#include "UpdateDialogAscii.h" #include "AppInfo.h" #include "ProcessUtils.h" #include "StringUtils.h" const char* introMessage = "%s (ASCII-art edition)\n" "====================================\n" "\n" "We have a nice graphical interface for the %s, but unfortunately\n" "we can't show it to you :(\n" "\n" "You can fix this by installing the GTK 2 libraries.\n\n" "Installing Updates...\n"; void UpdateDialogAscii::init() { const char* path = "/tmp/update-progress"; m_output.open(path); char message[4096]; sprintf(message,introMessage,AppInfo::name().c_str()); m_output << message; std::string command = "xterm"; std::list args; args.push_back("-hold"); args.push_back("-T"); args.push_back(AppInfo::name()); args.push_back("-e"); args.push_back("tail"); args.push_back("-n+1"); args.push_back("-f"); args.push_back(path); ProcessUtils::runAsync(command,args); } void UpdateDialogAscii::updateError(const std::string& errorMessage) { m_mutex.lock(); m_output << "\nThere was a problem installing the update: " << errorMessage << std::endl; m_mutex.unlock(); } void UpdateDialogAscii::updateProgress(int percentage) { m_mutex.lock(); m_output << "Update Progress: " << intToStr(percentage) << '%' << std::endl; m_mutex.unlock(); } void UpdateDialogAscii::updateFinished() { m_mutex.lock(); m_output << "\nUpdate Finished. You can now restart Mendeley Desktop." << std::endl; m_mutex.unlock(); }