--[[ ET: Legacy Copyright (C) 2012-2019 ET:Legacy team This file is part of ET: Legacy - http://www.etlegacy.com ET: Legacy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ET: Legacy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ET: Legacy. If not, see . ]]-- local modname = "medic-syringe-heal" local version = "0.1" -- local constants local CH_REVIVE_DIST = 64 -- todo: import as et constant? local SKILL_POINTS_ADD = 2 -- skill points healer earns -- vector math local PITCH = 1 -- up / down local YAW = 2 -- left / right local ROLL = 3 -- fall over function toAngleVectors(angles) local TAU = math.pi * 2 local angle = angles[YAW] * (TAU / 360) local sy = math.sin(angle) local cy = math.cos(angle) angle = angles[PITCH] * (TAU / 360) local sp = math.sin(angle) local cp = math.cos(angle) angle = angles[ROLL] * (TAU / 360) local sr = math.sin(angle) local cr = math.cos(angle) local forward = { cp * cy, cp * sy, -sp } local right = { (-1 * sr * sp * cy + -1 * cr * -sy), (-1 * sr * sp * sy + -1 * cr * cy), -1 * sr * cp } local up = { (cr * sp * cy + -sr * -sy), (cr * sp * sy + -sr * cy), cr * cp } return forward, right, up end function snapVector(v) return { math.tointeger(v[1]), math.tointeger(v[2]), math.tointeger(v[3]) } end function multAddVector(v, s, b) return { v[1] + b[1] * s, v[2] + b[2] * s, v[3] + b[3] * s } end function copyVector(v) return { v[1], v[2], v[3] } end -- helpers function addLean(right, leanValue, point) if leanValue ~= 0.0 then return multAddVector(point, leanValue, right) end return copyVector(point) end function calcMuzzlePoint(base, viewHeight, leanValue, right) local muzzlePoint = copyVector(base) muzzlePoint[3] = muzzlePoint[3] + viewHeight muzzlePoint = snapVector(addLean(right, leanValue, muzzlePoint)) return muzzlePoint end -- syringe handling function revokeSyringe(clientNum) -- todo: implement et.GetPlayerWeapon(clientNum, WP_MEDIC_SYRINGE) ? local weapon, ammo, ammoclip = et.GetCurrentWeapon(clientNum) et.AddWeaponToPlayer(clientNum, weapon, ammo, ammoclip + 1, 0) end function checkMedicSyringeHeal(healer) local angles = et.gentity_get(healer, "ps.viewangles") local viewHeight = et.gentity_get(healer, "ps.viewheight") local leanValue = et.gentity_get(healer, "ps.leanf") local trPos = et.gentity_get(healer, "s.pos") local forward, right, up = toAngleVectors(angles) local muzzlept = calcMuzzlePoint(trPos.trBase, viewHeight, leanValue, right) local endpt = multAddVector(muzzlept, CH_REVIVE_DIST, forward) local result = et.G_HistoricalTrace(healer, muzzlept, nil, nil, endpt, healer, et.MASK_SHOT) -- stuck in solid, offset the origin forward if result.startsolid then endpt = multAddVector(muzzlept, 8, forward) result = et.trap_Trace(muzzlept, nil, nil, endpt, healer, et.MASK_SHOT) end -- no hit, give back syringe if result.fraction == 1.0 or result.entityNum >= et.MAX_CLIENTS then revokeSyringe(healer) return 1 end local healee = result.entityNum local pm_type = et.gentity_get(healee, "ps.pm_type") -- deadly wounded players are handled by the game if pm_type ~= et.PM_NORMAL then return 0 -- pass control to game end local healeeTeam = et.gentity_get(healee, "sess.sessionTeam") local healerTeam = et.gentity_get(healer, "sess.sessionTeam") if healeeTeam ~= healerTeam then revokeSyringe(healer) return 1 end local healeeHealth = et.gentity_get(healee, "health") local healeeMaxHealth = et.gentity_get(healee, "ps.stats", et.STAT_MAX_HEALTH) if healeeHealth > healeeMaxHealth * 0.25 then revokeSyringe(healer) return 1 end local healerMedSkill = et.gentity_get(healer, "sess.skill", et.SK_FIRST_AID) -- if medic skill is atleast on level 3 give max health, otherwise just a half local finalHealth = healeeMaxHealth * (healerMedSkill >= 3 and 1 or 0.5) et.gentity_set(healee, "health", finalHealth) et.G_Sound(healee, 8) -- GAMESOUND_MISC_REVIVE, todo: import? et.gentity_set(healee, "pers.lasthealth_client", healer) et.G_AddSkillPoints(healer, et.SK_FIRST_AID, SKILL_POINTS_ADD) return 1 end function et_WeaponFire(clientNum, weapNum) if weapNum == et.WP_MEDIC_SYRINGE then return checkMedicSyringeHeal(clientNum) end return 0 -- pass control to game end function et_InitGame() et.RegisterModname(modname .. " " .. version) end