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How to create your own custom modifiers
To add a custom modifier simply create a new text file
and give it the name that will be the modifier's name.
The extension for a custom modifier script file is
The custom modifier will automatically appear in the
modifiers list box, preceded by a " >".
If one or more errors occur during compiling (mdf files
are compiled after you have started EasyGen) the modifier
will not be added to the list box and an error message
will be logged in 'compiler_log.txt' in the modifiers
A modifier script contain two main section, enclosed by
four keywords (all the rest outside them is ignored):
The section enclosed by "beginSETUP" and "endSETUP" contains
general setup settings for the modifier.
The section enclosed by "beginCODE" and "endCODE" contains
the code that will be executed for each point that will be
computed when the modifier is applied.
The code used is not a common language even if it looks like
assembler. I will call it asm-mdf...
The way you will program a modifier starts on a sheet of paper
with a pen :). You think of a particular math formula and/or a
more complicated alghoritm plus some math formulas and finally
you will have to translate it into asm-mdf code.
Writing the code of the modifier
This a sample code that shows in few lines how asm-mdf acts.
It's a very simple language, so don't be afraid to have learning
something hard, it's not so.
Complete list of asm-mdf's keywords are stored in 'asm-mdf.txt'
Example code:
mov alfa,32 // alfa = 32
rnd beta // beta = 0..1
mul beta,64 // beta = beta * 64
cmp alfa,beta // compares alfa,beta (it does [alfa - beta] and then test the result, if =0 >0 <0)
jg greater // if alfa > beta jumps to label greater:
mov alfa,1 // alfa = 1
jmp done // jumps to label done:
mov alfa,0 // alfa = 0
What does this code do ? I'll explain in detail if you are not
familiar with programming.
It compares 32 with another number, randomly generated in the range
0..63, than tests if 32 is greater or not of this new
generated number. If so stores 0 in 'alfa', 1 if not.
a) It defines two variables, 'alfa' and 'beta'.
You can define variables simply by using them.
You can use up to 120, but you probably will never do that,
10 variables for a modifier are enough.
Variables are used to store floating point only numbers.
Variables must be lower case.
Notice that generally the left operand is where a value will
be copied/stored and the left one is the source.
b) It defines and uses two labels, 'greater' and 'done'. A label
is a name followed by ':'.
Labels are used to change the flow of the code.
Code is computed from top to low but with labels you can skip
some parts of code.
Some instructions are used to test some conditions (cmp) and
others to jump if the case (jmp ever,jg etc etc)
c) It shows how to insert comments: simply place after '//' what
you want: all the text between '//' and the end of the line
will be ignored.
Ok but what about accessing terrain data? Here the answer:
In your code you can refer to some particular variables, that
contains terrain and modifier's data:
Coordinates of the point to compute PX,PY,PZ
Coordinates of the modifier MX,MY
Radius and Height of the modifier MR,MH
Maximum Z value of the terrain MAXZ
Minimum Z value of the terrain MINZ
Pigreco (3.14 ... ) PI
And finally, your code must generate a value, that will be
the new value to be added, compared or forced to current PZ of
the point that is computed (or your code will be useless):
you must store this value in NEWZ
New calculated value for PZ NEWZ
(!!!) But if you do not want compute a point (in most cases
because it is not within a radius) you will use the keyword
'abort' , so that EasyGen is not going to use NEWZ for
that point.
ex_dist d,PX,PY,MX,MY // d = distance between (PX,PY) and (MX,MY)
cmp d,MR // compares the distance with modifier radius
jle ok // if is lesser than modifier radius, procedes
abort // if greater (out of range) abort
The simplest modifier is 'Level (square).mdf' , because with the flag
that lets easygen to compute only points within modifer radius, reduces
the modifier code to be only :
Another simple modifier you could analyze is 'Level (circle).mdf'.
EOF. |