2020-08-04 16:15:01 +02:00

327 lines
9.1 KiB

"use strict";
* Gather Controller
* Server API
* gather:refresh - Refreshes active gather
* gather:archive:refresh - Refreshes gather archive
* Client API
* gather:join - Assigns user to gather
* gather:vote - Assigns vote to map, leader or server
* gather:leave - Leave gather
* gather:select - Select player for team
* gather:refresh - Refresh gather for client
* gather:reset - Resets gather (ADMIN)
const Map = require("./map");
const Server = require("./server");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const GatherPool = require("./gather_pool");
const ArchivedGather = mongoose.model("ArchivedGather");
const Event = mongoose.model("Event");
const _ = require("lodash");
const winston = require("winston");
const kickTimeout = 600 // sec
module.exports = function (namespace) {
const emitGather = (socket, gather) => {
socket.emit("gather:refresh", {
gather: gather ? gather.toJson() : null,
type: gather ? gather.type : null,
maps: Map.list,
const removeGatherer = (gather, user) => {
let gatherLeaver = gather.getGatherer(user);
if (!gatherLeaver) {
winston.info(`${user.username} ${user.id} attempted to leave ${gather.type} gather, but was not in gather.`);
if (gather.can("removeGatherer")) {
if (user.cooldown) gather.applyCooldown(user);
const removeAfkGathererTimer = (gather, user) => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (gather.getGatherer(user).user.online || gather.current !== "gathering") {
const now = Date.now();
const awayDuration = (now / 1000) - (user.lastSeen / 1000);
if (awayDuration >= kickTimeout) {
console.log("kicked from being afk : ");
removeGatherer(gather, user);
}, 1000)
const refreshArchive = () => {
ArchivedGather.recent((error, recentGathers) => {
if (error) return winston.error(error);
namespace.emit("gather:archive:refresh", {
archive: recentGathers,
maps: Map.list
const refreshGather = type => {
if (type === undefined) {
for (let attr in gatherRefreshers) {
} else {
const refresh = gatherRefreshers[type];
if (refresh) refresh();
const updateUserAsOnlineInGather = (userId) => {
return GatherPool.forEach((gatherManager, type) => {
for (var gatherer of gatherManager.current.gatherers) {
if (gatherer.user.id == userId && !gatherer.user.online) {
gatherer.user.online = true;
const refreshGathersWhereUserWentOffline = (userId) => {
return GatherPool.forEach((gatherManager, type) => {
for (var gatherer of gatherManager.current.gatherers) {
if (gatherer.user.id == userId && gatherer.user.online) {
gatherer.user.online = false;
gatherer.user.lastSeen = Date.now();
removeAfkGathererTimer(gatherManager.current, { ...gatherer.user, cooldown: false });
const gatherRefreshers = {}; // Stores debounced procedures to refresh gathers
GatherPool.forEach((gatherManager, type) => {
let config = gatherManager.config;
gatherManager.registerCallback('onDone', refreshGather.bind(null, type));
gatherManager.registerCallback('onEvent', refreshGather.bind(null, type));
gatherManager.registerCallback('onEvent', (event, from, to) => {
if (from !== to) {
namespace.emit("stateChange", {
type: type,
event: event,
state: {
from: from,
to: to
gatherRefreshers[type] = _.debounce(function () {
namespace.emit("gather:refresh", {
gather: gatherManager.current ? gatherManager.current.toJson() : null,
type: gatherManager.current ? gatherManager.current.type : null,
maps: Map.list,
}, 200, {
leading: true,
trailing: true
// ***** Generate Test Users *****
if (process.env.POPULATE_GATHER) {
let helper = require("./helper");
GatherPool.forEach(gatherManager => {
gather: gatherManager.current
}, refreshGather());
namespace.on("connection", function (socket) {
const connectedUserId = socket._user && socket._user.id;
ArchivedGather.recent((error, recentGathers) => {
if (error) return winston.error(error);
socket.emit("gather:archive:refresh", {
archive: recentGathers,
maps: Map.list
socket.on("disconnect", () => {
const onlineIds = Object.values(namespace.sockets).map(s => s._user.id);
// need to check if this disconnect actually meant user went offline
// they could have another tab open...
if (onlineIds.indexOf(connectedUserId) === -1) {
socket.on("gather:join", function (data) {
if (!data) data = {};
const gatherManager = GatherPool.get(data.type);
if (!gatherManager) return;
const gather = gatherManager.current;
if (gather.can("addGatherer")) {
if (gather.containsUser(socket._user)) {
} else {
socket.emit("notify", {
type: "error",
message: "Unable to add you to the gather"
socket.on("gather:refresh", function (data) {
// Refresh all gathers
if (!data) data = {};
if (data.type === undefined) {
GatherPool.forEach(manager => emitGather(socket, manager.current));
// Otherwise refresh specified gather
const gatherManager = GatherPool.get(data.type);
if (gatherManager == undefined) return;
emitGather(socket, gatherManager.current)
socket.on("gather:leave", function (data) {
if (!data) data = {};
const gatherManager = GatherPool.get(data.type);
if (!gatherManager) return;
const gather = gatherManager.current;
if (data.gatherer) {
// Remove gatherer defined by ID (admins only)
if (!socket._user.isGatherAdmin()) return;
removeGatherer(gather, { id: data.gatherer, cooldown: true });
let adminName = socket._user.username;
let playerId = data.gatherer;
winston.info(`Admin removal: ${adminName} removed ${playerId} from the gather.`);
} else {
// Remove gatherer attached to socket
removeGatherer(gather, socket._user);
socket.on("gather:select", function (data) {
if (!data) data = {};
const gatherManager = GatherPool.get(data.type);
if (!gatherManager) return;
const gather = gatherManager.current;
let playerId = data.player;
// Check team & leader
let gatherer = gather.getGatherer(socket._user);
// Cancel if not gatherer or leader
if (gatherer === null || gatherer.leader === false) {
return null;
// Cancel if id belongs to a leader
let selectedPlayer = gather.getGatherer({id: playerId});
if (selectedPlayer === null || selectedPlayer.leader) {
return null;
let team = gatherer.team;
let method = (team === 'alien') ? gather.moveToAlien : gather.moveToMarine;
method.call(gather, selectedPlayer.user, socket._user);
// Check if last player and add to last team
if (gather.lobby().length === 1) {
let assignLast = (gather.marines().length === 6) ?
gather.moveToAlien : gather.moveToMarine;
assignLast.call(gather, gather.lobby().pop());
if (gather.can("confirmSelection")) {
Event.playerSelected(socket._user, data, gather);
socket.on("gather:vote", function (data) {
if (!data) data = {};
const gatherManager = GatherPool.get(data.type);
if (!gatherManager) return;
const gather = gatherManager.current;
if (data.leader) {
gather.selectLeader(socket._user, data.leader.candidate);
Event.leaderVote(socket._user, data, gather);
if (data.map) {
gather.toggleMapVote(socket._user, data.map.id);
Event.mapVote(socket._user, data, gather, Map.list);
if (data.server) {
gather.toggleServerVote(socket._user, data.server.id);
Event.serverVote(socket._user, data, gather, Server.list);
if (typeof data.regather === 'boolean' && gather.can("regather")) {
gather.regather(socket._user, data.regather);
socket.on("gather:reset", function (data) {
if (!data) data = {};
const gatherManager = GatherPool.get(data.type);
if (!gatherManager) return;
if (socket._user.isGatherAdmin()) {
// Refresh gather
for (let attr in gatherRefreshers) {