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# <PARAMETER> = text followed by the command. (Can be used to enter multiple values.
# For example: pb_sv_kick <PARAMETER> can be used to enter slot number, length of kick, and reason.)
# <CLIENT_ID> = the client id of the calling player.
# <PLAYER_LAST_VICTIM_(ID|NAME|CNAME|WEAPON)> = last player, you killed
# <PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_(ID|NAME|CNAME|WEAPON)> = last player, that killed you
# <PLAYER_CLASS> = class of calling player
# <PLAYER_TEAM> = side / team of calling player
# <PLAYER> = Name of the calling player (without color codes)
# <COLOR_PLAYER> = Name of the calling player (with color codes)
# <GUID> = Guid of the calling player (without color codes)
# parallel: all attributes for the second player(specified via part of name or slotnumber):
#<PART2_CLASS> = class
#<PART2_TEAM> = team
#<PART2CNAME> = colored name
#<PART2ID> = id
#<PART2PBID> = punkbuster slotnumber
#<PART2GUID> = guid
#<PART2LEVEL> = adminlevel
#<PART2NAME> = name without color
0 - help =
#Level - command = rcon command
#command Examples:
#0 - ref = ref referee <CLIENT_ID>
#2 - vkick = clientkick <PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_ID>
#A bad example would be
#0 - kick player = clientkick <PARAMETER>
#This is a bad example because you cannot have spaces in your command. But you can have underscores.
# Rcon Shortcuts (Work with all mods / etmain)
2 - start = start_match
help = Starts the match
syntax = !start
2 - swap = swap_teams
2 - reset = reset_match
2 - ref = ref referee <CLIENT_ID>
2 - unref = ref unReferee <CLIENT_ID>
2 - shuffle = shuffle_teams
2 - map_restart = map_restart
2 - pbkick = pb_sv_kick <PART2ID>
3 - cancelvote = cancelvote
3 - passvote = passvote
3 - cp = cp <PARAMETER>
3 - qsay = qsay <PARAMETER>
3 - devmap = devmap <PARAMETER>
3 - exec = exec <PARAMETER>
# Referee Commands (only ETPRO)
#2 - putallies = ref putallies <PART2ID>
#2 - putspec = ref remove <PART2ID>
#2 - putaxis = ref putaxis <PART2ID>
#3 - pause = ref pause
#3 - unpause = ref unpause
#2 - allready = ref allready
#2 - lock = ref lock
#2 - unlock = ref unlock
#2 - speclock = ref speclock
#2 - specunlock = ref specunlock
#2 - nextmap = ref nextmap
#2 - mutespecs = ref mutespecs
#2 - unmutespecs = ref unmutespecs
#3 - map = ref map <PARAMETER>
#3 - campaign = ref campaign <PARAMETER>
#3 - gametype = ref gametype <PARAMETER>
#3 - config = ref config <PARAMETER>
#3 - pub = ref pub
#3 - comp = ref comp
#1 - cointoss = ref cointoss
# Shuffle without restart
2 - shuffle_norestart = ref shuffleteamsxp_norestart
2 - shuffleteamsxp_norestart = ref shuffleteamsxp_norestart
# campaign functions
3 - campaign = campaign <PARAMETER>
# To kick a player without temporary ban. Change the message, if you like.
2 - fkick = pb_sv_kick <PART2PBID> 0 Come back in, if you want
# Shortcut to make the called a shoutcaster / remove his statua
3 - ms = makeShoutcaster <CLIENT_ID>
0 - rs = removeShoutcaster <CLIENT_ID>
# Moves the calling person into the specific team
#2 - putmeaxis = ref putaxis <CLIENT_ID>
#2 - putmeallies = ref putallies <CLIENT_ID>
#2 - putmespec = ref remove <CLIENT_ID>
#0 - moo = qsay ^1MOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; qsay ^2MOO 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 - drunk = qsay ^3DONT TELL ME ^1WHEN I'VE HAD ENOUGH!
0 - stup = qsay ^2It's better to lose than to win
0 - croyt = qsay ^2HOW DO YOU NOT DIE!!!!
0 - aim = qsay ^2*Get some glasses for pete's sake*
0 - beer = qsay A nice sexy waitress brings ^7<COLOR_PLAYER>^7 a nice cup of beer!
help = Gives the target a beer
syntax = !beer playername/slot
0 - pizza = qsay Someone calls Mario, and he brings ^7<COLOR_PLAYER>^7 a hot pepperoni pizza!
0 - coke = qsay ^3Ah... A delicious glass of cold Coca Cola[tm] (*thinks ^7<COLOR_PLAYER>^3 while he drinks*)
0 - pfstinkt = qsay ^3Uh, that smell of the panzer is pretty strong today ... ^3(^7<COLOR_PLAYER>^3's opinion)
0 - bye = qsay ^7<COLOR_PLAYER>^3 waves his hand to say ^1GOOD BYE^3. We surely meet later! ; playsound -1 sound/misc/bye.wav
0 - backrage = qsay ^3Wow, <PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_CNAME> ^3has backrage skills with his uber ^1<PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_WEAPON>
0 - porn = qsay ^3Press F7 to download!
0 - aimbot = qsay ^3!execute aimbot.cfg
0 - dean = qsay ^1Warning, med pile sited!
0 - pack = qsay ^3Run and heal! Come back when you're ready to get pwnd!
0 - tk = qsay Wait! Don't shoot! My teammates will kill me for you!
1 - holyshit = playsound sound/misc/holyshit.wav
1 - denied = playsound sound/misc/Denied.wav
1 - headshot1 = playsound sound/misc/boomheadshot.wav
1 - headshot2 = playsound sound/misc/Headshot.wav
1 - prick = playsound sound/misc/prick.wav
2 - respect = playsound sound/misc/respect_x.wav
1 - victory = playsound sound/misc/victory.wav
1 - jackass = playsound sound/misc/DONKEY.wav
1 - looser = playsound sound/misc/ae821.wav
1 - goodnews = playsound sound/misc/goodnews.wav
1 - nogodno = playsound sound/misc/nogodno.wav
#0 - random = qsay <RANDOM_CNAME> ^3is on the <RANDOM_TEAM> team as a <RANDOM_CLASS>!
#for spamming
0 - owned = qsay ^1Ha^3ha^5ha^3, I owned ^7<PLAYER_LAST_VICTIM_CNAME>^3 with my ^7<PLAYER_LAST_VICTIM_WEAPON>^3!!!
0 - pants = qsay ^1No^3no^5noooo^3, I was killed by ^7<PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_CNAME>^3 with a ^7<PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_WEAPON>^3!!!
0 - whoami = qsay I am <COLOR_PLAYER>^7. I play ^3<PLAYER_CLASS>^7 on the ^3<PLAYER_TEAM>^7 side.
0 - victimized = qsay <PLAYER_LAST_VICTIM_CNAME>^1, You've just been victimized by <COLOR_PLAYER>^1's <PLAYER_LAST_VICTIM_WEAPON>!!!
#2 - vkick = clientkick <PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_ID>
#2 - vmute = ref mute <PLAYER_LAST_KILLER_ID>
#3 - bluerespawn = forcecvar g_bluelimbotime <PARAMETER>
#3 - redrespawn = forcecvar g_redlimbotime <PARAMETER>
#2 - showtk = $LUA$ showTkTable(<CLIENT_ID>)