-- WolfAdmin module for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory servers. -- Copyright (C) 2015 Timo 'Timothy' Smit -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- at your option any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . local constants = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.constants" local util = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.util" local events = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.events" local files = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.files" local settings = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.settings" local stats = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.players.stats" local cfg = {} local maps = {} local records = {} function cfg.addmap(mapname, lastplayed) table.insert(records, { ["map"] = mapname, }) end function cfg.updatemap(mapid, lastplayed) end function cfg.getmap(mapname) for id, record in ipairs(records) do if record["map"] == mapname then return {["id"] = id} end end end function cfg.addrecord(mapid, recorddate, recordtype, record, playerid) cfg.updaterecord(mapid, recorddate, recordtype, record, playerid) end function cfg.updaterecord(mapid, recorddate, recordtype, record, playerid) local typestr = "" if recordtype == constants.RECORD_KILL then typestr = "ks" elseif recordtype == constants.RECORD_DEATH then typestr = "ds" elseif recordtype == constants.RECORD_REVIVE then typestr = "rs" end records[mapid][typestr.."record"] = record records[mapid][typestr.."name"] = playerid end function cfg.removerecords(mapid) records[mapid] = { ["map"] = records[mapid]["map"], } end function cfg.getrecords(mapid) return records[mapid] end function cfg.getrecordscount(mapid) return #records end function cfg.getrecord(mapid, recordtype) local row = records[mapid] if row then local record, typestr = {}, "" if recordtype == constants.RECORD_KILL then typestr = "ks" elseif recordtype == constants.RECORD_DEATH then typestr = "ds" elseif recordtype == constants.RECORD_REVIVE then typestr = "rs" end if not record[typestr.."player"] then return end record[typestr.."player"] = tonumber(row["player"]) record[typestr.."record"] = tonumber(row["record"]) return record end end function cfg.addplayer(guid, ip) end function cfg.updateplayer(guid, ip) end function cfg.getplayerid(clientid) if type(clientid) == "number" then return stats.get(clientid, "playerName") end return clientid end function mysql.isplayerbot(clientid) return string.match(stats.get(clientid, "playerGUID"), 'OMNIBOT%d%d%d+') end function cfg.getplayer(guid) end function cfg.addalias(playerid, alias, lastused) end function cfg.updatealias(aliasid, lastused) end function cfg.getaliases(playerid) end function cfg.getaliasbyid(aliasid) end function cfg.getaliasbyname(playerid, aliasname) end function cfg.getlastalias(playerid) return {["alias"] = playerid} end function cfg.addsetlevel(playerid, level, adminid, datetime) end function cfg.getlevels(playerid) end function cfg.addwarn(playerid, reason, adminid, datetime) end function cfg.removewarn(warnid) end function cfg.getwarns(playerid) end function cfg.getwarn(warnid) end function cfg.isconnected() end function cfg.start() local fileName = settings.get("g_fileSprees") if fileName == "" then return end local amount, array = files.loadCFG(fileName, "record", true) records = array["record"] or {} for id, record in ipairs(records) do record["ksrecord"] = tonumber(record["ksrecord"]) record["dsrecord"] = tonumber(record["dsrecord"]) record["rsrecord"] = tonumber(record["rsrecord"]) end end function cfg.close(doSave) -- in case of a map restart for example if not doSave then return end local fileName = settings.get("g_fileSprees") if fileName == "" then return true end local array = {["record"] = {}} -- add back the indices we removed for _, record in ipairs(records) do table.insert(array["record"], record) end files.save(fileName, array) end return cfg