/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2011, Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucas // Digital Ltd. LLC // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Industrial Light & Magic nor the names of // its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // class DeepScanLineOutputFile // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ImathBox.h" #include "ImathFun.h" #include #include #include #include #include "ImfDeepFrameBuffer.h" #include "ImfOutputStreamMutex.h" #include "ImfOutputPartData.h" #include "IlmThreadPool.h" #include "IlmThreadSemaphore.h" #include "IlmThreadMutex.h" #include "Iex.h" #include #include #include #include #include "ImfNamespace.h" OPENEXR_IMF_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE_SOURCE_ENTER using IMATH_NAMESPACE::Box2i; using IMATH_NAMESPACE::divp; using IMATH_NAMESPACE::modp; using std::string; using std::vector; using std::ofstream; using std::min; using std::max; using ILMTHREAD_NAMESPACE::Mutex; using ILMTHREAD_NAMESPACE::Lock; using ILMTHREAD_NAMESPACE::Semaphore; using ILMTHREAD_NAMESPACE::Task; using ILMTHREAD_NAMESPACE::TaskGroup; using ILMTHREAD_NAMESPACE::ThreadPool; namespace { struct OutSliceInfo { PixelType type; const char * base; ptrdiff_t sampleStride; ptrdiff_t xStride; ptrdiff_t yStride; int xSampling; int ySampling; bool zero; OutSliceInfo (PixelType type = HALF, const char * base =NULL, ptrdiff_t sampleStride = 0, ptrdiff_t xStride = 0, ptrdiff_t yStride =0, int xSampling = 1, int ySampling = 1, bool zero = false); }; OutSliceInfo::OutSliceInfo (PixelType t, const char * base, ptrdiff_t spstride, ptrdiff_t xst, ptrdiff_t yst, int xsm, int ysm, bool z) : type (t), base (base), sampleStride (spstride), xStride(xst), yStride(yst), xSampling (xsm), ySampling (ysm), zero (z) { // empty } struct LineBuffer { Array< Array > buffer; Array consecutiveBuffer; const char * dataPtr; Int64 uncompressedDataSize; Int64 dataSize; Array sampleCountTableBuffer; const char * sampleCountTablePtr; Int64 sampleCountTableSize; Compressor* sampleCountTableCompressor; int minY; // the min y scanline stored int maxY; // the max y scanline stored int scanLineMin; // the min y scanline writing out int scanLineMax; // the max y scanline writing out Compressor * compressor; bool partiallyFull; // has incomplete data bool hasException; string exception; LineBuffer (int linesInBuffer); ~LineBuffer (); void wait () {_sem.wait();} void post () {_sem.post();} private: Semaphore _sem; }; LineBuffer::LineBuffer (int linesInBuffer) : dataPtr (0), dataSize (0), sampleCountTablePtr (0), sampleCountTableCompressor (0), compressor (0), partiallyFull (false), hasException (false), exception (), _sem (1) { buffer.resizeErase(linesInBuffer); } LineBuffer::~LineBuffer () { if (compressor != 0) delete compressor; if (sampleCountTableCompressor != 0) delete sampleCountTableCompressor; } } // namespace struct DeepScanLineOutputFile::Data { Header header; // the image header int version; // file format version bool multipart; // from a multipart file Int64 previewPosition; // file position for preview DeepFrameBuffer frameBuffer; // framebuffer to write into int currentScanLine; // next scanline to be written int missingScanLines; // number of lines to write LineOrder lineOrder; // the file's lineorder int minX; // data window's min x coord int maxX; // data window's max x coord int minY; // data window's min y coord int maxY; // data window's max x coord vector lineOffsets; // stores offsets in file for // each scanline vector bytesPerLine; // combined size of a line over // all channels Compressor::Format format; // compressor's data format vector slices; // info about channels in file Int64 lineOffsetsPosition; // file position for line // offset table vector lineBuffers; // each holds one line buffer int linesInBuffer; // number of scanlines each // buffer holds int partNumber; // the output part number char* sampleCountSliceBase; // the pointer to the number // of samples in each pixel int sampleCountXStride; // the x stride for sampleCountSliceBase int sampleCountYStride; // the y stride for sampleCountSliceBase Array lineSampleCount; // the number of samples // in each line Int64 maxSampleCountTableSize; // the max size in bytes for a pixel // sample count table OutputStreamMutex* _streamData; bool _deleteStream; Data (int numThreads); ~Data (); inline LineBuffer * getLineBuffer (int number);// hash function from line // buffer indices into our // vector of line buffers inline int& getSampleCount(int x, int y); // get the number of samples // in each pixel }; DeepScanLineOutputFile::Data::Data (int numThreads): lineOffsetsPosition (0), partNumber (-1) , _streamData(NULL), _deleteStream(false) { // // We need at least one lineBuffer, but if threading is used, // to keep n threads busy we need 2*n lineBuffers. // lineBuffers.resize (max (1, 2 * numThreads)); for (size_t i = 0; i < lineBuffers.size(); i++) lineBuffers[i] = 0; } DeepScanLineOutputFile::Data::~Data () { for (size_t i = 0; i < lineBuffers.size(); i++) if (lineBuffers[i] != 0) delete lineBuffers[i]; for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) delete slices[i]; } int& DeepScanLineOutputFile::Data::getSampleCount(int x, int y) { return sampleCount(sampleCountSliceBase, sampleCountXStride, sampleCountYStride, x, y); } LineBuffer* DeepScanLineOutputFile::Data::getLineBuffer (int number) { return lineBuffers[number % lineBuffers.size()]; } namespace { Int64 writeLineOffsets (OPENEXR_IMF_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE::OStream &os, const vector &lineOffsets) { Int64 pos = os.tellp(); if (pos == -1) IEX_NAMESPACE::throwErrnoExc ("Cannot determine current file position (%T)."); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lineOffsets.size(); i++) OPENEXR_IMF_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE::Xdr::write (os, lineOffsets[i]); return pos; } void writePixelData (OutputStreamMutex *filedata, DeepScanLineOutputFile::Data *partdata, int lineBufferMinY, const char pixelData[], Int64 packedDataSize, Int64 unpackedDataSize, const char sampleCountTableData[], Int64 sampleCountTableSize) { // // Store a block of pixel data in the output file, and try // to keep track of the current writing position the file // without calling tellp() (tellp() can be fairly expensive). // Int64 currentPosition = filedata->currentPosition; filedata->currentPosition = 0; if (currentPosition == 0) currentPosition = filedata->os->tellp(); partdata->lineOffsets[(partdata->currentScanLine - partdata->minY) / partdata->linesInBuffer] = currentPosition; #ifdef DEBUG assert (filedata->os->tellp() == currentPosition); #endif // // Write the optional part number. // if (partdata->multipart) { OPENEXR_IMF_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE::Xdr::write (*filedata->os, partdata->partNumber); } // // Write the y coordinate of the first scanline in the chunk. // OPENEXR_IMF_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE::Xdr::write (*filedata->os, lineBufferMinY); // // Write the packed size of the pixel sample count table. // OPENEXR_IMF_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE::Xdr::write (*filedata->os, sampleCountTableSize); // // Write the packed pixel data size. // OPENEXR_IMF_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE::Xdr::write (*filedata->os, packedDataSize); // // Write the unpacked pixel data size. // OPENEXR_IMF_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE::Xdr::write (*filedata->os, unpackedDataSize); // // Write the packed pixel sample count table. // filedata->os->write (sampleCountTableData, sampleCountTableSize); // // Write the compressed data. // filedata->os->write (pixelData, packedDataSize); // // Update stream position. // filedata->currentPosition = currentPosition + Xdr::size() + // y coordinate Xdr::size() + // packed sample count table size Xdr::size() + // packed data size Xdr::size() + // unpacked data size sampleCountTableSize + // pixel sample count table packedDataSize; // pixel data if (partdata->multipart) { filedata->currentPosition += Xdr::size(); // optional part number } } inline void writePixelData (OutputStreamMutex* filedata, DeepScanLineOutputFile::Data *partdata, const LineBuffer *lineBuffer) { writePixelData (filedata, partdata, lineBuffer->minY, lineBuffer->dataPtr, lineBuffer->dataSize, lineBuffer->uncompressedDataSize, lineBuffer->sampleCountTablePtr, lineBuffer->sampleCountTableSize); } void convertToXdr (DeepScanLineOutputFile::Data *ofd, Array &lineBuffer, int lineBufferMinY, int lineBufferMaxY, int inSize) { // // Convert the contents of a lineBuffer from the machine's native // representation to Xdr format. This function is called by // CompressLineBuffer::execute(), below, if the compressor wanted // its input pixel data in the machine's native format, but then // failed to compress the data (most compressors will expand rather // than compress random input data). // // Note that this routine assumes that the machine's native // representation of the pixel data has the same size as the // Xdr representation. This makes it possible to convert the // pixel data in place, without an intermediate temporary buffer. // // // Iterate over all scanlines in the lineBuffer to convert. // char* writePtr = &lineBuffer[0]; for (int y = lineBufferMinY; y <= lineBufferMaxY; y++) { // // Set these to point to the start of line y. // We will write to writePtr from readPtr. // const char *readPtr = writePtr; // // Iterate over all slices in the file. // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ofd->slices.size(); ++i) { // // Test if scan line y of this channel is // contains any data (the scan line contains // data only if y % ySampling == 0). // const OutSliceInfo &slice = *ofd->slices[i]; if (modp (y, slice.ySampling) != 0) continue; // // Find the number of sampled pixels, dMaxX-dMinX+1, for // slice i in scan line y (i.e. pixels within the data window // for which x % xSampling == 0). // int xSampleCount = ofd->lineSampleCount[y - ofd->minY]; // // Convert the samples in place. // convertInPlace (writePtr, readPtr, slice.type, xSampleCount); } } } // // A LineBufferTask encapsulates the task of copying a set of scanlines // from the user's frame buffer into a LineBuffer object, compressing // the data if necessary. // class LineBufferTask: public Task { public: LineBufferTask (TaskGroup *group, DeepScanLineOutputFile::Data *ofd, int number, int scanLineMin, int scanLineMax); virtual ~LineBufferTask (); virtual void execute (); private: DeepScanLineOutputFile::Data * _ofd; LineBuffer * _lineBuffer; }; LineBufferTask::LineBufferTask (TaskGroup *group, DeepScanLineOutputFile::Data *ofd, int number, int scanLineMin, int scanLineMax) : Task (group), _ofd (ofd), _lineBuffer (_ofd->getLineBuffer(number)) { // // Wait for the lineBuffer to become available // _lineBuffer->wait (); // // Initialize the lineBuffer data if necessary // if (!_lineBuffer->partiallyFull) { _lineBuffer->minY = _ofd->minY + number * _ofd->linesInBuffer; _lineBuffer->maxY = min (_lineBuffer->minY + _ofd->linesInBuffer - 1, _ofd->maxY); _lineBuffer->partiallyFull = true; } _lineBuffer->scanLineMin = max (_lineBuffer->minY, scanLineMin); _lineBuffer->scanLineMax = min (_lineBuffer->maxY, scanLineMax); } LineBufferTask::~LineBufferTask () { // // Signal that the line buffer is now free // _lineBuffer->post (); } void LineBufferTask::execute () { try { // // First copy the pixel data from the // frame buffer into the line buffer // int yStart, yStop, dy; if (_ofd->lineOrder == INCREASING_Y) { yStart = _lineBuffer->scanLineMin; yStop = _lineBuffer->scanLineMax + 1; dy = 1; } else { yStart = _lineBuffer->scanLineMax; yStop = _lineBuffer->scanLineMin - 1; dy = -1; } // // Allocate buffers for scanlines. // And calculate the sample counts for each line. // bytesPerDeepLineTable (_ofd->header, _lineBuffer->scanLineMin, _lineBuffer->scanLineMax, _ofd->sampleCountSliceBase, _ofd->sampleCountXStride, _ofd->sampleCountYStride, _ofd->bytesPerLine); for (int i = _lineBuffer->scanLineMin; i <= _lineBuffer->scanLineMax; i++) { // (TODO) don't do this all the time. _lineBuffer->buffer[i - _lineBuffer->minY].resizeErase( _ofd->bytesPerLine[i - _ofd->minY]); for (int j = _ofd->minX; j <= _ofd->maxX; j++) _ofd->lineSampleCount[i - _ofd->minY] += _ofd->getSampleCount(j, i); } // // Copy data from frame buffer to line buffer. // int y; for (y = yStart; y != yStop; y += dy) { // // Gather one scan line's worth of pixel data and store // them in _ofd->lineBuffer. // char *writePtr = &_lineBuffer->buffer[y - _lineBuffer->minY][0]; // // Iterate over all image channels. // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _ofd->slices.size(); ++i) { // // Test if scan line y of this channel contains any data // (the scan line contains data only if y % ySampling == 0). // const OutSliceInfo &slice = *_ofd->slices[i]; if (modp (y, slice.ySampling) != 0) continue; // // Fill the line buffer with with pixel data. // if (slice.zero) { // // The frame buffer contains no data for this channel. // Store zeroes in _lineBuffer->buffer. // fillChannelWithZeroes (writePtr, _ofd->format, slice.type, _ofd->lineSampleCount[y - _ofd->minY]); } else { copyFromDeepFrameBuffer (writePtr, slice.base, _ofd->sampleCountSliceBase, _ofd->sampleCountXStride, _ofd->sampleCountYStride, y, _ofd->minX, _ofd->maxX, 0, 0,//offsets for samplecount 0, 0,//offsets for data slice.sampleStride, slice.xStride, slice.yStride, _ofd->format, slice.type); } } } // // If the next scanline isn't past the bounds of the lineBuffer // then we have partially filled the linebuffer, // otherwise the whole linebuffer is filled and then // we compress the linebuffer and write it out. // if (y >= _lineBuffer->minY && y <= _lineBuffer->maxY) return; // // Copy all data into a consecutive buffer. // Int64 totalBytes = 0; Int64 maxBytesPerLine = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _lineBuffer->maxY - _lineBuffer->minY + 1; i++) { totalBytes += _lineBuffer->buffer[i].size(); if (Int64(_lineBuffer->buffer[i].size()) > maxBytesPerLine) maxBytesPerLine = _lineBuffer->buffer[i].size(); } _lineBuffer->consecutiveBuffer.resizeErase(totalBytes); int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _lineBuffer->maxY - _lineBuffer->minY + 1; i++) { memcpy(_lineBuffer->consecutiveBuffer + pos, &_lineBuffer->buffer[i][0], _lineBuffer->buffer[i].size()); pos += _lineBuffer->buffer[i].size(); } _lineBuffer->dataPtr = _lineBuffer->consecutiveBuffer; _lineBuffer->dataSize = totalBytes; _lineBuffer->uncompressedDataSize = _lineBuffer->dataSize; // // Compress the pixel sample count table. // char* ptr = _lineBuffer->sampleCountTableBuffer; Int64 tableDataSize = 0; for (int i = _lineBuffer->minY; i <= _lineBuffer->maxY; i++) { int count = 0; for (int j = _ofd->minX; j <= _ofd->maxX; j++) { count += _ofd->getSampleCount(j, i); Xdr::write (ptr, count); tableDataSize += sizeof (int); } } if(_lineBuffer->sampleCountTableCompressor) { _lineBuffer->sampleCountTableSize = _lineBuffer->sampleCountTableCompressor->compress ( _lineBuffer->sampleCountTableBuffer, tableDataSize, _lineBuffer->minY, _lineBuffer->sampleCountTablePtr); } // // If we can't make data shrink (or we weren't compressing), then just use the raw data. // if (!_lineBuffer->sampleCountTableCompressor || _lineBuffer->sampleCountTableSize >= tableDataSize) { _lineBuffer->sampleCountTableSize = tableDataSize; _lineBuffer->sampleCountTablePtr = _lineBuffer->sampleCountTableBuffer; } // // Compress the sample data // // (TODO) don't do this all the time. if (_lineBuffer->compressor != 0) delete _lineBuffer->compressor; _lineBuffer->compressor = newCompressor (_ofd->header.compression(), maxBytesPerLine, _ofd->header); Compressor *compressor = _lineBuffer->compressor; if (compressor) { const char *compPtr; Int64 compSize = compressor->compress (_lineBuffer->dataPtr, _lineBuffer->dataSize, _lineBuffer->minY, compPtr); if (compSize < _lineBuffer->dataSize) { _lineBuffer->dataSize = compSize; _lineBuffer->dataPtr = compPtr; } else if (_ofd->format == Compressor::NATIVE) { // // The data did not shrink during compression, but // we cannot write to the file using the machine's // native format, so we need to convert the lineBuffer // to Xdr. // convertToXdr (_ofd, _lineBuffer->consecutiveBuffer, _lineBuffer->minY, _lineBuffer->maxY, _lineBuffer->dataSize); } } _lineBuffer->partiallyFull = false; } catch (std::exception &e) { if (!_lineBuffer->hasException) { _lineBuffer->exception = e.what (); _lineBuffer->hasException = true; } } catch (...) { if (!_lineBuffer->hasException) { _lineBuffer->exception = "unrecognized exception"; _lineBuffer->hasException = true; } } } } // namespace DeepScanLineOutputFile::DeepScanLineOutputFile (const char fileName[], const Header &header, int numThreads) : _data (new Data (numThreads)) { _data->_streamData=new OutputStreamMutex (); _data->_deleteStream=true; try { header.sanityCheck(); _data->_streamData->os = new StdOFStream (fileName); initialize (header); _data->_streamData->currentPosition = _data->_streamData->os->tellp(); // Write header and empty offset table to the file. writeMagicNumberAndVersionField(*_data->_streamData->os, header); _data->previewPosition = _data->header.writeTo (*_data->_streamData->os); _data->lineOffsetsPosition = writeLineOffsets (*_data->_streamData->os, _data->lineOffsets); _data->multipart=false;// not multipart; only one header } catch (IEX_NAMESPACE::BaseExc &e) { delete _data->_streamData; delete _data; REPLACE_EXC (e, "Cannot open image file " "\"" << fileName << "\". " << e); throw; } catch (...) { delete _data->_streamData; delete _data; throw; } } DeepScanLineOutputFile::DeepScanLineOutputFile (OPENEXR_IMF_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE::OStream &os, const Header &header, int numThreads) : _data (new Data (numThreads)) { _data->_streamData = new OutputStreamMutex (); _data->_deleteStream = false; try { header.sanityCheck(); _data->_streamData->os = &os; initialize (header); _data->_streamData->currentPosition = _data->_streamData->os->tellp(); // Write header and empty offset table to the file. writeMagicNumberAndVersionField(*_data->_streamData->os, header); _data->previewPosition = _data->header.writeTo (*_data->_streamData->os); _data->lineOffsetsPosition = writeLineOffsets (*_data->_streamData->os, _data->lineOffsets); _data->multipart=false; } catch (IEX_NAMESPACE::BaseExc &e) { delete _data->_streamData; delete _data; REPLACE_EXC (e, "Cannot open image file " "\"" << os.fileName() << "\". " << e); throw; } catch (...) { delete _data->_streamData; delete _data; throw; } } DeepScanLineOutputFile::DeepScanLineOutputFile(const OutputPartData* part) { try { if (part->header.type() != DEEPSCANLINE) throw IEX_NAMESPACE::ArgExc("Can't build a DeepScanLineOutputFile from a type-mismatched part."); _data = new Data (part->numThreads); _data->_streamData = part->mutex; _data->_deleteStream=false; initialize (part->header); _data->partNumber = part->partNumber; _data->lineOffsetsPosition = part->chunkOffsetTablePosition; _data->previewPosition = part->previewPosition; _data->multipart=part->multipart; } catch (IEX_NAMESPACE::BaseExc &e) { delete _data; REPLACE_EXC (e, "Cannot initialize output part " "\"" << part->partNumber << "\". " << e); throw; } catch (...) { delete _data; throw; } } void DeepScanLineOutputFile::initialize (const Header &header) { _data->header = header; _data->header.setType(DEEPSCANLINE); const Box2i &dataWindow = header.dataWindow(); _data->currentScanLine = (header.lineOrder() == INCREASING_Y)? dataWindow.min.y: dataWindow.max.y; _data->missingScanLines = dataWindow.max.y - dataWindow.min.y + 1; _data->lineOrder = header.lineOrder(); _data->minX = dataWindow.min.x; _data->maxX = dataWindow.max.x; _data->minY = dataWindow.min.y; _data->maxY = dataWindow.max.y; _data->lineSampleCount.resizeErase(_data->maxY - _data->minY + 1); Compressor* compressor = newCompressor (_data->header.compression(), 0, _data->header); _data->format = defaultFormat (compressor); _data->linesInBuffer = numLinesInBuffer (compressor); if (compressor != 0) delete compressor; int lineOffsetSize = (_data->maxY - _data->minY + _data->linesInBuffer) / _data->linesInBuffer; _data->header.setChunkCount(lineOffsetSize); _data->lineOffsets.resize (lineOffsetSize); _data->bytesPerLine.resize (_data->maxY - _data->minY + 1); _data->maxSampleCountTableSize = min(_data->linesInBuffer, _data->maxY - _data->minY + 1) * (_data->maxX - _data->minX + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int); for (size_t i = 0; i < _data->lineBuffers.size(); ++i) { _data->lineBuffers[i] = new LineBuffer (_data->linesInBuffer); _data->lineBuffers[i]->sampleCountTableBuffer.resizeErase(_data->maxSampleCountTableSize); _data->lineBuffers[i]->sampleCountTableCompressor = newCompressor (_data->header.compression(), _data->maxSampleCountTableSize, _data->header); } } DeepScanLineOutputFile::~DeepScanLineOutputFile () { { Lock lock(*_data->_streamData); Int64 originalPosition = _data->_streamData->os->tellp(); if (_data->lineOffsetsPosition > 0) { try { _data->_streamData->os->seekp (_data->lineOffsetsPosition); writeLineOffsets (*_data->_streamData->os, _data->lineOffsets); // // Restore the original position. // _data->_streamData->os->seekp (originalPosition); } catch (...) { // // We cannot safely throw any exceptions from here. // This destructor may have been called because the // stack is currently being unwound for another // exception. // } } } if (_data->_deleteStream) delete _data->_streamData->os; // // (TODO) we should have a way to tell if the stream data is owned by this file or // by a parent multipart file. // if (_data->partNumber == -1) delete _data->_streamData; delete _data; } const char * DeepScanLineOutputFile::fileName () const { return _data->_streamData->os->fileName(); } const Header & DeepScanLineOutputFile::header () const { return _data->header; } void DeepScanLineOutputFile::setFrameBuffer (const DeepFrameBuffer &frameBuffer) { Lock lock (*_data->_streamData); // // Check if the new frame buffer descriptor // is compatible with the image file header. // const ChannelList &channels = _data->header.channels(); for (ChannelList::ConstIterator i = channels.begin(); i != channels.end(); ++i) { DeepFrameBuffer::ConstIterator j = frameBuffer.find (i.name()); if (j == frameBuffer.end()) continue; if (i.channel().type != j.slice().type) { THROW (IEX_NAMESPACE::ArgExc, "Pixel type of \"" << i.name() << "\" channel " "of output file \"" << fileName() << "\" is " "not compatible with the frame buffer's " "pixel type."); } if (i.channel().xSampling != j.slice().xSampling || i.channel().ySampling != j.slice().ySampling) { THROW (IEX_NAMESPACE::ArgExc, "X and/or y subsampling factors " "of \"" << i.name() << "\" channel " "of output file \"" << fileName() << "\" are " "not compatible with the frame buffer's " "subsampling factors."); } } // // Store the pixel sample count table. // (TODO) Support for different sampling rates? // const Slice& sampleCountSlice = frameBuffer.getSampleCountSlice(); if (sampleCountSlice.base == 0) { throw IEX_NAMESPACE::ArgExc ("Invalid base pointer, please set a proper sample count slice."); } else { _data->sampleCountSliceBase = sampleCountSlice.base; _data->sampleCountXStride = sampleCountSlice.xStride; _data->sampleCountYStride = sampleCountSlice.yStride; } // // Initialize slice table for writePixels(). // Pixel sample count slice is not presented in the header, // so it wouldn't be added here. // Store the pixel base pointer table. // (TODO) Support for different sampling rates? // vector slices; for (ChannelList::ConstIterator i = channels.begin(); i != channels.end(); ++i) { DeepFrameBuffer::ConstIterator j = frameBuffer.find (i.name()); if (j == frameBuffer.end()) { // // Channel i is not present in the frame buffer. // In the file, channel i will contain only zeroes. // slices.push_back (new OutSliceInfo (i.channel().type, NULL,// base 0,// sampleStride, 0,// xStride 0,// yStride i.channel().xSampling, i.channel().ySampling, true)); // zero } else { // // Channel i is present in the frame buffer. // slices.push_back (new OutSliceInfo (j.slice().type, j.slice().base, j.slice().sampleStride, j.slice().xStride, j.slice().yStride, j.slice().xSampling, j.slice().ySampling, false)); // zero } } // // Store the new frame buffer. // _data->frameBuffer = frameBuffer; for (size_t i = 0; i < _data->slices.size(); i++) delete _data->slices[i]; _data->slices = slices; } const DeepFrameBuffer & DeepScanLineOutputFile::frameBuffer () const { Lock lock (*_data->_streamData); return _data->frameBuffer; } void DeepScanLineOutputFile::writePixels (int numScanLines) { try { Lock lock (*_data->_streamData); if (_data->slices.size() == 0) throw IEX_NAMESPACE::ArgExc ("No frame buffer specified " "as pixel data source."); // // Maintain two iterators: // nextWriteBuffer: next linebuffer to be written to the file // nextCompressBuffer: next linebuffer to compress // int first = (_data->currentScanLine - _data->minY) / _data->linesInBuffer; int nextWriteBuffer = first; int nextCompressBuffer; int stop; int step; int scanLineMin; int scanLineMax; { // // Create a task group for all line buffer tasks. When the // taskgroup goes out of scope, the destructor waits until // all tasks are complete. // TaskGroup taskGroup; // // Determine the range of lineBuffers that intersect the scan // line range. Then add the initial compression tasks to the // thread pool. We always add in at least one task but the // individual task might not do anything if numScanLines == 0. // if (_data->lineOrder == INCREASING_Y) { int last = (_data->currentScanLine + (numScanLines - 1) - _data->minY) / _data->linesInBuffer; scanLineMin = _data->currentScanLine; scanLineMax = _data->currentScanLine + numScanLines - 1; int numTasks = max (min ((int)_data->lineBuffers.size(), last - first + 1), 1); for (int i = 0; i < numTasks; i++) { ThreadPool::addGlobalTask (new LineBufferTask (&taskGroup, _data, first + i, scanLineMin, scanLineMax)); } nextCompressBuffer = first + numTasks; stop = last + 1; step = 1; } else { int last = (_data->currentScanLine - (numScanLines - 1) - _data->minY) / _data->linesInBuffer; scanLineMax = _data->currentScanLine; scanLineMin = _data->currentScanLine - numScanLines + 1; int numTasks = max (min ((int)_data->lineBuffers.size(), first - last + 1), 1); for (int i = 0; i < numTasks; i++) { ThreadPool::addGlobalTask (new LineBufferTask (&taskGroup, _data, first - i, scanLineMin, scanLineMax)); } nextCompressBuffer = first - numTasks; stop = last - 1; step = -1; } while (true) { if (_data->missingScanLines <= 0) { throw IEX_NAMESPACE::ArgExc ("Tried to write more scan lines " "than specified by the data window."); } // // Wait until the next line buffer is ready to be written // LineBuffer *writeBuffer = _data->getLineBuffer (nextWriteBuffer); writeBuffer->wait(); int numLines = writeBuffer->scanLineMax - writeBuffer->scanLineMin + 1; _data->missingScanLines -= numLines; // // If the line buffer is only partially full, then it is // not complete and we cannot write it to disk yet. // if (writeBuffer->partiallyFull) { _data->currentScanLine = _data->currentScanLine + step * numLines; writeBuffer->post(); return; } // // Write the line buffer // writePixelData (_data->_streamData, _data, writeBuffer); nextWriteBuffer += step; _data->currentScanLine = _data->currentScanLine + step * numLines; #ifdef DEBUG assert (_data->currentScanLine == ((_data->lineOrder == INCREASING_Y) ? writeBuffer->scanLineMax + 1: writeBuffer->scanLineMin - 1)); #endif // // Release the lock on the line buffer // writeBuffer->post(); // // If this was the last line buffer in the scanline range // if (nextWriteBuffer == stop) break; // // If there are no more line buffers to compress, // then only continue to write out remaining lineBuffers // if (nextCompressBuffer == stop) continue; // // Add nextCompressBuffer as a compression task // ThreadPool::addGlobalTask (new LineBufferTask (&taskGroup, _data, nextCompressBuffer, scanLineMin, scanLineMax)); // // Update the next line buffer we need to compress // nextCompressBuffer += step; } // // Finish all tasks // } // // Exeption handling: // // LineBufferTask::execute() may have encountered exceptions, but // those exceptions occurred in another thread, not in the thread // that is executing this call to OutputFile::writePixels(). // LineBufferTask::execute() has caught all exceptions and stored // the exceptions' what() strings in the line buffers. // Now we check if any line buffer contains a stored exception; if // this is the case then we re-throw the exception in this thread. // (It is possible that multiple line buffers contain stored // exceptions. We re-throw the first exception we find and // ignore all others.) // const string *exception = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < _data->lineBuffers.size(); ++i) { LineBuffer *lineBuffer = _data->lineBuffers[i]; if (lineBuffer->hasException && !exception) exception = &lineBuffer->exception; lineBuffer->hasException = false; } if (exception) throw IEX_NAMESPACE::IoExc (*exception); } catch (IEX_NAMESPACE::BaseExc &e) { REPLACE_EXC (e, "Failed to write pixel data to image " "file \"" << fileName() << "\". " << e); throw; } } int DeepScanLineOutputFile::currentScanLine () const { Lock lock (*_data->_streamData); return _data->currentScanLine; } void DeepScanLineOutputFile::copyPixels (DeepScanLineInputPart &in) { copyPixels(*in.file); } void DeepScanLineOutputFile::copyPixels (DeepScanLineInputFile &in) { Lock lock (*_data->_streamData); // // Check if this file's and and the InputFile's // headers are compatible. // const Header &hdr = _data->header; const Header &inHdr = in.header(); if(!inHdr.hasType() || inHdr.type()!=DEEPSCANLINE) { THROW (IEX_NAMESPACE::ArgExc, "Cannot copy pixels from image " "file \"" << in.fileName() << "\" to image " "file \"" << fileName() << "\": the input needs to be a deep scanline image"); } if (!(hdr.dataWindow() == inHdr.dataWindow())) THROW (IEX_NAMESPACE::ArgExc, "Cannot copy pixels from image " "file \"" << in.fileName() << "\" to image " "file \"" << fileName() << "\". " "The files have different data windows."); if (!(hdr.lineOrder() == inHdr.lineOrder())) THROW (IEX_NAMESPACE::ArgExc, "Quick pixel copy from image " "file \"" << in.fileName() << "\" to image " "file \"" << fileName() << "\" failed. " "The files have different line orders."); if (!(hdr.compression() == inHdr.compression())) THROW (IEX_NAMESPACE::ArgExc, "Quick pixel copy from image " "file \"" << in.fileName() << "\" to image " "file \"" << fileName() << "\" failed. " "The files use different compression methods."); if (!(hdr.channels() == inHdr.channels())) THROW (IEX_NAMESPACE::ArgExc, "Quick pixel copy from image " "file \"" << in.fileName() << "\" to image " "file \"" << fileName() << "\" failed. " "The files have different channel lists."); // // Verify that no pixel data have been written to this file yet. // const Box2i &dataWindow = hdr.dataWindow(); if (_data->missingScanLines != dataWindow.max.y - dataWindow.min.y + 1) THROW (IEX_NAMESPACE::LogicExc, "Quick pixel copy from image " "file \"" << in.fileName() << "\" to image " "file \"" << fileName() << "\" failed. " "\"" << fileName() << "\" already contains " "pixel data."); // // Copy the pixel data. // vector data(4096); while (_data->missingScanLines > 0) { Int64 dataSize = (Int64) data.size(); in.rawPixelData(_data->currentScanLine, &data[0], dataSize); if(dataSize > data.size()) { // block wasn't big enough - go again with enough memory this time data.resize(dataSize); in.rawPixelData(_data->currentScanLine, &data[0], dataSize); } // extract header from block to pass to writePixelData Int64 packedSampleCountSize = *(Int64 *) (&data[4]); Int64 packedDataSize = *(Int64 *) (&data[12]); Int64 unpackedDataSize = *(Int64 *) (&data[20]); const char * sampleCountTable = &data[0]+28; const char * pixelData = sampleCountTable + packedSampleCountSize; writePixelData (_data->_streamData, _data, lineBufferMinY (_data->currentScanLine, _data->minY, _data->linesInBuffer), pixelData, packedDataSize, unpackedDataSize,sampleCountTable,packedSampleCountSize); _data->currentScanLine += (_data->lineOrder == INCREASING_Y)? _data->linesInBuffer: -_data->linesInBuffer; _data->missingScanLines -= _data->linesInBuffer; } } void DeepScanLineOutputFile::updatePreviewImage (const PreviewRgba newPixels[]) { Lock lock (*_data->_streamData); if (_data->previewPosition <= 0) THROW (IEX_NAMESPACE::LogicExc, "Cannot update preview image pixels. " "File \"" << fileName() << "\" does not " "contain a preview image."); // // Store the new pixels in the header's preview image attribute. // PreviewImageAttribute &pia = _data->header.typedAttribute ("preview"); PreviewImage &pi = pia.value(); PreviewRgba *pixels = pi.pixels(); int numPixels = pi.width() * pi.height(); for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; ++i) pixels[i] = newPixels[i]; // // Save the current file position, jump to the position in // the file where the preview image starts, store the new // preview image, and jump back to the saved file position. // Int64 savedPosition = _data->_streamData->os->tellp(); try { _data->_streamData->os->seekp (_data->previewPosition); pia.writeValueTo (*_data->_streamData->os, _data->version); _data->_streamData->os->seekp (savedPosition); } catch (IEX_NAMESPACE::BaseExc &e) { REPLACE_EXC (e, "Cannot update preview image pixels for " "file \"" << fileName() << "\". " << e); throw; } } OPENEXR_IMF_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE_SOURCE_EXIT