// Accepts an array of IDs voted // 1. Creates an array of tally objects, // with ID as prop and vote count as val { 12: 0 } // 2. Increments ID vote tally for every vote // 3. Sorts const rankVotes = exports.rankVotes = function (votes, candidates) { var initial = candidates.reduce(function (acc, candidate) { acc[candidate.id] = 0; return acc; }, {}); var scores = votes.reduce(function (acc, id) { if (acc[id] !== undefined) { acc[id]++; } return acc; }, initial); var rank = []; for (var id in scores) { if (scores.hasOwnProperty(id)) { rank.push({ id: parseInt(id, 10), count: scores[id] }); } } return rank.sort(function (a, b) { if (b.count === a.count) { return b.id - a.id; } else { return b.count - a.count; } }).map(function (tally) { return tally.id }).map(function (id) { return candidates.reduce(function (acc, candidate) { if (candidate.id === id) return candidate; return acc; }); }); }; const enslUrl = exports.enslUrl = (gatherer) => { return `https://www.ensl.org/users/${gatherer.id}` }; const hiveUrl = exports.hiveUrl = (gatherer) => { const hiveId = gatherer.user.hive.id; if (hiveId) { return `http://hive.naturalselection2.com/profile/${hiveId}`; } else { return null; } }; const modalId = exports.modalId = (user) => { return `user-modal-${user.id}`; }; const storageAvailable = exports.storageAvailable = (type) => { try { var storage = window[type], x = '__storage_test__'; storage.setItem(x, x); storage.removeItem(x); return true; } catch(e) { return false; } };