#include "ui/menudef.h" // Defines // #define WINDOW_X 16 #define WINDOW_Y 16 #define WINDOW_WIDTH 296 #define WINDOW_HEIGHT 134 #define GROUP_NAME "grpIngameVoteWolfAdmin" // Macros // #include "ui/menumacros.h" // WolfAdmin Vote Menu // menuDef { name "ingame_vote_wolfadmin" visible 0 fullscreen 0 rect WINDOW_X WINDOW_Y WINDOW_WIDTH WINDOW_HEIGHT style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED onOpen { } onEsc { close ingame_vote_wolfadmin ; open ingame_vote } // Window // WINDOW( "^1WOLF^7ADMIN", 50) // Buttons // BUTTONEXT( 6, 32, WINDOW_WIDTH-12, 14, "ENABLE BOTS", .24, 11, exec "cmd callvote poll enable bots"; uiScript closeingame, voteFlag CV_SVF_POLL ) BUTTONEXT( 6, 50, WINDOW_WIDTH-12, 14, "DISABLE BOTS", .24, 11, exec "cmd callvote poll disable bots"; uiScript closeingame, voteFlag CV_SVF_POLL ) // left side buttons BUTTONEXT( 6, 68, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-18), 14, "PUTBOTS AXIS", .24, 11, exec "cmd callvote poll put bots axis"; uiScript closeingame, voteFlag CV_SVF_POLL ) // right side buttons BUTTONEXT( 6+.5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-18)+6, 68, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-18), 14, "PUTBOTS ALLIES", .24, 11, exec "cmd callvote poll put bots allies"; uiScript closeingame, voteFlag CV_SVF_POLL ) MULTILEFT( 8, 86+2, .80*(WINDOW_WIDTH-18), 10, "Bot difficulty:", .2, 8, "ui_poll", cvarStrList { "Epic"; "set bot difficulty epic"; "Hard"; "set bot difficulty hard"; "Normal"; "set bot difficulty normal" } voteflag CV_SVF_POLL, "Select the difficulty to vote on" ) NAMEDBUTTONEXT( "bttnextBotDifficulty", 6+.80*(WINDOW_WIDTH-18)+6, 86, .20*(WINDOW_WIDTH-18), 14, "OK", .24, 11, uiScript votePoll; uiScript closeingame, voteflag CV_SVF_POLL ) BUTTON( 6, WINDOW_HEIGHT-24, WINDOW_WIDTH-12, 18, "BACK", .3, 14, close ingame_vote_wolfadmin ; open ingame_vote ) }