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Copyright (c) 2010 Marcus Geelnard
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <cmath>
#include <tinythread.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace tthread;
// Mandelbrot fractal settings
#define MAND_MID_RE -0.69795
#define MAND_MID_IM -0.34865
#define MAND_SIZE 0.003
#define MAND_MAX_ITER 4000
#define MAND_RESOLUTION 1024
/// BGR pixel class.
class Pixel {
Pixel() : r(0), g(0), b(0) {}
Pixel(unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue)
r = red;
g = green;
b = blue;
unsigned char b, g, r;
/// Simple 2D BGR image class.
class Image {
/// Create a new image with the dimensions aWidth x aHeight.
Image(int aWidth, int aHeight)
mData = new Pixel[aWidth * aHeight];
mWidth = aWidth;
mHeight = aHeight;
delete mData;
/// Write the image to a TGA file.
void WriteToTGAFile(const char * aFileName)
// Prepare TGA file header
unsigned char header[18] = {0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,24,0};
header[12] = mWidth & 255; // Image width (16 bits)
header[13] = (mWidth >> 8) & 255; // -"-
header[14] = mHeight & 255; // Image width (16 bits)
header[15] = (mHeight >> 8) & 255; // -"-
// Write output file
ofstream f(aFileName, ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
f.write((const char *) header, 18);
f.write((const char *) mData, (mWidth * mHeight) * 3);
Pixel& operator[](const int idx)
return mData[idx];
inline int Width() const
return mWidth;
inline int Height() const
return mHeight;
int mWidth; ///< Image width.
int mHeight; ///< Image height.
Pixel * mData; ///< Data pointer.
/// The RowDispatcher class manages the "job pool" for the fractal
/// calculation threads.
class RowDispatcher {
RowDispatcher(Image * aImage) : mNextRow(0)
mImage = aImage;
Image * GetImage()
return mImage;
int NextRow()
lock_guard<mutex> guard(mMutex);
if(mNextRow >= mImage->Height())
return -1;
int result = mNextRow;
++ mNextRow;
return result;
mutex mMutex;
int mNextRow;
Image * mImage;
// Core iteration function
Pixel Iterate(const double &cre, const double &cim, int aIterMax)
double zre = 0.0;
double zim = 0.0;
int n = 0;
double absZSqr = 0.0;
while((absZSqr < 4.0) && (n < aIterMax))
double tmp = zre * zre - zim * zim + cre;
zim = 2.0 * zre * zim + cim;
zre = tmp;
absZSqr = zre * zre + zim * zim;
++ n;
if(n >= aIterMax)
return Pixel(0,0,0);
double nSmooth = n + 1 - log(log(sqrt(absZSqr))) / log(2.0);
return Pixel(
(unsigned char)(128.0 - 127.0 * cos(0.02 * nSmooth + 0.3)),
(unsigned char)(128.0 - 127.0 * cos(0.016 * nSmooth + 1.2)),
(unsigned char)(128.0 - 127.0 * cos(0.013 * nSmooth + 2.6))
// Calculation thread
void CalcThread(void * arg)
RowDispatcher * dispatcher = (RowDispatcher *) arg;
Image * img = dispatcher->GetImage();
// Set min/max interval for the fractal set
double xMin = MAND_MID_RE - MAND_SIZE * 0.5;
double yMin = MAND_MID_IM - MAND_SIZE * 0.5;
double xMax = MAND_MID_RE + MAND_SIZE * 0.5;
double yMax = MAND_MID_IM + MAND_SIZE * 0.5;
// Set step size (distance between two adjacent pixels)
double xStep = (xMax - xMin) / img->Width();
double yStep = (yMax - yMin) / img->Height();
// Until no more rows to process...
// Get the next row to calculate
int y = dispatcher->NextRow();
// Done?
if(y < 0)
// Generate one row of the image
Pixel * line = &(*img)[y * img->Width()];
double cim = y * yStep + yMin;
double cre = xMin;
for(int x = 0; x < img->Width(); ++ x)
*line ++ = Iterate(cre, cim, MAND_MAX_ITER);
cre += xStep;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Show some information about this program...
cout << "This is a small multi threaded Mandelbrot fractal generator." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The program will generate a " << MAND_RESOLUTION << "x" << MAND_RESOLUTION << " image, using one calculation thread per" << endl;
cout << "processor core. The result is written to a TGA format image, \"fractal.tga\"." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Type \"" << argv[0] << " -st\" to force single threaded operation." << endl;
cout << endl;
// Check arguments
bool singleThreaded = false;
if((argc >= 2) && (string(argv[1]) == string("-st")))
singleThreaded = true;
// Init image and row dispatcher
RowDispatcher dispatcher(&img);
// Determine the number of calculation threads to use
int numThreads;
numThreads = thread::hardware_concurrency();
if(numThreads < 1)
numThreads = 1;
numThreads = 1;
// Start calculation threads (we run one thread on each processor core)
cout << "Running " << numThreads << " calculation thread(s)..." << flush;
list<thread *> threadList;
for(int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++ i)
thread * t = new thread(CalcThread, (void *) &dispatcher);
// Wait for the threads to complete...
for(list<thread *>::iterator i = threadList.begin(); i != threadList.end(); ++ i)
thread * t = *i;
delete t;
cout << "done!" << endl;
// Write the final image to a file
cout << "Writing final image..." << flush;
cout << "done!" << endl;