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<title>LuaSQL: Connection au base de donnée pour le language de programmation Lua</title>
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<h2><a name="overview"></a>Overview</h2>
LuaSQL est une simple interface de Lua à DBMS. Cela permet à un programme Lua de :
<li> Connect to ODBC, ADO, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite, Firebird and PostgreSQL databases;</li>
<li> Execute arbitrary SQL statements;</li>
<li> Retrieve results in a row-by-row cursor fashion.</li>
LuaSQL is free software and uses the same <a href="license.html">license</a>
as Lua 5.1.
<h2><a name="status"></a>Status</h2>
LuaSQL version 2.3.0 (for Lua 5.X) is now available for <a href="#download">download</a>.
For more details on the features list please check the product
<a href="history.html">history</a>.
<h2><a name="download"></a>Download</h2>
LuaSQL peut être installé via <a href="">LuaRocks</a>.
Choissisez le moteur pour votre base de données:
luarocks install luasql-sqlite3
luarocks install luasql-postgres
luarocks install luasql-mysql
luarocks install luasql-sqlite
luarocks install luasql-odbc
Le code source pour LuaSQL peut être téléchargé de son dépôt à <a href=
<h2><a name="credits"></a>Credits</h2>
<h4>LuaSQL 2.x</h4>
Version 2.3 is just an adaptation of the code to work with Lua 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2.
Version 2.2 started a distributed development, with all project discussions happening through <a href="!forum/kepler-project">Kepler's mailing list</a>.
New developers: Hisham Muhammad, Ignacio Burgue&ntilde;o, Luis Eduardo Jason Santos, Marc Nijdam, Mauricio Bomfim and Scott Morgan.
Version 2.1 and 2.0 were redesigned by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Andr&eacute; Carregal
and Tom&aacute;s Guisasola as part of the
<a href="">Kepler Project</a>.
The implementation was coded by
Tom&aacute;s Guisasola, Eduardo Quint&atilde;o, Thiago Ponte, Fabio Mascarenhas and
Danilo Tuler, with many contributions from Michael Broughton, Tiago Dionizio, Leonardo Godinho, Pedro Maia, Klaus Ripke, Michael Roth and others.</p>
<h4>LuaSQL 1.0</h4>
<p>LuaSQL was originally designed by Pedro Miller Rabinovitch and Roberto Ierusalimschy.
The first implementation was compatible with Lua 4.0a.
Many modifications were made but not distributed by Diego Nehab (ODBC),
Carlos Cassino, Tom&aacute;s Guisasola and Eduardo Quint&atilde;o (PostgreSQL).</p>
<p>LuaSQL development was sponsored by
<a href="">F&aacute;brica Digital</a>, FINEP and CNPq.</p>
<h2><a name="contact"></a>Contact us</h2>
<p>For more information please <a href="">contact us</a>.
Comments are welcome!</p>
<p>You can also reach other Kepler developers and users on the Kepler Project
<a href="!forum/kepler-project">mailing list</a>.</p>
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