listrules" auth.PERM_LISTHISTORY = "listhistory" auth.PERM_LISTWARNS = "listwarns" auth.PERM_LISTBANS = "listbans" auth.PERM_LISTALIASES = "listaliases" auth.PERM_LISTLEVELS = "listlevels" auth.PERM_LISTSTATS = "liststats" auth.PERM_FINGER = "finger" auth.PERM_RESETXP = "resetxp" auth.PERM_RESETXP_SELF = "resetxp_self" auth.PERM_ADMINCHAT = "adminchat" auth.PERM_PUT = "put" auth.PERM_DROPWEAPONS = "dropweapons" auth.PERM_RENAME = "rename" auth.PERM_FREEZE = "freeze" auth.PERM_DISORIENT = "disorient" auth.PERM_BURN = "burn" auth.PERM_SLAP = "slap" auth.PERM_GIB = "gib" auth.PERM_THROW = "throw" auth.PERM_GLOW = "glow" auth.PERM_PANTS = "pants" auth.PERM_POP = "pop" auth.PERM_WARN = "warn" auth.PERM_MUTE = "mute" auth.PERM_VOICEMUTE = "voicemute" auth.PERM_KICK = "kick" auth.PERM_BAN = "ban" auth.PERM_SPEC999 = "spec999" auth.PERM_BALANCE = "balance" auth.PERM_LOCKPLAYER = "lockplayers" auth.PERM_LOCKTEAM = "lockteam" auth.PERM_SHUFFLE = "shuffle" auth.PERM_SWAP = "swap" auth.PERM_PAUSE = "pause" auth.PERM_NEXTMAP = "nextmap" auth.PERM_RESTART = "restart" auth.PERM_BOTADMIN = "botadmin" auth.PERM_ENABLEVOTE = "enablevote" auth.PERM_CANCELVOTE = "cancelvote" auth.PERM_PASSVOTE = "passvote" auth.PERM_NEWS = "news" auth.PERM_UPTIME = "uptime" auth.PERM_SETLEVEL = "setlevel" auth.PERM_READCONFIG = "readconfig" auth.PERM_CHEATS = "cheats" auth.PERM_DISGUISE = "disguise" -- legacy auth.PERM_AMMOPACK = "ammopack" -- legacy auth.PERM_MEDPACK = "medpack" -- legacy auth.PERM_REVIVE = "revive" -- legacy auth.PERM_NOINACTIVITY = "noinactivity" auth.PERM_NOVOTE = "novote" auth.PERM_NOCENSOR = "nocensor" auth.PERM_NOBALANCE = "nobalance" auth.PERM_NOVOTELIMIT = "novotelimit" auth.PERM_NOREASON = "noreason" auth.PERM_PERMA = "perma" auth.PERM_TEAMCMDS = "teamcmds" auth.PERM_SILENTCMDS = "silentcmds" auth.PERM_SPY = "spy" auth.PERM_INCOGNITO = "incognito" auth.PERM_IMMUNE = "immune" -- as this module serves as a wrapper/super class, we load the selected database -- system in this function. might have to think of a better way to implement -- this, but it will suffice. function auth.oninit() if settings.get("g_standalone") == 1 then srv = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.auth.acl" else srv = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.auth.shrubbot" end if settings.get("g_standalone") == 1 and et.trap_Cvar_Get("g_shrubbot") ~= "" then outputDebug("Running in standalone mode while g_shrubbot is set", 3) end setmetatable(auth, {__index = srv}) end events.handle("onGameInit", auth.oninit) return auth