-- WolfAdmin module for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory servers. -- Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Timo 'Timothy' Smit -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- at your option any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . local db = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.db.db" local stats = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.players.stats" local events = require "luascripts.wolfadmin.util.events" local players = {} function players.onconnect(clientId, firstTime, isBot) local clientInfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo(clientId) -- name is NOT yet set in pers.netname, so get all info out of infostring stats.set(clientId, "playerName", et.Info_ValueForKey(clientInfo, "name")) stats.set(clientId, "playerGUID", et.Info_ValueForKey(clientInfo, "cl_guid")) stats.set(clientId, "playerIP", string.gsub(et.Info_ValueForKey(clientInfo, "ip"), ":%d*", "")) stats.set(clientId, "playerTeam", tonumber(et.gentity_get(clientId, "sess.sessionTeam"))) stats.set(clientId, "isBot", isBot) if firstTime == 1 then stats.set(clientId, "newConnection", true) if db.isconnected() then local player = db.getplayer(stats.get(clientId, "playerGUID")) if player then local guid = stats.get(clientId, "playerGUID") local ip = stats.get(clientId, "playerIP") db.updateplayerip(guid, ip) else local guid = stats.get(clientId, "playerGUID") local ip = stats.get(clientId, "playerIP") db.addplayer(guid, ip) end local name = stats.get(clientId, "playerName") local alias = db.getaliasbyname(player["id"], name) if alias then db.updatealias(alias["id"], os.time()) else db.addalias(playerid, name, os.time()) end end end end events.handle("onClientConnect", players.onconnect) function players.onbegin(clientId) -- TODO: -- new approach: load necessary data in onClientConnect event handlers, -- load rest in onClientBegin handlers (avoids useless loading of stats, -- less coupling between main.lua and stats.lua) -- ensures that all data is loaded from this moment on events.trigger("onPlayerReady", clientId, stats.get(clientId, "newConnection")) stats.set(clientId, "newConnection", false) end events.handle("onClientBegin", players.onbegin) function players.ondisconnect(clientId) stats.remove(clientId) end events.handle("onClientDisconnect", players.ondisconnect) function players.onnamechange(clientId, old, new) -- TODO: on some mods, this message is already printed -- known: old NQ versions, Legacy et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "csay -1 \""..old.." ^7is now known as "..new.."\";") if db.isconnected() then local playerid = db.getplayer(stats.get(clientId, "playerGUID"))["id"] local name = stats.get(clientId, "playerName") local alias = db.getaliasbyname(playerid, name) if alias then db.updatealias(alias["id"], os.time()) else db.addalias(playerid, name, os.time()) end end end events.handle("onClientNameChange", players.onnamechange) function players.oninfochange(clientId) local clientInfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo(clientId) local old = stats.get(clientId, "playerTeam") local new = tonumber(et.gentity_get(clientId, "sess.sessionTeam")) if new ~= old then stats.set(clientId, "playerTeam", new) events.trigger("onClientTeamChange", clientId, old, new) end end events.handle("onClientInfoChange", players.oninfochange) return players