========= Functions ========= Here are all available Lua functions of the `et` library. Modules ======= et.RegisterModname( modname ) ----------------------------- Registers a descriptive name for this mod. * `modname` is the name to register the Lua module. vmnumber = et.FindSelf() ------------------------ Returns the assigned Lua VM slot number. * `vmnumber` is the returned slot number assigned to this Lua VM. modname, signature = et.FindMod( vmnumber ) ------------------------------------------- Returns the name and SHA1 signature for the mod loaded in a VM slot. * `vmnumber` is the VM slot number of the Lua module. * `modname, signature` is the returned registered module's name and its SHA-1 signature. Returns `nil, nil` if the VM slot is invalid. success = et.IPCSend( vmnumber, message ) ----------------------------------------- Sends the string `message` to the mod in the VM slot indicated by `vmnumber`. * `vmnumber` is the VM slot number of the Lua module to send a message to. * `message` is the message string to sent to the Lua module. Returns 1 if the message is sent successfully, and 0 if it fails. .. note:: The mod receiving message must have an `et_IPCReceive() `__ callback. .. tip:: See the `Inter Process Communication (IPC) `__ for an example of communication between different loaded Lua modules. Printing ======== et.G_Print( text ) ------------------ Prints text to the server console. * `text` is the printed string. et.G_LogPrint( text ) --------------------- Prints text to the server console and writes it to the server log. * `text` is the printed and logged string. Argument handling ================= These functions are to be used within the `command callback `__ functions. args = et.ConcatArgs( index ) ----------------------------- Returns all arguments beginning concatenated into a single string. * `index` is the index of the first argument in the concatenated string. * `args` is the returned concatenated string. argcount = et.trap_Argc() ------------------------- Returns the number of command line arguments in the server command. * `argcount` is the returned count of arguments. arg = et.trap_Argv( index ) --------------------------- Returns the contents of the command line argument. * `index` is the index of the argument to return. * `arg` is the returned argument. Cvars ===== cvarvalue = et.trap_Cvar_Get( name ) ------------------------------------ Returns the value of the given cvar. * `name` is the name of the cvar. * `cvarvalue` is the returned string containing the value. If there is no cvar with the given name, the returning string has zero length. et.trap_Cvar_Set( name, cvarvalue ) ----------------------------------- Sets value to a cvar. * `name` is the name of the cvar to set. * `cvarvalue` is the new value for the cvar. Configstrings ============= configstring = et.trap_GetConfigstring( index ) ----------------------------------------------- Returns content of the configstring index. * `index` is the index of the configstring. See `et.CS_* constants `__ for possible values. * `configstring` is the returned string containing the full configstring. et.trap_SetConfigstring( index, value ) --------------------------------------- Sets the full configstring. * `index` is the configstring index. See `et.CS_* constants `__ for possible values. * `value` is the full configstring to set. Server ====== et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( when, command ) ------------------------------------------- Sends command to the server console. * `when` tells when the command is executed. See `et.EXEC_* constants `__ for possible values. * `command` is the full command to execute. Clients ======= et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientnum, command ) ----------------------------------------------- Sends the command command to the client clientnum. If clientnum is -1, the command is broadcast to all connected clients. .. tip:: See the `SendServerCommand `__ page for a detailed example usage of possible commands. et.trap_DropClient( clientnum, reason, bantime ) ------------------------------------------------- Disconnects client from the server. * `clientnum` is the slot number of the client. * `reason` is the descriptive reason for the kick which is reported to the client. * `bantime` is the length of the ban in seconds. clientnum = et.ClientNumberFromString( string ) ----------------------------------------------- Searches for one partial match with player name. * `string` is a pattern to match against client names. * `clientnum` is the returned client slot number if one match is found, otherwise `nil` is returned (none or more than one match). et.G_Say( clientNum, mode, text ) --------------------------------- Sends a chat command on behalf of client. * `clientnum` is the slot number of the client. * `mode` is the broadcast mode. See `et.SAY_* constants `__. * `text` is the chat text. et.MutePlayer( clientnum, duration, reason ) -------------------------------------------- Mutes the specified player. * `clientnum` is the slot number of the client to mute. * `duration` is the optional duration of the mute in seconds. * `reason` is the optional reason of the mute. et.UnmutePlayer( clientnum ) ---------------------------- Unmutes the specified player. * `clientnum` is the slot number of the client to unmute. Userinfo ======== userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum ) ------------------------------------------- Returns the userinfo string of a client. * `clientnum` is the slot number of the client. * `userinfo` is the returned string of the specified client. et.trap_SetUserinfo( clientnum, userinfo ) ------------------------------------------ Sets the userinfo string of the client to the specified userinfo. * `clientnum` is the slot number of the client. * `userinfo` is the userinfo string that replaces the current userinfo. .. note:: The `et.ClientUserinfoChanged( clientnum ) <#et-clientuserinfochanged-clientnum>`__ function must be called after this function for the changes to take effect. et.ClientUserinfoChanged( clientnum ) ------------------------------------- Loads the new userinfo string of the client and sets the client settings to match it. * `clientnum` is the slot number of the client. String utility ============== newinfostring = et.Info_RemoveKey( infostring, key ) ---------------------------------------------------- Removes a key and its associated value from an infostring. * `infostring` is the infostring from which to remove the key. * `key` is the key to remove. * `newinfostring` is the returned modified infostring without the key. newinfostring = et.Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, key, value ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sets a value in an infostring. * `infostring` is the original infostring. * `key` is the key to set. * `value` is the value to set to the key. If empty, the key is removed from the infostring. * `newinfostring` is the returned modified infostring. keyvalue = et.Info_ValueForKey( infostring, key ) ------------------------------------------------- Returns a value from an infostring. * `infostring` is the infostring from where to search the key. * `key` is the key which value is returned. * `keyvalue` is the returned value from the searched key. If key is not present in the infostring, an empty string is returned. cleanstring = et.Q_CleanStr( string ) ------------------------------------- Returns string stripped of all color codes and special characters. * `string` is the string to clean. * `cleanstring` is the returned cleaned string. Filesystem ========== fd, len = et.trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, mode ) ------------------------------------------------ Opens a file in the local file system. * `filename` is the name of the file to open. The file is opened under the current working directory and absolute paths will not work. * `mode` is the access mode the file is opened. See `et.FS_* constants `__ for possible values. * `fd, len` are returned descriptor of the file and the length of the file. On error, len returns -1. filedata = et.trap_FS_Read( fd, count ) --------------------------------------- Reads from an open file. * `fd` is the descriptor of the file to read. * `count` is the amount of bytes to read. * `filedata` is the returned value that have the read bytes. count = et.trap_FS_Write( filedata, count, fd ) ----------------------------------------------- Writes at the end of an open file. * `filedata` is a block of bytes to write. * `count` is the size of the block to write. * `fd` is the descriptor of the file. * `count` is the returned amount of bytes written to the file. et.trap_FS_FCloseFile( fd ) --------------------------- Closes an opened file. * `fd` is the descriptor of the opened file. et.trap_FS_Rename( oldname, newname ) ------------------------------------- Renames a file in the local file system. * `oldname` is the name of the file to rename. * `newname` is the name the old file name is changed to. filelist = et.trap_FS_GetFileList( dirname, fileextension ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Retrieves list of files from a directory. * `dirname` is the name of the directory. * `filextension` is the file extension of file names to retrieve. * `filelist` is the returned array of file names strings. Indexes ======= soundindex = et.G_SoundIndex( filename ) ---------------------------------------- Returns the index to the searched soundfile. * `filename` is the sound file name that is searched. * `soundindex` is the returned string index that includes the filename or 0 if not found. modelindex = et.G_ModelIndex( filename ) ---------------------------------------- Returns the index to the searched model. * `filename` is the name that is searched. * `modelindex` is the returned string index that included the filename or 0 if not found. Sound ===== et.G_globalSound( sound ) ------------------------- Plays a sound to all connected clients. * `sound` is the name of the sound to play. et.G_Sound( entnum, soundindex ) -------------------------------- Plays a sound originating from position of an entity. * `entnum` is the number of the entity which position is used as the sound origin. * `soundindex` is the index of the sound that is played. et.G_ClientSound( clientnum, soundindex ) ----------------------------------------- Plays a sound originating from a client entity to the team members of that client. * `clientnum` is the slot number of the connected player. * `soundindex` is the index to the sound to play. Miscellaneous ============= milliseconds = et.trap_Milliseconds() ------------------------------------- Returns level time. * `milliseconds` is the returned time in milliseconds. success = et.isBitSet( bit, value ) ----------------------------------- Checks bit status of a bitmask value. * `bit` is the checked bit. * `value` is the bitmask value. Returns 1 if the bit is set in the bitmask value, and 0 if it is not. et.G_Damage( target, inflictor, attacker, damage, dflags, mod ) --------------------------------------------------------------- Damages target entity on behalf of the attacker entity. * `target` is the entity number to damage. * `inflictor` is the entity number that does the damage. * `attacker` is the entity number that causes the `inflictor` entity to cause damage to `target`. * `damage` is the amount of damage to inflict. * `dflags` is the type of damage to inflict. See `Damage flags `__ for possible values. * `mod` is the means of death. See `et.MOD_* constants `__ for possible values. et.G_AddSkillPoints( clientNum, skill, points ) ----------------------------------------------- Adds points to the client's skill. * `clientNum` is the slot number of the client. * `skill` identifies the skill that the points are added to. See `Skill types `__ for possible values. * `points` is the amount of points to add. et.G_LoseSkillPoints( clientNum, skill, points ) ------------------------------------------------ Removes points to the client's skill. * `clientNum` is the slot number of the client. * `skill` identifies the skill that the points are removed from. See `Skill types `__ for possible values. * `points` is the amount of points to remove. et.G_XP_Set ( clientNum , xp, skill, points ) --------------------------------------------- Sets XP of the client. * `clientNum` is the slot number of the client. * `xp` is the cumulative number of XP points. * `skill` identifies the skill that the points are added to. See `Skill types `__ for possible values. * `points` is the amount of points to add. et.G_ResetXP ( clientNum ) -------------------------- Resets XP of the client. * `clientNum` is the slot number of the client. et.AddWeaponToPlayer( clientNum, weapon, ammo, ammoclip, setcurrent ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Adds a weapon to a client. * `clientNum` is the slot number of the client. * `weapon` is the weapon to add. See `et.WP_* constants `__ for possible values. * `ammon` is the number of ammo to add. * `ammoclip` is the number of ammo clip to add. * `setcurrent` sets the weapon as current weapon if 1, or does not select it if 0. et.RemoveWeaponFromPlayer( clientNum, weapon ) ---------------------------------------------- Removes a weapon from a client. * `clientNum` is the slot number of the client. * `weapon` is the weapon to add. See `et.WP_* constants `__ for possible values. Entities ======== entnum = et.G_CreateEntity( params ) ------------------------------------ Creates a new entity. * `params` are mapscript parameters. * `entnum` is the returned number of the new entity. et.G_DeleteEntity( params ) --------------------------- Deletes an entity. * `params` are mapscript parameters. entnum = et.G_TempEntity( origin, event ) ----------------------------------------- Spawns a new temp entity to a location. * `origin` is the location the temp entity is placed. * `event` is the event type of the entity. See `Event types `__ for possible values. * `entnum` is the returned the number of the new entity. et.G_FreeEntity( entnum ) ------------------------- Deletes an entity. * `entnum` is the entity number. count = et.G_EntitiesFree() --------------------------- Calculates all free entities. * `count` is the returned number of free entities. .. note:: Free client entities (slots) are not counted. et.G_SetEntState( entnum, newstate ) ------------------------------------ Sets an entity state. * `entnum` is the entity number. * `newstate` is the new entity state. et.trap_LinkEntity( entnum ) ---------------------------- Links an entity. * `entnum` is the entity number to link. et.trap_UnlinkEntity( entnum ) ------------------------------ Unlinks an entity. * `entnum` is the entity number to unlink. spawnval = et.G_GetSpawnVar( entnum, key ) ------------------------------------------ Returns a value of a spawnvar. * `entnum` is the entity number of the target. * `key` is the key for the value to return. See `Entity fields `__ for possible values. * `spawnval` is the returned spawn value. et.G_SetSpawnVar( entnum, key, value ) -------------------------------------- Sets spawn value to an entity. * `entitynum` is the target entity. * `key` is the key for the value. See `Entity fields `__ for possible values. * `value` is the new value for the key. variable = et.gentity_get ( entnum, fieldname, arrayindex ) ----------------------------------------------------------- Returns a field value associated with an entity. * `entnum` is the number of the entity. * `fieldname` is the name of the field to get. See `Fields `__ for possible values. * `arrayindex`, if present, specifies which element of an array entity field to get. * `variable` is the returned field value. For NULL entities or clients, `nil` is returned. .. note:: `arrayindex` is required when accessing array type fields. Array indexes start at 0. et.gentity_set( entnum, fieldname, arrayindex, value ) ------------------------------------------------------ Sets a value in an entity. * `entnum` is the entity number that is manipulated. * `fieldname` is the name of the field to manipulate. See `Fields `__ for possible values. * `value` is the new value. * `arrayindex`, if present, specifies which element of an array entity field to set. et.G_AddEvent( ent, event, eventparm ) -------------------------------------- Adds an event to the entity event sequence. * `ent` is the entity which event sequnce is handled. * `event` is the event to add. * `eventparm` is optional parameter for the event. Shaders ======= et.G_ShaderRemap( oldShader, newShader ) ---------------------------------------- Remaps shader. * `oldShader` is the old shader. * `newShader` is the new shader. et.G_ResetRemappedShaders() --------------------------- Resets remapped shaders. et.G_ShaderRemapFlush() ----------------------- Flushes remapped shaders. et.G_SetGlobalFog( params ) --------------------------- Sets global fog to a specific color and density. * `params` are mapscript fog parameters.