/////////////////////////////////////////////////// // resource.h // This file contains the resource ID definitions. // include the Resource IDs defined by Win32++ #include "default_resource.h" //Resource IDs for the dialog #define IDD_DIALOG1 101 #define IDC_RADIO1 110 #define IDC_RADIO2 111 #define IDC_RADIO3 112 #define IDC_CHECK1 113 #define IDC_CHECK2 114 #define IDC_CHECK3 115 #define IDC_EDIT1 120 #define IDC_LIST1 121 #define IDC_BUTTON1 122 #define IDC_BUTTON2 123 #define IDC_RICHEDIT1 124 #define IDC_STATIC1 130 #define IDC_STATIC2 131 #define IDC_STATIC3 132 #define IDC_STATIC4 133 #define IDC_HOTKEY1 140 #define IDB_BITMAP1 150