============= Miscellaneous ============= Configstring ============ Configstrings are strings (often in the form of a set of `key\\value` pairs) set on the server and automatically sent to each client. They can be accessed with the `Configstring `__ and `String utility `__ functions. .. tip:: A group of related configstrings usually only have a symbolic name for the first value, with a number added to get a particular value. For example, to access a user `CS_PLAYERS` configstring you must use `et.trap_GetConfigstring(et.CS_PLAYERS + slotNumber)`. See `et.CS_* constants `__ for available configstrings. Here is the detailed content of the user **CS_PLAYERS** configstring: === =========================== =================================================== Key Value Description === =========================== =================================================== n pers.netname Nickname t sess.sessionTeam Team c sess.playerType Class lc sess.latchPlayerType Latched class r sess.rank Rank m medalStr Medals s skillStr Skills dn disguiseClientNum Disguised covert ops w sess.playerWeapon Primary weapon lw sess.latchPlayerWeapon Latched primary weapon sw sess.playerWeapon2 Secondary weapon lsw sess.latchPlayerWeapon2 Latched secondary weapon mu sess.muted Muted ref sess.referee Referee u sess.uci GeoIP `ISO 3166-1 `_ country code === =========================== =================================================== Userinfo ======== Userinfo strings are strings set on clients for server processing. They can be accessed with the `Userinfo `__ functions. ===================== ================================ ================================================== Key Example Value Description ===================== ================================ ================================================== cg_uinfo 12 0 100 Client settings [cg_autoreload/cg_autoactivate/cg_predictitems] [cl_timenudge] [cl_maxpackets] cg_allowGeoIP 1 Geolocalisation setting g_password none Server password cl_guid 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF GUID cl_wwwDownload 1 Missing files downloading toggle name ETLPlayer Nickname rate 2500 Rate setting snaps 20 Snaps setting protocol 84 Game protocol qport 4834 Randomly chosen as startup challenge -686256943 Random 31 bit integer ip IP and port ===================== ================================ ================================================== .. note:: The userinfo string of bots only includes the `cl_guid`, `name`, `rate`, `snap` and `ip` keys/values. SendServerCommand ================= `et.trap_SendServerCommand() `__ is used to send a command from the server to one or more clients. The first argument is the slot number of the client the command is sent to. If it's equal to **-1**, the command is broadcast to all clients. The following commands can be issued: Printing -------- Print a message to the client's console:: "print \"Message\n\"" Print a message to the client's annoucement area and console:: "cpm \"Message\n\"" Print a message to the center of the client's screen:: "cp \"Message\n\"" Print a message to the client's console and writes it to the statsdump file:: "sc \"Message\n\"" Chatting -------- Print a message as a global chat message on behalf of the specified client:: "chat ClientNum \"Message\"" Print a message as a team chat message on behalf of the specified client:: "tchat ClientNum \"Message\" X-Location Y-Location Z-Location" * The **X,Y,Z-Location**'s are optional parameters that represent the client's location. .. Print a message as a fireteam chat message on behalf of the specified client: .. .. "bchat ClientNum \"Message\" X-Location Y-Location Z-Location" .. .. * The X,Y,Z-Location's are optional parameters that represent the client's location. Print a message as a global chat message via rcon (qsay command):: "chat \"Message\"" Voice Chat ---------- Send a global voice chat on behalf of the specified client:: "vchat VoiceOnly ClientNum 50 Vsay-String Vsay-Number \"Custom-Message\"". * **VoiceOnly** prints a global chat message on behalf of ClientNum if set to **0**, or only play the sound if set to **1**. * **Vsay-String** is the global voice chat message. * **Vsay-Number** is the vsay number of Vsay as listed in the .voice files. It is by default random, but can be set by the player by passing parameters to the vsay command (`/vsay `). * **Custom-Message** is by default empty (\"\"). If set, it prints the message in the chat area. Send a team voice chat on behalf of the specified client:: "vtchat VoiceOnly ClientNum 50 Vsay-String X-Location Y-Location Z-Location Vsay-Number \"Custom-Message\"" * **VoiceOnly** prints a team chat message on behalf of ClientNum if set to **0**, or only play the sound if set to **1**. * **Vsay-String** is the team voice chat message. * **Vsay-Number** is the vsay number of Vsay as listed in the .voice files. It is by default random, but can be set by the player by passing parameters to the vsay command (`/vsay `). * The **X,Y,Z-Location**'s are optional parameters that represent the client's location. * **Custom-Message** is by default empty (\"\"). If set, it prints the message in the chat area. Send a fireteam voice chat on behalf of the specified client:: "vbchat VoiceOnly ClientNum 50 Fireteam-String X-Location Y-Location Z-Location Vsay-Number \"Custom-Message\"" * **VoiceOnly** prints a fireteam chat message on behalf of ClientNum if set to **0**, or only play the sound if set to **1**. * **Fireteam-String** is the fireteam voice chat message. * **Vsay-Number** is the vsay number of Vsay as listed in the .voice files. It is by default random, but can be set by the player by passing parameters to the vsay command (`/vsay `). * The **X,Y,Z-Location**'s are optional parameters that represent the client's location. * **Custom-Message** is by default empty (\"\"). If set, it prints the message in the chat area. Fireteam -------- Show a fireteam invitation message to the client:: "application Number" * if **Number** is **> -1**, the "Accept ...'s application to join your fireteam?" message is displayed. In this case, **Number** is the ClientNum of the applying client. * if **Number** is **-1**, the "Your application has been submitted" message is displayed. * if **Number** is **-2**, the "Your application failed" message is displayed. * if **Number** is **-3**, the "Your application has been approved" message is displayed. * if **Number** is **-4**, the "Your application reply has been sent" message is displayed. Show a fireteam proposition message to the client:: "proposition Number Number2" * if **Number** is **> -1**, the "Accept ...'s proposition to invite ... to your fireteam?" message is displayed. In this case, **Number** is the ClientNum of the proposed client, and **Number2** is the ClientNum of the proposing player. * if **Number** is **-1**, the "Your proposition has been submitted" message is displayed. * if **Number** is **-2**, the "Your proposition was rejected" message is displayed. * if **Number** is **-3**, the "Your proposition was accepted" message is displayed. * if **Number** is **-4**, the "Your proposition reply has been sent" message is displayed. * **Number2** is an optional parameter only used when **Number** > **-1**. Show a fireteam invitation message to the client:: "invitation Number" * if **Number** is **> -1**, the "Accept ..'s invitation to join your fireteam?" message is displayed. In this case, **Number** is the ClientNum of the applying client. * if **Number** is **-1**, the "Your invitation has been submitted" message is displayed. * if **Number** is **-2**, the "Your invitation rejected" message is displayed. * if **Number** is **-3**, the "Your invitation was accepted" message is displayed. * if **Number** is **-4**, the "Your invitation reply has been sent" message is displayed. Others ------ Show the complaint vote message to the client:: "complaint Number" * if **Number** is **> 1**, the "File complaint against ... for team-killing?" message is displayed. In this case, **Number** is the ClientNum of the teamkilling player. * if **Number** is **-1**, the "Complaint filed" message is displayed. * if **Number** is **-2**, the "Complaint dismissed" message is displayed. Set the client game selected spawnpoint:: "setspawnpt Number" * **Number** is the selected spawnpoint. Disconnect the client with a "Server disconnected" message:: "disconnect \"reason\"" * **reason** is an optional parameter to show a reason after "Server disconnected". .. note:: Use `et.trap_DropClient() `__ instead. Set a client's configstring to a string:: "cs Number \"String\"" * **String** is the new configstring string. .. note:: Use `et.trap_SetUserinfo() `__ instead. Replace any texture:: "remapShader \"OldShader\" \"NewShader\" #" * **OldShader** is the old shader. * **NewShader** is the new shader. * **#** is the Timeoffset, which currently should be left as 0. .. note:: Use `et.G_ShaderRemap() `__ instead. Damage bitflags =============== ============================= ================== ================================== Name Value Description ============================= ================== ================================== DAMAGE_RADIUS 1 Indirect splash damage DAMAGE_HALF_KNOCKBACK 2 Do less knockback DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK 4 Do not affect velocity, just view angles DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION 8 Armor, shields, invulnerability, godmode have no effect DAMAGE_NO_TEAM_PROTECTION 16 (unused) DAMAGE_DISTANCEFALLOFF 32 Distance falloff ============================= ================== ================================== Skill types =========== =========================================== ================== ==================== Name Value Description =========================================== ================== ==================== SK_BATTLE_SENSE 0 Battle Sense SK_EXPLOSIVES_AND_CONSTRUCTION 1 Engineering SK_FIRST_AID 2 First Aid SK_SIGNALS 3 Signals SK_LIGHT_WEAPONS 4 Light Weapons SK_HEAVY_WEAPONS 5 Heavy Weapons SK_MILITARY_INTELLIGENCE_AND_SCOPED_WEAPONS 6 Covert Ops =========================================== ================== ==================== Event types =========== ============================= ================== ================================== Name Value Description ============================= ================== ================================== EV_NONE 0 EV_FOOTSTEP 1 EV_FOOTSTEP_METAL 2 (unused) EV_FOOTSTEP_WOOD 3 (unused) EV_FOOTSTEP_GRASS 4 (unused) EV_FOOTSTEP_GRAVEL 5 (unused) EV_FOOTSTEP_ROOF 6 (unused) EV_FOOTSTEP_SNOW 7 (unused) EV_FOOTSTEP_CARPET 8 (unused) EV_FOOTSPLASH 9 EV_FOOTWADE 10 (unused) EV_SWIM 11 EV_STEP_4 12 EV_STEP_8 13 EV_STEP_12 14 EV_STEP_16 15 EV_FALL_SHORT 16 EV_FALL_MEDIUM 17 EV_FALL_FAR 18 EV_FALL_NDIE 19 EV_FALL_DMG_10 20 EV_FALL_DMG_15 21 EV_FALL_DMG_25 22 EV_FALL_DMG_50 23 EV_WATER_TOUCH 24 EV_WATER_LEAVE 25 EV_WATER_UNDER 26 EV_WATER_CLEAR 27 EV_ITEM_PICKUP 28 EV_ITEM_PICKUP_QUIET 29 EV_GLOBAL_ITEM_PICKUP 30 EV_NOAMMO 31 EV_WEAPONSWITCHED 32 EV_EMPTYCLIP 33 (unused) EV_FILL_CLIP 34 EV_MG42_FIXED 35 EV_WEAP_OVERHEAT 36 EV_CHANGE_WEAPON 37 EV_CHANGE_WEAPON_2 38 EV_FIRE_WEAPON 39 EV_FIRE_WEAPONB 40 EV_FIRE_WEAPON_LASTSHOT 41 EV_NOFIRE_UNDERWATER 42 EV_FIRE_WEAPON_MG42 43 EV_FIRE_WEAPON_MOUNTEDMG42 44 EV_ITEM_RESPAWN 45 (unused) EV_ITEM_POP 46 (unused) EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN 47 (unused) EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_OUT 48 (unused) EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE 49 EV_GENERAL_SOUND 50 EV_GENERAL_SOUND_VOLUME 51 EV_GLOBAL_SOUND 52 EV_GLOBAL_CLIENT_SOUND 53 EV_GLOBAL_TEAM_SOUND 54 EV_FX_SOUND 55 EV_BULLET_HIT_FLESH 56 EV_BULLET_HIT_WALL 57 EV_MISSILE_HIT 58 EV_MISSILE_MISS 59 EV_RAILTRAIL 60 EV_BULLET 61 EV_LOSE_HAT 62 EV_PAIN 63 EV_CROUCH_PAIN 64 (unused) EV_DEATH1 65 (unused) EV_DEATH2 66 (unused) EV_DEATH3 67 (unused) EV_OBITUARY 68 EV_STOPSTREAMINGSOUND 69 EV_POWERUP_QUAD 70 EV_POWERUP_BATTLESUIT 71 EV_POWERUP_REGEN 72 EV_GIB_PLAYER 73 EV_DEBUG_LINE, 74 (unused) EV_STOPLOOPINGSOUND 75 EV_TAUNT 76 (unused) EV_SMOKE 77 EV_SPARKS 78 EV_SPARKS_ELECTRIC 79 EV_EXPLODE 80 EV_RUBBLE 81 EV_EFFECT 82 EV_MORTAREFX 83 EV_SPINUP 84 EV_SNOW_ON 85 (unused) EV_SNOW_OFF 86 (unused) EV_MISSILE_MISS_SMALL 87 EV_MISSILE_MISS_LARGE 88 EV_MORTAR_IMPACT 89 EV_MORTAR_MISS 90 EV_SPIT_HIT 91 (unused) EV_SPIT_MISS 92 (unused) EV_SHARD 93 EV_JUNK 94 EV_EMITTER 95 EV_OILPARTICLES 96 EV_OILSLICK 97 EV_OILSLICKREMOVE 98 EV_MG42EFX 99 (unused) EV_FLAKGUN1 100 (unused) EV_FLAKGUN2 101 (unused) EV_FLAKGUN3 102 (unused) EV_FLAKGUN4 103 (unused) EV_EXERT1 104 (unused) EV_EXERT2 105 (unused) EV_EXERT3 106 (unused) EV_SNOWFLURRY 107 EV_CONCUSSIVE 108 (unused) EV_DUST 109 EV_RUMBLE_EFX 110 EV_GUNSPARKS 111 EV_FLAMETHROWER_EFFECT 112 EV_POPUP 113 (unused) EV_POPUPBOOK 114 (unused) EV_GIVEPAGE 115 (unused) EV_MG42BULLET_HIT_FLESH 116 EV_MG42BULLET_HIT_WALL 117 EV_SHAKE 118 EV_DISGUISE_SOUND 119 EV_BUILDDECAYED_SOUND 120 EV_FIRE_WEAPON_AAGUN 121 EV_DEBRIS 122 EV_ALERT_SPEAKER 123 EV_POPUPMESSAGE 124 EV_ARTYMESSAGE 125 EV_AIRSTRIKEMESSAGE 126 EV_MEDIC_CALL 127 EV_SHOVE_SOUND 128 EV_BODY_DP 129 ============================= ================== ==================================