lua: (xp save) prevent sql injections with modified cl_guid, refs #234

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Radegast 2013-11-18 12:06:51 +00:00
parent ea55f531d3
commit de5685157b

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@ -4,26 +4,36 @@
License: MIT
Released on 17.11.2013
Mod: intended for Legacy, but might also work in NoQuarter
Description: this script saves users' experience points into
a database and thus preserves them between connections
-- load sqlite driver (or mysql..)
luasql = require "luasql.sqlite3"
local luasql = require "luasql.sqlite3"
local env -- environment object
local con -- database connection
local cur -- cursor
-- skill identifiers
local MEDIC = 2
local FIELDOPS = 3
local COVERTOPS = 6
local skills = {}
skills[0] = "Battlesense"
skills[1] = "Engineering"
skills[2] = "Medic"
skills[3] = "Field ops"
skills[4] = "Light weapons"
skills[5] = "Heavy weapons"
skills[6] = "Covert ops"
skills[BATTLESENSE] = "Battlesense"
skills[ENGINEERING] = "Engineering"
skills[MEDIC] = "Medic"
skills[FIELDOPS] = "Field ops"
skills[LIGHTWEAPONS] = "Light weapons"
skills[HEAVYWEAPONS] = "Heavy weapons"
skills[COVERTOPS] = "Covert ops"
-- database helper function
-- returns database rows matching sql_statement
@ -34,6 +44,20 @@ function rows(connection, sql_statement)
end -- rows
-- con:prepare with bind_names should be used to prevent sql injections
-- but it doesn't work on my version of luasql
function validateGUID(cno, guid)
-- allow only alphanumeric characters in guid
if(string.match(guid, "%W")) then
-- Invalid characters detected. We should probably drop this client
et.G_Print("^3WARNING: (XP Save) user with id " .. cno .. " has an invalid GUID: " .. guid .. "\n")
et.trap_SendServerCommand (cno, "cpm \"" .. "Your XP won't be saved because you have an invalid cl_guid.\n\"")
return false
return true
-- init db on game start
function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart)
-- name of this module
@ -63,6 +87,15 @@ function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart)
UNIQUE (guid)
cur = assert ( con:execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users") )
et.G_Print("There are " .. tonumber(cur:fetch(row, 'a')) .. " users in the XP save database.\n")
--et.G_Print ("^4List of users in XP Save database:\n")
--for guid, date in rows (con, "SELECT * FROM users") do
-- et.G_Print (string.format ("\tGUID %s was last seen on %s\n", guid, date))
end -- et_InitGame
function et_ShutdownGame(restart)
@ -74,47 +107,46 @@ end -- et_ShutdownGame
-- called when a client enters the game world
function et_ClientBegin(cno)
name = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( cno ), "name" )
guid = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( cno ), "cl_guid" )
local name = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( cno ), "name" )
local guid = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( cno ), "cl_guid" )
if not validateGUID(cno, guid) then return end
cur = assert (con:execute(string.format("SELECT * FROM users WHERE guid='%s'", guid)))
player = cur:fetch({}, 'a')
local player = cur:fetch({}, 'a')
if not player then
-- First time we see this player
et.trap_SendServerCommand (cno, "cpm \"" .. "Welcome, " .. name .. "!\n\"")
et.trap_SendServerCommand (cno, "cpm \"" .. "Welcome, " .. name .. "! You are playing on an XP save server.\n\"")
cur = assert (con:execute(string.format("INSERT INTO users VALUES ('%s', '%s', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)", guid,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))))
et.trap_SendServerCommand (cno, "cpm \"" .. "Welcome back, " .. name .. "! Your last connection was on " .. player.last_seen .. "\n\"") -- in db:
--et.G_Print ("Loading XP from database: " .. player.xp_battlesense .. " | " .. player.xp_engineering .. " | " .. player.xp_medic .. " | " .. player.xp_fieldops .. " | " .. player.xp_lightweapons .. " | " .. player.xp_heavyweapons .. " | " .. player.xp_covertops .. "\n\n")
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_battlesense, 0, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_engineering, 1, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_medic, 2, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_fieldops, 3, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_lightweapons, 4, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_heavyweapons, 5, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_covertops, 6, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_battlesense, BATTLESENSE, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_engineering, ENGINEERING, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_medic, MEDIC, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_fieldops, FIELDOPS, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_lightweapons, LIGHTWEAPONS, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_heavyweapons, HEAVYWEAPONS, 0)
et.G_XP_Set (cno, player.xp_covertops, COVERTOPS, 0)
et.G_Print (name .. "'s current XP levels:\n")
for id, skill in pairs(skills) do
et.G_Print ("\t" .. skill .. ": " .. et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", id) .. " XP\n")
--et.G_Print ("^4List of users in database:\n")
--for name, guid, date in rows (con, "SELECT * FROM users") do
-- et.G_Print (string.format ("\t%s with guid %s last seen on %s\n", name, guid, date))
end -- et_ClientBegin
function et_ClientDisconnect(cno)
name = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( cno ), "name" )
guid = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( cno ), "cl_guid" )
local name = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( cno ), "name" )
local guid = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( cno ), "cl_guid" )
if not validateGUID(cno, guid) then return end
cur = assert (con:execute(string.format("SELECT * FROM users WHERE guid='%s' LIMIT 1", guid)))
player = cur:fetch({}, 'a')
local player = cur:fetch({}, 'a')
if not player then
-- This should not happen
@ -135,13 +167,13 @@ function et_ClientDisconnect(cno)
WHERE guid='%s']],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", 0),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", 1),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", 2),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", 3),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", 4),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", 5),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", 6),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", BATTLESENSE),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", ENGINEERING),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", MEDIC),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", FIELDOPS),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", LIGHTWEAPONS),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", HEAVYWEAPONS),
et.gentity_get (cno, "sess.skillpoints", COVERTOPS),