#include "MyDialog.h" #include "resource.h" #include "windowsx.h" CMyDialog::CMyDialog(UINT nResID, CWnd* pParent) : CDialog(nResID, pParent), m_nCounter(0) { } CMyDialog::~CMyDialog() { } void CMyDialog::AddToButton() { //get the control window HWND hwButton = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_BUTTON1); //set text to show in control TCHAR szBufW[16]; wsprintf(szBufW, L"Button %d", m_nCounter); ::Button_SetText(hwButton, szBufW); return; } void CMyDialog::AddToComboBox() { //get the control window HWND hwComboBox = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_COMBO1); //set text to show in control TCHAR szBufW[16]; wsprintf(szBufW, L"ComboBox %d", m_nCounter); if (m_nCounter) { ComboBox_AddString(hwComboBox, szBufW); ::ComboBox_SetText(hwComboBox, szBufW); ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwComboBox, m_nCounter-1); } else { ComboBox_ResetContent(hwComboBox); ComboBox_ShowDropdown(hwComboBox, FALSE); } } void CMyDialog::AddToEdit() { //get the control window HWND hwEdit = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT1 ); //set text to show in control TCHAR szBufW[16]; wsprintf(szBufW, L"Edit %d\r\n", m_nCounter); if (m_nCounter) Edit_ReplaceSel(hwEdit, szBufW); else ::SetWindowText(hwEdit, L""); } void CMyDialog::AddToListBox() { //get the control window HWND hwListBox = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_LIST1 ); //set text to show in control TCHAR szBufW[16]; wsprintf(szBufW, L"ListBox %d", m_nCounter); if (m_nCounter) ListBox_AddString(hwListBox, szBufW); else ListBox_ResetContent(hwListBox); } void CMyDialog::AddToProgressBar() { //get the control window HWND hwProgressBar = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_PROGRESS1); //set progress bar position SendMessage(hwProgressBar, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)m_nCounter * 10, 0L); } void CMyDialog::AddToScrollBars() { //get the control window HWND hwScrollBarH = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_SCROLLBAR1); HWND hwScrollBarV = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_SCROLLBAR2); //set scroll bar range ScrollBar_SetRange(hwScrollBarH, 0, 10, FALSE); ScrollBar_SetRange(hwScrollBarV, 0, 10, FALSE); //set scroll bar position ScrollBar_SetPos(hwScrollBarH, m_nCounter, TRUE); ScrollBar_SetPos(hwScrollBarV, m_nCounter, TRUE); } void CMyDialog::AddToSlider() { //get the control window HWND hwSlider = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_SLIDER1); //set slider position SendMessage(hwSlider, TBM_SETPOS, TRUE, (WPARAM)m_nCounter * 10); } BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog() { //Set the Icon SetIconLarge(IDW_MAIN); SetIconSmall(IDW_MAIN); // Set a timer to animate the controls on the dialog window SetTimer(ID_TIMER, 500, NULL); return true; } void CMyDialog::OnOK() { ::MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("DONE Button Pressed. Program will exit now."), TEXT("Button"), MB_OK); CDialog::OnOK(); } INT_PTR CMyDialog::DialogProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_TIMER: m_nCounter > 9 ? m_nCounter = 0 : m_nCounter++; AddToEdit(); AddToListBox(); AddToScrollBars(); AddToProgressBar(); AddToSlider(); AddToComboBox(); AddToButton(); break; } // switch(uMsg) return DialogProcDefault(uMsg, wParam, lParam); } // INT_PTR CALLBACK DialogProc(...)