-- The NOQ - No Quarter Lua next generation game manager -- -- A Shrubbot replacement and also kind of new game manager and tracking system based on mysql or sqlite3. -- Both are supported and in case of sqlite there is no extra sqlite installation needed. Use with NQ 1.2.9 and later only! -- -- NQ Lua team 2009-2011 - No warranty :) -- NQ Lua team is: -- ailmanki -- BubbaG1 -- Hose -- IlDuca -- IRATA [*] -- Luborg -- Webpage: http://dev.kernwaffe.de/projects/noq/ -- Wiki: http://dev.kernwaffe.de/projects/noq/wiki/ -- -- Please don't do any posts related to this script to the NQ forums -- Setup: -- - Make sure all required Lua SQL libs are on server and run properly. -- For MySQL dbms you need the additional lib in the path. -- - If you want to use sqlite make sure your server instance has write permissions in fs_homepath. -- SQLite will create a file "noquarter.sqlite" at this location. -- -- - Copy the content of this path to fs_homepath/fs_game/nq/noq -- - for example /home//.etlegacy/legacy/noq (default case if fs_homepath is not set by admin) -- -- - Set lua_modules "noq/noq.lua noq/noq_i.lua" -- -- - Make the config your own. There is no need to change code in the NOQ. If you want to see changes use the forum -- - Restart the server and check if all lua_modules noq_i.lua, noq_c.lua (optional) and noq.lua are registered. -- - Call /rcon !sqlcreate - Done. Your system is set up - you should remove noq_i.lua from lua_modules now. -- -- NOQ basic files: -- noq_i.lua - Install script remove after install -- noq_c.lua - Additional tool to enter sql cmds on the ET console -- noq_config.cfg - Stores all data to run & control the NOQ. Make this file your own! -- noq_commands.cfg - Commands definition file - Make this file your own! -- -- legacy_mods_names_.cfg - Methods of death enum file - never touch! -- legacy_mods_.cfg - Methods of death enum file - never touch! -- legacy_weapons_.cfg - Weapon enum config file - never touch! -- legacy_weapons_names_.cfg - Weapon enum config file - never touch! -- -- nqconst.lua - No Quarter constants -- legacyconst.lua - legacy constants -- noq_db.lua - No Quarter DB functions -- -- Note: -- Again - you don't have to modyfiy any code in this script. If you disagree contact the dev team. -- FIXME legacy mod -- et.G_shrubbot_level(_clientNum) (keep for NQ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SCRIPT VARS - don't touch ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LUA module version version = "1" -- see version table // FIXME: version is an int ! -> version = 1 -- TODO get from 'version' cvar '/' for linux/mac, '\' for win pathSeparator = "/" homepath = et.trap_Cvar_Get("fs_homepath") .. pathSeparator fs_game = et.trap_Cvar_Get("fs_game") .. pathSeparator pbpath = homepath .. "pb" .. pathSeparator noqpath = "noq" .. pathSeparator scriptpath = homepath .. fs_game .. noqpath -- full qualified path for the NOQ scripts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- table functions - don't move down! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The table load function table.load( sfile ) -- catch marker for stringtable if string.sub( sfile,-3,-1 ) == "--|" then tables,err = loadstring( sfile ) else tables,err = loadfile( sfile ) end if err then return _,err end tables = tables() for idx = 1,#tables do local tolinkv,tolinki = {},{} for i,v in pairs( tables[idx] ) do if type( v ) == "table" and tables[v[1]] then table.insert( tolinkv,{ i,tables[v[1]] } ) end if type( i ) == "table" and tables[i[1]] then table.insert( tolinki,{ i,tables[i[1]] } ) end end -- link values, first due to possible changes of indices for _,v in ipairs( tolinkv ) do tables[idx][v[1]] = v[2] end -- link indices for _,v in ipairs( tolinki ) do tables[idx][v[2]],tables[idx][v[1]] = tables[idx][v[1]],nil end end return tables[1] end -- table helper function debug_getInfoFromTable( _table ) -- table.sort(cvartable) debugPrint("log","************************") for k,v in pairs(_table) do debugPrint("log",k .. "=" .. v) end debugPrint("log","************************") -- setn not set so empty -- et.G_Print("size:" .. table.getn(cvartable) .. "\n") end -- table functions end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- debugPrint -- Helper function to print to log -- target: can be 'cpm','print','logprint'? -- TODO: extend to be able to print variables recursively out -- TODO: http://lua-users.org/wiki/SwitchStatement ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function debugPrint( target, msg ) if debug ~= 0 then local lmsg = "[DBG] " .. msg .. "\n" local lcmsg = "^7[DBG] " .. color .. msg .. "\n" if target == "cpm" then et.trap_SendServerCommand( -1 ,"cpm \"" .. lcmsg .. "\"") -- elseif target == "cpmnow" then -- et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW , "cpm \"" .. lcmsg .. "\"" ) elseif target == "print" then et.G_Print( lcmsg ) elseif target == "logprint" then et.G_LogPrint( lmsg ) -- elseif slot[target] ~= nil then end end end -- at first we need to check for the modversion modname = et.trap_Cvar_Get( "gamename" ) modprefix = "" if modname == "nq" then -- TODO: check for version incompatibilities... --version = et.trap_Cvar_Get( cvarname ) modprefix = "noq" elseif modname == "legacy" then modprefix = "legacy" end et.G_LogPrint("Loading NOQ config files from ".. scriptpath.."\n") noqvartable = assert(table.load( scriptpath .. "noq_config.cfg")) -- TODO: check if we can do this in total 2 tables meansofdeath = assert(table.load( scriptpath .. modprefix .. "_mods.cfg")) -- all MODS weapons = assert(table.load( scriptpath .. modprefix .. "_weapons.cfg")) -- all weapons mod = assert(table.load( scriptpath .. modprefix .. "_mods_names.cfg")) -- mods by name w = assert(table.load( scriptpath .. modprefix .. "_weapons_names.cfg")) -- weapons by name -- end TODO greetings = assert(table.load( scriptpath .. "noq_greetings.cfg")) -- all greetings, customize as wished et.G_LogPrint("NOQ config files loaded.\n") tkweight = {} -- TODO: external table -- Gets varvalue else null function getConfig ( varname ) local value = noqvartable[varname] if value then return value else et.G_Print("warning, invalid config value for " .. varname .. "\n") return "null" end end -- don't get often used vars from noqvartable ... databasecheck = tonumber((getConfig("useDB"))) -- Is DB on? mail = tonumber((getConfig("mail"))) -- Is Mail on? recordbots = tonumber(getConfig("recordbots")) -- don't write session for bots color = getConfig("color") commandprefix = getConfig("commandprefix") debug = tonumber(getConfig("debug")) -- debug 0/1 -- moved to noq_db.lua -- debugquerries = tonumber(getConfig("debugquerries")) usecommands = tonumber(getConfig("usecommands")) -- are commands on? xprestore = tonumber(getConfig("xprestore")) -- is xprestore on? pussyfact = tonumber(getConfig("pussyfactor")) lognames = tonumber(getConfig("lognames")) nextmapVoteTime = tonumber(getConfig("nextmapVoteSec")) evenerdist = tonumber(getConfig("evenerCheckallSec")) polldist = tonumber(getConfig("polldistance")) -- time in seconds between polls, -1 to disable maxSelfKills = tonumber(getConfig("maxSelfKills")) -- Selfkill restriction: -1 to disable serverid = et.trap_Cvar_Get( "servid" ) -- Unique Server Identifier if serverid == "" then serverid = getConfig("serverID") -- Unique Server Identifier end irchost = getConfig("irchost") ircport = tonumber(getConfig("ircport")) -- disable the !force command hardcoded. disableforce = false -- Prints the configuration debug_getInfoFromTable(noqvartable) --[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOCU of Datastructurs in this script -- -- The table slot[clientNum] is created each time someone connects and will store the current client information -- The current fields are(with default values): -- -- ["team"] = false -- -- ["id"] = nil -- ["pkey"] = 0 -- ["conname"] = row.conname -- ["regname"] = row.regname -- ["netname"] = row.netname -- ["isBot"] = 0 -- ["clan"] = 0 -- ["level"] = 0 -- ["flags"] = '' -- ["user"] = 0 -- ["password"] = 0 -- ["email"] = 0 -- ["banreason"] = 0 -- ["bannedby"] = 0 -- ["banexpire"] = 0 -- ["mutedreason"] = 0 -- ["mutedby"] = 0 -- ["muteexpire"] = 0 -- ["warnings"] = 0 -- ["suspect"] = 0 -- ["regdate"] = 0 -- ["updatedate"] = 0 -- ["createdate"] = 0 -- ["session"] -- last used or in use session see table session.id // was client["id"] before! -- ["ip"] = 0 -- ["valid "] -- not used in script only written into db if player enters for real -- ["start"] = 0 -- ["end"] = 0 -- not used in script only written into db -- ["axtime"] = 0 -- ["altime"] = 0 -- ["sptime"] = 0 -- ["lctime"] = 0 -- ["sstime"] = 0 -- ["xp0"] = 0 -- ["xp1"] = 0 -- ["xp2"] = 0 -- ["xp3"] = 0 -- ["xp4"] = 0 -- ["xp5"] = 0 -- ["xp6"] = 0 -- ["xptot"] = 0 -- ["acc"] = 0 -- ["kills"] = 0 -- ["tkills"] = 0 teamkills you did -- ["tkilled"] = 0 the amount you got teamkilled -- ["death"] = 0 -- ["uci"] = 0 -- ["inuse"] = false/true -- Added Fields during ingame session in slot[clientNum] -- -- slot[clientNum]["victim"] = last victim of clientNum(ID) -- slot[clientNum]["killwep"] = Name of the weapon last used to kill -- slot[clientNum]["killer"] = last person who killed clientNum(ID) -- slot[clientNum]["deadwep"] = Name of the weapon by wich he was killed last -- slot[clientNum]["lastTeamChange"] -- in seconds -- slot[clientNum]["selfkills"] Selfkills you did -- --]] -- This is above mentioned table slot = {} -- Note: Players are ents 0 - (sv_maxclients-1) maxclients = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("sv_maxclients"))-1 -- add 1 again if used in view -- We do this for accessing the table with [][] syntax, dirty but it works for i=0, maxclients, 1 do slot[i] = {} slot[i]["inuse"] = false end -- command table, initialised in parseconf commands = {} --[[ --For testing, the !owned known from ETadmin commands['cmd'][0]['owned'] = "print ^1Ha^3ha^5ha^3, i owned ^7^3 with my ^7^7!!!" commands['cmd'][0]['pants'] = "print ^1No^3no^5noooo^7, i was killed by ^3^7 with a ^3^7!!!" commands['cmd'][0]['parsecmds'] = "$LUA$ parseconf()" commands['cmd'][0]['pussyfactor'] = "$LUA$ pussyout()" commands['cmd'][0]['spectime'] = "$LUA$ time = slot[_clientNum]['sptime']; et.trap_SendServerCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND , 'print \"..time.. \" seconds in spec')" commands['cmd'][0]['axtime'] = "$LUA$ time = slot[_clientNum]['axtime']; et.trap_SendServerCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND , 'print \"..time.. \" seconds in axis')" commands['cmd'][0]['altime'] = "$LUA$ time = slot[_clientNum]['altime']; et.trap_SendServerCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND , 'print \"..time.. \" seconds in allies')" commands['cmd'][0]['noqban'] = "$LUA$ ban()" --TODO The BANFUNCTION... -- ^ ^ ^ ^ -- Array | | | -- type | | -- Level | -- Part after Prefix -- Its possible to implement 2 commands with same commandname but different functions for different levels -- -- commands['help'] incorporates the helptexts for each cmd -- commands['listing'][lvl] incorporates a listing of all cmds that level can execute, as strings ready to get printed to console -- --]] -- current map map = "" mapStartTime = 0 --Gamestate 1 ,2 , 3 = End of Map gstate = nil -- for the evener evener = 0 killcount = 0 lastevener = 0 -- Poll restriction lastpoll = 0 -- vsay disabler vsaydisabled = false -- reserved names array namearray = {} -- mail setup if mail == 1 then smtp = require("socket.smtp") end -- irc relay setup if irchost ~= "" then socket = require("socket") client = socket.udp() end team = { [0]="CONN","AXIS" , "ALLIES" , "SPECTATOR" } teamchars = { ['r']="AXIS" , ['b']="ALLIES" , ['s']="SPECTATOR" } class = { [0]="SOLDIER" , "MEDIC" , "ENGINEER" , "FIELD OPS" , "COVERT OPS" } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- load DB functions if needed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if databasecheck == 1 then require(noqpath .. "noq_db") DBCon:DoConnect() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ET functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function et_InitGame( _levelTime, _randomSeed, _restart ) et.RegisterModname( "NOQ version " .. version .. " " .. et.FindSelf() ) initNOQ() if databasecheck == 1 then getDBVersion() getresNames() end mapStartTime = et.trap_Milliseconds() if usecommands ~= 0 then parseconf() end if irchost ~= "" then client:setpeername(irchost,ircport) end -- |We allow votes not directly at start, lets wait some time lastpoll = (et.trap_Milliseconds() / 1000) - (polldist / 2) -- IlDuca: TEST for mail function -- sendMail("", "Test smtp", "Questo รจ un test, speriamo funzioni!!") end function et_ClientConnect( _clientNum, _firstTime, _isBot ) initClient( _clientNum, _firstTime, _isBot ) local ban = checkBan( _clientNum ) if ban ~= nil then return ban end -- valid client slot[_clientNum]["inuse"] = true -- personal game start message / server greetings if firstTime == 0 or isBot == 1 or getConfig("persgamestartmessage") == "" then return nil end userInfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( _clientNum ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(_clientNum, string.format("%s \"%s %s", getConfig("persgamestartmessagelocation") , getConfig("persgamestartmessage") , et.Info_ValueForKey( userInfo, "name" ))) return nil end function et_ClientUserinfoChanged( _clientNum ) if databasecheck == 1 then if lognames == 1 then local thisGuid = string.upper( et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( _clientNum ), "cl_guid" )) if string.sub(thisGuid, 1, 7) ~= "OMNIBOT" then local thisName = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( _clientNum ), "name" ) DBCon:SetPlayerAlias( thisName, thisGuid ) end end end if namearray ~= nil then checkforResName(_clientNum) end end -- This function is called - after the connection is over, so when you first join the game world -- -- Before r3493 also: -- - when you change team -- - when you are spectator and switch from "free look mode" to "follow player mode" -- IRATA: check et_ClientSpawn() -- TODO/NOTE: Afaik we only need to check if ClientBegin is called once to keep 1.2.7 compatibility function et_ClientBegin( _clientNum ) -- TODO Move this functionality in an own function -- Get the player name if its not set if slot[_clientNum]["netname"] == false then slot[_clientNum]["netname"] = et.gentity_get( _clientNum ,"pers.netname") slot[_clientNum]["cleanname"] = et.Q_CleanStr(slot[_clientNum]["netname"]) end -- He first connected - so we set his team. slot[_clientNum]["team"] = tonumber(et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.sessionTeam")) slot[_clientNum]["lastTeamChange"] = (et.trap_Milliseconds() / 1000) -- Hossa! We needa seconds -- greeting functionality after netname is set if slot[_clientNum]["ntg"] == true then greetClient(_clientNum) end -- Moved the mute check here checkMute( _clientNum ) if databasecheck == 1 then -- If we have db access, then we will create new Playerentry if necessary -- TODO check for else case of the above if ... why updating Player XP if client is new ? (slot XP is set in createNewPlayer() if slot[_clientNum]["new"] == true then createNewPlayer ( _clientNum ) slot[_clientNum]["setxp"] = nil else -- if we have xprestore, we need to restore now! if slot[_clientNum]["setxp"] == true then -- But only, if xprestore is on! if xprestore == 1 then updatePlayerXP( _clientNum ) end slot[_clientNum]["setxp"] = nil end end checkOffMesg(_clientNum) -- Reserved Name/Clantag support if namearray then checkforResName(_clientNum) end end -- end databasecheck end -- TODO: What does this do here? -- Possible values are : -- - slot[_clientNum].team == nil -> the player connected and disconnected without join the gameworld = not-valid session -- - slot[_clientNum].gstate = 0 and gstate = 0 -> we have to update playing time and store all the player infos = valid session -- - slot[_clientNum].gstate = 1 or 2 and gstate = 1 or 2 -> player connected during warmup and disconnected during warmup = store only start and end time + valid session -- - slot[_clientNum].gstate = 3 and gstate = 3 -> player connected during intermission and disconnected during intermission = store only start and end time + valid session -- - slot[_clientNum].gstate = 0 and gstate = 3 -> we have to store all the player infos = valid session function et_ClientDisconnect( _clientNum ) if databasecheck == 1 then local endtime = timehandle ('N') -- TODO : check if this works. Is the output from 'D' option in the needed format for the database? local timediff = timehandle('D','N', slot[_clientNum]["start"]) WriteClientDisconnect( _clientNum , endtime, timediff ) end slot[_clientNum] = {} slot[_clientNum]["inuse"] = false end -- called for every clientcommand -- return 1 if intercepted, 0 if passthrough -- see Table noq_clientcommands for the available cmds function et_ClientCommand( _clientNum, _command ) local arg0 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(0)) local arg1 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(1)) local arg2 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(2)) callershrublvl = 1 -- FIXME !!! et.G_shrubbot_level(_clientNum) debugPrint("print","Got a Clientcommand: ".. arg0) if vsaydisabled == true and arg0 == "vsay" then -- No vsays please. et.trap_SendServerCommand( _clientNum, "cp \"^1Global voicechat disabled\"") return 1 end if slot[_clientNum]['vsaydisabled'] == true and arg0 == "vsay" then -- No vsays please. et.trap_SendServerCommand( _clientNum, "cp \"^1Your global voicechats are disabled\"") return 1 end -- switch to disable the !commands if usecommands ~= 0 then if arg0 == "say" then if string.sub( arg1, 1,1) == commandprefix then -- this means normal say debugPrint("print","Got saycommand: " .. _command) local returnvalue = gotCmd( _clientNum, _command , false) return returnvalue -- return gotCmd( _clientNum, _command , false) end elseif arg0 == "vsay" then if string.sub( arg2 , 1, 1) == commandprefix then -- this means a !command with vsay gotCmd ( _clientNum, _command, true) end elseif arg0 == "readthefile" then -- read in the commandsfile if et.G_shrubbot_permission( _clientNum, "G" ) == 1 then -- has the right to read the config in.. So he also can read commands parseconf() et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "csay " .. _clientNum .. "\"^3Parsed commands.\n\"\n") return 1 end et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "csay " .. _clientNum .. "\"^3Not enough rights to use this command.\n\"\n") return 1 end if et.G_shrubbot_permission( _clientNum, "3" ) == 1 then -- and finally, a silent !command if string.sub( arg0 , 1, 1) == commandprefix then local returnvalue = gotCmd ( _clientNum, _command, nil) return returnvalue end end end if noq_clientcommands == nil then --[[ The Commands used in et_clientcommand. use arg0, arg1, arg2 for arguments, callershrublvl as lvl, clientNum for clientNum --]] noq_clientcommands = { ["noq_alist"] = function(arg0,arg1,arg2,clientNum,callershrublvl) if arg1 == "" then nPrint(clientNum, "^3Usage: /noq_alist ") nPrint(clientNum, "^3noq_alist will print a list of all know aliases for a player") return 1 else local whom = getPlayerId(arg1) if whom ~= nil then listAliases(clientNum, whom) return 1 else nPrint(clientNum, "^3No matching player found :/") end end end, ["register"] = function(arg0,arg1,arg2,clientNum,callershrublvl) -- register command local name = string.gsub(arg1,"\'", "\\\'") if arg1 ~= "" and arg2 ~= "" then local testreg = DBCon:GetPlayerbyReg(name) if testreg ~= nil then if testreg['pkey'] == slot[clientNum]['pkey'] then slot[clientNum]["user"] = name DBCon:DoRegisterUser(name, arg2,slot[clientNum]["pkey"]) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "csay " .. clientNum .. "\"^3Successfully reset password\n\"\n") return 1 end et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "csay " .. clientNum .. "\"^3This nick is already registered\n\"\n") return 1 end slot[clientNum]["user"] = name DBCon:DoRegisterUser(name, arg2,slot[clientNum]["pkey"]) et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^3Successfully registered. To reset password just re-register. \n\"" ) return 1 else if slot[clientNum]["user"] ~= "" then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^1You are already registered, under the name '".. slot[clientNum]["user"] .. "'\n\"" ) end et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^3Syntax for the register Command: /register username password \n\"" ) et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^3Username is your desired username (for web & offlinemessages) \n\"" ) et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^3Password will be your password for your webaccess \n\"" ) return 1 end end, ["callvote"] = function(arg0,arg1,arg2,clientNum,callershrublvl) -- Voting restriction if polldist ~= -1 then -- restriction is enabled milliseconds = et.trap_Milliseconds() seconds = milliseconds / 1000 -- checks for shrubbot flag "7" -> check shrubbot wiki for explanation if et.G_shrubbot_permission( clientNum, "7" ) == 1 then return 0 -- checks time betw. last vote and this one elseif (seconds - lastpoll) < polldist then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand (et.EXEC_APPEND , "chat \"".. et.gentity_get(clientNum, "pers.netname") .."^7, please wait ^1".. string.format("%.0f", polldist - (seconds - lastpoll) ) .." ^7seconds for your next poll.\"" ) return 1 end -- handles nextmap vote restriction if arg1 == "nextmap" then --check the time that the map is running already mapTime = et.trap_Milliseconds() - mapStartTime debugPrint("print","maptime = " .. mapTime) debugPrint("print","maptime in seconds = " .. mapTime/1000 ) debugPrint("print","mapstarttime = " .. mapStartTime) debugPrint("print","mapstarttime in seconds = " .. mapStartTime/1000) --compare to the value that is given in config where nextmap votes are allowed if nextmapVoteTime == 0 then debugPrint("print","Nextmap vote limiter is disabled!") return 0 elseif mapTime / 1000 > nextmapVoteTime then --if not allowed send error msg and return 1 et.trap_SendConsoleCommand (et.EXEC_APPEND, "chat \"Nextmap vote is only allowed during the first " .. nextmapVoteTime .." seconds of the map! Current maptime is ".. mapTime/1000 .. " seconds!\"") return 1 end end lastpoll = seconds end -- return !!! end , ["kill"] = function(arg0,arg1,arg2,clientNum,callershrublvl) -- /kill restriction if maxSelfKills ~= -1 then if slot[clientNum]["selfkills"] > maxSelfKills then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "cp \"^1You don't have any more selfkills left!") et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "cpm \"^1You don't have any more selfkills left!") return 1 end et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "cp \"^1You have ^2".. (maxSelfKills - slot[clientNum]["selfkills"]) .."^1 selfkills left!") et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "cpm \"^1You have ^2".. (maxSelfKills - slot[clientNum]["selfkills"]) .."^1 selfkills left!") return 0 end end, ["mail"] = function(arg0,arg1,arg2,clientNum,callershrublvl) -- check for OfflineMesgs checkOffMesg (clientNum) return 1 end, ["om"] = function(arg0,arg1,arg2,clientNum,callershrublvl) -- send OfflineMesgs sendOffMesg (clientNum,arg1 , et.ConcatArgs( 2 ) ) return 1 end, ["rmom"] = function(arg0,arg1,arg2,clientNum,callershrublvl) --erase OfflineMesgs arg1 = string.gsub(arg1,"\'", "\\\'") DBCon:DelOM(arg1, slot[clientNum]['pkey']) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "csay " .. clientNum .. "\"^3Erased MessageID ".. arg1 .."\n\"\n") return 1 end, ["rmmail"] = function(arg0,arg1,arg2,clientNum,callershrublvl) --erase all OfflineMesgs DBCon:DelMail(slot[clientNum]['pkey']) nPrint(clientNum, "^3Cleared your Inbox. ") return 1 end, ["team"] = function(arg0,arg1,arg2,clientNum,callershrublvl) -- lock to team if slot[clientNum]["locktoTeam"] ~= nil then if arg1 ~= slot[clientNum]["locktoTeam"] then if slot[clientNum]["lockedTeamTill"] <= (et.trap_Milliseconds() /1000 ) then slot[clientNum]["locktoTeam"] = nil slot[clientNum]["lockedTeamTill"] = 0 -- TODO return! else et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "cp \"^3You are locked to the ^1"..teamchars[slot[clientNum]["locktoTeam"]].. " ^3team by an admin") et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "chat \"^3You are locked to the ^1"..teamchars[slot[clientNum]["locktoTeam"]].. " ^3team by an admin") return 1 end end end end, ["mirc"] = function(arg0,arg1,arg2,clientNum,callershrublvl) msgtoIRC(clientNum,et.ConcatArgs( 1 )) return 1 end } -- end for our cmdarray end if noq_clientcommands[arg0] then return(noq_clientcommands[arg0](arg0,arg1,arg2,_clientNum,callershrublvl)) end end -- FIXME: this crashes in legacy mod function et_ShutdownGame( _restart ) if databasecheck == 1 then -- We write only the informations from a session that gone till intermission end -- gamestate 2 reached once when !restart used - also when map ends regularly.. -- this gets called ONCE .. and gamestate is not -1. --if tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get( "gamestate" )) == -1 then -- This is when the map ends: we have to close all opened sessions -- Cycle between all possible clients local endgametime = timehandle('N') if tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get( "gamestate" )) == 0 then -- this is the case if the warmup end - thus we dont save a session here. else -- save only in intermission. for i=0, maxclients, 1 do -- TODO: check slot[] if its existingreco if et.gentity_get(i,"classname") == "player" then -- TODO : check if this works. Is the output from 'D' option in the required format for the database? local timediff = timehandle('D',endgametime,slot[i]["start"]) et.G_LogPrint( "Noq: saved player "..i.." to Database\n" ) WriteClientDisconnect( i , endgametime, timediff ) slot[i] = nil end end end --DBCon:DoDisconnect() end -- delete old sessions if set in config local deleteSessionsOlderXMonths = tonumber(getConfig("deleteSessionsOlderXMonths")) if deleteSessionsOlderXMonths > 0 then DBCon:DoDeleteOldSessions( deleteSessionsOlderXMonths ) end end function et_RunFrame( _levelTime ) -- TODO: is this what we want? I suppose yes... -- This check works only once, when the intermission start: here we have to close sptime, axtime and altime -- For all players in the LUA table "slot" if ( gstate == 0 ) and ( tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get( "gamestate" )) == 3 ) then local now = timehandle() for i=0, maxclients, 1 do -- this tests if the playerentity is used! useless to close a entity wich is not in use. -- @Luborg: Actually it checks if the ent is a player - this is always the case (ent 0 - maxclients) if they are active -- Did you get errors ? Checking slot[i]["team"] should be enough here since the slot table is a mirror of current players -- and "team" == -1 means we already closed the team -> slot not in use. closeTeam() should handle the other cases -- It's worth to sort this out it's RunFrame ... if et.gentity_get(i,"classname") == "player" then -- @Ilduca note: client["team"] is set to false somewhere in this code if slot[i]["team"] ~= -1 then closeTeam ( i ) end end end gstate = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get( "gamestate" )) -- Added last kill of the round-- this fails when no kills have been done if (lastkill ~= nil) then execCmd(lastkill, "chat \"^2And the last kill of the round goes to: ^7\"" , {[1]=lastkill,[2]=lastkill,[3]=lastkill}) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "chat \"^2A total of ^7" .. killcount .. " ^2Persons died by various reasons during this map\"" ) end --TODO: Should we call the save to the DB right here? end end function et_Obituary( _victim, _killer, _mod ) debugPrint("cpm", "Victim: ".._victim .. " Killer " .._killer .." MOD: ".. meansofdeath[_mod]) if _killer == 1022 then -- this is for a kill by falling or similar trough the world. Mapmortar etc also. slot[_victim]["killer"] = _killer slot[_victim]["deadwep"] = string.sub(meansofdeath[_mod], 5) -- update kill vars (victim only) else -- all non world kills pussyFactCheck( _victim, _killer, _mod ) slot[_killer]["victim"] = _victim slot[_killer]["killwep"] = string.sub(meansofdeath[_mod], 5) slot[_victim]["killer"] = _killer slot[_victim]["deadwep"] = string.sub(meansofdeath[_mod], 5) lastkiller = _killer -- update client vars ... -- Self kill (restriction) if _killer == _victim then if _mod == mod["MOD_SUICIDE"] then slot[_killer]["selfkills"] = slot[_killer]["selfkills"] + 1 -- what about if they use nades? end -- TODO: wtf? why not just add 1 to the field? Why call an ETfunction if WE could do it faster?? slot[_victim]["death"] = tonumber(et.gentity_get(_victim,"sess.deaths")) -- slot[_victim]["tkills"] = tonumber(et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.team_kills")) -- TODO ???? -- slot[_victim]["tkilled"] = slot[_victim]["tkilled"] + 1 else -- _killer <> _victim -- we assume client[team] is always updated if slot[_killer]["team"] == slot[_victim]["team"] then -- Team kill -- TODO: check if death/kills need an update here slot[_killer]["tkills"] = slot[_killer]["tkills"] + 1 slot[_victim]["tkilled"] = slot[_victim]["tkilled"] + 1 if not tkweight[_mod] ~= nil then tk = 1 else tk = tkweight[_mod] end slot[_killer]["tkpoints"] = slot[_killer]["tkpoints"] + tk checkTKPoints(_killer) else -- cool kill slot[_victim]["death"] = tonumber(et.gentity_get(_victim,"sess.deaths")) slot[_killer]["kills"] = tonumber(et.gentity_get(_killer,"sess.kills")) slot[_victim]["kspree"] = 0 slot[_killer]["kspree"] = slot[_killer]["kspree"] + 1 -- force points - adding half of the killspree value slot[_killer]["fpoints"] = slot[_killer]["fpoints"] + (slot[_killer]["kspree"] / 2) -- add 1 point for deaths to .. some haven't the luck of many kills slot[_victim]["fpoints"] = slot[_victim]["fpoints"] + 1 end end end -- end of 'all not world kills' -- uneven teams solution - the evener if evenerdist ~= -1 then killcount = killcount +1 seconds = (et.trap_Milliseconds() / 1000) if killcount % 2 == 0 and (seconds - lastevener ) >= evenerdist then checkBalance( true ) lastevener = seconds end end -- last kill of the round lastkill = _killer end -- called for every Servercommand -- return 1 if intercepted, 0 if passthrough function et_ConsoleCommand( _command ) -- debugPrint("cpm", "ConsoleCommand - command: " .. _command ) -- noq cmds ... -- TODO: What is this !noq cmd good for in here? -- if string.lower(et.trap_Argv(0)) == commandprefix.."noq" then -- if (et.trap_Argc() < 2) then -- et.G_Print("#sql is used to access the db with common sql commands.\n") -- et.G_Print("usage: ...") -- return 1 -- end -- noq warn ... -- TODO: What is this !warn cmd good for in here? -- elseif string.lower(et.trap_Argv(0)) == commandprefix.."warn" then -- try first param to cast as int -- if int check if slot .. ban -- if not try to get player via part of name ... local arg0 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(0)) if arg0 == "csay" then -- csay - say something to clients console .. usefull for EXEC_APPEND! if (et.trap_Argc() >= 3) then _targetid = tonumber(et.trap_Argv(1)) if slot[_targetid] ~= nil then et.trap_SendServerCommand( _targetid,"print \"" .. et.trap_Argv(2) .."\n\"") end end elseif arg0 == "plock" then -- plock - lock a player to a team if (et.trap_Argc() >= 4) then _targetid = tonumber(et.trap_Argv(1)) _targetteam = et.trap_Argv(2) _locktime = tonumber(et.trap_Argv(3)) slot[_targetid]["locktoTeam"] = _targetteam slot[_targetid]["lockedTeamTill"] = _locktime + (et.trap_Milliseconds() /1000 ) et.trap_SendServerCommand( -1,"chat \"^7"..slot[_targetid]["netname"].." ^3 is now locked to the ^1"..teamchars[_targetteam].."^3 team\"") end elseif arg0 == "noq_irc" then sendtoIRCRelay(et.ConcatArgs( 1 )) elseif arg0 == "!setlevel" or arg0 == commandprefix .. "setlevel" then -- we need to set the level to be sure db is up-to-date if (et.trap_Argc() ~= 3 ) then et.G_Print("usage: !setlevel id/name level") else local plr = getPlayerId(et.trap_Argv(1)) if plr then slot[plr]["lvl"] = tonumber(et.trap_Argv(2)) savePlayer( plr ) et.G_Print("NOQ: set " .. slot[plr]['netname'] .. " to level " .. tonumber(et.trap_Argv(2)) .. "\n" ) else et.G_Print("NOQ: No corresponding player found to set level.") end end end -- add more cmds here ... end function et_ClientSpawn( _clientNum, _revived ) -- TODO: check if this works, works! -- _revived == 1 means he was revived if _revived ~= 1 then updateTeam(_clientNum) else et.trap_SendServerCommand(et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"pers.lastrevive_client"),"cpm \"^1You revived ^7" .. slot[_clientNum] .. " \"" ); end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- initClient -- Gets DbInfos and checks for Ban and Mute, inits clientfields -- the very first action ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function initClient ( _clientNum, _FirstTime, _isBot) -- note: this script should work w/o db connection -- greetings functionality: check if connect (1) or reconnect (2) --'static' clientfields slot[_clientNum]["pkey"] = string.upper( et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( _clientNum ), "cl_guid" )) slot[_clientNum]["ip"] = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( _clientNum ), "ip" ) local a local b a, b, slot[_clientNum]["ip"]= string.find(slot[_clientNum]["ip"],"(%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+)") slot[_clientNum]["isBot"] = _isBot slot[_clientNum]["conname"] = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( _clientNum ), "name" ) slot[_clientNum]["level"] = 1 -- FIXME !!! et.G_shrubbot_level(_clientNum) slot[_clientNum]["flags"] = "" -- TODO slot[_clientNum]["start"] = timehandle('N') -- Get the start connection time -- 'dynamic' clientfields slot[_clientNum]["team"] = false -- set the team on client begin (don't use nil here, as it deletes the index!) slot[_clientNum]["axtime"] = 0 slot[_clientNum]["altime"] = 0 slot[_clientNum]["sptime"] = 0 slot[_clientNum]["lctime"] = 0 slot[_clientNum]["acc"] = 0 slot[_clientNum]["kills"] = 0 slot[_clientNum]["tkills"] = 0 slot[_clientNum]["tkpoints"] = 0 slot[_clientNum]["kspree"] = 0 -- killingspree slot[_clientNum]["fpoints"] = 10 -- forcepoints slot[_clientNum]["netname"] = false slot[_clientNum]["victim"] = -1 slot[_clientNum]["killwep"] = "nothing" slot[_clientNum]["killer"] = -1 slot[_clientNum]["deadwep"] = "nothing" slot[_clientNum]["selfkills"] = 0 slot[_clientNum]["vsaydisabled"] = false slot[_clientNum]["locktoTeam"] = nil slot[_clientNum]["lockedTeamTill"] = 0 slot[_clientNum]["death"] = 0 slot[_clientNum]["uci"] = 0 slot[_clientNum]["pf"] = 0 -- non db client fields slot[_clientNum]["tkilled"] = 0 if _FirstTime == 1 then slot[_clientNum]["ntg"] = true else slot[_clientNum]["ntg"] = false end debugPrint("cpm", "LUA: INIT CLIENT" ) if databasecheck == 1 then debugPrint("cpm", "LUA: INIT DATABASECHECK EXEC" ) updatePlayerInfo(_clientNum) slot[_clientNum]["setxp"] = true slot[_clientNum]["xpset"] = false return nil end debugPrint("cpm", "LUA: INIT CLIENT NO DATABASE INTERACTION" ) return nil end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- updatePlayerInfo -- Updates the Playerinformation out of the Database (IF POSSIBLE!) -- Also called on connect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function updatePlayerInfo ( _clientNum ) DBCon:GetPlayerInfo( slot[_clientNum]["pkey"] ) if DBCon.row then -- This player is already present in the database debugPrint("cpm", "LUA: INIT CLIENT ROW EXISTS") -- Start to collect related information for this player id -- player slot[_clientNum]["id"] = DBCon.row.id slot[_clientNum]["regname"] = DBCon.row.regname slot[_clientNum]["conname"] = DBCon.row.conname --slot[_clientNum]["netname"] = DBCon.row.netname --we don't set netname to a invalid old databaseentry slot[_clientNum]["clan"] = DBCon.row.clan slot[_clientNum]["user"] = DBCon.row.user -- only for admin info slot[_clientNum]["banreason"] = DBCon.row.banreason slot[_clientNum]["bannedby"] = DBCon.row.bannedby slot[_clientNum]["banexpire"] = DBCon.row.banexpire slot[_clientNum]["mutedreason"] = DBCon.row.mutedreason slot[_clientNum]["mutedby"] = DBCon.row.mutedby slot[_clientNum]["muteexpire"] = DBCon.row.muteexpire slot[_clientNum]["warnings"] = DBCon.row.warnings slot[_clientNum]["suspect"] = DBCon.row.suspect slot[_clientNum]["regdate"] = DBCon.row.regdate slot[_clientNum]["createdate"] = DBCon.row.createdate -- first seen slot[_clientNum]["updatedate"] = DBCon.row.updatedate -- last seen --slot[_clientNum]["level"] = et.G_shrubbot_level( _clientNum ) --TODO: REAL LEVEL/Who is more important, shrub or database? -- IRATA: noq - database; -- ailmanki: changed.. if the user is in db we get in from db, else from shrubbot. -- luborg: use nq_noq to determine: local nq_noq = et.trap_Cvar_Get( "nq_noq" ) if nq_noq ~= 1 or nq_noq ~= 2 then -- nq_noq is not set, shrub is active - we only save, but dont set. else slot[_clientNum]["level"] = DBCon.row.level -- cmd only available in nq >= 130 et.G_shrubbot_setlevel(_clientnum, DBCon.row.level) end slot[_clientNum]["flags"] = DBCon.row.flags -- TODO: pump it into game --Perhaps put into updatePlayerXP slot[_clientNum]["xp0"] = DBCon.row.xp0 slot[_clientNum]["xp1"] = DBCon.row.xp1 slot[_clientNum]["xp2"] = DBCon.row.xp2 slot[_clientNum]["xp3"] = DBCon.row.xp3 slot[_clientNum]["xp4"] = DBCon.row.xp4 slot[_clientNum]["xp5"] = DBCon.row.xp5 slot[_clientNum]["xp6"] = DBCon.row.xp6 slot[_clientNum]["xptot"] = DBCon.row.xptot debugPrint("cpm", "LUA: INIT CLIENT FROM ROW GOOD" ) else debugPrint("cpm", "LUA: INIT CLIENT NO ROW -> NEW" ) -- Since he is new, he isn't banned or muted: let him pass those check slot[_clientNum]["banreason"] = "" slot[_clientNum]["bannedby"] = "" slot[_clientNum]["banexpire"] = "1000-01-01 00:00:00" slot[_clientNum]["mutedreason"] = "" slot[_clientNum]["mutedby"] = "" slot[_clientNum]["muteexpire"] = "1000-01-01 00:00:00" -- Go to Clientbegin and say he's new slot[_clientNum]["new"] = true end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- updatePlayerXP -- Update a players xp from the values in his previously set Xptable -- just a g_xp_setfunction for all values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function updatePlayerXP( _clientNum ) if tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["xp0"]) < 0 then slot[_clientNum]["xp0"] = 0 end if tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["xp1"]) < 0 then slot[_clientNum]["xp1"] = 0 end if tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["xp2"]) < 0 then slot[_clientNum]["xp2"] = 0 end if tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["xp3"]) < 0 then slot[_clientNum]["xp3"] = 0 end if tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["xp4"]) < 0 then slot[_clientNum]["xp4"] = 0 end if tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["xp5"]) < 0 then slot[_clientNum]["xp5"] = 0 end if tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["xp6"]) < 0 then slot[_clientNum]["xp6"] = 0 end et.G_XP_Set ( _clientNum , slot[_clientNum]["xp0"], 0, 0 ) -- battle et.G_XP_Set ( _clientNum , slot[_clientNum]["xp1"], 1, 0 ) -- engi et.G_XP_Set ( _clientNum , slot[_clientNum]["xp2"], 2, 0 ) -- medic et.G_XP_Set ( _clientNum , slot[_clientNum]["xp3"], 3, 0 ) -- signals et.G_XP_Set ( _clientNum , slot[_clientNum]["xp4"], 4, 0 ) -- light et.G_XP_Set ( _clientNum , slot[_clientNum]["xp5"], 5, 0 ) -- heavy et.G_XP_Set ( _clientNum , slot[_clientNum]["xp6"], 6, 0 ) -- covert slot[_clientNum]["xpset"] = true end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkBan -- Check if player is banned and kick him -- TODO : would be cool to inform admins about bans through mail -- TODO : add something that tracks a just-unbanned player ( for time bans ) -- in order to warn online admins and maybe the player himself -- NOTE : do something like checkMute with an own LUA function? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function checkBan ( _clientNum ) if slot[_clientNum]["bannedby"] ~= "" then if slot[_clientNum]["banreason"] ~= "" then if slot[_clientNum]["banexpire"] ~= "1000-01-01 00:00:00" then -- Check for expired ban if timehandle( 'DS', 'N', slot[_clientNum]["banexpire"] ) > 0 then -- The ban is expired: clear the ban fields and continue slot[_clientNum]["bannedby"] = "" slot[_clientNum]["banreason"] = "" slot[_clientNum]["banexpire"] = "1000-01-01 00:00:00" return nil end return "You are banned by "..slot[_clientNum]["bannedby"].." until "..slot[_clientNum]["banexpire"]..". Reason: "..slot[_clientNum]["banreason"] else return "You are permanently banned by "..slot[_clientNum]["bannedby"]..". Reason: "..slot[_clientNum]["banreason"] end else if slot[_clientNum]["banexpire"] ~= "1000-01-01 00:00:00" then -- Check for expired ban if timehandle( 'DS', 'N', slot[_clientNum]["banexpire"] ) > 0 then -- The ban is expired: clear the ban fields and continue slot[_clientNum]["bannedby"] = "" slot[_clientNum]["banexpire"] = "1000-01-01 00:00:00" return nil end return "You are banned by "..slot[_clientNum]["bannedby"].." until "..slot[_clientNum]["banexpire"] else return "You are permanently banned by "..slot[_clientNum]["bannedby"] end end end return nil end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkMute -- Called in clientBegin in order to print the warning message to the player -- The mute is done through ET, calculating the time between NOW and muteexpire -- and setting the seconds to the game's mute system. Expired check is done with -- the field mutedby; muteexpire is cleared in the database when clientDisconnect -- TODO : would be cool to inform admins about mutes through mail -- TODO : add something that tracks a just-unmuted player ( for time mute ) -- in order to warn online admins and maybe the player himself ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function checkMute ( _clientNum ) if slot[_clientNum]["mutedby"] ~= "" then -- Check permanent mute if slot[_clientNum]["muteexpire"] == "1000-01-01 00:00:00" then et.MutePlayer( _clientNum, -1, slot[_clientNum]["mutedreason"] ) return nil end local muteseconds = timehandle( 'DS', 'N', slot[_clientNum]["muteexpire"] ) -- Check if the mute is still valid if muteseconds > 0 then -- The mute is expired: clear the mute fields and continue slot[_clientNum]["mutedby"] = "" slot[_clientNum]["mutedreason"] = "" slot[_clientNum]["muteexpire"] = "" else -- The mute is still valid: mute him! muteseconds = muteseconds * (-1) et.MutePlayer( _clientNum, muteseconds, slot[_clientNum]["mutedreason"] ) end end return nil end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- createNewPlayer -- Create a new Player: write to Database, set Xp 0 -- maybe could also be used to reset Player, as pkey is unique ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function createNewPlayer ( _clientNum ) local name = string.gsub(slot[_clientNum]["netname"],"\'", "\\\'") local conname = string.gsub(slot[_clientNum]["conname"],"\'", "\\\'") -- This player is a new one: create a new database entry with our Infos DBCon:DoCreateNewPlayer( slot[_clientNum]["pkey"], slot[_clientNum]["isBot"], name, slot[_clientNum]["start"], slot[_clientNum]["start"], conname) --[[ Commented out - what did that here? slot[_clientNum]["xp0"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",0) slot[_clientNum]["xp1"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",1) slot[_clientNum]["xp2"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",2) slot[_clientNum]["xp3"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",3) slot[_clientNum]["xp4"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",4) slot[_clientNum]["xp5"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",5) slot[_clientNum]["xp6"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",6) slot[_clientNum]["xptot"] = slot[_clientNum]["xp0"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp1"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp2"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp3"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp4"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp5"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp6"] slot[_clientNum]["suspect"] = 0 --]] slot[_clientNum]["new"] = nil slot[_clientNum]["xpset"] = true -- And now we will get all our default values -- but why? updatePlayerInfo (_clientNum) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- timehandle -- Function to handle times -- TODO : check if the time returned with option 'D' is in the right format we need -- TODO : actually, 'D' and 'DS' are almost equal: save some lines mergin them!! -- NOTE ABOUT TIME IN LUA: the function os.difftime works only with arguments passed in seconds, so -- before pass anything to that functions we have to convert the date in seconds -- with the function os.time, then convert back the result with os.date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function timehandle ( op, time1, time2) -- The os.* functions needs a shell to be linked and accessible by the process running LUA -- TODO : this check should be moved at script start because os.* functions are really -- "popular" so we may use them in other functions too if os.execute() == 0 then error("This process needs an active shell to be executed.") end local timed = nil if op == 'N' then -- N -> return current date ( NOW ) local timed = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %X") if timed then return timed end return nil elseif op == 'D' then -- D -> compute time difference time1-time2 if time1==nil or time2==nil then error("You must to input 2 arguments to use the 'D' option.") end -- Check if time1 is 'N' ( NOW ) if time1 == 'N' then -- Check if time2 is in the right format if string.len(time2) == 19 then timed = os.difftime(os.time(),os.time{year=tonumber(string.sub(time2,1,4)), month=tonumber(string.sub(time2,6,7)), day=tonumber(string.sub(time2,9,10)), hour=tonumber(string.sub(time2,12,13)), min=tonumber(string.sub(time2,15,16)), sec=tonumber(string.sub(time2,18,19))}) end end -- Check if time1 and time2 are in the right format if string.len(time1) == 19 and string.len(time2) == 19 then timed = os.difftime(os.time{year=tonumber(string.sub(time1,1,4)), month=tonumber(string.sub(time1,6,7)), day=tonumber(string.sub(time1,9,10)), hour=tonumber(string.sub(time1,12,13)), min=tonumber(string.sub(time1,15,16)), sec=tonumber(string.sub(time1,18,19))},os.time{year=tonumber(string.sub(time2,1,4)), month=tonumber(string.sub(time2,6,7)), day=tonumber(string.sub(time2,9,10)), hour=tonumber(string.sub(time2,12,13)), min=tonumber(string.sub(time2,15,16)), sec=tonumber(string.sub(time2,18,19))}) end elseif op == 'DS' then -- DS -> compute time difference time1-time2 and return result in seconds if time1==nil or time2==nil then error("You must to input 2 arguments to use the 'DS' option.") end -- Check if time1 is 'N' ( NOW ) if time1 == 'N' then -- Check if time2 is in the right format if string.len(time2) == 19 then timed = os.difftime(os.time(),os.time{year=tonumber(string.sub(time2,1,4)), month=tonumber(string.sub(time2,6,7)), day=tonumber(string.sub(time2,9,10)), hour=tonumber(string.sub(time2,12,13)), min=tonumber(string.sub(time2,15,16)), sec=tonumber(string.sub(time2,18,19))}) return timed end end -- Check if time1 and time2 are in the right format if string.len(time1) == 19 and string.len(time2) == 19 then timed = os.difftime(os.time{year=tonumber(string.sub(time1,1,4)), month=tonumber(string.sub(time1,6,7)), day=tonumber(string.sub(time1,9,10)), hour=tonumber(string.sub(time1,12,13)), min=tonumber(string.sub(time1,15,16)), sec=tonumber(string.sub(time1,18,19))},os.time{year=tonumber(string.sub(time2,1,4)), month=tonumber(string.sub(time2,6,7)), day=tonumber(string.sub(time2,9,10)), hour=tonumber(string.sub(time2,12,13)), min=tonumber(string.sub(time2,15,16)), sec=tonumber(string.sub(time2,18,19))}) return timed end end if timed then if timed < 60 then if timed < 10 then return string.format("00:00:0%d",timed) else return string.format("00:00:%d",timed) end end local seconds = timed % 60 local minutes = (( timed - seconds ) / 60 ) if minutes < 60 then if minutes < 10 and seconds < 10 then return string.format("00:0%d:0%d",minutes,seconds) elseif minutes < 10 then return string.format("00:0%d:%d",minutes,seconds) elseif seconds < 10 then return string.format("00:%d:0%d",minutes,seconds) else return string.format("00:%d:%d",minutes,seconds) end end minutes = minutes % 60 local houres = ((( timed - seconds ) / 60 ) - minutes ) / 60 if minutes < 10 and seconds < 10 then return string.format("%d:0%d:0%d",houres,minutes,seconds) elseif minutes < 10 then return string.format("%d:0%d:%d",houres,minutes,seconds) elseif seconds < 10 then return string.format("%d:%d:0%d",houres,minutes,seconds) else return string.format("%d:%d:%d",houres,minutes,seconds) end end return nil end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WriteClientDisconnect -- Dumps Client into Dbase at Disconnect or end of round -- This function really dumps everything by calling our two helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function WriteClientDisconnect( _clientNum, _now, _timediff ) if tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get( "gamestate" )) ~= 1 then -- in warmup no db interaction if slot[_clientNum]["team"] == false then slot[_clientNum]["uci"] = et.gentity_get( _clientNum ,"sess.uci") -- In this case the player never entered the game world, he disconnected during connection time -- TODO : check if this works. Is the output from 'D' option in the needed format for the database? DBCon:SetPlayerSessionWCD( slot[_clientNum]["pkey"], _clientNum, map, slot[_clientNum]["ip"], "0", slot[_clientNum]["start"], timehandle('N'), timehandle('D','N',slot[_clientNum]["start"]), slot[_clientNum]["uci"] ) et.G_LogPrint( "Noq: saved player ".._clientNum.." to Database\n" ) else -- The player disconnected during a valid game session. We have to close his playing time -- If "team" == -1 means we already closed the team time, so we don't have to do it again -- This is needed to stop team time at map end, when debriefing starts if slot[_clientNum]["team"] ~= -1 then closeTeam ( _clientNum ) end -- Write to session if player was in game saveSession ( _clientNum ) savePlayer ( _clientNum ) et.G_LogPrint( "Noq: saved player and session ".._clientNum.." to Database\n" ) end slot[_clientNum]["ntg"] = false end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- savePlayer -- Dumps into player table - NO SESSIONDUMPING -- call if you changed something important to secure it in database -- eg Xp, Level, Ban, Mute -- is also called at every Disconnect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function savePlayer ( _clientNum ) slot[_clientNum]["ip"] = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( _clientNum ), "ip" ) if slot[_clientNum]["ip"] == "localhost" then -- He is a bot, mark it's ip as "localhost" slot[_clientNum]["ip"] = "" else s,e,slot[_clientNum]["ip"] = string.find(slot[_clientNum]["ip"],"(%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+)") end if slot[_clientNum]["xpset"] == false and xprestore == 1 then et.G_LogPrint("NOQ: ERROR while setting xp in database: XP not properly restored!\n") return end -- We also write to player, for our actual data -- TODO -- slot[_clientNum]["user"] -- slot[_clientNum]["password"] -- slot[_clientNum]["email"] -- slot[_clientNum]["netname"] ???? local name = string.gsub(slot[_clientNum]["netname"],"\'", "\\\'") if slot[_clientNum]["muteexpire"] ~= "1000-01-01 00:00:00" and timehandle( 'DS', 'N', slot[_clientNum]["muteexpire"] ) > 0 then slot[_clientNum]["mutedby"] = "" slot[_clientNum]["mutedreason"] = "" slot[_clientNum]["muteexpire"] = "1000-01-01 00:00:00" end slot[_clientNum]["xp0"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",0) slot[_clientNum]["xp1"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",1) slot[_clientNum]["xp2"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",2) slot[_clientNum]["xp3"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",3) slot[_clientNum]["xp4"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",4) slot[_clientNum]["xp5"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",5) slot[_clientNum]["xp6"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",6) slot[_clientNum]["xptot"] = slot[_clientNum]["xp0"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp1"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp2"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp3"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp4"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp5"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp6"] DBCon:SetPlayerInfo( slot[_clientNum] ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- saveSession -- Dumps the sessiondata -- should only be used on session-end to not falsify sessions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function saveSession( _clientNum ) if recordbots == 0 and slot[_clientNum]["isBot"] == 1 then et.G_LogPrint( "Noq: not saved bot session ".._clientNum.." to Database" ) return end -- TODO: fixme sqlite only ? -- TODO: think about moving these vars into client structure earlier ... slot[_clientNum]["uci"] = et.gentity_get( _clientNum ,"sess.uci") slot[_clientNum]["ip"] = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( _clientNum ), "ip" ) if slot[_clientNum]["ip"] == "localhost" then -- He is a bot, mark it's ip as "localhost" slot[_clientNum]["ip"] = "" else s,e,slot[_clientNum]["ip"] = string.find(slot[_clientNum]["ip"],"(%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+)") end -- If player was ingame, we really should save his XP to! -- TODO: think about updating this into client structure at runtime -- The final questions is: Do we need the XP stuff at runtime in the client structure ? slot[_clientNum]["xp0"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",0) slot[_clientNum]["xp1"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",1) slot[_clientNum]["xp2"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",2) slot[_clientNum]["xp3"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",3) slot[_clientNum]["xp4"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",4) slot[_clientNum]["xp5"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",5) slot[_clientNum]["xp6"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.skillpoints",6) slot[_clientNum]["xptot"] = slot[_clientNum]["xp0"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp1"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp2"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp3"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp4"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp5"] + slot[_clientNum]["xp6"] DBCon:SetPlayerSession( slot[_clientNum], map, _clientNum ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- gotCmd -- determines and prepares the arguments for our Shrubcmds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gotCmd( _clientNum, _command, _vsay) local argw = {} local arg0 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(0)) local arg1 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(1)) local arg2 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(2)) local argcount = et.trap_Argc() local cmd -- TODO: we should use level from Lua client model local lvl = tonumber(et.G_shrubbot_level( _clientNum ) ) local realcmd silent = false --to check in subfunctions if its a silent cmd if _vsay == nil then -- silent cmd cmd = string.sub(arg0 ,2) argw[1] = arg1 argw[2] = arg2 argw[3] = et.ConcatArgs( 3 ) silent = true elseif _vsay == false then -- normal say cmd = string.sub(arg1 ,2) argw[1] = arg2 argw[2] = et.trap_Argv(3) argw[3] = et.ConcatArgs( 4 ) else -- its a vsay! cmd = string.sub(arg2 ,2) argw[1] = et.trap_Argv(3) argw[2] = et.trap_Argv(4) argw[3] = et.ConcatArgs( 5 ) end -- thats a hack to clearly get the second parameter. -- NQ-Gui chat uses cvars to pass the say-content if string.find(cmd, " ") ~= nil then t = justWords(cmd) cmd = t[1] table.remove(t ,1 ) argw = t if t[1] == nil then t[1] = "" end if t[2] == nil then t[2] = "" end if t[3] == nil then t[3] = "" end end -- We search trought the commands-array for a suitable command for i=lvl, 0, -1 do if commands["cmd"][i][cmd] ~= nil then if cmd == 'help' then if argw[1] == "" then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "csay ".. _clientNum .. " \"^FFor NOQ help type !cmdlist.. \"") else for i=lvl, 0, -1 do if commands["hlp"][i][argw[1]] ~= nil then helpCmd( _clientNum, argw[1], i) return 1 end end end else execCmd(_clientNum, commands["cmd"][i][cmd], argw) if _vsay == nil then return 1 end end return end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- justWords -- Splits a string into a table on occurence of Whitespaces ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function justWords( _str ) local t = {} local function helper(word) table.insert(t, word) return "" end if not _str:gsub("%S+", helper):find"%S" then return t end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- helpCmd -- prints help from custom commands -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function helpCmd(_clientNum , cmd, i, fullmsg) -- Colors same as in NQ local tc = "^D" -- title color local nc = "^Y" -- text color local hc = "^R" -- highlight color et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "qsay \"".. slot[_clientNum]["netname"] .. "^7: ^2!help " .. cmd .. "\"") et.trap_SendServerCommand( _clientNum,"print \"" .. tc .. "help: " .. nc .. "NOQ help for '" .. hc .. cmd .. nc .. "':\n\"") et.trap_SendServerCommand( _clientNum,"print \"" .. tc .. "Function: " .. nc .. commands["hlp"][i][cmd] .. "\n\"") et.trap_SendServerCommand( _clientNum,"print \"" .. tc .. "Syntax: " .. hc .. commands["syn"][i][cmd] .. "\n\"") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- execCmd -- The real work to exec a cmd is done here, all substitutions and the switch for -- Lua and shellcommands are done here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function execCmd(_clientNum , _cmd, _argw) local str = _cmd local lastkilled = slot[_clientNum]["victim"] local lastkiller = slot[_clientNum]["killer"] if lastkilled == 1022 then nlastkilled = "World" elseif lastkilled == -1 then -- well, fresh player... lastkilled = _clientNum nlastkilled = "nobody" elseif lastkilled == _clientNum then nlastkilled = "myself" else nlastkilled = et.gentity_get(lastkilled, "pers.netname") end if lastkiller == 1022 then nlastkiller = "World" if slot[_clientNum]["deadwep"] == 'FALLING' then nlastkiller = "\'Newton\'s third law\'" end elseif lastkiller == -1 then lastkiller = _clientNum nlastkiller = "nobody" elseif lastkiller == _clientNum then nlastkiller = "myself" else nlastkiller = et.gentity_get(lastkiller, "pers.netname") end local otherplayer = _argw[1] local assume = false otherplayer = getPlayerId(otherplayer) if otherplayer == nil then otherplayer = _clientNum assume = true end local t = tonumber(et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.sessionTeam")) local c = tonumber(et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.latchPlayerType")) local str = string.gsub(str, "", _clientNum) local str = string.gsub(str, "", slot[_clientNum]["pkey"]) local str = string.gsub(str, "", slot[_clientNum]["netname"]) local str = string.gsub(str, "", slot[_clientNum]["level"] ) local str = string.gsub(str, "", slot[_clientNum]["cleanname"]) local str = string.gsub(str, "", class[c]) local str = string.gsub(str, "", team[t]) local str = string.gsub(str, "", table.concat(_argw , " ") ) local str = string.gsub(str, "", _argw[1] ) local str = string.gsub(str, "", _argw[2] ) local str = string.gsub(str, "", _argw[3] ) local str = string.gsub(str, "", lastkiller ) local str = string.gsub(str, "", et.Q_CleanStr( nlastkiller )) local str = string.gsub(str, "", nlastkiller ) local str = string.gsub(str, "", slot[_clientNum]["deadwep"]) local str = string.gsub(str, "", lastkilled ) local str = string.gsub(str, "", et.Q_CleanStr( nlastkilled )) local str = string.gsub(str, "", nlastkilled ) local str = string.gsub(str, "", slot[_clientNum]["killwep"]) local str = string.gsub(str, "", serverid ) --TODO Implement them (Most of them are from Kmod/EtAdmin) -- Other possible Variables: -- local str = string.gsub(str, "", calculate! ) --local str = string.gsub(str, "", pnameID) --local str = string.gsub(str, "", PBpnameID) --local str = string.gsub(str, "", PBID) --local str = string.gsub(str, "", randomC) --local str = string.gsub(str, "", randomCName) --local str = string.gsub(str, "", randomName) --local str = string.gsub(str, "", randomClass) --local str = string.gsub(str, "", randomTeam) --local teamnumber = tonumber(et.gentity_get(PlayerID,"sess.sessionTeam")) --local classnumber = tonumber(et.gentity_get(PlayerID,"sess.latchPlayerType")) -- if otherplayer == _clientNum then -- "light security" to not ban or kick yourself (use only ids to ban or kick, then its safe) if assume == true then str = string.gsub(str, "", "65" ) str = string.gsub(str, "", "65" ) end --else local t = tonumber(et.gentity_get(otherplayer,"sess.sessionTeam")) local c = tonumber(et.gentity_get(otherplayer,"sess.latchPlayerType")) str = string.gsub(str, "", class[c]) str = string.gsub(str, "", team[t]) str = string.gsub(str, "", et.gentity_get(otherplayer, "pers.netname" )) str = string.gsub(str, "", otherplayer ) str = string.gsub(str, "", otherplayer + 1 ) str = string.gsub(str, "", et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( otherplayer ), "cl_guid" )) str = string.gsub(str, "", et.G_shrubbot_level (otherplayer) ) str = string.gsub(str, "", et.Q_CleanStr(et.gentity_get(otherplayer,"pers.netname"))) str = string.gsub(str, "", slot[_clientNum]["ip"] ) --added for !afk etc, use when assume is ok str = string.gsub(str, "", otherplayer ) -- This allows execution of lua-code in a normal Command. if string.sub(str, 1,5) == "$LUA$" then --et.G_Print(string.sub(str,6)) local tokall = loadstring(string.sub(str,6)) tokall() return elseif string.sub(str, 1,5) == "$SHL$" then -- This allows Shell commands. WARNING: As long as lua waits for the command to complete, NQ+ET aren't responding to anything, they are HALTED! -- Response of the Script is piped into NQ-Console(via print, so no commands) execthis = io.popen(string.sub(str,6)) myreturn = execthis:read("*a") execthis:close() myreturn = string.gsub(myreturn, "\n","\"\nqsay \"") et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \" ".. myreturn .. " \"") else -- well, at the end we send the command to the console et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "".. str .. "\n " ) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getPlayerId -- helper function to compute the clientid matching a part-string or the clientid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getPlayerId( _name ) -- if it's nil, return nil if (_name == "") or _name == nil then return nil end -- if it's a number, interpret as slot number local clientnum = tonumber(_name) if clientnum then if (clientnum <= maxclients) and tonumber(et.gentity_get(clientnum,"inuse")) == 1 then return clientnum else return nil end end local test = et.ClientNumberFromString( _name ) -- Cool NQ function! if test == -1 then return nil else return test end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- parseconf -- Parses commandos from commandofile function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function parseconf() local datei = io.open ( (scriptpath .. "noq_commands.cfg" ) ,"r") -- Shrub uses only 31 Levels. at least wiki says commands["cmd"] = {} commands["syn"] = {} commands["hlp"] = {} commands["listing"] = {} for i=0, 31, 1 do commands["cmd"][i] = {} commands["syn"][i] = {} commands["hlp"][i] = {} end local nmr = 1 local nmr2 = 1 local lasti = nil local lastcmd = nil for line in datei:lines() do local filestr = line local testcase = string.find(filestr, "^%s*%#") if testcase == nil then local testcase = string.find(filestr, "^%s*%w+%s*%=%s*") if testcase ~= nil then debugPrint("logprint",filestr) for helptype, helptext in string.gfind(filestr, "^*%s*(%w+)%s*%=%s*(.*)[^%\n]*") do debugPrint("logprint",helptext) if helptype == "help" then commands["hlp"][lasti][lastcmd] = helptext else commands["syn"][lasti][lastcmd] = helptext end end else for level,comm,commin in string.gfind(filestr, "^*([0-9]*)%s*%-%s*(%w+)%s*%=%s*(.*)[^%\n]*") do -- et.G_LogPrint ("Parsing CMD:"..comm .. " Level: "..level.." Content: ".. commin .."\n") i = tonumber(level) commands["cmd"][i][comm] = commin commands["hlp"][i][comm] = "n/a" commands["syn"][i][comm] = "n/a" nmr = nmr +1 lasti = i lastcmd = comm end end end nmr2 = nmr2 +1 end datei:close() et.G_LogPrint("NOQ: Parsed " ..nmr .." commands from "..nmr2.." lines. \n") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Init NOQ function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function initNOQ () -- get all we need at gamestart from game gstate = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get( "gamestate" )) map = tostring(et.trap_Cvar_Get("mapname")) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getDBVersion -- Checks for correct DBVersion -- Disables DBaccess on wrong version! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getDBVersion() -- Check the database version local versiondb = DBCon:GetVersion() if versiondb == version then databasecheck = 1 et.G_LogPrint("NOQ: Database "..DBCon.dbname.." is up to date. Script version is ".. version .."\n") else et.G_LogPrint("NOQ: Database "..DBCon.dbname.." is not up to date: DBMS support disabled! Requested version is ".. version .."\n") -- We don't need to keep the connection with the database open DBCon:DoDisconnect() end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- updateTeam -- set times accordingly when the player changes team ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function updateTeam( _clientNum ) local teamTemp = tonumber(et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.sessionTeam")) if teamTemp ~= tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["team"]) then -- now we have teamchange!!! if debug == 1 then if tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["team"]) ~= nil and teamTemp ~= nil then debugPrint("cpm","TEAMCHANGE: " .. team[tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["team"])] .. " to " .. team[teamTemp]) end end closeTeam ( _clientNum ) -- Now, we change the teamchangetime & team slot[_clientNum]["lastTeamChange"] = (et.trap_Milliseconds() / 1000 ) slot[_clientNum]["team"] = teamTemp end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- closeTeam -- closes a time session for a player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function closeTeam( _clientNum ) if tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["team"]) == 1 then -- axis slot[_clientNum]["axtime"] = slot[_clientNum]["axtime"] +( (et.trap_Milliseconds() / 1000) - slot[_clientNum]["lastTeamChange"] ) elseif tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["team"]) == 2 then -- allies slot[_clientNum]["altime"] = slot[_clientNum]["altime"] +( (et.trap_Milliseconds() / 1000) - slot[_clientNum]["lastTeamChange"] ) elseif tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["team"]) == 3 then -- Spec slot[_clientNum]["sptime"] = slot[_clientNum]["sptime"] +( (et.trap_Milliseconds() / 1000) - slot[_clientNum]["lastTeamChange"] ) end -- Set the player team to -1 so we know he cannot to change team anymore slot[_clientNum]["team"] = -1 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- mail functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function sendMail( _to, _subject, _text ) if mail == 1 then -- TODO: clean up local mailserv = getConfig("mailserv") local mailport = getConfig("mailport") local mailfrom = getConfig("mailfrom") rcpt = _to -- end clean up mesgt = { headers = { to = _to, subject = _subject }, body = _text } r, e = smtp.send { from = mailfrom, rcpt = rcpt, source = smtp.message(mesgt), --user = "", --password = "", server = mailserv, port = mailport } if (e) then et.G_LogPrint("NOQ: Could not send email: "..e.. "\n") end else et.G_LogPrint("NOQ: Mails disabled.\n") end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkBalance ( force ) -- Checks for uneven teams and tries to even them -- force is a boolean controlling if there is only an announcement or a real action is taken. -- Action is taken if its true. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function checkBalance( _force ) -- TODO: Do we need extra tables to store this kind of data ? local axis = {} -- is this a field required? local allies = {} -- is this a field required? local numclients = 0 for i=0, et.trap_Cvar_Get( "sv_maxclients" ) -1, 1 do if slot[i]["inuse"] then local team = tonumber(et.gentity_get(i,"sess.sessionTeam")) if team == 1 then table.insert(axis,i) end if team == 2 then table.insert(allies,i) end numclients = numclients + 1 end end local numaxis = # axis local numallies = # allies local greaterteam = 3 local smallerteam = 3 local gtable = {} local teamchar = { "r" , "b" , "s" } if numaxis > numallies then greaterteam = 1 smallerteam = 2 gtable = axis end if numallies > numaxis then greaterteam = 2 smallerteam = 1 gtable = allies end if math.abs(numaxis - numallies) >= 5 then evener = evener +1 if _force == true and evener >= 2 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_NOW, "!shuffle " ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "cpm \"^2EVENER: ^1TEAMS SHUFFLED \" " ) else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "cpm \"^1EVEN TEAMS OR SHUFFLE \" " ) end return end if math.abs(numaxis - numallies) >= 3 then evener = evener +1 if _force == true and evener >= 3 then local rand = math.random(# gtable) local cmd = "!put ".. gtable[rand] .." "..teamchar[smallerteam].." \n" --et.G_Print( "CMD: ".. cmd .. "\n") et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, cmd ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1 , "chat \"^2EVENER: ^7Thank you, ".. slot[gtable[rand]]["netname"] .." ^7for helping to even the teams. \" ") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "chat \"^2EVENER: ^1Teams seem unfair, would someone from ^2".. team[greaterteam] .."^1 please switch to ^2"..team[smallerteam].."^1? \" " ) end return else evener = 0 end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- greetClient - greets a client after his first clientbegin -- only call after netname is set! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function greetClient( _clientNum ) local lvl = tonumber(slot[_clientNum]["level"]) if greetings[lvl] ~= nil then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "cpm " .. string.gsub(greetings[lvl], "", slot[_clientNum]["netname"]) .. "\n") end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkOffMesg - checks for OfflineMessages -- Player needs to be registered to use OM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function checkOffMesg (_clientNum) if slot[_clientNum]["user"] ~= "" then -- he is registered local OM = DBCon:GetLogTypefor("5", slot[_clientNum]["pkey"]) if OM ~= nil then -- he has OMs!!!!!!!!1!!!! et.trap_SendServerCommand(_clientNum, "print \"\n^3*** ^1NEW OFFLINEMESSAGES ^3***\"") et.trap_SendServerCommand(_clientNum, "cpm \"^3*** ^1NEW OFFLINEMESSAGES ^3***\"") et.trap_SendServerCommand(_clientNum, "chat \"^3*** ^1NEW OFFLINEMESSAGES ^3***\"") --TODO: fix sound to be only heard by this client. local sndin = et.G_SoundIndex( "sound/misc/pm.wav" ) et.G_Sound( _clientNum, sndin ) for mesnum = 1, #OM, 1 do local xml = OM[mesnum].textxml local posstart , posend = string.find(xml, "", 1) local msg = string.sub(xml , posstart+5 , (#xml- 12)) posstart , posend = string.find(xml, ".*", 1) local from = string.sub(xml, posstart+6, posend-7) et.trap_SendServerCommand(_clientNum, "print \"\n^3*** ^1MESSAGE ^R".. mesnum .."^3***\"") et.trap_SendServerCommand(_clientNum, "print \"\n^3*** ^YFrom: ^R".. from .." ^YMSGID: ^R".. OM[mesnum].id .." ^3***\"") et.trap_SendServerCommand(_clientNum, "print \"\n^3*** ^YDate: ".. OM[mesnum].createdate .." ^3***\"") et.trap_SendServerCommand(_clientNum, "print \"\n^3*** ^YMessage: ".. msg .." ^3***\n\"") end et.trap_SendServerCommand(_clientNum, "print \"\n^3*** Erase messages with /rmom MSGID ^3***\n\"") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "csay " .. _clientNum .. "\"^3No new offlinemessages\"\n") end else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "csay " .. _clientNum .. "\"^3To use offlinemessages, please register\"\n") end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- sendOffMesg - sends a Offlinemessage -- Player needs to be registered to use OM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function sendOffMesg (_sender,_receiver, _msg) --TODO: Escape function _receiver = string.gsub(_receiver,"\'", "\\\'") _msg = string.gsub(_msg,"\'", "\\\'") if slot[_sender]["user"] ~= "" then -- he is registered if _receiver ~= "" and _msg ~= "" then player = DBCon:GetPlayerbyReg(_receiver) if player ~= nil then -- Reveiver is existing message = ""..slot[_sender]["user"].."".. player["user"] .."
" -- type receiver sender text DBCon:SetLogEntry( "5", player['pkey'], slot[_sender]['pkey'], message) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "csay " .. _sender .. "\"^3 Following message was sent to '".._receiver.."("..player['cleanname']..")'\"\n") et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "csay " .. _sender .. "\"^3 '".. _msg .."'\n\"\n") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "csay " .. _sender .. "\"^3Nobody registered the name'".. _receiver .."', so i cannot send him a message.\"\n") end else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "csay " .. _sender .. "\"^3Check your syntax: ^R'/om receiver message'.\"\n") end else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "csay " .. _sender .. "\"^3To use Offlinemessages, please register\"\n") end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getresNames -- get reserved Name patterns from the DB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getresNames() local NMs = DBCon:GetLogTypefor("6", nil, nil) if NMs ~= nil then namearray = {} for num = 1, #NMs, 1 do namearray[num] = NMs[num].textxml end else namearray = nil end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- reserveName -- add a protected string to the Database ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function reserveName(_name) if _name ~= nil and _name ~= "" then DBCon:SetLogEntry(6, "" , "", _name ) if _otherplayer then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"qsay \"^3Added ".._name.." to the protected patterns.\"" ) et.G_Print("NOQ: Added '".._name.."' to the protected patterns.\"" ) else et.G_Print("NOQ: Added '".._name.."' to the protected patterns.\"" ) end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkforResName(clientnum) -- check if the name is reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function checkforResName(_clientNum) if not slot[_clientNum]["netname"] then return end local cleanname = string.lower(et.Q_CleanStr(slot[_clientNum]["netname"])) for i,v in ipairs(namearray) do if string.find( cleanname,v) then if string.find(slot[_clientNum]["clan"],v) then -- luck you - you are in the clan/have the name reserved for you et.G_Print("NOQ: Name for "..slot[_clientNum]["netname"].. " reserved and owned\n") else -- oops - rename him et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "!rename ".._clientNum.. " ".. string.gsub(cleanname,v, "X") ) -- TODO: Kick? et.trap_SendServerCommand( _clientNum, "chat \"^1Your tag/name is reserved or not allowed.\"") end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- timeLeft -- Returns rest of time to play ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function timeLeft() return tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("timelimit"))*1000 - ( et.trap_Milliseconds() - mapStartTime) -- TODO: check this! end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- pussyFactCheck -- adjusts the Pussyfactor after an kill trough et_obituary -- TODO: Add more cases for ugly teamkills (not only panzer ... knife, poison etc) -- cool weapons get a value < 100 lame weapons/activities > 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pussyFactCheck( _victim, _killer, _mod ) if pussyfact == 1 then if slot[_killer]["team"] == slot[_victim]["team"] then -- teamkill -- here it is teamkill -- NOTE: teamkill is not counted as a kill, wich means all added here is even stronger in its weight if _mod == mod["MOD_PANZERFAUST"] or _mod == mod["MOD_BAZOOKA"] then slot[_killer]["pf"] = slot[_killer]["pf"] + 170 else slot[_killer]["pf"] = slot[_killer]["pf"] + 110 end else -- no teamkill -- TODO sort this by coolness if _mod == mod["MOD_KNIFE"] or _mod == mod["MOD_THROWKNIFE"] then slot[_killer]["pf"] = slot[_killer]["pf"] + 70 elseif _mod == mod["MOD_PANZERFAUST"] or _mod == mod["MOD_BAZOOKA"] then slot[_killer]["pf"] = slot[_killer]["pf"] + 140 elseif _mod == mod["MOD_FLAMETHROWER"] then slot[_killer]["pf"] = slot[_killer]["pf"] + 115 elseif _mod == mod["MOD_POISON"] then slot[_killer]["pf"] = slot[_killer]["pf"] + 65 elseif _mod == mod["MOD_GOOMBA"] or _mod == mod["MOD_DYNAMITE"] then slot[_killer]["pf"] = slot[_killer]["pf"] + 60 elseif _mod == mod["MOD_KICKED"] or _mod == mod["MOD_BACKSTAB"] or _mod == mod["MOD_SHOVE"] then slot[_killer]["pf"] = slot[_killer]["pf"] + 40 elseif _mod == mod["MOD_K43_SCOPE"] or _mod == mod["MOD_FG42_SCOPE"] or _mod == mod["MOD_GARAND_SCOPE"] then slot[_killer]["pf"] = slot[_killer]["pf"] + 90 else -- if we count 100 up, nothing changes. at least it should slot[_killer]["pf"] = slot[_killer]["pf"] + 100 end end -- teamkill end end -- pussy end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkTKPoints -- Check if we need to punish a teamkiller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function checkTKPoints(_clientNum) --[[ TODO --]] end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- sendtoIRCRelay -- Will send a string to our IRC-Relay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function sendtoIRCRelay(_txt) local res = client:send(_txt.."\n") if not res then debugPrint("logprint","send " .. "error") else debugPrint("logprint","send " .. _txt) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- nPrint(_whom , _what) -- Will print _what to _whom -- _whom can be: -1 - Console -- 0 - 64 - Player(private) -- 65 - Everyone -- -- _what can be: -- String -- Array of Strings -- -- Note: Please dont use an table of tables - it will fail displaying strange numbers :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function nPrint(_whom, _what) local mytype = type(_what) if _whom == -1 then --console if mytype == "string" then et.G_LogPrint(_what) elseif mytype == "table" then for i,v in ipairs(_what) do et.G_LogPrint(v) end end elseif _whom >= 0 and _whom <= 63 then -- player if mytype == "table" then for i,v in ipairs(_what) do et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"csay ".. _whom .. " \"".. v .."\"\n " ) end elseif mytype == "string" then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"csay ".. _whom .. " \"".. _what .."\"\n " ) end else --everybody if mytype == "string" then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"qsay \"".. _what .."\"\n " ) elseif mytype == "table" then for i,v in ipairs(_what) do et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"qsay \"".. v .."\"\n " ) end end end end --*************************************************************************** -- Here start the commands usually called trough the new command-system -- they shouldn't change internals, they are more informative or helpfull --*************************************************************************** -- Currently available: -- printPlyrInfo -- setLevel -- addClan -- cleanSession -- pussyout -- checkBalance -- rm_pbalias -- teamdamage -- showmaps -- listcmds -- msgtoIRC -- forAll -- showTkTable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- printPlyrInfo(_whom, _about) -- will print Info about player _about to player _whom -- mimics !finger command if called from a silent !cmd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function printPlyrInfo(_whom, _about) local mit = {} -- silent cmds dont display the !finger from shrub afterwards.... if silent then table.insert( mit , "^dInfo about: ^r" .. slot[_about]["netname"] .. " ^r/ ^7" .. slot[_about]["cleanname"] .. "^r:" ) table.insert( mit , "^dSlot: ^r" .. _about ) table.insert( mit , "^dAdmin: ^r" .. slot[_about]["level"] ) table.insert( mit , "^dGuid: ^r" .. slot[_about]["pkey"] ) table.insert( mit , "^dIP: ^r" .. slot[_about]["ip"] ) end table.insert( mit , "^dNOQ Info: " ) if slot[_about]["user"] ~= "" then table.insert( mit , "^dUsername: ^r" .. slot[_about]["user"] ) end table.insert( mit , "^dFirst seen: ^r" .. slot[_about]["createdate"]) table.insert( mit , "^dLast seen: ^r" .. slot[_about]["updatedate"]) table.insert( mit , "^dSpree: ^r" .. slot[_about]["kspree"] ) if slot[_about]["locktoTeam"] ~= nil then table.insert( mit , "^dTeamlock: ^r" .. teamchars[slot[_about]["locktoTeam"]] ) if slot[_about]["lockedTeamTill"] ~= 0 then table.insert( mit , "^dSecs remain:^r" .. (slot[_about]["lockedTeamTill"] - (et.trap_Milliseconds() /1000 )) ) end end if slot[_about]["mutedby"] ~= "" then table.insert( mit , "^dMuted by: ^7" .. slot[_about]["mutedby"]) table.insert( mit , "^dReason: ^r" .. slot[_about]["mutereason"]) table.insert( mit , "^dUntil: ^r" .. slot[_about]["muteexpire"]) end if slot[_about]["vsaydisabled"] then table.insert( mit , "^dHe is not allowed to use vsays") end nPrint(_whom,mit) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- setLevel(clientnum, level) -- changes a players level ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function setLevel(_clientNum, _level) slot[_clientNum]['lvl'] = _level savePlayer( _clientNum ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- addClan(clientnum, tag) -- adds a Clantag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function addClan(_clientNum, _tag) slot[_clientNum]['clan'] = slot[_clientNum]['clan'] .. " " .. _tag savePlayer( _clientNum ) if otherplayer then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"qsay \"^3Added ".._tag.." to the patterns for "..slot[_clientNum]['netname']..".\"" ) et.G_Print("NOQ: Added '".._tag.."' to the patterns for "..et.Q_CleanStr(slot[_clientNum]['netname'])..".\"" ) else et.G_Print("NOQ: Added '".._tag.."' to the patterns for "..et.Q_CleanStr(slot[_clientNum]['netname'])..".\"" ) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cleanSession -- cleans the sessiontable from values older than X months -- _arg for first call is amount of months, second call OK to confirm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cleanSession(_callerID, _arg) if arg == "" then et.trap_SendServerCommand(_callerID, "print \"\n Argument: first call: months to keep records, second call: OK \n\"") return end if _arg == "OK" then if months ~= nil and months >= 1 and months <= 24 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(_callerID, "print \"\n Now erasing all records older than ".. months .." months \n\"") DBCon:DoDeleteOldSessions(months) et.trap_SendServerCommand(_callerID, "print \"\n Erased all records older than ".. months .." months \n\"") et.G_LogPrint( "Noq: Erased data older than "..months.." months from the sessiontable\n" ) if _callerID ~= -1 then et.G_LogPrint( "Noq: Deletion was issued by: "..slot[_callerID]['netname'].. " , GUID:"..slot[_callerID]['pkey'].. " \n" ) end else et.trap_SendServerCommand(_callerID, "print \"\n Please at first specify a value between 1 and 24 \n\"") et.trap_SendServerCommand(_callerID, "print \"\n Example: 1 erases all sessionrecords older than 1 month\n\"") return end elseif tonumber(_arg) >= 1 and tonumber(_arg) <= 24 then local months = tonumber(_arg) et.trap_SendServerCommand(_callerID, "print \"\n Please confirm the deletion of "..months.." month's data with OK as argument of the same command\n\"") else et.trap_SendServerCommand(_callerID, "print \"\n Please specify a value between 1 and 24 \n\"") return end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- pussyout -- Displays the Pussyfactor for Player _ClientNum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ -- Some Documentation for Pussyfactor: -- For every kill, we add a value to the clients number, and to determine the the Pussyfactor, we -- divide that number trough the number of his kills multiplicated with 100. -- If we add 100 for an mp40/thompsonkill, if makes only those kills , he will stay at pussyfactor 1 -- if we add more or less(as 100) to the number, his pf will rise or decline. -- -- Pussyfactor < 1 means he made "cool kills" = poison, goomba, knive -- Pussyfactor = 1 means he makes normal kills -- Pussyfactor > 1 means he does uncool kills (Panzerfaust, teamkills, arty?) -- -- As we add 100 for every normal kill, the pussyfactor approaches 1 after some time with "normal" kills -- --]] function pussyout( _clientNum ) local pf = slot[tonumber(_clientNum)]["pf"] -- TODO: use client structure slot[tonumber(_clientNum)]["kills"] -- it should be up to date! local kills = tonumber(et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.kills")) local realpf = 1 if pf == 0 or kills == 0 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^1Do some kills first...\"") return else realpf = string.format("%.1f", ( pf / (100 * kills) ) ) end -- TODO: do we need to number here = et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"qsay \""..slot[tonumber(_clientNum)]["netname"].."^3's pussyfactor is at: ".. realpf ..".Higher is worse. \"" ) et.G_LogPrint("NOQ: PUSSY: "..slot[tonumber(_clientNum)]["netname"].." at ".. realpf .."\n") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rm_pbalias -- removes all your aliases from the pbalias.dat -- thks to hose! (yeah, this is cool!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rm_pbalias( _myClient, _hisClient ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "print \"function pbalias entered\n\"") local file_name = "pbalias.dat" local inFile = pbpath .. file_name local outFile = pbpath .. file_name local hisGuid = slot[_hisClient]["pkey"] local arg1 = string.lower(hisGuid:sub(25, 32)) -- all input is evil! check for length! et.trap_SendServerCommand(_myClient, "print \"\nSearching for Guid: " .. arg1 .. "\"") local file = assert(io.open( inFile , "r")) local lineCounter = 0 local lineTable = {} local deletedLines = {} local loopcounter = 0 for line in file:lines() do lineCounter = lineCounter + 1 if arg1 ~= line:sub(25, 32) then table.insert(lineTable, line) else table.insert(deletedLines, line) end end local inserted = table.maxn(lineTable) local deleted = table.maxn(deletedLines) file:close() if deleted > 0 then -- writing new pbalias.dat file = assert(io.open(outFile, "w+")) for i, v in ipairs(lineTable) do file:write(v .. "\n") loopcounter = loopcounter + 1 end file:flush() file:close() end -- some status info printed to stdout et.trap_SendServerCommand(_myClient, "print \"\nEntries processed: " .. lineCounter .. "\"") et.trap_SendServerCommand(_myClient, "print \"\nEntries deleted: " .. deleted .. "\"") et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "pb_sv_restart") return 1 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- teamdamage -- Displays information about teamdamage to the caller and a small line for all -- thks to hose! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function teamdamage( myclient, slotnumber ) -- TODO: change this to (_myclient, _slotnumber) local teamdamage = et.gentity_get (slotnumber, "sess.team_damage") local damage = et.gentity_get(slotnumber, "sess.damage_given") local classnumber = et.gentity_get(slotnumber, "sess.playerType") -- TODO: use slottable local teamnumber = et.gentity_get(slotnumber, "sess.sessionTeam") local teamname = team[teamnumber] et.trap_SendServerCommand( myclient, "print \" ^7:" .. et.gentity_get(slotnumber, "pers.netname") .. "^w | Slot: ".. slotnumber .. "\n" .. class[classnumber] .. " | " .. teamname .. " | " .. weapons[et.gentity_get(slotnumber, "sess.latchPlayerWeapon")] .. " | " .. weapons[et.gentity_get(slotnumber, "sess.latchPlayerWeapon2")] .. "\nkills: " .. et.gentity_get(slotnumber, "sess.kills") .. " | damage: " .. damage .. "\nteamkills: " .. et.gentity_get(slotnumber, "sess.team_kills") .. " | teamdamage: " .. teamdamage .. "\n\"") -- notorische teambleeder ab ins cp!!! if teamdamage == 0 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( slotnumber, "cp \" ^7You got ^1"..teamdamage.." teamdamage ^7and ^2" .. damage .. " damage given! ^1".. getConfig("teamdamageMessage1") .. "\"") elseif teamdamage < damage/10 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( slotnumber, "cp \" ^7You got ^1"..teamdamage.." teamdamage ^7and ^2" .. damage .. " damage given! ^1".. getConfig("teamdamageMessage2").. "\"") elseif teamdamage < damage/5 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( slotnumber, "cp \" ^7You got ^1"..teamdamage.." teamdamage ^7and ^2" .. damage .. " damage given! ^1".. getConfig("teamdamageMessage3").. "\"") elseif teamdamage < damage/2 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( slotnumber, "cp \" ^7You got ^1"..teamdamage.." teamdamage ^7and ^2" .. damage .. " damage given! ^1".. getConfig("teamdamageMessage4").. "\"") elseif teamdamage < damage then et.trap_SendServerCommand( slotnumber, "cp \" ^7You got ^1"..teamdamage.." teamdamage ^7and ^2" .. damage .. " damage given! ^1".. getConfig("teamdamageMessage5").. "\"") else et.trap_SendServerCommand( slotnumber, "cp \" ^7You got ^1"..teamdamage.." teamdamage ^7and ^2" .. damage .. " damage given! ^1".. getConfig("teamdamageMessage6").. "\"") end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- showmaps -- Reads the camapaign-info in, then compares with current map, then -- displays all maps and marks the current one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function showmaps() local ent = et.trap_Cvar_Get( "campaign_maps" ); -- TODO: create and use global var ? local tat34 = {} local sep = "," -- helper function function split(str, pat) local t = {} -- NOTE: use {n = 0} in Lua-5.0 local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat local last_end = 1 local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1) while s do if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then table.insert(t,cap) end last_end = e+1 s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end) end if last_end <= #str then cap = str:sub(last_end) table.insert(t, cap) end return t end tat34 = split (ent, sep) local ent2 = "^3" map = tostring(et.trap_Cvar_Get("mapname")) -- helper function local function addit( i, v) if v == map then ent2 = ent2 .. "^1" .. v .. "^3 <> " else ent2 = ent2 .. v .. " <> " end end for i,v in ipairs(tat34) do addit(i,v) end et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "chat \"".. ent2 .. "\"") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- listCMDs -- Returns a list of available Noq CMDs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function listCMDs( _Client ,... ) local lvl = tonumber(et.G_shrubbot_level( _Client ) ) local allcmds = "\"^F" local yaAR = {} if commands["listing"][lvl] ~= nil then else -- we need to generate the listing first local CMDs = {} local mxlength = 7 for i=lvl, 0, -1 do for index, cmd in pairs(commands["cmd"][i]) do if CMDs.index ~= nil then else CMDs[index] = index if #index > mxlength then mxlength = #index end end end end local formatter = "%- ".. (mxlength + 2) .."s" local i = 0 for index, cmd in pairs(CMDs) do yaAR[i] = string.format(formatter, index) i = i + 1 end et.G_LogPrint("Parsed ".. i .. " commands for lvl " .. lvl .."\n") commands["listing"][lvl] = yaAR end yaAR = commands["listing"][lvl] number = #yaAR if arg[1] ~= "" then _page = tonumber(arg[1]) else _page = 0 end if (_page*20) > number then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "csay ".._Client.."\" ^FPlease specify a page between ^20 ^Fand ^2" .. string.format("%.0f", ( number / 20 -1) ) ) end for i=(_page*20), (_page*20 + 20),4 do if number - i < 4 then if number %4 == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW , "csay ".._Client.."\"^F".. yaAR[i] .. "\"" ) break elseif number %4 == 2 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW , "csay ".._Client.."\"^F".. yaAR[i] .. yaAR[i+1] .. "\"") break elseif number %4 == 3 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW , "csay ".._Client.."\"^F"..yaAR[i] .. yaAR[i+1] .. yaAR[i+2].. "\"" ) break end else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW , "csay ".._Client.."\"^F".. yaAR[i] .. yaAR[i+1] .. yaAR[i+2] .. yaAR[i+3].. "\"") end end et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "csay ".._Client.."\"^F I parsed " .. number .." commands for you. Access all by adding a page between ^20 ^Fand ^2" .. string.format("%.0f", ( number / 20 -1) ) .. " ^Fto your listingcommand.\"") -- TODO: FIX LUA-OUPUT IN C. There is some serious shit going on. Let that intact, it prevents strange failures: -- Ok, not all failures: try to do !cmdlist at the last page...... et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "csay ".. _Client.. "\" \n \"") et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, "") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- msgtoIRC(player , message) -- Used in LuaCMDs to send a message from player to IRC -- Player can be a number or the Playername ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function msgtoIRC(_client,_msg) _msg = string.gsub(_msg,'\\', "") if type(_client) == "string" then -- no direct call, it is string && therefore a name from the !command sendtoIRCRelay(_client .. " on " .. serverid .. ": " .. _msg ); et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "chat \" ^3Sent your msg to IRC\n\"") return end if type(_client) == "number" and slot[_client]["user"] ~= "" then sendtoIRCRelay(slot[_client]["user"] .. " on " .. serverid .. ": " .. _msg ); et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "csay ".. _client .. "\" ^1Sent: ^3".._msg.." ^3to IRC\"") return else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "csay ".. _client .. "\" ^1You need to be registered to send messages to IRC \"") return end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- forAll(whom, what) -- will exec a function with parameter clientnum for all specified players -- whom can be: axis/r, allies/b, specs/s, all -- what is the function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function forAll(_whom,_what) if _whom == "players" or _whom == "all" then _whom = nil elseif _whom == 1 or _whom == "r" or _whom == "axis" then _whom = 1 elseif _whom == 2 or _whom == "b" or _whom == "allies" then _whom = 2 elseif _whom == 3 or _whom == "s" or _whom == "specs" then _whom = 3 end for i=0, maxclients, 1 do if et.gentity_get(i,"classname") == "player" then local team = tonumber(et.gentity_get(i,"sess.sessionTeam")) if _whom == nil or team == _whom then _what(i) end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- showTkTable ----- -- prints the current TopTen of teamkillers to the caller's console, -- sorted by teamkills and teamdamage -- @author: hose ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function showTkTable(_myClient) -- tkTable stores the damage stats of all players local tkTable = {} -- building up the teamkiller table for i=0, maxclients , 1 do if et.gentity_get(i, "inuse") == 1 then table.insert(tkTable, getDamageStats(i)) end end --end for loop -- sort the table by teamkills and within that by teamdamage -- TODO: not sure how to handle a nil object there. i guess it s wrong -- to return false, but it works (does not work without) table.sort(tkTable, function(_tk1, _tk2) if _tk1 == nil then return false elseif _tk2 == nil then return false elseif _tk1["teamkills"] == _tk2["teamkills"] then return _tk1["teamdamage"] > _tk2["teamdamage"] else return _tk1["teamkills"] > _tk2["teamkills"] end end) -- end the sorting function -- print the top ten table to the caller's console nPrint(_myClient, "Slot| Name | Class | Tks | TD given ") loopcount = 0 for ind, _tkStats in ipairs(tkTable) do nPrint(_myClient, "^w" .. string.format("%-4s", _tkStats["srvslot"]) .."|" ..string.format("%-22s", et.Q_CleanStr(_tkStats["name"])) .. "|" ..string.format("%-10s", class[_tkStats["class"]]) .. "|" ..string.format("%-5s", _tkStats["teamkills"]) .. "|" ..string.format("%-10s", _tkStats["teamdamage"])) loopcount = loopcount + 1 if loopcount >= 10 then break end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- some convenience Functions for !commands or mod-use ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- heal(ClientNum) -- heal a Player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function heal(_clientNum) et.gentity_set(_clientNum,"health", et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"ps.stats", 4) ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- healthboost(ClientNum) -- boost a clients HP by 30, even over the maximum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function healthboost(_clientNum) -- boost clienthealth +30 - no full heal, but perhaps more than allowed hp :) et.gentity_set(_clientNum,"health", et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"health" ) + 30 ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- giveammo(ClientNum) -- Fill a clients mainweapons with ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function giveammo(_clientNum) if et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.sessionTeam") == 1 then -- axis et.gentity_set(_clientNum,"ps.ammo", 2, 64 ) -- luger 16 et.gentity_set(_clientNum,"ps.ammo", 3, 150 ) -- mp40 60 et.gentity_set(_clientNum,"ps.ammo", 9, 8 ) --nade 4 et.gentity_set(_clientNum,"ps.ammo", 36, 64 ) --akimbo luger else -- allies et.gentity_set(_clientNum,"ps.ammo", 35, 64 ) --akimbo colt et.gentity_set(_clientNum,"ps.ammo", 4, 8 ) --nade 4 et.gentity_set(_clientNum,"ps.ammo", 7, 64 ) -- colt 16 et.gentity_set(_clientNum,"ps.ammo", 8, 150 ) -- thompson end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- force(ClientNum, command, whom/command) -- Starwars themed gimmicks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function force(_clientNum, _what , _arg2) if disableforce then return end if _what == "heal" then if FPcheck(_clientNum, 15) then heal(_clientNum) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"chat\""..slot[_clientNum]['netname'].."^3 uses the force to heal himself.\n\"") end elseif _what == "push" then if _arg2 ~= "" and FPcheck(_clientNum, 15) then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"!fling " .. getPlayerId(_arg2) ) end elseif _what == "ammo" then if FPcheck(_clientNum, 15) then giveammo(_clientNum) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"chat\""..slot[_clientNum]['netname'].."^3 uses the force to replenish his ammo.\n\"") end elseif _what == "boost" then if FPcheck(_clientNum, 15) then healthboost(_clientNum) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"chat\""..slot[_clientNum]['netname'].."^3 uses the force to boost his health.\n\"") end elseif _what == "team" then if _arg2 == "heal" or _arg2 == "ammo" or _arg2 == "boost" then if FPcheck(_clientNum, 50) then if _arg2 == "boost" then forAll( tonumber(et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.sessionTeam")) , healthboost) elseif _arg2 == "ammo" then forAll( tonumber(et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.sessionTeam")) , giveammo) elseif _arg2 == "heal" then forAll( tonumber(et.gentity_get(_clientNum,"sess.sessionTeam")) , heal) end et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"chat\""..slot[_clientNum]['netname'].."^3 uses the force to help his team with a ^2".._arg2..".\n\"") end else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"chat\" ^3 You want to do .. what? heal, ammo, boost or push? \n\"") end else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"chat\" ^3 You want to do .. what? ^4heal^3, ^4ammo^3, ^4boost ^3or ^4push^3? \n\"") end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- fpcheck(_clientNum, amountneeded ) -- check: Is the force with you? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function FPcheck(_clientNum, _amount) if slot[_clientNum]["fpoints"] >= _amount then slot[_clientNum]["fpoints"] = slot[_clientNum]["fpoints"] - _amount return true else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND , "chat \" ^2To weak, the force in you is, young padawan .. Yes, hmmm. \n\"") return false end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getDamageStats(_clientNum) -- processes a player's data regarding tk, damage, teamdamage etc -- helper function for showTkTable() -- returns a table of several values for the _clientNum to the caller function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getDamageStats(_clientNum) tkStats = {} tkStats["name"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum, "pers.netname") tkStats["srvslot"] = _clientNum -- tkStats["team"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum, "sess.sessionTeam") tkStats["class"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum, "sess.playerType") -- tkStats["kills"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum, "sess.kills") tkStats["teamkills"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum, "sess.team_kills") tkStats["teamdamage"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum, "sess.team_damage") -- tkStats["damage"] = et.gentity_get(_clientNum, "sess.damage_given") return tkStats end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- listAliases(_whom , _from ) -- list _froms aliases to _whom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function listAliases(_whom, _from) if slot[_from]["pkey"] == nil then nPrint(_whom, "^3Slot not in use? - try the playername.") return end local aliases = DBCon:GetPlayerAliases(slot[_from]["pkey"]) local output = {} if aliases ~= nil then local nr = 0 for i, v in pairs(aliases) do -- holy fcking sh*t dont ever use ipairs here :/ table.insert( output , "^3NOQ: Alias NR" ..string.format("%2i",nr)..": " .. string.format("%22s",et.Q_CleanStr(v)) .. "^7|" .. v ) nr = nr + 1 end table.insert(output, 1,"^3Player ^7" .. slot[_from]["netname"] .. " ^3has ^7" .. nr .. " ^3different nicks." ) else nPrint( _whom, "^3Got no aliases recorded - is namelogging on?") return end nPrint(_whom, output) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Here does End, kthxbye -------------------------------------------------------------------------------