#!/usr/local/bin/lua -- See Copyright Notice in license.html TOTAL_ROWS = 200 --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checks for a value and throw an error if it is invalid. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function assert2 (expected, value, msg) if not msg then msg = '' else msg = msg..'\n' end return assert (value == expected, msg.."wrong value (["..tostring(value).."] instead of ".. tostring(expected)..")") end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- object test. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_object (obj, objmethods) -- checking object type. assert2 ("userdata", type(obj), "incorrect object type") -- trying to get metatable. assert2 ("LuaSQL: you're not allowed to get this metatable", getmetatable(obj), "error permitting access to object's metatable") -- trying to set metatable. assert2 (false, pcall (setmetatable, ENV, {})) -- checking existence of object's methods. for i = 1, table.getn (objmethods) do local method = objmethods[i] assert2 ("function", type(obj[method])) end return obj end ENV_OK = function (obj) return test_object (obj, { "close", "connect", }) end CONN_OK = function (obj) return test_object (obj, { "close", "commit", "execute", "rollback", "setautocommit", }) end CUR_OK = function (obj) return test_object (obj, { "close", "fetch", "getcolnames", "getcoltypes", }) end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main --------------------------------------------------------------------- if type(arg[1]) ~= "string" then print (string.format ("Usage %s [ [, [, ]]]", arg[0])) os.exit() end local driver = arg[1] local datasource = arg[2] or "luasql-test" local username = arg[3] or nil local password = arg[4] or nil require (arg[1]) assert (luasql, "no luasql table") local env, err = luasql[driver] () assert (env, err) conn, err = env:connect (datasource, username, password) assert (conn, err) conn:execute ("drop table fetch_test") -- Create test table local n, err = conn:execute ([[ create table fetch_test ( f1 varchar(30), f2 varchar(30), f3 varchar(30), f4 varchar(30), f5 varchar(30), f6 varchar(30), f7 varchar(30), f8 varchar(30) )]]) assert (n, err) assert (type(n) == "number", "couldn't create fetch_test table") -- Insert rows for i = 1, TOTAL_ROWS do local n, err = conn:execute ( "insert into fetch_test values ('f1','f2','f3','f4','f5','f6','f7','f8')") assert (n, err) assert (type (n) == "number", "couldn't insert rows") end print ("table created; rows inserted") -- default local cur, err = conn:execute ("select * from fetch_test") assert (cur, err) --assert (cur:numrows() == TOTAL_ROWS, "wrong number of rows") local t1 = os.clock() --for i = 1, cur:numrows() do --local f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8 = cur:fetch() --end local f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8 = cur:fetch() while f1 do f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8 = cur:fetch() end print ("default: ", os.clock() - t1) assert (cur:close () == 1, "couldn't close cursor object") -- using the same table local cur, err = conn:execute ("select * from fetch_test") assert (cur, err) --assert (cur:numrows() == TOTAL_ROWS, "wrong number of rows") t1 = os.clock() local t = {} --for i = 1, cur:numrows() do --t = cur:fetch (t) --end t = cur:fetch(t) while t do t = cur:fetch(t) end print ("same table: ", os.clock() - t1) assert (cur:close () == 1, "couldn't close cursor object") -- using the same table with alphanumeric keys local cur, err = conn:execute ("select * from fetch_test") assert (cur, err) --assert (cur:numrows() == TOTAL_ROWS, "wrong number of rows") t1 = os.clock() local t = {} --for i = 1, cur:numrows() do --t = cur:fetch (t,"a") --end t = cur:fetch (t, "a") while t do t = cur:fetch (t, "a") end print ("alpha keys: ", os.clock() - t1) assert (cur:close () == 1, "couldn't close cursor object") -- using the same table with numeric and alphanumeric keys local cur, err = conn:execute ("select * from fetch_test") assert (cur, err) --assert (cur:numrows() == TOTAL_ROWS, "wrong number of rows") t1 = os.clock() local t = {} --for i = 1, cur:numrows() do --t = cur:fetch (t,"an") --end t = cur:fetch (t, "an") while t do t = cur:fetch (t, "an") end print ("all keys: ", os.clock() - t1) assert (cur:close () == 1, "couldn't close cursor object") -- creating a table local cur, err = conn:execute ("select * from fetch_test") assert (cur, err) --assert (cur:numrows() == TOTAL_ROWS, "wrong number of rows") t1 = os.clock() --for i = 1, cur:numrows() do --local t = cur:fetch{} --end while cur:fetch{} do end print ("new table: ", os.clock() - t1) assert (cur:close () == 1, "couldn't close cursor object") assert (conn:close () == 1, "couldn't close connection object") assert (env:close () == 1, "couldn't close environment object")