<pclass="level0">curl_slist_append() appends a specified string to a linked list of strings. The existing <spanClass="emphasis">list</span> should be passed as the first argument while the new list is returned from this function. The specified <spanClass="emphasis">string</span> has been appended when this function returns. curl_slist_append() copies the string.
<pclass="level0">The list should be freed again (after usage) with <aClass="bold"href="./curl_slist_free_all.html">curl_slist_free_all</a>. <aname="RETURN"></a><h2class="nroffsh">RETURN VALUE</h2>
<pclass="level0">A null pointer is returned if anything went wrong, otherwise the new list pointer is returned. <aname="EXAMPLE"></a><h2class="nroffsh">EXAMPLE</h2>