ArturPhilibin 0c0dad087f Fixed an issue where in some scenarios users coming back online wouldn't be counted, incorrectly marking the user as still being offline.
Also changed last seen status to show hours when offline time exceeeds 60 minutes
2020-02-12 00:02:22 +00:00

301 lines
8.1 KiB

"use strict";
* Gather Controller
* Server API
* gather:refresh - Refreshes active gather
* gather:archive:refresh - Refreshes gather archive
* Client API
* gather:join - Assigns user to gather
* gather:vote - Assigns vote to map, leader or server
* gather:leave - Leave gather
* gather:select - Select player for team
* gather:refresh - Refresh gather for client
* gather:reset - Resets gather (ADMIN)
const Map = require("./map");
const Server = require("./server");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const GatherPool = require("./gather_pool");
const ArchivedGather = mongoose.model("ArchivedGather");
const Event = mongoose.model("Event");
const _ = require("lodash");
const winston = require("winston");
module.exports = function (namespace) {
const emitGather = (socket, gather) => {
socket.emit("gather:refresh", {
gather: gather ? gather.toJson() : null,
type: gather ? gather.type : null,
maps: Map.list,
const refreshArchive = () => {
ArchivedGather.recent((error, recentGathers) => {
if (error) return winston.error(error);
namespace.emit("gather:archive:refresh", {
archive: recentGathers,
maps: Map.list
const refreshGather = type => {
if (type === undefined) {
for (let attr in gatherRefreshers) {
} else {
const refresh = gatherRefreshers[type];
if (refresh) refresh();
const updateUserAsOnlineInGather = (userId) => {
return GatherPool.forEach((gatherManager, type) => {
for (var gatherer of gatherManager.current.gatherers) {
if (gatherer.user.id == userId && !gatherer.user.online) {
gatherer.user.online = true;
const refreshGathersWhereUserWentOffline = (userId) => {
return GatherPool.forEach((gatherManager, type) => {
for (var gatherer of gatherManager.current.gatherers) {
if (gatherer.user.id == userId && gatherer.user.online) {
gatherer.user.online = false;
gatherer.user.lastSeen = Date.now();
const gatherRefreshers = {}; // Stores debounced procedures to refresh gathers
GatherPool.forEach((gatherManager, type) => {
let config = gatherManager.config;
gatherManager.registerCallback('onDone', refreshGather.bind(null, type));
gatherManager.registerCallback('onEvent', refreshGather.bind(null, type));
gatherManager.registerCallback('onEvent', (event, from, to) => {
if (from !== to) {
namespace.emit("stateChange", {
type: type,
event: event,
state: {
from: from,
to: to
gatherRefreshers[type] = _.debounce(function () {
namespace.emit("gather:refresh", {
gather: gatherManager.current ? gatherManager.current.toJson() : null,
type: gatherManager.current ? gatherManager.current.type : null,
maps: Map.list,
}, 200, {
leading: true,
trailing: true
// ***** Generate Test Users *****
if (process.env.POPULATE_GATHER) {
let helper = require("./helper");
GatherPool.forEach(gatherManager => {
gather: gatherManager.current
}, refreshGather());
namespace.on("connection", function (socket) {
const connectedUserId = socket._user && socket._user.id;
ArchivedGather.recent((error, recentGathers) => {
if (error) return winston.error(error);
socket.emit("gather:archive:refresh", {
archive: recentGathers,
maps: Map.list
socket.on("disconnect", () => {
const onlineIds = Object.values(namespace.sockets).map(s => s._user.id);
// need to check if this disconnect actually meant user went offline
// they could have another tab open...
if (onlineIds.indexOf(connectedUserId) === -1) {
socket.on("gather:join", function (data) {
if (!data) data = {};
const gatherManager = GatherPool.get(data.type);
if (!gatherManager) return;
const gather = gatherManager.current;
if (gather.can("addGatherer")) {
if (gather.containsUser(socket._user)) {
} else {
socket.emit("notify", {
type: "error",
message: "Unable to add you to the gather"
socket.on("gather:refresh", function (data) {
// Refresh all gathers
if (!data) data = {};
if (data.type === undefined) {
GatherPool.forEach(manager => emitGather(socket, manager.current));
// Otherwise refresh specified gather
const gatherManager = GatherPool.get(data.type);
if (gatherManager == undefined) return;
emitGather(socket, gatherManager.current)
const removeGatherer = (gather, user) => {
let gatherLeaver = gather.getGatherer(user);
if (gather.can("removeGatherer")) {
if (user.cooldown) gather.applyCooldown(user);
socket.on("gather:leave", function (data) {
if (!data) data = {};
const gatherManager = GatherPool.get(data.type);
if (!gatherManager) return;
const gather = gatherManager.current;
if (data.gatherer) {
// Remove gatherer defined by ID (admins only)
if (!socket._user.isGatherAdmin()) return;
removeGatherer(gather, { id: data.gatherer, cooldown: true });
let adminName = socket._user.username;
let playerId = data.gatherer;
winston.info(`Admin removal: ${adminName} removed ${playerId} from the gather.`);
} else {
// Remove gatherer attached to socket
removeGatherer(gather, socket._user);
socket.on("gather:select", function (data) {
if (!data) data = {};
const gatherManager = GatherPool.get(data.type);
if (!gatherManager) return;
const gather = gatherManager.current;
let playerId = data.player;
// Check team & leader
let gatherer = gather.getGatherer(socket._user);
// Cancel if not gatherer or leader
if (gatherer === null || gatherer.leader === false) {
return null;
// Cancel if id belongs to a leader
let selectedPlayer = gather.getGatherer({id: playerId});
if (selectedPlayer === null || selectedPlayer.leader) {
return null;
let team = gatherer.team;
let method = (team === 'alien') ? gather.moveToAlien : gather.moveToMarine;
method.call(gather, selectedPlayer.user, socket._user);
// Check if last player and add to last team
if (gather.lobby().length === 1) {
let assignLast = (gather.marines().length === 6) ?
gather.moveToAlien : gather.moveToMarine;
assignLast.call(gather, gather.lobby().pop());
if (gather.can("confirmSelection")) {
Event.playerSelected(socket._user, data, gather);
socket.on("gather:vote", function (data) {
if (!data) data = {};
const gatherManager = GatherPool.get(data.type);
if (!gatherManager) return;
const gather = gatherManager.current;
if (data.leader) {
gather.selectLeader(socket._user, data.leader.candidate);
Event.leaderVote(socket._user, data, gather);
if (data.map) {
gather.toggleMapVote(socket._user, data.map.id);
Event.mapVote(socket._user, data, gather, Map.list);
if (data.server) {
gather.toggleServerVote(socket._user, data.server.id);
Event.serverVote(socket._user, data, gather, Server.list);
if (typeof data.regather === 'boolean' && gather.can("regather")) {
gather.regather(socket._user, data.regather);
socket.on("gather:reset", function (data) {
if (!data) data = {};
const gatherManager = GatherPool.get(data.type);
if (!gatherManager) return;
if (socket._user.isGatherAdmin()) {
// Refresh gather
for (let attr in gatherRefreshers) {