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synced 2025-02-16 09:02:20 +00:00
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**Fields** are entity parameters supported by `et.gentity_get() <functions.html#variable-et-gentity-get-entnum-fieldname-arrayindex>`__ and `et.gentity_set() <functions.html#et-gentity-set-entnum-fieldname-arrayindex-value>`__ functions.
Player fields
================================= =========== ======== ==================================
Name Type Flag Description
================================= =========== ======== ==================================
noclip int ro
lastKillTime int ro
saved_persistant int_array ro
lastConstructibleBlockingWarnTime int ro
landmineSpottedTime int ro
lasthurt_client int ro
lasthurt_mod int ro
lasthurt_time int ro
respawnTime int ro
inactivityTime int rw
inactivityWarning int rw
combatState int ro
deathAnimTime int ro
deathTime int ro
disguiseClientNum int ro
medals int ro
acc float ro
hspct float ro
freezed int rw
constructSoundTime int ro
pers.connected int ro
pers.netname string noptr
pers.localClient int rw
pers.initialSpawn int rw
pers.enterTime int rw
pers.connectTime int ro
pers.teamState.state int rw
pers.voteCount int rw
pers.complaints int rw
pers.complaintClient int rw
pers.complaintEndTime int rw
pers.lastReinforceTime int rw
pers.applicationClient int rw
pers.applicationEndTime int rw
pers.invitationClient int rw
pers.invitationEndTime int rw
pers.propositionClient int rw
pers.propositionClient2 int rw
pers.propositionEndTime int rw
pers.autofireteamEndTime int rw
pers.autofireteamCreateEndTime int rw
pers.autofireteamJoinEndTime int rw
pers.lastSpawnTime int ro
pers.ready int rw
pers.lastkilled_client int ro
pers.lastrevive_client int ro
pers.lastkiller_client int ro
pers.lastammo_client int ro
pers.lasthealth_client int rw
pers.lastteambleed_client int ro
pers.lastteambleed_dmg int ro
pers.playerStats.hitRegions int_array ro
pers.lastBattleSenseBonusTime int ro
pers.lastHQMineReportTime int ro
pers.maxHealth int ro
pers.playerStats.selfkills int ro
ps.pm_flags int ro
ps.pm_time int ro
ps.pm_type int ro
ps.eFlags int ro
ps.weapon int ro
ps.weaponstate int ro
ps.stats int_array rw
ps.persistant int_array rw
ps.ping int ro
ps.powerups int_array rw
ps.origin vec3 rw
ps.viewangles vec3 rw
ps.velocity vec3 rw
ps.ammo int_array rw
ps.ammoclip int_array rw
ps.classWeaponTime int rw
ps.viewheight int ro
ps.leanf float ro
sess.sessionTeam int rw
sess.spectatorTime int rw
sess.spectatorState int rw
sess.spectatorClient int rw
sess.playerType int rw
sess.playerWeapon int rw
sess.playerWeapon2 int rw
sess.spawnObjectiveIndex int rw
sess.latchPlayerType int rw
sess.latchPlayerWeapon int rw
sess.latchPlayerWeapon2 int rw
sess.ignoreClients int_array rw
sess.muted int rw
sess.skillpoints float_array ro
sess.startskillpoints float_array ro
sess.startxptotal float ro
sess.skill int_array rw
sess.rank int rw
sess.medals int_array rw
sess.referee int rw
sess.rounds int rw
sess.spec_invite int rw
sess.spec_team int rw
sess.kills int rw
sess.deaths int rw
sess.gibs int rw
sess.self_kills int rw
sess.team_kills int rw
sess.team_gibs int rw
sess.damage_given int rw
sess.damage_received int rw
sess.team_damage_given int rw
sess.team_damage_received int rw
sess.time_axis int ro
sess.time_allies int ro
sess.time_played int ro
sess.mu float ro
sess.sigma float ro
sess.oldmu float ro
sess.oldsigma float ro
sess.uci int rw
sess.aWeaponStats weaponstat ro
================================= =========== ======== ==================================
.. note:: All the session `sess.*` fields will return `nil` unless the entity is associated with a client slot.
.. note:: All array variables need to be get or set with an additional parameter.
Entity fields
================================= =========== ======== ==================================
Name Type Flag Description
================================= =========== ======== ==================================
activator entity ro
chain entity rw
classname string rw
clipmask int rw
closespeed float rw
count int rw
count2 int rw
damage int rw
deathType int rw
delay float rw
dl_atten int rw
dl_color vec3 rw
dl_shader string ro
dl_stylestring string ro
duration float rw
end_size int rw
enemy entity rw
entstate int ro
flags int ro
harc float rw
health int rw
inuse int rw
isProp int ro
item string ro
key int rw
message string rw
methodOfDeath int rw
mg42BaseEnt int rw
missionLevel int rw
model string ro
model2 string ro
nextTrain entity rw
noise_index int rw
prevTrain entity rw
props_frame_state int ro
r.absmax vec3 ro
r.absmin vec3 ro
r.bmodel int ro
r.contents int rw
r.currentAngles vec3 rw
r.currentOrigin vec3 rw
r.eventTime int rw
r.linked int ro
r.maxs vec3 rw
r.mins vec3 rw
r.ownerNum int rw
r.singleClient int rw
r.svFlags int rw
r.worldflags int ro
radius int rw
random float rw
rotate vec3 rw
s.angles vec3 rw
s.angles2 vec3 rw
s.apos trajectory rw
s.clientNum int rw
s.constantLight int rw
s.density int rw
s.dl_intensity int rw
s.dmgFlags int rw
s.eFlags int rw
s.eType int rw
s.effect1Time int rw
s.effect2Time int rw
s.effect3Time int rw
s.frame int rw
s.groundEntityNum int ro
s.loopSound int rw
s.modelindex int rw
s.modelindex2 int rw
s.number int ro
s.onFireEnd int rw
s.onFireStart int rw
s.origin vec3 rw
s.origin2 vec3 rw
s.pos trajectory rw
s.powerups int ro
s.solid int rw
s.teamNum int rw
s.time int rw
s.time2 int rw
s.weapon int ro
s.eventParm int rw
scriptName string ro
spawnflags int ro
spawnitem string ro
speed int rw
splashDamage int rw
splashMethodOfDeath int rw
splashRadius int rw
start_size int rw
tagName string noptr+ro
tagParent entity rw
takedamage int rw
tankLink entity rw
target string rw
TargetAngles vec3 rw
TargetFlag int ro
targetname string ro
teamchain entity rw
teammaster entity rw
track string ro
varc float rw
wait float rw
waterlevel int ro
watertype int ro
================================= =========== ======== ==================================
Field types
An integer value.
A float value.
A string.
An array is a list of integer or float values. Individual elements of the array are accessed by passing the desired index in the `arrayindex` argument.
Valid array indexes are integers from 0 up to some field specific maximum.
.. note:: The `arrayindex` argument is required when accessing array type fields, so only one element of an array can be accessed in a given call to the `et.gentity_get() <functions.html#variable-et-gentity-get-entnum-fieldname-arrayindex>`__ and `et.gentity_set() <functions.html#et-gentity-set-entnum-fieldname-arrayindex-value>`__ functions.
A vec3_t is a 3-element array of numbers, usually used to store and process coordinates in 3D space.
Similarly, a vector is an array (table indexed by integers) containing 3 numbers. It can be accessed by::
origin = et.gentity_get(entNum, "r.currentOrigin") --a vec3 value
x, y, z = origin[1], origin[2], origin[3]
A trajectory is returned as a lua table as described below::
trDuration = <number>, --- int
trTime = <number>, -- int
trType = <number>, -- see below for allowed values
trBase = <vec3_t>, -- vec3, as described above
trDelta = <vec3_t> -- also a vec3
The allowed values for `trType` are as follows:
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Name Description
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TR_INTERPOLATE non-parametric, but interpolate between snapshots
TR_LINEAR_STOP_BACK so reverse movement can be different than forward
TR_SINE value = base + sin( time / duration ) * delta
TR_GRAVITY_FLOAT super low grav with no gravity acceleration (floating feathers/fabric/leaves/...)
TR_GRAVITY_PAUSED has stopped, but will still do a short trace to see if it should be switched back to TR_GRAVITY
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.. note:: Not all values make sense for all entity types.
Entity numbers are integers from 0 through 1023.
Some of the entity numbers have special meanings:
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Value Description
=========================== ===============================================================
0 - (sv_privateclients - 1) Reserved for clients who connect with the private slot password
0 - 63 Reserved for clients and also the client number
1022 Worldspawn entity
1023 ENTITYNUM_NONE which is used to indicate no entity when an entity number will be passed over the network
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.. note:: Some other fields not listed as type `entity` may take an entity number value. Examples are `mg42BaseEnt` and `s.number`.