=================== ETLTV =================== !!! UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!! Introduction ^^^^^^^^^^^^ TO BE DONE Feature ^^^^^^^ Add ettv protocol support to etlded - ettv client can connect to etlded server and players can join and view the game. * ettv demo recording is possible * add cvar sv_etltv_maxslaves "Number of ettv slaves allowed to connect." - ettv_sv_maxslaves equivalent * add cvar sv_etltv_password "Password for ettv slaves. Must be set, or no slaves will be able to connect." - ettv_password equivalent * add cvar g_etltv_flags "Bitflag 1 and 2. 1 = prevent slaves from being kicked. 2 = grant shoutcaster status to slaves." * removed CVAR_SERVERINFO from g_fixedphysics, g_fixedphysicsfps, g_pronedelay, g_floodProtection, sv_floodProtect, sv_userInfoFloodProtect. Server info is too long and can crash ettv slave so until etltv is a thing it needs to get shorter. Add legacy tvgame as replacment for etpro tvgame * players can join ettv server connected to etlded server and watch and chat about the game * most commands supported with some flood protection in place - up to change in the future still * slave server support for 64 player server max right now (it's not realy an issue I believe but it's low priority for me) * ignore/unignore commands not added right now but can turn on/off chat with /tvchat * /players and /viewers commands * /follow [id/name] or just classic legacy mod following (minus aim and follow whoever is under crosshair) * rcon and ref for muting/kicking viewers * LUA is "in" but disabled Add possibility for etlded to act as a client (ettv) * add possibility for etlded to act as a client * add command tv connect (sv_etltv_maxslaves and sv_etltv_password must be set on master server) * add command tv disconnect * add command record (optional) for recording tv demos * add command stoprecord for stopping recording * add command demo for demo playback * add command ff command - fastforwarding demo (works similiar to timescale) stops on map_restart or can stop it with ff 0 * add cvar sv_etltv_autorecord <0/1> automatically record tv demos * add cvar sv_etltv_autoplay <0/1> automatically play demos (only on specifically named demos from autorecording, fe. demo0001->demo0002 etc.) * add cvar sv_etltv_clientname etltv client name * demos are recorded into tvdemos folder with extension tv_84 * etpro tv demos are playable, best is to use ettv tvgame and start etlded with +fs_game etpro (put etpro tvgame into etpro mod folder). Need 2.6b client in order to watch * slave server will not download missing files from master server, so need to make sure it has every pk3 it needs * only available for dedicated server Add automatic feed delay to etltv * add cvar sv_etltv_delay - setable only on etlded init, delays feed from master server * add cvar sv_etltv_shownet - for network debugging * disabled /scores command in tvgame because it can easily lag the server * add parseEntitiesNum check to etlded for snapshot generation - current check doesn't seem to work at all (svs.nextSnapshotEntities), server will send on its own uncompressed snapshot if it detects that client will go over MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES * add optional privatepassword argument to tv connect command. tv connect server masterpassword privatepassword * add cvar sv_etltv_queue_ms (read only) for storing the amount of time till the game will start (backward compatible with etpro) * various other general improvments to etltv * players can connect to delayed slave server even before the game starts just like on ettv > 2.82 * add 64+ players server support Notes: * setting sv_maxclients higher than 64 might require setting higher com_hunkMegs. * legacy cgame doesn't support higher than 64 sv_maxclients, notably CG_ParseFireteams uses cgs.maxclients which will break the game if it goes over 64. * legacy ui doesn't support showing higher than 64 sv_maxclients servers in the browser, unless ui_serverBrowserSettings 4 is set on game init. > 2.82.1 * Added chaining support to ETLTV * Added gamenametv server info cvar so it is possible to tell apart standard mod from tvmod * Made etltv register server info cvars on it's own (any mod will now show it's own server info cvars) * Removed unused and unnecessary cvars and rename some from g_* to tvg_* * Fixed server info cvars not being updated beside during server spawn * Fixed only legacy mod working using tvgame (broke after some update) * Removed tvg_character.c and other no longer necessary code * Fixed viewers playerstate clientNum being updated to incorrect value in TVG_ClientUserinfoChanged (interfered with correct snapshot generation) * Implemented cvar tvg_inactivity - kicks viewers after specified amount of time of inactivity (following a player counts as activity) * Added a way to recognize currently run mod inside tvgame (as of right now Legacy, ETJump, ETPro) * Added mod specific game commands auto updates and exlcuded ETJump from some that are related to weapon stats * Added handling for two ETJump game commands GUID_REQUEST and HAS_TIMERUN (just ignored) * Added handling for old IMPKD game command (ETMain and possibly most other mods still use it) > 2.8X.X * Added lua support to ETLTV. Main differences from legacy mod for scripts: * Removed some hooks and functions that are not relevant to tvgame * Added et.gentity_get access to master server entityState_t and entityShared_t structs * Added et.level_get added access to level_locals_t struct * Added et.ps_get access to master server players playerState_t struct * Added et.gclient_get access to viewers gclient_t struct * Added et.client_set access to viewers gclient_t struct * Only viewers struct is writeable (at least as of now) * Removed and add a bunch of accessible fields * Added et.TeleportPlayer( clientnum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles ) * Added clientnum = et.MasterClientNumberFromString( string ) searches through master clients for one partial match with string NOTE: lua works only for sv_pure 0 slave server because otherwise lua scripts cannot be read (in short because of extension whitelist in file system, might be not possible to properly fix) * Fixed incorrect mods type in tvcmd_reference_t * Refactored some if statements * Removeed `g_mdx.c` from build * Removed not needed or "incompatible" code * Init r.ownerNum to ENTITYNUM_NONE for player entities * Fixed and added `SpectatorAttackFollow` trace * Removed CVAR_SERVERINFO flag from g_fixedphysics, g_fixedphysicsfps and g_pronedelay cvars * `G_ETTV` gameexport is now only kept for ETTV compatibility