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synced 2025-02-18 01:41:27 +00:00
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119 lines
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Author: ET:Legacy Team
Description: Ensure the server is connected to IRC - see irc_* cvars. Set irc_mode flag 1 and 2.
modname = "IRC announcer"
version = "1.1"
function et_InitGame()
et.RegisterModname(modname.." "..version)
-- see http://etconfig.net/et-color-codes/et-color-codes/
-- see http://www.mirc.com/colors.html
function ircColorStr(str)
local escape = "\003"
local q3colorescape = "%^"
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[7Ww%.Nn]", escape .. "0") -- white
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[0Pp]", escape .. "1") -- black
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[4Tt>]", escape .. "2") -- blue (no support for double ^ and ~)
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[<\\|%(Hh]", escape .. "3") -- green
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[1Qq%)Ii%*Jj]", escape .. "4") -- light red
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[%+Kk%?_@`]", escape .. "5") -- brown
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[#Cc%%Ee]", escape .. "6") -- purple
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[8Xx!Aa,Ll]", escape .. "7") -- orange
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[3Ss%/Oo]", escape .. "8") -- yellow
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[2Rr'Gg=%]}%-Mm]", escape .. "9") -- light green
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[\"Bb]", escape .. "10") -- cyan
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[5Uu]", escape .. "11") -- light cyan
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[%$Dd&Ff]", escape .. "12") -- light blue
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[6Vv]", escape .. "13") -- pink
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[9Yy]", escape .. "14") -- grey
str = str:gsub(q3colorescape .. "[:Zz;%[{]", escape .. "15") -- light grey
return str .. "\015"
function getTeamInfo()
local temp = et.trap_GetConfigstring(0)
temp = et.Info_ValueForKey(temp, "P")
local team_free_cnt, team_ax_cnt, team_al_cnt, team_spec_cnt = 0, 0, 0, 0
for i = 1, #temp do
if (string.sub(temp, i, i) == "0") then
team_free_cnt = team_free_cnt + 1
if (string.sub(temp, i, i) == "1") then
team_ax_cnt = team_ax_cnt + 1
if (string.sub(temp, i, i) == "2") then
team_al_cnt = team_al_cnt + 1
if (string.sub(temp, i, i) == "3") then
team_spec_cnt = team_spec_cnt + 1
return team_free_cnt, team_ax_cnt, team_al_cnt, team_spec_cnt
function getBotInfo()
local cs = et.trap_GetConfigstring(0)
local bots_cnt = et.Info_ValueForKey(cs, "omnibot_playing")
return bots_cnt
function et_ClientConnect(_clientNum, _firstTime, _isBot)
-- skip bots
if _isBot == 1 then return end
if _firstTime == 1 then
local clientname
-- note pers.netname is empty on first connect
clientname = et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(_clientNum), "name")
-- name length sanity check
if string.len(clientname) > 36 then return end
-- name ASCII sanity check
local c
for c in clientname:gmatch"." do
if string.byte(clientname, c) < 32 then return end
clientname = ircColorStr(clientname)
-- get player type and team count
local free, axis, allies, spec = 0, 0, 0, 0
free, axis, allies, spec = getTeamInfo()
-- count humans players
local bots, humans = 0, 0
bots = getBotInfo()
if bots then
humans = free + axis + allies + spec - bots
humans = free + axis + allies + spec
-- float to int conversion
humans = math.floor(humans)
-- current player is connecting but doesn't show up in the total yet
-- let's add it manually
humans = humans + 1
-- send message
local msg = "irc_say \"" .. clientname .. " connecting. Now online:^7 " .. humans .. "^9(+" .. bots .. ")\""
et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW , ircColorStr(msg))
-- function et_ClientDisconnect(_clientNum)
-- local clientname = ircColorStr(et.gentity_get(_clientNum ,"pers.netname"))
-- local msg = "irc_say \"" .. clientname .. " disconnecting.\""
-- et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW , ircColorStr(msg))
-- end