# Sample config file for WolfAdmin. Adjust to your needs. # See http://dev.timosmit.com/wolfadmin/ # http://dev.timosmit.com/wolfadmin/configuration.html [main] # os = "unix" standalone = 1 debug = 0 [db] type = "sqlite3" file = "wolfadmin.db" # the settings below are only used for type 'mysql', uncomment if needed # hostname = "localhost" # port = 3306 # database = "wolfadmin" # username = "wolfadmin" # password = "suchasecret" [logs] chat = "chat.log" admin = "admin.log" [omnibot] minbots = -1 maxbots = 10 [admin] history = 1 maxrenames = 80 [balancer] mindif = 2 maxdif = 5 selection = 0 interval = 30 [game] announcerevives = 1 [voting] timeout = 0 restricted = [] [banners] welcome = "^dwolfadmin: ^9This server is running WolfAdmin, type ^7/wolfadmin ^9for more information." area = 3 [rules] file = "rules.toml" [greetings] file = "greetings.toml" area = 3 bots = 1 [records] bots = 1 [sprees] file = "sprees.toml" messages = 7 records = 1